ニッポン美景めぐり 2025年2月2日 兵庫県・豊岡~香美
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
00:01Hello everyone, my name is Shinichi.
00:04I came to Izu City, Tomioka City, Hyogo Prefecture.
00:08Wow, what a picturesque cityscape.
00:12Izu City is designated as a traditional architectural preservation area.
00:18The cityscape of the Edo and Meiji eras is very important.
00:23This time, I'm going to walk from Izu City to Kamicho, a beautiful seaside town.
00:30Let's go!
00:39While capturing the beautiful scenery of Japan on the camera,
00:43Actor Shinichi Wago travels around Japan.
00:53Izu City, Tomioka City
01:00Japan's Beautiful Scenery
01:06Izu City, Tomioka City, Hyogo Prefecture
01:14Izu City is designated as a traditional architectural preservation area.
01:20Beautiful buildings from the Edo and Meiji eras are left behind.
01:25You can enjoy walking around the city as if you were time-traveling.
01:40This used to be a purifying town.
01:46The old town is still there, but the inside of the shop is very beautiful and fashionable.
01:55I guess it used to be crowded with a lot of people.
02:12Shin-Korou was built as a clock tower in 1871.
02:20It is the third-largest clock tower in Japan.
02:30The top of Izu City is a walking course that allows you to look down on the cityscape.
02:39Climbing the three-way road, which is connected to the stone steps,
02:44you can see the Arikoyama Inari Shrine at the end of the stone wall, which makes you feel the flow of time.
03:00The Arikoyama Inari Shrine is the oldest shrine in Izu City.
03:07It is said to have been built in the 11th century.
03:14It is said to have been built in the 11th century.
03:21It is said to have been built in the 11th century.
03:29The Izu-Karou Yashiki is the only Buke-Yashiki in the Edo period.
03:36You can see the life of a senior samurai.
03:45This Izu-Karou Yashiki is the house of a samurai in the late Edo period.
03:51At first glance, it looks like a flat house.
03:55There is a hidden staircase inside.
03:59There are many other gimmicks, so let's explore.
04:05I wonder what's inside.
04:09Inside the house, there are materials about the Izu-Karou Yashiki and tools used in the Daimyo line.
04:26This is the secret second floor.
04:31There is a staircase.
04:35The ceiling is closed.
04:42This is the secret second floor.
04:49This is the secret second floor.
04:52It is said to have been used to hold secret meetings and prevent attacks from enemies.
05:02There is a second floor.
05:05This is the secret second floor.
05:16There is a stylish window.
05:23You can see what kind of people are coming and going.
05:30There are also gimmicks here.
05:34If it was closed, it would be just a door.
05:37Actually, there is an entrance in the back.
05:43If you go out of here, you can enter the roof.
05:47It is said to have been used for escape routes and secret meetings.
05:52It is said to have been used for escape routes and secret meetings.
06:02We head to the oldest theater in the Kinki region.
06:15IZUSHI EIRAKU KAN is a facility where you can visit other than the Kouenbi, such as Kabuki and Rakugo.
06:23I will guide you.
06:25Thank you very much.
06:30Here you are.
06:34This is the seat.
06:40This theater, which was originally opened in 1901, was restored in 2008.
06:52This is the 123rd year.
06:57Is it still in operation?
07:00This theater was closed in 1939, but it was reopened in 2008.
07:07Kabuki and Rakugo are still in operation.
07:15Does the stage go up from here?
07:19Please go up.
07:21Excuse me.
07:23Please go up.
07:29This theater is surprisingly large.
07:32This theater is small.
07:35There are seats on the second floor.
07:40Is the signboard still there?
07:44This signboard was a sponsor's signboard in the 1930s.
07:51This theater has been in operation for more than 40 years.
07:56Can I sit here?
07:59Please go up.
08:01Excuse me.
08:03I'm a little nervous.
08:07I'm looking forward to it.
08:10What is this?
08:12This is a small theater.
08:14I put it here so that everyone can try it.
08:17This is a great opportunity.
08:21Please look forward and put your hands in front of your knees.
08:35Thank you for coming today.
08:39I'm Shinji, a Japanese artist who passed the Reiwa era.
08:46I was born in the Showa era.
08:50I can't see you.
08:52Thank you everyone.
08:54Thank you for gathering here.
08:58I will tell you a story here.
09:01Excuse me.
09:05Mom! Mom!
09:07I tore my underwear.
09:14Thank you very much.
09:16See you again.
09:44Toyoka is the last habitat of wild ko-no-tori in Japan in 1971.
09:59The Hyogo Prefecture Ko-no-tori Sato Park has been conducting tests for the return of wild ko-no-tori since 2005.
10:08In 2007, the ko-no-tori succeeded in breeding outdoors.
10:23There is a facility in the park where you can visit the ko-no-tori that are being raised.
10:29If you are lucky, you can meet a wild ko-no-tori dancing in a magnificent form in the sky.
10:39I pray for the future of ko-no-tori to bring a true marriage with a pure spirit.
10:48I pray for the future of ko-no-tori to bring a true marriage with a pure spirit.
10:52日本美景巡り 今回は兵庫県北部の旅
11:19次は上町にある山寺に向かいます 巨大な多島大物で知られるカワイサン
11:33長楽寺 大門の木彫りの仁王像は寺の守護神
11:48長楽寺には高さ15メートル以上の 世界最大級の黄金の大物様が3体
11:57いらっしゃるということなんですね どんなお姿をしていらっしゃる
12:01のでしょうか お参りしていきたいと思います
12:04立派な建物 左から阿弥陀如来釈迦如来薬師如来と
12:26三体並ぶ大物様の高さはいずれも 15メートル以上
12:56日本海に面した鉄道遺産 日本海に面した鉄道遺産
13:37天部鉄橋空野駅は明治時代に作られた 鉄橋の面影を残しながら2010年に
13:46コンクリート製の橋にかけ替え 2013年に完成した展望施設
13:542017年にはエレベーターが設置され 天部クリスタルタワーの運用がスタートしました
14:19天望台の高さは41メートル 天望台の高さは41メートル
14:20天望台の高さは41メートル 天望台の高さは41メートル
14:21天望台の高さは41メートル 天望台の高さは41メートル
14:22天望台の高さは41メートル 天望台の高さは41メートル
14:23天望台の高さは41メートル 天望台の高さは41メートル
14:24天望台の高さは41メートル 天望台の高さは41メートル
14:25天望台の高さは41メートル 天望台の高さは41メートル
14:26天望台の高さは41メートル 天望台の高さは41メートル
14:43天望台の高さは41メートル 天望台の高さは41メートル
15:10天望台の高さは41メートル 天望台の高さは41メートル
15:38神町のカスミ漁港はカスミガニ と呼ばれるブランドガニが水揚げ
15:47される港 開金時期は9月から5月末
16:05そんなカニの本場で地元の人々の 人気を集めているのが中華料理
16:10白龍のカニ味噌担々麺とカニ味噌まん まずはカニ味噌担々麺から実食
16:20カニとカニ味噌の旨味がスープの中に広がって 素晴らしいコクを生み出しています
16:47カニ味噌担々麺はスープとよく絡ん で美味しい
17:03カニ味噌担々麺はスープとよく絡ん で美味しい
17:47カニ味噌担々麺はスープとよく絡ん で美味しい
18:05次に向かったのは気ガンガンとして 知られているカエル島
18:35古くから様々な願いを叶えてきた と伝えられています
18:44カエル島近くの絵馬砲のお場所に カエル絵馬をかけて祈願します
18:55カエル絵馬は霞駅前の観光案内所 で購入できます
19:43これでちょっとね過ぎるダジャレも 言い過ぎないようにしていきたいな
20:00日本美景巡り兵庫県の旅いかが だったでしょうか美しい街並み
20:05に退職もう本当にね兵庫の魅力 をたくさん堪能させていただき
20:10ました大仏も見れたしだいぶ疲れた ので今日は早めに帰るかさあ次
20:17はどこに行こうかな 自然とカニ歩きになるカニ
20:33美しい瞬間を求めてカメラ片手に めぐる日本の美景
20:40兵庫県北部には歴史や文化と向き合う 貴重な美景がありました