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(Adnkronos) - Il mondo dell'istruzione italiana sta vivendo una fase di profonda trasformazione, sospinta dall'onda dell'innovazione tecnologica. Un appuntamento cruciale per tastare il polso di questo cambiamento è stato il Bett Show di Londra, una vetrina europea di spicco per le soluzioni digitali applicate all'educazione. L'edizione 2025 del Bett Show ha visto una straordinaria partecipazione di aziende del settore tecnologico, desiderose di presentare le proprie proposte per le classi del futuro. Un tema centrale, com'era prevedibile, è stato quello dell'intelligenza artificiale generativa (GenAI), con le sue potenzialità di rivoluzionare l'approccio all'insegnamento e all'apprendimento. Acer ha presentato al Bett Show i risultati di una ricerca condotta su oltre 700 scuole europee, con un focus particolare sull'Italia. L'indagine ha rivelato un quadro complesso, con luci e ombre. Se da un lato emerge un forte interesse degli insegnanti verso le tecnologie digitali, in particolare i computer portatili, dall'altro si riscontra un utilizzo ancora limitato di tali strumenti, spesso relegato a compiti di base come l'accesso a piattaforme e materiali didattici. Un dato interessante riguarda l'intelligenza artificiale: metà degli insegnanti intervistati dichiara di utilizzare già strumenti di GenAI per la preparazione delle lezioni, ma permangono preoccupazioni legate al rischio di un utilizzo scorretto da parte degli studenti, come copiare durante i compiti a casa.


00:00Let's talk about some practical cases that we have developed in Italy.
00:06And let's also look at the results that we have achieved.
00:10Obviously, always together with our partners.
00:13When I talk about partners, I'm talking about Microsoft, Google, S&T,
00:17but I'm also talking about resellers.
00:20Even more than ten years ago, after the meetings we had
00:23with some Italian and European schools,
00:26some institutes have chosen to start managing teaching
00:30through flipped classrooms, because they were so important.
00:34It was a time of revolution.
00:36In reality, the teacher was starting to have a new role.
00:39Educational environments were redesigned,
00:43where students were asked to participate,
00:46to be the protagonists of the lesson.
00:49This was one of the first examples that I like to bring,
00:52because it goes back to many years ago,
00:55when we started to talk about digitization.
00:58If I look a little closer,
01:01certainly what has been done during the year
01:05when there were PNRR funds from ACER,
01:09was to guarantee the presence of resellers in the territories,
01:14who could be consultants for the schools,
01:18who had the need to understand where to invest and how to invest,
01:22always respecting the educational path,
01:26therefore the educational aspects of the school.
01:32How did we do it?
01:35We did it, not only by guaranteeing coverage, but also with examples.
01:39When I talk about this stage, it's a bit like saying,
01:41let's make some examples, let's bring some best practices.
01:44We learned a lot of things.
01:46What actually helps technology?
01:49There are some important aspects.
01:51The first one certainly helps the teacher
01:55to structure the lessons perhaps faster
01:59and perhaps more complete.
02:02Why? Because it has different applications from which to reach the content.
02:06This allows them to enrich,
02:08to have even more interest from the students,
02:12not only to guarantee that the students can,
02:16through the lessons, learn in a perhaps more simplified way
02:21the skills that are expected of them,
02:24that are expected today,
02:26that will be expected of them for future jobs.
02:28We all know and we all say that
02:31we still don't know what jobs there will be in the next 10 years.
02:36Many are emerging.
02:38I'm sure and we're sure that AI will bring new ones.
02:41There will be changes.
02:43So the approach in schools is precisely this,
02:45to ensure that the students are prepared for the future.
02:49So the first part, one of the concrete examples,
02:51we saw this improvement by the teacher
02:54in producing the content.
02:57And certainly we also saw the possibility,
03:01through the applications made available by Microsoft and Google,
03:04through our technology,
03:07to bring to the students more personalized content of the lessons,
03:12therefore trying to meet the individual needs of the student.
03:16Does it work? Yes, the answer is yes.
03:18The students appreciate being able to use content
03:23a little based on the level of confidence they have with a single subject.
03:29And this is important,
03:31because this generates interest,
03:34moments of growth for the student himself.
03:37The other thing we saw that has developed a lot
03:40has also been a speech of creativity.
03:42Why? It may seem strange,
03:44but technology actually helps to develop the creativity of the students.
03:49We saw it this way, in a concrete way.
03:51That is, the students have immediately learned to use tools
03:57to prepare presentations,
04:02or they have begun to use tools
04:04that one day they will find in their work environment,
04:07which are, for example, worksheets,
04:10where they can re-elaborate data.
04:12In short, through technology,
04:15even students, perhaps from primary schools,
04:18therefore elementary and middle schools,
04:20have been able to come into contact with tools
04:23that they will then find in their work environment.
