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Brianne Howey and Will Forte talk with hosts from Audacy about the making of Netflix's 'Kinda Pregnant.'
00:00First things first, love you guys, I mean, Will, you're hilarious.
00:05You and Ginny and Georgia, one of my favorite shows, truly.
00:09I wanted to know, when you guys first read this script, what was the moment for you where
00:13you were like, this is hilarious, I need to be a part of this?
00:17Well, I mean, it was even just receiving the script, knowing that it was coming from Amy,
00:25she actually sent it to my wife.
00:27She somehow became friends with my wife.
00:31We met up at, like, Kristen Wiig had a little birthday thing, and so we were, yeah, so she
00:39and my wife had become friends, and she sent it to my wife and said, would your husband
00:45ever want to do this, and so she gave it to me, and I'm like, yeah, do I have to read
00:50So I read it, and of course it was like, oh, great, fantastic, okay, and yeah, it was the
00:58easiest decision of all time.
00:59I love it.
01:00He has a very smart wife.
01:01Yes, I can tell.
01:02It's like when your wife dresses you every single day, you're like, I do what you tell
01:03me, and that's it.
01:04Yes, yes.
01:05What about for you?
01:06I, you know what really had me dying when I read the script for the first time?
01:10When Amy's putting Band-Aids over the burn mark, I died.
01:13That truly was it for me, I don't, I was just laughing so hard, and like Will said, not
01:19to mention, it's Amy Schumer, Happy Madison, and Netflix.
01:22It's a dream team.
01:23It's a trifecta, truly.
01:25Holy Trinity, I get it.
01:28Question for Latte, Will.
01:30Have you ever been able to look it up and it's the same, and how was it building your
01:35incredible chemistry with Amy?
01:37It was, I mean, we've been friends for a while, so it was, we had never worked together though,
01:43so it was, it's so much easier to do stuff like this with somebody that you know, and
01:50yeah, it's just like, you know, some of that stuff, I'm not used to having to do like grounded
01:56romance scenes.
01:57I've done a lot of like, over the top sex scene type stuff, so like, it's just, it's
02:04a little disconcerting, and so to go into it with somebody that you know pretty well
02:09is great, and she's like, it was a real treat getting to know her.
02:12You guys made it look very easy.
02:14Well, I mean, it's, she's, it was just, being surrounded by people you trust is like the
02:21only way that that stuff works, and so that's why I did it.
02:28There were a lot of funny kid moments in the movie, and you're both parents.
02:33Did that figure into your performance?
02:36Oh no!
02:38Oh, that is so great.
02:39So sweet.
02:40I know, I actually have similar socks, but it's not even of my child, it's of my dog.
02:46I got dog socks too.
02:47I mean, I think being a parent, it changes your DNA, and then there's no going back,
02:53and that's all you know, and I mean, I think the script is so funny, even if you're not
02:57a parent.
02:58I think everyone will still be laughing hysterically, but of course, I think it extra resonated
03:03with us because, you know, we have our own kids.
03:07Yeah, no, there's, there is some stuff that's just, yeah, you don't have to be a parent
03:10to appreciate this bonkers stuff in this movie.
03:16There are definitely some things that you will appreciate on a different level if you
03:21are a parent, but like, yeah.
03:23Like when Connor's running around with the knife, Meg's not even phased because it's
03:26probably happened so much, and it's just that, it's her husband, like, he's doing it again.
03:30I need you to go.
03:32I totally respect you.
03:34And that's just normal life, and now as my daughter gets older, it is proving to be even
03:38more normal.
03:40So Anne, I feel like there's a moment in this movie where you say something that to me was
03:45very akin to America Ferreira's speech in Barbie, that I'm not a mom, and I'm never
03:49going to be one, but I still had this moment with you where you were like, you're supposed
03:53to be happy.
03:54You're supposed to have rainbows coming at your ass.
03:56You're supposed to be doing this, but you had a moment where you were allowed to, like,
03:59be real.
04:01And so pregnancy's not awesome.
04:03All the time, and it's okay to say that.
04:05So how important was that for you, especially as a new mom, to sort of normalize that conversation?
04:10So important, and it makes you feel like there's something wrong with you if you aren't perfectly
04:14aligned with social media or with someone else's experience.
04:18So when Amy and I were talking about that scene, it was just a lot about normalizing
04:24that experience, and that it looks so different no matter how you have a baby, if you even
04:28choose to.
04:29I also love the ending of the movie that they don't have a baby, and I think that that's
04:32amazing too.
04:33So that no one's telling you that there's a right or a wrong, but wanting to get the
04:39transition from in that one second right after you have your baby, no matter how you have
04:44it, it's generally pretty traumatic.
04:46It's the most life-changing experience, and that then within one second, it's just all
04:50about the baby, and it's not about you anymore.
04:53And that the mom kind of gets lost in that mix, and that it's okay to grieve that a little
04:56bit, and what Lainey's looking for is just someone to connect with on that level about
05:02She's just scared and wants community.
05:03It was a magical moment, really.
05:04Thank you so much.
05:08That's one of my favorite parts about this movie, is that it is a hilarious comedy, but
05:10you do have some really deep parts of it where you're showing the real relationships that
05:16moms have with their partners, or even that men can be supportive through a woman's pregnancy
05:20when they're not a part of it.
05:21And I think that you, being a dad, probably helped you, I guess, experience that a little
05:28differently and be more kind to her situation as a character.
05:31Oh, sure.
05:32I mean, once you have kids, I don't even know how I went through life before.
05:39So the prism through which you see everything so changes everything.
05:46So yeah, definitely, definitely that went ... My performance in this thing, I got to
05:56draw on all kinds of stuff from my own, even though I didn't have kids in this movie.
06:02Just, I don't know, just knowing what everybody was going through, these scenes, just everything
06:07made more sense to my brain, having had this experience of being a dad.
06:12No, I love that.
06:13And I think your character is just so ... It's a very different character.
06:17You guys are siblings and you're living in her basement, and you drive a Zamboni.
06:20Like, there's no way we discussed it.
06:21Zamboni, I'm sorry.
06:22That is the most random profession that they could have given you a profession, job?
06:32He's a career man.
06:33Did you actually drive it?
06:34Or was that CGI?
06:35Oh, yeah.
06:37I drove it all over the place.
06:38Oh, wow.
06:39I got to drive it on the ... Well, obviously you saw the movie, so on the rinks, through
06:43the streets of Brooklyn, it was so much fun.
06:48The best part about it was that woman rink where we shot the ice skating stuff, and where
06:54the bulk of the early Zamboni stuff is, they had closed down the day before we shot that
07:01So they basically didn't care what we did to the ice.
07:04So they said, you can have at it.
07:07Mess it up.
07:08Do whatever you want.
07:09And the Zamboni people were like, all right, do it, sure.
07:12And so I could do whatever I wanted to, and just high speed donuts, and it was ...
07:20Did you?
07:21Oh, yeah.
07:22Yeah, yeah.
07:23That's the one ... I mean, I love how that scene is slowed down, that montage, that kind
07:28of video thing.
07:30But you don't ... Because it's slowed down, you don't get a sense for just how fast I'm
07:35whipping around.
07:36So that's ... I wish people got to see, and maybe-
07:39We didn't.
07:40The need for speed.
07:41We didn't get to see the need for speed.
07:42It was so much fun.
07:44Given your Zamboni sickness.
07:47Well, I have a feeling that was probably one of your most fun moments you had filming,
07:50I would assume, is the Zamboni moment.
07:52Brienne, did you have a scene that you had the most fun on while filming?
07:57I think ... I mean, they were all so, so much fun.
08:00My first day did happen to be the yoga scene, and I mean, come on.
08:06Everyone's farting.
08:07Everybody's farting.
08:08It was insane.
08:10Jackie Sandler plays the yoga teacher.
08:12It was incredible to get to work with her.
08:14She's so sweet.
08:15She's so funny in that scene.
08:17So funny.
08:18I was kind of scared to just lay it on her, and really give it to her.
08:22But she's such a trooper, and so funny, and gives you so much to play off of.
08:27She even improvised so much.
08:28It was awesome.
08:30None of those were an after effect, right?
08:32They were all real in the moment?
08:33No, those were in real time.
08:36Those were in real time.
08:38Everybody was fed beans before.
08:39Oh, no.
08:40I mean, they were sound effects.
08:41Oh, wow.
08:42But they were sound effects.
08:43But they were in during, while we were shooting the scene.
08:44They didn't put them in afterwards.
08:46We were working with the farts.
08:47That's magical, and I love that.
08:49Good catch.
08:50Good catch.
08:53It's great when you can work with farts.
08:54Your life is good.
08:56Was there ever scenes, I mean, you're both in comedy, and I'm thinking to myself, there's
09:02got to be a scene where you lost your minds, or had to retake it, because you just couldn't
09:07get through it.
09:08It was so funny.
09:09Will hanging on the garage, we were talking about it earlier, that was really hard to
09:13take seriously.
09:14It was so funny, Will.
09:15I mean, he's just hanging from the garage door.
09:16Literally, that was the last question.
09:17What's it like hanging from a garage?
09:18And then Amy has the picture.
09:19I mean, there's so much happening there.
09:26You two even were improvising in that scene while you're hanging.
09:29I mean, that was the hanging from the garage, because at first I'm like, well, because they
09:35were saying, oh, there was some discussion as to like, oh, are you hanging sideways or
09:41lengthways or whatever?
09:43A lot of logistics.
09:45And so finally they settled on that, and I said, well, let me try to see if I can hang
09:50up there.
09:51I've been doing some pull-ups recently.
09:52I might be able to do this.
09:53And they're like, no, you're going to get really tired.
09:57And I said, well, why don't we just try one take?
10:01And so I did one where I was just up there and had my legs out, and it's such a long
10:08scene, and I was so tired by like a third of the way through, and then I had to swallow
10:14my pride.
10:15And I'm like, yeah, let's harness me up, and so I'm hanging by harnesses, and it was still
10:21Because you do so many takes.
10:23It had to be harness.
10:24It's nothing against Will.
10:25Like, yeah.
10:26You could not tell.
10:27OK, Will, I have a quick question that has nothing to do with the movie.
10:32Is it true that you are a Donkey Kong genius master, Donkey Kong?
10:35I haven't played in a long time, but I did, yes, I did go through a period where I played
10:40a lot of Donkey Kong.
10:41If I may.
10:42Oh my gosh.
10:43Just break it.
10:44I can't get up.
10:45Oh, wow.
10:53Look at this guy.
10:54This is so cool.
10:56You're very welcome.
10:57Thank you so, so much.
10:58That's so sweet of you.
10:59Yeah, thank you.
11:00It's about time.
11:01Oh my god.
11:02It's for you if you would like to wear it about.
11:04Where did you get this?
11:05My girlfriend makes them.
11:06Oh, that's so cool.
11:07Please hold her.
11:09You're welcome.
11:10Thank you so much.
11:11You're welcome.
11:12That's great.
11:13This is very cool.
11:14I love that.
11:15Oh my gosh.
11:16It's gorgeous.
11:18You're welcome.
11:19I have a few events coming up, so this is great.
11:21Well, now that we've opened gifts, let's keep going.
11:25Those are so fun.
11:26Those are really, really cool.
11:27We need to get some matching purses as well.
11:29We really do.
11:30I won't get them made for all of us.
11:31There's a lot of them.
11:32So, in the movie, you have a brother and sister relationship.
11:34And now that I know that in real life, you're also parents, there is like a taboo about not
11:35joking about being pregnant.
11:36So, I can imagine that if you find out that somebody is lying about being pregnant, you
11:37probably wouldn't believe them so much in real life.
11:50You're doubting your kids' patience is the biggest problem that they had in real life?
11:52So, I'm wondering can you guys remember the last lie that you caught anyone telling you?
11:55And it could be your kids, because kids lie.
11:57I'm trying to think.
11:58I feel like, honestly, my husband said that they were out of this certain type of creamer
12:02that I like because he doesn't like the flavor, you know.
12:06He didn't go.
12:09They had it available and he just didn't get it, I think, because he doesn't like it.
12:11See, that's a cute, innocent lie.
12:12I like that.
12:14For the ... Yeah.
12:15Well, not for you, but for him.
12:16My clothes are serious.
12:17serious thought somebody the other night was bailing out of a dinner but then I
12:25think I might have been wrong okay what was their excuse that they used they had
12:28said we have a we have a party to go to me and my wife have a party to go to we
12:38forgot about it so I'm gonna have to come later but but but I knew that his
12:45wife was going on a flight somewhere but then then he showed up later and I think
12:53I think that was just me I think I mean you're bathing in your head yeah he did
12:59show up late so this was just me putting putting on this thing I'm like oh I
13:04think he might be dry but because then I realize it's I'm not doing a great job
13:08somebody canceled and you had the opportunity to stay home and you're mad
13:11about well I really did have another dinner to go to so well thank you guys
13:19so much really thank you this is awesome
