• last month
El gobierno consigue finalmente el quórum necesario para debatir la suspensión de las PASO, la reincidencia y el juicio en ausencia. Se espera un debate extenso que durará entre 16 a 20 horas. La distribución del presupuesto ahorrado por la suspensión de las PASO es uno de los temas más controvertidos en discusión. Otros temas pendientes como la 'ficha limpia' serán tratados la próxima semana.


00:00Finally, Gonzalo, the quorum was achieved.
00:03That's right.
00:04Around 12.20pm, the government finally achieved the quorum
00:10to be able to advance with the suspension of the hearings,
00:14the reiteration and the absence of a trial.
00:19Here we are seeing the images of how it is being treated.
00:23First, let's go through the privilege issues.
00:25Now, in a while, the final list of speakers will be known.
00:28Gentlemen, imagine that there will be at least 16 to 20 hours of debate.
00:37So, at least, the voting will end at 7am.
00:43Let's go back to the phone.
00:46One of the issues, of course, is the suspension of the hearings.
00:49Yes, the most important issue of the session, unfortunately.
00:53The most important issue, politically, I mean,
00:57for politicians, for the government, for political parties,
01:00is the suspension of the hearings.
01:01Yes, totally.
01:02The issue that will interest people the most is the reiteration.
01:08The reiteration is part of what we are talking about.
01:11The criminal who steals once or falls once, two, three, four, five,
01:15here, today, we see it on the streets.
01:18And we see it when they detain him again.
01:21If the reiteration is voted against a reiteration of crimes,
01:26but no, after 10 crimes, 15 crimes,
01:30he ends up in jail and stays in jail,
01:33which is what we are all looking for.
01:36That is what we expect to be voted on today.
01:40Yes, the reality is that the previous time,
01:44he was attached to Ficha Limpia, who, by the way,
01:46yesterday he was attached to this bill.
01:49So, it is obvious that the reiteration and the innocence trial
01:52will be approved.
01:53Because the question was not about the positive votes,
01:57but about getting the quorum.
02:00Ah, why?
02:01Because the government had already secured the 144 votes
02:08to approve each of the initiatives.
02:11But it had a problem with the quorum.
02:13Because the governors and allies said,
02:15you know what?
02:16This is where another support comes in.
02:17Everything is negotiated subject to subject.
02:20We are going to support the quorum,
02:21but you get the quorum.
02:22We are not going to give you a hand with this,
02:23because the truth is that the question of getting the quorum,
02:25here we see it on the screen, you see?
02:27Francos, to date, at the time of the vote,
02:31has already guaranteed 144 votes for the removal of the steps.
02:35The dialogist governors, those of the PRO, the UCR,
02:38and the non-quinerist Peronism, said,
02:40we are not going to give you the quorum.
02:42If you want, you get it.
02:44That's why there were 129 deputies for the session,
02:47which is scheduled for 12.
02:49What happens is that as the deputies began to sit down before,
02:51because the government wanted to speed up the process,
02:53that's it, let's start and move on.
02:56I reiterate, it's going to be about 20 hours of debate.
02:59What a mess.
03:00We have to see if in the course of the night
03:04some issues can be agilized.
03:06For example, that the speeches,
03:09that the speeches of each of the legislators be reduced,
03:13that they vote by block,
03:16if there are related issues,
03:18to be against an articulation,
03:21but to be in favor of the general,
03:23and to speed up, of course.
03:25Because next week,
03:27next week they will also have a very complicated vote,
03:29with a clean sheet,
03:30in terms of what the debate is going to be,
03:32and what the whole session itself is going to be.
03:35Let's go straight to the Congress.
03:37There is Fabián Rubino, who has been for a while
03:39and has surely had contact with some legislators
03:42to see how all this is going to advance.
03:44Fabián, how are you? Good morning.
03:47How are you? Good afternoon.
03:49The clock marked 23 minutes
03:51from the beginning of the call to start the session.
03:55There sat the deputy number 129,
04:01and the deputy, Martín Menem, said,
04:03the session is being inaugurated.
04:06And that's when the debate began,
04:08which, as you say, is going to be long.
04:11At least 17, 20 hours.
04:14The truth is that, more or less,
04:16there are 20 issues of privilege
04:18that are going to be divided into 5.
04:20Because if not, the debate begins
04:22at 5 in the afternoon.
04:24There are the issues of privilege.
04:26Of course, there is the first issue,
04:28which is the debate on the reform of the electoral code
04:30and the suspension of the steps.
04:32The political thread in full
04:34in this first extraordinary session.
04:37It must be borne in mind that here
04:39the issues that are going to be discussed
04:41are those that the Executive Power
04:43sent to the Congress of the Nation
04:45to debate in sessions.
04:47Extraordinary sessions.
04:49That's why the PJ, the Kirchnerism,
04:52which obviously does not support
04:54this decision on the steps,
04:57says, well, they are going to save
04:59around 150, you will correct me,
05:02millions of pesos in the suspension
05:04of the steps.
05:05Yes, dollars.
05:08What is going to be done?
05:10Let's see.
05:11I tell you that I have problems
05:13with all the murmur in the room.
05:15But what they said is,
05:17you have to see the government,
05:19the officialism,
05:21has to tell us also
05:23in what it is going to distribute
05:25that money that is being saved from the steps.
05:27Because the Executive Power
05:29did not send the mother law,
05:31the budget law.
05:33And that's why they say,
05:35so that the government can have
05:39the product of the Executive Power
05:42to distribute it as they want.
05:44That's why I tell you,
05:46there they put too much attention.
05:48Then comes the reincidence,
05:50as you said, and the absence trial.
05:52There is a topic that is not going to be discussed,
05:54that they left it for next week,
05:56but that also, surely next week,
05:58is going to get sparks.
06:00The topic is the clean sheet.
06:02With which I say,
06:04it was postponed for next week.
06:06It will not be discussed in this session,
06:08but I tell you,
06:10if there was a political spark here,
06:12next week,
06:14what is going to be,
06:16it is unimaginable.
06:18And I say, Fabian, let's take a picture,
06:20to also save that on February 6th,
06:22it is in the enclosure,
06:26One thing is the commissions,
06:28one thing is the annex.
06:30I tell you that many have
06:32pronounced that it is not from Buenos Aires.
06:34Well, that's why,
06:36there is a reality,
06:38the session was scheduled for February 6th.
06:40It is more serious.
06:42Yes, Fabian.
06:44It is not from the Atlantic coast.
06:46No, obviously not.
06:48But the session was scheduled for February 6th
06:50and for next week, February 11th or 12th,
06:52because precisely in January they were all on vacation.
06:54Nobody was going to come before that.
06:56I tell you not to go on vacation,
06:58because you have to go with the family,
07:00there are years in which
07:02legislators lived on vacation.
07:04Six sessions during a year.
07:06And we are also
07:08in an election year,
07:10with which I tell you,
07:12take a picture
07:14if you are in September or August
07:16sessioning here.
07:18That's the other one too.
07:20But hey, they are sessioning,
07:22that's the good and the interesting.
07:24And with issues, the truth is that it is important,
07:26already from the start,
07:28that there is a good climate
07:30for sessioning.
07:32Or do you think there may be
07:34some obstacles,
07:36some problems in the middle,
07:38as has happened in some sessions,
07:40much hotter.
07:42No, no, no.
07:44The truth is that the climate
07:46is not friendly, it speaks of tension,
07:48because the opposition has a very important role,
07:50but the executive power
07:52has already gathered the 129
07:54and it is expected that sooner or later
07:56these 129 are sitting
07:58to be able to vote
08:00on the projects of the executive power.
08:02Okay. Fabián, let's do one thing.
08:04We are going to talk a lot
08:06during all this day,
08:08so we are going to have time.
08:10But when you have some of the legislators
08:16the issue of suspension of passes,
08:18we are going to talk.
08:20But I am also interested in talking about
08:22the issue of reiteration.
08:24What can be voted?
08:26What does it mean?
08:28How long is the reiteration?
08:30With two crimes you have to be in jail,
08:32three crimes, ten crimes.
08:34To be able to analyze this issue
08:36which is the issue of security
08:38or insecurity.
08:40This is the head of the concern
08:42of people today.
08:44I think it's very good.
08:46Yes, yes, surely.
08:48Well, Fabián, we'll be back in a little while.
08:51Okay, see you later.
08:53So, Gonzalo,
08:55we are going to have a long session,
08:57as you said,
08:59until tomorrow morning.
09:01Is everything going to be voted
09:05I mean, quickly,
09:07from here until 6 or 7 in the morning,
09:09as you said,
09:11or do you think that some of the three projects
09:13that are being discussed today will not be voted?
09:15No, there are the votes given for the three.
09:17Obviously, there may be imponderable,
09:19but the reality is that if you add
09:21144 votes for Las PASO,
09:23what is reiteration is very difficult
09:25and it is not approved at the moment.
09:27Obviously, you are going to have
09:29minority expressions in the sense of
09:31the number of banks that have,
09:33for example, what we are seeing
09:35at the moment, Nicolás del Caño,
09:37Vanina Blas and others,
09:39the people of the FIT,
09:41which are, I think, five or six banks
09:43that, the truth, in this matter,
09:45have no importance,
09:47but the majority
09:49will accompany.
09:51Because I have an example.
09:53Take out
09:55what is Union por la Patria,
09:57which is already totally fractured,
09:59the hard Quinerim will not accompany reiteration,
10:01but the deputies of Peronism,
10:03within that block,
10:05who are really in favor of having
10:07a harder system with the criminals,
10:09are they going to risk being like
10:11the friends of the criminals
10:13by not approving this?
10:15Take the title 3
10:17of the article, I don't know how much,
10:19very difficult.
10:21It has already happened.
10:23Okay, but now you have a government
10:25that is a specialist
10:27in getting out of the shock
10:29in that kind of thing,
10:31that does not shake his pulse.
10:33It is a government that still does not have a majority.
10:35Of course, and it will not have them
10:37with these elections, it will not change.
10:39That's why I say,
10:41what they have in the strategy,
10:43in La Casa Rosada,
10:45is this issue of managing the times of the agenda.
10:47If today,
10:49with El Conurbano,
10:51hit by a criminal wave
10:53that we come with every day,
10:55and the governors of Quinerim
10:57do not vote in favor of this,
10:59La Casa Rosada,
11:01if they realize,
11:03they are trying to take care of the useless,
11:05they are helping the useless of Kicillof,
11:07so that, with much more serious
11:09and strong qualifications
11:11than the government has done.
11:13That's why I say,
11:15let's clarify that, it's not my problem.
11:17It does not work either, let's say that.
11:19It does not matter anything.
11:21One thing is to say something that it does not do,
11:23but hey, they are calculations.
11:25That's why I tell you,
11:27as the government is very skilled
11:29in bringing the discussion
11:31to that simple, simple terrain.
11:33So, today,
11:35the members of the blocs
11:37evaluate that, think about it.
11:39I insist, there are very few who play.
11:41I'll give you an example.
11:43Of the UCR,
11:45perhaps the governor
11:47who is most against what is being voted now
11:49is Alfredo Cornejo,
11:51the governor of Mendoza.
11:53But he is not against
11:55because he says,
11:57I do not want suspension for that,
11:59but because he says that the steps
12:01have to be modified,
12:03but they do not have to be eliminated
12:05or suspended.
12:07He is the only one who thinks like that.
12:09But he is the only one who stood up
12:11and whose right hand in the House of Representatives
12:13did not accompany the majority statement
12:15to the dissidents we explained.
12:17That position is very difficult to take today
12:19because the government, I insist,
12:21is very skilled in this,
12:23I take you to my terrain,
12:25let's say that I feel simple.
12:27You are caste, I am not caste.
12:29In that logic, all these projects
12:31are thought out, for some reason they were put together.
12:33Notice that they were separated from clean file.
12:35And the attention was going to deviate
12:37a lot to clean file
12:39and it is going to be taken
12:41maybe as a defeat
12:43of whom?
12:45Of the government?
12:47No, no, no,
12:49there is a question,
12:51the deputy was going to leave,
12:53but they are giving him a difference
12:55to separate the many
12:57with Union por la Patria,
12:59because there are projects
13:01that if you put them all together,
13:03as Oscar Sago said on the radio,
13:05if you put several projects together
13:09you can run the risk
13:11that for something that is
13:13very, let's say,
13:15generic to a certain block,
13:17you do not have a quorum
13:19or you lose what is the part of the vote.
13:21So not to do that,
13:23in this extraordinary theme,
13:25the 13 projects that were going to come out
13:27were put together and the one that has more complications
13:29was left separate from clean file.
13:31I explain myself so that the same does not happen
13:33with reiterance and innocence that happened last year.
13:35How is the situation now?
13:37As I tell you, you have 144 votes
13:39more or less of the government
13:41to approve the suspension.
13:43It will obviously have the support of
13:45governors of Peronism,
13:47Radicalism, PRO.
13:49There are 257 legislators,
13:51that is, with
13:53how many, 144
13:55do you think it will have?
13:57Yes, with 129 approved.
13:59It will have a more loose majority
14:01because, I insist, all the governors
14:03to the three projects.
14:05All the governors, yes.
14:07The three projects, in this case,
14:09suspension of the steps,
14:13and innocence trial,
14:15will have a half sanction today.
14:19Depending on the time, because the steps
14:21I calculate that they will arrive at the last hour of today.
14:23But they will arrive.
14:25The key here is that in the steps
14:27it is transversal.
14:29Non-Kirchnerist Peronism,
14:31part of Kirchnerist Peronism,
14:33the UCR, the PRO,
14:35and some governors who have their
14:37provincial blocks,
14:39do not want to have them,
14:41because it is something that bothers them at this time.
14:43A governor
14:45never wants, a governor
14:47or the executive serpent never wants steps.
14:49Because the steps benefit the opposition.
14:51They do not benefit the officialism.
14:53Do I explain myself?
14:55Well, now we are going to continue talking about this.
14:57Obviously we are going to go back to Congress
14:59and we are going to talk with some of the legislators
15:01about the three projects that are starting to vote.
15:03In a while, nothing more there.
