• last month
00:00All right, the crossover is brought to you by Abundant Life Weight Loss.
00:03They know the secret to losing up to one pound of fat every day.
00:06Go to AbundantLifeWeightLoss.com.
00:09Also it is crossover time, which means in the next 20 minutes we're going to be giving
00:15away two tickets to both the NBA Rising Stars game at Chase next Friday night and the All-Star
00:23practice in Oakland next Saturday.
00:26When you hear this sounder, John Salley, when you hear John Salley, not now, but in the
00:32next 20 minutes, be caller number three to the contest line at 415-523-4652 and you will
00:40be going to the Rising Stars game and the All-Star practice on Saturday.
00:44It's welcome in dibs.
00:46And Willard, what's up, gents?
00:47I can't see you, but hopefully I can hear you.
00:50I can see you, Willard.
00:52You're clean as a whistle and you too, dibs.
00:55Put your hands where my eyes can see, straight Buck Wyland in the place to be.
00:59And we are here at Splash and it is, guys, it is unbelievable.
01:03They're getting ready to open tomorrow.
01:06They're doing the final bells and the whistles, but I'll tell you what, guys, when you come
01:10here to Splash, like Thrive City's never been like it is now with Splash going online.
01:16This place is Vegas meets, I don't know, Bel-Air or ...
01:22I mean, it's incredible.
01:24This is what we're hoping Jimmy Butler is, a game changer.
01:29This changes the entire vibe of Thrive City.
01:33And I think especially for people who love ... If you work in the city and you're going
01:38to a Warrior game, well, now you can get off your job at 4.30 and get over here a little
01:42bit early.
01:43This is going to be the spot to be.
01:44And by the way, if you want a little inside jam on exactly what the whole place looks
01:50like and the vibe in, I literally just put up an IG story with a whole walkthrough of
01:57the whole place.
01:59So you can go to MT Willard on Instagram and look at the entire place.
02:02Go look.
02:03I'm a TV snob.
02:04I love my screens.
02:05Tell me about the screens there.
02:07Are they amazing?
02:08My goodness.
02:10I mean, like larger than life.
02:14I mean, just ... And like wrap around, wrap around the whole building.
02:20Larger than life.
02:21Doesn't matter where you're sitting, it's going to look like you're sitting right in
02:23front of it.
02:26I just have one question for you.
02:27All that's nice and all well and good, but Dibs, I got one question for you.
02:32Talk to me.
02:34There will be action.
02:35Right now, there's no action yet because the VIP event is going to start here in about
02:40three hours, but I can guarantee you based on the ambiance, the collection of liqueur,
02:47not liquor, but when you're in a classy place like this, it's liqueur, the liqueur collection,
02:53the padded seats, the location, and the ambiance, the action will be an 11 out of 10, Stiney.
03:02I like it.
03:03We'll be there next week, so I'm looking forward to it.
03:05I love it.
03:06Even guys like you and I, some of us knocking on 60s doors, some of us who've already had
03:11that door answered, it doesn't matter who you are or where you're from or what you are.
03:17This place is phenomenal, and I know that tomorrow and going in beyond Mark, this place
03:23is now available for reservations.
03:26By the way, Stiney, when you guys are here next week, you, because you're going to be
03:32up here for Radio Row, leading into the All-Star Game, you're going to be up on the veranda
03:38because the first floor is fancy, but the second floor is bougie.
03:44I haven't been there yet.
03:46It's bougie, and you're going to be up there on the veranda looking out on the people like
03:50the dictator you want to be.
03:53That's what's going to happen next week, Stiney.
03:55Yeah, it reminds me a little bit of, of course, the town in Ireland called Derry, formerly
04:00London Derry, where the phrase catwalk first came into being when the rich, wealthy, socialite
04:10women would walk along the walls of the town, and the peasants down below were left to just
04:19stare up, and they started to call them cats because they walked around like cats, and
04:25then hence, catwalk.
04:27So that got weird, all I got from that is if you do come to Thrive City next week and
04:37you look up at Stiney, he called you a peasant.
04:40He called you a cat.
04:42Right, that's literally all I got out of that.
04:44Hey, but what about last night?
04:46Come on, man, I'm excited, you guys know it, I'm a cheap date.
04:49Yeah, I know you're excited, and I'm just still kind of trying to work my way through
04:55the emotions and what happened because Mark and I were live on the air, and we're getting
04:58ready for Warriors Live, leading up to the Jazz Game, and all of a sudden the report
05:02is everyone got pulled off the floor, and Steve Kerr was having a closed door meeting
05:07in the locker room, and so all of us were collecting our breath, and every time I would
05:13talk, I would look at Mark, and Mark would look at Mark Grandy, and Mark Grandy and Mark
05:18Willard would be going back and forth, and I was like, is it now?
05:21And then I would finish talking, and Mark Willard would be going, no, calm down, and
05:25then I'd talk, and I'd look at Grandy, and is it now?
05:27And then one time when I was actually talking, and I threw it back to Mark Willard, Mark
05:32said like a word and a half, and then bang, and it was breaking, and it was bang, and
05:37it was everything that we thought, and so Mark and I really haven't had a lot of time
05:41to pick through it together over a longer form, but I'll tell you this, guys, I'm excited.
05:47And the price wasn't that steep, Willard?
05:49Well, yeah, the best part about it is that they didn't, as everyone is saying, mortgage
05:53the future.
05:54There you go.
05:55I get that, but here's what I'll say about it, and I hope this doesn't sound like one
06:00foot on each side of the fence.
06:02I don't like the deal, but I understand the deal.
06:05I understand why the Warriors did this.
06:09We had said all week, they're at a point where they've got to do something, but the way I
06:14look at this, what got me wasn't so much the trade, it was the extension, because the extension
06:21does a few things that worry me.
06:24First of all, signs you up long term with somebody who works his way out of everywhere
06:27he goes.
06:29It also puts Jonathan Kaminga's future in potential doubt, because of money.
06:36And also, it takes away that flexibility and optionality that they've been trumpeting for
06:41so long.
06:42Like, you get one bite off of who's the star that you're going to put with Curry, and this
06:46is it.
06:47And this does feel like a little bit of an arranged marriage.
06:51I heard your guys' conversation earlier today with regard to, like, does Jimmy want to be
06:56a Warrior, or did Jimmy want an extension?
06:59And Jimmy wanted to be a son, but Jimmy could find the money and a new taker in one spot,
07:05and it was here.
07:06And the Warriors could find a big name in one spot, and it was him.
07:09I don't think they love each other, but everybody got them together, because they have to.
07:15And so, with all that said, I'm with you also, Goo, that, look, it's exciting.
07:21It's something different, it's new, it makes it more watchable, and all of that is good.
07:26But, like, it's not a perfect deal.
07:29No doubt.
07:30It's not a perfect deal.
07:31Yeah, and I wonder, you know, he might not be a perfect player for the system.
07:37It's one thing, I was watching the Warriors post-game show, and Chris Mullen was definitely
07:46emphasizing that, you know, this is going to take an adjustment.
07:50They don't have a ton of time, they've got to start winning immediately.
07:55The one thing I'm a little concerned about is, Butler's not really a three-point shooter,
08:00and they gave up two of their, well, one of their better three-point shooters, and Schroeder
08:04was at least starting to become a little bit of a threat.
08:08That's the one thing I'd worry about in terms of stylistically.
08:13I get that, but honestly, if you are looking for a team that can shoot the three, it's
08:17got to be Buddy Heald, and, you know, Brendan Podjemski, who now gets more minutes, and
08:21Moses Moody gets more minutes, and, you know, he's been a pretty good three-point shooter,
08:25so for me, it becomes about those guys more than it is, you know, Wiggins was competent
08:31as a three-point shooter, and Dennis Schroeder was a guy who, you know, was starting to maybe
08:36find his way, slow-mo would never be a three-point shooter, and Lindy Waters was, you know, kind
08:40of being downgraded to an eight-minute-a-night guy, so, yeah, I think that's a good point,
08:47but the other thing is, can Jimmy Butler make you more of a free-throw shooting team,
08:52because other than...
08:53He does that.
08:54Yeah, he should do that, and, you know, Wiggins can do that, but he hasn't done that enough,
08:58so can you get a team that now gets to the line more?
09:01And also, too, the rat on the table brought to you by Echo Pest Control.
09:05We all talked about it in yesterday's crossover, Willard.
09:08The bottom line is, they had to do something, because their name was plastered with every
09:12and anybody that was available.
09:15We talked about it and said the answer is not in the building.
09:18I'm being proactive.
09:19I feel like the answer is now in the building with Jimmy Butler.
09:23I could be proven wrong, but, Dibs, to your point, this team was horrible at free throws.
09:27He gets to the line, and he makes them, and he's a playmaker, and he finishes, so I'm
09:32excited to see if that can rub off on this team, and I told Stoney about the three-point
09:36shooting team.
09:38We become a one-trick pony.
09:40Maybe now we diversify our portfolio, and what he can do to slow down some games can
09:45help the team, and maybe we don't see leads blown like last night, and I know Wiggins
09:50didn't play, but we've seen that too many times.
09:52No doubt, and look, here's what I would say to you, Goo.
09:55If you say that this is the answer, then my next thought is, what's the question?
10:00Let's play Jeopardy.
10:02What's the question?
10:04Can I assume playoffs, Willard?
10:08I don't think you can.
10:09I don't think we can assume anything, but if what we're saying is Jimmy Butler is the
10:15answer to the Warriors' problems, I have to say, to be determined.
10:20If what we're saying is, if the question is, hey, is there anybody the Warriors could get
10:26that would change this dynamic, then yes, Jimmy Butler's the answer, do you know what
10:31I mean?
10:32I'll take that.
10:33I think it's fair for all of us to just say, let's see.
10:38Let's see how this works out, but I did some poking around last night with some people
10:43in the Kapologist world, because I think, right, didn't we all want to ask right away,
10:48what does this mean for Jonathan Kaminga, and Dibbs and I will talk about it a lot throughout
10:53the day.
10:54I know the callers want to do that as well.
10:57The quick answer is, Jonathan doesn't have a lot of leverage.
11:01I would expect the Warriors to offer him maybe less than what the world thinks Jonathan
11:06is going to get, because he doesn't have a lot of leverage, but if a Brooklyn or somebody
11:11does want to walk in and offer Jonathan $30 or $35 million a year, the Warriors might
11:16be up a creek and might have to let him go.
11:19That is a possibility.
11:20No doubt.
11:21No doubt.
11:22You're listening to 95.7 The Game, KGMZ FM at HD1 San Francisco, always live on the free
11:26Odyssey app, Twitch and YouTube powered by First NorCal Credit Union.
11:31John Sally.
11:32All right, there it is.
11:33Now's your chance to win a pair of tickets to both the NBA Rising Stars game at Chase
11:37on Friday and the All-Star practice at Oakland on Saturday.
11:42Caller number 3 to 415-523-4652.
11:48Right now, caller number 3, 415-523-4652, you're going to get two tickets to the Rising
11:54Stars game next Friday and the All-Star practice in Oakland on Saturday, and to get in on all
12:01the All-Star action in the Bay Area, head to NBAEvents.com or the NBA Events app and
12:07purchase tickets for fan events like NBA Crossover, Rising Stars, NBA All-Star practice, and the
12:14NBA HBCU Classic.
12:15Man, I mean...
12:16I mean, for many, many years, Stiney, I've derided you by not being a, quote, real host,
12:31but I just want to say it now, and maybe it's because I'm not next to you, but you've arrived,
12:37You are it.
12:38You're a real host.
12:39You do it.
12:40Occasionally, you give, you know, the text line ID when you should give the legal, but...
12:46That's okay.
12:47But you're a real one, Stiney.
12:48You've arrived, brother.
12:49We've been getting backhanded compliments all day.
12:51Thanks, man.
12:52Roger Federer.
12:53Yeah, Roger Federer.
12:54You're on a short, like, when Joe Lacob opens up his phone to see the last 10 texts, you're
12:59one of them.
13:00That was awesome.
13:01That was great.
13:02I don't need you to nail every ID, Stiney.
13:04No, no.
13:05I need that inside.
13:07I need that VIP.
13:09I need that veranda, Stiney.
13:11Back to Wiggins.
13:14Hey, but real quick.
13:15I'm a VIP putt.
13:17Bay Street, Emeryville from 6 to 8.
13:18You both get off at 6.
13:19Just saying.
13:21Pull up on us if you can.
13:22Hold up.
13:23Well, yeah, yeah.
13:24What do you think we're doing here, Goo?
13:25There is a VIP party at Splash that starts at 6.
13:30I'm not running out of this place to go to 6.
13:32Oh, so you guys got action.
13:34Hey, man.
13:35I got a collared shirt on, Goo.
13:36I see you.
13:37I'm wearing pants, Goo.
13:38I wore pants today.
13:39I put this thing on twice a year.
13:41You look great, man.
13:42I proposed to the lovely Christy at this.
13:43That's it.
13:44Those are the collared shirts.
13:46That is awesome.
13:47That's it.
13:48He even shaved his arms, which is great.
13:49I did.
13:50It's kind of a big thing, you know?
13:51I did.
13:52It's kind of a big deal.
13:53You got to get ready.
13:54But, I mean, Tipsy Putt, for those of you who can't get here to Splash, I know that Tipsy
14:00Putt is super fun.
14:01So if you're out there in the East Bay, get to Emeryville and go see Stiney and Goo.
14:06And, you know, quietly, Stiney has become a little bit of a better putter.
14:12Look at him.
14:13He's blushing, Dibbs.
14:14Not lately.
14:15I haven't played in a while.
14:17The rain.
14:18Real quick.
14:19Thank God for the deadline, because that game that they lost, and you got the Lakers
14:22tonight with no butler, Willard and Dibbs, I told Stiney I'm getting worried that when
14:27he does hit the floor, the margin of error is thin.
14:31Oh, wow.
14:32My goodness.
14:33It is.
14:34It already was.
14:36And it will continue to be.
14:38is that, you know, they're out here kind of struggling, and somehow it feels like they
14:43moved up in the standings a little bit.
14:45The teams that they're battling against are all going through the same thing.
14:50I think the Phoenix Suns are about to fall off of the cliff.
14:53You do.
14:54Like, there is, and I can confirm a lot of what you're hearing, that their locker room
15:00is an absolute mess.
15:03It is a bad culture right now.
15:06They've got some making up to do with Kevin Durant.
15:09They lost to the Thunder last night by 100 points.
15:12The Suns are going to fall off a cliff.
15:14The Kings are tied with the Warriors.
15:16I don't know.
15:17You know, they've shuffled the deck.
15:18That didn't get off to a good start last night, Willard.
15:21The Mavericks are playing at Boston here in a couple hours.
15:24Anthony Davis is not ready to go.
15:26Like the teams that they need to jump are not going anywhere.
15:30So that's the good news.
15:31Well, the bad news is the Spurs might be going somewhere.
15:36And don't forget about Portland.
15:37Your Dark Wars.
15:38The nine out of ten.
15:39Portland plays somebody important tonight.
15:45They do.
15:46Who does Portland play?
15:47They play Sacramento.
15:48That's right.
15:49They host the Kings and the Kings are fresh off of a clunker also.
15:53So yeah, this one's interesting.
15:56I'm not sure why Sacramento is suddenly a favorite in this game, which changed a bunch
16:02of points.
16:03So I don't know if someone's about to be announced out or whatever.
16:06Yeah, that's an interesting one to watch.
16:07And I know you, it's about the Warriors, right?
16:09We're the flagship of the Warriors station.
16:11But you mentioned that Suns locker room, and I'm asking you two and Stiney to be real
16:15with me.
16:16If I'm Bradley Beal and you're my teammate and you know they want to be traded and I
16:21veto that trade, would you look at me sideways or think about me differently as a teammate?
16:28Maybe, but I think that whole thing is broken from, you know, a year and a half ago.
16:33So if you're Bradley Beal and you're one of the people that has that no trade clause
16:37and you're a teammate, you can't begrudge him for that because he obviously negotiated
16:44And they said yes, you know, back when he was with, what, Washington when he had that
16:48no trade.
16:49So you get that, you keep that, and you can't look at him and give him hate for that.
16:54I think about what you talked about, guys, about the Warriors, and I look at the Warriors
16:59now versus the Warriors yesterday.
17:01And I don't think that they're any better in terms of wins and losses, but they sure
17:06are more interesting.
17:07Yeah, I'm with you there, Dibbs, too.
17:09You know, a lot of people are saying, well, Butler's better than Wiggins, so they're going
17:12to be better.
17:13I got to see that.
17:14I don't know what Jimmy Butler is.
17:16I'm willing to, you know, I'm willing to take a fresh look at him right now, but you got
17:23to see how it all fits.
17:25And you know, they lost four guys in that locker room, and I got the sense, I got the
17:30sense Steve Kerr was really down about Wiggins getting traded.
17:36I don't know if or how that manifests itself, but I think the team in there really liked
17:41Andrew Wiggins.
17:42Yeah, no doubt, and he's a guy who showed up every day, other than when he had personal
17:48And you know, Mark and I talked about it, and we did a comparison of Draymond missed
17:52games versus Wiggins missed games, and Wiggins doesn't miss games unless he has major personal
17:58family tragedy.
17:59So you're taking him out, and you're bringing in a guy who has been suspended three times
18:04in the past eight weeks, and a guy who has blown up three different organizations based
18:09on his feelings about whether or not he wants to actually play for that team.
18:14I think it's a big, big time gamble.
18:17I don't think it works for this year.
18:19Now will it work for next year?
18:21I'm not sure, but you start to look at the salaries, and Jimmy Butler's making 60, and
18:26Steph is making 60, and Draymond's making 28.
18:30Either you go into that second apron again, or you have a bunch of Quentin Posts, no disrespect.
18:37But that's the thing, Dibbs.
18:40Let's say they get Jimmy Butler, and they don't make the playoffs.
18:44Then how can Joe Lacob justify going into the luxury tax with Kaminga, if it's deep
18:52into the luxury tax?
18:54You usually like to be in the luxury tax when you're very competitive, and obviously
18:59you would be thinking, well, when we get everybody back next year, we'll be better.
19:03But that might be a bridge too far for Joe Lacob.
19:07This is what my cap guy said yesterday with regard to exactly what you're talking about.
19:12I wonder how people feel about this.
19:13Forget this year, right?
19:15So after this year, by the way, you're renouncing, you're letting walk immediately, you're expiring
19:20contracts, loony GP2, gone.
19:23And then if they don't want to go over the second apron, which is kind of what you're
19:28saying, Stiney, if they don't feel like that's worth it, then here's your roster.
19:33You can do Steph, Jimmy, and Draymond, and go to as much as $25 million for Kaminga,
19:40no more.
19:41And then the rest of your roster is Moody, Buddy Heald, Pods, TJD, Guy Santos, and five
19:47minimum salaries.
19:48Wait, five minimums?
19:50Five minimum salaries.
19:51There you go.
19:53That would be Stiney, Guru, me, you, and Chesky.
19:57I don't have as many concerns about this year, because you can explain this away.
20:02They're a 500 team at the 50 game mark, and they've got to figure one another out.
20:07My concern is after this year, because your flexibility to do anything about it if it's
20:12not going well is now gone.
20:14But what if you decided, and I don't want to run anybody out of town, Willard, but what
20:17if I told Stiney this earlier, what if you decided, you know what, we want to see what
20:20we can get for Dray?
20:22Yeah, I mean, yeah, you can do that, but you've watched, you've just watched the NBA, like
20:29what happens when you're trying to trade a big name who's aging, and everybody knows
20:34you want to trade him.
20:35Like it took Zach Levine a year and a half.
20:38It took the Warriors a year and a half with Andrew Wiggins, and it took the Heat and Jimmy
20:42Butler going into a complete standoff mode.
20:46Like it's just not a powerful position.
20:48You can do it, but it's not a great place to be.
20:51The other thing, Mark, about that is if that's the way it comes down, they'll probably do
20:56some other stuff, obviously.
20:58But if we're looking at a team with Draymond Butler, Steph Curry, all the guys you mentioned,
21:05and four minimum guys, I mean, this is what I mean.
21:09So you don't have a lot of depth, and you're going to be load managing three players, then
21:16getting through the regular season could become a challenge.
21:19So there's no guarantee it'll be like that this summer.
21:24They could probably do some things to get deeper, but it might involve not being able
21:30to have Kaminga back.
21:32And it also might involve kind of what we've seen this season in terms of a regular season,
21:37which is a scuffle, because you're right, Stiney.
21:40If you're going to play Steph 70 of 82, and Draymond's going to play 65, and Jimmy Butler's
21:46going to play 65 or 70, well, now you're looking at at least 15 to 20 games where you
21:51won't have your new big three, and that means a lot of pods and TJD, and if Kaminga can
21:58step up and really be 18 to 20 a night and play 80 games, then OK, maybe you can stave
22:04that off.
22:05But that's, to me, the big part of losing Andrew Wiggins is Wiggins was a guy who would
22:11And say what you want about K-Wig-Goo, and I heard you earlier, and you're right, and
22:15I kind of founded that, the whole idea of, you know, Andrew Wiggins, 6 of 13 and 14 points.
22:21It's kind of what he did every night, but at least he was a reliable thing, and now
22:26you've got three older guys and, you know, eight or nine question marks.
22:30Yeah, and before I let you go, Dibbs, you used the number 65 for the amount of games
22:38for Jimmy Butler.
22:40That would actually represent the most games he's played in a season in the last six years.
22:45Yeah, 64 has been his highest game total in the last six years.
22:50One of those was Pandemic, and this year, obviously, it's fine, and this year has been
22:56colored by suspension, and so, you know, you're right, though.
23:01All right, Dibbs and Willard, have a great show.
23:06We got to get moving.
23:07I got to get on my way over to Emeryville.
23:09You guys have it locked down at Splash on 95.7.
23:14Text us from your party.
23:15We'll text you.
23:16We'll do it, baby.
23:17We'll text you.
23:20Stay ready for that text, Mark.
23:21All righty.
23:22All righty.
23:23Here we go.
23:24IG video.
23:26Okay, bye.
23:2795.7, that's the official.
23:28Yeah, yeah, okay.