• last month
00:00Do you want that money?
00:01I'm not going to say that was a big part.
00:02I'm happy about it.
00:03I am happy about it.
00:05I think the biggest part was just getting me to be able to play basketball again.
00:08I just want to be able to go out there and do what I've been doing
00:11for a very long time and have fun and smile and rip and run.
00:16And I feel like I'm just doing cardio majority of the game.
00:19So I'm very, very, very happy that I'm not getting suspended no more.
00:26Are you happy to be a warrior?
00:29Do you want that money?
00:30I'm not going to say that was a big part.
00:32I'm happy about it.
00:33I am happy about it.
00:34I think the biggest part was just getting me to be able to play basketball again.
00:38I just want to be able to go out there and do what I've been doing
00:41for a very long time and have fun and smile and rip and run.
00:45And I feel like I'm just doing cardio majority of the game.
00:49So I'm very, very, very happy that I'm not getting suspended no more.
00:54Well, you should be happy the Warriors don't suspend anybody.
00:58That's a four.
01:00Not yet.
01:01Now, Evan was out again.
01:03I keep saying that because we missed him yesterday and he missed my goodbye to one Andrew Wiggins
01:08or our goodbye.
01:09Evan, I put some respect on his name for what he meant, what he's done.
01:12This is hashtag random, but I work with two smart asses because you guys know stuff, but
01:18I want to say thanks for everything that Dennis Schroeder has done while he was with the Golden
01:23State Warriors.
01:24Oh my God.
01:25Stop pandering.
01:26Here I go.
01:27That's not the guy.
01:29So it's all about status then, huh?
01:32I can't just say thank you for a guy that played this role.
01:36For what?
01:37What'd he do?
01:38He gave you his all.
01:39Did he?
01:40When he played.
01:41Are you going to thank Lindy Waters?
01:42Are you going to thank Slo Mo?
01:43How about Slo Mo for his professionalism?
01:46Are you going to thank the future top 10 protected first round pick that the Warriors aren't
01:50going to have?
01:51Well, the reason I brought him up is I wanted to have some fun on a Friday and see if you
01:54two hotshots can name every team Dennis Schroeder, because I'm looking at it, has played for in
01:59his NBA career.
02:01All right, Evan.
02:02You and Stiney.
02:03Oklahoma City.
02:05Oh, you want me to do them all?
02:07I wanted to have it too.
02:08I get the next one?
02:10Oh, the Lakers.
02:12Oh boy.
02:13This is going to be a layup.
02:14The Nets.
02:15It just came from there.
02:20These guys are going to get it.
02:21Go ahead.
02:23Go ahead.
02:24How many more left?
02:26The Boston Celtics.
02:28And there's two more.
02:29I was wrong.
02:30There was three.
02:31You got two left.
02:32Houston Rockets.
02:33I don't got them.
02:34They don't got them on a Rocketeer.
02:35Well, he was, I think he was an off season acquisition.
02:36He might've got flipped then too.
02:37He played for Dallas.
02:38He played for Dallas.
02:39He played for Dallas.
02:40He played for Dallas.
02:41He played for Dallas.
02:42He played for Dallas.
02:43He played for Dallas.
02:44He played for Dallas.
02:45He played for Dallas.
02:46He played for Dallas.
02:47He played for Dallas.
02:48Uh, no.
02:49Miami or Atlanta.
02:50Did we say Atlanta?
02:51You're missing one.
02:52We said Atlanta, right?
02:53Yeah, you got that.
02:54Well, Detroit now.
02:56There's still one more?
02:57Yeah, still one.
02:59We already said the Hawks.
03:00All right, so we got Atlanta, Boston.
03:02Oklahoma City.
03:04Go ahead, Evan.
03:05You're right.
03:11I'll give you a hint.
03:12Do you guys want a hint?
03:15You want a hint?
03:17He did play for Houston.
03:18Uh, Drake.
03:21And Utah doesn't count.
03:22Yeah, Utah doesn't count.
03:23He didn't put the jersey on.
03:24Well, you don't know that.
03:25I need to do that more.
03:27Just trivia.
03:28Well, you need to be right on the answers more and we'll do more.
03:29I'm looking at the damn thing.
03:32I mean, you said Houston.
03:33All right, Wyatt.
03:34Well, you need to be right on the answers.
03:36All right, so you're right.
03:37Who's right?
03:38Who's right?
03:39I mean we you said Houston wasn't on and then Nevin but what I'm looking looking at the Rockets aren't on
03:47They had him in every uniform, but the Rockets. Well, he didn't play a game for them, but he was see
03:53That's like Utah then
03:55They got him in a Utah jersey
03:58Well like did Chris Paul
04:01Washington is not on Chris Paul's it can't be to me. It'll be under transactions, but it won't be part of their stats
04:08Let's go to Tim Tim's in Raleigh, North Carolina Wow. Hey Tim, how you doing, man?
04:14What's up, how you doing, buddy?
04:17Sorry, I think I know you guys money pool and Slater. Those are some trusted agents on the show, man
04:22So if you guys listen to the post game the night of the trade
04:26Money pool pretty much said on there that it wasn't a unanimous thing that the front office wasn't even all together on this one
04:34And they also are you guys probably remember like a week before this whole thing
04:38When they were talking about some of the locker room and some players like they weren't even really wanting them
04:43I mean it was out there that he might come and there was the locker room
04:46Right. The locker room is pretty much color and um, and it's like a Slater and a car will call me
04:52I kind of you know, listen to that post there. There's a podcast
04:54Yeah, they were saying how they were saying that they came in good is gonna be fine
04:59Almost like Laker is prepared to like go into the tax or whatever if he asked you to keep them
05:04And to be honest with you, I mean they offer the kid dirty
05:08He only wanted 35 and the fake of him two years from now at 24 on this team for another two years with their improvements
05:15He makes you over here
05:16I definitely don't think they'll be prepared to lose him and turn this thing over to just pod and two years when all three
05:23These old heads are pretty much out of here
05:25So with the way he's progressing two years from now 24 years old bigger stronger faster that with the improvements
05:32I feel be from him year to year
05:33I can see them preparing to kind of at 24 kind of move on to the next phase
05:38But yeah, man, it definitely wasn't a consensus
05:43I'm like you man
05:44They were kind of thirsty and just needed a name and don't leave you just went with his old teammate and gave him
05:51120 million, so I don't know. I don't definitely don't think he's worth it 35 million more than Wiggins, but they had to do
05:59They had to do it. They needed a name and
06:04Don't feel it man. I wanted before you hang up. I want to give you your victory lap
06:09I listen
06:09I remember all our callers and I know you're a big cominga fan as
06:13Excited as I am and it doesn't sound like you are about this acquisition of Jimmy Butler
06:17It does not work until your guy gets back
06:21I know a lot of people don't agree comingas made money improved of his importance by being gone
06:27Stony this thing will not get off the ground until JK is back
06:31That's the bottom line man taking Butler and step taking the big three off the hook already. No, I'm not
06:37I'm just they gonna they need this youngster to be a power for two weeks
06:42So what so just don't expect you can still hold it down to the end. Oh, hell no. I don't know
06:47I'm just I'm thinking big picture like if they're gonna get in and win a series and a series or two
06:56There is the sounder now's your time to call 4 1 5 5 2 3 4 6 5 2
07:03It earns you a spot in the knockout tournament at chase
07:08Give the key word to who answers the phone
07:114 1 5 5 2 3 4 6 5 2
07:15That's the play knockout at Chase Center first caller gets it
07:21one more time 4 1 5 5 2 3 4 6 5 2
07:274 6 5 2. Oh, wow. What I got to read this from the Jewish man on the chat YouTube
07:33They're cominga is our Kawhi Leonard. Okay, young Kawhi. Remember when he was a baby. Okay. Hey, I like it
07:41So we have Duncan is right, what do you like about the genoble staff and Parker would be Butler
07:48You don't like how accurate that is clearly, but it works for me
07:52You think that John you can envision Jonathan cominga down the line? Oh
08:00Importance and the difference between not you do that
08:05It's Kawhi Leonard
08:07He's a hall-of-famer
08:08Principles of the thought thank back to them fact of the matter is he's young way younger than all three of them Stiney
08:14He probably is your future
08:16But what he brings right now when he does get back will be what baby Kawhi did when sack when it wasn't his team yet
08:22But he still was you could you knew he was coming
08:34Am Forrest Gump at the bus stop. I've been waiting on him. We know move or no move. Hey, the Mingus is miss
08:39Let's compare Jonathan cominga to Kawhi Leonard and then say well, no, I'm not really comparing him to Kawhi Leonard
08:49It's impact it's impact
08:51I'm gonna have near the impact of Kawhi Leonard. I don't know that I do know that
08:57Money on it what no you got a bet to worry about Sunday babies and dinner now
09:03I said lunch you can piss me off his dinner. And you know what if I lose the bet, I'm not paying you
09:08I'll come take yeah, you try it
09:11Try it. I'll get it. Yeah
09:14These streets of the you baby. I'll get it. You're gonna get it from low
09:19Now that
09:20You guys bad boy, I did the push-ups II you're listening to 95 7 the game
09:27KGM ZFM and HD 1 San Francisco
09:30Always live on the free Odyssey app twitching YouTube powered by first NorCal Credit Union
09:35You know Kawhi Leonard quit is one of the most fundamentally sound players
09:40We have in our league wasn't a computer can travel it defensively. He can score on three levels
09:48He can pass oh my gosh
09:51He is I want to radio fight you now is about as polished a player as we have in our league
09:58What are you talking about?
10:03That youth. Well, that's the other thing
10:07Denison's I do have take a call Denison, San Francisco. Hey Dennis, what's going on, man? Hey
10:16That's why we love baby
10:19Hey, how are you guys doing today being an ass, but we're fine
10:28But hey, yeah, you know why I I was I wanted to call you guys yesterday because the night I heard the trade I
10:36The other night when it happened, you know, I I couldn't believe it. I was just I was shocked
10:42I I you know, you know, I've told you I'm older guy, right?
10:47And I still make mistakes in my life
10:49I wish I would you know, I say things that I wish I wouldn't say I do things that I wish I wouldn't do
10:54And this hey, I do what they say
10:56There's no fool like an old fool and this has Joe Lacob written all over it, you know
11:01And wow, no, he made a mistake. He made a mistake
11:05This is a you guys common sense common sense has to tell you something tell you that for God's sakes. We already have two
11:13Aging stars now, we just got a third and now how are we gonna build this roster with all the money we're paying these guys
11:20You know, I mean coming up
11:23Jamaica's gonna have to have to really
11:26Commit is gonna have to really really do a knock, you know
11:30He's gonna have to play well, because that's the only way that they're gonna
11:34Get through this thing. I think you know, they do that pods
11:38Kaminga and Moody are all gonna have to step up because these old guys are good, you know guru you talked about, you know
11:45Did you want did we want to keep it like it was just gonna ask you that? Yeah
11:51Well, I I would rather like I said you guys before I've called in before and I said they should straight stuff
11:56I said that I said that to you guys last year
11:59I said I wanted to because they got a bite the bullet. They can't they're avoiding the end of inevitable
12:05They have to rebuild right guys are all old
12:07We're gonna be watching this for the rest of this year and two more years after this
12:11I was really really I really couldn't believe that they made this deal and I don't think didn't leave
12:16He wanted to make this deal. I think this is Joe wake up and I hope Joe Lake it doesn't become Jerry Jones
12:21You know appreciate the call Dennis. Well, Jerry's 30 years removed from his last chip. Joe is three years
12:31I'll get somebody else to ask these questions
12:34He ain't there yet by any means but I was just gonna say and he knew it did you like it as is
12:40Where was it really headed?
12:42You give cominga his payday and if you did want to do that
12:45That would have been easy if you didn't bring Butler in but to like you said tomorrow is gonna be must
12:51Appointment TV to see and it's gonna be four quarters 48 minutes. But what if I was gonna ask to call her?
12:56What if D what if they go on a run and qualify and then win two rounds in the playoffs Donnie?
13:02I mean, come on, man
13:04We don't know if it's failed yet and all I keep hearing is age
13:08all I keep hearing is
13:09What about the basketball part if they have success to where we're all shocked and they playing?
13:14Okay, see in the Western Conference Finals
13:18Now you're looking at me. Come on Wow, and and you know what like that's part of the problem
13:24It's too many people think like you
13:26well make up apparently I
13:31Kind of feel the same way like if if
13:34Monty pools reporting that the Warriors weren't unified. I saw that it certainly does feel like a Joe Laker move to me
13:42and again, like and I'll ask you I'll ask you this let's say
13:48Well, I'll just say it. How
13:53How do the Warriors get better?
13:56When their three core players are all declining and
14:02They're all gonna make more money next year and then more money the year after that
14:07I can't I cannot see because they brought in arguably their new best player right now
14:12Okay a closer a guy that's done it or almost gotten to the mountaintop
14:17But he was the reason that his team got there. Okay, and with that I can't answer those questions you bring up
14:23But what I can't answer Stiney is it's about the rest of this season and the playoffs
14:29Hopefully after that and I would be majorly disappointed if somehow this move
14:35Immediately didn't propel them into feeling safe. So the future I can't I can't I can't give you anything
14:42But the immediate I think we're going to see it and a guy's nickname
14:47That is Jimmy buckets. He's earned it and we didn't have that
14:51We didn't have a guy that could go we talked about Wiggins floating and it wasn't all his problem
14:56Steph if if the 1a the guy that could play off a Jimmy
15:0222 now that's that's a five, but we're gonna see Stiney. Here's the problem that I see you were stuck either way
15:09They're not they made a move, but they're still not
15:14Building anything. They're not building anything. What about the wire of the youngsters?
15:21Collectively, why did you bring up Jimmy Butler in here? Who's gonna play 35 minutes a night?
15:27Period and Draymond's gonna play Steph's gonna play and why can't we say comingas going to play because we have to see
15:36Wiggins played okay, right and Butler's now Wiggins
15:42He's gonna take all Wiggins minutes, so I don't know I don't know how much comingas gonna play
15:48I'd be shocked if it wasn't 20 or 30 a night. They're not building anything. They made a move and it's it's well
15:55You talked about real quick. They're not building and you talked about one regret
15:58I don't want to say regret, but you kind of used it that you hated
16:02From last year was that pods and Moody and Kaminga didn't get to play in the playoffs, right?
16:07But what if Jimmy Butler gets you there?
16:09And then you get to get that experience and then he's here for two more year
16:14You know what I'm saying, so I hear you could get the fact that they didn't I feel like Stiney honestly
16:19And I said this to yesterday. I feel like a lot of people are acting like they're young guys are gone. They're not they're still here
16:25No as far as but what about you need them? What about development? I?
16:30Don't see how pods his role his is gonna be affect impact like they're gonna need to rely on these guys Moody
16:39What I don't see how he can't get his 18 minutes a game
16:43Like Stiney, you're not gonna play all starting 548 minutes. We know that get that I get that
16:49So why would we the the emergence or the acquisition that Jimmy Butler mean? Hey Stiney, you're out the rotation
16:54You're out to rotation. You're out to rotate who it's about. It's about you're gonna be in a game
16:59Okay, yeah pick a game any game tomorrow night and stay and I'm telling you right now that if when when push comes to shove
17:08Steve Kerr is gonna go with curry. He's gonna go with Butler
17:12He's gonna go with green. He might go with loony. Okay, and hell he might go with GP, too
17:19That's what I'm talking about. Then. We're in the last five minutes of a game and nobody young is on the floor
17:26That's what I'm worried about and then you don't make the playoffs
17:30That's a problem, but you would have felt better had Wiggins been one of those five
17:35It still would have been this I would as far as the young guy
17:37I don't like Butler on the roster that I could say it that way
17:41I get it
17:42But but the reason I don't like him on the roster is because of all the fallout
17:48That's gonna occur with him on the roster. Hmm. That's all
17:53Maybe hey
17:55Maybe they go 21 and 10 the last 31 games and Stiney. I know you think I'm up sitting here
18:02Like I wouldn't be shocked
18:0521 and 10 got three future Hall of Famers at the tail end of their career at least two years left 21 and 10
18:1256 win pace, but you gotta understand they started out a brand new team. Yeah, nobody nobody knows how to play with Jimmy Butler
18:21Jimmy Butler not a player anybody. I'm giving you they need to get to 46 wins
18:25They need to play at a 56 win pace right giving you that I I hate that
18:30You know that they got to get acclimated
18:33Reality the situation is probably 42 or 43 may get you the 9 or 10 spot and that's where they're right now
18:40They're they're not even a 500 team
18:44Let's squeeze in easy in Berkeley a easy. How you doing?
18:55Love to feel my mic. I used to with him back in the day of Frisco long. There it is
19:00I just want to send a shout out to Wiggins for everything that he did with the organization
19:05You understand a great person great human being
19:09You know what I'm saying? But at this point, can you guys agree that we just needed it change like this?
19:16We know
19:18Isn't that guy that's gonna dunk on you like to make it and then yell to the crowd and get everybody engaged
19:24It seemed like the energy was sucked right out of the chase
19:27It was hard for me to watch and I'm a die-hard warrior and wanna raise in a bit
19:31It was so dreadful to watch and then looking at step Curry is just it was just so now we got a new
19:39It's like a new beginning and all the Jimmy Butler. Hey, all of that hate is really coming from
19:46Just the antics. Yeah, you know I'm sad for whatever reason
19:49Falling out with different organizations, but it seems like it was always because of money. I just want to be valued
19:56I want to be paid remember Philadelphia
19:59Philadelphia will be sitting on a chip right now if they would have chose Jimmy Butler over Tobias Harris
20:05So we all know how that worked out. Tobias Harris is now in Detroit. So let's just be honest
20:11Don't judge the book by its cover open the book was by the book is substance. That's what Jimmy Butler is
20:18He's a proven veteran and it's gonna be great for Cuminga because I always said Cuminga even years ago
20:24Was our best player if you look at the trajectory, of course, we know step is always step
20:30But the things that Cuminga can do offensively and defensively
20:34He just needed another veteran at his position that could kind of teach him the ropes and that's Jimmy
20:40Buckets because I say Cuminga and I agree with you. He's a
20:45He is a high. He's a
20:47version of a young
20:53Thanks, he leaves you appreciate now, I know I'm not going crazy. Let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you something
20:58He mentioned another name
21:00My guy he leaves he mentioned another name Tobias. I'm not convinced coming is gonna be as good as Tobias
21:05I wouldn't fight seriously. Well, you wouldn't fight me
21:09He's not a one but Tobias Harris can play at that. I got you and he's gotten paid a few spots
21:14I'm just I got just Donnie, but I like what I'm seeing. Well, all I'm saying is you can't
21:20You can't pay Cuminga 40 million dollars if he's not gonna be a Tobias Harris
21:25But what if I told you just take off your GM hat? No one second
21:29No, like how can I join you because you got a season in a playoff postseason to try to qualify for right?
21:35And that's what we got to focus on because he's in a warrior uniform
21:39Stiney right and you're excited about tomorrow in the game after in the game after cuz there's not many games
21:45I'm excited about tomorrow. I want to see what this I want to see what this
21:52Listen, you can be excited about the trade and it may work out. I just don't like Jimmy Butler being on the Warriors right now
