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Toll Pass Update: Significant changes are coming for drivers with the introduction of yearly and lifetime toll passes. This new initiative aims to provide convenient and cost-effective options, eliminating the need for frequent toll payments. These passes will offer drivers a streamlined experience, making travel easier. Stay informed about the latest updates regarding toll management in your area.

#TollPass #LifetimePass #YearlyPass #RoadTravel #DriverConvenience #TrafficManagement #Transportation

00:00Hi guys and welcome to DriveSpark, I'm Prameet and welcome to another video and we have some
00:09very good news for people who are traveling a lot and that is because now the people who
00:15are traveling intercity or maybe they're going out for some vacations on a regular basis
00:20or for some work maybe on a daily basis, alternate basis or even a weekly basis, we have some
00:26very good news for them and that is regarding toll plazas.
00:31So let me give you a quick example, distance or travel between Delhi to Lucknow is almost
00:35550 kilometers where you use the expressway and the toll between Delhi and Lucknow is
00:42almost 1200 rupees if we round it off.
00:45So a one-side trip will cost you around 1200 rupees.
00:48So a return trip will cost you around 2400 rupees that is just for the toll.
00:53Now with this new initiative that the government is coming in that will be really really handy
00:58because you will just have to pay toll one time, yes you heard me right, only one time
01:03you will have to pay the toll that means you will get a yearly car pass and they are introducing
01:09like a like a card or a car pass that is just like your Fastag.
01:14So in this what you'll have to do you'll just have to fill 3000 rupees that is a yearly
01:19charge for one car and that is especially for passenger vehicles only.
01:24So 3000 rupees yearly or you can also get a lifetime pass that is for 15 years that's
01:31your petrol vehicles valid year limits that's 15 years.
01:35So a lifetime pass for 30,000 rupees or 15 years and then you can just go and come back
01:44as many times as you want.
01:46So if you're taking a yearly pass that is for 3000 rupees then you can I mean if you're
01:51going like I mentioned from Delhi to Lucknow, Lucknow to Delhi even a hundred times a year
01:57you will only have to pay 3000 rupees not a single penny extra which is really really
02:03good news for people who travel a lot across India not only for work but for travel or
02:10maybe to shoot content or even doing any sort of vlogging.
02:15So it will be a really big relief and this is a really nice initiative from the government
02:20of India.
02:22Now let us talk about the toll collected in the year 2023-2024.
02:27Now the amount of toll that was collected is almost 55,000 crore rupees that was collected
02:34overall and out of which only 8,000 crore was collected from private vehicles.
02:40So yes the prices will also go down and now since the private and this scheme is only
02:46for private vehicles so 3000 rupees yearly charge, 30,000 rupees for 15 years or a lifetime
02:53pass because 15 years is the maximum valid period for a petrol vehicle, diesels have
02:5910 years of validity and yeah so that is a really really good news we're getting from
03:03the government and I hope this scheme comes in really soon it will be really good on our
03:09pockets really handy and I hope you like this good news because this is some really really
03:14exciting news and to watch more videos and watch more content like this please follow
03:20our channel and we will be seeing you in the next video.
