Matías Monia, especialista en reparaciones de electrodomésticos, destaca la importancia de entender cómo funcionan los electrodomésticos para evitar ser engañados por técnicos deshonestos. También se discute el valor económico de los electrodomésticos y cómo pueden representar un ahorro significativo en el hogar.
00:00Well, it's a matter of economics, sometimes it doesn't work.
00:02I'm going to tell you a story before starting with this.
00:05Ten years ago, I sold a car and bought a two-door fridge.
00:11At the time, having a two-door fridge was an impressive thing.
00:15In some places, it was more expensive than a room, even a house.
00:19But at that time, it was possible and it still works.
00:21Until one day, it didn't work anymore.
00:23And I called a person.
00:25It wasn't cold.
00:27The freezer was running, the part of the fridge wasn't.
00:29The guy came to see what was going on.
00:35He told me that it was the engine.
00:37The engine melted.
00:38How much does it cost?
00:39Today, it's more or less three sticks.
00:41I said, with three sticks, I can make a Falcon engine.
00:44He said, no, because this is an Inverter.
00:46It's imported and it's from Brazil.
00:48I said, don't worry, I'll call someone else.
00:51Besides, Gonzalez, they won't call me.
00:55The next guy came to see how I was doing.
00:59He said, look, I have this problem.
01:01The part of the fridge doesn't get cold.
01:03This is a sensor that is in the place of the freezer.
01:07The freezer throws the cold to the part of the fridge.
01:10That sensor broke.
01:11It doesn't throw so much cold.
01:13That's why the part of the fridge isn't so cold.
01:15How much does it cost?
01:16Today, it's 50 lucas.
01:18I said, but how?
01:19From three sticks to 50,000 pesos.
01:21It doesn't exist, right?
01:23Well, out of doubt, I call someone else.
01:25Third opinion.
01:27Third opinion.
01:28Either the engine or the sensor told me.
01:31He runs to the fridge and starts sniffing.
01:33I say, this is a technician or a dog?
01:37He sniffs.
01:38It's the plate, he tells me.
01:40I say, no, I don't smell anything.
01:42I smell if everything rots inside the fridge.
01:45But I don't smell anything.
01:46How much is it?
01:47An 800 stick.
01:50Or I fix it for 50 lucas and it doesn't work.
01:53I change the engine for three sticks and it works.
01:56Or I change the plate for an 800 stick and it works.
01:59What did I do?
02:00What do you do in that case?
02:02I go from 50 to 50.
02:04No, mistake.
02:05You call Watson.
02:07You call the fourth.
02:10Who is the fourth?
02:13No, not even.
02:14Are you an official service?
02:15Yes, some brand.
02:16You call a brand or an official service of a certain brand.
02:20They charge you a number, they charge you a visit.
02:23That you don't want to pay when the other one comes.
02:25Of course.
02:26And what happened?
02:27The official service comes.
02:29He looks at the fridge.
02:30He says, ah, a fan is frozen.
02:33Does it have a lot of ice?
02:34Do you freeze it a lot?
02:35Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
02:36They took out a socket like this.
02:38They put hot water on it.
02:40The ice that was there melted.
02:41How much is it?
02:42And what is the visit worth plus 3000 pesos.
02:46I fixed everything at that time, which was 10,000 pesos.
02:49Why this anecdote?
02:50Why this story?
02:51Because many people either call the official service
02:54or call someone who usually lies to you three times,
02:58as long as it's not you.
02:59It is not always a guarantee that the service also hits him,
03:02because he is still a technician, a professional who can be wrong,
03:05as can happen in any place.
03:06You can be wrong, but unintentionally.
03:08No, no, unintentionally.
03:10Like any of those three, you can also be wrong.
03:12Or someone did it to Adriel, but unintentionally.
03:14No, no, no.
03:15The three of them did it to Adriel, I can assure you.
03:17I'll sign it here.
03:18I know it's your field, but ...
03:19No, no, no.
03:20I don't defend the field, because no, no, no.
03:21Not at all.
03:22As there is a doctor, there is a journalist, and there is a technician too.
03:25Yes, yes.
03:26No, no, no.
03:27But before getting to the technician.
03:28If I have a wardrobe that doesn't work, or so that it continues to work,
03:31what do I have to look at first, for example?
03:34Based on your experience and to get rid of that fear,
03:38today, thank God, you have networks and a lot of online consultation material.
03:43So you can already have a parameter so that when the technician goes,
03:46he doesn't bug you.
03:48That's great.
03:49And that is, for the dishonest technician, it is very bad.
03:51For the technician who wants to do things well, it is great.
03:53Today you have a lot of material to consult.
03:56The truth is that, regardless of whether we are an official service or not,
03:59or the service that is official or not,
04:01you are the same, you are a human being.
04:03Either he is wrong, or he is dishonest.
04:05That equation sometimes you will not be able to take into account,
04:08if you are there to be prepared to know, or do what you did.
04:12Yes, but you lose a lot of time.
04:13Then there are a lot of things that one can try.
04:15Tell me how to wash clothes.
04:17You came here.
04:18What is the first thing I have to do?
04:20Now, let's go back to your editorial line of anti-scam.
04:23The first thing that happens, the water does not run out,
04:25before calling the service and that happens to you,
04:28the filter is on.
04:29Here you have the plush filter.
04:32I'll open it for you.
04:33It is commonly removed with a screwdriver, with something small.
04:35You open it.
04:36This is a filter.
04:37Wait, I don't have the camera there.
04:39Cover it and open it again.
04:40Like this.
04:41Do they all have it?
04:42Commonly, people get scared because it has to pull hard.
04:45Don't be afraid, it's plastic.
04:47Here is a filter.
04:48This filter collects everything that you left in the pockets of the clothes.
04:52Yes, hair, plush, cockroach.
04:54No, coins.
04:55A hundred-dollar bill.
04:56Yes, coins, hair hooks, everything ends here.
04:58Sometimes even the same Corpini rings, or whatever you can think of,
05:01can end here.
05:02This, back there is a discharge pump.
05:04Ah, that's where the sock gets lost?
05:06No, no, not the sock there.
05:08No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
05:10Everything ends here.
05:11And sometimes everything that is left ends up covering the discharge pump,
05:14not breaking it.
05:15And there you can fall into a dishonest technician,
05:17who sells you the discharge pump when it is not.
05:21But hey, you can't imitate here.
05:23How much is a discharge pump and a laundry?
05:2560,000 pesos the change, 80,000, 100,000, it depends on the brand.
05:28Plus the labor.
05:29No, no, that's commonly with labor.
05:31Out there, some Italian brand or some imported, 150, 200.
05:34The spectrum is very wide.
05:35Now, Matías, it's summer.
05:37You see, air conditioning, but there are many who have a fan.
05:40You put the fan on and it looks like it's ...
05:43A spaceship is being developed that is going to Mars.
05:46A scary squeak, you want to avoid it.
05:48You take out the grill, it's easy.
05:50You unscrew the paddle and behind it is a bushing,
05:52where the stick arrives, to put it mildly, of the fan.
05:57Oil there.
05:58Do not use the typical one that everyone uses, which is the W.
06:00The W?
06:01Do not use it because that is for something else, it is always misused.
06:04Machine oil, you go to the hardware store.
06:06It costs 100 pesos.
06:07It is an oil that is used for old sewing machines.
06:10You throw it there, clean it a little bit, lubricate.
06:13Fan as new.
06:14For the millionaire.
06:16Let's go for the millionaire.
06:17For you.
06:18For the millionaire who has air conditioning in the house.
06:22That apart you can use it.
06:23Yes, you have to pay for it later.
06:24You have to pay later, right?
06:25There is no gas?
06:26There is no gas?
06:27No, right?
06:29The gas here is more expensive.
06:30What is the big problem with air conditioning?
06:33The first thing that appears is the humidity, the dripping.
06:37This guy is worried, the police are pressing him because something is leaking, he starts
06:41to perspire.
06:42Of course.
06:43He perspires, perspires, perspires and drips inside.
06:46What is the big problem?
06:47There are two drips.
06:48The slight drip, tiny, perspiration.
06:49I'm coupling, he's coupling.
06:50I'm listening.
06:51Are we good?
06:53Get the microphone fixed, sir.
06:54Hello, hello.
06:55There it is.
06:56Come on, come on.
06:57The tiny drip, barely perspiration, has to do with the filters.
07:00The problem when it starts to overflow a lot is because the air conditioners outside
07:04have a hose that is the one that drains the water, sometimes it ends up either in a bucket
07:08or sometimes it is covered because over time it begins to collect dirt.
07:12Before calling the technician, grab that hose, try to clean it or sometimes even vacuum.
07:17Did you see how many times the oil tanks were emptied or the oil passed?
07:20Ah yes.
07:21Same technique.
07:22You absorb and you do it like this and you will see that a lot of dirt comes out.
07:25That's what covers and ends up overflowing in here.
07:28Easy, right?
07:29But you don't call a technician and there you can also end up with a ruthless technician.
07:34When you buy a new air conditioner, does it come with gas or does it come without gas included?
07:39It comes.
07:40They charged me for the gas.
07:41It comes with gas and if it happens that they are installing it and it does not have gas,
07:46you have to return it to the factory because you have a consumer warranty for that type
07:50of purchase.
07:51You know, I install the air and I make you a price, he told me.
07:54I make you a price.
07:55I install the air, but I have to charge you 25 lucas of gas because it lacks a little gas
07:59and it goes with a lot of pressure.
08:02What happened?
08:03Lack of professionalism.
08:04The first thing you have to do when you disassemble the package is to check if the gas is there.
08:07If the gas is not there, do you want to return it or do you want it to charge you so as not to
08:10waste time?
08:11Attention, attention on the other side.
08:12So it comes with gas.
08:13Another issue.
08:14It comes with gas.
08:15Gas is never spent in an air conditioner or in a refrigerator.
08:20It is not spent.
08:21If you have to charge gas every two or three years, it is because it was lost.
08:24Then you will have to charge it.
08:25Yes, but first look for the loss.
08:27In other words, it is losing the ...
08:30Bad habit of bad technicians.
08:31They go, they charge gas.
08:32Ten minutes, they charge you.
08:33The year you have it back there.
08:35How much is a gas charge?
08:37More or less.
08:38It varies.
08:39This is a business, guys.
08:40Here is the honest one who is working.
08:42The other one is dedicated to something else.
08:44It varies.
08:45For gas capacity, that is, for gas mileage and for gas type, they start from 80 thousand
08:50pesos, 90 thousand pesos.
08:52It depends on the gas nomenclature and the quantities.
08:55Very good.
08:57Come on.
08:58Let's go with the filter.
08:59This is the easiest part.
09:00The one with the most consultation to call a technician and the one that can be avoided the most.
09:01Wait, let's get this out.
09:02I'll get this out of here.
09:03We are organizing there.
09:04There it is.
09:06Give me the yogurt.
09:07Uh, the yogurt maker.
09:08Yogurt maker.
09:10There is a savings that people are not seeing.
09:12Juli, look for me when I'm going to give you a diet yogurt.
09:161700 pesos.
09:171700 pesos.
09:18Look for it anyway.
09:19The one from the main brand.
09:21Without cereals.
09:221, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.
09:25With a milk and a yogurt that you already have from another previous production and a little
09:29two tablespoons of cream, of powdered milk.
09:32And there you get 8 yogurts.
09:33Are you a technician or are you an ardalep?
09:37Are you spectacular?
09:39The vacuum cleaner is covering the camera.
09:40Wait, wait.
09:41Let's get this out.
09:42Wait, wait.
09:43Let's support it here.
09:44There it is.
09:46I'm afraid to grab several things because then we throw it and break it.
09:49Nothing happens.
09:50There is a guarantee.
09:51There is a guarantee.
09:52Yes, everything is bad.
09:53There it is.
09:54Take it.
09:55Take it, little black.
09:56Come on.
09:57Come on.
09:58Go for it.
10:01Let's see.
10:03The same.
10:04Open it without fear.
10:05It looks like it's going to break.
10:06It doesn't break.
10:07It locks.
10:09Two hours I had for this.
10:10Ah, it's the fear.
10:11Without fear.
10:12Always from the bottom to the top.
10:13You're going to break it.
10:14Call a technician.
10:15It costs 50 lucas.
10:16See a technician.
10:17That's why you have to do it when you're alone.
10:18You have the filter here.
10:19It's stuck, but just like that.
10:20I mean, notice that what I did is nothing.
10:21I moved it a little up.
10:23The same, without fear.
10:25You throw, it comes out.
10:26This is the filter.
10:27In this case, the filter is clean, but it is so dirty that you will find it full of
10:30How do I wash it?
10:31Dry brush, if you want.
10:32And if you don't go to the tap, you put it like this, the other way around, where the
10:33dirt is.
10:35All the dirt is going to come out.
10:37Can I put hydrogen on it?
10:38No, it is not necessary.
10:39Do it.
10:42Ah, I ask.
10:43Put it.
10:47I break it.
10:48Inside the house, no.
10:49No, but also.
10:50But already doing so, almost all the dirt comes out because it is dry.
10:52Once you fill it with water and people say, no, I'm going to put it there.
10:55Like this.
10:56You shake it.
10:57Ah, the typical one.
10:58And that's it.
10:59Let it stay wet.
11:00Nothing happens.
11:01You see that ...
11:02And you put it back on.
11:03There is no risk of electrocution.
11:04There is no risk in this.
11:07You know that I had a dishwasher once.
11:09Once I had a dishwasher and it stopped working.
11:10And when I called the technician, he found that there were very small cockroaches.
11:11Very small.
11:12The Germans.
11:14They are a real plague.
11:15German cockroaches are.
11:16They are called that.
11:17I thought it was because they like plaquettes, you see.
11:18And now an import came out.
11:19We have everything.
11:21The thing is that that bug ruins all the appliances.
11:26Especially the heating sources.
11:44It doesn't cool down. It doesn't cool down what I would like it to cool down.
11:49What is the problem? What can be the problems? Beyond the filter.
11:52First, the filter.
11:53And then another thing too?
11:55If it is a very hot day, like 40 degrees, it is likely that the outside unit will saturate with temperature and cut.
12:02There is no fix to be made.
12:04Another point is to have clean what would be the radiator from the outside, which would be the capacitor,
12:10clean it.
12:11And finally, you have to evaluate if it does not have gas.
12:15Easy, if it does not have gas, you go to the two channels that come out,
12:18you will find it white, like ice.
12:20There you already know that it does not have gas and there, at least, if a ruthless technician comes,
12:23you already know more or less what it is.
12:25And if nothing else, you go and listen outside.
12:27One, the air conditioner turns on the fan and at the same time it turns on an engine.
12:31You identify it by the loud noise of the engine.
12:33If you only hear the fan and the other makes a loud noise and you don't hear it,
12:36it's because the engine is not starting.
12:38And we see if it is a plate, if it is the engine or if it is a capacitor that is worth nothing
12:42and that many times they tell you that it is something else.
12:46And in reality, only the capacitor, which is quite cheap.
12:48And if the central unit dies, then yes, you go to a hardware store,
12:52you buy a hammer and you hit it with your strong fingers like this.
12:55Gonzalo, I got the soda.
12:56I said fingers.
12:57Here, look.
12:58I said fingers.
12:59Strong fingers.
13:00This is the soda.
13:01And I love the soda.
13:02Does that break too or not?
13:03No, that nothing.
13:04It has no breakage index.
13:07Well, leave everything here.
13:08We'll break it at home.
13:09No problem, guys.
13:10Come on.
13:11And we'll publish it.