• 3 days ago
00:00yeah it's like how soap is used to make some like stuff the soap used to make
00:06explosives yeah that yeah this actually works do you think they left it there
00:13until it rains and then they just like stayed there for a while yeah yeah for
00:19sure or they just got a little spray thing ah you mean how they I don't know
00:27but they get used to spray yeah yeah of course of course I'm doubt ah that's
00:35cool adjustable that's clever okay so if you have a knife let me get some
00:41tree sap okay he's up oh it's Kendall and it's a candle slash little fire
00:47starter laser thing yeah and also you can use this blue yeah okay stones okay
00:56and all this and it's a filtration system yes very nice could be safe to
01:03drink maybe yes we definitely don't know we're not giving any advice yes no
01:11health or diet advice here yeah we got some nice beans I love baked beans so
01:16much do you like baked beans no really Oh Apple tea tiny though like a huge
01:32Apple now I'm thinking about baked beans I'm gonna make some baked beans and
01:38eggs when I get home I'm gonna have breakfast for dinner what I'm thinking
01:44about now I've sausage and bacon yeah
01:53what are you thinking about okay to dieting yeah pepper seeds for fishing
02:02yeah lobster is okay we got some tapes on the foot or what and he's just like
02:13homemade shoes yeah they look like they're gonna cut your circulation off
02:17that's that's what and your feet are gonna get really stinky and sweaty yeah
02:22but if you have no shoes yeah maybe maybe but at the same time no yes the
02:30glue from this tape can leave some marks yeah and I stick system with some feet
02:38yes it was great and already good nice you good it's impressive yeah it cooks
02:48yourself as well all right so we have a nice little oven thing there but where
02:58is it all shovel okay it looks like it's gonna break after two uses but okay who
03:05knows maybe it's not that bad
03:11I've used a stick or a backpack holder that's pretty cool yeah I would use that
03:18for sure I want to use these I want to take people camping and just like start
03:23using all these random five-minute crafts hacks yeah I freak everybody out
03:26they're like have you lived here your whole life you know what I would like to
03:30see how they put some of their crafters and put them on the island yes and they
03:38need to try to survive with their only five-minute crap yeah nice what do you
03:42watch such a video guys would you watch it let us know if you want to see us on
03:47that series yeah because I would like to go mean meet you
03:53so what is this cross for oh it's a torch yeah nice got some eggs roll them
04:06around cut them open okay that was a little aggressive you didn't have to
04:09cut it like that but I would like to test it not on the camera but just for fun
04:25for fun yeah okay shut down these things take off all their clothes okay so now
04:32we're weaving them together nice that looks pretty dangerous with their hands
04:41there yeah that's better Vaseline yeah that's a good fire starter
04:47seriously Wow I didn't know about it Wow we should test out how it's why it's
04:54flammable um I don't know the specific scientific reason for it but it's like
05:00it's like how soap is used to make some like dangerous stuff the soap used to
05:06make explosives yeah exactly but it's very flammable we need to google it and
05:15then test it okay wrap up these guys and then what
05:30I'm confused okay we have a nice tarp for some reason and we're putting it
05:38around I'm making a teepee it's a seat oh it's a seat never mind okay cool yeah
05:45looks adjustable too pretty good better than sitting on a log yeah okay now we're
05:57making our nice little like house well where she do so many cleaning film she
06:08have a mortgage on that thing okay okay here we go nice protector whoa well whoo
06:17real dear okay nice okay this looks like a cooker of some sort I guess it is
06:23using a knife to get off fuzz so that you can make more fire yeah and it work
06:29I guess ah this one's cool okay whoa they showed it well a little bit much
06:36but yeah a little bit a good with a good representation okay so a nice
06:40comfortable seat for your ducks for you that's yeah okay so longer and better
06:48windproof ah windproof okay so now we have some dirt nice dirt oh oh they were
06:56using as a filter filter yeah but I wouldn't recommend it we get you know
07:00some something was left there yeah okay it's a nice fishies fish yeah we caught
07:09a fishy okay homemade compass yeah I know that one that's good hey hey hey
07:18a nice whistle you can actually do that with a piece of grass if you put it in
07:24between your yeah yeah I know it does it does you just you haven't done it right
07:31yeah oh maybe we have to try again okay so now we break this wood all right
07:43ah nice homemade spatula now I feel angry hangry hungry I'm pretty hungry
07:52right now I'm hangry and angry when I'm hungry I think I know a lot of people
07:57like that you feel the same no I know my my diets like very weird so like I'll
08:06not eat for a long time and then I'll eat a lot so if I'm hungry I just deal
08:10with it Wow nice for you thank you how about you do you get hangry oh yeah
08:15extremely and I don't like it I don't like it when I'm angry either I said I
08:22don't like it when I'm angry okay so we have like the fact okay anyway talking
08:28some wood boom boom boom boom boom boom the action happens so fast pretty cool
08:33Oh stack that wood like Jenga mm-hmm okay yeah twist this up boom and now
08:40yeah I think butch would survive for the whole thing you think so yeah I think no
08:46one would be left alive except bush no but if he go with his helmet maybe yes
08:51yeah without ah then it's not down yeah okay we gotta leave so lead for what for
09:01yeah but make sure it's not like poison ivy then you're gonna have a really bad
09:07face day okay got a nice stone make it elastic
09:18use it as a rope very good
09:24willow for what dry moss set in fire making smoke ah your s'mores your
09:36marshmallows yes of course I mean yeah when I'm surviving in the wild I like to
09:43make some nice s'mores yeah torch I feel like that would catch on fire pretty
09:52fast before it make dirt right maybe nice for collecting water yeah that's
10:03good I thought he was gonna use it as a tent at first I was like okay I hear
10:07somewhere that it's not healthy to use the water from the rain from the rain it
10:13depends where you are I think because there's like pollution a lot in a lot of
10:16places but if you I'm pretty sure if you went to correct me if I'm wrong come
10:21commenters but I'm pretty sure if you went to like I don't know the middle of
10:25the Amazon or something I'll be okay
