00:00I agree with you, right? That's weird. It's just every like mom wants to grow an avocado doesn't look good
00:06Okay, yeah, so like a cheap version or you know
00:10I don't know make some holes in your stuff and now it's a you know
00:15Yeah, it's good. They show it bad in a better way. Yeah, I feel like you could use it like that
00:20yeah, but kind of you they did it with this motion, but you can just
00:26Push this close this hole
00:35Okay, all right kind of cool grow your own garlic yes, so but he didn't grow the garlic no
00:42Everyone grows like they try to grow avocados with the seeds
00:45I think I don't know anyone who's ever grown an avocado from that thing, but you always see they have it in their freaking windowsill
00:52Yeah, maybe you wouldn't know such a people guys did you do it? Yes, did you do it?
00:57I need proof because I don't think it's possible
01:00Recycling hacks. That's what you need to know. Okay to recycle all your bottles
01:06Yeah, you have to prepare your bottles. Yeah
01:10Okay, that kind of was clever and this one Wow. I
01:15Don't like it. I kind of like I don't like
01:19oh, it's for your
01:21Straining yourself. That's actually pretty handy because a lot of the time I don't actually own one of those
01:29It's good to have I just I you know what I do to strain pasta
01:33I just get a plate and I put it against the pot and I put it over the sink
01:37But where are you throwing this in the trash after pasta, which were left? I eat it. No, it's about the not
01:43It about when some food was left and you wanna get rid of water, but from I thought it was like straining
01:51I think so. You could probably use it for both maybe but gonna be weird. This is interesting
02:02Looks like Stonehenge a little bit
02:05Do you think they did it also with the bottles? No, it was aliens
02:10But did they use bottles? Oh, yeah aliens used alien bottles. Yeah. Yeah. What is this?
02:17This looks like an alien spaceship or something
02:21Kind of worked for me
02:23Not if you flip it upside down, it could be a cool table
02:28Will it be cool? No, it could be a table. It's gonna be a table for sure
02:35So it's just a flower pot, right? Oh flower pot. Okay. Yeah, what?
02:41What is why are we coloring in the pictures? Oh
02:44I agree with right. Yeah, that's weird
02:47It's just every like mom wants to grow an avocado not only moms, you know, yeah, but I just did my friends also did it
02:54Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah, and yeah, well, they're gonna be a mom one day
02:59future moms
03:01That applies to guys as well. All right, so
03:06Okay for yours
03:08It doesn't look very stable
03:11All right, guys. What is your favorite recycling hack?
03:13Let us know in the comments and like and follow Archie 5, please