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Dakilang Bayani Awardees share what it takes to be a role model

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#Filipinos #Philippines #DakilangBayani
00:00Selflessness is the key word. Selflessness.
00:07Most of the wars are not won in the meeting rooms.
00:12It's always in the war front, in the battlefield.
00:16And that's what I aim to do. I'm always in the battlefield.
00:19Everybody in this meeting room would agree
00:25that if they're not selfless, they would not be awarded this Dakilang Bayani Award.
00:32I always emphasize to those whom I have inspired,
00:38because there's quite a number of community members
00:44who come and join me, especially on a Friday when I'm doing my rounds.
00:50I always tell them,
00:54I would be able to know if you're a finisher, not just a starter.
01:04I can see the heart.
01:07Because you have to feel the heart of a person
01:12if the mission or this way of life is deep within the heart.
01:17Because you cannot do it if there is no heart.
01:21If there is no heart, it's impossible.
01:26It has to be 100% with the heart.
01:29And I always emphasize the most important thing, which is gratitude.
01:38It is the most important thing in life.
01:43Someone said before,
01:47a happy person is not always a grateful person.
01:53But a grateful person will always be a happy person.
02:00Over the last couple of years, I had the precious opportunity
02:04to work with a lot of Filipino leaders and community members
02:10in terms of volunteering.
02:12I had been humbled, if anything else,
02:16humbled by the privilege to work with a lot of Arkabayans.
02:21And one thing I really realized, having worked with them,
02:25is that the Bayanian spirit is so innate.
02:30It's so natural in the Filipinos.
02:34And it's almost magical.
02:37I think it's very important through the process of service
02:42to be humble, to remove that focus from yourself,
02:47and instead focus your time and your efforts
02:54towards the beneficiaries.
02:56Anything that is self-focused,
03:01I think will never create that impact.
03:04And it's so easy to say, because as they say,
03:07humility is what you lose the moment you think you have it.
03:10But I think essential to every leader who wants to serve
03:15is humility.
03:18At every given point in time, we have to be conscious
03:22that we are not putting ourselves out there first.
03:26And once you get to that level of intention,
03:29everything will flow seamlessly.
03:31Everything will follow.
03:33The universe will fall into place and support you every step of the way.
03:37It's an honor and privilege to be given this prestigious award.
03:41I think the highest award given by the government of the Philippines
03:46here in the UAE.
03:47Many are called, but few are chosen.
03:49It's just the beginning.
03:51It's just like commencement exercise.
03:52It's just the beginning.
03:54We have just started the game.
03:56We still have a lot to help.
03:58This award is just a reflection of what we are doing.
04:01But still, we need to do more.
04:03We have to excel more.
04:05It's the realization of doing.
04:08Not just people saying, I am an educator.
04:12But doing what an educator should do.
04:14And that is to make sure that our younger generation
04:20sees the possibility of doing great.
04:24You show other people that even in simple ways, you can help out.
04:28And at the same time, giving the opportunity for other people to realize
04:32that you don't have to be someone to give back.
04:35Don't force it.
04:37It will come out naturally.
04:39Once you force it, it's like you will help this time,
04:41and then it will not be sustainable.
04:44It will only be one time, big time.
04:46But if it comes out naturally, it will flow from now until so many years.
04:52You don't have to be super successful or super rich to help back.
04:59Just do your best.
05:01God is watching.
05:03And then eventually, things will turn out the way it is.
