Maria Botros and Marisa Peer, an award-winning therapist and bestselling author, emphasize that managing negative thoughts is crucial, since the emotions we feel are fundamentally shaped by the thoughts we hold in our minds.
Marisa: Often times in certain situations, emotions defeat logic even if you’re completely safe.
It’s our job to fill our minds with better words and better thoughts to have a better life, says Marisa.
Marisa: The mind cannot hold conflicting beliefs, you have to keep your mind on the thought you want.
If you want to be the CEO of your mind, it only works in the present tense, and it likes to be excited with vivid words, says Marisa.
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Marisa: Often times in certain situations, emotions defeat logic even if you’re completely safe.
It’s our job to fill our minds with better words and better thoughts to have a better life, says Marisa.
Marisa: The mind cannot hold conflicting beliefs, you have to keep your mind on the thought you want.
If you want to be the CEO of your mind, it only works in the present tense, and it likes to be excited with vivid words, says Marisa.
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00:00We've found depression is caused by three things,
00:02harsh, hurtful, critical words that you say to yourself
00:05on a regular basis, I'm an idiot, I'm a loser.
00:07I knew that wouldn't work out.
00:09I knew I wouldn't get that.
00:10Disconnection, which is massive.
00:12You know, we're tribal people, so being disconnected,
00:15and we have a whole generation of people
00:16who work from home on a screen,
00:19and not following your heart's desire.
00:21Those three things cause it,
00:23but far more than the chemical imbalance in your brain,
00:25which, by the way, nobody can even find that.
00:27So we try to kind of, all these tasks, I retired.
00:40Looking back at school,
00:41I mean, when I was in school years ago,
00:44a lot of the way I viewed myself
00:47was the way other people viewed me,
00:50and had I known that at the time,
00:52it still would have been difficult.
00:54I mean, let's be fair, bullying and, you know,
00:58labeling other kids, and I think that's what I,
01:00that would be my next question.
01:02How do you deal with that then?
01:04One of the things we do is, you know,
01:05we work with the bullied children and the bullies,
01:08because no one wakes up and goes,
01:09hey, my life is so great, who can I diminish today?
01:11I think I'll go to school to be one of those mean kids.
01:15Mean kids, you know, hurt people, hurt people,
01:18damage people, damage people.
01:20So although we work a lot with children who are bullied,
01:23and give them resources and tools to fight back,
01:27not in a fight, but in a way that makes them strong,
01:30we do a lot of work with the children who are the bullies,
01:32because bullies are very unhappy.
01:34I mean, an adult, no one wakes up and says,
01:36I think I'll go troll someone now.
01:38It's a feeling of inadequacy.
01:41So when you feel inadequate,
01:43you want someone else to feel inadequate,
01:44and then you feel a bit better.
01:45You know, misery likes company.
01:47So if you feel inadequate,
01:49you don't even want someone who isn't inadequate,
01:51you want someone to be even more inadequate than you,
01:53and then you'll feel not just equal,
01:54you'll feel slightly superior.
01:57So we're always taking it right back
01:58to what happens in a child's world,
02:01that they become a bully,
02:03and they become an adult bully,
02:04and many people don't even realize
02:07the impact bullying has on children.
02:10So we have a bullying program we put into schools,
02:13but it works a lot with the children who are bullies,
02:15or are going to become bullies,
02:17because bullies just feel so bad about themselves.
02:20Critical people always have
02:21the most criticism reserved for themselves,
02:24and they express out to you their own dissatisfaction.
02:28When you can go,
02:29oh, you don't like yourself,
02:30you're an unhappy person,
02:31you're showing me how unhappy you are,
02:34they don't like that.
02:35They will move on very quickly,
02:36but we don't want them to do it to anyone.
02:38So a lot of our work is working with people
02:41who are bullies and finding out why.
02:43Amazing, amazing.
02:44I like that you mentioned adults,
02:46because it's a good transition into what comes next.
02:48So how do you deal with it,
02:51I mean, as an adult in the workplace?
02:53I mean, if you are working in a toxic environment,
02:58or if you have to deal with bullies at work.
03:03I mean, I'm also going to call them bullies,
03:04because adults can be bullies, as you mentioned.
03:06Certainly, and they are in the workplace, we know that.
03:10And the worst thing is if it's your boss.
03:12I mean, if it's your colleague, you can go to HR.
03:15But when it's your boss, that can be very,
03:17but you can learn techniques.
03:18So there's a couple of things you can do with bullies.
03:21So when someone is being really rude to you,
03:24and you go,
03:25oh, thank you for sharing that.
03:26They sort of understand that you're not letting it in,
03:28because the big thing is do not let it in.
03:30Let in constructive criticism,
03:32but do not let in destructive criticism.
03:34If someone says mean things,
03:35you can go, oh, thank you for sharing that.
03:37Or, you must be having a really bad day today.
03:41Or you can say, oh, are you trying to hurt my feelings?
03:43They usually go, no, I'm just pointing out
03:45that you're terrible at your job.
03:47And you go, well, that's not going to work,
03:49because I'm not going to let that in.
03:50So we have a whole program.
03:53But if you were being bullied,
03:54someone was bullying you,
03:55I'd suggest the first thing you would say
03:56if someone said something like,
03:59you look awful today.
04:01Thank you for sharing that.
04:03Are you trying to hurt my feelings?
04:04They go, no, I just wanted to tell you you look awful.
04:06Go, well, I'm not going to let that in.
04:08And by the way, I don't dress for you.
04:11And then you could say, but by the way,
04:15while we're sharing today, you know,
04:17did you know that people who are critical
04:19have the most criticism reserved for themselves?
04:20You must be a very unhappy person.
04:22That will always stop them,
04:24because they know you've got them.
04:26They know that you understand.
04:28I was teaching my daughter this,
04:29who was being bullied at school.
04:31And she and the bully to this day have become best friends,
04:33because the bully thought, oh my God, this girl gets me.
04:36And she had some, poor kid, had some challenges.
04:39And now she's an amazing grown-up woman.
04:41But the thing with a bully is, you know,
04:44they're trying to make you feel bad.
04:45And you have to stand your ground and go,
04:47you're an unhappy person.
04:49I feel so sorry for you.
04:51Or did you know the whole office
04:53is realizing how inadequate you feel by this behavior?
04:56Of course, you can't say that to a boss,
04:58but you can still say it even to a boss.
05:01You know, are you okay?
05:02You seem to be very, very critical.
05:04Is there anything I could help you with here?
05:07You always want to give it back
05:08in the nicest way that you can.
05:10You always want to hand it back.
05:12Here's an inadequate person.
05:15And it works almost all the time.
05:17There'll always be someone it doesn't work for.
05:19Or go, yeah, I love hurting your feelings.
05:20You go, well, I'm not going to let that in.
05:22What a shame that that's how you get your energy
05:24from trying to make someone else feel bad.
05:28I love that you mentioned that
05:29because my father used to tell me that as a child.
05:31I got bullied as well for two years.
05:35And it was just this constant, you know,
05:37bothering and this constant burden
05:41because I was the new kid in the school.
05:43Of course, yeah.
05:44And I was different and I looked different
05:47and I spoke differently.
05:50And I was raised differently.
05:51And my father told me the same exact thing.
05:54He's like, don't let it in.
05:55Don't give them the satisfaction
05:57that their opinion matters.
05:59It was very tough.
06:00I was a child.
06:01Sure, it's very tough as a child
06:02because, of course, children are born with two drivers,
06:05find connection, avoid rejection.
06:07Because even a baby understands,
06:09if I find connection, I'll survive.
06:12If I'm rejected, I won't.
06:13And this is why babies smile at you
06:14and engage you and gurgle.
06:16And when you give them your little finger,
06:17they grip it really tight
06:19because they know,
06:20I'm going to find connection and avoid rejection.
06:23But when you're bullied, you're finding rejection.
06:25There is no, you're getting rejected,
06:27especially if you're bullied by a group,
06:28which is a terrible thing.
06:30Yes, absolutely.
06:31And I think, you know, the world has to, you know,
06:33there's no bullying in this school.
06:35I'm like, well, there probably is.
06:37But people are like, oh no,
06:38this school doesn't have any bullying.
06:40And that probably isn't true.
06:42I remember someone saying that to me quite recently,
06:43there's no bullying in this school.
06:45I think they couldn't see an example of bullying
06:47and what's so awful is when I was a kid,
06:50if you got bullied at school from nine to 3.30,
06:53it was awful, but then you could go home
06:56and you were free.
06:58And now with social media, it's in your bedroom,
07:00it's on your screen, it's on your computer.
07:02So kids who get bullied now,
07:04it's from the minute they wake up
07:05to the minute they close their eyes.
07:07So it's a million times worse.
07:09And just because the school can't see it,
07:12you know, we need all these social media sites
07:15to be really much more aware
07:16and they should all have anti-bullying programs
07:18that they're giving out to every child.
07:20It should be their duty to help children learn
07:24how to realize this is not about you.
07:27The bully is an unhappy, dissatisfied person.
07:31It's nothing to do with you.
07:33They're jealous of you.
07:34There's something about you that makes them feel inadequate,
07:37but it's not about you.
07:39Even just knowing that makes kids feel a bit better.
07:41Oh, it's not about me.
07:43These people are bullying me.
07:44But it is hard that it's everywhere.
07:48Cyberbullying, I think, is one of the main causes
07:52of depression amongst teens and, you know...
07:55And when it's anonymous, too,
07:56and you don't even know who's doing it,
07:58that can be very hard, too.
08:00Exactly, because a stranger sees it.
08:02I mean, then everyone sees it.
08:03Of course.
08:04And you start to believe that, you know,
08:06you are that label that they gave you.
08:09So then, but then with cyberbullying,
08:12do you think that it's a parent's duty
08:15to limit their kids' exposure to social media
08:18or to screens?
08:19Yeah, I think so.
08:20I think as, I think we, with young children,
08:22shouldn't even have screens in the bedroom.
08:23It should be okay.
08:24We have the screen around the kitchen table,
08:26and it shouldn't be you're up in your room
08:28at nine o'clock at night being bullied on the screen
08:31because small kids shouldn't have screens in their rooms.
08:34It affects everything.
08:35I mean, it affects their sleep.
08:36It affects their self-esteem.
08:38It affects everything, so it makes sense.
08:40All right, so we're gonna go on a happier note.
08:43Tell us a bit more about your book.
08:46My new book?
08:48My new book, Rules of the Mind.
08:50I created 23 different rules of the mind to help.
08:53I mean, I've trained 19,000 therapists and coaches,
08:56and they'll say, wow, you know,
08:57when I take my client through rules of the mind,
09:00it's like such a mic drop moment for them.
09:02It's so illumined.
09:03They go, oh, wow, I didn't understand that.
09:06And so most of my therapists tell me
09:08the rules of the mind are amazing,
09:10so I put them in a book form so that everyone can go,
09:12wow, there are these rules.
09:14For instance, here's a very simple rule.
09:18Every thought you think is a blueprint
09:19that your mind and body work from.
09:21If you think a sad thought, your eyes fill up with tears.
09:24If you think an embarrassing thought,
09:25don't you go bright red?
09:27Think a sexual thought, you become aroused,
09:29even if you're on your own.
09:31And if you think of food, your stomach will rumble.
09:34And here's the big thing.
09:35What we think of a drug, our body makes real.
09:37So if you think you're taking a sleeping pill
09:40and you're not, you'll still sleep
09:41because your mind works to make your thoughts real.
09:45The placebo effect, kind of, yeah.
09:47So now you think, oh, wow, that's a rule.
09:48My mind is making my thoughts real.
09:50That's its job.
09:51So what's my job?
09:52Your job is to think better thoughts all the time.
09:55So once you have these very simple rules,
09:58and they're very simple,
10:00you can learn to put them into practice.
10:01Here's one of my favorites.
10:02The mind cannot hold conflicting beliefs.
10:04If you think, I want love, I couldn't stand to be dumped.
10:08I want to be successful.
10:09What if I was a terrible parent?
10:11Now your mind is going in two lanes simultaneously,
10:13which it can't do.
10:15So you've got to think, okay,
10:16let me keep my mind on the thought I want
10:19and off the thought I don't want.
10:20If you think, I love cake, but it makes me fat.
10:23Now, every time you have cake, you feel bad.
10:25You believe it's going to make you fat.
10:26And the stress of that will create cortisol,
10:28actually makes you gain weight.
10:30So it's true that you can think food makes you fat
10:32and gain weight just by a thought.
10:35But we can also flip that thought and go,
10:36I can eat cake.
10:37I've got a fantastic metabolic, just burn it all off.
10:40So it's training you really how to be the CEO of your mind,
10:44how to make your mind work for you
10:46rather than you working for it, which is how it should be.
10:49I love that.
10:50Be the CEO of your mind.
10:52Of yourself, it's easy.
10:54And it sounds so simple, but I don't think,
10:56and that's what I love about the book is that these rules
10:59are connecting the dots that we just didn't know
11:03how to connect, basically.
11:05I mean, that rule, the way you feel about everything
11:07comes down to the thoughts you think.
11:10And the words, if you go, I'm terrified of flying,
11:12that plane's a flying coffin,
11:13of course you're going to be terrified
11:15because you're filling up your mind with the wrong words
11:17and the wrong things.
11:18You say, I love flying.
11:19When else do I get to sit in a chair, watch a movie,
11:21have food served and do nothing and have a complete rest,
11:25maybe even go to sleep?
11:27So it's our job to fill our mind up with better thoughts
11:31and better words so that we can have a better life.
11:33Love it, love it.
11:34You mentioned flying quite a few times.
11:37Did you actually help people get over phobias?
11:40Oh, so many.
11:41I've got so many clients with fear of flying,
11:42fear of elevators.
11:43And of course, flying isn't a logical fear,
11:45apart from the fact you can't get off the plane
11:47because the most dangerous part of flying
11:49is the car ride to the airport.
11:52It's much more dangerous,
11:53but we can stop a car and get out, so we think.
11:56But your fears are illogical.
11:59You know, I was in New York last week
12:01and I was on the place called The Edge in Hudson's Yard,
12:04and you go right up to the top and you stand on the edge.
12:08My legs had a totally different idea.
12:10Every time I looked up,
12:11my legs would do this really weird thing.
12:13I was like, this is so odd because I know I'm safe.
12:16The second time I've been to The Edge, you can't fall off.
12:18I mean, it's got perspex all around it,
12:21but you're so high.
12:22And it wasn't looking down, it was looking up.
12:24When I looked up even higher,
12:26my legs were going, get out of here, you idiot.
12:29No way.
12:30Because you see, we think we're so smart and logical,
12:34but emotion defeats us.
12:36There's another rule of the mind, emotion defeats logic.
12:38The emotion that I could fall,
12:40and I was so hurt, was defeating the logic
12:41that I'm completely safe, I've been here before.
12:44But we're primitive.
12:46We have primitive brains that want to protect us.
12:48So looking down, you know, anyone will go,
12:50if you stood on a little stool and looked down,
12:53you'd be fine.
12:54But if you go up really high and look down,
12:55your stomach says, what are you doing?
12:58Because the emotion that we may fall
13:00will defeat the logic that says I'm completely safe.
13:03So emotion will defeat logic.
13:05That's why logical therapy doesn't work.
13:06So if your fear is, I'm not good,
13:08and I feel a better emotion, I'm smart,
13:10I'm capable, I'm competent, I've got this,
13:14the brain will pick that up
13:16because it likes words that make pictures.
13:19They're in the present tense.
13:20You know, we have no idea about our brains.
13:22For instance, the brain doesn't work in the future.
13:24Say to a kid who's bullied,
13:25next year you're going to a new school.
13:27Say to someone who's depressed,
13:28you know, you will get over this.
13:30The brain only works in now.
13:33So when you want to be the CEO of yourself,
13:35you have to understand the mind.
13:36It only works in the present tense.
13:38It only responds to words that make a picture.
13:41The bigger and better the picture,
13:43it likes to be really excited and turned on with vivid words
13:47and words in front of the words, too.
13:48So you can say, I'm always amazing
13:51or outstandingly confident or incredibly talented,
13:55but you really want to excite your imagination.
13:58So there's this saying every day,
14:01in every way, I'm getting better and better.
14:03At what?
14:05Having headaches so you don't have to go to work.
14:07Failing, it's such a silly abstract
14:10because it doesn't make a picture.
14:12So whatever you're telling your mind,
14:14make sure, is there a fantastic picture?
14:16Say to a kid, you are the fastest runner.
14:19You've got such...
14:20Your legs run so fast.
14:21Your lungs are so strong.
14:24And you always get the ball
14:26and you're really good at scoring goals.
14:28Saying every day, in every way,
14:29you're getting better and better.
14:31Say to someone with a fear of speaking,
14:33when you speak, you're so calm.
14:36You pronounce every word correctly.
14:37The audience love you.
14:38You look at them smiling, clapping.
14:40They love you.
14:41You love them.
14:42And going on stage is exciting
14:44and you have a brilliant memory.
14:45You've got amazing powers of concentration, focus.
14:51You remember everything.
14:53That excites the imagination.
14:55But saying, you're quite good.
14:57You're all right.
14:58You're not bad.
15:00There's no picture.
15:01So, very similar to think,
15:02hey, I need to make a picture.
15:03I'm going into a meeting.
15:04I could say, wow, I'm going to ace this.
15:07I know exactly what...
15:08My boss loves me.
15:10He's thrilled with my ideas.
15:12I'm indispensable to this company.
15:14And also, you know, I'm working really hard.
15:16I'm doing all this research.
15:17I'm showing them how good I am.
15:20It's exciting.
15:22But saying, I hope I don't get fired.
15:24I hope I get that promotion.
15:27I wish it would work out.
15:28When you say, wish and hope,
15:29you're already saying, well,
15:30I'm wishing and hoping because I'm powerless.
15:32But when you go, no, I'm doing it.
15:34I've got it.
15:35This has got my name all over it,
15:37which is what the cheerleader does for these children.
15:39He says, you've got this.
15:42This is your unique gift.
15:43This has got your name on it.
15:45And you can do it.
15:46It becomes achievable.
15:48Yes, absolutely.
15:49I mean, I'm not even...
15:50I mean, you're not talking to me,
15:52but while you were painting that picture,
15:54I couldn't help but smile.
15:55I already felt like the positivity
15:59was directed towards me.
16:01And it's not even me.
16:02You're not even talking to me.
16:03So imagine if you're saying that to yourself.
16:08Okay, last thing.
16:09I know we've kept you for so long.
16:11No, it's okay.
16:11You've got to say it quickly.
16:13Can you tell us what's next for you?
16:16My big thing has always been
16:17putting RTT into the school system.
16:20And it's so lovely here in Dubai
16:22because it's really being embraced.
16:23So putting RTT into schools,
16:26and then we're going to train teachers
16:29to really raise children's self-esteem,
16:30particular things they can do,
16:31because we're not teaching education.
16:35We're teaching emotional resilience.
16:38So that's probably my biggest thing.
16:40But here I am in Dubai doing all kinds of work.
16:43I've got two books coming out, actually,
16:44The Rules of the Mind,
16:45but also a book on mastery, mindset,
16:49all the M's, mindset, mastery, message,
16:53marketing, manifesting.
16:54People think I can just sit in my chair and manifest,
16:57but actually you can't, to really manifest.
17:00Manifesting is about mindset.
17:02Am I worth it?
17:03Do I deserve it?
17:05Manifesting is really about,
17:06I'm worth it, I deserve it.
17:08I can have that person or that job.
17:10So we're doing a very specific thing
17:12about having the mindset of a manifester,
17:15having the mastery of a manifester,
17:17having the marketing and the message of a manifester.
17:20Then you can have anything you want.
17:23And we've got 350 RTT students here in Dubai now
17:26running a really amazing...
17:28having a great life as a therapist.
17:29So that's a wonderful thing.
17:31A lot of them are Arabic speaking, too.
17:34I love that, I absolutely love that.
17:36Because I think there is a cultural difference
17:39and there are certain concepts
17:40that are still foreign in the region
17:42and to Arabs in general.
17:44Yeah, I had some Arabic men in my last training
17:47and they were talking about the culture
17:49and how they're not allowed to cry
17:51and they would be physically hurt
17:53and had to take it like a man
17:55and had to accept their father's wishes
17:58that they couldn't get divorced even if they wanted to.
18:00So it was very interesting.
18:02And that man has become the most amazing therapist
18:04because he's working with Arabic men
18:07who've had that same cultural upbringing
18:09that keep it all in and just be a man.
18:12Yes, and to be honest, women face just as much
18:15because I had a friend who, bless her,
18:19battled with depression
18:20and actually became bipolar eventually
18:24because she was told,
18:25oh, nothing's wrong with you.
18:27Just relax.
18:29I'm glad you mentioned depression
18:30because in my experience,
18:32it's only mine, but I've been a therapist
18:33my entire adult life,
18:35we found depression is caused by three things,
18:37harsh, hurtful, critical words that you say to yourself
18:40on a regular basis,
18:41I'm an idiot, I'm a loser.
18:42I knew that wouldn't work out.
18:44I knew I wouldn't get that.
18:46Disconnection, which is massive.
18:48You know, we're tribal people,
18:50so being disconnected
18:51and we have a whole generation of people
18:52who work from home on a screen
18:55and not following your heart's desire.
18:57Those three things cause it.
18:59Far more than the chemical imbalance in your brain,
19:01which by the way, nobody can even find that.
19:03No doctor can say,
19:04let me put some electrodes on your head.
19:05Oh, look, there it is, that chemical imbalance.
19:07That was created by a drug company.
19:09There's no doubt some people have that,
19:12but most people don't.
19:13They have the other thing.
19:14They're disconnected.
19:15They've never followed their heart's desire
19:17and they are really critical
19:19and criticism withers you
19:21and praise builds you up.
19:23That's the thing with bullies,
19:24people who criticize wither you
19:26because they're withered
19:27and people who praise build you up
19:28because they're built up.
19:29And so depression is much easier to fix
19:32than you would think
19:33and we've got all these therapists here
19:34doing great things with depression.
19:36It's wonderful.
19:37Yeah, and to be honest,
19:39I feel like they're all interconnected,
19:40the three points you just mentioned,
19:42because if I don't feel good enough,
19:44I will isolate myself.
19:45And how can you follow your heart's desire
19:47if you feel inadequate?
19:48How can you go for that job?
19:50So they are interconnected.
19:52Yeah, very interconnected.
19:53And even if you can't,
19:54you know, my grandmother
19:55always wanted to work in the theater.
19:56She couldn't, but she became a dresser.
19:58She actually dressed Laurence Olivier.
20:00How amazing.
20:01But she followed her heart's desire
20:02because she was in the theater.
20:02She was backstage.
20:04So she did follow her heart.
20:05You might say,
20:06I can never be a lawyer,
20:08but I could work in a...
20:09I could never be an artist,
20:10but I could work in a gallery.
20:12I missed having children,
20:13but I could sponsor a child,
20:14foster a child,
20:16mentor a child,
20:16be an advocate for...
20:17There's always a way.
20:19You know, maybe you could never be a doctor,
20:21but you could be a homeopath
20:23or a healer
20:25or an aromatherapist.
20:28There's always a way to follow your heart's...
20:30Even if you think,
20:31I wanted to be a vet and I missed out,
20:32well, be a dog behavioral expert.
20:36Can work in a shelter,
20:37working with dogs.
20:37There's so many ways to follow your heart's desire.
20:42It's not black or white.
20:43There's a huge bit in the middle,
20:44but it's very important to find a way
20:46to follow your heart's desire.
20:48Because if you don't,
20:49depression will come after you
20:51because you're not finding it.
20:52You know, we're all here
20:54to find our gift,
20:55whatever that is,
20:57and then perfect your gift.
20:59And we live in a world
20:59where you can go on social media
21:01and find a way to perfect our gift.
21:02There's so many tutorials.
21:03And then take your gift to market.
21:05That's why you're here.
21:06Find your gift.
21:08Learn the art of perfecting your gift.
21:10Take it away.
21:11So I found therapy,
21:14but then I mastered therapy.
21:15You know, I could perfect this.
21:17I could make it better.
21:18Someone's going to have to do that.
21:19And there's very few women doing that.
21:22So I found therapy.
21:23That was my gift.
21:24But I perfected the art of it
21:25by learning everything about it.
21:27Then I created my own course
21:29and started to sell it because...
21:31But that's what I was always meant to do.
21:33Everyone's meant to do something.
21:34When you can find that,
21:36you can't be depressed
21:37because you're doing what makes your heart sing.
21:39You're following your heart's desire.
21:41You're very connected.
21:43And you're certainly going to be hard on yourself
21:45because you're doing something
21:46that matters.
21:47You're creating growth, contribution,
21:50making a difference.
21:51You're connected and significant.
21:53And that's really important.