What Do You Get With Global Resorts Network? (Global ...

  • 15 years ago
http://www.MORVacationsAmerica.com //==// Global Resorts Network founders looked to develop an opportunity in the home based travel industry a few years ago. They saw several programs selling travel agent programs and only one company offering a travel club membership program. Global Resorts Network (GRN) saw that the travel club membership offered by that organization lacked internet access to resorts and customer service among other things. The founders of Global Resorts Network saw that organization experience tremendous Success with what they saw as a very limited product. If the Global Resorts Network founders were having as much trouble finding a willing vacation club membership partner as had been reported by Alfonso Morales at a conference in Arizona, perhaps they had found a partner they could work with in Gold Crown Resort. The advantage for Global Resorts Network is that Gold Crown Resort wanted to increase their market share in the United States. The U K based membership group behind Gold Crown Resort had enlisted most of their members in Europe and other parts of the world. Only a few active vendors were selling the Gold Crown Resort memberships in the United States. Alfonso Morales reported that Gold Crown Resort was reluctant to do business with Global Resorts Network and allow their membership to be sold through network marketing, but eventually they gave Global Resorts Network the exclusive rights to sell their membership the exclusive rights to sell their product through network marketing and have people purchase Gold Crown Resort memberships on the internet. The arrangement gave Gold Crown Resort a chance to increase their market share in the United States and at last, Global Resorts Network had secured a product they could sell in the travel industry through network marketing. It was only a matter of time before those who owned the Gold Crown Resort membership sold by Global Resorts Network would realize the limitations of selling a membership geared toward the larger ...
