Global Resorts -- Heading To Prison With "Global ...

  • 15 years ago //==// Some {Global Resorts Network} affiliates are now serving prison time and they want to know if you will be joining them. What caused all of these people to serve this time? Global Resorts Network founders found some opposition in the industry. The memberships were being sold at resorts for thousands of dollars more than Morales and Tomlin wanted to sell them and the vacation club companies were concerned that promoting the memberships through Global Resorts Network at a lower price could hurt retail sales. The MLM industry is huge in the United States and they projected that most Global Resorts Members would reside in the United States. Morales and Tomlin were targeting members of the only home based business selling a vacation club membership and most of their members lived in the United States. While Gold Crown Resorts was not a brand name, many who own timeshares think they know the company. Thats because the RCI designation for top resorts are referred to as Gold Crown Resorts. It gives the company Gold Crown Resort a name people think they have heard of even though there is no corporate relationship between the RCI Gold Crown Resorts and the company Gold Crown Resort. Alfonso Morales reported that Gold Crown Resort was reluctant to do business with Global Resorts Network and allow their membership to be sold through network marketing, but eventually they gave Global Resorts Network the exclusive rights to sell their membership the exclusive rights to sell their product through network marketing and have people purchase Gold Crown Resort memberships on the internet. For almost 2 years, Global Resorts Network, backed by the Gold Crown Resort membership were the top dog in the home based travel business arena. However, for Global Resorts Network, the huge advantage they enjoyed was short lived
