Is Global Resorts Really Tricking Customers? (Global ...

  • 15 years ago //==// . The GRN Problem is that those who are making purchases in the 2009 travel arena are looking for the best deal. Those people are not laying down for the first offer. They are going to do some research and make sure they are getting the best deal. What about money? Does budget matter to travel buyers in 2009? I would say absolutely! That spells trouble for Global Resorts Network. They charge $2995 for a lifetime membership that offers access to just about 5000 resorts. Consumers who shop around can get a better deal with a U S Based and owned membership company. Those shoppers can get access to more resorts for $1000 less. For those who live in North America, it gets even better, because they get access to more resorts they can drive to starting at just $149 for the entire week. Global Resorts Network will continue to exist. There is room for several in the home based travel business arena. The bad news for GRN is that their glory days seem to be over unless they can replace Gold Crown Resort with a travel club that is easier for Americans to use. If a vacation club handing out a box of free certificates for as much as $11,000 can survive in this environment, so can Global Resorts Network. While those who take the time to shop and compare will pass GRN by in favor of the U S based and owned membership with more resorts at $1000 less, there will still be some market share left for Global Resorts Network and Gold Crown Resort. For almost 2 years, Global Resorts Network, backed by the Gold Crown Resort membership were the top dog in the home based travel business arena. However, for Global Resorts Network, the huge advantage they enjoyed was short lived. It was only a matter of time before those who owned the Gold Crown Resort membership sold by Global Resorts Network would realize the limitations of selling a membership geared toward the larger percentage of Gold Crown Resort members living in other countries. Some new American members were ...
