• yesterday
(Adnkronos) - “Il fatto che le imprese benefit siano anche quelle che crescono di più e meglio in innovazione e ricerca, significa che questa è la strada giusta”. Lo ha detto Adolfo Urso, ministro delle Imprese e del Made in Italy, in occasione della presentazione dei nuovi risultati della Ricerca nazionale sulle società benefit, condotta da Nativa, Research department di Intesa Sanpaolo, InfoCamere, università di Padova, Camera di commercio di Brindisi-Taranto e Assobenefit, che ha analizzato per la prima volta le performance economiche delle società benefit, la loro diffusione nazionale, le loro peculiarità in termini di governance e il loro impegno verso gli stakeholder.


00:00The demonstration is that it is part of the nature of our country,
00:12to realize through the enterprise also a social activity.
00:20The fact that the enterprises benefit are also those that grow more and better.
00:26Innovation and research show that it is the right way.
00:30As far as Made in Italy is concerned,
00:33we can identify the fact that Made in Italy,
00:37which conquered the world in the 2000s,
00:42was identified with the concept of beautiful, good and well done,
00:48that is, with the great wisdom of the Italian know-how.
00:54Today, the beautiful, good and well done,
00:57even in our ministerial documents,
01:00must be more and more combined with social, economic and environmental sustainability.
01:07Beautiful, good, well done and sustainable is the Made in Italy of the future,
01:14which is increasingly appreciated by global consumers.
