• 22 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - Un’ondata di innovazione. È questo il titolo dell’evento di presentazione dei nuovi risultati della Ricerca nazionale sulle società benefit, condotta da Nativa, Research department di Intesa Sanpaolo, InfoCamere, università di Padova, Camera di commercio di Brindisi-Taranto e Assobenefit, che ha analizzato per la prima volta le performance economiche delle società benefit, la loro diffusione nazionale, le loro peculiarità in termini di governance e il loro impegno verso gli stakeholder. I dati raccontano di un ecosistema di imprese che crea valore, investe nel futuro e la cui diffusione potrebbe generare un effetto volano positivo sull’intero sistema paese, accelerando la transizione verso un paradigma sostenibile.


00:00In Italy, the number of benefit companies is growing rapidly, confirming the fertility
00:10of the country's impoverished substrate with respect to a new legal asset of enterprise
00:14focused on profit and the creation of shared value, the results of the national research
00:19on benefit companies conducted by Nativa, Research Department of Intesa San Paolo, Infocamere,
00:25University of Padova, Chamber of Commerce of Brindisi and Taranto and Asso Benefit.
00:30The numbers of benefit companies are very encouraging, we meet more than 4,500 benefit companies
00:37in December 2024, which all together lead to a total of more than 2,777 members throughout
00:47the national territory, for a total of 62 billion in production value.
00:52Pioneering in the field of benefit companies, the process started by the Chamber of Commerce
00:57of Brindisi and Taranto in 2016.
00:59The Chamber of Commerce of Brindisi and Taranto, then the Chamber of Commerce of Taranto alone,
01:03since 2016 has begun this path of opening up to a sustainable economy, given the tragedies
01:12that were experienced in Taranto from an environmental and social point of view.
01:15And so it was a precursor in the path of the creation of benefit companies, so much so
01:22that today it is a national dashboard and it is recognized the role that, among other things,
01:27also here it sees us protagonists together with the other organizers of the event.
01:32Benefit companies demonstrate that they have an approach to the government of business
01:36that is evolved, modern and inclusive.
01:38Compared to other companies, the presence of women is greater and the presence of people
01:46belonging to the younger anagraphic classes is greater.
01:50It is an evolution that scientific studies say is more capable of generating value within
01:58companies, both economic and impact value.
02:03For the Minister of Business of Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, the ability to also carry out
02:08a social activity through business is part of the nature of our country.
02:13The very fact that companies benefit are also those that grow more and better.
02:18Innovation and research show that it is the right way.
