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Asmongold Reacts to: Bioware Dev rages at Gamers and humiliates himself
by @HeroHei https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtdOfBBSLZE
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
If you own the copyright of content showed in this video and would like it to be removed:
00:00If this is what I think it is, it's gonna be really fucking funny.
00:03So this super weird out of touch guy Mark Dara made a video complaining about gamers.
00:07Mark Dara, an ex-dev from Bioware.
00:09And what's even more hilarious is how he's getting all upset in the comments of that video,
00:13which we're definitely going to be taking a look at.
00:16This guy is writing fucking manifestos in the comments,
00:19pissed off because I reacted to his video,
00:22and I disagreed with parts of his video.
00:25I didn't even disagree with the entirety of his video.
00:28I disagreed with part of it.
00:30Yeah, he's like rage-responding to people.
00:33It's great entertainment for us.
00:34First, a little more info on Mark Dara.
00:37So yeah, once again, this guy is an ex-dev for Bioware,
00:40although apparently he was brought back to do some consulting on Veilguard.
00:44That's what some people are saying. If that's true, that's hilarious.
00:47What we do know, however, is that he was at the very least attempting to prop up and defend Veilguard.
00:51For example, Rock Paper...
00:54What I see in Veilguard is a game that finally bridges the gap.
01:04It bridges the gap between the employees and the unemployment line.
01:10For shotgun here as a headline,
01:11Bioware's Mark Dara thinks Veilguard's the first Dragon Age where the combat's actually fun.
01:16What I see in Veilguard is a game that finally bridges the gap.
01:20Oh, and you know what? Here's some more information on the whole Veilguard consulting thing.
01:24GamesRadar had wrote,
01:25Former Dragon Age boss now consulting on the Veilguard.
01:31Of course you're getting mad and you're trying to defend this.
01:34So I forgot all about this. I didn't even know this.
01:37Maybe I knew it. I didn't really take it seriously or didn't pay attention to it.
01:40So this guy basically was telling them that this was a good idea,
01:45and now that it's a bad idea,
01:47now he's trying to guilt trip his audience into thinking that it's good that they released the game
01:52and it's bad that people are happy that the studio failed?
01:57Oh, God.
01:59Says the RPG really is the best Dragon Age game that I've ever played.
02:04Yeah, so that's the sort of dude we're talking about.
02:07Subtext reading, Mark Dara has high praise for Bioware's latest,
02:11and apparently this dude is a Bioware veteran.
02:14How can you just like, how can this dude just like tarnish Bioware's legacy like this?
02:18No, it's the best Dragon Age game ever. It's so great.
02:21To Bioware's credit, they did used to make good games.
02:24The frick is this guy doing? It was a long time ago.
02:26Oh, Veilguard's the best DA game. Bioware's better than ever.
02:30Dudes like this are just complete sellouts.
02:32Trying to sell out to the modern. I feel like he was a consultant
02:35and he's just saying the things so it makes him look good.
02:37That's really the reason why. It's Corpo's out there and all that.
02:40Yeah, it's pathetic.
02:41So that takes us to the current news with this guy.
02:44Doesn't he look like Jake Paul in 20 years?
02:47PC Gamer making this tweet that says,
02:49Bioware veteran calls out the cruelty of fans celebrating layoffs saying,
02:54you are crossing a line and you're probably attacking the wrong person anyway.
02:58The source for this quote is as mentioned a video he made which is on his channel
03:02and we're going to take a look at a portion of that video.
03:05I've already watched the full thing twice myself
03:07and I'm just going to summarize the great majority of the video,
03:10which is simply that the middle part of the video,
03:12he's essentially just making excuses for bad game devs
03:15and the latter part of the video.
03:16He's essentially trying to dictate who gamers are.
03:18I love how like this is like what I think is so fucking annoying
03:24is that these people they create this apparatus
03:30where nothing they do can ever be wrong
03:33because there's so many people that are responsible for each individual thing
03:38that accountability is displaced between so many sources
03:42that there can never be any fault by anybody.
03:45It's so exhausting.
03:48Yeah, they're muddying the waters exactly bro.
03:50Like they're roaches.
03:52Allowed to criticize and who they're not allowed to criticize.
03:55There is also a prevalent recurring theme in his video,
03:57which is he doesn't actually use the word criticize.
04:00He like doesn't want to admit that gamers have fair critiques
04:03for these corporations and these devs.
04:05No instead he phrases it specifically as gamers attacking
04:08and complaining and I don't think that's also like,
04:12I mean everybody agrees like let's just get this out of the way.
04:15Everybody agrees that if you don't like a voice actor for a certain game
04:21or whatever if you're making personal attacks to them
04:24and you're making personal threats like everybody agrees.
04:27This is bad. No,
04:29but there's no like hidden agenda here of people that think this is a good thing.
04:33It's not real this you're fighting your jousting with windmills Hill.
04:38You're fighting ghosts like yeah,
04:40there's like five people on Twitter that think this
04:42but it's not the majority of people 99% of people don't think this.
04:49It's coincidence. I think there's like one of two things going on here either.
04:53He's intentionally phrasing it that way
04:55or he subconsciously phrasing it that way either thing leading to the conclusion
04:59that he clearly doesn't think gamers are really valid to criticize these corpos
05:02and he's just trying to play cover for them.
05:05But yeah, that's not going well because gamers are seeing right through his nonsense
05:08and calling him out which as mentioned he's getting upset about in his own conversation.
05:11All that said now I'm going to play a portion of his video.
05:14So the reason why he's getting defensive in his comment section is
05:17because I reacted to his video and I watched it.
05:21That's the reason why he's getting defensive
05:23because he wasn't doing that previously.
05:26He was only doing that because once I watched it
05:28and everything like that as a grandmaster in this game Congrats,
05:31dude, holy fuck nice.
05:32And yeah, that's what I think he's salty.
05:35Yeah, hundred percent.
05:36Oh, yeah, because well, that's what's going on this part too.
05:39It's just especially amusing when he says here.
05:42So enjoy. Did you read the title?
05:44Did it say something like your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty?
05:48Oh, well, that's what we're going to talk about today.
05:51The fact that you bought a game
05:53that you didn't like doesn't give you the right to be cruel
05:59or unkind to the people that develop that game.
06:03Now I'm going to be clear about something.
06:04Well, the reason why it doesn't give you the right is
06:06because you already had it.
06:10Everybody has the right to say whatever the fuck they want.
06:14It's not against the law.
06:17You could said that anyway.
06:20Not saying that you have to like the thing you bought.
06:23I'm not saying even that you aren't allowed to complain
06:28about the thing you bought.
06:29Yeah, you can have whatever opinion that you're right.
06:33Not in Germany.
06:35At you feel like true towards a game,
06:38even if that opinion is stupid and wrong,
06:41you are entitled to that opinion.
06:43And to some degree, you're entitled to express that opinion
06:47to the corporation to the video game studio
06:51that created this game that you bought.
06:53You paid 70 of your own dollars for this game
06:56and it disappointed you and you're angry about that.
07:00That is fine.
07:01You are entitled to be angry about it
07:04and you're entitled to express that anger in certain channels.
07:09If you are mad at that Ubisoft game,
07:11be mad at Ubisoft, express your anger to Ubisoft
07:16or to the studio that made the game.
07:19But you cross a line when you start being cruel about it.
07:24So why am I saying you don't get to be cruel
07:27because you why are you not defining what that word means?
07:32You're not defining the word.
07:34The problem is like you're using an emotionally charged word
07:37without creating a distinction
07:39because there's a lot of people that view constructive criticism
07:43criticism and cruelty that are all on the spectrum.
07:47So like I think that you can easily see personal attacks insults
07:50at a person's appearance stuff like that.
07:53This is obviously all bad, right?
07:55But where does that line get drawn?
07:57Well, you're not creating the line.
07:59And so how can anybody know what you mean?
08:03Spent $70.
08:04Let's walk through it.
08:06One, you shouldn't be cruel at all.
08:09What are you doing?
08:10It's a video game.
08:11You don't need to go out of your way to cause harm to other people
08:17because of a video game that you don't like.
08:20So yeah, here we go.
08:22He goes off about being cruel and never really defines what he means by cruel.
08:25So does he think that like if like so somebody makes a video game
08:29that's not fun and then a player beats up the developer in real life.
08:35How many people do you think really support that?
08:38Basically fucking nobody.
08:41Nobody supports like this is not real.
08:43Like it's total fucking bullshit.
08:49Chances are that something he would use to fit his own meaning
08:52whenever it's convenient for him to defend Corpos.
08:54And okay, here's a question, bruh.
08:56Why do these giant corporations get to be cruel to gamers?
08:59Trying to take our money, charge us 70 bucks for their triple-A slob.
09:03I would say that's a good argument.
09:05Yeah, I think it's a little bit cruel when you make a video game
09:08and you charge $70 for it and it's bad.
09:12Sometimes promising features that are not even there
09:14and releasing games that are far too buggy than they should be at release.
09:17Sometimes essentially using players as their own beta testers
09:20without properly disclosing that that's even what they're doing.
09:23It's an extremely shady and corrupt industry.
09:25You don't see this guy advocating for gamers to get refunds on these slop games.
09:29No, instead he's just trying to dictate how gamers are allowed to respond
09:32when these corporations try and swindle people out of their money.
09:35And of course, I understand that they're not literally
09:37forcing someone to buy their game.
09:39They don't like threaten them to buy the game or else.
09:42But as mentioned a lot of the time these corporations are very dishonest
09:45in how they're presenting their game as if it's a complete product
09:48when a lot of time these AAA games really aren't.
09:51If you feel like you need to focus it down onto an actual human being,
09:57I mean, that's really sad. I'm sorry.
09:59That's very sad and hopefully you can grow beyond that.
10:03But I will give you a couple of outlets.
10:07I think that it makes sense when you focus on a human being
10:10whenever a specific person is saying things that are problematic
10:13like that avowed art director, for example.
10:16Like that makes sense.
10:17Now whenever you're looking at harassing a voice actor for some character
10:22because you don't like what the character is doing in the game,
10:24like this is mental institution behavior.
10:26Absolutely, but that's not the majority and it's actually a small minority.
10:32It's again, like I mean, what are we doing here?
10:34Like it's just like such a crazy thing to even say.
10:37This guy's an example of a concern troll.
10:39No, what he's doing is he's trying to
10:42so he put his weight behind the game that was received very badly
10:47and now he's trying to play defense for it
10:51because he was aligned with it and it makes him look bad.
10:54That's what's really happening here.
10:56That's what I think is happening here.
11:00Need to complain at a human being.
11:03I'm going to say you don't get to go lower than the first person in the credits.
11:08Yes, the complaining police over here.
11:10Oh, you don't get to do this.
11:12You can only do that
11:13and an important thing to take note of is how he's not providing any examples.
11:16Like what is he even specifically talking about here?
11:18I don't generally see gamers going after like specific people
11:22who worked on a game unless those people went out of their way to attack gamers first.
11:26For example, we exactly fucking exactly.
11:28Yeah, nobody's going and just like finding random devs
11:31and doing that and if they are their assholes and are pieces of shit.
11:36Yeah, that's obviously wrong.
11:39I have seen devs at certain companies,
11:41certain devs literally making inflammatory statements that target gamers with hostility,
11:47in which case obviously, yeah, the gamers that see that may very well respond to it
11:51and they're allowed to do that or in other circumstances when we've seen devs,
11:55for example, some of the Veilguard devs who very obviously put in like self insert slop into the game,
12:00which we also directly see negatively impacted the game.
12:04Yeah, people are allowed to criticize those choices and the people don't like them
12:07just because you're a game dev doesn't mean you're free from criticism
12:10and oh, you can't you can't criticize.
12:12There's always this emotional manipulation where it's like
12:14and anybody who's like part of celebrity culture does this like content creators do this as well.
12:20It's like they always want you to feel sorry for them or like,
12:23oh, this is so sad. It's happening to me.
12:25Like I'm getting bullied like I'm people don't like me Etc.
12:28It's so exhausting to me.
12:31Like if you put out a stream if you put out videos and people don't like the videos,
12:35that's what happens, right? That's life.
12:37If you go into the public space and then people say we don't like what you're doing
12:42then get the fuck out of the public space.
12:44That's the way the world works.
12:46So I don't understand how this is. It's obvious.
12:49Yeah, you can also pivot your content.
12:50Yeah, you can just make different content as well.
12:52And so you have this emotional manipulation that happens with streamers doing this celebrities do this
12:58and especially game devs do this where they're trying to like paint themselves out as like victims
13:03when the reality is that game development is just like a lot of other industries as well
13:09where you have people that get fired regularly.
13:11Like this is what happens in tech as a macro thing in general,
13:15but we're supposed to feel uniquely, you know,
13:18like a sorry for a game developer when something like this happens.
13:21Whereas if you make any product and the product doesn't sell it doesn't make money.
13:25You're out of a job. That's the way the world works.
13:28I used to think Asmon had taste in games.
13:30Listen guys the avowed thing. I get it.
13:34Hey. Hey. It is what it is.
13:45All right. It is what it is.
13:50Guys. I'm getting hate. Look at this. I'm being bullied.
13:53This isn't fair. Look at this.
13:56I'm getting attacked in my own stream.
13:58Now, I can't even stream anymore without somebody trying to attack me
14:02and bully me and say I'm wrong. This isn't fair guys.
14:07Won't anybody can anybody donate to make me feel better?
14:12You can only criticize the first name in the credits.
14:15Oh God. Be a human being have some empathy and stop being cruel.
14:21Stop throwing a party because a bunch of people lost their jobs
14:25because you don't know the circumstances that resulted in the thing that you're mad at.
14:31People deserve some grace people deserve some empathy from you.
14:34And if you can't provide that then stay off the internet completely.
14:38Yeah, the lack of self-awareness with this guy man is a pretty astonishing.
14:41It's insane telling us to stay off the internet.
14:43That's what he should be doing really like he's just making terrible points
14:46and making himself look like a fool. And again,
14:48like I mentioned multiple times it only gets worse in his own comment section.
14:52We're almost there by the way, and there's two more points.
14:54I'll bring up really quick. It shouldn't be surprising
14:56when people celebrate some of these companies going through layoffs
14:59after these companies have been very predatory towards gamers
15:01and or they have people working at those companies
15:03that have made public statements showing hostility to gamers quite
15:07and also they make racist public statements and they don't get fired.
15:12That's the big difference is that nobody would hold it against the company.
15:17If the company did that like somebody said it
15:20and the company is like, oh, yeah. Yeah, we don't support that.
15:22We're going to get rid of this guy, right? But they don't.
15:25They defend it and it's because they agree with it.
15:28That's the reason. It's really you can argue
15:31that with these companies going through layoffs the industry is actually healing.
15:35The final point is that it comes off really hollow
15:37when he's pretending to care about people that get laid off.
15:39He's unwilling to criticize the devs who are factually bringing these studios down
15:43which very well may result in a game underperforming
15:45and then everyone getting laid off
15:47and I'm using everyone a bit facetiously here,
15:49but you know a massive number of people.
15:51If he really didn't want layoffs to happen,
15:53then he shouldn't be upset when gamers find people responsible
15:56for dragging these games down
15:57and then criticizing the bad work that they do.
15:59That bad work can directly lead to the game underperforming
16:02and then surprise layoffs, but not.
16:05If yeah, if something's bad, it's bad like that's it.
16:09Like this is the thing.
16:09This is one of the reasons why like I never really like I never really relied a lot on like parasocials
16:17and like obviously every streamer has parasocials that watch
16:22but I've tried to put a pretty big barrier between like me
16:26and a lot of my viewers
16:28and what I mean by that is I try to avoid having any sort of like circumstance
16:34where like my viewers are let me think of a good way to say this
16:38like where like I want people to like really feel sorry for me
16:42or I try to bridge the gap between like you guys watching for content
16:47and for entertainment into you watching in order to like like me
16:52or be like a real-life friend simulator
16:55because I feel like there's a lot of streams that do this as well.
16:58And like this is why I have a lot of opinions about it
17:00because I feel like there's a lot of parallels to this with like streaming
17:02and content creation.
17:03Whereas like from my perspective, I try to come on every day
17:07and be entertaining and not just be like,
17:11oh, yeah people like watching the stream because they like being around you.
17:14That's nice, right?
17:15And it's good to have that type of charisma,
17:17but I try to go a step farther and actually be entertaining
17:21and make a conscious effort to engage people
17:25and have it not just be that surface-level weird interaction.
17:30Yeah, like I'm not trying to do a boyfriend best friend girlfriend experience type thing,
17:36right? That's it.
17:38And Beholden. Yeah, exactly, right?
17:41You already tweeted asking for donations.
17:43Yeah, I remember that.
17:44Yeah, instead he's ardently defending these people for some reason.
17:48Anyways, let me know what you think about that stuff.
17:50Now on to the comments a top comment reads a simple bill of $70 gives me the right to critique a product
17:57and Mark responds with this really weird comment that says watch the video dislike something express that dislike to the studio.
18:04But why are you crawling into someone's personal social media feed?
18:07If you need a human look at the first few names in the credits.
18:10We can then see a user questioning how Mark knows that person is even doing.
18:13How do you even know that the first few names in the credits are the ones that are responsible either in a lot of cases?
18:19The game director is even somebody who's beholden like they're not at the top of the company either.
18:25Like there's probably three people that are above that are probably two people that are above them.
18:30There's the CEO and then there's the board of directors.
18:33If it's a publicly traded company that are really telling the CEO what to do.
18:37So that doesn't even make sense.
18:41But he's accusing him of to which someone else points out that he really doesn't as it turns out that comment that Mark left is one that he's been copy pasting all over the comment section.
18:50I find this particularly amusing because he tries to say to act like a human being in his video.
18:55Yeah, but he comes off like some kind of robot like it comes off very fake and then he's just copy pasting a robot because he's saying the same thing like a robot would slop.
19:05This guy should take his own advice like bro.
19:07Try and act like a human instead of a bot.
19:09Oh, look, here's a comment.
19:10He left.
19:11That's actually not just a copy paste.
19:13This user says you have never once called out your colleagues for their cruelty and Mark.
19:18See this is the this is why people don't believe this and this is why they hate people like this is because like you can have these different,
19:26you know,
19:27these different developers and these people that work in the games industry that constantly non-fucking-stop make negative comments derogatory comments towards either content creators gamers as a whole or groups of people and they never get called out by their by their co-workers or even by other people in the industry.
19:49And this is a massive issue.
19:52Like for example in streaming if somebody says something bad a lot of people will call it out and say hey, this is bad in a lot of other industries.
19:59It's the exact same thing.
20:00But the problem is that if you don't have if you don't hold your own people accountable, then how can you expect to hold other people accountable?
20:11It's not fair.
20:14So how can anybody respect this mindset if you're not even doing it yourself?
20:22It's it.
20:23This is what I was saying before about the selective performative empathy.
20:26This is exactly it right here.
20:30Do they do what the very first twitch chatter you had what was his accountability for the awful thing?
20:34He said and left I stopped streaming.
20:37I was done.
20:38Yeah, that's it checks and balances with your friends streamers do that also waiting on future collabs.
20:44It's selective.
20:45Yeah, of course it is going to be selective and that's why I try to be fair with everybody and with people.
20:51That and I think if Mark would just come out and say hey professionally, I don't want to say that because I'm in the industry and it would make me look bad professionally that would be fine for him to say that but for you to just discount this entirely and not even call it out.
21:06I don't think that's really the case.
21:08And also if you're in an industry that calling out a person who is saying things that are racist inflammatory or problematic if this will hurt you in that industry.
21:18Don't expect other people to have respect for the industry.
21:22Mark says nope.
21:23Yeah, it's not a copy paste, but it's still definitely not helping his case.
21:27This user says Studios attack the gamers gamers retaliate Studios shocked Pikachu face and Mark Dara's Mark Katara cop control C control V.
21:39Back with this copy paste nonsense.
21:41We can see another example of that right here where this person says quote-unquote don't ask questions.
21:47Just consume product and wait for next product and there's marks typical copy paste response.
21:52There's plenty more examples of him doing this is the exact issue.
21:54He's kind of saying is that people are criticizing his approach to the video and they're talking about a meta level issue with this video and he's only talking about what the video is talking about and trying to reassert the same point of view.
22:08So I think this is actually a really good example of how this happens.
22:12This but I'm sure you get a point interestingly enough this comment reads, you know, what credit where credit's due the comment section is not turned off and Mark says not yet.
22:22Not all this goes back to what I said earlier about how I don't think this guy genuinely does care about the industry.
22:28He seems intent on defending certain people.
22:30He defend he cares about people in the industry.
22:33Like he probably has friends or people that he's, you know, like a close with or something like that and he cares about them.
22:40And so he's trying to defend them and he's trying to defend retroactively his own bad decisions.
22:47That that's what's going on is like he supported and consulted and promoted the game that was problematic and bad and instead of like whenever I said avowed like I liked about I thought it was pretty decent and then other people said no, it's really bad instead of just saying wow.
23:02Yeah, I can see where you guys are coming from instead of that.
23:05He's doubling down and you know, like basically saying that everybody else is shitty.
23:13From criticism had a wrong opinion with a certain people probably are no and also like this is my opinion about avowed after watching these comparisons.
23:21It is shocking to me how stark the comparison is between games that came out over 10 years ago and avowed and after seeing it, it does kind of make me enjoy the game less but that doesn't take away from the fact that I did enjoy playing the game.
23:35I had fun playing the game now if you and this is what I've always said if you want to be a dick eater eat as many dicks as you want.
23:41Just don't ever tell me it's a hot dog.
23:44That's fine.
23:45And that was the correction.
23:47I didn't correct it.
23:48I'm not correcting and saying that I'm not a dick eater.
23:51I'm correcting and I'm saying I'm not a hot dog eater.
23:55Does that make sense?
24:02Yeah, of course it does.
24:04Because even just taking a look at his video and his actions in the comment section.
24:08He's only giving gamers even more reasons to despise the AAA.
24:11I just make it gay.
24:12Lastly, let's take a look at this exchange where a user says, I guess devs can be cruel for years.
24:16And the second it happens back to them.
24:18The gamers are the bad guys and the devs are all of a sudden the victim, right?
24:22Mark says ideally, we would see the quorum from everyone but people point out how he doesn't seem to really stand by that at all.
24:28Yeah, because you're not calling them out.
24:30Whenever you only call out one group of people, then everybody thinks that you're biased.
24:35And I think that like I can even use myself as an example for that.
24:39Now, it's been no surprise that I've covered a lot more political topics recently and in the process of doing that, I've shared a lot of political opinions.
24:47Now, I agree with what I'd say like 80 to 90% of Trump is doing.
24:53Like I'm very positive towards like the actions he's taken.
24:56I think that like, you know, illegal immigration, the like transports thing.
25:01There's a lot of things that I tremendously agree with and I'm very positive about but the difference is that people criticize me and they say that.
25:10Oh, well, but you didn't really have you didn't say this about this thing or you didn't talk about this thing or that thing or whatever.
25:16But the difference between me and Mark is that when somebody responds to that responds to me when they say that I can play them a clip of me saying that Mark doesn't have any.
25:26Of those clips because he's providing one-sided coverage and he's being biased.
25:32That's the reason why so like for me.
25:34I do provide primarily positive coverage because I agree primarily positively with it.
25:39But with him, it's that he's providing one-sided coverage and not he's overlooking obvious problems.
25:50The next response saying that was of no priority to you in this video.
25:53And indeed, he never mentioned that at all.
25:56He was trying to frame all the critiques from gamers as attacks and on just complaining and mentioning nothing of the awful behavior.
26:03We've seen from numerous devs in the industry.
26:05The next response reads people didn't when it was one-sided for the last decade too late to do a 180 and say people should now when the other side has the upper hand.
26:13Western triple-a games have been terrible for value for the longest time and there's no reason to buy them over indie or Eastern developed games.
26:19And then this response says so where's your video about game dev cruelty Mark?
26:23Where's your article about that?
26:25What a snake it's much more cruel to be an executive producer pushes for or allows all the elements that were guaranteed to get everyone working under you laid off.
26:34Hey, that's kind of this is actually a really good point.
26:37It's the selfishness of empathy and the selfishness of indulgence at a leadership level and it's something that needs to be discussed a lot more and I wish it was but unfortunately, it's not.
26:50So one of the things that happens a lot is that a lot of people that are in leadership roles what they end up doing is they defend and they allow things that are problematic because they think that it's for the better good, right?
27:04They're doing the right thing and sometimes when you do the right thing you end up betraying the people that put their confidence in you in the first place.
27:11And so I see a lot of cases where people who have a leadership position put their own morals and their own virtue signaling ahead of the best interests of the people that have put their trust in them.
27:24And I think it's one of the biggest types of betrayals that a person in a leadership position can have and I think it happens a lot with video games.
27:32It happens with movies and I think it happens like it happens with everything right doing the right thing like yeah.
27:38Well, I'm going to do the right thing and sometimes doing the quote right thing ends up hurting the people that trusted you and I understand that like this is sometimes a trolley problem, but a good leader knows which lever to pull.
27:52And that's it and sometimes you have to pull a leather and the issue is that a lot of people are unwilling to do that and their unwillingness to do that makes them weak leaders.
28:04Similar to what I mentioned earlier and how it comes off like indulgent and selfish but continuing the user says the team's well-being was your responsibility as far as game production goes unless you were telling me that EA was pushing all those undesirable elements and you'd like to tell us he never responded but you probably weren't even one to reign your more belligerent coworkers in let alone keep their sales killing agendas out of the product.
28:26Now what I'll read one more comment right here this one that says realistically we see attacks from devs.
28:31You need to get comfortable with the fact that you're not a victim all in all.
28:34I think the people in the responses to the great developers can be victims in a lot of cases and I would stand and support them whenever they are but being disagreed with publicly after making public statements is not being a victim.
28:46The only victim you're you are of you're the only person who's victimizing you is yourself.
28:50You're a victim of your own stupidity and your own narcissism to think that you can make comments in a public space and not have other people respond and disagree with them.
29:01But responding to Mark and pointing out the issues with the pathetic arguments that he attempted to make.
29:05Once again, let me know what you think about all of this stuff in the comments here.
29:09And if you enjoyed my coverage, please consider liking and or subscribing.
29:13Appreciate you.
29:14Have a great weekend ahead and I'll see you in the next one.
29:17I'm so glad to see this happen.
29:19I'm so glad to see people calling this out.
29:21Self-delusion morals.
29:22What's an example of a dev being a victim?
29:25An example of a dev being a victim.
29:27So this super I don't know.
29:30I'd really have to think about it.
29:32Like fuck.
29:33I think that Daniel Vara, the guy for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 got attacked way too much in a case where it didn't really make sense.
29:41And I think yeah, the Arthur.
29:44Andy and Laylee.
29:45I think that's another one.
29:46Soul Ash 2 developer as well.
29:48I think basically the case where a developer is a victim.
29:51So basically if you ever threaten a person with physical violence or with a death threat or anything even remotely close to that, then they are a victim.
30:02That's basically the way that I feel about it at like a macro level.
30:06So like if this happens to a developer, then they are a victim.
30:09And even if a developer posts something that's problematic or disagreeable, I think there's still a victim if that happens.
30:17So yeah, I agree.
30:18Yeah, Hogwarts Legacy devs caught a lot of hate.
30:21Yeah, exactly.
30:22I think what works most against this dev is the language they use.
30:26I'm sick and fucking tired of being talked to by high school counselors.
30:29Well, I mean, that's basically the level of morality and thinking that they have is it's high school counselor level beliefs.
30:38That's it.
