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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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00:00Gamergate 2, EXE in a nutshell.
00:03And you climb into someone's personal social media.
00:08Ackalon is so based, I'm really glad to see more people posting him in different places.
00:12He used to be a WoW content creator and he would focus a lot on like lore in the game.
00:18And then I think he started talking about like more broad topics
00:21and I'm really glad to see him doing well.
00:23And you climb into someone's personal social media and start actively attacking that person.
00:35When you celebrate layoffs at a studio.
00:40Excuse me?
00:42Let's hear what he has to say before I reply to this little mugger.
00:46Because the game that you don't like didn't do that well.
00:49You're crossing a line into.
00:51No, we're not.
00:52Dude, we're like bro.
00:55People are not celebrating layoffs from studios that are beloved.
00:59People aren't out here celebrating layoffs.
01:02If From Software suddenly announced that they're being laid off.
01:07Gamers would be up and would be an uproar over it.
01:10He's right.
01:10Why the hell are you laying off?
01:13A loser's lose is what he's trying to say.
01:17Of course, people are going to celebrate the demise of losers.
01:22How could you not celebrate the demise of losers?
01:25A super successful studio that continues to deliver game after game after game.
01:30Just banger, banger, banger.
01:34I wish people in the gaming industry would just take a step back
01:37and quickly examine the landscape that you have built.
01:41Because Mr. Mark, you built this.
01:44We didn't.
01:45So let's quickly do.
01:47Let's quickly touch on the title for tonight's stream, shall we?
01:51Gamers didn't start this war, but we're ending it.
01:57I love it.
01:57Back in 2014, gamers were happy.
02:01We were playing our video games.
02:02Game developers were superstars.
02:06We're talking Blizzard at BlizzCon would walk out on stage
02:10and you would have 3000 Blizzard fans screaming their lungs out
02:15because Mr. Mike Morhaime is stepping on stage.
02:18You would have Chris Mason going.
02:21This is another disenfranchised, disillusioned,
02:25former World of Warcraft main player.
02:28Like, I just I cannot relate to this enough.
02:32I really can't.
02:34And people would be yelling for the alliance.
02:37People would be yelling.
02:38Game developers were superstars.
02:40You were worshipped by us gamers
02:44because you were the guys that were making the games that we love.
02:48And people still look at guys like Miyazaki and Kojima that way.
02:53They do.
02:54And then after The Last of Us, Neil Druckmann was that kind of guy, right?
02:58A bit more of a pretentious example, but he was there.
03:02And so there are still people that do this,
03:04but it's just not the same ones.
03:08I mean, yeah.
03:10A lady by the name of Anita Sarkeesian steps up on the plate.
03:15Does she start calling every gamer out there a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist,
03:22an evil person that shouldn't be allowed to play their video games?
03:27And rightfully so.
03:28Gamers go, wait, what?
03:31I don't even have time to attend KKK meetings.
03:34What the hell are you talking about?
03:36I'm trying to kill someone.
03:38There's a raid that you can't go there.
03:39You can't burn the cross.
03:41Bosses, and now suddenly I'm a misogynistic racist?
03:44I don't know what's going on here.
03:46And gamers rightfully assume that the developers will just laugh this off,
03:50would just sort of go, never mind.
03:52But suddenly, gamers see Anita Sarkeesian as being invited to all of these conferences
03:58where all of these game studios are.
04:00Game studios are suddenly very, very aware of toxic masculinity in video games
04:07and setting up all these programs to get rid of the toxicity in their own.
04:10I remember when this happened.
04:11This pissed me the fuck off, bro.
04:13Remember we watched all those trailers yesterday?
04:16Games used to be made for guys and now they're made for everyone,
04:19which means that they're made for no one.
04:20They're just fucking cringe and boring now.
04:23It's so fucking annoying.
04:26Do you want to know the real truth?
04:28If you are making a video game and your video game has dragons, swords, and wizards in it,
04:39we're your audience.
04:41It's me and him.
04:42That's it.
04:43That's the real audience, right?
04:46Now, there are other people going to play the game,
04:49but you're talking about the core audience.
04:53That's us.
04:55Video games.
04:56And Zoe Quinn is paraded by the gaming industry as this voice for reason.
05:02And funnily enough, the gamers again think, okay, well, the media must have our back.
05:08These guys are gamers just like us.
05:09Oh, no.
05:10Yeah, these are advocates.
05:11Gamers would wake up to find that.
05:12Oh, shit.
05:13The media has turned on us as well.
05:16And we're just being raked over the coals as everyone just worships us
05:21at the throne of our Anita Sarkeesian.
05:25I mean, she finally admits, finally admits she doesn't even play video games.
05:37This was so...
05:38It's crazy how stupid this was.
05:41It really is.
05:43Look at this fat bearded loser complaining about DEI and video games.
05:47I'd rather be a fat bearded loser complaining about DEI and video games
05:52than be a unemployed loser that got fired from my video game job because I wanted to put DEI in it.
06:01I think he's living his best life and he's playing video games
06:04while these people are deciding between trying to find another job and then doing DoorDash.
06:11She doesn't play video games.
06:14She admits loud, proud on video.
06:17This was never about video games.
06:18This was always just about society and social change.
06:22But you guys don't walk back and go, oh, shit, we've been had.
06:25No, no, you continue the grift.
06:27Why am I so mean to deliver drivers?
06:30The reason why is because it's basically like an unskilled labor job that anybody can do.
06:36Like, and that's the reason why.
06:38I mean, like, if you do DoorDash, like, I don't like I don't really disrespect you.
06:42I'm just saying that, like, it's it's a huge down step.
06:45Right. It is.
06:46It's a little hangs true.
06:48So streaming will then do it.
06:50If you think streaming is really easy and you think you can be a good streamer, then go do it.
06:54I that's what I thought, too.
06:55And look at me.
06:58So just go do it.
06:59Continue to go.
07:00You continue to attack the gamers.
07:02For the last decade, gamers have endured attack after attack after attack from you people.
07:09And then when we finally go, all right, you don't want enough.
07:13And we start clapping back.
07:14Now, suddenly, before the game launches, you guys are like, oh, fuck you, man.
07:20Go get banged.
07:21It's not for you, bitch.
07:23And then your game fails, your game fails.
07:26And guess what happens?
07:28All these stupid, misogynistic, racist, racist gamers that don't want to play our video game.
07:33And we're just over here going, we do what you said.
07:37We yeah.
07:38You told us that you made a game and it wasn't for us.
07:41And we believed you.
07:44And now you're mad.
07:45That's what it is.
07:49Asked you, please don't do this to our game.
07:51You said get banged, bitch.
07:53We said, oh, well, you know why?
07:55And you go, well, this isn't for you.
07:57Don't play it.
07:57If you don't like it, don't buy it.
07:59We do what you say.
08:00We don't buy it.
08:01Somebody said this started because of the Cabrutis steam group.
08:05It actually started because of the reaction to the Cabrutis steam group.
08:09The Cabrutis sweet baby detected thing would have never even blown up to 5% of what it was.
08:16If the people in that company didn't try to use every form of official channel
08:22to shut him down and to get him banned and removed on everywhere.
08:26That's the real reason why it happened, because it turned him into a martyr
08:31for just being able to exercise personal choice.
08:35And now suddenly we're the racists for not wanting to play the game
08:38that we said we don't want to play.
08:40And you said, go get banged.
08:41We got get banged.
08:42And now we're still to blame for this bullshit.
08:46I think Mr. Mark, we didn't start the war.
08:51We were happy with our video games.
08:54We were happy to hang out in Discord channels and just play games and have fun
08:58and nerd out over the most benign bullshit.
09:02We were happy to try and come up with that one bolt that could one-shot things.
09:08This made us happy.
09:09We didn't want to be part of this culture war.
09:12You drag us into it every single bloody cycle, every single time a new game launches.
09:18Yeah, every time there's like a political or social event,
09:20video game developers try to always use that opportunity to make comments
09:25about these social events or these topics with games.
09:28And I think that average people just don't want to hear that.
09:31And I think also the big reason, too, and I said this before, I've said it like 50 times.
09:36It's not that there's political messaging at the games.
09:38It's that it's unfavorable, weird political messaging that basically nobody agrees with.
09:43Like, that's really the problem.
09:46Metal Gear Solid was all about politics, but it's because everybody is united
09:50and thinking, you know, a military industrial complex is bad.
09:54Yeah, exactly.
09:55It's refreshing to hear such base.
09:56Yeah, exactly.
09:57Like, they have the data and they just ignore it.
09:59They do.
10:00But the people that are ignoring it are having their studios shut down
10:04and they're going unemployed.
10:06And I think that, you know, again, a lot of people blame me for that.
10:10And I want to say in response, you're welcome.
10:15I'll keep doing it.
10:17Uh, if there's one of these games that I feel like is, you know, doing this kind of stuff
10:21that I don't like, and I think that it's not representative of what the population really
10:26wants, then I will make videos about it.
10:29And I will communicate that to my audience.
10:32And I will never lie to people.
10:34I never lie.
10:35I never misrepresent things.
10:37I show them for what they are.
10:39And if you're so afraid and so worried about me showing things for what they are,
10:43then maybe you should think about why that is.
10:47Okay, so what?
10:49We're going to deal with more DEI stuff.
10:51Gamers go, hey, could you please not put the DEI stuff in?
10:54Go fuck yourself.
10:55All right, we'll just leave then.
10:57What happens?
10:58The game fails.
10:59We say, ha ha, we told you so.
11:01You go, oh, these misogynistic racists.
11:04Don't be cruel.
11:04And we're like, dude, come on, man.
11:06We said we don't want this.
11:08You didn't want to take it out of the game.
11:10Now your game is failing and you're being laid off.
11:13What do you want us to do?
11:15Of course, we're celebrating it because you guys are destroying our games.
11:20Yeah, I don't know about the guy at the beginning,
11:23but I don't think he had any social media presence.
11:27But I don't know, maybe he used to.
11:30But a lot of these people that are trying to sue for empathy,
11:35these are people who spent the last four years or five years or seven years
11:40demonizing their own player base,
11:42constantly posting divisive social commentary.
11:47That is a complete echo chamber of this mindset,
11:51making comments about COVID,
11:53telling people that Trump was like Hitler, et cetera.
11:56Like you can't be that kind of person
11:59and then expect people not to celebrate when you take an L.
12:03Like when I get suspended or I get in trouble
12:05and then people are like, yay,
12:07I understand that completely because I represent what they disagree with.
12:11But the problem is these people live in such an echo chamber
12:16that they think disagreement is like abuse and cruelty.
12:21It's so weird.
12:24Zach raises way more people up than he puts down.
12:26Well, I do what needs to be done one way or another.
12:30I've heard from studios signing into programs created by woke agencies.
12:33They're getting wage subsidized devs recommended to their studios.
12:36Well, I'm not sure about that.
12:37I think it probably depends.
12:39I feel like if your game is great,
12:40no amount of if you don't like it, don't play it will make it not successful.
12:44I think that the problem is that
12:48everybody can tell the difference between, you know,
12:51having like a gay romance option in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
12:55and the Dragon Age of the Veil Guard.
12:57And the problem is that people try to create this like fake comparison
13:02where like nobody knows what this kind of stuff actually is.
13:05But in fact, I actually think everybody knows exactly what it is.
13:09And that's why people keep responding this way.
13:13No, they apparently cannot.
13:14Well, there's always going to be morons.
13:16But if you let yourself define be defined by the dumbest people in your group,
13:20that means that you're just, you know, catering to the lowest common denominator.
13:25But the one at the start said personal social media.
13:27So you're mean to go to his personal social media and blame him.
13:30So this is what the problem is.
13:31The problem is that a lot of these people use their personal social media
13:35and they basically operate and they speak on behalf as a professional in the space.
13:41Like there are people that have like private social media
13:44and they have their own opinions.
13:45And I don't really think that's it's that big of a deal.
13:48But the issue is that in a lot of these cases,
13:51people are like these are people who like they have their bio in there.
13:55And they said, I work at this company.
13:56They're posting about the video game.
13:58Like it's not like this is some sort of like separate thing.
14:02Like their existence on social media is predicated on their position
14:08in the development industry, right?
14:10Like that's what it's built off of.
14:11So like, I don't think this is fair to say it's their personal social media.
14:15Notice, by the way, that none of us celebrated the failure of Dust1.
14:19We laugh.
14:20It was funny.
14:22I guarantee you, if the developers for the studio of Dust1,
14:26whom of which I don't even know their names, by the way,
14:29if they announced tomorrow that they're doing all layoffs
14:31and the company is closing, no one would give a shit.
14:34I wouldn't even make that video because no one would click
14:36because no one would know what the hell I'm talking about.
14:38Because it has nothing to do with us.
14:40But you bet your ass, when EA announces that they're laying off
14:44the BioWare team that works on Dragon Age the Valeguard,
14:47we're celebrating that.
14:50Because at least...
14:51Well, if you had a piece of shit in your house
14:53and it was making the house smell bad,
14:55wouldn't you want to get the piece of shit out of your house?
14:59And like, once you got it out of the house, you'd be happy.
15:04Like, damn, now it doesn't smell bad anymore.
15:08Would you?
15:08Well, I mean, I'd shut the door, I tell you that.
15:11There's a couple less people in the industry
15:15destroying the IPs that we care about.
15:19Yeah, no, he's completely right about this.
15:21And I think this is absolutely 100% based rant.
15:24Absolutely 100%.
15:26And everything's sexist, racismophobic.
15:29Yeah, and you have to point it out to everybody.
15:30Yeah, I just think that people like this are just...
15:33You know, it's tired language.
15:34And we didn't start this or I was gonna finish it.
15:36Yeah, and I think that players now...
15:40And I think you can see this happening with games like Avowed, for example.
15:45Is that Avowed is like, you know, a pretty mediocre game, right?
15:48I would say.
15:49But a lot of the negative publicity and the negative press about the game
15:53really did affect it in a bad way.
15:56And I think that that's what's going to continue happening.
15:59And I think players are realizing that collectively,
16:03we can make the perception of games
16:06and kind of hold these developers accountable
16:08for doing things that we don't like.
16:11And the way that you hold somebody like this accountable
16:14isn't by harassing them or something like that.
16:17It's simply by communicating your ideas to a broad public.
16:20And then the public will then see the ideas
16:23and they'll be like,
16:24well, you know what?
16:24I fucking agree with that.
16:26That's true.
16:29So that's what I think is going to happen in the most cases, right?
16:32It's like, I mean, if you're worried about people showing content from your game
16:35and then making a decision based off of it,
16:37then you should be thinking about why that's the case in your game.
16:40It's like consulting your clients is a bad business strategy.
16:43Who knew?
16:43Yeah, exactly.
16:45And people will continue celebrating game layoffs.
16:48They will continue having this happen.
16:50And you can cry about it and get mad about it.
16:52But just know that if you cry about it and you get mad about it enough,
16:56you just might be in my next video.
