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00:00So Amrath was watching a video of me talking about these crazy people, right, and so Amrath
00:05was watching my video, right, and so then, uh, pretty much Amrath goes and says that,
00:12uh, the people that are doing that need to go live in LA where the fires are, right? That's
00:16pretty much what it is. I'm not really going to repeat this. Now, now here's really the big
00:21difference between myself and a lot of people that are my detractors, is that I have no problem
00:28calling out, saying that that's not a nice thing to say, it's a bad thing to say, you shouldn't
00:32say that, and so the big problem that I think a lot of people have with, uh, and again, yeah,
00:39we, we can't incite violence. I, I have tried to make a, a conscious effort to not support or
00:45promote people that, or promote things that incite active violence, right, and that's, it's a bit,
00:51it's a bit much, right, and so anyway, this is the big difference between myself and the people
00:57that criticize me, is that the people that criticize me and the people that complain about
01:01me all the time like to make excuses for other people that are on their side inciting violence
01:08or saying that people should kill themselves or anything like that. Violence is big bad, it is,
01:12and so the difference between me is I have no problem saying that that's bad, right? Maybe Amrath
01:17has a bad day, I disagree with what her opinion is, but you know, everybody's going to have whatever
01:21opinion they want, right? That's it, that's a straw man? No, it's not, it's not a straw man.
01:27When one of their friends, when one of those people, and, and this is, Asan also had a lot to,
01:32to chirp about me as well, because he saw this clip and he had to give his take as well,
01:36and so, um, it literally is. These people really try hard to justify advocating for violence,
01:44doxing, threatening, putting bounties on, and just in general being violent. Uh, this is not good,
01:53it's not good behavior, it doesn't matter who you are, it doesn't matter what it is,
01:56but some people think that it's okay if they're on, you know, what they would consider the right
02:00side of history. So we'll go ahead and we'll watch these clips, obviously, um, you know,
02:05I take one day off, I take one day off, and this is what happens.
02:15Natural being part of the platforming campaign, etc. I know this is drama, but I wanted to make
02:19people and well-meaning streamers who I like aware, like Mike from PA and others. How can
02:23you call Mike from PA a well-meaning streamer when he was the one who threatened to beat up
02:28Destiny and put a $100,000 bounty on Destiny? How can you possibly call him well-meaning when
02:34you're making a post criticizing somebody like this? Again, like, listen, this is the problem.
02:40This is the problem. This is the problem that I think a lot of people have, and Hassan isn't
02:44saying this, by the way. The person who he's reading their tweet is saying this. I'm not
02:49blaming this on Hassan. My point is, though, people fucking hate this hypocrisy. They hate
02:57this blatant, unfair, bullshit hypocrisy where you can call a piece of shit that is putting
03:05bounties on people for $100,000. Are we having effing? Why are we having effing? There's no effs.
03:13Yeah, what are you talking about? Of course, you don't blame Hassan. The reason why I'm not blaming
03:17Hassan is because he's literally not saying it. He's reading a message from somebody in chat,
03:21right? Here's the difference between myself and a lot of people that criticize me,
03:26is that it doesn't matter how unfair they get. I never stopped being fair because the moment that
03:32I stopped being fair is the moment that I no longer have any integrity. It's the moment that
03:38I'm no longer the person who is on the right side of things. So that's always what it's going to be,
03:44right? And I'm always going to try and do that. Now, I might make mistakes, right? Everybody
03:48makes mistakes, but I try not to make mistakes. My point, though, is that the problem is like,
03:53how the fuck do you say somebody is well-meaning when they put a bounty out on somebody that they
03:56don't like? Insane. Fucking crazy to say that. Hold yourselves accountable before you try to
04:05hold other people accountable. Right-wing streamer radicalism. Step one, go to Hassan's house. Step
04:11two, get divorced. Step three, watch Asmongold once. That's all it takes. No, it's, I promise
04:18you. I promise you. I promise you two things. One, if there wasn't such a fucking high density
04:27of hogs that were looking for hog content, right? What the fuck's going on with my camera today?
04:33If there wasn't such a high density of hogs that were like literally looking desperately for some
04:38kind of hog content on Twitch, which led to a massive amount of people gravitating towards
04:44Asmongold and Asmongold getting like fucking 50k every day doing right-wing commentary. None of the-
04:52If you think that the people who are watching this clip and think that it's weird are hogs,
05:02I feel like 80%, 90%, like if you show this clip to an average American, a Walmart American,
05:14they're going to think these people are fucking nuts.
05:20This isn't a extreme hog opinion. This is the general consensus.
05:28It's not even, I don't understand like this is, and again, I'm not even defending what Amarat is
05:33saying. I disagree with what Amarat is saying. But to say that my content is eliciting these reactions,
05:39I don't think that's fair.
05:44To a massive amount of people gravitating towards Asmongold and Asmongold getting like
05:49fucking 50k every day doing right-wing commentary. None of these motherfuckers would do this, okay?
05:56They just wouldn't. That's it. For a lot of people-
05:59What Hasan is saying is that the reason why people are saying the things that they're saying now
06:05is because I've proven that these opinions are popular by the amount of views that I get.
06:12And I think that is accurate. And so basically, but the alternative to that is that people are
06:20censored and they can't have the opinions that they actually have. They can't express them
06:25because they're afraid of getting banned. So that's basically what happens.
06:31Well, it's not like a genuinely held perspective. For many of them,
06:36they just don't care. It comes from a place of like, I don't really give a shit.
06:42He's right. Most people, and this is true with a lot of gamers and like people that are streamers,
06:47not everybody is involved in politics. And you see this with every election.
06:52There is a huge contingency, like somewhere around 20 to 30% of the population
06:57that's eligible to vote does not vote. This is true.
07:04Really necessarily give a shit about politics, but I see that this is like getting clout.
07:08And the example, the perfect example I can give you is when the most prominent voice of
07:14politics on the platform before this last round was myself. Back then, did you-
07:21Oh my God.
07:22I would say Hassan is still the most prominent voice for politics on Twitch.
07:27Like I cover politics and a bunch of other stuff. Hassan primarily covers politics.
07:34Like that is the primary focus of his channel. That is what he does. Like I've never, by the way,
07:40I've never gone and done this like, he's number two, I'm number one. I don't see it that way.
07:46He's number two, I'm number one. I don't see it that way. I don't know why, like, I guess people
07:52in his chat are mean to him. I'm not, I don't do that. I think it's ridiculous. That that's,
08:01so just, yeah, that's how I feel.
08:04I think that every single streamer was hyper woke. I mean, there are plenty of streamers who were.
08:09But I think that he brings up a good point here. What he's saying is it's the power of
08:14suggestion and the power of consensus. It's actually just what I was talking about before
08:18about how Reddit existed. And basically what he's saying is that a lot of streamers felt
08:23more confident and more comfortable expressing woke opinions because that was the way the culture
08:28was. But now that the culture has shifted and people have seemingly changed their opinions
08:34and the consensus is different now, now you have people that aren't expressing those opinions as
08:39much because they're afraid of backlash. Now, what I would counter this with is that both of
08:44those groups of people are equally disingenuous and they're both doing and saying things that
08:49are just simply to fit in with the group. Now you can say it doesn't really matter,
08:53but it's important to keep that in mind. And also the reason why people were like hypothetically,
08:59like super woke back then, like maybe three years ago, four years ago is because not being like
09:04that caused you to get banned off of the platform. So you can't really compare the
09:09two things because back then there wasn't even the option to have another opinion.
09:14You couldn't even say anything different. So obviously when you ban everybody who disagrees
09:20with you, you're going to be in a platform of people that only disagree or that only agree
09:25with you. Like that's just how it is. But there were a lot of streamers who didn't necessarily
09:33give a shit, but basically played ball with that kind of politics. They would they would
09:37make comments and say things that were positive towards woke stuff because those streamers.
09:42The reason why, though, is because those streamers were doing the same thing that Starbucks,
09:47they're doing the same thing that Target was doing or anything else. Like people need to
09:53stop thinking about a lot of these bigger streamers as like individuals and start thinking
09:59them more, start thinking about them more as brands, is that these people are brands and
10:05they're trying to say the thing that's popular with the most people. So they're trying to have
10:11the opinion that is going to get them more viewers. That's going to make people like them more.
10:17That's it. Like you? Well, I don't know. I mean, you could go back. Like the thing is that you
10:22can say like me, but like you can watch videos that I made in 2014 where I say the same things
10:27that I'm saying now. Right. You can go back and watch videos of me saying like in 2020,
10:31right, with the George Floyd riots or like January 6th, you know, like I said the same
10:37thing that I'm saying now. I've never changed my narrative about hardly anything. I think
10:43of anything. January 6th is a little bit different because like I originally didn't think it was that
10:47big of a deal that I watched some of Destiny's coverage and Destiny. I think he made a pretty
10:51big are a pretty good argument to January 6th being worse than what my initial impression of
10:56it was. And we're not going to begin an open debate about this. Right. This is just I'm just
11:00expressing my my viewpoints and how it's evolved over the time. But that's because I learned more
11:05about it. Right. But anyway, of course, people had these opinions because those opinions were
11:11what got them more brand deals and they got them more money. It wasn't because they had these
11:16opinions organically. It's because the people that weren't allowed to have those opinions were
11:21banned. That's it. A lot of people in this community, because we're so intentional and so
11:34hyper aware of politics, assume that content creators and their fucking communities of
11:40rather apolitical people don't just like swing in every direction. He's right. Simply because
11:47you know that that gains them more prominence. OK, I think that that's a degree. There's a degree
11:54of that that is true, is that people will try to generally echo the consensus of the public.
12:00Most people and like you saw this, I think a really good example about this and like Hassan
12:04can probably agree with this. I don't know if you would or not. Is that the way that when the Israel
12:09Palestine thing happened, like October 7th happened, every celebrity was rushing out to give
12:15a take on it. But then a lot of them like remember, like Justin Bieber, who like said pray for Israel
12:20and then he posted a picture of like Gaza and it was like destroyed. Right. So a lot of these
12:26celebrities are just trying. And this streamers are the same way. Right. That's the point that
12:30I'm making is like they're only trying to have the opinion that's popular. That's it.
12:37And so, yeah, that's that's really it. Yeah. Bieber. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
12:40And so like that's actually accurate. Searching for news. Yeah.
12:47In many circumstances, that's precisely what's going on.
12:53Yeah. And I think also I think it's reductive to say that to an extent also, because you have the
12:59component of platform bans. Like there were people that got platform bans for having opinions that
13:07were problematic. Right. Like I think obviously Destiny is an example of that. Like I would say
13:13Aiden Ross is an extreme example of that, who, by the way, apparently people said Aiden Ross got
13:17unbanned or he didn't get unbanned. I don't know. Like he's tried to rehabilitate his image, etc.
13:23And so like that's really the way I see it in a lot of cases. But he's also trying to shame
13:27your community. No, no. Yeah. I mean, sure. Right. I mean, obviously he doesn't agree with a lot of
13:32things that I say, and so he's going to be, you know, upset about it. But anyway, the point is
13:37that, yes, consensus does matter. So this is a video that I did. And oh, this is actually this.
13:44There's a two part. This is one one part. This is the second part. This has eighty one thousand
13:50likes with fifty with five hundred dislikes. The idea that like this this content isn't popular or
13:57like this isn't the consensus is insane. And I would I would argue that I don't really see a lot
14:04of people that are producing content that is in favor of these types of these types of people
14:10that is receiving this level of consensus and this level of feedback. The reason why what I'm
14:16saying is popular and the reason why people watch these videos is because they agree with them.
14:22And I think that it creates like there's like a symbiosis right where you have me putting out
14:28an opinion and then people agreeing with it, which makes me who is putting out opinions more
14:34more well known. And then, you know, it's like a multiplier effect for all of that. Right.
14:40And so anyway, that's what's been happening a lot.
14:44And what's this here? Because it's obvious truth. Yeah. I think that the idea that like
14:49thinking that these people aren't crazy. Like you play this video like what percentage would
14:57you guys guess would watch this video and think to themselves, holy shit, these people are nuts.
15:05Like I would say ninety nine point five percent, I would say it's easily over 80 percent, right?
15:10Easily over 80 percent. And so anyway, ninety nine percent of people on Earth. Yeah, exactly.
15:15And so this is what happens with a lot of things our position to take. Exactly. And so the idea
15:20that like these opinions are not popular or anything like that is just completely untrue.
15:25It's completely and massively untrue. And yeah, I mean, that's basically it. I mean,
15:32it's not because they're getting views, but I think that it does matter, though. I mean,
15:36and to Hassan's point, I think that it does make a difference that when I'm saying something and
15:42then a lot of other people see that, wait a minute, hold up. Other people actually agree
15:46with this, right? This actually is true. It does cause a lot more people to say, well, actually,
15:53yeah, I do feel this way because for a long time, that entire perspective was censored from Twitter
15:59and Reddit and YouTube. And I think you can see that with covid. Like if you look at the way
16:03people discuss covid now versus then it's a totally different universe. Anyway, we'll go to
16:10the next one here. We why they're saying this is in many ways no different than when Elon Musk
16:15hits the fucking sick aisle. Other people do it, too. And it normalizes that kind of attitude.
16:20It normalizes that kind of politics. And it's precisely to be fair, just just just in case
16:26anybody was keeping count. I defended Elon Musk with doing that because I thought it was just an
16:32awkward action. Did I defend that pastor from doing the sick aisle? Did I defend Steve Bannon
16:37from doing the sick aisle? No, I didn't, because I thought it was intentional. So this is, again,
16:43a false equivalence. I've never I've never said that. I doesn't. I'm sorry. That doesn't mean
16:49that I'm like, OK, with all of it happening. I only said that it was OK because I didn't think
16:54Elon meant it that way. You should defend them. Well, I mean, the point that I was making with
17:02Elon is that I didn't believe that it was intentional. I didn't think that it was.
17:05I didn't think there was enough evidence to believe that. But yeah, I clearly didn't. Exactly.
17:11Anyway, we'll keep going. The Argentinean president also did it. Yeah, I never defended any of those.
17:18Same thing that's happening. I mean, I clearly know about them. Right. So I didn't talk about it.
17:26OK, Asmongold says a bunch of unhinged shit and he's popping off.
17:31If you were to take a poll of the American public or, hey, if you want to have it be even more in
17:37my favor, how about a poll from the whole population of the world?
17:41Who was more unhinged, myself or this person in the video?
17:49I think that would be a very good day for me.
17:52I think that would be a very good day for me.
17:57That would be such an incredibly very good day for me. And so you don't have to ask. Everybody
18:05knows this. And so the idea that like what I'm saying about these people is unhinged
18:11is outrageous. That's why these videos have received such good receptions.
18:18It's because a lot of people agree with it.
18:22And other content creators see that, as I've told you.
18:26And yeah, you're right. We did have the poll, like the election, which was,
18:29you know, again, I think that that does stand to to to communicate a lot.
18:34For and they respond to it. Let me go back. And he's popping off.
18:38Other content creators see that, as I've told you before, and they respond to it.
18:43They see. Well, I think the alternative to what he what he's suggesting,
18:46the alternative to that is, is that I'm not allowed to express my opinion
18:50because me expressing my opinion would lead to other people expressing their opinion.
18:55Now, I'm of the viewpoint that it's best to allow myself to express my opinion
19:00and also for Hassan to express his opinion. I think that it's really important that we can
19:05get all of these ideas out there in the public and then the people can make up their mind based
19:10off of what they think is the most compelling. And so, like, yeah, the alternative to that is
19:16censorship. And I don't agree with that at all. I'm not a fan of that at all.
19:23It's free speech. Yeah, it is free speech. Now, again, like we can have two separate arguments,
19:28right? Who's breaking the terms of service and what I think the terms of service should be
19:35like. There's a lot of things that basically I don't think you should get banned for basically
19:39anything except for breaking the law. So like for a lot of these cases, I would actually
19:44not really care about anybody getting banned. But at the same time, I don't think you can just
19:49ban everybody. I feel like this is a pretty good pretty good indicator, right? Banning everybody
19:54who disagreed with like covid or who disagreed with like any woke policies, whatever you want
19:59to call it, did that work? Well, apparently the election proved that it didn't. So as somebody
20:05and like he's been on the Internet for a really long time, too. And so like we both remember
20:11like how the Internet was like pre 2012, where it was like an anything goes situation.
20:16And looking back and thinking like comparing that to now has the censorship campaigns.
20:23Have that have they made the Internet a better place? And I think the answer to that is absolutely
20:28not. I think that they have not made the Internet a better place at all, and I think that they've
20:34actively made it worse. You see that and they go, oh, I can get in on this as well. Yeah.
20:46You know, have you ever considered that some of these people aren't grifting and that they
20:49actually do have the Hitlerian dog in them? Thinking these people are crazy doesn't make
20:53you Hitler. Doesn't matter whether they're grifting or not. Doesn't fucking matter.
20:58You can have a dude who has like unhinged fucking politics, but ultimately their output
21:04is what is most important here. OK, if they have unhinged politics privately,
21:10it's usually going to come out. But what matters is whether what matters is what they're saying,
21:17because they're content creators, they have platforms, they have influence, they have
21:21prominence, they have audience members. Yeah. But like the problem with that is like saying
21:25that the only people that should be able to express their opinion are people who you agree
21:29with or people you think that like they have the right opinions. I think that's a very dangerous
21:33road to go down. It is. And I think that the people that do go down that road oftentimes
21:41were leading the campaigns to have Hassan de-platformed. They're the same ones. It's
21:47just that they see that argument from a different perspective. I think that the only way to look at
21:52this in a healthy way is to value freedom of speech, let people put their ideas out there,
21:59let it be known to the free marketplace of ideas, and the people will decide what they think is in
22:04their best interest. And they won't always make the right decisions, but I think that they have
22:09the right to make the decisions for themselves. And they'll probably make better decisions than
22:14some, you know, unelected council of moderators in San Francisco. Who love them. They have audience
22:23members who will be swayed by their attitude, okay? I don't give a shit if they're genuinely,
22:31in this regard, I don't give a shit if they're genuinely... Who's swaying society, I think,
22:34a certain way? Everyone who's talking about politics is trying to sway people to think
22:38about it the way that they think about it. Obviously, people discuss things and they
22:44talk about things in persuasive ways because they want other people to, you know, take on
22:49that same viewpoint. On board with this, this, these politics, or if they're just simply doing
22:58it for the grift. Let's see if there's, is there another one? Yeah, there's another one. Asanki's
23:02Wayne, Destiny fans. Sex Pestini fans spread fake bullshit on a Reddit group, they think control
23:07moderation, then they get shocked they get pushed a lot of randoms, margins, politics of a right
23:11winger. Wonder why Asmon's fans use the exact same language they use about me being a radical.
23:17I don't think this is really fair either. Why Asmon's fans use the exact same language they
23:23use about me being a radical? Well, I think that every single person will come to the answer of
23:28four when you look at a question, which is, what is two plus two? When you bring on somebody who
23:34is a terrorist, you introduce them as a terrorist, and then people say that you're a terrorist
23:39supporter. I think that you're going to obviously have that reaction because that's the thing that
23:44you're doing. So, maybe the reason why people from different communities are coming to the
23:49same conclusion about the things that you're doing is because that is in fact what you're doing.
23:56Like, am I crazy? Like, if you show a hundred people a picture of an apple,
24:01almost every single person's going to say it's an apple.
24:06Let's see what the rest one is. There's two of these, and where's the other one?
24:11Some of them are libs who hate Asmon's politics. They just hate me more because their politics
24:15are primed by what Epstein says, and hates me, and he hates Asmon. This is some game of throne
24:24shit. I don't know about that, right? But anyway, this is between them. I'm not even going to get
24:34involved with that. You can't reason with extremists? Well, I'm not trying to change
24:39anybody's- like, I'm not trying to change people's minds that are extremists.
24:44I'm trying to just look at it in a way that is fair and balanced. Now, obviously everybody has
24:52biases. I have biases. You have biases. Everybody has biases, but I try to be fair. I try to be
24:58accurate. XQC talked about this as well. Here we go.
25:03People voted for Trump. Bro, we're aggressive. We're aggressive. We will say, look at the amount
25:08of votes. The general population feels this way, but then the general population votes a different
25:15way, and you're like, well, I think you're just wrong. There's a little bit of nuance to this,
25:21which is that a poor outlet, a poor outlet, a poor outlet, a poor outlet, a poor outlet,
25:30which is that a plurality of people voted for Trump, not a majority.
25:37So Trump did not receive 50% or more of the general public's votes,
25:43but a lot of people don't vote, period. So what XQC is saying is, it's technically wrong,
25:51but spiritually right. It's effectively correct. It's very clear that Trump's viewpoint is more
25:59popular than the other person's viewpoint, because if the other person's viewpoint,
26:03like Kamala Harris or Biden's viewpoint, would have been more popular, they would have had more
26:07people to vote for them. But there is a good amount of people who are just simply indifferent,
26:11or they don't want to vote for whatever reason. But yeah, I mean, Trump did win the popular vote
26:17for the first time in 20 years. The last time that a Republican won the popular vote was Bush
26:22in 2004, and that was right off the heels of September 11th, which basically turned USA
26:28into Helldivers 2. So yeah, big surprise. If you don't vote, don't complain. Everybody's going to
26:35complain. That's not really a waste of time to talk about. That was Reagan? No, Reagan also,
26:43I think, won the popular vote. But I was saying the most recent time that a Republican has won
26:47the popular vote before now was Bush in 2004. I could be wrong about that, but I think that's true.
26:54Bush got it most recently. Yeah. I mean, what are we talking about here? I'm confused.
27:01Yeah. You cannot say the general population doesn't like this. And then the general population
27:08votes for somebody to be in office that holds those views. So who are you talking to?
27:15Yeah, I think that for a long time, there was a manufactured consensus of,
27:20like, I would say, extreme left-wing opinions that was created by a censorship apparatus
27:27through social media, Hollywood, and just in general, all types of mainstream popular media.
27:35And I think that, again, the way that, like, really broke that dam was Elon Musk buying Twitter.
27:43When Elon Musk bought Twitter and kind of let everybody loose, then everybody started seeing
27:49all of the flaws and they started saying, hey, actually, no, we're not this tiny,
27:52you know, extreme minority. There's actually more of us than there are of them.
27:56And so X with common sense. Exactly. So, yeah, I think that there was a manufactured far left
28:03consensus that happened. And Trump winning is a direct result of that manufactured consensus
28:09being challenged. And I think that challenge came from from the beginning, Twitter being
28:16bought by Elon Musk. Who is the population? Is it the residents of California?
28:23Is it the big cities online personality? Yeah. And in California, they voted against Trump.
28:29Collectively, more people voted and Hassans in California. Right. So like around there. Yeah.
28:35Nobody likes Trump. I'm in Austin, Texas. Austin, Texas. Like if I go to L.A.
28:43I'm basically in the same place. Like L.A. is very similar to Austin
28:48in terms of like demographics, population, etc.
28:51The only thing that's different about L.A. is that gas is about twice as much.
28:55Well, they're on Facebook. Is it that? Is it the fucking is it is it the Twitter and
29:00these? No, stop saying the population. That's what it is. Really give a shit about Paul.
29:07People voted. Let me see. We'll go to the other one.
29:14Does he talk about me?
29:17Um, yeah, I mean, I disagree. I think holding the view that had that is the more popular
29:24because of the more popularity. I think another another little hint of projection,
29:29if you hold leftist views in areas that are very outrage heavy and leftist, you get a lot of
29:35notoriety and you get a lot of appraisal and mistakes are extremely popular and are always
29:39in the center of what public opinion likes. And he speaks loudly. So true. He's so right. God,
29:46so true about what people people like. And you're just going to lose public opinion.
29:51Talk about me. Explain how how that doesn't apply to him.
29:58We don't know. They're not there are extremely like like public opinion glazing. What? Yeah.
30:07No, I do. I mean, a lot of my opinions and perspectives come, you know, they're they're
30:12the shared opinions of a lot of people. Absolutely. Very, very true. And I think that's the
30:17case for a lot of things. And I feel like it's just a second. Let me make sure that I have one
30:23second. Let me make sure that I follow the rest. Oh, God. Oh, God. It's still going on. And so
30:32here's really the main difference between between myself and a lot of the people that are disagreeing
30:39with me and a lot of the people that complain about me. The main difference between the two
30:43of us is that when Amarath pops off and says something like what she said, I have no hesitation
30:50and no reservation about saying that it's not good. It's bad to say that you hope that the
30:56people that you don't like or you think are crazy, which I don't like them and I do think they're
31:00crazy, but I don't wish for them to be caught on fire in the L.A. fires. I think that that's too
31:05much over the line and I don't support that. So the problem is that while people that are of my
31:12perspective are willing to rein in and call out extremism, bad actors and bad opinion, this doesn't
31:18make Amarath a bad person. She could have had a bad day. You know, it's just how it is. Right. I
31:23mean, that's how it is. And again, I'm not trying to, like, you know, crucify her either. I'm just
31:29saying I don't agree with that opinion. I think it's a bad opinion to have. And I don't think
31:32people should be talking about things that way. Right. I don't like it. So the problem is that
31:38a lot of the people that do this are unwilling to call out bad actors in their group.
31:44I am more than willing to call out bad actors in my group because I don't view myself as really
31:49part of that group to begin with. I made the video about Elon Musk. He got mad about me.
31:55I've made bad videos about Trump. I've criticized Trump's stance on Ukraine
31:59multiple times, and I've I've I've had no problem with that. So this is what's always been happening.
32:07And and I've covered everything. So I've been fair about everything that I can be.
32:15Amrash said the equivalent of what many people are saying whenever they tell liberals they should go
32:19live in the Middle East, their progressive ideology. That doesn't mean that you are wishing
32:22death on them. I think that telling somebody to live inside of a fire is very different than
32:26telling somebody to live inside of an oppressive society. That's just me. Right. I mean, like,
32:31again, like we're getting very granular in like these these conversations. But my point is that,
32:37again, I don't really support telling somebody to kill themselves or somebody should die or
32:41whatever. Right. Anyway, I'll watch this one and then we're going to we're going to move on.
32:49Reminder that KZ Tron trying to do the same tactic, the same sort of endeavor. She's not
32:55as attractive, therefore not as successful in that business. And she just I didn't say it's
33:00mad because she's hitting somebody. I'm not saying that she did, but was successful and
33:04actually made some money because she would have done the same fucking thing. So the grifter,
33:07everybody, look at yourself, man. And you'll pull the mirror, brother. Hey, hey, pull up a mirror.
33:13Let's be honest. You're the true grifter. You just failed. Let's be honest. Hey, I'm I'm just
33:19saying what it is. I would say what it's like. I'm not I'm not doing any insults. That is just
33:23that is textbook what it is. Anything else? It's true, by the way. He's completely right.
33:35KZ Tron tried doing the same thing 10 years ago. Also, she's a grifter of what, Bill?
33:43People are overusing the term grifter and they're devaluing it the same way they do with Nazi,
33:48racist, homophobe and everything else.
33:53Grifting is whenever you do something for popularity or money.
34:00Isn't Amarath like fucking like a super multimillionaire because of OnlyFans?
34:06You think her reacting to this video is grifting? Come on. What are we doing?
34:14I'm going to tell you, you can you can hate on for like this. Take it. Yeah, sure. But why
34:19they're saying what grifter of what? People use that word too much. That's I made a tweet about
34:27this. I said that the term grifter is like one of those. When I hear that word, I take what a
34:33person is saying a lot less seriously. Click the link.
34:44It's a buzzword. Yeah, it's become a buzzword.
35:06And so. And just follow the money. Yeah.
35:10Follow the money. Yeah. I mean.
35:15I get you. People are mad at her for what she said, but I mean, she kind of fired first, though.
35:23No, she's going to fire first, though. I mean, if you attack people, I mean,
35:28they have the right to defend themselves on social media.
35:33Actually thought you were different. Oh, God.
35:35She did this.
35:38I think that women do this weird thing where they expect to have universal support from other women,
35:44regardless of what they do. I think it's actually one of the toxic things that women do,
35:49where they try to support women over a man in some circumstances. And this is also a
35:56scientifically proven fact. So there's something that's referred to as own group bias. And women
36:02are five times more likely to exhibit own group bias than men are. So it's actually
36:10this is a this is a fact. You look it up right now. Google it. You find it. You see it's true.
36:17It's an extreme statement to make. So I just want to make sure this is cited.
36:21Four experiments confirmed women's automatic own group bias is remarkably stronger than men's.
36:26Any more study on the female own group bias? Women are nearly five times more likely to show
36:30an automatic preference for their own gender than men are. Like, this is just it's just how it is.
36:37Right. Yeah, it's an evolutionary trait.
36:41I'm not saying it's not. I'm just saying that this is true. And I'm not making this up.
36:48I'm confused. Well, not what you said. I'm just saying, like, like, she fired personal first.
36:55And that was a response to what? It's a response to like a post about what she did on stream,
36:59which is not at her. Like what?
37:05As dumb as fuck, man. Men will do the little opposite. They'll simp for women, for girls to
37:10take a guy's side, even though the guy is right. Yeah, because they want to fuck the girl. That's
37:14why it's that simple. Like, yeah, no, you're absolutely right. And that's also probably an
37:20evolutionary trait as well. Absolutely. But anyway, yeah. So the reason why a lot of the
37:27content and stuff like this that's been happening and the reason why a lot of people watch videos
37:32that I do, et cetera, is actually very simple. It's because a lot of people agree with them.
37:38And that's it. And so if you want to have more viewers, if you want to,
37:43you know, get more people to watch, you have to look at what what like how to calibrate
37:49what you're communicating in a way that the public can understand and appreciate.
37:53And notice the way that I said that. I'm not saying that you have to change what you're saying,
37:59but the way that you say something is sometimes more important than what you're saying. And I
38:06think that there's been a lot of examples where, like, people have said, you know,
38:10And I think that there's been a lot of examples where, like, people will get really mad at me
38:14for something. And it's really like I have this problem myself, and it's because I really kind
38:18of play into it, is that I will usually communicate ideas that are kind of like unpopular, but true
38:26in like a very hostile way in order to, like, bait a reaction. And I do. But sometimes that
38:31alienates people against me. So the point is that if you want to communicate with people,
38:37like the best argument isn't an argument. It's showing people that this type of thing,
38:43is this is it happening? I don't know why you guys are getting so many Fs. Like on mine,
38:49I have zero dropped frames. I don't know where these dropped frames are coming from at all.
38:53So it just seems pretty weird. Is Reddit a valid source? Well, oh, from the post that I showed?
39:00Well, Reddit usually is linking to a study. You can look at 50 other studies. I mean,
39:04it's an observable reality. So you can repeat it and see it repeated multiple times.
39:09But anyway, so yeah, the big difference between myself and people that criticize me a lot is that
39:15I have no problem calling out bad actors and calling out people who say things that I disagree
39:20with. And even if they are ideologically more aligned with me than not. And I think if people
39:27that are disagreeing with me and people that are, you know, at least perceive themselves to be on
39:32the opposite side of me, I think that if they took my approach more often, they would be more
39:37successful themselves. Because I think that people can see hypocrisy. And the reason why the public
39:44hates hypocrisy so much is because it's an insult to the public's intelligence. And that insult
39:51happens whenever you take something and you lie to the public and you say, this isn't the same
39:57thing. And everybody can see that it is. And so that's why is that hypocrisy is the personal
40:03insult of we're okay with this. And you should be okay with this because of this reason.
40:11Context matters. Yeah. And but yeah, I disagree with you on a lot of stuff that you're the only
40:16streamer I watch. Yeah, no. And that's fine. Right? A lot of people disagree. It just depends
40:19on how. And some people are child predators. One was probably declaring that all our children are
40:23trans. I don't know about that. As it wasn't mentioned here. And I recall said he wanted people
40:28to die. Yeah, exactly. I never said that. And if I if I had said that I would have got banned.
40:34I would have got in trouble. Like that would have been another big, big post. Everybody's mad at me.
40:39And and if I gotten suspended for that, I would have said okay, I probably went over the line.
40:43Right? So yeah, there you go. The title of the post is literal garbage. You never advocated
40:50for violence against these people? No, I never did. Of course not. I've tried to make a very
40:56conscious effort to avoid doing things like that and to avoid being that kind of person. Now,
41:01obviously, everybody makes mistakes, etc. But it's one of the reasons why I think it and the reason
41:06why. So let me explain the reason why is that every action that I take and everything that I do,
41:13I think is working towards a greater goal of something that I think is beneficial towards me,
41:18or some sort of outcome that I'm looking to have, right? That's everything that I do. And I think
41:24about is me doing this going to get me closer to that outcome or not. I don't think about it
41:29emotionally at all. I don't think about how I feel about it. I don't think about anything. I only
41:33think about how do I move myself closer to that goal with every action that I take. And I view
41:39advocating for violence as something that takes me away from that goal. And that's why I apologize
41:44for the Palestine thing, because I thought that it was me taking myself farther away from the goal,
41:49because it was doing something that was needlessly divisive and problematic, right? And like
41:54calibrating that into a way that's more understandable and fairer for people, I think
42:00is something that people like watching. And I think that, you know, again, the numbers speak for themselves.