👉 La investigación del escándalo conocido como CriptoGate, que involucra al presidente Javier Milei por presuntas negociaciones incompatibles con la función pública, está avanzando rápidamente en el juzgado de Servini. El fiscal Eduardo Taiano, quien recientemente regresó de vacaciones, lidera la pesquisa tras ser designado por sorteo. La denuncia inicial fue presentada por Claudio Lozano y ha sido unificada con otras en un solo expediente. A pesar de las críticas sobre la lentitud judicial, el proceso ha progresado significativamente desde su inicio hace una semana.
🗣️ Antonio Laje
👉 Seguí en #OtraMañana
📺 a24.com/vivo
🗣️ Antonio Laje
👉 Seguí en #OtraMañana
📺 a24.com/vivo
00:00Well, what has to do with the crypto-gate, the crypto-scandal, is obviously moving forward.
00:05A week has passed since the start of, or since the issue began to be processed in the Serbine de Cubría court.
00:13Let us remember that the investigation is carried out by Attorney Eduardo Tayano.
00:17Javier Meley's imputation is already a fact due to incompatible negotiations by Tayano.
00:23The imputation is manual for everyone.
00:25Of course, it is manual, but there is a whole issue with the word imputation, because it says, well, they imputed Meley.
00:31It is something like a super step that the investigation advanced and it is a very strong measure.
00:36The truth is that it is the natural step that is taken before anyone.
00:40To be able to investigate it, you have to impute it.
00:41Exactly. Any start of investigation, any beginning of a search of a prosecutor,
00:48results in an imputation, in this case of President Javier Meley, due to alleged incompatible negotiations with the public service.
00:55This complaint is still being processed, especially the one presented by Claudio Lozano.
01:02There are also others, obviously everything was unified in the same file.
01:06Tayano, who arrived more or less in the middle of the week, last week, was on vacation in Costa Rica until last week.
01:13Someone said, hey, but they don't advance with justice.
01:15The truth is that the case is advancing quite quickly.
01:17Let's see, this was last Monday, that is, a week ago, the judge was just drawn.
01:25The attraction judge in Comodoro Pi is Servini de Cubría.
01:28Remember that later there is another complaint in what is Olivos, which is San Isidro, which is Arroyo Salgado.
01:34Lozano's is the first, but they all later converge on Servini de Cubría.
01:38This was on Monday.
01:39On Tuesday, Servini de Cubría ordered that the investigation be taken to Tayano.
01:44On Monday, the judge and prosecutor are drawn and the investigation is taken to Tayano.
01:49So it started on Tuesday or Wednesday.
01:52Obviously, Tayano was on vacation, which was in his right to be on vacation, because we were on vacation.
01:57He even comes back and takes the investigation.
02:00Last week we were not on vacation.
02:02We were, there is still a break.
02:06We were on vacation.
02:08Well, it's true.
02:10I miscalculated the date.
02:11We were not on vacation.
02:12It's true, it's true.
02:13We were on vacation until last week.
02:18Today, honestly, this starts on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday.
02:23It already begins to advance and to take a series of test measures.
02:27And this Monday the investigation continues and there is a formal impeachment of the president.
02:32Then we will have to see how far the cause advances or not.
02:36And especially if justice ends up proving that there was a crime.
02:41We have to ratify or not that figure, obviously.