00:00Transcribed by ESO. Translated by —
00:30风筝跌宕 无声中涌往 The kite falls down, there's no sound to be heard.
00:36风雨起 漫漫黄沙 The wind rises, the sand is yellow.
00:39江湖纷扰 失单两 The land is in turmoil, and the shore is barren.
00:42中路连华 追寻着天光 The road is winding, looking for the light.
00:47接受挑战 世事无常 Accepting the challenge, the world is ever-changing.
00:51势必经得岁月满荒 The years are bound to pass, the world is full of darkness.
00:55无畏争开枪 The fearless man opens the box.
00:57荆棘中成长 破心在暗夜交涨 Growing up in the middle of the night, the heart breaks in the middle of the night.
01:05不负所望 守护着我的晨光 Protecting my morning light,
01:10白云中战锋芒 I fight against the wind in the white clouds.
01:14从前过往 生之苍 From the past to the present,
01:17陪我渡千重浪 With me, I travel thousands of miles.
01:20天空中决斗一场 疯狂爱一场 Fighting in the sky, it's a crazy love.
01:23对得起夕阳 It's a perfect sunset.
01:26笑对风霜和桥向今生 Smile to the wind and the bridge to the future.
01:56荆棘中成长 破心在暗夜交涨 Growing up in the middle of the night, the heart breaks in the middle of the night.
02:26优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
02:56三魂七魄阵再说吧 这江湖就没有我阎少破不了的阵 Let's talk about the three souls, the seven broken formations. There is no formation that I, Yan Shao, can't break in this world.
03:14兄们 Brothers
03:26兄们 Brothers
03:44兄们 Brothers
03:52死吧 Die
03:57死吧 Die
04:03阵破 Formation broken
04:26阵破 Formation broken
04:44这是 This is
04:46大漠 The desert
04:48飞天 Flying sky
04:50强盗 Thieves
04:52汉匪 Han bandits
04:53是什么情况 What's going on?
04:54容叔狂 Uncle Rong
04:55没想到你还能活到今日 I didn't expect you to live to this day
04:58不愧是玉石山庄第一刀客 You deserve to be the number one swordsman in Yuchi Manor
05:01容叔狂 Uncle Rong
05:02是我吗 Is it me?
05:04我的名字 My name
05:06可惜了 What a pity
05:07三天三夜 Three days and three nights
05:08玉石山庄没有一个人来救你 No one from Yuchi Manor came to save you
05:10要么他们是怕了鬼谷盟 Either they are afraid of the Ghost Valley Alliance
05:13要么那把钥匙比你重要 Or that key is more important than you
05:16臭丫头 Bitch
05:17你中了我们盟主的玄冰寒玉掌武功尽失 三日不进食在此暴晒 活不了几个时辰了 You were poisoned by our leader's Xuanbing Cold Jade Palm and lost your martial arts
05:21三日不进食在此暴晒 活不了几个时辰了 You were exposed to the sun for three days without eating
05:25你们都谁啊 Why are you all here?
05:27干嘛要整死我 Why are you trying to kill me?
05:29你个臭丫头 You bitch
05:30装傻充愣啊 还是脑子坏了 Are you pretending to be stupid or are you out of your mind?
05:33我们是逍遥似仙 We are carefree like fairies
05:35就是 That's right
05:36你死都不应该忘记的人 You deserve to die
05:39你们就杀人 Why don't you just kill me?
05:41老大在此 She is here
05:43她就是死于你的刀下 She died under your knife
05:45容淑狂 我们和你不共戴天 Rongshu Kuang, you and I have nothing to do with each other
05:49我还是个女侠呢 I'm still a heroine
05:51武功高强的那种 I'm good at martial arts
05:54那怎么被人绑这儿了 Why am I tied here?
06:05又来一个要杀我的 Another one wants to kill me
06:09不对 一山不容二虎 一个组合不能有两个红色 No, one mountain can't hold two tigers. One team can't have two reds
06:22英雄救美 Hero, save me
06:25英雄 你快来救我 Hero, come and save me
06:39你这是救人还是杀人 Are you saving me or killing me?
07:09英雄救美 Hero, save me
07:39英雄救美 Hero, save me
08:09帮我 Let me help
08:39英雄救美 Hero, save me
09:09英雄救美 Hero, save me
09:15这是中毒了 This is poisoning
09:32盟主 Rongshu Kuang的锁魂塔被劫走了 Chief, Rongshu Kuang's Soul-locking Tower has been taken away
09:35是玉石山庄的人来了 It's the people from Yuchi Mountain Village
09:37看着面声 Look at their faces
09:40去 无论如何都要抓住他们 Go. We must catch them no matter what
09:43是 Yes
09:57谢谢你在今天这么重要的日子里 Thank you for destroying my understanding of happiness on such an important day
10:01这个世界上再也没有值得我留恋的东西了 In this world, there is nothing left for me to cherish
10:32什么情况 What's going on?
10:33抢救失败了 I failed to save him
10:35我说没留恋就直接把我送走了 I said I didn't have feelings for him, but he just sent me away
10:38我在现代的生活是不怎么如意 It's not easy for me to live in the modern world
10:42但也不至于 But it's not necessary
10:43不行不行 让我想想 No, no. Let me think
10:47你的反应似乎不想被救 Your reaction doesn't seem to want to be saved
10:53是 我就应该死 Yes, I should have died
10:56疼疼疼 疼疼 It hurts
10:58你命不该绝 昏睡了一天一夜 还是活了过了 You deserve to die. You've been sleeping all day and night, but you're still alive
11:03这应该不是幻觉 也不是梦境 大概率是进入平行时空了 This should not be an illusion or a dream. It's likely to enter a parallel universe
11:11一般这种情况下 要么想尽办法回去 要么既来之则安之 又是人生的十字路口啊 In this case, I either try my best to go back, or I come and go
11:20It's another crossroad of life
11:23你说什么 What did you say?
11:26没什么 Nothing
11:29敢问这位大侠尊姓大名 May I know your name, sir?
11:33风流有王孙 烈焰少年肠 I'm Ye Yan Shao Nian Chang, the grandson of Feng Liu
11:40应该是个挺有名的名号 It must be a pretty famous name
11:43没有 无名之辈 只是嘴口一说 No, I'm just saying it
11:47可你一直有名无名的 我现在也不知道啊 You've always been famous. I didn't know that
11:51我姓燕 江湖人称燕少 My last name is Yan. People call me Yan Shao
11:55燕少大侠 您应该没有什么兄弟手足死于我手吧 Mr. Yan Shao, I don't think you have any brothers who died at my hands, do you?
12:00没有 No
12:03那我也没有欠你什么情债吧 I don't owe you anything, do I?
12:07没有 No
12:09那你救这女的干嘛 救我干嘛 Then why are you saving this girl? Why are you saving me?
12:13日行一善 赶上了 I'm in a hurry
12:21好多星星啊 So many stars
12:25你好 Hello
12:35大侠 有镜子吗 铜镜 Sir, do you have a mirror? Bronze mirror
12:40你看我像那种随身携带铜镜的人吗 Do I look like someone who carries a bronze mirror with him?
12:49那个 借 借我一下 Let me borrow that
12:55奶奶的玉 Grandma's jade
13:01我记得出车祸的时候 I remember when there was a car accident
13:04我手里就是拿着奶奶给我的这块玉 I was holding this piece of jade that Grandma gave me
13:07怎么它的剑上也有一块一模一样的 Why is there the same piece on her sword?
13:11难道 这块玉是连接两个时空的关键 Is this piece of jade the key to connecting two universes?
13:17大侠 你这剑也有名号吧 Sir, does your sword have a name?
13:25血浪剑 Blood Waves Sword
13:28很有名 It's famous
13:29也不算 It's not
13:30谁给你的 Who gave it to you?
13:32我师父 My master
13:40一位隐世高人 A master of the hidden world
13:43所以你想拿它来做什么 So, what do you want to use it for?
13:54好像还可以啊 It's not bad
14:01也挺适合古装的 It's suitable for ancient costumes
14:03容输狂 输狂 A man who is willing to lose his mind
14:11我不是你的敌人 I'm not your enemy
14:13你没必要在我面前装疯卖傻 You don't have to act like a fool in front of me
14:18别告诉我你失忆了 Don't tell me you lost your memory
14:19你失忆了 You lost your memory
14:23那个 我要输 我真的忘了呢 I'm going to lose. I really forgot
14:28连自己的名字都忘了 You even forgot your name
14:32我脑子现在空的 My mind is empty now
14:36玄冰寒玉掌 还伤脑子 也许 慢慢就想起来了 It's normal to get a cold when you lose a battle. Maybe you'll remember it slowly
14:46大侠 Sir
14:47说 Say it
14:48那个 什么冰什么掌 会不会死人啊 玉池山庄是什么地方 那三个红绿灯老头说拿我换那个什么什么钥匙 是什么钥匙 What's the name of the soldier? Is he dead? What's the name of the Yuchi Manor? The three old men with the red and green lights said they were going to exchange the key. What's the key?
14:58不对 Wrong
15:00什么不对 What's wrong
15:01江湖上说 玉池山庄的容输狂刀法胸襟气度不输男子 却没听说他是个谋略智慧 心思缜密的人 It's said in the martial world that Rong Shukuang of Yuchi Manor is as fierce as a man, but I haven't heard that he's a man of intelligence and thoughtfulness
15:11而且 容输狂 骨傲少天 And Rong Shukuang is a man of pride and arrogance
15:20所以说嘛 这个传闻不可信 八卦不可取的 鬼门关都走一遭了 性情有点变化 也是有可能的 So, this rumor is not credible and gossip is not acceptable. I've been through hell and back. It's possible that my temperament has changed a bit
15:34你问的问题太多了 选一个你最想问的 我答你 You asked too many questions. Choose the one you want to ask the most. I'll answer you
15:41你为什么救我 Why did you save me?
15:49赏金令 三百金 我这么值钱呢 A gold token? Three hundred gold? Am I that valuable?
15:55别嘟囔了 此地不宜久留 走 Don't waste time here. Let's go
15:59等等我 大侠 Wait for me, Hero
16:10跟他换骆子车的地方 我们换着不同的方向追了两回了 都是一场空 等老子抓到他 老子非要拆了他的骨头 I've been chasing him in different directions since he changed his car. It's all a mess. When I catch him, I'm going to tear his bones apart
16:28那个人不简单哪 那么多筹谋打算 不是一般人能做到的 以前也没听说过玉石山庄有这样一号人物 He's not an easy man to deal with. Not everyone can come up with such a plan
16:35以前也没听说过玉石山庄有这样一号人物 难道是和荣叔狂有关系 管他呢 追上去再说 I've never heard of such a man in the Yuchi Manor before. Could it be that he's related to Rong Shu Kuang?
16:42管他呢 追上去再说 I don't care. Let's catch up with him
16:45走 Go
16:54It's only half a day's walk from here to Xianren Spring.
16:57That's a green area.
16:58The passers-by will stop there.
17:01In this desert,
17:02as long as you have money,
17:03you can buy anything.
17:05There's a green area?
17:07Why don't you follow the rules?
17:17I'm allergic.
17:20That's not right.
17:21Being allergic doesn't mean I'm allergic.
17:24I can try it.
17:25I'll try it.
17:32As expected, ancient wine
17:33tastes better than modern wine.
17:35It's time to apply medicine on your wound.
18:00Come and eat some snacks.
18:11You eat it.
18:30What should I do?
18:36Eldest Brother,
18:37control yourself.
18:40I know men
18:41are a little scheming.
18:44But if you really
18:45What's wrong with me?
18:48Why am I so hot?
18:52Why am I so hot all of a sudden?
18:55Didn't I catch a cold?
18:58Why does it feel like a fire?
19:00Is it because of the fire?
19:03You caught a cold.
19:05The medicine and wine can help you get rid of the cold.
19:08You know medicine?
19:10I was weak and sick when I was young.
19:12Then I met a kind doctor.
19:14He took good care of me.
19:16He taught me a lot.
19:28What about my martial arts?
19:29Can my martial arts be restored?
19:32Who is Shen Zui Tian?
19:34Why did he hit me?
19:36He is the chief of the Ghost Valley.
19:38A few months ago,
19:39there was a rumor that
19:41the key to the Fuxian Treasure
19:43is in the Yuchi Manor.
19:44The Ghost Valley has been looking for the treasure.
19:46So they set up a trap to catch you
19:47and let the Yuchi Manor exchange the key.
19:49At that time, Young Master Lin Shao Ci
19:51was dealing with the affairs of the manor
19:52and couldn't come back from other places.
19:54So he issued a reward order to the martial arts world
19:56to reward all the martial artists in the martial arts world
19:58to rescue you.
20:01In the Yuchi Manor?
20:03I don't know.
20:04What about Lin Shao Ci?
20:05What does he have to do with me?
20:09I once proposed a marriage.
20:11But he refused.
20:13Is Lin Shao Ci
20:15my official wife?
20:27Why is it so cold all of a sudden?
20:29It was so hot just now.
20:30It seems to be in the freezer now.
20:32Let's go.
20:33Wait a minute.
20:34Look over there.
20:40Don't get me wrong.
20:42I'm just too cold.
20:44I want to borrow your arms for a while.
20:47It's so beautiful.
20:49I want to take one home.
20:58Since there are treasures
21:00and warriors in this world,
21:02I can get rid of
21:03my modern worries.
21:05Why don't I go to the end of the world
21:07with my sword
21:09and break into Jianghu's dream?
21:25Why is it so windy?
21:28Ye Shao.
21:29Why is it so windy?
21:31Shut up.
21:32Don't talk.
21:33The sandstorm is coming.
21:43It's not fun at all.
21:55Ye Shao.
21:56What should we do?
21:58Take it down.
22:00Hurry up.
22:03Don't be afraid.
22:06Ye Shao.
22:07Why did you save me?
22:10Because you are a dragon madman.
23:07Are we out of water
23:09and food now?
23:14There is donkey congee ahead.
23:16Why didn't I see it?
23:18Are the ancients all far-sighted?
24:07I think I will need this jade sooner or later.
24:11I have to find a way to get it first.
24:14Are you trying to steal my sword again?
24:18I just want to have a look.
24:20Why don't you let me have a look?
24:24You can't steal my sword.
24:26You can't steal my sword.
24:28You can't steal my sword.
24:30You can't steal my sword.
24:32You can't steal my sword.
24:34You can't steal my sword.
24:42It's pretty slow.
24:46I mean, it's very manly.
24:48Do I look like a man?
24:50Do I need to look?
24:54Sister, you are so beautiful.
24:57Where did you come from?
24:59I came from a place you don't know.
25:02My son has been crying all night for three months.
25:04His face is red.
25:05Do you have a way to cure him?
25:08Children shouldn't take medicine.
25:10I have some herbal medicine to relieve the fever.
25:12I have some herbal medicine to relieve the fever.
25:13Take it back and give it to your mother.
25:15Your son will be fine.
25:16You are really a savior in the desert.
25:18This leather is the best.
25:20You must take it.
25:22Thank you, doctor.
25:26If he is so good at medicine,
25:28why does he have to follow the merchant team here?
25:33I'm afraid he has another origin.
25:38You are a sister with a story.
25:41That's right.
25:42There are many stories in the martial arts world that are unknown to people.
25:46What about you?
25:48Do you have any stories that are unknown to people?
25:53Am I in my head now?
25:56Even if I have, I don't know.
25:58Tell me.
26:00What kind of business is the best here?
26:07The meat is broken. It's more delicious.
26:10This is the result.
26:11This is called meat.
26:13Added to the devil.
26:15What is this method?
26:16Did Yuchi Zhenzhuang teach you?
26:19Now you know why I want to buy all the demons here, right?
26:23Otherwise, my method will be learned by others.
26:25Do I still do business?
26:29Look at me.
26:30Meat and devil. Come and eat.
26:32Meat and devil.
26:33Smell what you haven't smelled. See what you haven't seen.
26:35Fragrant and soft.
26:37There are demons and meat. Convenient and delicious.
26:39Try it.
26:40Try it.
26:46I'll buy one.
26:49Here you are.
26:58Everyone, come and have a taste.
26:59This girl's new food is the best in the world.
27:03Come on.
27:04Come on.
27:06Have a taste.
27:07OK. Take it.
27:11Here you are.
27:13Take it.
27:15How long have you been thinking about this idea?
27:17Just now.
27:20Just now?
27:27Just now.
27:30How is it?
27:33There is a cold air that hurts the organs.
27:36Xuan Bin Han Yu Zhang.
27:38He offended the Ghost Valley Alliance.
27:41That's right.
27:42It was the Ghost Valley Alliance God who hit him.
27:49Xuan Bin Han Yu Zhang is a big deal.
27:52How do you solve it?
27:54Xuhan's medicine and Sangluo wine
27:56have been almost cured these days.
27:58Please help him to get rid of the rest of the cold air.
28:03The cold air is not serious.
28:04I have a secret recipe to get rid of it.
28:06But his fainting has nothing to do with the cold air.
28:13What's the matter?
28:14Please give me some advice.
28:19This girl is very important to me.
28:21No matter what the cost is,
28:23I have to save her.
28:27The cold air penetrates the blood vessels
28:29and suppresses the original poison temporarily.
28:32You want to save her
28:34and try your best to get rid of the cold air.
28:36But you don't know that
28:37the faster the cold air is removed,
28:39the faster the original poison will take effect.
28:42No wonder she is hot and cold.
28:45Only by knowing what poison she is poisoned with
28:49can you know how to solve it.
28:52There are only a few people in the world who can cure this poison.
28:54You are one of them.
29:04Tang Wu, the most powerful senior who uses poison in the Tang family.
29:09It's better to see you than to hear your name.
29:11Who are you?
29:15The secret weapon of my master.
29:17Don't worry, senior.
29:19We are not enemies.
29:21I just want to save this girl.
29:23This time, in order to save people,
29:25the master gave me this secret weapon.
29:27You can have a relationship with the Tang family
29:30and know my whereabouts.
29:32You are so deep in planning and planning.
29:36I know who you are.
29:39If you want to relieve the poison in her body,
29:42you need to stimulate the meridians
29:44and cause the fire to return to the source.
29:48Use internal force to move.
29:50From the shoulder,
29:52to the needle,
29:54to the wrist,
29:56to the finger,
29:58to the lower face,
30:00to the tailbone,
30:02to the ribs,
30:04to the abdomen,
30:06to the knee,
30:08to the ribs.
30:10The power to remove the poison
30:12is endless.
30:15The poison in the three places
30:17will enter the body of the person closest to her,
30:21hurt her,
30:23and save her.
30:28this method is called
30:30the method of drinking poison.
30:37How is the poison?
30:39Her breath is stable now.
30:42Thank you for your advice.
30:44Save her life.
30:47Save a person,
30:49and hurt a person.
30:51I don't know if it's right or wrong.
30:53I am willing to do this for her.
30:56I'll take you to the Immortal Fist.
31:01The method of drinking poison
31:03is very simple.
31:05The method of drinking poison
31:07was created by my clan.
31:09But even so,
31:11you two can't hold on for long.
31:13Are you sure you can find
31:15the person who poisoned her?
31:17Even if you don't know the result,
31:19you have thought of so many methods for her.
31:21Do you think she knows
31:23regardless of her own life?
31:25I only hope that
31:27she never knows.
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