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El conductor Luis Novaresio hizo una fuerte crítica y mostró su frustración y enojo ante la falta de acción política frente a los crímenes que afectan a niños, como el caso reciente de una niña de 7 años. Se cuestiona la indiferencia de los funcionarios y se critica el enfoque superficial en las estadísticas en lugar de abordar las causas profundas del problema. Otros casos similares, subrayando un patrón preocupante de violencia sin respuesta efectiva. El llamado es a una acción conjunta y urgente para proteger a los más vulnerables.

"Es una política estructural, embrutecer, empobrecer y hacer depender del estado" - Luis Novaresio

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00:00I don't know if it's the same for you, but I don't feel the same.
00:05I don't know how many years I've been working on this.
00:08A lot.
00:09And I don't feel the same.
00:11I mean, to tell you that tomorrow, in Kim's place, this little girl of 7 years,
00:17is another case, I don't feel the same.
00:19Sometimes I feel like an accomplice.
00:21Look at what I'm telling you, at the level of madness.
00:24I feel like I'm an accomplice.
00:27Showing this, and that nothing happens.
00:33I mean, don't civil servants have families?
00:36Don't they have a wife, a husband, a son?
00:38When they go to have lunch or dinner,
00:40they say, Dad, I turned on the TV and there was the gorilla Nobarezio
00:43telling the little girl to drag her.
00:45You can't do anything.
00:47They don't have anyone.
00:48They don't have good friends.
00:50You're doing them wrong.
00:52You're doing them very wrong.
00:57There's no one.
00:58I say, let's count one case, and tomorrow we count another case,
01:00and the day after we count another case,
01:02and then one day the statistics show up.
01:04They say, oh no, but we lowered the homicide rate.
01:07You know what?
01:08The statistics don't tell the story of Kim, this dad,
01:11walking alone down the street.
01:15Dad, this dad, looking for a security camera
01:19to help him prove that they killed his 7-year-old daughter.
01:25I'm sorry.
01:26I apologize.
01:27This is almost a personal consideration.
01:29Can I add something?
01:30He's not just looking for the security camera.
01:33When the story begins, he says,
01:35let me find it.
01:37I think he's looking for something else, too.
01:39That's the other danger.
01:40You would do the same.
01:41But I would.
01:42But I would for sure.
01:43It makes my stomach hurt.
01:45I'm sorry, too.
01:46But have no doubt that I would.
01:48But how not?
01:49And in this case,
01:50I'm sorry for what I'm going to say,
01:52and I'm sorry that I don't want to find it
01:54to report it to the police.
01:55And we're not apologizing or anything.
01:58No, no.
01:59What I just said is an apology.
02:01Yes, go ahead.
02:02But I'm serious.
02:03I could interview Kicillof at some point.
02:06And the truth is,
02:07I'm in the antipodes of his thinking.
02:09But he's a logical guy.
02:11I even think that no one can run him
02:13by the side of personal corruption.
02:16If he has enriched himself with public service.
02:18I say...
02:21Don't you think it's time to stop?
02:24Let's stop everything here.
02:26Then he fights with Cristina,
02:27with the dry lieutenant,
02:29with the other one.
02:30Let's do something.
02:31Let's call five people who know about security
02:33from any party.
02:34Put yourself in their shoes.
02:35I say, is it so difficult?
02:36Doesn't this girl move you?
02:38Also, Luis,
02:39is that the problem is systemic.
02:41Because it's not just where they house the minors
02:44who have problems with the law.
02:46It's what access is given to those children,
02:51teenage girls,
02:52to education,
02:54what job opportunities are given to those families.
02:57But it's a problem that never attacks from the root.
03:00And it only comes out.
03:01The discussion,
03:02if the impotence of the minors is lowered or not,
03:05if the congress is discussed or not.
03:07Politics deals with the subjunctural,
03:09the immediate.
03:10And it still doesn't listen to what happens to the people.
03:15No, no.
03:17You also have to deal with the subjunctural.
03:19But politics is not dealing with it.
03:21Today it was Kim.
03:22What was it last year?
03:24Do you remember?
03:25Morena Domínguez.
03:27Do you remember?
03:28For a cell phone.
03:29They killed her when she went to school.
03:31Josué and Paloma.
03:32What happened?
03:33One month.
03:34But in the subjunctural,
03:36politics doesn't deal with it either.
03:38It doesn't answer.
03:39Nobody answers.
03:40I think we're wrong.
03:41It's a structural policy.
03:43To impoverish,
03:44to impoverish,
03:45and to make the state depend on it.
03:47I think it was...
03:49If you add to that the level of impotence...
03:52I say,
03:53the more you depend on the state,
03:55you make a person,
03:56because you don't give them genuine access to their income,
03:59you don't give them the education they need...
04:02I think they have taken care of it.
04:03This is the result of politics.
04:05I can add...
04:06This is the present state.
04:07One more element.
04:08And I put ideology in the middle to wash my hands of the problem.
04:11What has the justice system done?
04:13Has it ideologically generated a current in the justice system?
04:16Or do you say it all the time?
04:17Go to law school.
04:18And what do you do with that?
04:19Wash your hands.
04:21what happens is that the theory applied here is this,
04:22it's another one.
04:23And that's it,
04:24they washed their hands.
04:25Because the judicial power,
04:26every time they talk about raising penalties,
04:27what it's asking for is to be forced to do things
04:29that they don't want to decide
04:31because they support a false ideology.
04:33That's false.
04:35there's Paulo Oliveto,
04:36who comes for another issue,
04:37he comes for Lijo,
04:38he's going to be a candidate
04:40in the federal capital for the coalition,
04:43But she's a woman,
04:44above all,
04:46and of an absolutely iron coherence,
04:49which helps us think a little bit about this.
04:52But there comes a time when,
04:53I say it with absolute respect,
04:54I don't want to disrespect her,
04:56you care a bit about politics.
04:58Do you really care?
04:59Because you realize that in the long run,
05:01what a lot of officials do,
05:03I apologize,
05:04but a lot of officials do,
05:05is to throw the figure around,
05:07it didn't go down,
05:08it didn't go up.
05:09What are you going to explain to this father?
05:11What would we do?
05:12None of us.
05:13You don't come back from here.
05:15You don't come back as a human being after this.
05:17Well, it's 11.
05:19No, it's 11.39.
