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Tobin's sigh is heard across the world after witnessing a terrible Miami Heat game... some one hand him the MIB neuralyzer! Have the Heat hit rock bottom? Tobin proposes the Heat rely on their G-League Talent and recruit from Sioux Falls. We revisit the Jimmy Butler better as a 2nd option argument proposed by Leroy.
00:00All right, man.
00:10Pretty deep sigh.
00:11How does nobody hit a three-pointer yesterday except for Andrew Wiggins?
00:15That's impossible.
00:16Yeah, it was rough, dude.
00:18Professional basketball players.
00:19It was rough.
00:21How does that happen?
00:27Can it be shot into the sun?
00:31Is it possible?
00:33Just can you mind wipe it from me?
00:37What is that thing that they had at Men in Black?
00:39The Neuralizer?
00:41Dude, you think it was a Neutralizer?
00:43Yeah, can you just erase 24-25 Miami Heat basketball from my mind?
00:51Because it hurts.
00:52And I don't know why.
00:54But I sit here, and I watch it every night, and God love Amy Audebert yesterday trying
01:00to give it all positive.
01:01Oh, she tried to be all positive.
01:02She tried so hard to tell Tobes, come on, you're going to be enjoying this basketball.
01:08And then I tuned in last night to FanDuel Sports Sun, and I was just, I had the privilege
01:15of watching the worst game of the season.
01:19Now, mind you, no, I was in person for the Utah Jazz.
01:25I was ass-kicking at home, and you basically, you sent my son to Messi, which is what you
01:31did Miami Heat, and that was bad, Leroy.
01:35But here's the thing.
01:36I still made memories, and it was over by the first quarter.
01:41I knew what was going to happen that night.
01:43I, like a fool, watched last night, and I'm like, but they're only down seven, which might
01:52as well have been 70 with how they were shooting the basketball yesterday.
01:58So when you ask me, Frog Boy, what does, mean?
02:04That's what that means.
02:07I'm tired.
02:09I'm tired, and I'm trying, okay?
02:13I'm sitting here, and I watched this season go straight to hell, and the little things
02:22that I did have, what did I have?
02:25The little morsels, the crumbs, please smell, I want some more.
02:29The measly crumbs that I had was Jovic, dude, and how he has a broken hand, and Kalel Ware,
02:39who may have cut his hand, but if he didn't cut his hand, was just out of spite, not let
02:44back into the fourth quarter.
02:47Either one is terrible, and that's all I have.
02:51Now what do I have?
02:53Slow-mo, Alec Burks, that's what I have.
02:59So when you ask what-
03:00Is there any sport that you want somebody's nickname to be slow-mo?
03:05Not at all.
03:06Not a pitcher?
03:07I have Jaime Jaquez turned into a bench writer.
03:11What happened to him?
03:12I don't know.
03:13I don't know.
03:14Bubble guts.
03:15I don't know what happened to him.
03:17Ever since the bubble guts.
03:18I'm going to start calling him Jaime Jaquez.
03:23Okay, you know what happened to the last person I used?
03:25Remember when the coach called Jimmy James?
03:28James Butler.
03:30How did that guy have a better divorce than we did?
03:35That guy got a better divorce than we did, and I got to watch Jimmy, and Draymond, and
03:40Steph, and you and your best friends, and it's the best organization ever, woo-woo-woo.
03:44Who's ass they kicking tonight?
03:47Who they got?
03:48What are they, five and one since he joined?
03:50Five and one.
03:51He's averaging more free throws than D-Wade in the 06 finals.
03:55Oh my God.
03:56Who do they have?
03:57The Hornets.
03:58Oh God.
03:59Man, look at their upcoming schedule.
04:04They got the Hornets, the Magic, the Sixers, the Knicks, the Nets, the Pistons.
04:15So they're going to be like, they're going to be the four seed.
04:17They're going to be like 10 and two.
04:19They don't really have a rough game until they face the Nuggets in mid-March.
04:23And I think the thing that I'm bothered with the most, because I keep staring at this,
04:29and maybe we deserve this.
04:30You know, I was not a nice person, and I admit that, but the Portland Trailblazers, dude.
04:41The Portland mother bleeping Trailblazers, Leroy.
04:45Don't say it.
04:47They are one win away from having the same amount of wins as us.
04:54And that my friends, that my friends is pathetic.
04:59Is that rock bottom?
05:00Oh, dude, we, we, we hit rock bottom and we, and, and, and I said, Hey, send me that jackhammer.
05:10Alex Burks.
05:16I mean, if, if, if I'm Joe Cronin, this is your fault too.
05:21No, no, no, no.
05:21Please don't do that.
05:22Let me tell you why.
05:24Let me tell you why.
05:28Who's the person begging for Terry Roger to be out of the line?
05:32I wasn't begging.
05:33I wasn't begging.
05:34I wasn't begging.
05:35I wasn't begging.
05:36I wasn't begging.
05:38I was not, I was not begging is a strong word.
05:42Begging is a strong word.
05:43Stop it.
05:44I was, I was not begging.
05:46I stop it.
05:48That's not true.
05:48That's not true.
05:49Oh my goodness.
05:50I won't allow, I won't allow you to, I won't allow you to paint that I haven't had.
05:54What have you said about Terry?
05:55Where's he stuck?
05:56But I haven't like, I would, what was it like campaigning for him to not play
06:00going from Davion Mitchell to Terry Rose here is like going from a Ferrari to a unicycle.
06:06That's fair.
06:07That was two days ago.
06:09That was two days ago.
06:10So what do you say?
06:12At what point do I call him to bed?
06:13Did I call the bench him?
06:14So call them a unicycle.
06:17He finger rolled the ball backwards.
06:23He was throwing the alley-oop.
06:30But wait, wait, wait, wait.
06:33So make up your mind.
06:36Because you got the alternative.
06:38Oh, he's terrible.
06:40So now who do you want?
06:42Would you rather have Terry in there?
06:44I, you know who I want to be honest with you.
06:45I really, and don't make fun of me about this.
06:50I think it's time to call it the Sioux Falls guys.
06:52I think it's time to give Josh Christopher a little world.
06:56Josh, the MVP, MVP of the summer league team.
06:59I think it's time to give Josh Christopher a chance.
07:01I think it's time to give him a chance.
07:04I think it's time to give Keisha Johnson a chance.
07:08I think it's time to give Isaiah Stevens a chance.
07:14It was great.
07:15You see, nobody can throw a lob to color where anymore.
07:17Oh, my goodness.
07:18They got him all over the place.
07:20A Sioux falls.
07:21I think it's time.
07:22Michael's right.
07:23I think it's time to give Swedish swish swishes, Swede, a chance Leroy.
07:30Because these guys, they stink.
07:32This is in January.
07:33Terry Rozier might be the reason Jimmy wants out.
07:35Never seen the three, three for three.
07:38If he didn't want more detrimental, he didn't want out with Kyle Lowry.
07:41He can't want out with anybody playing now.
07:46That was his boy though.
07:48Still wasn't.
07:49I think he's cool with Terry, but yeah, I definitely think, I definitely
07:53think he got to some games and June was like Terry in with a 10 point lead.
07:57You know, he's on notice when you've lost five to six games in a row.
08:01I would say, what was our text?
08:03That last one was Jerry Rozier in with a 10 point lead.
08:08He's on notice.
08:10And this was again, days ago.
08:12What, what game was that?
08:13It's just two games ago.
08:14Oh, we lost.
08:15Yeah, we did.
08:17You did.
08:18This is also after you called Leroy, uh, Leroy's take a wind sock.
08:22If I'm not mistaken.
08:26Like, I can't like, I don't think you understood what I was saying.
08:31About Jimmy Butler.
08:33I understood what you're saying.
08:34I got your take.
08:36Like I just boxed you in.
08:37That's all.
08:37No, no, no.
08:38Cause here's the deal.
08:41If I took Jimmy Butler and made him a number one on any of the teams contending,
08:51we're going to do the same thing.
08:53You keep arguing about it.
08:55It's really a fact.
08:57It's not though.
08:59It's not like, how can you say it's a fact?
09:01When I have more evidence towards the other ones, your, your
09:03measurement is the championship.
09:04No, you don't.
09:05But your measurement is the championship, right?
09:07So that's it.
09:08My overall question was this.
09:11Can you win a championship with Jimmy Butler as your number one, because
09:15in, in golden state, he's not the number one and he looks more comfortable
09:21just doing 14 to 18 and touching every stat line that can't be a number one.
09:27No, but if it's the number one impact for your, for your number one score
09:32or two, like, what is, is it two?
09:34Is it like, what?
09:35It's not like you make it, you're making it seem like he's Patrick Beverly.
09:38No, I'm not.
09:39No, that's the point you're, you're missing.
09:43I'm not saying he's Patrick Beverly.
09:45I'm saying that the role that he's playing with golden state is more
09:51comfortable to him and helps that team a lot more with him being in that role.
09:58Then if you take him and put him on another team and ask him to be
10:02Steph Curry, because if you look at all these teams that are contending,
10:09they all have a guy who, you know, come hell or high water going to get to 25 to 30.
10:16That's never been, that's never really been Jimmy here.
10:21Although he has done it, but to your argument.
10:24Like I'll hear you out on that.
10:26I don't really understand the point of the argument because like, if you were to say
10:29that, then Jason Tatum can't be the number one guy because Jalen Brown was last year.
10:34Well, no, but you can't, but you can't like statistically, no, no, no.
10:39Statistically in their play, in their playoff resume, you can't write one guy
10:45has a one guy statistically is a better scorer than the other guy.
10:49If your point is, they have two of those guys though.
10:52So it doesn't matter which one it is.
10:55So you're saying he needs another guy.
10:57Like, sure.
10:59That's not on him though.
11:00He has no, but here he has another guy now where he can do the things that he does
11:07best because he doesn't have to rely on scoring aspect of it because somebody can
11:13do that, but everybody does.
11:15Everybody needs another guy, right?
11:17Everybody does.
11:18Like, I don't understand what I'm saying is this.
11:21Everybody needs another guy.
11:25But most of the guys on other teams are the score and they need an assistant score
11:32or a guy who, if I'm having an off night can also go for 25, who doesn't need that.
11:36I don't really understand why that takes away from what I'm saying is the starting
11:42So if I take date, uh, Tatum and, and Brown, okay.
11:47Tatum can go off for 40, right?
11:50But if he has an off night or bad series, Jalen Brown kid, I'm saying that the
11:59player that Jimmy, Jimmy Butler is, he's never going to be that guy like this.
12:04Go ahead.
12:05If you, the way I feel like your argument makes it sound is, is if you switch Jason
12:11Tatum onto the heat, right.
12:13And let's made it Jason Tatum, bam.
12:16And whatever that they have as much of a chance to get to the finals and win a
12:21championship or better chance than Jimmy Butler, because Tatum's a better score.
12:26When I'm telling you in the playoffs, statistically, that's not true.
12:31Jimmy Butler's playoff resume and scoring resume is better than Jason Tatum's.
12:38I'm not even arguing.
12:41I'm just saying the role that Jason Tatum has on that team, which is
12:49coattail writer, by the way, coattail, most important, most important.
12:55So what do you respect me?
12:58Magmon said is right.
13:00KD and Booker got each other in their trash.
13:03They got Hooters jokes though.
13:06You know what I got?
13:08I got nothing.
13:10Let's say don't be blinded by logo.
13:14Jimmy is a top player.
13:15Um, see, it's hard for me to explain your frustration with Jimmy though.
13:22I get like, it's, it's a regular season thing though.
13:24Like, cause most guys, I understand what your point of it is.
13:27It's like, he's not conventional enough that he can be Shea Gilders,
13:31Alexander, and I can rely on him to give me the production.
13:34If somebody has an all the top teams, I understand what you're saying, but I'm
13:38saying he's weird in that he impacts, he can impact winning in
13:44different ways that other guys don't.
13:46But, and I don't think that takes, but I don't think that takes
13:49away from him being a number one.
13:51I don't think it does.
13:53When you say that and you put that title on somebody, right.
13:58Can they be your number one?
14:03For a playoff run?
14:04There's not many guys that take more than him, dude.
14:06There's not.
14:07For now, for a regular season, I get your argument.
14:10I think that's fair.
14:11If you don't like, you know, the regular season does matter.
14:15Stop making it sound like, just get me to the playoffs and then ball out.
14:19That's not how it works.
14:21Because guess what?
14:23Pat Riley got sick and tired of being in a damn play in and where's, I
14:26don't care how much success they had.
14:28And where is he now?
14:30And where is he now?
14:31One more win than Joe Cronin.
14:33Oh, okay.
14:35But that's, you know.
14:37I good for him.
14:37Like, look, he made a stand and this is why we deserve Cooper flag.
14:42This is why I deserve him.
14:44I deserve something good.
14:50And to see in a league where more than half of the teams make the
14:53playoffs regular season doesn't matter as much.
14:57It does.
14:58If you put yourself at risk being in a play every year, because anything can
15:03happen in one game, sample size, anything.
15:06The fact that you're in that when, if you're number one, I played five or 10
15:11more games, you wouldn't be in that situation is a hard pill to swallow.
15:15Every damn year.
15:16Last year was a hard pill to swallow the year before.
15:19Like, I just feel like it gets, first of all, he played, he played more games
15:22that he played less games the year that they went to the finals than the year
15:28that they did it, that they got bounced.
15:29He played 64 games last year.
15:31But again, you can't keep playing with fire like that every year.
15:38The thing is, is that yes.
15:40Didn't say the best.
15:41You're a 500 team.
15:43No matter what, they're not a 500 team.
15:44They're under 500.
15:45No, no, no, no, no, no.
15:46I'm saying with Jimmy, you're a 500 T that's playing with fire.
15:51They were much better last year with them than they are right now.
15:54They were, I'm okay.
15:56Three, four games.
15:57No, 10 dude.
15:58Like they were like six games over 500.
15:59Where did they finish the season?
16:01At 500.
16:03No, they weren't 500.
16:04That would, they were not 41 and 41.
16:06They were 46 and 36 last year.
16:13I get it.
16:14I understand it.
16:16I'm just sad.
16:17I'm watching.
16:18You're sad.
16:21I really, I'll hug you, buddy.
16:24I'm going to go hug frog boy.
16:26Because I'm just like the season has been miserable.
16:29We're all sad because the season hasn't worked out.
16:36You asked for that.
16:38You asked for that.
