Tim Hardaway Thinks Pat Riley Is Tired Of Jimmy Butler, After Missing Too Many Games With Miami Heat

  • last month
Tim Hardaway went on All The Smoke and said that Pat
Riley is tired of Jimmy Butler. Tobin is upset by this for mainly one reason... the chat calls Tobin out for stirring the pot!
00:00I don't like this because Tim Hardaway, who is beloved, all right, number 10 in the rafters
00:11and one time on this show, settled a great debate because he settled what is worse brain
00:18freeze or funny bone.
00:21And you have that to me, that was an all time from, from old Timmy because we, uh, man,
00:28he can break some things down.
00:29That's that is, that is the thing, killer crossover, number one point guard in heat
00:36I'll give it to him, but go around.
00:37You're closer than anything, dude.
00:38I love you.
00:39Um, he was on a little podcast called all the smoke.
00:43All right.
00:44I don't think the full episode is out.
00:45I think it's coming up after our show today.
00:47I think the whole episode comes out, but they put out a little promo clip.
00:52So this is going viral and he was discussing the Jimmy Butler, Pat Riley relationship,
01:03which of course even Tim Hardaway knows it can get tenacious with old Riles.
01:08He's been there speaking from a place of experience Leroy, but I didn't like what he, he went
01:15a little too far for me because I feel like it's, he's trying to drum some things.
01:22I'm just going to play the clip.
01:23I'm talking too much.
01:24I'm rambling.
01:25Here's Tim Hardaway.
01:26I'm talking and he boys right now, y'all finished the season off kind of Rocky, a rough press
01:33The Godfather came out and you know, put his foot down.
01:36We ain't going for this.
01:37This is my show and whoever going to be here going to be here because I say so.
01:40I was waiting on that.
01:43I was waiting on that.
01:44I knew something was going to happen.
01:46I said, I told some people, I said, pack on talk this year.
01:51Especially, you know, he's tired of a lot of things that's going on with the team.
01:57He's tired of Jimmy Butler.
01:59Well, Tyler Herro too.
02:02He been babying Tyler Herro for a minute and he just staying her, he ain't showed up yet
02:06So I think it's, I think he was talking to him and Jimmy.
02:09More so if Jimmy didn't say nothing, you know, about, uh, other teams and you're not playing,
02:15it would have been all right.
02:16But when you came out and said that he, yeah, he's probably talking about both of them,
02:20but I think he really talked about, yeah, directly, yo, dude, you haven't played in
02:24a lot of games this year or last year.
02:27And especially in the playoffs, I need you to play in the playoffs.
02:30If you play more than 70 games, we wouldn't be in playing games two years in a row.
02:37All right.
02:38I need you to play.
02:39You need to take care of your body.
02:40You need to be in this gym, taking care of your body, not, not the gym, but the weight
02:44room, take care of your body and getting yourself straight.
02:47And I was waiting on that.
02:48We all understood all Miami heat people understood what Pat Riley was coming from and you see
02:55what they didn't do.
02:57We're going to wait.
02:59They taking a Jerry Jones approach.
03:00There you go.
03:01That was Tim Hardaway.
03:03Now, now my question is we've had the same conversation and so why are you shocked?
03:13Well, that's somebody who's closer to it than you.
03:16I might add.
03:17Well, he's a goat.
03:19He's he's in the raft.
03:22Much respect.
03:23He's more familiar with Pat Riley than most.
03:25So what did he say?
03:26What was wrong?
03:27That was wrong.
03:28I didn't like him saying that.
03:29He, that Pat Riley's tired of Jimmy Butler.
03:31You know, I think we need to go.
03:32The guy's not playing.
03:33He probably said that himself.
03:37We're drumming up old stuff.
03:38I want to go into this year.
03:39I did.
03:40Well, I just, you know, I have to be, we have to report what's in the, in the, in the streets.
03:44One thing that Riley had a problem with us, the question for the public, hold on, hold
03:55That's not fair.
03:56We don't know.
03:57He could have brought it up himself.
03:59You know what?
04:00They're bringing up the one question from the press conference that you hold on, dude,
04:05hold on for 30 minutes.
04:08They bring up the one question you asked.
04:13That's not fair.
04:14Jimmy Butler had said, you know, if he was healthy, that Boston would have gone home.
04:20I know it's tough to live in hypotheticals, but if he was able to play and Terry was able
04:23to play, did you feel like the golf has gotten way too big with you in Boston?
04:27Or if you had your guys, it might've been more competitive.
04:31We played, you know, I've been involved in competition and playoffs against certain opponents
04:36that turned into hate, you know, I mean, even since we've been here, you know, I hate to
04:42use that word, but the competition gets so, so tough that, that you don't like one another.
04:48And so we played Boston four times, I think, in the playoffs since Jimmy's been here.
04:52So you know, you do develop some, some dislike for the other team, but they are this year,
05:00I think the best team in the league with the best roster in the league and made some great
05:07Brad Stevens did a great job in getting Holiday and Porzingis.
05:11I think they've built their bench a little bit differently.
05:14And you know, for him to say that, you know, I thought, is that Jimmy trolling or is that
05:22Jimmy serious?
05:23You know, if you're not on the court playing against Boston or on the court playing against
05:30New York Knicks, you should keep your mouth shut and your criticism of those teams.
05:38Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
05:44Now, here's what I like.
05:47Here's what I like to do at this point.
05:52You can cry, you can whine, you can say, oh no.
05:57But did Pat Riley say anything wrong?
06:05So what's your problem?
06:06Did, did, wait, did, did, did Tim Hardaway say anything wrong?
06:14I don't know that he's tired of Jimmy Butler.
06:19When somebody said, if I came to you and we having a conversation, I say, you need to
06:23keep your mouth shut.
06:27She should keep your mouth shut.
06:28I don't like how you nailed that.
06:31Hey, when I come at you like that, it'd have a little different meaning.
06:39He wasn't smiling.
06:40He got serious.
06:41I don't know if Jimmy was, look, he said, I don't know if Jimmy was trolling.
06:45He was smiling.
06:46And then he said, I don't know if he was serious.
06:49Look, when you say trolling, watch how his eyes bright up.
06:52Is that Jimmy trolling?
06:54See, smile.
06:55Is that Jimmy serious?
06:56You know.
06:58If you're not on the court playing.
06:59Look at that.
07:00Look at his face.
07:01Against Boston or on the court playing against New York, you should keep your mouth shut.
07:07And your criticism of those teams.
07:09I don't think anybody cares what you think.
07:14Everybody spoke truths.
07:16Everybody and, and if you're a basketball, if you're a Heat fan, you cannot tell me if
07:22Jimmy plays five to 10 more games, they don't have the two seed, right?
07:29So when you come at people with your comments, I want you to put all that together, right?
07:39And then maybe you should follow Pat Riley's advice when it comes to that topic.
07:45Shut up.
07:47But here's the thing.
07:48First of all, being called Heat Yoko Ono, which I don't appreciate.
07:51I don't appreciate that.
07:54That's the best nickname you've ever been given.
07:59But yeah.
08:01So how can you say, how can you be mad or disappointed with anybody said, Hey, nobody
08:09went after Jimmy.
08:11Here's the thing.
08:12And everything that everybody said was factual.
08:16So what's your problem?
08:18Here's my problem.
08:19It's kind of like, we're all here for Thanksgiving.
08:21We're at Heat Thanksgiving, right?
08:23And we had our tiff at the, at the 4th of July.
08:29And then old uncle Tim comes over and he goes, Hey Pat, telling Jimmy Butler to shut the
08:34hell up.
08:36And I'm like, Hey, why do you got to bring it up, Timmy?
08:37Why do you got to bring it up?
08:38He goes, and I think the thing he was most mad about was him talking that bleep when
08:44he wasn't playing.
08:45Not even that he wasn't playing, but that he was talking.
08:48We don't know.
08:49Maybe that wasn't what he was most upset about, Tim.
08:52We don't know, but Hey, no uncle Tim.
08:57But we can kind of tell by his facial expression and about the way he enunciated shut.
09:05And you know, for him to say that, you know, I thought, is that Jimmy trolling or is that
09:13Jimmy serious?
09:14You know, if you're not on the court playing against Boston or on the court playing against
09:21New York Knicks, you should keep your mouth shut.
09:23Can I say the way that he said trolling tells me that one day Jimmy Butler said something
09:31on social media, Pat Riley saw it and said, Hey, what the hell does this mean?
09:37Why is he saying this?
09:38And then in turn is like, no, no, no, no, no, no, Pat.
09:40He's trolling.
09:41And he's like, what the hell does trolling mean?
09:44They explained it.
09:45And now he's like, I don't know if Jimmy was trolling, but he doesn't like trolling.
09:51Pat Riley has no time for trolling Steve.
09:56All your fault.
09:57Mr. Hypothetical old pot store.
10:01I personally think that you shouldn't have a problem with it more than anybody for the
10:07simple fact that Joe ass brought up to come the question that led us down this path.
10:14Not fair.
10:16I'm going to say Pat Riley is out of line or Tim Hardaway is out of line here.
10:22You know, when you're out of line, you're out of line when you speak untruths, then
10:26you're out of line.
10:27But so I asked you this, is any one of these two guys out of line, do we have to keep bringing
10:36in an inline thing that he can't do it?
10:41He can't do it.
10:42Move on.
10:46Your fault.
10:47Mr. Hypothetical.
10:48Mr. Mush strikes again.
10:50Damn you.
10:53All I want is for Jimmy to play more.
11:00But here's the problem.
11:04Health is not promised to you.
11:07So when you take those couple of bunnies because you're just tired or whatever, then you get
11:11hurt for real and miss time.
11:13It adds up.
11:15You see what I'm saying?
11:17And that's what happened.
11:20Tobin brought up politics at Thanksgiving.
11:25This is what it is.
11:26The facts are the facts.
11:27You're the worst.
11:28OK, you don't have to do that.
11:30You're piling on.
11:31And I don't appreciate it.
11:33Frog boy.
11:34I'm just saying you you seem to have a problem with the truth because you think you think
11:38it's going to hurt somebody feelings.
11:40No, it's just, you know, we didn't know.
11:42Just like we we could have just put a bow.
11:45So let me ask you this.
11:47There's no part of you that thinks.
11:52That if Jimmy would have played five or 10 more games, that the heat would have been
11:56a two seat.
11:57Of course.
11:58Then why don't you let me ask you this, then why don't you have a problem with that when
12:05some of the games missed weren't really about injury?
12:08It's clean slate time.
12:09Oh, you're bringing up old stuff, you know, we'll bring it up.
12:13Listen to it.
12:15Listen to this fraud right now.
12:17It's not fair.
12:19Listen to this for you, you right now.
12:22You are seriously into fraudulent behavior because I can name a couple of players.
12:28If the same thing happened, you would be all over them.
12:34Habitual grenade tosser.
12:39Analyst Tobes, Tobin Shapiro.
12:42Oh, Toby, you bring up stuff from 2008.
12:46Knock it off, bro.
12:47What stuff do I bring up?
12:49Here we go.
12:50Here we go.
12:52Now you want facts.
12:53We give you facts and you dismiss them.
12:55So which do you want?
12:56Do you want the facts or not?
13:00I just want everybody to get along.
13:02We got we got camp, baby.
13:03You know, you know, we know when you know when everybody get along.
13:08And Jimmy play 70 games.
13:11That's all I care about.
13:12That's all.
13:13And why wouldn't he?
13:14Wasn't there a time?
13:15Why wouldn't Pat only care about that?
13:18Well, you know, it's his job to win games.
13:21Timmy's been on the other end of this as well.
13:23Couldn't he just say that's Pat being Pat?
13:25No, he didn't work.
13:26Look, I didn't care.
13:27He thought his knees were being soft.
13:32And OK.
13:33So why can't he feel that way about Jim if that's what he felt about Tim?
13:39Pat Riley been Pat Riley longer than.
13:42Tim Hardaway been Tim Hardaway and Jimmy been Jimmy.
13:44That's just so true.
13:47So I ask you time.
13:49You see Pat Riley handling situation like he's handled several other situations in the past.
13:56Why are you shocked?
14:02Goran would never do this on a podcast.
14:04He would never.
14:05Goran would never go on a podcast and say things that happened months ago.
14:09Look, even if he did, I'm not mad at him.
14:12You're the reason we didn't get any free agents this offseason.
14:16That's not true.
14:17You got to see a little.
14:19Wait, wait.
14:21Oh, yeah.
14:22That's right.
14:23How can I forget?
14:24We signed Drew Smith, though.
14:25All good.
14:26Stop bullying him.
