Chicago Fire - Season 13 Episode 2
00:04Saw step right home up a beat on a call. I know I'd do anything for my brother just makes me worry for the both of
00:12This is not a casual kind of kiss
00:14Let's just not pretend that we're anything more than co-workers. We told you he was in love with you those feelings. Don't just disappear
00:22Did you really miss the captain's test cuz you were sick? Of course, I was sick. Why would you even ask that?
00:27You shouldn't be so impressed with the new chief. You could do all that, too
00:33I'm not chief Bowdoin. I do things my own way
00:36There is something about it makes me nervous. Somehow I heard about what happened in Miami
00:41You must keep you very really close to the ground
00:44Monica I
00:45Think you should go stay somewhere. I want to work on this. You're a lucky man
01:08Was thinking
01:10Let's drive up to like Geneva this week
01:14The little bed-and-breakfast place
01:18You think it's still there it is
01:22I checked
01:25Well, thank you
01:28I'm already making plans
01:33Sounds really nice
01:57Please do not float. I have officially learned my lesson all Chicago sports teams suck right now
02:02That and don't bet on football with anyone from Texas
02:08Late night, huh? Mm-hmm. I took Tori to the green room and we wound up closing the place down
02:17Somehow she got behind the bar and we all started taking shots. The girl's been wild since high school hasn't slowed down a bit
02:26Try not to get too jealous, but I watched Ice Age for the hundredth time and was asleep by 930
02:32That sounds like a great night to me
02:35kind of was
02:44Looks like squads running drills today, huh forced entry. Mm-hmm. Kelly got a new k-12
02:49He wants to break in we got his old one, you know, half of the trucks tools are squatting me down
02:55You guys ever run drills together?
02:58little friendly competition
03:00Kelly yo, what do you think time forcible entry search drills truck versus squad?
03:05Maybe next time
03:07He says that every time sweaty go can't handle a loss
03:53There's a woman trapped under the boat
03:56Engine clear the area on it truck stabilize the boat swaddle extra keep the victim copy that
04:13We're gonna get you out of here
04:15Thank you
04:24What do we got her legs are pinned in get pretty tight
05:15This is gonna hurt, but it'll be quick. Okay. All right on three one, two, three
05:28Ready on three one, two, three
05:40This cuts pretty deep you are gonna need stitches it's been worse, huh?
05:45You're okay, right?
05:48There you go, all right, we're gonna get you out of here, okay
05:52Sweet throttle is stuck
05:56How much have you have to drink this morning a couple beers? It's all didn't want it the damn kayaks
06:04I'll be right back
06:08Okay, let's take a look at the scrape on your arm I gotta go make a few calls
06:12No, you're not going anywhere. You're gonna stay right here
06:29Thanks for the assist
06:34And I'm gonna check out that headland of yours just sitting having a cup of coffee suddenly the world goes haywire
06:40Yeah, I know the feeling
06:54Damon hold up
06:58Your orders were to stabilize the boat squad was on the victim I didn't hear you mean you didn't listen to your commanding officer I
07:07guess I just
07:09Saw she was trapped under there and my legs just started moving. I had to help her. You always wait for orders. Copy that
07:16You hear me now? I do. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking
07:20All right
07:35Hey much you mind coming in for a quick shit sure
07:50Wasn't sick for the captain's test
07:54So you applied yeah
07:58Right to your face and um
08:02It's been eating me up ever since what happened I chickened out plain and simple
08:07I mean, I thought what if I pass and then I gotta fill Bowdoin shoes. I mean that
08:13Seems impossible
08:19Practically knighted you as his successor. You don't think he knows what he's doing
08:24When you spend a lifetime, you know thinking that you're unworthy not even chief Bowdoin can erase that
08:31takes time
08:33You didn't have to lie I know and
08:37I'm sorry that I did that especially to you
08:43There is another test coming up in a couple of months and I'm taking it. No question. So I'm already signed up
08:49That's that and I'm ready this time. All right, then
08:56Let's do this, huh? Yeah
09:02The boat was going 40 knots with no way to stop you would end up smashing it to the officers gather up
09:08Hey, you missed a good one chief
09:11Yeah, he was listening in on the radio
09:13Sounded pretty chaotic. I gotta run over to headquarters finish up some paperwork after that. We'll go over your reports start with squad
09:21Say an hour from now. Are you ready?
09:28He was listening in on the radio
09:31Bowdoin did that every now and then
09:33Okay, but how much longer are we gonna Monday morning quarterback these calls as long as he wants?
09:47What are you doing here? You know how we need a rug for the new family room we do
09:52Well, this place over on Halstead is having a huge clearance sale. So
09:57Which one do you like better? I want your honest opinion
10:08Yeah, this one definitely this one great minds
10:12That was my instinct you it's a little more expensive
10:15But I think a nice pop of bold color is long overdue in the Herman house now much more expensive. Don't worry
10:22You'll love it
10:29Christopher are you wearing cologne?
10:31Not since I went through the last of my jacquard noir
10:39Whatever it is, it's very seductive
10:45You better come home smelling like this
10:54Did you know that Catherine Zeta-jones and her husband have like a 25 year age gap
10:57Oh, is this about you and Pascal our married new chief? Hey, I just find age differences interesting. Okay, excuse me
11:05Paging dr. Hardy, okay that that could take your mind off carver. My mind is not on Carver
11:10Anyway, doctors really are my thing
11:12Then you should come with me my jiu-jitsu class tomorrow because there's this one guy more
11:15Solo, and I think you two might hit it off. No, I'm not interested. No back
11:20Everyone is interested in Marcella and he and his girlfriend just broke up Oh rebound nice
11:24I'm not saying you have to marry him. Just have a fun one-night stand with a super hot guy
11:29He's a total slut. Thank you are really not something this listen. I appreciate what you're trying to do
11:34I'm just not feeling the whole dating scene right now
11:41Hey want to see me
11:43Yeah, close the door
11:49We need to talk about the call, oh, yeah great one to ask you
11:54Why'd you go with the jaws instead of the airbags your lieutenant ordered you to stand down?
11:58What I know you've heard her I was right there
12:03Okay, so maybe I did but if we had been a second later than just stop
12:07If you had helped stabilize the boat, they may not have fallen
12:12But we'll never know because we don't get second chances, which is why we follow orders
12:21Okay, so what now
12:24Kids had it out for me from the start and you know it
12:27I've been on the ropes with her ever since I came here to 51
12:31If you tell her she'll fire my ass and probably report me for misconduct
12:36Could ruin my career Kelly
12:51How's your report coming
12:53Almost finished. Okay. Well, then I will make this quick considering you have 20 minutes until Pascal returns
13:03Okay, it's about Damon
13:08Overall he has been doing a good job
13:13Had a little blip on the last call, but it's not like he's slacking off
13:18He wants to be in on the action. He talks about squad all the time
13:24But oh, come on, you know, he worships you
13:28Anyway, I was thinking maybe you could include him on squad drills today
13:32I know it's a big ask
13:34But I just feel like we got a harness some of this extra energy and put it to good use
13:39he is like a puppy who's not getting enough exercise, so
13:42Let's let him play
13:46Yeah, sure if that's what you want
13:49We will run teams of two
13:54Sounds good
13:5919 minutes and counting
14:01Thank you
14:34Can't put vinegar in the shampoo bottles again. Yeah, I'm trying to track some shit. I thought it might be a new
14:41Soap or something, but uh, apparently after 30 years of breathing smoke dulls your sense of smell. I
14:49Got nothing
14:51Well, I smell like you come on. I'll put guy out
14:56Hey Dom. Oh
14:58Welcome back to Chicago
15:01Sharon I heard you took over for Burwell time 32
15:05Working out of our old stomping grounds at engine 21. Yeah Wow full circle, right a candidate to battalion chief
15:12Congratulations, and I hear you're at 51. Yeah, how's the transition going?
15:17Well, we're still getting to know each other. Come on. No one ever really knows Dom Pascal
15:25It's a solid crew 51
15:28I heard you and Monica split up. I'm so sorry
15:35Who said that um, I
15:38Can't remember must have been when I heard you were coming back to the CFD. Why did I hear wrong?
15:44Monica and I are still together. Oh
15:47Well, that's great
15:48Bill I would love to have you guys over for dinner sometime. I
15:52Got to run to this budget meeting. I'll get in touch about dinner. Okay? Yes. Sounds good
16:08Hey, how's studying going?
16:10Well, most of this stuff is second nature after four decades in the CFD, but what's with all the math?
16:17There is nothing simple about simple hydraulics. Oh
16:21Hey, I saw a kid laying into Damon about the boat call what was that all about no clue something between severide kid and Damon
16:29That's a Bermuda Triangle. I steer clear up. Yeah, I tried talking to separate about Damon last year
16:35He almost bit my head off. See what I mean
16:37Asking for trouble
16:41Hey, where smell my neck, oh, you know, you're really breaking new ground on the HR violations
16:49Would you cut me a break here? All right, I'm a desperate man. It's wrong Herman call for another telemarketing scam. No, no
16:56Cindy she stopped by earlier and I don't know what it is that she smelled on me
17:00But it was like love potion number nine and just so the young people are clear. That's a good thing
17:06But a mysterious scent that ignites the flames of passion after 30 years of marriage. That is more than a good thing
17:13That is the Holy Grail
17:16Back me up here much. It's probably the new laundry detergent. No, we got that detergent weeks ago
17:22You know, my friend Eli practically bathes in Tom Ford. All it takes is a quick hug. Hello, and I smell like him for days
17:29You hug anybody this morning? I think we all know that I'm not a hugger
17:34Right. Oh, but wait a second. They call from the morning
17:38There was a guy a help into the anvil and his bear arm was all around my neck
17:46Six zero seven West Randolph second floor
17:52She's in here hurry
17:56It was an accident. I swear I tried to keep her talking so she wouldn't pass out
18:01We were in there together fooling around and I threw her against the wall and I didn't mean to hurt her
18:07It was an accident. I swear I can't move. I can't move
18:12Let me take a look
18:21Have the song
18:23Okay, this should help with the pain
18:26Why can't you just pull it out the bracket is fixed to the wall and shaped like a hook?
18:30Which means no sudden movements. Okay, I'm gonna be super careful
18:37I'll settle okay. Okay. All right. I got her you two can step up. All right, we got you
18:44Hey ride the blade right up against the wall nice and slow
18:50Whoa, wait, hang on. No, it's okay. Sam knows what he's doing. You'll feel some vibration, but that's it
19:01My hands will be between you and the blade the entire time, okay
19:36Okay, I'm just gonna bandage it in the doctor you're gonna remove the bracket at night, okay, we're almost there
19:50Okay, good work, all right, let's get you stretcher now, right
19:57All right, nice and easy, okay on your side
20:05Alright bring her up
20:39Look, we had a bit of a dust-up on the call this morning, but it was a good save.
20:46Nobody got hurt.
20:48Overall, you have been doing solid work.
20:51You have been showing a lot of hustle, so as a reward, you are going to train with squad
21:00He's already on board.
21:01Don't let him push you around.
21:03I won't.
21:04Thanks, Lieutenant.
21:06I don't know what to say.
21:11This was her idea.
21:13Yeah, but obviously you didn't tell her.
21:19Go change out.
21:20We start in ten minutes.
21:22Copy that.
21:34Really hitting those books hard, Mouch.
21:35You're not worried about over-preparing?
21:38Over-preparing is a myth invented by procrastinators and layabouts.
21:42The only way to pass is to know your stuff inside and out, and I got to nail the sucker
21:48on the first shot.
21:49I can't afford to wait another six months to try again.
21:52Time is a ticket.
21:53Oh, no.
21:54Hey, there you are.
21:56Everything okay?
21:57Oh, yeah.
21:58I know.
21:59Violet just texted me back with an update on the boat call, the guy with the busted
22:05It's great news.
22:06The guy is still laid up and med with a concussion, so we got to get over there and see what kind
22:10of, you know, cologne he's wearing or whatever, but come on, we got to go before another call
22:15comes in.
22:16Hey, Herman.
22:17Don't you have more important things you could be doing?
22:21We'll be back in an hour, Tops.
22:24Come on.
22:27You didn't want to run the saw yourself?
22:29Carver has a steady hand, and I wanted to stay in a position of oversight.
22:33So he's the best with the blade?
22:35Everyone on truck can handle any size saw.
22:38I just thought that he was the best choice for that particular moment.
22:45Going through all the personnel files, I noticed engine and squad, it's the same crew for years.
22:53Your rig has more turnover than the Cub's bullpen.
22:57Why is that?
23:01Uh, for various reasons, mostly out of my control.
23:09I feel that we have a core crew now, and we should be solid for a while.
23:15I hope so.
23:41All right.
23:42Sling him.
23:48Around the stern.
23:49Let's go.
23:50Come on, buddy.
23:51Focus, all right?
23:52Let's move, guys.
23:54All right.
24:01It's not even close.
24:02Oh, yeah.
24:03Suck it, Cruz.
24:06No way.
24:07Whoever gets the truck, he has a five-second handicap.
24:09You still would have lost.
24:10Are you joking?
24:11Dude, it wasn't even close.
24:12I'm telling you, amateur hour.
24:13Hey, that's enough.
24:14You've been doing this for years.
24:15You want to try working with this kid?
24:17That was pure amateur hour on your part.
24:21You two, reset.
24:22You're running it again.
24:23Cap, Tony, you're on the airbags.
24:31Hey, you get the dummy, I'll get the door.
24:41I'll bring it this time.
24:48You're the first truckie to ever train with squad.
24:50You know that, right?
24:52How'd you talk Severide into it?
24:55I didn't say a word.
24:57I didn't say a word.
25:01It wasn't my idea.
25:21Jeffrey, right?
25:23Hey, I'm Christopher.
25:24This is Darren.
25:25You were at the boat crash.
25:27You walked me to the ambulance.
25:28Yeah, that's right.
25:29How's that bump on your head?
25:30You feeling all right?
25:31Yeah, not too bad.
25:32They just kept me for observation.
25:34You guys come to check up on me?
25:37I mean, that's what firefighters do, right?
25:39I mean, maybe not all of them, but Firehouse 51,
25:44that's like our thing.
25:46Huh, Ritter?
25:48Yeah, we're special that way.
25:49Wow, that's something.
26:00It smells really good in here.
26:03Yeah, that's right.
26:04I can smell it, too.
26:06Yeah, is it?
26:07Are you wearing Tom Ford cologne?
26:09Uh, no.
26:11Definitely not.
26:13Then what kind of cologne is that?
26:15Because you smell terrific.
26:18I don't wear cologne.
26:20That's too bad.
26:21Maybe it's my lotion.
26:23Your lotion?
26:24Yeah, it has kind of a scent to it.
26:27I have it here with me.
26:28Oh, yeah.
26:30Oh, wow.
26:33Yeah, that's got to be it, right?
26:37Hey, where do you get a lotion like that?
26:41Any pharmacy, I guess, but you need a prescription.
26:44For lotion?
26:45It's psoriasis cream.
26:47How much you want for this?
26:50I got 80.
26:53Oh, a hundred.
26:55I'm glad you had a good time on S.Q.U.A.D.,
26:57but don't get me wrong, I did it for selfish reasons.
26:59I want 81 to be the best truck company in the CFD.
27:03Same here.
27:04And I know S.Q.U.A.D. can feel like the cool table
27:06where everyone wants to sit,
27:08but prove yourself to the world
27:10that you're the best truck company in the CFD.
27:13Same here.
27:14I know S.Q.U.A.D. can feel like the cool table
27:16where everyone wants to sit,
27:18but prove yourself on truck.
27:21And then, maybe, down the line...
27:24I'm happy on truck, Lieutenant.
27:27That's what I want to hear.
27:31So, what'd you learn drilling with S.Q.U.A.D.?
27:35I got to practice with the K-12,
27:37which was pretty cool.
27:39That's it?
27:42I think I lost a few gallons of sweat.
27:45That was the point.
27:47Those guys, they're the best.
27:50And you are not there yet.
27:52But in a few years, you could be.
27:54I'm not looking for a lifetime commitment
27:57or for you to sign your name in blood.
28:00I just want to build a great team
28:02with people that I can rely on.
28:05I want to be here more than anything.
28:07I'm all in, Lieutenant.
28:22Hey, Novak.
28:23Got a picture of that guy from your jujitsu class?
28:27Hang on.
28:28He posts like five times a day,
28:30usually shirtless selfies.
28:36Damn, that's not A.I.?
28:39That is all Marcello.
28:49Last office was twice as size.
28:52It was also hundreds of miles away.
28:54No ocean view.
28:56But I see that your I love me wall is already up.
28:59Well, you're the one that had it all framed.
29:02I'd say let's get lunch, but I got to Zoom in five.
29:05I have a client waiting.
29:07I just came by to drop this off.
29:12Sorry for changing lives on you.
29:15I was in a mood.
29:20I ran into an old friend of mine at headquarters today
29:23who said they heard you and I split up.
29:26I haven't mentioned it to anyone, have you?
29:29Who was it?
29:31Someone I haven't spoken to in years.
29:37Well, the first week I was back, Stephen Bale reached out.
29:40I think I mentioned we were living apart.
29:46He called as a friend.
29:47Yeah, I'm sure he did.
29:49We only spoke a few minutes, and it was true.
29:52I came home to Chicago, you stayed in Miami.
29:55I didn't know when or if I'd see you again.
29:57He sure didn't mess up beat, did he?
29:59Neither did you.
30:00Dominic, stop.
30:02Don't go looking for something to get angry about
30:05after everything we've been working so hard to rebuild.
30:36You know where Engine 51 disappeared to?
30:38Uh, yeah.
30:39I think they went on a welfare check to Med.
30:43You need something, Chief?
30:45Yeah, I need to know where my rigs are at all times.
30:48Well, Chief Bowden never cared as long as we kept our radios on.
30:54But you want us to loop you in.
30:56Copy that.
31:29What's all this about?
31:31More study prep for Mouch?
31:35Pascal's got a whole new set of drills for us to run next shift.
31:38Oh, yeah?
31:40Damon gonna join us for that, too?
31:44I'm sorry. That slipped out.
31:46What is your deal with him?
31:50You gonna get mad at me if I say it?
31:52Sure you wanna say it, then?
31:55I think I have to.
31:59I don't have anything against Damon.
32:01It's not about him.
32:04But something's going on with you two.
32:06I can feel it.
32:09Things aren't right around the house.
32:11I'm only saying this because...
32:15Because I know what it's like to have a little bro who got destroyed another stick.
32:19And you feel like you always gotta take care of him.
32:22That was me and Leon.
32:24That was me and Leon.
32:26And I know how easy it is to cross lines that you wouldn't for anybody else.
32:32Trust me.
32:34You don't wanna be put in a situation like that.
32:39You don't wanna do anything you'll regret.
32:56You knew Damon heard me right from the start.
32:59I thought so. I wasn't sure until he told me later.
33:02I asked him straight up...
33:05If he heard me give the order.
33:09And he lied to me.
33:11He didn't wanna lose his job.
33:13You lied to me.
33:16I should've told you.
33:18I should've told you.
33:20I should've told you.
33:23I should've told you right away.
33:26I'm sorry.
33:39Okay, so I'm thinking we start at the clipper and then see where the night takes us.
33:43Okay, sounds good.
33:45Oh, and so you know, I sent Marcello some photos of you.
33:47Wait, what?
33:48He thinks you're super hot.
33:50No, wait, which photos?
33:52Hey, bye.
33:56Uh, don't forget your phone.
34:01Yeah, well...
34:15Hey, wait up.
34:18Hey, that Pascal could be a real hard-ass, huh?
34:22The guy who just tanned my eye for taking out the engine yesterday.
34:26Yeah? He was in a hell of a mood.
34:30And so was I.
34:32Watching you screw around all day, hunting down cologne while I bust my hump studying for a test I may never even take.
34:40What are you talking about? Why wouldn't you take the test?
34:45Come on.
34:47You think that I'd flake on the CAPTUS test again?
34:50I've seen you study harder for an eye exam.
34:52You didn't crack a book all shift.
34:55Look, I get why you'd have your doubt after what happened the last time.
35:00But you should remember what you said to me the other day.
35:04You know, like, how you think that I got what it takes to lead this house.
35:11That meant the world to me.
35:14And I haven't forgotten that, and I never will. Not ever.
35:22I'm gonna take that damn test. That's a promise.
35:26And I will not let you down again.
35:30And, just for the record, it wasn't cologne. It was lotion.
35:35And it cost me a hundred bucks, and it damn well better be worth it.
35:40Make it so.
35:58Well, hello, Christopher.
36:01Wow, Cyn.
36:06Where are the kids?
36:10Brought us a few hours.
36:19I see you followed orders.
36:31What is it, anyway?
36:33Some fancy lotion that Ritter helped me drag down.
36:36Some real top-shelf stuff.
36:41Worth every penny.
36:55She's one of my best friends, and she's got a B-round house kick.
36:59She's come to one of our classes.
37:01I told him you kick ass on the heavy bag.
37:03No, I really just do it for the exercise, guys.
37:08How do you think I got these?
37:12I'll get us some shots.
37:13Heel up.
37:16Oh, you are so getting some tonight.
37:19You know, I actually think I'm gonna fail.
37:22What? No, no, no, no. He's totally into you.
37:25He seems like his photos.
37:27It's just...
37:28God, I was wrong.
37:30I'm not ready, and I just want to go home by myself tonight.
37:33No, Marcello.
37:35No, and I'm sorry, but I love you for trying.
37:40Are you cool if I take it home?
37:43Go for it.
38:50Hey, Dom. What's, uh...
38:52What's going on?
38:55I didn't want to crash your party.
38:57No, no, it's just, uh...
38:58Just a few white shirts and, uh, you know,
39:00Alderman Molina from my district.
39:02We're working on a fundraiser together.
39:05Uh, what brings you by?
39:09You called my wife.
39:13Jesus, Dom, that ain't what you think.
39:21Stay the hell away from her, huh?
39:51You told her?
39:55She's your lieutenant.
39:57And she's my wife.
39:59I actually thought you might have my back on this.
40:02I did. That's the problem.
40:04I lied to protect you,
40:06which is something I wouldn't have done for anyone else.
40:09So what'd she say?
40:11She's pissed. She has every right to be.
40:13That both of us.
40:15Take a seat.
40:17Man, you sold me out.
40:18We need to talk.
40:19So talk.
40:20Say what you came to say.
40:22I came to lecture that you had plans so I can leave.
40:28We can't work at the same firehouse.
40:33One of us has to go.
40:50Evacuate now!
40:54Can you hear me?
40:56You've broken my trust.
40:58I'm dismissing you from this firehouse.
41:00Chicago Fire, new next Wednesday on NBC and Peacock.
41:04It's okay. Hold on.
41:08That man shot my friend.
41:10Now he has a two-year-old child.
41:12We need restraint.
41:14Not revenge.
41:16Chicago PD, next on NBC and Peacock.
41:19Later, Jimmy Fallon welcomes Luke Bryan.
41:22NBC Tonight.