• 2 days ago
Toya and Reginae S02 Ep03 All Caps


00:01Previously on Toya and Reginae.
00:03I ain't out here for nobody to raise me, bitch.
00:05I wish I would. Y'all crazy.
00:07My mom just not acting right.
00:09Ain't done you nothing.
00:10She's very naffy and very...
00:12Y'all be 50 years old, I know how to handle myself.
00:14Ooh, Lord.
00:16I wanna see what your improvisational skills are.
00:19You're gonna come through the front door
00:22and someone was just following you.
00:25Nobody's here!
00:26I definitely would love to explore improv and more.
00:29Fantastic job.
00:31Surprise! Welcome home.
00:34This is the new Wait No More studio.
00:36You signed a lease for this?
00:38Yes. Why?
00:39Every time you brought it up, I said no.
00:41What are you tripping about?
00:44You want this?
00:59Your energy's seen lower here, bruh.
01:02Bruh, my ankle, bruh. Hurt my ankle.
01:05So my partner and I started a hiking group with my friends
01:09and we go once a month.
01:11This particular day, I'm just not feeling it.
01:14So then how slow we gonna be walking?
01:17You're gonna take two days to do this?
01:20I'm not talking to Toya.
01:22Still just playing this back in my head about her signing the lease
01:26and just doing this behind my back.
01:28Just checking on your energy, bruh.
01:30You seem like you're different right now. You good?
01:32Yeah, I'm good, bruh.
01:33Hey, Ren, hold up. Hey, y'all go ahead. Y'all go ahead.
01:36And you act like yourself.
01:38Bank is someone I talk to.
01:40He might have something he want to vent to me about
01:42or I have something I want to vent to him about.
01:47So I was telling you about expanding Weight No More.
01:53So my whole vision being small studios in a black community.
01:58So that's the whole goal.
02:01Toya asked.
02:03She done went and signed the lease.
02:06To do what?
02:08Move the gym.
02:10Now, we had a conversation about it.
02:12And I told her, she was like, what you think about moving?
02:14I was like, nah, not now.
02:16How you gonna do that without talking?
02:19Like, you didn't even tell me you signed the lease.
02:21Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:25I ain't talk to her ass in about three days.
02:28That's so cute.
02:31I told you about the space that I was looking at
02:34for the new Weight No More studios.
02:37When I saw red, I signed the lease on the building.
02:40This red went off on me.
02:42I feel like it's more space.
02:44We have room for our trainers to finally work.
02:47And I just feel like it's about expansion and growing.
02:51I get what you're saying because she went behind your back
02:53and did it.
02:54That's the only part that I was saying.
02:56But it's not a bad thing.
02:58Because me personally, expanding is expanding.
03:01So you just took over and signed the lease?
03:04I did.
03:05I feel like.
03:06You should have did that.
03:09So what's the action?
03:10Like, what's your action after this?
03:12She got to figure that out.
03:14We not moving.
03:16So what, she gonna get her money back?
03:18How that shit go?
03:20She might have to eat that.
03:21I'm wrong.
03:22I think so.
03:23I'm not wrong, though.
03:24You are.
03:25Because you should have had a conversation with him.
03:28You just did it.
03:30Are you being selfish, Toya?
03:34I mean, it depends on how you look at it.
03:36It can be a little selfish.
03:38That's not right.
03:39Now, if he did it, you would be mad.
03:40Because you would be like, he didn't console me.
03:42I get it.
03:43But he didn't.
03:44You would be pissed.
03:46But Red the type of a mother fucker
03:49that'll make sure she take the keys back,
03:52cut the leasing hair, and then in three months,
03:55he ain't gonna get enough sleep.
04:17How are you guys?
04:18We're great.
04:19How are you?
04:21Today, me and BD are going tufting.
04:23It's like, you know, use a gun and a needle
04:26and make rugs and stuff like that.
04:28Honestly, it's my first time.
04:30And I saw it on TikTok, so I'm like, hey, let's tuft.
04:33So you want to grab two of the same?
04:35Oh, two of the same?
04:37Well, actually, I think I want to do these, too.
04:41Here we go.
04:42And I can see BD in a minute, so I
04:44can't wait to catch up with her.
04:46All righty.
04:47BD, what you been up to?
04:50I've been missing a lot now.
04:52A lot.
04:53I walked to a welcome home party, girl.
04:55My mama came there a little lit.
04:57And you know, Tanya don't like that.
05:00But I was telling T, like, you know, that's just her reality.
05:03But that's what I've been telling my mama.
05:05You can't save everybody.
05:08You can't help everybody.
05:09I feel like she's still got that hope of just helping.
05:15You know what?
05:16I was thinking about coming, but I really
05:19feel like y'all are all so toxic.
05:21Like me?
05:25Nah, Tanya toxic for that speech she made.
05:27What speech?
05:28She made a speech.
05:29I just want to say something to Walter real quick.
05:33The last few weeks or whatever, we have been talking.
05:38And out of everybody, you feel me.
05:40And I genuinely needed that.
05:44I just feel like you the only one understand me, Walt.
05:47I'm like, what?
05:48Y'all always understand her.
05:49No, y'all don't.
05:51I really feel like Uncle Walter and Casey,
05:53no matter how many times they gon' get into it or whatever,
05:57they gon' be with each other.
05:59They gon' side with each other.
06:00No, right.
06:01I feel like my mama don't be feeling
06:02like nobody be on her side.
06:05I feel like you'll be on the boy's side more than her side.
06:09I feel like I side with my sister as well.
06:11That kind of make me feel, like, unappreciated.
06:14Like, you know, I feel like, you know,
06:16I've been trying to, like, really grow with her.
06:18So that kind of make me feel a way.
06:21Our teats.
06:23Y'all is nice.
06:24I did all right.
06:27I was just gonna say, gun safety, too.
06:29Anytime you need to touch the front or whatever,
06:31just make sure your gun is turned off completely.
06:33Like, you don't want to have that on,
06:34because you don't want to lose a finger.
06:36Y'all gon' be OK.
06:38Let's do it.
06:41You moving.
06:42Now you're moving.
06:45I think that I should make this one real fast.
06:50I like this.
06:52So, B.
06:53What's popping?
06:54I been hearing about you, and seeing you on your YouTube,
06:57and I see you with your boyfriend.
07:00How that happen?
07:01I ain't gonna lie to you.
07:03I'm actually we in a really good relationship.
07:06Actually, we're in a really good space.
07:08I felt like that needed to happen,
07:10because that really made us, like, see things so much
07:12clearer, so much better.
07:14And it just brought us so much stronger.
07:17The situation with Mel, things was riled up.
07:21BD loves you, and I don't think that you want to be with her.
07:24If that's what you want to say to make yourself feel good.
07:28If that's what you want to say to make yourself feel good.
07:30Are you done?
07:31I don't like you.
07:32Don't touch me unless you want to get out.
07:34Unless you want to get out.
07:36Now she's back, I just want her to make my auntie happy.
07:41If she makes my auntie happy, I don't knock nothing,
07:44because I'm over here having with her Kelly, so.
07:47To each his own.
07:52Did her and my mama talk?
07:53Not yet.
07:54Toya don't know that me and Mel is back together.
07:58Oh, yes.
07:59I lived with Toya, and I kept a secret
08:01about who I was with for years.
08:03I was like, oh no, I don't got a boyfriend.
08:05No, mama, no.
08:07But we found out about them secrets,
08:09and it didn't work out too good.
08:11So yeah, BD should definitely tell her.
08:14It's just like I feel like it all, everybody all,
08:17just kind of started banging each other's heads together.
08:22I agree, man.
08:23Where it's like everybody just need to sit down
08:25and understand that, hey, if you love her, we love you.
08:30Then that's what it is.
08:31All we want is for you to be happy.
08:33So she making you happy.
08:35I love that.
08:35I can't, because ain't nobody tell me who to be with.
08:39I love her.
08:42She's over you.
08:43That's what it is.
08:44Big thing.
08:45I was not planning with you.
08:47See you later.
08:54Coming up on Toya and Reginae.
08:56Can we talk?
08:57Go ahead.
08:58Don't want to look at you while I talk.
09:00It's whatever.
09:02Like we had a dinner.
09:04Me, BD, Mel.
09:07Oh, I'm not going to tell you that.
09:09That's fucked up.
09:11I don't get no respect.
09:12It's always you, you, you.
09:13You're very entitled.
09:14I ain't let y'all see that.
09:18Turn your cameras off.
09:28Are you kidding me?
09:30Mommy got a bitch watching.
09:33It's your guy, Mommy Momo.
09:36It's been two months since I seen my best friend, Lourdes.
09:41And I made time to see her every time I'm in Atlanta.
09:43And I don't know if y'all know, but I got a guy baby.
09:47Girl, you got a beautiful baby.
09:49Well, thank you.
09:50Me and Lourdes have been friends since I was 10 years old.
09:54We was in a group called the OMG Girls.
09:56And ever since, we just been inseparable.
09:59So to see her as a mom is like amazing.
10:02It's just crazy to me.
10:04Chilling girl is so chill.
10:08Me and Lourdes was one of the ones that's like,
10:10ah, them kids going to come one day, but they came.
10:17Lolo, how's Mommy like?
10:20It's good, girl.
10:22I mean, I just be looking at her like.
10:25You ready to go?
10:26You ready to go?
10:28What y'all got, Mama?
10:29She don't curse.
10:31She don't curse.
10:33You sound so good.
10:36So, Nae, what's going on, girl?
10:38I'm just very like, just on my own time, you know?
10:43My friend groups are all good.
10:47My love life is cool.
10:49Like, everything is cool.
10:52But there is a little drama that I have been trying to avoid.
10:56My mama and her brothers and her sisters and my grandma,
11:01they are all in pain.
11:02You know they've been doing it.
11:03My mama mad at Kasey.
11:05Kasey mad at my mama.
11:08They gonna be beefing me.
11:09They will be beefed out.
11:11Living in LA, it really gives me a healthy separation.
11:14I'm not going to lie.
11:15I feel like everybody needs space.
11:17Everybody needs some time to just go away.
11:21I feel like that's why the family is arguing all the time.
11:24Because they always right under each other nose, you know?
11:27You know, soon, I just already know
11:29that I'm going to have to step in.
11:32Because my mama, her little feelings be getting so hurt.
11:37You got to be the mama right now.
11:38You got to put everybody in line.
11:43I think she's moving on.
11:45Oh, yeah. She's definitely.
11:46She definitely.
11:47You can smell it, right?
11:48I felt it.
11:49It was like, boom.
11:54You know what that means.
11:57Your nanny's a lucky girl.
12:00Oh, that's your last minute.
12:03Hold this.
12:05Hold this.
12:05I mean, you know, I'm sorry.
12:08I'm sorry.
12:13What's up, y'all?
12:15I haven't checked in in a couple of days.
12:18I have a lot going on, OK?
12:20You know how life gets sometimes.
12:22But you know, we got to keep going.
12:26So just checking in with y'all.
12:29Keep y'all head up.
12:34Hey, hey.
12:39Y'all want to talk to me?
12:44Can we talk?
12:46Go ahead.
12:47Like I want to look at you while I talk.
12:55So my husband is really upset with me
12:57because I decided to get a new Wait No More studio space
13:01without really consulting with him.
13:04I don't really like it when Red turns
13:07into this guy, cold shoulder, not wanting
13:10to be bothered with me.
13:17You still mad at me?
13:18I'm all right.
13:19It's whatever.
13:21Well, I just wanted to first apologize for, you know,
13:28signing a lease without you.
13:30I just feel like it was something for us.
13:33That's crazy to me.
13:35Because I wouldn't put you in that position.
13:37Well, the good thing is I was able to get out of the lease.
13:46I don't know.
13:47He apologized for it.
13:48It's all right.
13:50You don't sound like you're overt.
13:58Give me a hug and a kiss.
13:59A real like you miss me hug and kiss.
14:04That's not like you miss me.
14:06That's not like you miss me.
14:12I love you, baby.
14:13I'm sorry, for real.
14:16Tonya, really seeing what made me upset,
14:19you know, that means a lot.
14:21So we won't have to deal with that again.
14:24And now we can talk about, you know, expansion.
14:27We can talk about, you know, the next move.
14:30All right, so I've been wanting to tell you
14:32that I'm planning, like, a family reunion, you know,
14:35to get my mom kids, my dad kids, like, all of us together,
14:39I want to go down to New Orleans, rent a house.
14:41Wait, how you?
14:42Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
14:43Coming together.
14:45Mama Nita, like, y'all.
14:46Yeah, my mom would definitely want it.
14:48I'm saying, you ain't talking to her.
14:49Like, have you, you unblocked her?
14:55After this whole situation with Red,
14:56it's definitely got me thinking about just being
14:59a little bit more understanding.
15:01And I'm going to have a conversation with my mom
15:04and try to see what happens.
15:08How is that going to work with you and Kaci?
15:11I'm not doing this for Kaci.
15:12So if I got to just tune Kaci out and we all come together,
15:16everybody have a good time, that's just what it's going to be.
15:20Y'all need to get right before that.
15:24You and Kaci at odds at the family reunion,
15:26that's going to be crazy.
15:29Family is really the most important thing to me.
15:32So I have to really figure out some things
15:34with Kaci and my mom.
15:36I just hope that me inviting my mom and Kaci,
15:40they don't come and just act out.
15:42So don't bring that to New Orleans.
15:46I'm going to tell her to stay here, straight up.
15:49Babe, why you doing that?
15:50I miss you aggravating me, though.
15:52I'm about to aggravate you.
15:53Let's go.
15:56I miss you.
15:57I miss you.
16:00Coming up on Toya and Reginae.
16:02I feel like Toya owe me an apology, bro.
16:05Y'all not appreciative of me.
16:07Now you calling her a bitch.
16:10So who knows y'all together together?
16:13Everybody except Toya.
16:15Why Toya don't know, BD?
16:17Why I got to let her know that?
16:18Because it's only a matter of time
16:20before somebody else in the family
16:22tells her that y'all back together.
16:27Hey, what's up, IG?
16:29Just checking in with y'all.
16:30So real quick, I'm thinking of planning a sibling reunion
16:35for all of my dance kids.
16:36Because some of them I haven't even met.
16:38So what y'all think about that?
16:39Like chime in.
16:40Let me know what y'all think.
16:49What's up, my baby?
16:50How you doing this morning?
16:51Hey, Daddy.
16:53How you doing?
16:54I'm good.
16:54I'm good.
16:55I'm good.
16:56Hey, Daddy.
16:57What you doing?
17:01Yeah, y'all are playing with your chickens.
17:07Oh, yeah.
17:08I got to come home.
17:09I miss that good old food.
17:14Well, let me fix my thing.
17:16My relationship with my dad hasn't always been good.
17:20You know, we kind of went up and down, back and forth.
17:23But, you know, over the years, I have, you know,
17:26I forgave my dad.
17:28And we're working on a better relationship now.
17:30Daddy, I want to talk to you about the family reunion.
17:33Well, like a sibling reunion.
17:39We need to make that happen.
17:41I was thinking of doing it in New Orleans.
17:44Because, you know, for everybody to travel to Atlanta,
17:47it might be a lot.
17:48You know, so I'm willing to take the Atlanta crew
17:51and come down there.
17:55Your army.
17:56How many in your army, though?
17:57You got too many kids.
17:58How many you have?
18:05OK, 17 kids.
18:07Well, we got to get your posse together, all 17 of us.
18:11I still can't believe my dad have 17 kids.
18:15And we still never got together, like all 17 of us.
18:19That is crazy.
18:22Daddy, the only thing about the family reunion, you know,
18:25like, you know, I haven't been talking to Kasey.
18:28I told you about everything that took place during the parade.
18:32And we really haven't been talking.
18:46Anyway, I'm really looking forward to all
18:49of us getting together.
18:53With all them different personalities.
18:55You're going to love it, baby, I promise you.
18:57It's going to be so nice.
18:59And I love you, baby.
19:01I love you, daddy.
19:02Oh, my baby.
19:03Oh, I'll see you soon, OK?
19:26I invited Walt and Red to go go-kart driving with me,
19:30because racing is my thing.
19:32Cars, I love cars, y'all already know, so yeah.
19:36This is my field.
19:37Right here, racing.
19:423, 2, 1.
19:44Let's go.
19:47Red, come on, Red.
19:54Good job, Red.
20:02Put your butt in here.
20:03Oh, my.
20:10All this shit was fine.
20:17I need Red to get to his wife for me, man.
20:20I need Walter to get to his sister for me.
20:23They need to get me and my sister back on terms, man.
20:26I did brought y'all here, man.
20:27I had therapy this week.
20:29So what's going on now?
20:31You know, me and Tal, you're still going
20:32through our little issues and stuff, so.
20:35We need to explore what a sincere apology
20:37may look like for her.
20:38Because if this has been a repeated pattern in the family,
20:42she may have hit her limit.
20:45Y'all know me and Tal, your brother,
20:46we ain't supposed to be going through this right now, man.
20:49Like, I really love my sister, bro, you know?
20:51And that hurt.
20:53You know, you can't even talk to your own family members
20:55when you need somebody to talk to.
20:57And that's why I went back to therapy.
20:59And I don't want to be.
21:00Are you being honest with the therapists, though?
21:03Yeah, I'm being honest, bro.
21:04Because if it's like you're beefing with everybody,
21:07if everybody's saying the same thing, most likely,
21:11what they're saying is true.
21:14You know what I'm saying?
21:15It ain't, bro.
21:16It ain't.
21:17I definitely think Casey's struggle
21:19with taking accountability, I think that's something
21:22common in a lot of people.
21:24I feel like Tal, you owe me an apology, bro.
21:27Like, for real.
21:28Bro, I was going through it on that floor, bro.
21:32You got the nerve to say your sister owe you an apology.
21:35Now you calling her a bitch.
21:37You know how that shit made me feel?
21:40Bro, you know how many fucking times
21:42your sister bailed you out.
21:45Y'all don't know what the fuck this girl going through.
21:48And to be completely honest, y'all not appreciative of shit.
21:52I'm there when Toya cry at night.
21:56Until you get a better mind frame and get off this shit,
21:59please don't go to her talking about you need an apology.
22:02You should see if you could get Nate to help you mend what you
22:06and Toya got going on as well.
22:08Because I ain't got, I ain't doing it.
22:10Because he's not going to be able to.
22:11I ain't doing it.
22:12Meeting adjourned.
22:19Coming up on Toya and Reginae.
22:22Your mother was out in clubs and partying and all that.
22:25My mama was not a partier, first of all.
22:27She was one of them fly girls, you know.
22:29That's a lie.
22:41Yes, yes.
22:42Welcome to Convo.
22:43And I'm waiting on two other people.
22:46They should be here like shortly.
22:48You're welcome.
22:59You're welcome.
22:59Welcome to Convo.
23:00Oh, shut up.
23:03It's the fabulous two.
23:05Hi, Mel.
23:07You got to get me into this.
23:10After I sat down with Danielle and had drinks,
23:13she actually told me that she wanted to meet up with Mel.
23:15And I thought that was really cool.
23:17So she can get Mel's perspective.
23:18Because she keep asking me, how do I feel about this and that
23:21and the third.
23:22But I feel like I'm not going to be able to do that.
23:25How do I feel about this and that and the third.
23:27But I feel like you can ask Mel.
23:29What's up, Danielle?
23:31Yeah, because see, I took her to lunch.
23:34She wasn't giving me nothing.
23:36Everything was you got to ask Mel.
23:38So here we go.
23:39Since the last time I saw you, it was a whole lot
23:42of unnecessary drama.
23:46We was going through our own shit.
23:48So it was like the world put into our shit at the wrong time.
23:53Because we were still figuring out what we had going on.
23:56So it was like a battle between family
23:59and someone you're dealing with.
24:00So I'm going to ask you this.
24:02Why do you think it's a battle with the family?
24:05I don't know.
24:05I just feel like it was not their place
24:07to jump inside somebody else's drama.
24:11So you feel like they was in your relationship?
24:13A whole lot.
24:14All caps.
24:16We was just figuring out what we wanted to do within our bond
24:20we had at the time.
24:21And I think that came off to y'all,
24:23like, hey, y'all doing all that?
24:24Because y'all, that's abnormal to y'all.
24:27No, no, no, no, no, no.
24:29I might not get this Polly thing
24:31that BD and Mel have going on.
24:33But I do understand relationships.
24:36And they were definitely not on the same page last time.
24:40BD, is this really what you want?
24:42Like, because we feeling like maybe you just
24:44doing this just to appease your girl.
24:46I feel like she have love for me and everything.
24:49Sometimes it just makes me kind of feel
24:51like I get the short end of the stick and stuff.
24:53Like, you know, and I don't feel like I'm like that with her.
24:57I feel like she loves you more than you love her.
25:00But that's what we see on this side.
25:03We don't know what's going on over there.
25:04That's what I kept saying.
25:06Like, y'all would have to get to know me to see or understand
25:10how I love her.
25:14All right, my mashed potatoes.
25:17The place hot, y'all.
25:18It's hot.
25:19Y'all enjoy.
25:20All right, appreciate it.
25:22So who knows y'all together together?
25:25Everybody except Toya.
25:33So why Toya you don't know, BD?
25:35You live in that house with her.
25:36You be in there every day with this lady.
25:38Why I got to let her know that?
25:40Because you in our house.
25:42You got to know that with everybody else
25:47knowing, she going to feel the way.
25:51Danielle is a major help with making things come together
25:54with my family and Mel.
25:56You know, I feel like, you know, Danielle actually listens
26:00and really try to hear all perspectives.
26:02And that's great.
26:03Versus trying to have a conversation with my sister
26:05and it's just her perspective and not really
26:08trying to hear my perspective.
26:10You have to tell her.
26:13Because it's only a matter of time
26:14before somebody else in the family
26:17tells her that y'all back together.
26:25Coming up on Toya and Reginae.
26:28Did you vlog me?
26:30I did.
26:32What is wrong with you?
26:35I'm trying to plan a family reunion
26:37to get all of daddy's kids together.
26:40What you mean by all of them?
26:41What, 17?
26:44Girl, that's a line.
27:10Hey, Toya.
27:11What you been doing?
27:12Hey, ma.
27:12What you been doing?
27:14Not much, girl.
27:15Good to see you.
27:16Good to see you, too.
27:18What you been doing?
27:18Where you coming from?
27:21Like this with a dress on.
27:23Oh, Lord.
27:24It's late again.
27:26It feel good outside.
27:27I just took a walk.
27:28I took a walk.
27:29That's good.
27:29What you been doing, Toya?
27:30I miss you.
27:32I miss you, too, ma.
27:33Did you vlog me?
27:34I did.
27:35I did.
27:36I did.
27:37I did.
27:37I did.
27:38I did.
27:39Did you vlog me?
27:41I did.
27:42Oh, my God.
27:43I've been calling you down, girl.
27:45You vlog your mom.
27:47I needed my love.
27:48I needed my love.
27:49She vlogged her mom.
27:50All the stuff I'm going through, and you vlog me,
27:52and I've been calling you down.
27:54What you been going through?
27:56I was so happy Walter was home, I thought
27:58I didn't see Walter no more.
28:00You know, because he was looking at some real serious time,
28:02you know?
28:03But how are you, though?
28:04I just be going off and on, you know, sometimes.
28:08Because I be thinking about Josh and Rudy a lot.
28:12I be thinking about that every day,
28:13so I ain't going to tell you no lie.
28:14I think about that every day.
28:16And I get out of the bedroom, and, you know,
28:19we still going through.
28:20We still going through, my baby.
28:21We still going through.
28:24Now that my mom says that she's a little depressed
28:27thinking about my brothers by seeing Casey and Walter,
28:30I can totally understand that.
28:32Just two of them when it was always four of them,
28:34and then she's dealing with what she's dealing with with Casey
28:37and all of that.
28:38So it made me, like, understand, you know?
28:43She's dealing with a lot over there.
28:46I just, Ma, you just have to start expressing yourself
28:49and, like, letting stuff out that's bothering you.
28:51Don't allow it to build up.
28:53That's what we are here for.
28:54That's what your kids are here for.
28:56It's like you want us to read your mind sometimes.
28:59Like, what's the problem?
29:01Talk to us, like.
29:02And I will.
29:03I will start that.
29:04I'm going to start that.
29:06I just don't like the way you showed up
29:08to Walter's coming home party.
29:10Come with a big earring in your nose,
29:12saying anything to people.
29:13It's like, what are you going through?
29:14Like, what is wrong with you?
29:15You know I don't like that.
29:17Like, that's like, that irritates me.
29:20And we're about to go to New Orleans,
29:21go to this family reunion.
29:23I feel like I'm excited to get to be around my dad.
29:27I know you happy to see my daddy.
29:29I might get back with him.
29:31I don't know.
29:33I might get back with him if it's
29:35like I thought it, thinking of how it should be.
29:37Girl, you think this is a reunion to put
29:40y'all two back together?
29:41Yeah, it might.
29:42Because you put the daughters together,
29:43the sisters together, and the brothers together.
29:45No, this is about the siblings.
29:46You don't never know how it's going to work out.
29:50Oh, I'm so excited about the family reunion.
29:53And I hope it go well with Walter.
29:57Girl, you know I'm writing my book, my food book.
30:00Yeah, you told me about this book.
30:02I remember when I used to come by your house
30:04and fix you fish, corn, and rice.
30:06I told you it was a lot of salty fish.
30:09Girl, I love those days.
30:11You had me big as a house.
30:12So I had Reginee with her strawberry sticks.
30:15And I'm making them with the gravy, with my gravy.
30:18So you have a meal for each kid.
30:20Each one of y'all.
30:21My favorite meal.
30:22All my grandchildren and all of y'all.
30:24I really, really like that.
30:25This is the side of my mom that I love to see,
30:28that I love for my kids to see.
30:30And as long as she's this Anita, I
30:32want to help her go as far as she could go.
30:35You know, I want to help her with her cookbook.
30:36I want to plug her with the right people
30:39she needs to be with to make, you know, to make this a success
30:42and to make her dreams come true with her cookbook.
30:45Come on, girl.
30:46Let's talk it, girl.
30:47Let's go.
30:50I love acting, but I feel like it's still more work for me
31:08to do.
31:09And I'm excited to do an improv class.
31:11I think this will be perfect for me.
31:14Hi, my name ain't Bayonetta.
31:16How's everybody doing today?
31:19I am at a comedy theater.
31:21And we're about to do some acting today.
31:24Me and crazy ass Kasey.
31:27Say hey, Kasey.
31:28I'm nodding out here.
31:29What's up, y'all?
31:30Don't be dry on my sh-t.
31:32Oh, I know my man.
31:36Hey, that was dry on, as you need to.
31:38Let's see what you got.
31:41What's this noise?
31:43Welcome to Never the Not Next Level.
31:45Come on.
31:46I don't know what this about to be,
31:48but I'm here, so I can talk to Reginae about Tarja.
31:52This is improv, so we're going to have a good time today.
31:55We'll go through some exercises, and hopefully
31:58it'll help you take your career to the next level.
32:01Let's see you, Mr. Kasey, how you hit on a chick,
32:04and she's nine feet tall.
32:06All right.
32:07What's up, son?
32:08You tall as a sh-t.
32:10You thick, though.
32:13I'll f-ck with you.
32:14Give it up for Kasey, everybody.
32:15Give it up for Kasey.
32:18All right, Ms. Reginae, you up, you up.
32:20OK, ooh, ooh, ooh, let's do this, let's do this.
32:23It's us three.
32:24I call this game freeze tag.
32:27What's going to happen, I'm going to eventually freeze,
32:29and you take over the body position,
32:32and you re-make this body a new thing.
32:36I'll start, I'll start, and then we're going to freeze him in.
32:39I need you to watch these doggone dishes, Reginae.
32:42I already told you, I got one rule, no dishes.
32:45But I know who can amaze.
32:47And I've been telling you to get amazed.
32:53You taking me, you taking me?
32:55So you put your body where I was,
32:57my head was up in the air like this, then.
33:01Listening is fundamental.
33:03And let me tell you something about Kasey.
33:05I don't even know if his ears work.
33:09I'll be back.
33:11You know, you need a break.
33:12You made that man need a break.
33:14Come on, let's go talk.
33:22OK, so you text me.
33:27What's that about, what's going on?
33:29I need you to talk to your mama for me, for real.
33:32Like, I'm tired of beefing with my sister.
33:34It's draining me, you know?
33:35And it make all y'all be against me.
33:38That's going to make a person go crazy.
33:41Like, I don't get no respect.
33:43Yeah, you talking about the respect and the disrespect,
33:47but you totally disrespected all of us
33:50on that float when you were going crazy
33:52and could have got us all killed.
33:57I was drunk, I ain't going to even lie.
33:58I was out of my mind, bro.
34:00That was a big moment for me, too, you know what I'm saying?
34:03Seeing me riding through all them neighborhoods
34:06that I used to walk.
34:07My love, that's great.
34:09No, I just got to stop you real quick.
34:11My love, I know that meant a lot to you,
34:12but you keep that in your head because it wasn't about you.
34:16You're a lot.
34:18You always, it's always you, you, you.
34:20You're very entitled about you.
34:23No, I ain't that.
34:24I'm entitled to family.
34:26I love my family.
34:27Kacey needs to understand that everybody is not like him.
34:30You know how he can just brush it off?
34:32People are not going to be the same way.
34:34You know, people take words seriously, and they hold that.
34:38And they hold that to you.
34:39So he needs to know that and learn that.
34:41I love my sister.
34:43So I want to go to therapy with my sister.
34:45But are you willing to say what you did wrong?
34:49Yeah, I went to therapy recently.
34:51My therapist told me to work on apologizing.
34:54You know what I'm saying?
34:56I think everyone should have therapy, but Kacey for sure.
35:00Just because, like, you know, he can just get away
35:03and actually talk to someone.
35:04They don't know nothing about him,
35:05and he can really get someone else's opinion
35:08on how he reacted.
35:10You don't disrespect me.
35:12You do it some kind of way because I feel like, damn,
35:15I'm her uncle.
35:15You act like uncle?
35:16I got so many older uncles that I will never play with.
35:19I know, but I'm just saying, dude, I raised you too little.
35:24You did not raise me.
35:25You do not remember.
35:27I remember you stealing cars, getting put out the house.
35:30Well, I watched you for a long time.
35:31Getting the police.
35:32I watched you when your mother was out in clubs and partying
35:36and all that.
35:37Guess who was watching you?
35:38No, what you're not about to do is say that.
35:39My mama was not a partier, first of all.
35:41She was a club player one time back in the day.
35:44That's a lie.
35:45She went out on her own.
35:46It's not going to happen.
35:47That's not.
35:48She's grown.
35:49I'm about to tell you.
35:50Turn these cameras off.
36:00I raised you too little.
36:01You did not raise me.
36:02You do not remember.
36:04I'm about to tell you.
36:04Turn these cameras off.
36:06I'll tell you.
36:07Oh, my god.
36:10Who knows what Kasey is talking about?
36:13No one ever knows what Kasey is talking about.
36:16OK, maybe you should get a couple of therapy sessions
36:18in within yourself.
36:19And then you can call my mama.
36:21Because you about to get blocked on my phone now.
36:36Whoa, whoa.
36:39Hey, sweetie.
36:40And what would you do?
36:42It's still.
36:44I haven't seen Toya since the welcome home party.
36:47So you know, it's just in my heart
36:48to just come swing through and just catch up with her,
36:51outside of everything else, you know what I'm saying?
36:53Just see how she's doing.
36:55And just to let her know that I'm real
36:56grateful for what she's done.
36:58What's up, bruh?
36:59Not much, brother.
37:01Well, a whole lot, brother.
37:03A whole lot.
37:04For real, for real.
37:05So I'm going to come straight out.
37:07This is why I wanted to come over here, bro.
37:10Casey is doing a lot.
37:12Too much.
37:13And we had like a little intervention,
37:17like, you know what I'm saying?
37:19How did that go?
37:20He apologized.
37:21He apologized?
37:22That's it.
37:23He apologized.
37:24You know he don't do that.
37:25He ain't.
37:26At all.
37:27But overall, he did, you know, like, man, I love my sister.
37:30Man, I'm sick of this, bro.
37:33Like, this is killing me, man.
37:35All right.
37:35You know, but I told him, you got to understand
37:37where she coming from, though.
37:38Like, that's your big sister at the same time,
37:41you know what I'm saying?
37:42So hopefully, like, things get better with him.
37:47You know, I feel like the counselor,
37:49maybe that can help him along with a little medication
37:53or something.
37:54Yeah, I think he needs some medicine, too.
37:56Yeah, it's something to just calm and chill.
37:58So we can all be together in one room,
38:01and it's not no lash out session.
38:03And it's not no lash out, you know what I'm saying?
38:06I do want to resolve things with Casey,
38:08but I'm just not sure when and how that will happen.
38:12I need Casey to get some help, is what I need from Casey.
38:15I'm sitting up here trying to plan a family reunion
38:17to get my dad, you know, all of daddy's kids together.
38:21What you mean by all of them?
38:23All, whatever, however many.
38:26Wait, he says, what, 17?
38:29It's not 26.
38:31No, it's not no 26.
38:32Girl, it's 26.
38:33No, no, it's 17.
38:35Girl, that's a line.
38:36I don't believe that.
38:41I'm going to ask him at the family reunion.
38:43You mean, you know, like, not seeing my baby in nine years?
38:47I know.
38:51That's, that's, that's crazy.
38:54Nine years.
38:55Man, I get to go down there to see my daughter, patience.
38:59I haven't seen my daughter in nine years.
39:04I have so much guilt.
39:06For actually abandoning her, leaving her like that.
39:09For making wrong decisions.
39:11You know, that led me to being incarcerated again.
39:15So to actually have this opportunity to go down there,
39:21like, that, that, that puts the family
39:23reunion in bold letters now.
39:28So, oh man, nine years.
39:31So I mean, nine years, this is why
39:35I think I'm so motivated.
39:38This is why I don't want to mess up.
39:41Since I don't even go out.
39:44You came home and straight up got on your stuff.
39:47You're trying to really do the right thing.
39:50So I see that.
39:51And I love that you're on that track.
39:53And it's hard in that system.
39:55When you get in that system.
39:57I am really proud of Walter.
40:00You know, he came out of prison.
40:02His head held high.
40:03Very strong.
40:04Like, helping his family.
40:06And back to Casey.
40:09It's like night and day.
40:12I think you should call BD and Casey.
40:14And tell them about the, you know,
40:16tell them it's official.
40:17Yo, what's that?
40:20What's up, man?
40:22So I got some good news for y'all, bro.
40:25Family reunion with all Pop's kids.
40:32I just told you this.
40:35But y'all like that?
40:36Yeah, we need to know.
40:38We need to know what's going on.
40:39First of all, is that my fight?
40:43That's a question I can't answer for you.
40:45Roll up.
40:47What's up, here, y'all?
40:49I'm invited to the family reunion.
40:53You can't deny me to the family reunion.
40:56Long as you behave.
40:58I miss you, though.
41:00Love you.
41:01I love you, too.
41:02All right.
41:07All right.
41:07Well, I'm invited, brother.
41:09I'm invited to the family reunion.
41:11It's all good, y'all.
41:14I just feel like what I have going on with Casey,
41:17it is a lot.
41:18And I don't know how things are going
41:21to be between me and Casey with the ride down
41:24and being around each other.
41:25But I promise I'm going to stay my distance because I just
41:28don't have time for no BS.
41:31He's still on block on my line.
41:32You know, block my favorite thing.
41:36You know I block mama.
41:37So I think she did tell me that.
41:39She said, that little girl block me.
41:40Like, we had a dinner.
41:42Me, BD, Mel.
41:46And yeah.
41:48BD and Mel been together?
41:50I don't want to go and tell you that.
41:52Y'all went to dinner?
41:53Girl, we went to dinner.
41:58They are back together.
42:01Mel, I kind of like Mel, bruh.
42:04It's not that they back together because, you know,
42:06people break up, make up all the time.
42:08It's the fact that y'all had a whole family dinner
42:12and BD and Mel back together.
42:14And I don't know if she live here.
42:16But I think.
42:17That's crazy to me.
42:18That is.
42:19That's fucked up.
42:20But you know, but like.
42:21I'm like, speechless right now.
42:22I don't even know what else to say.
42:24Oh, fuck that.
42:26I am blown away.
42:39Next on Toya and Reginae.
42:42Oh, it's about to get juicy.
42:44Y'all always be talking about come back to Atlanta.
42:47But this is too much family drama back here.
42:49I don't have a problem with Mel.
42:51My problem is the way you are handling it.
42:55Walter's parole officer denied his request
42:57to come to the family reunion.
42:59Man, you don't want me to go see my daughter.
43:01My sister, is she OK?
43:03Y'all, BD was in a car accident.
43:05Is she OK?
43:06Hello, ma'am?