Toya and Reginae S02 Ep04 Road Rage
00:00Previously, on Toya and Reginette.
00:04Everybody gets burned.
00:05Casey is just toxic.
00:07I love him to death.
00:09But I don't like him.
00:11I really do feel like he needs help.
00:13If you play with fire, you're living your life.
00:15Three, two, one.
00:17Let's go.
00:18I'm not having it, no.
00:20I'm not having it.
00:21Toya owe me an apology.
00:23You have hurt that girl so much, now you calling her a bitch.
00:27So where I start at then?
00:28Talk to your niece.
00:29I want to go to therapy with my sister.
00:31Are you willing to say what you did wrong?
00:34I don't get no respect.
00:36That shit can make a person go crazy.
00:39Who knows what Casey is talking about?
00:41Daddy, I want to talk to you about a sibling reunion.
00:45We're going to make that happen.
00:46All 17 of us.
00:48Girl, it's 26.
00:49No, no, it's 17.
00:51Girl, that bitch lying.
00:54I'm invited to the family reunion.
00:56Don't get your behave.
00:58I miss you.
00:59You'll be able to see Pacey.
01:01I seen my baby nine years.
01:03Man, I get to see my daughter.
01:05I have so much guilt being incarcerated,
01:08leaving her like that.
01:09So the family reunion in all caps.
01:12We had dinner.
01:13Me, B.D., Mel.
01:18B.D. and Mel back together?
01:20I thought you knew.
01:24OK, so she keeping secrets now?
01:27That's fucked up.
01:59We making candles?
02:01I'm taking you to a cute place, OK?
02:03OK, do everything with love.
02:05She said do everything with love.
02:07Nae has been back from L.A. for a while now,
02:10and we haven't had any serious one-on-one time.
02:13We used to get together a lot,
02:15but now that she's in L.A., it's not that often.
02:18And I really miss her.
02:20Hey, Lae.
02:21How you doing?
02:23It's so cute in here.
02:24I want y'all to come grab a seat right over here, OK?
02:27So we're making perfume?
02:31So you guys are gonna smell all the fragrance notes
02:33in the trays in front of you.
02:35You're gonna come across a fragrance you like.
02:37You're gonna put a drop of the fragrance
02:39on one end of the strip.
02:40On the opposite end, write the name of the fragrance.
02:42OK, that's cute.
02:44If I had, like, a signature perfume,
02:47it would be called the Mocha Spray, you know?
02:51So when you put it on, it's like, you know, it's...
02:55Mocha latte.
02:57Oh, I don't know about that one.
02:59Oh, this smell good, too.
03:01I got Pink Chiffon.
03:03Oh, I had that, too.
03:04That's the one I had.
03:06Oh, this is it.
03:08How you gonna take mine?
03:09I gotta put my drop first, girl.
03:11I'm gonna do your drop.
03:12Hold up.
03:14Well, Ma, how's the family reunion plans going?
03:17I found a place that I really like.
03:20Girl, it's a really, really, really big house.
03:23So I was thinking of inviting, you know, of course,
03:26all my dad's kids.
03:28Oh, 21, 22.
03:29All of them.
03:32Walter, BD, Casey coming, because that's my brother.
03:36That's my daddy's son.
03:38So, but we haven't been talking.
03:40I just decided to take a break from Casey since the parade.
03:44But we're gonna be driving to New Orleans together.
03:47And I don't know if this Sprinter is big enough for me
03:49and Casey and all his baggage.
03:54So I met with him the other day.
04:00And we had a talk.
04:02And he wanted me to see if you would
04:07want to do therapy with him.
04:09Me do therapy with him?
04:15He started seeing a therapist.
04:17And his therapist said that it needs to start with, I guess,
04:22having a session with you.
04:25So he have been going to therapy on his own?
04:29And he feels like the next step is doing therapy with me.
04:35That's what he said.
04:39I'm not gonna rule out going to therapy with him.
04:42But I just feel like he needs to focus more on himself.
04:45So when we do talk, he know how to have a conversation
04:48with me out of respect.
04:50He not clicking out.
04:53I think Casey have a lot of work to do.
04:56And I'm just hoping that he takes it serious.
04:58But as far as me going, I'm just not sure about that.
05:02Don't get me wrong.
05:03I miss my brother.
05:05But his words cut deep.
05:10Casey needs to understand that people take words seriously.
05:14And they hold that.
05:15And they hold that to you.
05:17So he needs to know that and learn that.
05:19And speaking of crazy, why Walter told me
05:22that BD and Mel back together?
05:24You ain't tell me that.
05:25Oh, yeah.
05:26That ain't my place to tell you.
05:28I guess it's just going to have to be a conversation between me
05:31and BD.
05:33What a surprise, surprise.
05:36And I like it.
05:37I like it.
06:03How long is it going to be before we're ready to shoot?
06:07About 15 minutes.
06:08Ha, ha, ha, ha.
06:10We've been waiting to say that, huh?
06:12Oh, I don't know.
06:13Who they saying?
06:14We've been waiting on that one, huh?
06:17So for this one, it's going to be, um.
06:20My sister, is she OK?
06:22As many times as we can give you a hug.
06:24Y'all BD was in a car accident.
06:25Oh, my God.
06:26Where are you?
06:27Where is she?
06:29She was in a car accident within Cobb Parkway in EMC.
06:34Is she OK?
06:35Like, is she OK?
06:37I'm not sure.
06:38Right now, I'm paramedic.
06:39I'm absolutely fine.
06:40Please, can you lock your door?
06:42Use the alarm, lock my house.
06:43I'm going to go get Rayne.
06:46Drive safely.
06:47OK, I will.
06:48Rayne, where's my baby?
06:50I'm just worried that everything is OK with BD.
06:53It's just a reminder that things can change in a blink of an eye.
06:56Come on.
06:57Hello, ma'am?
06:58Is she OK?
07:00Come on, get in.
07:01You know, this is very frightening.
07:03What happened?
07:04Go ahead.
07:05I'll tell you later.
07:07Come on.
07:14I'm on the way.
07:15I'm on the way.
07:18Coming up.
07:20I had my little sister in an accident.
07:23BD and Mel were messed up.
07:26Oh, my God.
07:27I didn't even know what to tell you, brother.
07:29I'm sorry.
07:33I really need to take a break from Casey.
07:37Nobody's perfect on this bus.
07:39You do not sound like a person that is learning a damn thing.
07:44Because I'm the only one that has a problem here.
07:47This is law.
07:57Make a few wrong turns, light a few red lights.
08:00Make the best of my time, better mess up my life.
08:03Still a few miles left to turn things right.
08:06Still a few miles left to turn things right.
08:09Hey, sis.
08:12We about to come back, though.
08:14All right.
08:16All right.
08:17Y'all talk to BD now?
08:18Yeah, they ain't saying nothing.
08:20Hey, Mom.
08:23BD and Mel were in a car, and a big truck crashed into them,
08:29totaled her car.
08:30And, you know, they were messed up.
08:39Oh, my God.
08:41Man, BD in an accident.
08:43Boy, my nerves on 1,000 right now.
08:46You know what I'm saying?
08:47Like, man, the mother sister in an accident?
08:52She was telling me how bad her stomach was hurting.
08:54I was saying, oh, her head is, you know, internal bleeding.
08:57Some type of bleeding.
08:58You know what I mean?
08:59She said Mel laid in her bed or something
09:01with a screwdriver in her bag.
09:03I really wasn't thinking about all the drama with Mel and me.
09:06The first thing, you know, I was thinking about
09:09is, how can I help?
09:11Are they OK?
09:12So I went and picked them up.
09:14And when I got there, Mel could hardly walk.
09:16So I had to help her on her front feet
09:18before BD got in the back.
09:19And at the time, Mel, you know, that was like,
09:21I'm like, all that shit.
09:23All that shit went out the window.
09:25I'm just hoping that nothing is wrong internally.
09:30That's just crazy, because in the blink of an eye,
09:32I had to show you how bad shit happened.
09:34You see how he just moved it out the way?
09:37And when things like this happens,
09:39it makes other issues, like the situations,
09:42what Casey and Mel, seem a little petty.
09:46As soon as they come back from x-ray,
09:48we could go back there and make sure they're good.
09:51I hope my sister all right, bro.
09:53For real, for real.
09:54I know Talia and Mel has this rocky relationship,
09:57but at the end of the day,
09:58Talia be dropping everything for her family.
10:01So I hope she gonna forgive me
10:02and agree to come to therapy with me.
10:04Get us back on track, man,
10:05because I do want my sister back in my life.
10:09You good?
10:10Yeah, I'm just a little scared of you, girl.
10:13No, I'm scared of myself.
10:15Oh, my God.
10:18We have to talk at the end, y'all.
10:20Let's sit down.
10:21Let's go in.
10:23My head definitely hurts.
10:25And this right here, this is what I got to get the scan on.
10:29I was so scared.
10:30I got busted in my stomach.
10:32I hurt my knee.
10:33Then Mel, her legs was busted.
10:35You know, it was just a lot.
10:37I'm definitely fortunate of, you know,
10:39having my family there.
10:41That meant a lot.
10:43How y'all gonna see Mel?
10:45Yeah, let's go check on Mel.
10:47Check on Mel.
10:48Check on Mel, girl.
10:49Make sure she's all right.
10:51Yeah, girl.
10:53Her legs was busted.
10:59That looks nasty, but that look like that hurt.
11:02They both swole.
11:03They both swole.
11:04Oh, my God.
11:05Ooh, yeah.
11:07So Talia got to y'all fast.
11:10Yeah, thankfully.
11:13Mel and me may not always see eye to eye,
11:15but we should be able to respect one another.
11:20I'm sorry.
11:21Oh, she about to go out?
11:27Yeah, it's just a little crowded.
11:29Well, we not far.
11:30So I can come back.
11:33I love you, darling.
11:38So grateful.
11:40So grateful we all right.
11:44That was scary.
11:51Hey, what's up, y'all?
11:52I'm just checking in.
11:55I know I got my scarf on.
11:56I'm about to go get myself together
11:58so that I can have a talk with my sister.
12:00But I just wanted to say life is so precious,
12:03so please don't take it for granted.
12:05Love you guys, and have a blessed day.
12:11Beat it, B.
12:12What you doing, girl?
12:14Nothing much.
12:15Just was watching TV.
12:17I got my knee a little bit.
12:19It's kind of...
12:21I'm so thankful that Beatty is OK,
12:24but it really blows my mind
12:26to live so closely with someone
12:28and still feel so distant from them.
12:30I think it's real messed up that I'm your big sister
12:33and I'm the last to find out
12:34that you are back with your girlfriend
12:36and you live at my house.
12:38It's really...
12:39to be quite honest.
12:41Well, thank God y'all OK.
12:43I know, man.
12:44That's the most important thing.
12:45Thank you for coming to get us, too.
12:47That whole situation was crazy.
12:49Me helping Mel get in the car.
12:52I was like, wow, I hope everything...
12:54I was like...
12:55But I know you probably was just more focused.
12:57Yeah, I was more focused on y'all being OK.
12:59Yeah, I love that.
13:00You know what I'm saying?
13:01And to be honest with you,
13:02I don't have a problem with Mel.
13:03My problem is more the way you
13:07are handling it.
13:13Like, you're not telling me
13:15that you and Mel were back together
13:17and the whole family and everybody else know.
13:21It's like, damn.
13:23I know my sister tells me that, you know,
13:25a lot of how she feels about Mel
13:27is because of what I told her.
13:29And I understand that.
13:30When you tell a person something,
13:31sometimes you can look at a person differently.
13:34So I didn't tell my sister
13:35that me and Mel was back together.
13:36Because I could definitely see
13:38Talya getting in defense mode.
13:39And that makes it kind of hard
13:41to talk to her about certain things.
13:43So I was just waiting on the right time.
13:45It just be triggering for me
13:47and starts to make me feel like
13:50I used to feel how I'm over here
13:53and y'all over here.
13:54I don't want to say you're so hard to talk to,
13:57but I didn't tell you that we together
13:59because I'm like, how can I do this?
14:00I mean, I don't understand that.
14:02I just feel like, you know,
14:04I don't know where you're at with that.
14:06My issue with Mel stemmed from the hurt
14:09that I saw you going through
14:10and the things you are telling me.
14:12So it's effort.
14:15I felt like you were getting played.
14:18Like you were doing a lot
14:20and giving a lot
14:21and you wasn't getting nothing
14:24based off of what you told me.
14:26So I've developed my own feelings.
14:27Like, okay, she playing my sister.
14:31You're right.
14:33You're right.
14:34You're right.
14:35Well, moving forward,
14:36I really would love for y'all to talk one day.
14:39I assume, so it can make it better.
14:41I'm not...
14:44I'm not against talking to Mel.
14:47I'm glad Paulya's open to talking to her
14:49so she can really see
14:50what type of person Mel really is.
14:52Like, I will have a conversation with Mel.
14:54If that's the person you're going to be with,
14:56I don't have a problem with talking to Mel.
14:59I really don't.
15:00Well, I hope that can happen soon.
15:02I know this is someone that B.D. is in love with,
15:04so I'm not against talking to her
15:06to make sure that things are cordial.
15:08I'm just hoping this time around
15:10that she's really changed
15:11and have B.D.'s best interest at heart.
15:14But, girl, I ain't gonna lie.
15:16You are wrong for not telling me
15:18about you and Mel being basically.
15:20I'm wrong.
15:21That's dirty.
15:22You're right.
15:26Coming up...
15:27So I talked to Tauya.
15:29If you gonna confide in someone,
15:31make sure they not trying to really sabotage.
15:42I'm so sorry, Walt.
15:49We having a road trip.
15:51Road trip.
15:54Mama and Casey.
15:56Y'all definitely need to talk now.
15:58If I knew you was gonna act like this,
16:00I wouldn't have did this reunion without you.
16:02I might as well just go to L.A.
16:04Get on the bus.
16:05I'll get under the bus.
16:21Hi, guys.
16:22Welcome to Rect Ink.
16:23I hope y'all are excited and ready to get some stress out.
16:28So I've been super stressed out with work.
16:30And I just needed some time with my girls
16:32to just blow off some steam.
16:34One size fits all.
16:35Oh, really?
16:36Oh, it's red.
16:37Get suited and booted.
16:39So me and my girls are gonna wreck it today
16:41at a smash room.
16:44No, button it up.
16:47It's drip.
16:48It is.
16:49We look like we about to be in a pretty jail.
16:57All righty.
16:58We ready.
16:59Hold on.
17:00Let me see.
17:01Let me see.
17:04All right, guys.
17:05Let's get smashing.
17:17Oh, my gosh.
17:18Oh, wait a minute now.
17:22OMG, y'all.
17:24That's crazy, y'all.
17:25This is fun.
17:28Just having a bat in my hand
17:30and smashing the car window up with it,
17:33it just feels so empowering.
17:37I just feel like I want to hear Iron Woman
17:39playing in the background.
17:43Throw it.
17:44Go ahead.
17:45Throw that.
17:48Come on, ladies.
17:49That's in now.
17:50Come on.
17:51OK, let me see how it looks from the back.
17:53Oh, this is good.
17:54I like it.
17:55Me either.
17:56This is a good one.
17:57All right, here we go.
17:59Oh, my gosh.
18:05Don't be running from me.
18:08It's in the back seat.
18:09It's in the back seat.
18:10It's in the back seat.
18:11It's in the back seat.
18:12Oh, yes.
18:13You either gotta fly with me or die with me.
18:16Oh, yeah.
18:21All right.
18:23That was fun.
18:24That was fun.
18:25Have y'all ever been to something like this?
18:28I've been wanting to for a while.
18:29I think it was nice for you to do it.
18:31I know my friends want me back in Atlanta,
18:33but moving back will make me feel like I'm giving up,
18:35and I can't do that.
18:37And honestly, I like having some distance
18:39from the family drama they got going on over there.
18:43Abby, what you been up to?
18:45So I just started a fitness class,
18:47but it's for your mind, body, and soul,
18:50so it's not just fitness, you know?
18:53We need to do a class or something.
18:55A group class.
18:56Okay, come on.
18:57We need to do a trip.
19:00We gotta go on the road, so...
19:01That's what we doing for the summertime, you know?
19:03I have to find out on IG.
19:06You gotta tell me stuff like that.
19:07You want us to call you like,
19:08girl, we going on tour.
19:11Guess what, though?
19:12What, girl?
19:13You know the movie that I auditioned for
19:14that I told you about?
19:15Oh, yeah.
19:16I didn't mean to ask you about that.
19:17I got it.
19:19Come to it.
19:20I got it.
19:22It's a working girl.
19:24I finally booked a movie,
19:26and it's called Nothing Even Matters,
19:28and my character name is Benny.
19:30I'm playing this bounty hunter slash mafia killer.
19:35Like, I'm super excited about it.
19:38Y'all gonna be like, hold up.
19:40I did not know she could act like that.
19:43That's so good.
19:44Hey, y'all, guess what?
19:45And I'm playing a gangster.
19:46She's a shooter.
19:47I'm a shooter.
19:49And I love that, though,
19:50because I feel like this is totally different
19:51from who I am.
19:52When you start shooting, boo,
19:53I start shooting in like a couple weeks.
19:56I'ma be here until then.
19:58We told you.
19:59You just need to come on back home.
20:01But this is too much family drama back here.
20:02When I'm in L.A., I be so peaceful.
20:05Girl, you need to be with your family.
20:07I know, but, like, shit.
20:09They be beefed up.
20:12It do be a lot of beef.
20:13You're a good mediator for the family, honestly.
20:17I don't know if I told y'all,
20:18but I'm going to New Orleans
20:19because my grandfather,
20:22with his 18 with 21 kids.
20:26Girl, he has 21 kids.
20:28We're having, like, a family reunion,
20:31really like a Walters reunion.
20:32All of his kids are, like, coming together.
20:34Some are meeting for the first time.
20:37And it's dope.
20:38I never met him.
20:39My grandma coming.
20:40Oh, she finna have a ball.
20:42But y'all, like, that's not all her kids,
20:44but that's her baby daddy.
20:47And, like, I don't know how that's gonna be.
20:48Ooh, girl.
20:50I just know it's gonna be super funny and...
20:53Your grandma gonna turn it up, baby.
20:54Turn up.
20:55Oh, yeah, the food gonna be really good.
20:57Gosh, I want some crawfish.
20:58I can't wait to get to New Orleans
21:00and get some crawfish.
21:03♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
21:10♪ From Lisa, Louisiana, road to Alabama ♪
21:16♪ I run the whole planet till I fall in love, in love ♪
21:24Okay, I got T-shirts.
21:30What's up, bro?
21:31What you doing?
21:32What's up, baby?
21:34Sitting around looking at Pacey, but...
21:37Pacey, little cute self.
21:42Oh, look at her.
21:45Pepe, your twin.
21:48You get to see your baby really soon.
21:52I was calling you because I'm sitting up here
21:54going over everything, looking at the rooms
21:56to see where I'm gonna put everybody at.
21:58And ordering the T-shirts.
21:59You told me a large and a medium.
22:02What size do you need?
22:08I'm sorry, bruh, but you're not gonna let me go, man.
22:14P.O. won't let me go.
22:17That's f***ed up.
22:20Oh, my God.
22:21Are you serious?
22:22What am I supposed to do, girl?
22:24You didn't tell me I can't even go, bro.
22:27The family is coming together, and we want you there.
22:49Don't cry while you make it.
22:51Oh, my God.
22:55My daughter don't understand this, man.
22:57I hear this.
22:58I'm so excited thinking I'm doing the right thing.
23:00And I tell this little girl that I'm coming down there, bruh.
23:05I'm so sorry, Walt.
23:07My daughter's in New Orleans.
23:09I live in Atlanta.
23:10I've been gone nine years out of life.
23:13I'm on federal probation.
23:15I'm restricted from doing many things.
23:20At the top of the list, traveling.
23:23Crazy, dog.
23:25I'm angered because I'm trying to make up to her, not let her down no more.
23:33I'm not asking to leave the country, man.
23:37And they don't even have no impetus or nothing like that.
23:40This is dealing with my child, my family.
23:46Walt's been in prison for so long has definitely affected the family
23:51because he wasn't there to help console my mom,
23:54be there for important moments in Pacey's life, be there for Kasey.
23:58I'm sorry, dog.
23:59This is not your fault.
24:01It's not your fault.
24:07I am free.
24:09Why am I still having a shackle on my leg, and I'm free?
24:15I feel like I'm letting them down right now, not being able to go.
24:18All right.
24:19Love you, baby.
24:20I love you too, sis.
24:33Coming up.
24:35Me and Kasey hooked up.
24:37Kasey got to start taking accountability of what the he's been doing.
24:40I don't like the disrespect.
24:42I ain't been too.
24:43If it was anybody else, it'd be problems.
24:48So I talked to Taya.
24:50You open to talking to her?
24:52As long as she's willing to not just lash out.
24:57You and Mel definitely need to talk now.
25:01I'm not going.
25:14You want me to play with you?
25:16So that means I got to create an account, right?
25:19Hey, baby.
25:20Hey, daddy, daddy, daddy.
25:24Guess what your daughter just did?
25:27She used my face to download.
25:31I didn't even know.
25:32She was just like, then I heard it go ding.
25:37Girl, you is a girl.
25:40Girl, you is a girl.
25:44What's going on?
25:45Not much.
25:46What you want to do?
25:48Trying to pack my clothes.
25:51Y'all should have fun.
25:53Baby, stop playing.
25:54You going.
25:55I'm so excited about our trip back home to New Orleans.
25:58We get to see all of our siblings, our dad.
26:01But the one thing that I'm a little concerned about is this long ride.
26:07What my crazy family.
26:09Rainy, you want to go to New Orleans?
26:12Just to see my cousins.
26:14But anything else?
26:16This New Orleans trip, I really need it.
26:19I wanted to get a little rest time and go chill.
26:22But a road trip with all of them together, with all this energy and how things been, I'm scared.
26:28I'm scared.
26:30I don't know what's going on.
26:32I got the T-shirts.
26:35I have the food.
26:38Everybody is confirmed except for Walter.
26:44What happened?
26:45His probation officer didn't approve him.
26:49He was so sad.
26:51You know, he was really looking forward to this moment.
26:55That's why I feel so bad.
26:59It's devastating to hear that Walter can't go to New Orleans.
27:02I'm definitely looking forward to him coming, meeting up with everybody, and, you know, just helping her out.
27:09Yeah, we talked the other day.
27:11Me, him, and Kasey hooked up.
27:13I heard that went crazy.
27:16It just threw me off where he just was like, you owe him an apology.
27:22Why you keep saying that?
27:24Me, personally, I don't like the disrespect.
27:27Rain, go in the room real quick.
27:33Mommy gonna talk to Daddy for a few minutes, okay?
27:36All right.
27:39Like, I know y'all family.
27:41I know y'all love each other.
27:42I know that's just how y'all came up arguing and fighting and all that stuff, but I hate that.
27:49I hate it, too.
27:51If it was anybody else, like, it would be problems.
27:54Kasey got to start taking accountability of what he's been doing.
28:03Like, that is stupid that he even think somebody should apologize to him after all he's doing.
28:09And I hope he's not waiting on that apology.
28:11Y'all been going through a pattern since he's been home, and at some point the pattern need to stop.
28:17I would want to know, like, how to deal with somebody like that.
28:24So is that something a therapist can help me with?
28:28My advice is go see the therapist by yourself first before y'all do it together.
28:34I think he's just giving her one side, and she need to hear your side.
28:41Because until they're equipped with all the information they need to make a good assessment, the therapist can't help them.
28:53Yeah, well.
29:17Oh my gosh, babe.
29:19I'm beat up.
29:24Did that help you get up?
29:27What y'all doing with me?
29:31Mel's holding up pretty well.
29:33She's just having a hard time walking, you know, and really maneuvering with her legs.
29:38I've been there, though, you know, just trying to be that uplifter, especially because she'll be out of work for a while.
29:44That's crazy, though, babe. I ain't even see all this.
29:47It's cool. I'm grateful to be here.
29:50I'm glad we are still here.
29:52I'm still feeling the whiplash, though.
29:54I ain't gonna lie. Like my neck, my back and stuff.
29:57But what people don't know is how much you be here for me.
30:00And I want to thank you for that.
30:01Of course. I'm gonna be here rocking and rolling.
30:06We already been growing that bond and really in a great space.
30:10And that accident just made us look at life in a whole different way, how fast it could just be taken from you.
30:17The fact that, you know, my sister really came, got us.
30:22I was kind of nervous.
30:24Well, yeah, I haven't seen them since your mama dinner.
30:30You know, I didn't tell her that we was together.
30:34I don't know why it was so hard for me to tell her that, you know.
30:38Then I'm just like, I didn't want her to find out like that.
30:43Now that I talked to my sister about Mel, I definitely feel great about it.
30:47You know, I'm glad that she's open to talking to her, you know, and open to understanding and hearing me out.
30:53So it definitely meant a lot.
30:55You know, they just felt like you was just such a bad person in my life.
31:00When we had what we was going through, I talked mad.
31:04It was only right. I talked about you too.
31:07I know you did.
31:08You know what I'm saying?
31:09I just feel like if you gonna confide in someone, make sure they're not trying to really sabotage.
31:15I agree. I definitely agree.
31:17So I talked to Talia.
31:22It got really deep.
31:24Did you express yourself?
31:26I did. I actually had a voice.
31:28Deeply, truly, wholeheartedly?
31:30I did, babe. I really did.
31:33And I told her, y'all talking and coming to at least an understanding.
31:40You know, now that we're together especially, you know, that will help me.
31:45You know, that helped me feel good, you know.
31:50You open to talking to her?
31:53Are you ready?
31:54I'm ready.
31:55You ready?
31:57I'm ready.
32:00What that mean?
32:02Okay, cool.
32:03I don't mind talking to her as long as she's willing to listen and not just, you know, lash out.
32:16Coming up.
32:18I'm afraid I made a huge mistake.
32:21That's why I don't like traveling with you.
32:23You aim to attack.
32:26So crazy and scary.
32:28Because I'm the only one that has a problem here.
32:41Y'all ready for the road trip?
32:43So, we're getting ready for the family reunion.
32:46About to turn up.
32:48Sprinting on deck.
32:50I do feel a little better.
32:51Just limping a little.
32:53Accident was crazy, but I'm just glad I was able to catch this family reunion.
32:58All right, let's load up.
33:01Let's go, baby.
33:03We having a road trip.
33:06Road trip.
33:08Your hair cute.
33:09Who did your hair?
33:10My mama have her eye on my dad.
33:12Nan Beatty is keeping secrets.
33:14And Casey think I owe him an apology for clicking out on me.
33:19I love my family, but please don't think I won't put them out on the side of the road if they start cutting up.
33:27Nay, who dropped you off?
33:29My friend dropped me off.
33:30How you got here with your husband?
33:32Happy, happy.
33:33Ma, who dropped Nay off?
33:36Her boyfriend.
33:38Her boyfriend?
33:39Your grandma.
33:40You're just going to open y'all like that?
33:42I love her.
33:44This new boyfriend, Wizard Kelly, he might just not be the one.
33:49So I'm just going to wait till she tell me we're either together or we're not.
33:54Me and you don't even get down like that.
33:56We talk about stuff all the time.
33:59I am kind of tired of people all in my business about Wizard Kelly.
34:02I don't know when I want my mom to meet him.
34:05But I'm not really even stressing it until it's time.
34:10Oh, Beatty!
34:12I didn't get to ask you, how do you feel after your accident?
34:15It was so crazy and scary.
34:17Ain't nobody call me.
34:18I might as well just go to L.A.
34:20I thought Tanya would have called you.
34:22Ma, you went to get him?
34:24Yeah, I picked both of them up at us.
34:28I know, right?
34:29And how was the vibe in that car?
34:31At that moment, we wasn't worrying about none of that that had taken place.
34:36I was just making sure that it was okay.
34:38You and Mel definitely need to talk now.
34:40I feel like we really do need a conversation.
34:43It's overdue.
34:47I'm definitely hopeful, not only for me and my sister relationship to really grow and improve,
34:52but I definitely see it as well as her and Mel's.
35:01I gotta pee now.
35:03Come on, baby, don't start that. We just got on the road.
35:06I gotta potty. I gotta use this.
35:08We're not about to be doing that.
35:09We need to get down here to this house and get situated.
35:12Your daddy down there waiting on us. We ain't got time.
35:14So what you want me to pee on myself now?
35:16Get a bucket or something.
35:17Get a bucket? I'm not pissing in no bucket.
35:20You crazy? I'm going to use this.
35:21That's why I don't like traveling with you. You always want to stop.
35:23Wait, I gotta pee! I gotta pee!
35:25You want me to talk about me if I pee on myself, huh?
35:29I told you, you're getting old.
35:31That's that old.
35:36Say hi, Ma.
35:39Y'all know my mama say she trying to get back with my daddy.
35:42I said, if this turn out right with him, and he don't deny nothing,
35:48and it go through right with his daughters, they get to know them better,
35:52instead of not getting to know all his grandchildren and all his children that he had,
35:56because the man had 27 children.
35:58My daddy do not have 27 kids.
36:01Who is capping?
36:02My mom and dad joke so much, I don't know which one of them is telling the truth.
36:08But I put this sibling reunion together because I feel like I never really had the chance
36:13to get together with all of my dad's kids.
36:16And it's time that we all get together and really, really get to know each other.
36:20And I just got off the phone with my sister Lisa just now, and she said,
36:24Barbara went with Walter, girl.
36:26Who is Barbara?
36:27Lisa's best friend, Barbara.
36:29Got a baby from Walter.
36:32No, I'm staying far away from Walter when we get there.
36:35He's their father, okay?
36:37And everybody should respect their father and honor their father, and that's all they got me.
36:41That's all I got to say.
36:45Daddy, you know Miss Barbara?
36:49My daddy said I was there for you.
36:51You was still messing with me, though.
36:52You was still going with me, though.
36:54Oh, no, you're going crazy, baby.
36:56Boy, you so crazy.
36:57Oh, it's about to get juicy.
36:59It's about to get juicy.
37:01This is typical behavior from my mom and dad.
37:04They always going off on each other.
37:06And I'm just hoping my mom don't act a fool at the reunion.
37:10I'm a little worried about, you know, getting them two together now.
37:15Girl, I'm not listening to you with your daddy, with your daddy.
37:18If I knew you was going to act like this, I would have did this reunion without you.
37:30Hey, hey.
37:32Hey, y'all.
37:35Mama and Casey.
37:37Since we got both of y'all in here, whoop, whoop.
37:41So, Mama, I wanted to know if you thought about counseling.
37:48With Casey, it's both of them trying to shy away from me.
37:53If y'all really not noticing.
37:57So, I'm going back and forth about going to counseling with Casey.
38:01Because I just really want to know why is this so important for Casey?
38:05Like, why do he want me to join him in counseling?
38:08So, you've been going to counseling?
38:10Yeah, I've been going to counseling.
38:13So, she want to do a session with me and you?
38:16I think, I think we need it, though.
38:20I think we need it, though, at this point.
38:22I can't speak to you how I want to speak to you, you know, feel a certain way.
38:27So, why?
38:28I don't know. It's just the energy and the vibe.
38:30But why is the energy like that?
38:34Like, we ain't talking to me.
38:36But why I'm not talking to you?
38:39I feel like, at this point, like, you just ain't understand, like, that day.
38:45And I get it because, like, you know, it was your day.
38:50It was your big day.
38:51And, you know, it always Casey messing up things.
38:54I was really having a serious breakdown.
38:56And it was at the wrong time because it was your big day.
39:01This is not just about that day.
39:05This is not just about that day.
39:07It's a buildup of things that you have done and said that got me to this point.
39:14Like, I'm going to be honest with you.
39:16I have been very peaceful without talking to you.
39:19Casey is always acting out.
39:22Like, he's always saying anything to hurt you.
39:26He's always starting stuff.
39:28And it's just like, enough is enough.
39:30Like, every time he's around, he's always causing issues and problems.
39:34So, I want him to take accountability for some of the things that he's done to me and, you know, the family.
39:42Like, I just need to hear these things from him.
39:45So, what do you plan to accomplish from therapy?
39:48To get understanding for real and start to respect each other and build our relationship up.
39:54Back up again.
39:56We family, right?
39:59Yeah, we family, but you're not our punching bag.
40:02You treat us like we're the punching bags.
40:04Like, you can just punch and walk all over us.
40:07That's not what family do.
40:08That's not love.
40:09Like, that *** hurts.
40:10You aim to attack.
40:13All of us got something wrong with us.
40:16We're not talking about all of us.
40:17We're talking about you.
40:19We're not talking about all of us.
40:21We're talking about you.
40:22Nobody's perfect on this bus.
40:24You go to therapy.
40:27Listen, I might hit below the belt sometime and say ****.
40:30Yeah, family members certainly react.
40:32Some people do **** like that.
40:34I learned in my lesson from it, I don't want to keep it.
40:36You don't sound like a person that is learning a damn thing.
40:42I love my family.
40:43We're going to rock like that.
40:45That's it.
40:46I'm going to be honest.
40:47Until I see his words and his actions matching, I just feel like it's a waste of my time and his.
40:56She's saying you don't take it serious.
40:58Yeah, I be quiet.
41:00So, I don't know what you told the therapist, but it just.
41:03I told her we was going in New Orleans tomorrow.
41:06I'm not going.
41:12You're going to go with your mama.
41:14So, it's good you reserved the slot and you and your mama going to go.
41:18You and your mama need to probably go.
41:21I don't think I'm the only one that have a problem.
41:23You can't take accountability and see your own and everything is like all of us, none of us perfect.
41:29Nobody said that, but we're not talking about everybody else.
41:32We're talking about you.
41:37So, I'm the only one got a problem here.
41:42I'm the only one got a problem here.
41:44I'm afraid I made a huge mistake bringing my mom and Casey.
41:54Because I'm the only one that has a problem here.
42:09Coming up this season on Toya and Regina.
42:17Try to stop us, we just keep going.
42:19What happened?
42:22You give off a high energy like you above everybody.
42:25No, you gave off that energy.
42:27I don't want this right here. I don't got to deal with it no more.
42:30You just doing too much.
42:32Oh, and you think you better than everybody, bitch.
42:35I'm tired of it. I can't do it no more.
42:43Mama want to know why you didn't marry her.
42:45I want to marry somebody that go play bingo on a Friday and come home on a Monday.
42:50You owe me a apology. I'm out of here.
42:52Oh, my God.
42:53F*** these cameras.
42:55You're in toilet ground zero right now.
42:57How do you fix this though?
42:59Casey, please stop.
43:04I told y'all, I don't want to be at my mother's house.