• 21 hours ago


00:00When I met Hilaria, it was the tail end of season 5 of 30 Rock.
00:06It was really, my God, unbelievable.
00:08It was unbelievable.
00:10We are polar opposites.
00:14She's a yoga instructor.
00:16She's actually about 25 years his junior.
00:19People who say the age doesn't matter, of course it matters.
00:21I got married very fast.
00:22I got pregnant very fast.
00:24I've had seven kids.
00:25Am I going to go blind?
00:31What is going on with me?
00:32My relationship with my daughter, Ireland, was so negatively impacted by my divorce from
00:38her mother.
00:39It took a long time to restore that.
00:41This is why I think I'm so aware of my relationship with my kids.
00:45I feel like our kids have been in a boat.
00:48And that boat's been going up and down and up and has been, you know, stormy seas and
00:52they've been scared.
00:55Breaking news right now.
00:56We're learning more about a deadly accident on a movie set in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
01:01The hardest thing about this is that a woman lost her life, a son lost his mom, and that's
01:08what makes everything so painful.
01:12Actor Alec Baldwin is now charged with involuntary manslaughter.
01:15I've never been through anything like this in my entire life.
01:23Where do you go from a tragedy?
01:24I do not want to go back to the life I had.
01:25I don't.
01:26I don't care.
01:27You have a lot of individuals that-
01:30Counting on us.
01:31You and the two of you together, right?
01:33Love you.
01:34I love you too.
01:35We stayed together through really hard times and I'm proud of us.
01:40And I thank God for you.
01:41I don't ever want to be without you.
01:53Who knows what's the right thing to do?
02:02You just live one day at a time.
02:23Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
02:26My turn!
02:27Okay, it's going to be your turn, but everybody listen to me.
02:30Who's got the baby?
02:31Your mother.
02:36Look, guys.
02:37Right this way.
02:38All right, come here.
02:39Jump to me.
02:42Jump here.
02:49What are you doing with that bone?
02:58We moved into this apartment in November of 2011.
03:01Her and I, no kids.
03:03It's quiet.
03:07And then number one came.
03:11One kid, two kids.
03:12No, you come back here.
03:13No, no, no.
03:14Don't do that.
03:15Oh, heads up.
03:16Three kids, four kids.
03:18And I thought that was the outer limit.
03:21But we kept going.
03:27I'm glad you're here.
03:32Alec and I have been married for almost 12 years.
03:35And we've known each other for a little over 13 years.
03:39So we met, and then it all went really fast.
03:43You know, she's a yoga instructor.
03:45She's actually about 25 years his junior.
03:48Alec Baldwin tied the knot this weekend with his girlfriend, Ilaria Thomas.
03:53It's her third kid in, what, four years?
03:56The Baldwin bunch is growing again.
03:58Alec Baldwin is having a seventh baby.
04:01Have they never heard of birth control?
04:08When we met, he really wanted to have kids.
04:10He wanted to make sure before we started, like, seriously dating,
04:13he's like, I need to have kids again.
04:16That is something I want to do.
04:18If I was somebody that said, I love you, and I don't want to have kids,
04:22I don't think that we would have made it,
04:24because that was something that was important for him.
04:26I got pregnant with Carmen five months after we got married.
04:39I just turned 27. I was really young.
04:41And I don't regret it.
04:43Don't think I'm telling you this because I regret it,
04:45because I don't regret it. I'm very happy.
04:48You and Ilaria didn't set out to have seven kids.
04:51No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
04:53I mean, I never thought at my age.
04:57Holy moly.
04:59Come here!
05:03This apartment is like a toy store now.
05:05It's like a toy store.
05:08Boy, just lay there.
05:09Okay, okay, okay, okay.
05:12People think that I married you for money, fame, glamour, all of these things.
05:22So horrible.
05:24Hold on now.
05:25No, no.
05:26Why I married you is because you're a good-looking guy,
05:29and you were a good-looking guy.
05:32And so I knew...
05:33I know I said it first.
05:34You were a good-looking guy.
05:36I said you are a good-looking guy, and you were a good-looking guy,
05:38because I actually was going to just say the second one,
05:40but I thought about it first,
05:41because I've walked into that trap before, but I didn't.
05:44Let me have that piece.
05:47I don't want this here.
05:49I don't want this here.
05:50It's in the room.
05:52Can he be a curmudgeon? Absolutely.
05:54Can he be set in his ways? Absolutely.
05:56But you know what?
05:57I get to see the Alec, who's really fantastic.
05:59He's funny.
06:00He's kind.
06:01He's handsome.
06:02He's extraordinarily smart.
06:05And he's so generous.
06:08I feel like... There you go.
06:10Hey, stop putting your fingers in there, silly.
06:12Okay, what do you think?
06:19Go get Rafa.
06:20I want to know if he wants red inside or outside.
06:22Oh, my God.
06:26Before I met Alec, I was teaching yoga,
06:29mopping the floors,
06:30cleaning the mats,
06:31cleaning the toilets,
06:32and I was happy as a clam.
06:34And so all of a sudden this idea
06:36that I was going to marry Alec
06:42and walk around really fancy,
06:45that was not where my experience in life is.
06:49Anyone want to help me?
06:52No? Okay, then I'll do it.
06:53Wait, we're not going to do these ones.
06:55These ones we're not going to do.
06:56I mean, I fell in love with my wife
06:58because she's so special.
06:59I thought I'd never met anybody like this before.
07:00Never. I never have.
07:01And Ilaria, when I met her,
07:02she was in a world where she was very valued
07:05and appreciated and loved by people.
07:08And her life was,
07:09I'm not going to say it was simple,
07:10but it was a lot simpler in some senses
07:12before a lot of publicity and some notoriety with it.
07:15Uh-oh, the two shot.
07:17Alec, it's right here.
07:19Right here, right here.
07:21Right here, to your left, to your left.
07:23Very nice.
07:24She had what she had, and she was happy.
07:26To your left, to your left, please.
07:27Then I sucked her into this filthy, disgusting world
07:30I'm in.
07:31I think she's less happy
07:33as a result of what we had to put up with.
07:43-♪ Don't dig her ♪
07:44-♪ Don't dig her, baby, from the morning to night ♪
07:48-♪ Don't dig her ♪
07:49-♪ 24 karat and I'm feeling all right ♪
07:52Well, I haven't Googled myself in a very long time,
07:55so I don't know what the word on the street is.
07:58But I've heard some rumors.
08:00There's certain things I can understand of being like,
08:02if I looked at a 27-year-old yoga instructor
08:05that was dating a 53-year-old rich and famous actor,
08:09what would I think?
08:11Okay, ready?
08:12Okay, here we go.
08:13One, two, three.
08:14Wait, let's see what happens.
08:15Say, good luck, Mommy.
08:16Good luck, Mom.
08:18Oh, wow.
08:19It's gonna be a great day.
08:20We got it on film.
08:21Yeah, you got it.
08:22No, no, no, baby, no, no.
08:23She needs to have a spoon, Mommy.
08:26Because she's gonna break the cake with the spoon
08:28and smash the cake.
08:30All the typical things that people
08:32have probably experienced in relationships,
08:35we've experienced.
08:36Who did the flecking kind of thing to the cake?
08:39It's kind of a flecked cake.
08:40And we've decided to grow together.
08:43We've decided to grow through them.
08:45And here we are.
08:47That's actually not good.
08:49No, no, no, she's shoving it into the cake.
08:52No, baby, no.
08:53Can I use a plastic wrap?
08:55For about 20 seconds, this was a great cake.
08:58Everybody take off their spoons and everything.
09:00What the hell did you do to the cake?
09:02Oh, Jesus, God, help me.
09:04I understand Alec because I've gotten to understand Alec.
09:10And I feel like the world very much misunderstands Alec.
09:16He is a very tender soul.
09:19He is very raw, especially now.
09:23Yeah, I'll look at the calendars,
09:24and we'll get that to you today.
09:26I'll get it to you today.
09:27To travel, to go there, yeah.
09:29To stand trial, yeah.
09:34Breaking news right now.
09:35We're learning more about a deadly accident
09:37on a movie set in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
09:41Santa Fe Fire and EMS, what's the location of the emergency?
09:44Bonanza Creek Ranch has two people accidentally shot
09:48on a movie set by a prompt gun director
09:51and a camera woman has been shot.
09:53We need help immediately.
09:55One female shot in the chest.
09:5942-year-old director of photography
10:01Halina Hutchins has been shot in the chest
10:03and is in critical condition.
10:0642-year-old director of photography Halina Hutchins
10:09was rushed to the helicopter
10:11and then taken to a local trauma center
10:13where she died from her injuries.
10:15I do have some very unfortunate news to tell you.
10:19She didn't make it.
10:32Watching Alec and his pain,
10:35in no way is it meant to compare
10:39with Halina's loss,
10:42with her son who has no mom.
10:48It breaks my heart.
10:54Actor Alec Baldwin is facing manslaughter charges.
10:57His trial begins in two weeks.
11:01Mom, we need these two.
11:03Eight, nine, do you want to do one for good luck?
11:05No, do this.
11:07This one and then do that one.
11:09Can we do this quicker?
11:10What do we do with these?
11:11Come here, baby.
11:12Come over here.
11:13What do we do with these?
11:15No, no, no.
11:18This past year was so hard.
11:20It was so hard.
11:22It was hard.
11:23With the kids, it's tough.
11:25No, no, no.
11:26These candles are for Rob to blow.
11:30You're melting the wax.
11:31It's okay.
11:32No, no, no.
11:33I told you to be careful.
11:34I have one overriding thought.
11:37I have one overriding concern
11:40and that is letting seven children know that I love them.
11:44One, two, three.
11:47Happy birthday to you.
11:52I believe that all we can do
11:55is to try to put one foot in front of the other
11:58and try to make our kids happy.
12:01And so that's what we're doing.
12:02Make a good wish.
12:03Make a good wish.
12:04Good wish, good wish, good wish, good wish, good wish, good wish, good wish.
12:09Mom, why is there wax on the cake?
12:11What about piñata, piñata, piñata, piñata?
12:13Oh, I got the piñata.
12:15And hit it.
12:16Really hard, really hard.
12:18I'm 66 years old.
12:20And I got seven kids.
12:22And once you hit 50, everything is.
12:24You're not old, but you have no time to waste.
12:27I'm worried.
12:30Guys, nobody steal my candy bar.
12:34You don't really want to film this, do you?
12:36We have to clean all this stuff a lot here.
12:39My dad's really funny, and he's very caring.
12:43And he's very OCD.
12:48Alec has OCD.
12:50People throw the term OCD around very casually.
12:54Oh, my God, I love to have my closet so organized.
12:56Oh, my God, I love to have my closet so organized.
12:58I'm so OCD.
13:00OCD is a real thing that's really hard.
13:05Five or more kids is, like, the breaking point.
13:08It's, like, constant attacks on the tidiness problem.
13:19I imagine having seven kids and eight animals
13:23is an interesting combination with OCD.
13:26Yes, it was a curious choice that he made.
13:39In New York, I love just being out.
13:43Let me go this way. Come, come, come.
13:46I feel comfortable because everybody is from all walks of life.
13:50Everybody is passing by each other.
13:52And we're used to that.
13:54Me first. Me first.
13:58Ladies first, always.
14:02How are you? Who's cutting my hair?
14:06The past few years have been
14:10the hardest and most complicated that we have yet to experience.
14:15And we've been very focused on, you know, routine.
14:18Humans are routine people.
14:20And we need to have the things that we love and enjoy and need,
14:25especially during very difficult times.
14:28Okay, so you and Raf are going to get something very similar.
14:31I don't want that.
14:32This one? No.
14:33This is what Carmen picked out for you.
14:34Like this? That's what Raf's getting.
14:37Yeah? Short, yeah, like, really short on the sides.
14:39And then he likes it coming forward, but...
14:41Can you, like, cut all the way to the front?
14:43Let me take a picture.
14:44Wait, hold on. I want to do this.
14:45Let's do a picture.
14:46Let me see you.
14:47He says, before, and then after.
14:50One word that comes to mind when I say age, kid.
14:52I think the back's good.
14:53Okay, ready?
14:54The boys.
14:56Raf is so funny.
14:57Oh, my God, no, he's so funny.
14:58My word for him is mysterious.
15:00Because he lays in bed, and I'll go in to say good night to him.
15:02I'll go, good night, I love you, good night.
15:04I'll go up to Raf, and Raf will lay there like this, and I'll go...
15:07In the dungeon, anything is possible.
15:11And I'm like, oh, God, that's so weird.
15:13He's a really weird combination of you and me.
15:15He's very mysterious.
15:16Really weird.
15:17Okay, so Leo.
15:20That's a word you were going to say.
15:21No, the word is beautiful.
15:22He's beautiful, but he's also the sweetest.
15:24He's so beautiful.
15:26You get to have any haircut you want.
15:28Not like this?
15:29I'm not going to start looking like this guy.
15:31No, okay.
15:33Spunky is my word for him.
15:35Are you excited to go to camp?
15:36Of course.
15:37Of course.
15:38A side of his mouth, and he's like, Dad, you buy me something?
15:42Dad, can I have a snack?
15:44He knows he's cute.
15:45You still remember how to swim from last year?
15:47Of course.
15:49Of course.
15:50You never forget that.
15:53He's smushy.
15:54He's so smushy.
15:55Everything we need is like soft.
15:57They're my babies.
15:58What do you expect from me?
15:59My word is horse.
16:00Edza, you look so good.
16:03He's like a horse.
16:04Okay, well, that's a stupid word.
16:06He's not a horse.
16:07No, he's a horse.
16:08He's so strong.
16:09He wanted a backpack that was a dinosaur and horse backpack, and I couldn't find one.
16:12Doesn't make sense.
16:13We've got to find it.
16:15These kids, they have nervous breakdowns if they don't have the right backpack.
16:22Okay, do you want me to look up a haircut for you?
16:24No, show me the picture that Carmen said that they think the boys should.
16:26I want to see it.
16:27No, she didn't send a picture for you.
16:29These children are like five.
16:30Do you want her to send you a picture for you?
16:31Yes, I actually do.
16:32Okay, I'm calling her and telling her.
16:34I wonder why I'm here.
16:37Daddy feels left out that you didn't send a haircut for him.
16:40If you get the same one as Romeo, I love you.
16:43Listen, Carmen, this kid's five years old.
16:45Send an age-appropriate picture of him, okay?
16:49I think Carmen may have texted.
16:51What, Bozo?
16:52Okay, she says you should look like this.
16:54Okay, get out of here.
16:59Stop, really?
17:00We did this from mid-October.
17:02How old was I in 89? Five?
17:04You were five years old.
17:05Your parents left you with a babysitter, and they went to go see the movie.
17:10I love her. She's amazing.
17:12Check out Mom's sense of humor, huh?
17:15Alec and I are 26 years apart.
17:18It's something that people focus on a lot.
17:21I don't believe that age is just a number.
17:24He was very different when he was 26 years younger,
17:27and I probably will be very different when I am 26 years older.
17:31And I think if you respect that, and you see your person where they are,
17:36see it for what it is, and then see if it works,
17:39and obviously it does for us.
17:40What are you excited about this summer?
17:42Being with the baby, spending a lot of time with the baby,
17:44because everybody's going to be at camp.
17:45I know, can you believe that?
17:46We're going to have six in camp all day long.
17:48It's going to be so strange.
17:49Six in school next year.
17:50Got to get a big car.
17:51Something you're going to have to drive.
17:53Well, the hard thing, I'm a great driver.
17:55You're a great driver?
17:56I am a great driver. I am a great driver.
17:58I've never gotten in a car accident.
18:00You've never gotten in a car accident?
18:02Okay, so I scratched the car twice.
18:07Whoa, scratched?
18:08But once...
18:09You took the whole side off almost.
18:10No, once.
18:11Well, okay, we don't even want to go there,
18:12like what you've done versus what I've done, okay?
18:14No, but the thing is, the thing is that you don't want to play this game.
18:18Hey, bud.
18:20Who's a better driver, Mommy or Daddy?
18:24Um, both of you guys kind of suck.
18:27No, I'm a great driver.
18:28I don't have a ticket.
18:30I do not have a ticket.
18:31That was worth the whole day.
18:32And I've never gotten in a car accident.
18:33There's the line of the day.
18:34Scratching the car twice in the garage is not a car accident.
18:36Line of the day.
18:38Well, actually, you both suck.
18:40Oye, Calvito.
18:43Aw, you look so handsome.
18:46There's always that cliched line, you know, where they say,
18:48oh, when you have so many kids,
18:50how do you find room inside yourself to love another one?
18:53You're like, you love your kids, you love your kids.
18:55And then every time we had one, it was like,
18:57oh, God, I love you so much.
18:59I love you more than all my other children.
19:00Because you're the best.
19:01That's what's amazing.
19:02You're my favorite.
19:03The heart only grows.
19:04What did I always say?
19:05You made fun of me?
19:06This one's the best of all of them.
19:07Yeah, whenever they're a certain age, you really like them.
19:09And then they turn, like, three, and you're like,
19:11OK, maybe not so much.
19:12Well, let's leave them somewhere.
19:15The boys are very much like, uh...
19:18Yeah, see?
19:20They're like in a gang.
19:21OK, one, two, three, and four.
19:27Go all the way back.
19:28All the way back.
19:29No, don't be weird.
19:31What's that called in the Wizard of Oz?
19:33The lollipop guild?
19:35We represent the lollipop guild.
19:39The lollipop guild.
19:40That's my sons.
19:41Show what the model face is.
19:44Go make a model face.
19:46Marci, climb to a minute.
19:48Marci, climb to a minute.
19:50We go down, out, and down.
19:56Oh, come on.
19:58I was going to start a modeling agency,
19:59but you guys are not cooperating.
20:03Hey, everybody.
20:04It's time to go.
20:05Thank you so much.
20:06You guys are summer ready.
20:13We live in Manhattan.
20:15We're in the city.
20:16We live in the city.
20:17We like the city.
20:18I still like the city.
20:19I like our apartment.
20:20I like our building.
20:21I like our neighborhood.
20:22It all works great.
20:23But there's problems with it.
20:25Pull out.
20:27We have a five-bedroom apartment,
20:28and we know it's too small.
20:33Maria and Eduardo are very close in age,
20:35and they were in the same room.
20:39Three boys in one room.
20:42The baby's in another room.
20:45Carmen was in a room.
20:48I think we need some more room.
20:51We live in Manhattan nine months out of the year,
20:53but we go elsewhere for the summer.
20:56East Hampton.
20:57What are we going to do this summer?
20:58Where are we going?
20:59East Hampton.
21:00And what do we do out there?
21:01Go to the beach.
21:05East Hampton is very different from our city life.
21:08Lots of space to run around, play outside, nature, beaches.
21:12The kids can just have fun and do normal kid stuff.
21:17Our kids are used to being not just with us as their parents,
21:22but with each other because of difficult experiences
21:26where we huddle together.
21:28You know, what's safe?
21:29It's safe to be together.
21:30It's safe to be together.
21:31We stay together.
21:32I woke up so early.
21:33I already started packing,
21:34and now we have to decide who's sitting where.
21:38Like, on paper?
21:39On paper, for the car.
21:41Wait, what?
21:42I forgot that I was paying attention.
21:44There's one word that comes to mind when I say age, kid.
21:48My word for Carmen is sophisticated.
21:50She started talking at five and a half months.
21:52Like, literally talking.
21:54And it never stopped.
21:56What do you call that hair slab?
21:57What's it called?
21:58Well, I call it the butt cheek bun,
22:00because if I do this...
22:01Okay, let's take that again, Carmen,
22:02because, okay, let's start again.
22:03What I call it, Carmen, is the dead raccoon.
22:05You're just, like, sad because you're balding.
22:08Let me tell you something.
22:09She's literally bossing me around.
22:10Manhattan real estate is out of control now, okay?
22:12We need to move into another apartment.
22:14We can't find anything for less than $30 million
22:16in trip decker.
22:17It's insane.
22:19Oh, shit.
22:20We call her la vikinga.
22:21She's the viking.
22:22Lulu's like a flower to me.
22:24She's so...
22:25The word is radiant.
22:26What is that?
22:27The flower that eats things?
22:28A venus flytrap?
22:30She's not a venus flytrap.
22:32God, what a horrible thing for you to say.
22:34I'm gonna tell her that when she's older.
22:36What are you doing, baby?
22:37She's helping me to catch cats.
22:40And then the baby.
22:41The baby is the baby.
22:42The baby is the monster.
22:43The baby is the baby.
22:44We should call her baby monster.
22:49Well, I got bit today.
22:51With this little bite,
22:52and then she, like, dug her nails into me.
22:54People tend to give, like, that last baby
22:56a certain kind of indulgence
22:58because you're saying,
22:59we're not gonna do this again.
23:00So we're very, like, whatever she does,
23:02we're like, oh, my God, you're so amazing.
23:05And she's starting to really kind of push it,
23:06don't you think?
23:08Yeah, baby.
23:10Okay, so I'll do Range Rover,
23:13and then do SC for smelly car.
23:16What do you mean smelly car?
23:18I have seven kids.
23:20I have eight animals.
23:25Four dogs.
23:26Four cats.
23:28Two nannies.
23:29A husband.
23:30It's a whole wild family.
23:34We'll go three in the back,
23:35Eduardo in the single seat,
23:36the second row, and me.
23:37That's five people.
23:38Let's do that.
23:39No, the three older ones,
23:40Romeo has to be with me
23:41because he gets nauseous.
23:42Okay, so no one's gonna come?
23:43Just me in the car by myself?
23:46Oh, you know what?
23:47He'll go with you.
23:49No, no, no, no.
23:50No, he is so nice in the car.
23:51No, no, no, no.
23:52How about the dogs?
23:53You take the dogs.
23:54No, no, no.
23:55Come on, you take the dogs.
23:56One's gonna go in the Cadillac,
23:57one's gonna go in your Rover.
23:58What do you mean one?
23:59We have six.
24:00That's what I'm saying.
24:01They're all gonna be divided
24:02between the two cars you're in.
24:03Okay, you gave me
24:04a tremendous amount of information.
24:05I thank you.
24:07You know when I love you the best?
24:08You know when I love you the most
24:09and I love you?
24:10No, go to sleep.
24:11When you're asleep.
24:13I love you when you're sleeping.
24:15Did you just do that to me?
24:18My friend Ronnie had cats
24:20when I first went to Los Angeles in 1983.
24:23And I would stay with Ronnie
24:25like a futon but in a frame
24:26and like underneath the frame,
24:28on the floor,
24:29you could see like
24:30enormous tumbleweeds of cat hair.
24:32And I had an asthma attack
24:33and I had to go to the hospital
24:35and get a shot of epinephrine
24:36from the doctors there.
24:38And I said to my wife,
24:39I said,
24:40don't, we can't have cats, ever.
24:44We can't have cats.
24:45She goes out and buys four cats.
24:50So everywhere I go,
24:51every corner I turn
24:52is the cats are like,
24:58And I'm like,
25:00See the best thing about him
25:01is he's never listening to me.
25:03Cats just remind me of
25:07I'm gonna hide all the animals
25:08in his car.
25:10What time are we gonna go?
25:12No cats.
25:21Hey, can you help me
25:22to find more cats?
25:23Come here, baby.
25:24Come here, come here.
25:25There's one more
25:26under here.
25:30Hey, why are your pants down?
25:34Still have a couple more
25:35things to pack.
25:36Here is a dress
25:37my mom gave me.
25:38It was hers.
25:39She doesn't really
25:40want it anymore.
25:44Ow, ow, ow, ow.
25:45No, it's not.
25:46Bye, bye.
25:47Do you want me to put
25:48the three boys in the car
25:49with me now?
25:52So we have
25:53seven children,
25:55six animals,
25:57two nannies,
25:58two parents,
26:01so 17 beings.
26:04Okay, that's not helpful.
26:07I've had to go from
26:08like, you know,
26:09Stop it.
26:10Be quiet.
26:12And now it's like,
26:13I'd appreciate it if you
26:14discontinued that activity.
26:16I have my seating chart
26:17and I'm gonna just
26:18grab my stuff.
26:19So what is the seating chart?
26:20Tell me.
26:21Who's in the car with me?
26:23No one.
26:25Why can't the boys
26:26sit in the back with me?
26:27There was a point
26:28probably after we had
26:29our fifth kid, Eduardo.
26:30She changed
26:31and she started
26:32calling all the shots.
26:33Yeah, no, no, no, no.
26:34Can I tell you?
26:35They're gonna be fine.
26:36They have, like,
26:37their iPads,
26:38they're all, like, set up.
26:39I have them in their corners.
26:40And then all of a sudden,
26:41one day she just made a decision
26:42to make things easier for her.
26:43Whatever I'd say,
26:46You and I used to be
26:47more collaborative
26:48and I'd say,
26:49we'd argue,
26:50we'd discuss,
26:51we'd have some accommodation
26:52about what we were gonna do,
26:53how we were gonna live our life.
26:54And then one day,
26:55you kind of changed.
26:56And no matter what I said,
26:57you were like,
26:58no, here's what we're gonna do.
26:59And you changed.
27:00No, I would say,
27:01no, no, no, no, no.
27:02Go ahead.
27:03So, yes,
27:04I agree that
27:05that's your reality of it.
27:07But what I used to do
27:08is I would say yes
27:10and then I would do
27:11whatever I wanted
27:12and I would just
27:13keep it from you.
27:14You gaslight me.
27:17After my first marriage,
27:18I said, let's have a prenup.
27:19She wasn't happy about it.
27:20No, no.
27:21First of all,
27:22I still don't understand
27:23quite what a pre...
27:24It is awkward.
27:25But I don't actually
27:26quite understand
27:27what a prenup is
27:28because you're like,
27:29after a certain number of kids,
27:30it's this.
27:31And I was like,
27:32you know what,
27:33I'll just sign it,
27:34which was probably very stupid
27:35of me back then.
27:36Now I would read it again.
27:37But like,
27:38I just said I would sign it.
27:39I don't really want to think
27:40about the end by the beginning.
27:41And then you're like,
27:43which is always
27:44perilous for me.
27:45Slow down just a kiss.
27:46I can't understand you.
27:51Okay, we need to talk about
27:52Hilaria Baldwin's accent.
27:54People are finding clips
27:55where she goes
27:56in and out of her accent.
27:57It's getting people wild.
28:05I'm raising my kids
28:06to be bilingual.
28:07I was raised bilingual.
28:08My family,
28:09all my,
28:10my nuclear family
28:11now lives over in Spain.
28:15No, it looks so nice.
28:16Are you kidding me?
28:17I want to teach my kids
28:18pride in speaking
28:19more than one language.
28:20I think just growing up
28:21and speaking two languages
28:22is extremely special.
28:25I love English.
28:26I also love Spanish.
28:28And when I mix the two,
28:29it doesn't make me inauthentic.
28:31When I mix the two,
28:32that makes me normal.
28:33I'd be,
28:34I'd be lying if I
28:35said it didn't make me sad
28:36and it didn't hurt
28:37and it didn't put me
28:38in dark places.
28:39But it was my family,
28:41my friends,
28:43my community
28:45who speak multiple languages,
28:47who have belonging
28:48in multiple places
28:49and realize that we are a mix
28:52of all these different things
28:54and that's going to have
28:55an impact on how we sound
28:56and have an impact
28:57on how we articulate things
28:59and the words that we choose
29:00and our mannerisms.
29:02That's normal.
29:03That's called being human.
29:10Where is everybody?
29:11Mommy, we gotta go.
29:14what can I take down now?
29:15No, Alec, in a minute.
29:16The car, the car,
29:17double parked?
29:18It's double parked.
29:19Yes, there's no parking
29:20spaces there.
29:21That's why it's
29:22double parked.
29:24But what I meant.
29:25I love when you talk to me
29:26that way and it's so
29:27passive aggressive
29:28and I love it.
29:29It's so good.
29:30It's nice.
29:33Look, these are going
29:34to be your camp shoes.
29:35Do you know that?
29:36Why are you mad?
29:37Leo, you don't have
29:38shoes on.
29:39I don't know where
29:40my socks are.
29:41There's so many socks
29:42right here.
29:43There's like a mountain
29:44of socks.
29:45With seven kids,
29:46routine is just vital.
29:48No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
29:49no, no, no, no, no, no.
29:51Okay, okay, enough.
29:54Like so everybody
29:55has their routine
29:56and then so to move them.
29:57Alright guys,
29:58we're off to the Hamptons.
29:59Yay, let's go
30:00with all of our animals.
30:01Let's go.
30:02And to try to pack them
30:03all into the car.
30:04Oh my God.
30:05Okay, I literally
30:06see two children.
30:07I'm sorry.
30:08Where are my other ones?
30:10Where are my other children?
30:12There's a baby there.
30:13Alec, Alec,
30:14where's the keys?
30:15Am I going to
30:16drive this car?
30:17No, just turn it on.
30:19I hate going places
30:20with all seven kids.
30:21I hate it.
30:22Mommy, they're not
30:23letting me go.
30:24No, Papa,
30:25I just got it on.
30:26I don't want to put you
30:27in a hot car.
30:28Daddy had the keys.
30:29I don't want to put you
30:30in a hot car.
30:31I don't want to put you
30:32in a hot car.
30:33I don't want to put you
30:34in a hot car.
30:35Daddy had the keys.
30:36It's so difficult.
30:37Where's Papa?
30:38I don't know.
30:39Where's Rafa?
30:40This one gets
30:41Dramamine and that
30:42one's going to be fine
30:43and this one needs
30:44to watch this
30:45and we need to make sure
30:46the iPads are charged
30:47and what about the snacks?
30:48Romeo, it's okay.
30:49It all works out.
30:50You don't have to be sad.
30:51Guys, it's all going
30:52to work out.
30:53It's all going to work out.
30:54We're going to work it out.
30:55Car seats.
30:56Like one day
30:57we're not going to
30:58have car seats.
30:59I feel like I'm going
31:00to be so excited
31:01when there's no more
31:02car seats.
31:03No, tell me what you want
31:06What's the matter Romeo? Can you do me a favor? Can you move these things to the side?
31:11Can you move these things to the side and I can lift up one and put everything on one side?
31:15Okay, yes, it will
31:18She loves it back there. That's exactly where she wants to sit. That's why she's mad. I'm telling you it's what she's saying
31:25I got a strap it in come on. Where's the thing?
31:31After all of that, there's nothing
31:35I'm like literally an inch away. You're kidding me
31:38Keeps on locking up here. Alec. You do me a favor
31:41Okay, come just put your hand right here as soon as I pull it
31:45There we go. There we go. Okay now hold it. Hold it there. Thank you. Wait, but don't don't let it go in
31:50Don't don't don't let go
31:52Okay, I'm just nervous cuz I'm like so close to making it happen
31:56I love that. I made this whole seating chart and it was all fine
32:00And then you guys are like guess again, mommy
32:03I have a strategy and part of the strategy is being able to throw the strategy out the window
32:10All right, put your feet in baby. So don't hurt you. I
32:14Think I have all of them
32:16Do you remember what Alex only request was for the car?
32:22No, you just wanted to make sure he wasn't in the car with any cats, oh
32:28Did I put any cats in the car?
33:00We come out to the Hamptons every summer people live here all year round and this is their community and they've lived here for many
33:06Many generations and then this whole crowd of people come in for July and August. It becomes a while
33:12Let's check in with daddy
33:16Hey, how's it going? I'm trying to get to the house
33:23The baby just fell asleep she screamed the whole way in Manhattan
33:27this is Alex happy place and
33:29before the trial I want the kids to experience the freedom and
33:35the carefree nature of the Hamptons
33:39In a quarter of a mile I make a right
33:42Why is Carmen not going to camp? Carmen is her own little independent woman. I was born an adult
33:48You were born an adult
33:56Alec is from Long Island and he has had this house in the Hamptons for about 40 years
34:07Not only is it beautiful the kids love the pool
34:11Careful walk around the pool. They have their horses
34:14There's so many things that they love so to be able to give that to our kids we feel very privileged to have it
34:22No, don't be in that pool
34:27That means you can pee in it
34:31You look like an espresso ad like, you know
34:34Like your boyfriend standing there with like his underwear on now
34:38My boyfriend is my boyfriend going to go get the cups and ice and the hemp milk from the fridge or am I getting down?
34:45And is that part of it? No, you stay right where you're a bit. It's like a great. Okay, so then can you play?
34:50Okay, great. Can you play great? Can you play the parts of?
34:56espresso boyfriends
35:01See I like doing this because I like to see what his method is
35:06Now wait, did you really go to ice and now you're just organizing the freezer?
35:12By the time you come back over here that else the ice is gonna melt a lot of the way that he tries to
35:17Control and the way that he behaves has to do with
35:21His OCD which manifests itself in many many different ways
35:26He wants the shoes lined up a certain way and the boys put over here and this here and this stacked on top of here
35:33Are you organizing the goggles and you see?
35:37The rituals that people who have OCD that they actually have to re-put these things in a certain way
35:44And since Alex trial in New Mexico is coming up it's become a
35:50And since Alex trial in New Mexico is coming up it's become so much worse
35:57There are new troubles tonight for Alec Baldwin over the deadly
36:002021 shooting on the set of rust after charges against the actor were dropped last year
36:05He's now been indicted again, New Mexico prosecutors have now recharged actor
36:10Alec Baldwin with one count of involuntary manslaughter if convicted he could face up to 18 months in jail
36:17The past three years has been a significant chunk of
36:21my children's lives
36:23our older ones
36:25We're much younger, but have had the awareness because of their age to be able to understand what's going on
36:33The youngest three don't know a
36:37life without this
36:39We're going through some very special moments
36:42A life without this
36:44We're going through some very stressful things
36:48And we're trying to parent through it
36:50Everything was so different before this happened and our lives are very very different. Our children have been forced
36:55To recognize that they've been forced to deal with that with us in their own way. They've had some really
37:02Unfortunate realizations about things that are going on
37:06Life will forever be different
37:08Helena lost her life in the most unthinkable tragedy a
37:14Son lost his mom
37:16We are going to feel and carry this pain forever
37:21This will be a part of our family story
37:24This has been just surreal. I mean, I can't even believe that we're going through this
37:29I'm and I always feel more in pain about you than me because I think to myself
37:34Well, you know, I'm gonna try to my best to just get through it and I think what it's done to you and how much
37:38It's hurt you and everything
37:42This past year was just terrible there was times I'd lay in bed and I go wow I can't I
37:49Can't get up. That's not like me. I'm not like that at all. But in any way am I like that never?
37:57Everyone who was close to Alec has seen his mental health decline
38:02He was diagnosed with PTSD and he says, you know if
38:08In his darkest moments if an accident had to have happened this day
38:14Why am I still here why couldn't have been me
38:29Wake up in the morning and you're like, oh god, why did I wake up?
38:33You know you get to point you're so dark. Why did I wake up? Yeah, and I just can't it's so painful
38:39It's almost that like oh god. No, it's real. My good friend said to me the other day
38:43He said, you know, how you doing? And he says to me all the time. How you doing?
38:46I said I'm happier when I'm asleep than when I'm awake
38:49even though this is hard and
38:51there are moments where
38:54You think you just I I think I don't I don't know how we're gonna continue on
38:57And then I look at the kids and I look see how hard we're trying to create happy for them
39:04Even if we're masking stuff for ourselves
39:08I know that what we're going through is maybe unique but
39:13Every family goes through hard times
39:16That's something that we can feel a community of support
39:20Knowing that the best that we can do is do our best and try to make our kids happy. And so that's what we're doing. I
39:31Honestly, honestly
39:35From the bottom of my soul, I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have you and these kids going through this I
39:42Never would have made it with this
39:46Sometimes I'd say why did I have seven kids?
39:49Why do we have seven kids and I realized to help carry me and you through this situation?
39:56The thing is, yes, we're blessed to have them and they give us joy and at the same time
40:02We want to make sure that they're always our children, you know
40:05and that they can be children and that they don't bear the burden of
40:09Having to carry us and that's why we get up we get up and we put a smile on our face the best of our ability
40:16Because we want that to be their reality
40:19That's why we came out here this summer
40:26We want to give our kids a nice summer where they can go to camp and jump in the pool
40:38Something bad happens there is a fire and your job is to try not to let the fire spread
40:45But I wanted to put as much as I could a fireproof barrier around my kids
40:50I mean, don't you think daddy should go down the water slide?
40:54It's extraordinarily difficult when you feel so horrible inside and so scared and confused
41:03I don't know how you're gonna get
41:09You I love you Louie sandwich because you have this constant nausea here the panic the inability to sleep
41:19This trial is happening and
41:23Alec could go to prison
41:26No amount of time is going to make my children and me not miss him
41:33Don't we do anything for my children?
41:46I mean, I know this is a cliche but a child should have a childhood
41:50She'd have a period of time where they don't have to think about certain things and I'm very nervous about that
41:58And you just live one day at a time
42:03If I don't bring him back from New Mexico, what are we supposed to do?
42:19Alex trial in New Mexico is coming up. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to parent with us
42:24I'm very afraid to leave all the kids here. Is our family gonna be torn apart?
42:31Fully expected her to sit down me and say I don't think I can do it anymore. Don't go anywhere
42:35I don't ever want to be without you Carmen asked me last night when daddy goes
42:40Should I say goodbye to him in a special way?
42:43and I said
42:45Yeah, you should
42:47State of New Mexico versus Alexander Ray Baldwin. I prayed and prayed about this until I was gonna pass up
42:54Calming cleans me the cleaning comes. I worry about Alec. You don't go Simon says back to normal. It takes a long time
43:03Stress and the pressure of public life at my age. That's not good my mental health
43:08You have to reprioritize what matters to you. I do not want to go back to the life. I had I talked