00:00Previously on Wild Cards.
00:02Hey, what's the situation?
00:04Max Mitchell.
00:05We used to work with them, but for some reason got transferred to C-Patrol.
00:08You're gonna stay on the case.
00:09Thank you, ma'am.
00:09Both of you.
00:10Ma'am, you can't be serious. She's a con artist.
00:13Meet my dad, George Graham.
00:14We want the police to help you steal something worth 33 million bucks.
00:18The Imperial Egg.
00:20Isn't that what your dad got thrown in jail for trying to steal?
00:22Cole Ellis, I am proud to approve your reinstatement to full detective status.
00:26The number you have dialed is no longer in service.
00:29Look, if this is some kind of game, I will hunt you down and I will arrest you.
00:33Give me one reason why I should believe a single word that comes out of your mouth.
00:36Because I know who killed your brother.
01:10It's the cops!
01:12Oh no!
01:13Let's go!
01:14Let's go!
01:15Let's go!
01:16Let's go!
01:29Let's go!
01:33Kid was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
01:35Tough luck for him, but I had to take him out.
01:39I heard the kid had a brother who was a cop.
01:41Name is Cole Ellis.
01:44Nah, I don't need to worry.
01:46They got no connection to me.
01:48Hey, I gotta go.
01:50Ellis, are you okay?
01:53Where did you get this?
01:54It was on Albert's recordings.
01:56The recordings you said were gone?
01:59Does the lying ever end with you?
02:00I would never lie about this.
02:02How can I know that?
02:03When nothing about you is real.
02:05Look, we can try and find Daniel's killer.
02:07We can.
02:09Can we?
02:10Well, I just thought you...
02:12You just thought what?
02:13That we were gonna saw my brother's murder together, be a team again?
02:17I'm taking you in, Max.
02:18Can we just talk about this for a minute?
02:20What's there to talk about?
02:21You lied to me, Max.
02:22You played me like I was one of your marks.
02:23I could be on the other side of the world right now.
02:26You didn't catch me.
02:27I came to you.
02:28And the moment I heard what was on that USB, nothing else mattered but getting it into your hands.
02:33Doesn't that count for something?
02:35It's the law, Max.
02:37There's no gray area there.
02:38It's all gray area.
02:40See, that's where you and me are different.
02:43Now get up. Let's go.
02:51You know, no one even knows the egg is missing.
02:53Oh, they will. Trust me.
02:55Only if you tell them.
02:59I smashed the fake one.
03:03You what?
03:05Why would you do that?
03:06To prove that it was fake and that you switched them.
03:08I can't believe you smashed the egg.
03:09Oh, you're upset with me right now?
03:10Who else knows about this?
03:11Nobody yet.
03:12You didn't tell anybody?
03:14Why not?
03:15Ellis, you can't arrest me.
03:17Oh, yes I can.
03:18Oh, yeah? Well, if you do, this is how it will go down.
03:21You'll tell them that I stole the egg.
03:22Then you have to admit to smashing the egg, breaking the chain of evidence that you didn't tell your superiors about.
03:27Okay, okay. I've heard enough.
03:28You know, I don't think you're thinking clearly.
03:30Because this could get really bad for you.
03:32All it takes is one person to say that you're still a crooked cop who set me up to take the ball while you kept the real egg.
03:39Are you trying to blackmail me?
03:41I'm trying to protect you.
03:43If you don't have the real egg, how can you prove you didn't steal it?
03:47Where's the egg, Max?
03:48Why would I tell you if you're going to put me in prison?
03:51Look, Ellis, you're honest and good and believe that people will do the right thing, but they won't.
03:58There's enough paths that point to you and they're looking for somebody to blame.
04:01You could lose everything.
04:02I'll just have to take my chances.
04:08I'll give you the egg.
04:12But only if you promise not to arrest me.
04:16You'll put the egg back in evidence and no one will even know anything happened.
04:18You keep your badge, I stay out of jail, and you can catch your brother's killer.
04:23It's the only way.
04:25You know it.
04:30Okay, but this makes us even.
04:31And when it's done, we don't see each other ever again.
04:46I'm sorry.
05:03When you called and said there'd been a change in plans,
05:05I'd expected a layover in Monte Carlo, not giving up $33 million.
05:09Can we talk about this later?
05:11Hey, maybe don't smash that one, Bam Bam.
05:14How do I know you're not going to arrest her the minute you walk into the station?
05:17Because he gave me his word.
05:19Which, unlike you two, actually means something.
05:25I really hope you catch him.
05:33Kid was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
05:35Tough luck for him, but I had to take him home.
05:39Well, I heard the kid had a brother who was a cop.
05:41Name is Cole Ellis.
05:44So this is the USB stick you told the feds was lost?
05:47I found it between the sofa cushions.
05:49Must have fallen out of Albert's pocket or something.
05:52Do you actually expect me to believe that?
05:55We'll talk about this later.
05:57For now, I have a bunch of calls to make, starting with the feds.
06:01Max, you can't be in here for this.
06:03You don't work for us anymore.
06:06Yeah, of course.
06:09I'll wait outside.
06:20Just couldn't stay away, could you?
06:22In a manner of speaking.
06:23It's good you're here.
06:24Graves' security team is going to be here in 15 minutes to collect the Imperial egg.
06:28Probably going to want to thank you for getting it back.
06:3015 minutes?
06:31Yeah, you want a coffee?
06:32No thanks.
06:36Good morning, Tony.
06:38Ellis asked me to file this for him.
06:41Sign here.
07:01Farewell, my lovely.
07:03Farewell, my lovely.
07:20What are you doing in there?
07:21I was just dropping something off for Ellis.
07:23What are you doing here, Gates?
07:25Paying up.
07:27John Cougar mailing camp.
07:28Why, thank you very much.
07:29Okay, I'll bite.
07:31When John Does get brought into the morgue, they often bring in fake IDs with funnier, weird names.
07:36We have an office pool going on the names.
07:38Last night, two John Does got brought in.
07:40A Mr. Uriah Heap and a Mr. John Cougar mailing camp.
07:43Hurts so good, don't it, Gates?
07:45Did you say Uriah Heap?
07:47Yeah, 70s progressive rock band.
07:49Named after a character from David Copperfield.
07:51Oop, Graves' people have arrived.
07:52Gotta get that egg up for Simmons.
08:02Hey, why are you calling me?
08:04Are you in Bali already?
08:05No, Dad, I'm not.
08:06You stopped in Monte Carlo, didn't you?
08:08No, listen.
08:09You're not in Reno, are you?
08:11Remember the last time we were in Reno?
08:12Whatever you do, do not set foot in Willie's tavern.
08:14Dad, I only have a second.
08:15A John Doe was brought into the morgue last night.
08:17His ID says Uriah Heap.
08:24Are you okay?
08:26Yeah, I mean, it's a bit of a shock, but...
08:29Wait, are you at the station?
08:31What are you still doing in town?
08:34Where's the egg?
08:35Gotta go, Dad.
08:36Max, where is the egg?
08:37I love you.
08:38I'll call you later.
08:43Ricky, what happened to our egg?
08:47Thank you, Director.
08:48We greatly appreciate it.
08:53What'd they say?
08:54There are thousands of hours of mob conversations
08:56on this USB stick.
08:57They're gonna have to come through it.
08:58Chief, I've been waiting for over a year
09:00for a break in my brother's case, and we've got one.
09:02It's gonna take him a month just to assign somebody to it.
09:04Please, let me talk to the Director.
09:06You can't be involved.
09:07A conflict of interest.
09:10I know that's hard to hear,
09:11but I promise you I will keep on top of them.
09:14Lee, please.
09:16I need to hear that you understand.
09:19Yeah, I understand.
09:21You almost lost everything when Daniel died.
09:24This is gonna bring up a lot of stuff.
09:26This is gonna bring up a lot of stuff for you.
09:28I'm fine, Lee. Thanks.
09:31I said I'm fine, okay?
09:32Just because I understand it doesn't mean I have to like it.
09:39So, what did Lee say about the recording?
09:42Um, I'm stepping back, actually.
09:44Feds are gonna take over.
09:45It's probably for the best.
09:47Anyway, I need to put that egg back.
09:50I already did it.
09:51You what?
09:52Graves' people are coming to collect it.
09:53You were busy.
09:54Can you go five minutes without committing a felony?
09:56Okay, okay.
09:59Good morning, everyone.
10:01Commissioner Russo.
10:02What can we do for you?
10:04I have something important to talk to you about.
10:06You two as well.
10:09You think we're getting a key to the city?
10:12No, no one's giving you the key to anything.
10:17Tonight at six o'clock,
10:19I am announcing my candidacy for mayor.
10:22Muscle talk.
10:23We've all been on a great winning streak lately.
10:25Maybe we are getting a key to the city.
10:27Except for this recent robbery gang that's been terrorizing the city.
10:30Maybe not.
10:31Just last night, one of their getaway drivers was killed in a high-speed chase.
10:35We have yet to ID the driver.
10:36And to be honest, we still don't have any leads.
10:38That's why I need my best people on this.
10:40That means you.
10:42Thank you, Commissioner.
10:43I appreciate the compliment.
10:44Her too.
10:46You like me.
10:47You really like me.
10:49It ain't broke.
10:50Don't fix it.
10:52I'm expecting great things.
10:57Excuse me, ma'am.
11:00Now that our probation's officially over,
11:02I was hoping that we could get back to doing things the normal way.
11:04The normal way is you obey a direct order.
11:08And to be honest, I'm kind of busy.
11:11I know all about the USB stick.
11:13Withholding evidence from the feds, that could result in rescinding your probation.
11:17But I am willing to let it go because it could help find Alice's brother's killer.
11:21And because you can't prove I didn't just find it and turn it in like a good citizen?
11:25What do you want?
11:26Six more months off my dad's sentence.
11:27Two weeks.
11:30We're back in business.
11:32Good luck.
11:37So now, do I get a badge?
11:46These security cam images are from their last robbery.
11:48Their sixth in the last month.
11:50No arrests.
11:51But an officer at the scene says she got off a shot.
11:53Thinks she hit one of the vehicles.
11:55Why are their faces blurred?
11:56You see, their caps have infrared strobes.
11:59Blinds the cameras.
12:01Which is why we have not been able to ID any of them.
12:03Maybe we can figure out who they are, but what they're stealing.
12:05Like, if it was rum and parrots, they could be pirates.
12:09First, it was your typical smash and grab, but now they've upped their game.
12:13One roll of sheet metal, high-intensity magnet, electromagnetic pulse generator.
12:18Wow, someone wants an A on their science experiment.
12:21We have no idea why they'd be stealing those items.
12:23Unless they've got some kind of a fence they can sell to on a black market.
12:26Simmons Yates, follow up on that.
12:27What about the driver who was killed in the crash last night?
12:31Let's talk to the coroner and see if she has anything.
12:33Besides, I've never been down there before.
12:36Really? You should check it out. It's a great spot for naps.
12:38No naps for you. Get to work.
12:43I just heard about your brother's case. You all right?
12:45No, not really.
12:47Lisa says they're assembling some kind of an organized crime task force,
12:50but you and I both know how long that's going to take.
12:53All right, well, just be patient, focus on your case.
12:56If you need to talk, let me know.
13:0322-year-old male, healthy. Talk screen was clear.
13:07Nothing in his stomach but energy drink.
13:09It's freezing in here. You guys got any complimentary robes or sweaters?
13:15What else can you tell us about him?
13:17Let me show you this.
13:20I noticed his skin was abnormally oily with a slightly fruity smell.
13:26So I took the liberty of running a special screen of his epidermis
13:29and found this.
13:31A post-mortem screening turned up traces of nitromethane on his skin.
13:35What's that?
13:36Nitromethane is a chemical that increases an engine's power
13:38by allowing fuel to be burned at a higher than normal rate.
13:42The street racers use it to supercharge their cars.
13:45Why didn't you just say that?
13:47Simmons and Yates are running down a list of garages that specialize in custom mods.
13:51So you're thinking it's some kind of street racing crew?
13:53If it is, they're down a driver. Could be a way in.
13:55Street racing community's tight. They don't trust just anybody.
13:58We're anti-gang units, been trying to break in for years. No luck.
14:01Yeah, well, you didn't have me.
14:03I mean, us.
14:06We can get in. We just need one itsy-bitsy little thing.
14:10I'm afraid to ask, but what's that?
14:20I can't believe you've had an all-you-can-eat car buffet the entire time we've been working together.
14:24And you didn't tell me.
14:26I don't see you hiding from me.
14:28My God, where do they keep the shoes?
14:30Max, this is seized property, okay? It's not a toy.
14:33Besides, this thing's got V8 engine, optimized power-to-weight ratio. It's not for beginners.
14:38How come you know so much about cars?
14:40My dad got one of these after he retired. Sometimes we'd work on it together.
14:43It's one of the few things we do without fighting.
14:48Simmons and Yates, they got us a list of garages. You ready?
14:54No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm driving.
14:57Yeah, this isn't the Bronco.
14:58Have you done a 24-hour cannonball run on the Autobahn?
15:01I didn't think so. Get in, Sandra Dee.
15:19Whatever it is, make it quick. The master bakers have just entered the final round.
15:22Did you just say master?
15:24Bakers, bakers.
15:25Okay, pause on that meringue.
15:27Ellis and I need threads. 480, horsepower chic. I'm fast, he's furious.
15:33Say no more. I'll get you sorted.
15:38I need something, too.
15:39Oh, yeah, sure.
15:40Let's just pile something else onto this already stellar day.
15:43I want you to find out who killed my brother.
15:45Lee said you can't be involved.
15:47How can I just sit around and wait?
15:49Ricky, I want you to use everything available to you. You hear me?
15:52Whatever you can do to figure out whose voice that is on the recording.
15:55And when you do, you call me and only me. You got it?
15:58Doesn't anybody say please anymore?
16:06I thought there were no gray areas.
16:08Oh, that is not the same thing, Max.
16:10Ellis, you could lose everything for good this time.
16:13Let's not pretend we're friends and that you actually care about what happens to me.
16:16You're right. We're not friends because a real friend would have thanked me.
16:19Thanked you?
16:20For risking everything to hand over the one, the only, real evidence in your brother's case.
16:30Hey, hey, hey, slow down.
16:32What? I can't hear you.
16:46Last place on the list, so it's gotta be it.
16:50Guy who runs this place is a legend in the street racing game, Ryan Stelgen.
16:54Three years ago he got out after doing a five year stint for robbery.
16:57Now, he and his wife Nadia run the garage.
17:00Same game plan as before?
17:11We're closed.
17:13Damn, we just got to town and heard you do the best nitro mods around.
17:17Well, you heard wrong. Nitro mods are illegal.
17:20Are you sure this is the place that Axel mentioned?
17:23Elite Drive Automotive? Nadia and Ryan, right?
17:26I'm supposed to be impressed you know Axel Sharp.
17:28Well, he's the reason I'm not allowed in the state of Louisiana anymore.
17:31I'm busy here.
17:32I'm Dani. I ride. This is Ted. He's my grease monkey.
17:35Great with his tools. Tightest nuts you've ever seen.
17:37Hey, babe, you almost done with that?
17:39These two say they know Axel.
17:41They said a lot of people.
17:43Look, we're new to town and need a gig.
17:46We heard rumors there's a crew who needs a new driver.
17:49Pretty sure she said we're closed.
17:51We get it. You don't know us. We don't know you.
17:53Just looking for a chance to prove ourselves here.
17:56She's the best driver I've ever seen.
17:59We're still closed.
18:01Alright, well, I guess we're done here then.
18:03Oh, by the way, there's too much methyl alcohol in that adhesive.
18:06It's never going to stick to the fiberglass.
18:09Passed so many bullet holes in my time.
18:11Wish I didn't know.
18:14Leave your number.
18:17There's a race tonight. We'll let you know.
18:34This is amazing.
18:35This is legal.
18:37Dancing was legal in Footloose. It's still amazing.
18:39There she is.
18:41We're here.
18:43What's next?
18:44You need to impress us.
18:46So you're the boss?
18:47Show us what you can do.
18:49And then maybe you can ask questions.
18:51Wait a minute. Who is she racing?
18:53The best.
18:56Hey, Brian's got a nitro mod in there.
18:59If you're going to beat him,
19:00you're going to have to hit 100 miles an hour in 8 seconds.
19:02You got that?
19:03You worried about me?
19:04I'm worried about the operation.
19:06I spent 3 months in Monte Carlo with a Formula 1 crew
19:08and 5 months in Tennessee racing stock cars.
19:11Not to worry.
19:12Does any of that interest you?
19:14Not at all.
19:15I'm not worried about you.
19:16I'm worried about the operation.
19:18I spent 3 months in Monte Carlo with a Formula 1 crew
19:20and 5 months in Tennessee racing stock cars.
19:22Not to worry.
19:23Does any of that interest you?
19:24Of course.
19:25Or maybe.
19:26I was playing Gran Turismo when I was 8,
19:28but either way, I smoke those suckers.
19:33Ready your engines!
19:35Just stick to the plan.
19:37And be careful.
19:54It's the cops!
20:01Go, go, go!
20:02Come on!
20:11Who has more fun than us?
20:23Go, go, go!
20:36Go, go!
20:37Slow, slow, slow!
20:38Slow down!
20:41Look that way!
20:53Go, go, go!
21:03Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
21:05No brakes!
21:06No brakes!
21:07I'm gonna give them all gas!
21:08No brakes!
21:09No brakes!
21:10No brakes!
21:11No brakes!
21:12No brakes!
21:13No brakes!
21:14No brakes!
21:15No brakes!
21:16No brakes!
21:20Okay, you really like doing that, don't you?
21:36Brakes! Brakes! Brakes!
21:48Take that hard left!
21:49Up ahead!
21:50We'll pull them away!
22:00No guts, no glory.
22:05Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
22:36Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
23:17That was fun.
23:19Yeah, that was a blast.
23:22Hey, it's a text from Ryan and Nadia.
23:26We're in.
23:28Yeah. Duh.
23:35Any other time driving like that will get you arrested.
23:38I'll take that as a compliment.
23:39The point is that it worked, Lee. Okay? They bought it.
23:41They thought it was a real raid. They trust us.
23:44Do you know what the next job is?
23:46No. Ryan and Nadia won't tell us, but I'm sure we'll find out later when we meet the whole crew.
23:50I'll have a full tactical team on standby.
23:52You see enough for an arrest, we'll move in.
23:55Yes, sir.
24:02What is it?
24:04I can expense driving gloves, right?
24:06Handmade, Italian leather, soft as butter.
24:09I ordered two pairs.
24:13I'll just, uh...
24:14I'll hand in my receipts.
24:36That must be the EMP device they stole.
24:38What kind of house needs an EMP device?
24:40I don't know, but they've kept us in the dark long enough.
24:42That's for sure.
24:46Is your car ready to go?
24:48Ready? We've been ready.
24:50When are you going to tell us what this job is?
24:52That's not up to us.
24:53What do you mean? I thought you two were in charge.
24:56No, we just put the crew together.
24:58Then who is in charge?
24:59He is. Jaws.
25:04So, you're the new hotshots.
25:07Heard you got us out of a tight spot.
25:12You two rolled into one hell of a payday.
25:15How's a million each sound?
25:16Sounds like the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
25:18Sounds good to me.
25:19Jaws, we need to talk to you. Now.
25:24Damn it.
25:28Who knows what else they're going to spring on us now.
25:30I don't know, but a mil, I count six crew.
25:33That's a six million dollar payout.
25:35Whatever they're after, it has to be big.
25:37All right, I'm going to call in chiefly.
25:39We've got more than enough proof for an arrest now.
25:41All right, look.
25:43She looks upset.
25:45I wonder what it is.
25:47You keep a watch on her.
25:48I'll keep an eye on her.
25:49She looks upset.
25:51I wonder what it is.
25:52You keep a watch out.
25:55Max, get back here.
26:11All right, chief. It's me.
26:12They're all here, but one more thing.
26:15They got a boss we didn't know about.
26:17We love you so much.
26:19So much.
26:20Hey, hey, stay strong, okay?
26:23Everything is going to be okay.
26:25You're going to be home soon.
26:28Very soon.
26:29I promise.
26:31They see me if they do what they tell you, or I won't see you again.
26:35Did anyone hurt you?
26:42Hey, hey, we've got to get him back.
26:44We should go to the police.
26:45You know that we can't.
26:47Josh says if the cops come anywhere near us, we'll never see him again.
26:51What if it goes wrong?
26:52Babe, we've come this far.
26:54Just one more.
26:55Let's just finish the job.
26:57Then we'll get him back.
27:06What do you got, Ricky?
27:08So I ran the audio through a series of filters with fancy names that you don't need to know.
27:13There's a steady clicking sound in the background.
27:16I thought that was just the quality of the recording.
27:18Yeah, well, so did I, but it's actually a Zippo lighter.
27:20Opening and closing.
27:23This last piece was something I brought up at the very end of the recording.
27:27Well, I heard the kid had a brother who's a cop.
27:29Name is Cool Ellis.
27:32And I take out his voice and bring up the background.
27:38That's Pool Hall.
27:40Okay, I'll run it through the profiling database.
27:43I don't show up to parties with flour and eggs.
27:46All right, I bring the cake.
27:47I already hacked into your system and did that.
27:50I'll just pretend I didn't hear that.
27:52His name is Billy O'Brien, nicknamed Zippo because of a nervous tick.
27:56Always flicking a Zippo open and shut.
27:59Last year, for his probation, he got a job at a pool hall.
28:02What's this guy's deal?
28:03What's his story?
28:04He's a mob enforcer.
28:05Guy that gets to do the dirty work.
28:07Come on.
28:08Call in an anonymous tip to the fed.
28:10No, no, no, don't do that.
28:11Just find him and tell me where he is.
28:14I'm not one to talk, given my career choices.
28:17But are you sure you want to do that?
28:18Ricky, do it.
28:20Whatever you say.
28:25We need to call off the raid.
28:27What? Why?
28:28Nadia and Ryan have a son.
28:30Jaws kidnapped him to force them to do the robberies.
28:33Chief Lee's tactical team's en route right now.
28:35If the police come through that door, they'll never see their son again.
28:38What do we do?
28:42I don't think we have a choice.
28:46Green light, go!
28:47Go, go, go!
28:52Go, go!
29:12What the hell?
29:23You've reached Cole Ellis. Leave a message at the tone.
29:26Ellis, call me.
29:32I'm gonna kill them both.
29:42Man, that was close.
29:44We almost lost everything.
29:46Yeah, just stay strong.
29:47It's gonna be fine, okay?
29:53Who told them we were there?
29:54We didn't.
29:55I promise, we heard it on the scanner.
29:57What about them?
29:58No way.
29:59We had eyes on them the whole time.
30:00Maybe it's a sign, you know?
30:02We lay low for a while.
30:03Listen, this is our only window.
30:05We miss this, we miss the payday.
30:07So we need to find a way out.
30:09We miss this, we miss the payday.
30:11So either you're in, or you're out.
30:14We're in.
30:15Yeah, we're in.
30:16We're in.
30:17Then let's get to it.
30:27You did great.
30:29You guys better know what you're doing.
30:30If Jaws ever finds out that you're cops,
30:32and that we're helping you...
30:33It could cost us our son.
30:35Look, we didn't have any other choice.
30:36And any raid would just put your son in more danger.
30:38I can't believe our lives have come to this again.
30:41It's all my fault.
30:42That your son got kidnapped?
30:44I used to work for Jaws.
30:46I was the best in the game.
30:48And one night it all went bad.
30:50I got arrested.
30:51Jacob was born while Ryan was on the inside.
30:53He didn't see his kid for years.
30:55So I promised her never again.
30:57I went straight, I built up a business.
30:59Everything was great.
31:01We were all so happy.
31:02Jaws gave him a chance of a lifetime.
31:04He wanted him to put together a first-class crew.
31:08But Ryan refused.
31:10And that's when he took your son as leverage.
31:13We will do anything to save our boy.
31:15Even if it means breaking the lock-in.
31:17Sometimes you gotta break the rules
31:19to protect the ones you care about.
31:26So I guess it means we're pulling a heist.
31:31The transfer truck would travel east.
31:34In the cab, two drivers, both armed.
31:52Three of us will move into triangle formation.
32:02Once he's boxed in, we slow him down.
32:05Rick will then get into firing position
32:07and take a shot at the EMP
32:11and shut the truck down.
32:17Hands up! Hands up!
32:19The guards will set off the alarm.
32:20We'll have two minutes.
32:22Two minutes!
32:25Keep your hands where I can see them.
32:26Don't be a hero and you'll be okay.
32:29Guards are instructed not to beat the truck
32:31because it's impenetrable.
32:33That's where Ted comes in.
32:43That's how you do cyanide.
32:45They'll kill you in 30 seconds if you don't get out.
32:47Wait, hold up.
32:48We're not actually putting poisonous gas in the truck, right?
32:50Of course not.
32:51But they won't know that.
32:54Turn around. Turn around.
32:57Tommy and I will neutralize the guards.
32:59Then we'll take one and open up the trailer's rear door.
33:02The only way in is a retinal scan of one of the guards.
33:07The shipping is secured to the floor of the truck with magnetized bolts.
33:1060 seconds!
33:11The magnet is the only way to release the retaining bolts.
33:17Then we go to work on the device.
33:19Breaking it down.
33:28One, two, three.
33:3040 seconds, people! Move it!
33:31Three bags. Three cars.
33:33Each car will take their section of the device.
33:41Go, go, go!
33:43Everybody will fan out and drive like hell.
33:46We'll be back at the new location.
34:04Each briefcase has a cool half million inside.
34:07First payment for a job well done.
34:10I took the screenshot last time we talked to him.
34:13Send me that.
34:18When are you going to tell us what that thing is?
34:20It's a money machine.
34:23Like, counterfeiting?
34:26That's for amateurs.
34:28I don't know.
34:29Like, counterfeiting?
34:31That's for amateurs.
34:33This baby was headed for the mint.
34:34It's a high-end offset printer.
34:36It imprints security strips and holograms on everything from freshly printed currency to stock certificates.
34:41So anything it prints would be indistinguishable from the real thing.
34:44I'm about to become the answer for all the underworld's counterfeiting needs.
34:50Evil genius, but genius.
34:52Okay, you got what you want.
34:54Now tell us where our son is.
34:57We did everything you asked.
34:58We've already had a couple of close calls.
35:00I'm not giving up the only insurance I've got that you'll keep your mouth shut.
35:04You think that I called the cops?
35:05You've been out of the game for a few years.
35:07Maybe you've gone soft.
35:09Once I'm safely on my way, I'll send the other half of the payments.
35:14Then I'll drop a pin to the kid's location.
35:16Look, we signed up for a heist, alright?
35:18Nobody said anything about a kidnapping.
35:21Who the hell is this guy?
35:22Just a part of the crew.
35:23Part of the family.
35:26Whoa, whoa, whoa.
35:27You're not part of my family.
35:29You're a nobody.
35:30Nobodies have a habit of disappearing.
35:32Listen, Joss.
35:34Everyone knows you're the smartest guy here, so...
35:36Why don't you do the smart thing?
35:39Get in the van and go your merry way.
35:51How was that?
35:55We trusted you two.
35:57Why the hell did you let him go?
35:59What are we supposed to do now?
36:00He's the only one who knows where our son is.
36:02No, he's not.
36:06As soon as I realized he had no intention of telling us where the kid was,
36:09I took a look at the screenshot Nettie had sent.
36:12You see what I see?
36:13A terrified young boy.
36:14A boy who wears glasses.
36:17You see right here in one of the lenses?
36:19It's like a reflection?
36:20Yeah, of a rusted old radio tower.
36:22So, I looked it up online.
36:23It's right beside an abandoned transmitter building.
36:26Yeah, I know it.
36:27That tower's east of here.
36:28Five minutes away.
36:31Ricky, you're on speaker. You got both of us.
36:34Ellis, I found him.
36:36Daniel's killer?
36:37His last ping puts him at a motel.
36:39I'm dropping the pin to you now.
36:42Okay, looks like it's five minutes west of where we are now.
36:46The boy is five minutes this way, and your brother's killer...
36:49In the opposite direction.
36:50Ellis, what are we gonna do?
36:53Ellis, what are we gonna do?
37:28What the fuck?
37:59Come here, my boy!
38:22He's in there.
38:24He's cuffed inside, on the right.
38:26Right on it.
38:35We missed him.
38:36What? How?
38:38Zippo fled the motel.
38:39We tracked him all the way to a local airport,
38:41where he stole a prop plane at gunpoint.
38:44What? Who tipped him off?
38:46No one.
38:47We searched his car. He had a police scanner in there.
38:49He must have known we were coming.
38:50Damn it.
38:51We're trying to locate the plane through the transponder.
38:53Good news is, Yates picked up Jaws on the run.
38:57Yeah, he's going away for a long time.
39:02Ellis, you there?
39:05Yeah, I'm here. That's great.
39:07Hey, listen, I'm sorry I dropped the ball on this one.
39:09Don't be. You tried.
39:16You did the right thing.
39:19I know.
39:21Now it's probably going to cost me my job.
39:34Let me get this straight.
39:35You've been what?
39:36Back at your desk 48 hours,
39:38and you've already deliberately disobeyed my orders?
39:41Not to mention how you tracked this guy down
39:43after I told you specifically to drop it.
39:46So you give me one good reason
39:47why I shouldn't send you back to the boat.
39:49That's her.
39:51Because I did it.
39:53I called Simmons.
39:55Ellis didn't even know about it.
39:57It was very 11th hour.
39:59You found the killer?
40:00Well, Ricky did.
40:02A good hacker can locate most things.
40:04Ricky can get you Lindsay Lohan's credit score in three minutes.
40:07It's 825. Lindsay's really got it together these days.
40:10Simmons! Get in here.
40:14Max called you?
40:15She called you?
40:19Yeah, she called me.
40:22And I got an update for you.
40:24The transponder stopped sending a signal
40:26about five miles outside the airport.
40:28He must have disabled it.
40:29We can't track him anymore.
40:31So he could literally be anywhere by now.
40:35Everyone out.
40:36Except you.
40:45Max, you saved your ass.
40:47You and I both know she's lying.
40:53We're still here.
40:55Congrats on a job well done, everyone.
40:58We caught the gang and confiscated six million in cash.
41:01Our deal still stands, right?
41:03Two weeks off my dad's sentence?
41:05Of course. I'm a woman of my word.
41:07Max, how long are you staying in town?
41:09I think I'm going to stick around until my dad gets out.
41:11Perfect. Then my favorite dynamic duo is here to stay.
41:14Or at least until I get elected.
41:17Maybe that's not the best idea, ma'am.
41:19I'm assuming you don't want to go back on the boat.
41:24And you'd like to take some more time off your father's sentence?
41:26Does Miley Cyrus buy herself flowers?
41:28Does Public Enemy fight the power?
41:31Then we have a mutually beneficial arrangement.
41:34Stand by for your next assignment.
42:00But if you really want to thank me, you can let me keep the Mustang.
42:03That's not happening.
42:05But it's just sitting there in an impound lot languishing.
42:11Not yet.
42:14We'll take it slow.
42:23So let's get this straight.
42:25You were supposed to steal the $33 million egg,
42:28ditch the cop, leave town, and not call me.
42:31But instead, you gave back the egg,
42:34you partnered with Ellis again,
42:36you stuck around, and you called me.
42:38And I'm supposed to be grateful you got a couple of weeks knocked off my sentence?
42:41And that's what I love about you.
42:43Always fighting the silver lining.
42:45I don't understand.
42:46Why are you sticking around?
42:49I took this from Uriah Heep.
42:58He's dead.
42:59But $33 million is nothing compared to what this can get us.