• 2 days ago


00:00Previously on wildcards I managed to get Jonathan Ashford's video diary to tell you everything you need to know if we pull off the
00:07Perfect con no one will even know that we were there. We came we scored poof
00:13She has no idea that she no for you. He's my best friend. What do you want?
00:18It's six more months off my dad sentence two weeks, and you can't be serious. She's a con artist meet my dad George Graham
00:25Yeah, that's there's a bomb in the station you need to get out of the building right now if I get up
00:31The bomb will detonate the bomber said he'll issue his demands as soon as the entire building is empty
00:36No one else is to remain inside. I'm not going anywhere on three one two three
01:14Dad what's wrong? What's wrong? You were stuck in the police station with a bomb. That's what's wrong this again
01:19What time is it time for you to stop working with the police dad? It's 5 a.m.. I
01:25Bomb thing is so last week and yet. I can't sleep a wink. Just thinking about it. I'm fine
01:29I still don't get why you decided to stay what was I supposed to do say this sucks for you
01:34There's a bomb under your butt. See you later. You're the one that told me to never leave anybody behind
01:38Hey, that's a friends and family promise. Well chief Lee is my friend. We're on the same team, honey
01:43The cops are not your friends. Do they ask you out for drinks after work. Do you get invited over for holiday dinners?
01:49No, I'm your family Ricky's your family with the police. It's a quid pro quo
01:54Relationship you solve their cases they shorten my sentence, which is why I'm calling you. I want you to quit hard path
02:00You're in jail because of me remember honey. I can do the rest of my time
02:03I don't want you putting yourself in danger for me dad. I love you, but this isn't up to you
02:08I got my eye on the prize soon enough. You'll be walking out of those gates a free man
02:12I'm not gonna be able to talk you out of this am I no just go relax and let me get back to sleep all right
02:19Sorry, I woke you honey. Okay. I love you. Love you, too, baby
02:31What now
02:33Sorry, I thought you were my dad. Oh, I'm up anyways might as well solve a murder
02:46We'll go check it out
02:49It's finally raining men, but I just feel sorry for him
02:52I never thought there'd be anything worse than being found dead and naked but dead and wearing an adult diaper definitely takes the cake
02:58All right, I call it deal-breaker
03:00Incontinence is my guess it's been linked to suicidal ideation. It's sad. It's just a little bit of pee
03:06Tell me about it every time I sneeze
03:10Strange usually when people jump to their death they step off a ledge they fall straight down
03:14But the car's got to be at least 10 feet from the building well
03:17Maybe he took a running late. Hey detective didn't make it up a trivia last night, huh paperwork
03:22You know it is did you get an ID for the victim? Yes, sir neighbors say his name is Logan Hess
03:2733 lives alone on the 15th floor did you say Logan Hess as in Zagan designs? Yeah, that's him wait
03:33You know him yeah, I have a bunch of their clothes him and his partner are streetwear designers
03:37I'm talking bucket hats tracksuits retro kicks. Oh, let's go find out why he died in a diaper
03:49Was that furniture supposed to be comfortable it's not it's art
03:53This kind of furniture transforms the standard condo into a thing of beauty
03:57Like when I step into your car it goes from meh to marvelous
04:04Why is there a deadbolt on the outside so whoever's inside couldn't get out
04:15Logan's bedroom what's the jump from here?
04:21Wrist restraints hey everybody has their kinks okay, who are we to judge?
04:32You and the gang really get together for trivia night they do I mean they invite me and everything don't get me wrong
04:38We just find some way out of it
04:43What is that it's a hex nut exciting
04:47It could be if it came loose
04:50Could have pulled himself free. You're talking like he was a prisoner in here
04:54There's a deadbolt on the door. There's wrist restraints strapped to the bed. I mean it's his place and everything but
05:00He was trying to escape
05:02Escape so bad. He ran right through a high-rise window
05:22Okay, I know a lot of what we're seeing here says prisoner in his own home
05:26But the fur lining on those cuffs say something else you're not wrong
05:30Let me through
05:34No, it's impossible, I'm sorry, who are you I'm Jackson, I'm Logan's assistant. How did this happen? How did he get out?
05:42Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening
05:46Okay, take us through this step by step you do this every night. Yeah, it's part of my job
05:51I buckle him into bed test the restraints and lock him in the room
05:55At 7 in the morning. I come back and let him out. Okay, I've heard of assistants getting weird requests
05:59This is like weird Logan suffered from some nebulism
06:03Possession, what's the matter with you sleepwalking? Yeah, he even takes a sleeping pill there
06:07There was no way he was ever gonna run through a window again again when he was 20
06:11He sleepwalked right through a window. It was on the first floor. So you didn't get hurt
06:16Then why buy a condo on the 15th floor? He grew up in a kind of rundown neighborhood. So
06:21Having a view meant he finally made it besides he kept his phone by his bed one shout-out to Siri
06:26And he could call me or 9-1-1. Well, what would he do if he had to use the
06:32That's why he wore a diaper you can't tell
06:35I literally
06:37Found him laying mostly naked on the roof of a car. I'm pretty sure that secret is sealed now found this excellent under his bed
06:44Must have came loose. That's impossible
06:47Yeah, I check it every night. I
06:49Have a video you take video because he's a sleepwalker Logan had to prove he was taking every precaution
06:55He could to protect himself without it. His business insurance would be null and void
06:59What does this business insurance have to do with his sleepwalking without Logan?
07:02There's a chance Sagan designs could go under we're gonna need to see that video any idea who we can contact for next of kin
07:09He didn't have any families
07:11His business partner was the closest person to him. Thanks. That was Metro PD
07:17They got Zane and his assistant waiting for us back at the police station. Can't believe we're about to meet Zane Finch
07:21I'm nervous. You nervous? Not even a little bit, but he's the new poster boy of street fashion
07:27I think they have something here for you
07:31Here we go. No, I'm not wearing a scarf. Of course not. That would be silly
07:38Thank God you wore a blazer today
07:41It's all this room necessary. Of course it is how you dress expresses who you are to the outside world
07:47That's what my badge is for really, how would I know cuz I don't have one
07:51Maybe if I did they would invite me to trivia night. You're really overthinking this trivia night thing
07:56Am I picture this there's nine guys dressed in Yankees uniforms and one in a duck costume
08:00You think Aaron judge would invite the duck to trivia night?
08:04Geez, I think you like trivia so much. I hate trivia, but it'd be nice to have the option to turn it down
08:10And you know the mascot for the Yankees is in a duck, right sounds like something I would learn at trivia night
08:18I can't believe this
08:20Logan can't be gone. It's just too much. Sorry. I'm late. I wanted to get him some tea
08:25Careful, it's hot
08:27Chamomile and verveen. It'll calm your nerves. What'd I do without you? I'm guessing you're Sierra
08:32Yes, Zane's assistant. I begged him to not buy that penthouse, but it was a status symbol for him
08:37So you knew about his sleepwalking then? Absolutely. He tried everything to overcome it even psychotherapy to deal with the trauma
08:43What trauma? When Logan was 10 he was attacked by a doper in his front yard
08:48Soon after he started sleepwalking whenever he felt stressed years later a roommate of his brought home a dog
08:53And one night it started barking triggering his trauma all over again
08:57And while he was asleep, he ran through a window
09:00And while he was asleep he ran through a window
09:05So Anastasia Vanderhaan she sends her condolences and she's asking about the acquisition papers
09:10Vanderhaan as in BDH the retail giant the mothership of fast fashion
09:14So BDH was in the process of acquiring your company. Is that correct?
09:18I suppose Logan handled the business side of things marketing publicity
09:22That's the acquisition the papers were supposed to be signed today and without Logan
09:26I mean he always handled the side of things. What am I gonna do?
09:28You don't have to do anything. Everyone will understand. Don't worry Zane. I need to arrange for the funeral. It's done. I'm taking care of it
09:35Uh, well we appreciate you two coming in if we need anything else we'll be in touch
09:40That's a nice touch. Logan always loved a pop of color. Yes detective. You wear it very well
09:45Our officer here will show you out. Thank you
09:51What a weird accident according to our coroner may not be an accident after all
09:56But I still can't make that determination I can tell you he died from a cranial impact when he hit the car
10:04His body shows signs of significant bruising and lacerations, but all that can be attributed to hitting the roof of the car
10:10Cool pocket square by the way classy
10:14So he sleepwalked into the window crashed through it and then fell to his death. Is that right?
10:17No, if someone ran headfirst into that window, I'd expect to see fractured facial bones and glass remnants all over his body
10:23So you're saying he didn't crash through the window
10:25But he had to maybe he smashed the window first and then jumped out
10:29It's impossible. The only thing in the room was his bed and the night table. The glass is half an inch thick
10:33I mean you'd need a sledgehammer to break through that
10:39Cool numbers math goodwill hunting logan weighed
10:43155 pounds
10:45Half inch plate glass requires 1000 to 1500 pounds of force per square inch
10:50I'm assuming he jumped out of bed and ran through the window where he traveled an additional 10 feet
10:55You follow not at all
10:56But keep going because your enthusiasm is riveting
10:59Logan would have had to go from a dead stop in his bed to sprinting through the window at 8.5 miles per hour
11:04That's nearly 100 000 pounds of force
11:08Which means it's impossible
11:11So until I get more information, I can't sign off on this as an accident. What kind of information?
11:16The window maybe something was wrong with the glass. That's what I was thinking
11:20I put our best man on it
11:23Well, so to speak
11:26Okay, how's she gonna reconstruct logan's window from that pile of glass, oh she will trust me she's a level six dissectologist
11:34She's basically like a magician when it comes to puzzles
11:37Everybody who works here knows that I work here. Okay. I didn't mean it like that
11:42Something's off. Where's where's your partner? Where's simmons? He's in court today. Remember he's testifying
11:49You look weird it's different about you
11:52his pocket square
11:54Wow, it's a clone of you
11:57We interviewed logan hess's neighbors and the only thing they noticed around the time of his death was a dog barking
12:02The odd thing is they swear the barking was coming from inside the building. What's so odd about that?
12:06Well, the condo board has a strict no pets policy
12:08Nobody in the building has a dog or a cat not even a three-toed sloth
12:11That last one is oddly specific. I've wanted one ever since I saw kristin bell's emotional meltdown. Oh, I love that video
12:17Got it on my phone me, too
12:21Hi, how are you?
12:23If i'm gonna find the impact point on this glass i'm gonna need to not have you yapping inside of my ear holes
12:28Yeah, it's getting late you guys go home
12:30Okay, I will call you if I find anything. Okay, everybody out
12:35Puzzle master spoken. Okay. Good luck
12:40Puzzle master i'm so putting that on a t-shirt
13:12I just answered the phone with my nose. What does this barking dog have to do with the case?
13:16Oh, so we're already done with me when logan was a kid
13:18He was attacked by a doberman and then later in life while he was asleep
13:21A roommate's barking dog triggered him to run through a window
13:23I'm sensing a theme neighbors said that they heard a barking dog before he ran through this window
13:28So a barking dog is his trigger
13:31You know, I once had a friend who used to make pancakes eat them and then do the dishes in their sleep
13:36I wonder if I do anything weird in my sleep weirder than when you're awake good point
13:41Look, there's only one problem with this scenario. There's no dog two problems actually
13:45No dog and a window impossible to break unless you have superhuman strength, hold on yates is calling
13:56Yates you're on the line with me and max we're discussing the superhuman strength needed to break through that window
14:01You are mistaken my friends. What'd you find out sending you a picture right now?
14:10Zoom in and tell me what you see
14:13Somebody scored the glass. How do you score glass with a glass cutter?
14:18Which would make the glass weaker and easier to shatter that way it would still look like an accident except this wasn't
14:24It was murder by sleepwalking
14:34So tomorrow first thing I want to go through the press release why anastasia's pushing back on the word collaboration I do not know
14:41Because technically it's an acquisition. Well, technically I'm bored of this conversation. Did zane sign the paperwork yet?
14:46Sierra said she's on it. Oh pause
14:50The curtains are open
14:51Look at the window
14:54Yeah, it's not a scratch on the glass
15:01Yeah, that's good remind sierra to get zane to sign oh and don't forget curtains we'll have to see lights are waking up
15:08I never forget the curtains
15:12So jackson closed the curtains, but when we arrived yesterday, they were open
15:16So whoever scored the glass would have opened the curtains
15:18So as soon as he pulled free he would have ran right for the obvious exit
15:22What your pocket square it's gone. Oh
15:26Right. Here you go. Thank you
15:30If someone didn't learn their lesson this pocket square takes the edge off your rgf
15:36Rgf. Yeah resting grumpy face makes you look far more approachable
15:40Trust me. How did logan pull free? I saw the size of that hex nut you found under the bed. Yeah, you're right
15:48Logan was panicked
15:48He would have been thrashing around which means the wood and the frame would have been all splintered and chipped
15:52But the frame is clear. No thrashing
15:57Someone must have loosened the nut on purpose. So as soon as he pulled he would have freed himself
16:02There was no forced entry
16:05So the killer must have had a key exactly and they would have also known that barking dogs triggered his sleepwalking
16:11But forensics found no trace of animals inside the condo. This is a really elaborate murder plot
16:15Whoever did this really wanted logan dead and whoever set this up knew everything about him
16:21Almost as if they managed his life
16:26Yates I need you to do something for me
16:30This is security camera footage taken the day logan died there's you there's logan
16:35Uh-oh, looks like you two aren't getting along logan and I fought 50 times a day
16:40Arguing is practically one of his love languages. Oh in that case, he adored you
16:45He found out i'd applied for another job. Okay, so you didn't adore him. No, I just couldn't take it anymore
16:50Couldn't take what the fighting he and zane were constantly at each other's throats because of the deal with vdh
16:56Because zane didn't want to do the deal and logan overruled him
16:59Hold, please logan and zane weren't equal partners. No, but this deal made zane furious
17:05Honestly, I thought he was gonna snap
17:10Murder logan zane is not a violent person. And in fact, he's almost too nice
17:14But you were angry with him about his decision to sell the company. It's more complicated than that. But
17:19Yes, I was why we created the company together, but logan provided the startup financing
17:25We agreed he'd own 51 percent, but we would make all our decisions as equals and it worked
17:31Logan handled the business which allowed me to focus on the creative now
17:34Would you have had that same creative freedom that vdh acquired you?
17:37No, they're a publicly traded company. The stock prices are all that matters not the art. Logan's heart was in the right place
17:43He wanted to go global have our label won by millions and to make millions i'm assuming sure
17:48But it was never about the money for me even now that you own 100 of the company
17:52You don't understand where zane came from
17:55How hard he had to work growing up. I was a lonely queer kid from a small town who loved fashion
18:01Never felt like I fit in anywhere
18:03Surely never thought I'd get a chance to live my dream until I met logan in college
18:06He was the first person to see something in me and his belief in my designs gave me the courage to put myself out there
18:12One thing led to another and zagan was born. It was me and him against the world. I wasn't alone anymore
18:17It doesn't matter now though. There's no zagan without logan. You can't give up
18:22Your vision is what makes zagan
18:24How can I go on without him?
18:26Look, I hate to ask but I have to give an alibi for the night. Logan died
18:30He was live streaming from 10 at night to 4 a.m
18:33I like to work at night when it's quiet zane hates social media
18:37So logan came up with the idea to live stream his late night work sessions. It was another one of his brilliant marketing ideas
18:44hundreds of thousands of people watch it. I don't know why they do but
18:47Logan understood these things
18:51It's part of what made him so remarkable
18:56Do you have a restroom I can use uh, yeah just down there on the right
19:02Look we're gonna need to take a look at that footage from the live streams, of course anything to help
19:06Now did logan have any enemies that you're aware of?
19:09Actually, maybe maybe one
19:11Actually, maybe maybe one
19:14We received these the day before logan died. I took a picture for him. I thought it was strange. You know what black roses mean
19:23There's a card here with the flowers. Did you happen to have that?
19:33You'll destroy vdh just like you destroy everything karma is a bitch in the end
19:38I didn't even show it to zane. He was on deadline. I didn't want to distract him
19:44I'm, so stupid. Maybe if I'd taken it more seriously, you can't think like that this card mentions vdh
19:51Was someone maybe upset about the acquisition? Lots of people were upset
19:58What is it logan's hit list people he was gonna fire after the acquisition
20:04So all these people work for vdh
20:07And now they're all suspects
20:18Okay, i'm thinking i'm a hot new european designer and you're my suave south american photographer
20:22How's your spanish or i'm a police detective and you're my consultants
20:26You're no fun
20:34Hi, we're here to see anastasia vanderhan it's han and she's booked for the next six months. Oh, she's expecting us
20:46Okay, look this better be good if you're gonna she's coming she's coming she's coming
21:03Am sorry miss vanderhan I tried to tell them that you were busy, but they just wouldn't listen. Hi detective ellis
21:09My partner and I have some questions regarding logan hess
21:13Please come with me
21:19Logan's death has thrown everything here into utter chaos
21:23I can imagine that's very hard
21:25Well, we lost a visionary, of course our shareholders don't care about that
21:29They only care that the stock price dropped when news of logan's death came out
21:34This is a list logan drew up of people. He was gonna fire
21:38Do you know about this? Yeah, of course. They approved it. Isn't that unusual?
21:42I mean for a company being acquired to have a say in the other company's employees
21:45Well, this was going to be more of a partnership logan and I were going to share duties. Um
21:52One of the reasons why I wanted to acquire zagan was to infuse this place with fresh blood
21:55So it made sense that logan would handpick his new staff
21:59And let's just say some of our employees are a little too last season any of the last season front runners on this list
22:05Well, you should talk to henry
22:07he's been the face of edh for three years gorgeous young man, but
22:11Logan felt it was time for a fresh face. Oh, i'll take him. Yep. Yeah and victoria
22:16Had designer for many years, but let's just say lately. She's gotten a little stale
22:21A foul person really quite unpleasant
22:24You take her
22:26Um, what do you want? You have a phone call. It's zane finch line three
22:31Okay, I have to take this talk to whomever you need to talk to you
22:34Just please use discretion. The last thing we need are more rumors, of course
22:38These are the police take them where they need to go
22:42We need to speak with victoria marconi i'll take you i'm her assistant can I get you a coffee tea sparkling water i'm okay
22:48Thanks. Oh, I would love a sparkling water. I noticed your pocket square nice ironic touch
22:54You ever thought about becoming a model? No, it was i've been told i'm quite photogenic
22:58There's a real demand for blue collar types these days. I could arrange a meeting with an agent. I'm fine. Thank you
23:03I'll drop you my contact info just in case
23:06Oh, don't worry about me
23:08I'll be fine. Anyways
23:10Actually, it's very busy
23:15Oh, hello
23:25Yeah, give me that ambulance gorgeous
23:32No, no, no, it's just all wrong. I'm sorry my dear
23:36Who are you lisa von wolfenstein?
23:39Emergency stylist and who called you?
23:42fashion called darling
23:47There now it's perfect. Okay. Where's henry? That's me. Oh come darling
23:54Someone's been working on their pics
23:59Kelly I want the fabrics on that side of the room
24:02You didn't tell me. Yeah. Well if I have to tell you everything in my head, what's the point of you?
24:06No, zagan moving in did not mean that I was getting fired. So you didn't know about logan's firing list?
24:11No, what list there's a list
24:13Uh, yeah with your name on it
24:17That doesn't make any sense logan was so kind and so excited about her upcoming collaboration
24:21But even so anastasia would have never allowed it. She loves bringing in these flash in the pan types
24:26They come and go i've been here for over two decades
24:30Should I unpack these boxes now? No stop annoying me. I have a headache get me something for it and a sparkling water
24:37Grapefruit not that hard lemon lime stuff. Got it
24:40You poor dear putting on such a brave face today and what a beautiful face it is
24:46You heard about logan. Yes tragic
24:49But maybe not so sad for you after all. What do you mean?
24:52Well rumor has it he was gonna clean house and you were on his hit list. Yeah, but I don't care
24:57I'm, i'm leaving the industry anyway, so you're just gonna throw your whole career away gorgeous red
25:04Thanks pocket squares. I see a fashion comeback
25:09Is that real glass on the purse? Yes part of my new accessories line
25:15And you cut the glass yourself absolutely i'm completely hands-on gorgeous, isn't it?
25:21Modeling was just a way to put myself through school. I've had it with all the bitching and backstabbing indeed
25:28Do tell
25:31There's one of the biggest offenders there logan and stellan were always at each other's throats
25:35But didn't stellan work exclusively with vdh? You'd have to ask him
25:40All right, we're ready to go. Let's go everyone
25:43Why is it so quiet in here? We need energy
25:58Oh, hi, oh hi detective
26:01Is there anything you need? Yeah, I was actually looking for you
26:04For me. Yeah, I have a few more questions about the case. I need to get this aspirin to vittoria
26:08Look, I understand that vittoria is not exactly the easiest person to work for. All right
26:13She once threw a caesar salad at me
26:15I forgot to take out the croutons
26:17That's assault technically. I know right? Okay, I couldn't help but notice all the boxes packed up in there
26:21Yeah, I did that a couple of days ago. And now guess who has to unpack them all over again? Why what changed logan died?
26:28So she was packing up to leave vdh
26:33She lied to you
26:35She knew she was getting the boot and all that crap about logan being excited about their collaboration another lie
26:40I swear it's pathological with her. So you're positive
26:43She knew she was being fired. Oh, she knew I overheard her on the phone
26:47Happiest day of my life this glass work. She does. Is there a specific tool?
26:51She uses for sure some special cutter. She even uses an imported lubricating oil from morocco or something
26:57Do you know where she keeps that glass cutter? Yeah, follow me
27:00That's right darling chin up i'll find you like
27:05Oh lovely
27:07Work it own it feel it. Don't forget to smize
27:17Liza, I thought you said her name's lisa. Oh, you remembered you're disturbing my flow. What?
27:24Oh, I thought it was disturbed already. You just you look so upset and why'd you say that darling?
27:29Well, the gossip around here is quite awful. Word is you and logan are going at it tooth and nail
27:36What who's saying that everyone now?
27:39Look, I understand that you're probably conflicted about it because logan is dead and i'm sure there's things you wish you could take back
27:45You're so perceptive. I know
27:50What were you two arguing about? Oh just
27:53the usual
27:55creative differences
27:58And you're sure it wasn't something more
28:02I'm quite perceptive. Remember stalin
28:05I need your lunch order for today
28:10I must get back to the show
28:13of course
28:16Did you want to order something? Yeah, I mean there's no limit, right?
28:24You know, um, let me get this back to you
28:28You're left-handed
28:32And is that a fountain pen in your pocket? Is this a joke? No, actually it's not because the day before logan was murdered
28:39Somebody sent him a bouquet of black roses and there was a card attached to it
28:43I'm assuming you probably already know what was in the card
28:46Who are you? I'm with the police
28:48You're a cop. I'm a consultant. It's basically like the police but without a badge. Don't even get me started
28:53Okay, because this isn't about me
28:55It's about you and the very real possibility that you murdered logan hess
29:08All right, no more lies you knew you were getting fired
29:12I gave vdh the most creative years of my life
29:15I was like family to them and then logan came along and made anastasia believe that I was a hack
29:20So what you murdered him I did not murder logan hess
29:24So you're a lefty who uses a fountain pen and your handwriting matches the threatening note you sent to logan with the black roses
29:31I didn't mean for it to be threatening
29:33I was just upset because he was gonna fire you
29:39It was a lover's quarrel, wasn't it
29:41We were in a relationship
29:43At least that's what I thought was
29:45Turns out logan was just using me for inside info on vdh to help with his acquisitions bid
29:50As soon as it looked like the deal was going through he dumped me
29:54I hate this business
29:57Did you hate logan enough to kill him you scored the window with this glass did kelly give you that?
30:02Well, there goes another assistant
30:04You scored the window and you left the curtains open so that as soon as the sleepwalking was triggered he'd run right through it
30:08I hated him, but I did not kill him. I sent the roses in a note to rattle him. That's all
30:14So, where were you the night that logan died?
30:25Fine I got drunk and booty called an ex-boyfriend. I was at my cabin with some close friends. You can ask them
30:33Vitoria's friends confirmed she was at her cottage at the time of logan's death
30:37So our jilted lover stellan is telling the truth. Mm-hmm confirmed by mr
30:41Call but this killing was definitely personal by someone who knew logan
30:44Well, they would have known about his sleepwalking that a barking dog could trigger his panic attacks
30:48But none of our suspects even had a dog
30:54My psychic was right speaking of booty calls, what the hell do you want?
30:59At the photo shoot stellan was playing music that sounded just like that on bluetooth speaker
31:04And and it looked like that
31:06Logan's plant is the same type of speaker which could be activated from anywhere and play anything
31:11including the sounds of a barking dog
31:14So the forensics team was right. There was no dog in logan's condo
31:17The sound was coming from a speaker
31:19Right up by remote clever
31:22Okay, so we need to find someone who not only had access to logan's phone and apartment but his passwords, too
31:28You're thinking what i'm thinking
31:36Why am I back here because your alibi just blew up i'm innocent
31:40I told you after I left logan's I went to the bar with kelly and sierra
31:48All right, there they are kelly jackson sierra unlock your phone and hand it over why because i'm a cop
32:06According to your app store history
32:07You purchased an app that allows you to control everything in logan's apartment including the bluetooth speaker in his bedroom. Yeah, I
32:15After I get logan to bed i'd use it to trigger the white noise. He liked you already saw all this in the video
32:19What's the big deal?
32:21There goes kelly to powder her nose
32:25Oh sierra's phone just died it's the worst
32:29Don't worry jackson swoops in and valiantly gives her his
32:35He just left her with his phone unlocked you foolish foolish boy. Yeah
32:40According to the app it was used the night logan died. That's not possible. 1 0 4 a.m. A track was played using your app
32:49Look at the time 104 a.m. She's looking for something specific on that music app
32:58And guess what the name of that track was what
33:07Angry dog bark. Are you saying sierra killed logan? I'm afraid so. Do you know where we might find her?
33:20Okay, it's ellis he says sierra's at one of two places we're heading to the zagan offices
33:25Okay, you and lee go see if sierra's at her place
33:32Sierra is not answering the phone
33:35She worked for zane and logan for so many years. She had to know all about
33:38Logan sleepwalking his triggers
33:40She probably had a key to his condo too
33:42And she would have known jackson's schedule like the back of her hand like the fact that he left every night at 11 p.m
33:47That gave her time to let herself into logan's place score the window loosen the wrist restraints
33:53And we also know that he took sleeping pills at night
33:55So the only thing that could have woken him up was the sound of a barking dog
33:59But the company was about to sell for tens of millions of dollars. Why kill logan now?
34:15This is where sierra lives it looks abandoned
34:19Yeah, i'd say either the rent is cheap or she lives with a psychopath
34:25Police sierra if you're in there open up
34:56So yates
35:10It's lee pull over you guys gonna want to see this
35:20That's why she killed logan and here I thought she was living with a psycho
35:40She's obsessed with zane i'm obsessed with lubaton's but this is next level
35:47We're dealing with a really disturbed mind here
35:54Hey guys
35:56Sierra left us a little gift here. What are those diaries of a psychopath?
36:05Today zane asked my opinion on a new jacket design
36:09He's a genius an artist and he wanted my opinion
36:12Sounds like a school girl writing about her crush
36:17Must die looks like our school girl just graduated to crazy town university
36:23I wish all our psychopaths were that clear. She saw logan as a threat to zane when he made the deal with vdh
36:29That's why she got rid of him
36:31For whatever reason it looks like she's found her next victim
36:35We need to find sierra and anastasia. I'm gonna call zane. See if he knows where sierra is
36:40Okay, zane will call us if she tries to contact you
36:44Drive to vdh. You got it. Zane decided to go through with the deal. What why?
36:48I don't know
36:49He had a long talk with anastasia and then he had a change of heart sierra is not gonna like that
36:53No, she won't and she went to vdh to meet up with anastasia to get the acquisition papers alone after hours
36:58I don't like the sound of that. She was supposed to be back an hour ago
37:01And now she's not answering any of his calls. Damn it
37:04Let's hope we're not too late
37:11Don't have time for your bs. There's no one here anastasia. Yeah, I know. I know. So what the hell are you doing?
37:17I said put your hands up fine. Okay, but enough of this sierra
37:21What are you expecting to accomplish here? I'm saving zane from you. You're saving him
37:25He wants the deal. Okay, he knows it's good for him. He doesn't know what's good for him
37:30I'm, the only one who protects him from people like you and logan
37:34Oh my lord
37:36You killed logan
37:38He was willing to sell out everything that zane created and for what?
37:45I just texted for backup, but I can't wait for that. Good idea. Shoot her. Okay. Sierra
37:53I can't
37:55She's got her finger on the trigger if I fired her she'd flinch and kill anastasia
38:00Okay, do not shoot her just put that down and let's talk about it
38:04There's nothing to talk about people like you only care about money not art. Actually, I think I have an idea
38:09No, when I first got into this business, I was just like you
38:12I was a young girl who loved the idea that fashion could make a difference in the everyday lives of people and
38:18Yes, it's true. I lost sight of that along the way, but guess what zane helped me find it again
38:24That's why I want to give him every resource. He wants to do whatever he wants
38:28Right, don't you?
38:31You know what?
38:33We could do this for him together
38:41No, zane is too trusting
38:43He can't say no
38:45That's why he let logan get away with so much
38:49I begged him to go out on his own just me and him
38:52But he was too insecure
38:54I have worked so hard to help him become
38:57Who he is and I can't let you destroy that
39:03Who's there lay your weapon down
39:16Drop it now on your knees put your hands behind your back. It's okay. It's over now
39:26You're under arrest for the murder of logan hance
39:38Zane they don't understand but you do right?
39:42All those years ago you chose me you saw something special in me
39:49What have you done I did all this to protect you
39:53Now you can share your vision with the world
39:59Look at me, please zane
40:11She's insane i'm just happy nobody else was hurt anastasia. She's okay. She's with the medics
40:17Thank you both of you
40:19Logan was like a brother to me. We fought a lot, but I always knew he had my best interest at heart
40:25Wish I could tell him that hey, wherever he is. I'm sure he knows that
40:30I'm curious what made you go through with the deal after all
40:34tanner logan's memory
40:36I realized he was right
40:38It's not selling out. I get to share my work with the whole world
40:41If I have to make a few t-shirts to pay for it, it's okay
40:45If there's anything I can do to show my appreciation
40:47Well, maybe a piece from your new vdh collection police officers aren't allowed to accept gifts
40:52No, of course not a member of the police force definitely shouldn't do that but a mere
40:58police consultant who doesn't even have a badge
41:01We definitely consider the possibility. My favorite color is magenta and I live at 162 west broad street unit 5 max
41:09Good work you two. It's another two weeks off your dad's sentence. Why thank you. You get me free clothes now
41:14Max knows that would be unethical
41:17Yes, max does know that
41:20Oh, yes
41:21All right
41:22Who's coming tonight? What's going on tonight? We are going to a board game bar and it happens to be puzzle night
41:28I'm gonna find some puzzle noobs play like I don't know what i'm doing, right?
41:31That's we place and then I wipe the floor with them. It's going to be very color of money
41:36Who's in?
41:37First round's on me
41:39All right
41:42Oh, come on, man. Look it's getting late. I gotta get home to eat mark. Whatever cat lady
41:47Max me
41:50You're inviting me. Yeah you
41:52It's really not that big of a deal. Listen to him. It is a huge deal. We don't like most people
41:57I barely tolerate all of you
42:03You can't miss my first puzzle night, okay fine i'll come for a drink but i'm not doing any puzzles, okay
42:12Come on
42:15Don't think I didn't notice you haven't given me back my pocket square yet
42:19I'm told they're making a comeback
42:21Even with an arrow-sized hole in it. If somebody asks i'll just say it's a max mitchell original
42:27I like that
42:29I'm, serious about the board games. I do not want to play really because I would kick your ass up and i'll play I bet you
42:41Well, it's not a parakeet