90 Day The Last Resort Between the Sheets S01 E14
00:00Maybe I'll just go without a hat one day.
00:02Who knows?
00:03You really do wear a hat every day.
00:04I mean, I wear a hat in the shower.
00:06You wear a hat in the shower?
00:07But why?
00:08I'm just saying.
00:14We're gonna watch a bonus moment.
00:16Oh my God.
00:17Bonus scenes make me nervous.
00:19Let's see what you've got.
00:25Does it lick on your toe?
00:28Just wash them so she doesn't think it tastes like s***.
00:30Well, she likes it dirty.
00:34I love sucking his toes.
00:36The dirtier the better because they are the tastier.
00:39Oh my gosh, I wish they could make a vegan cheese that tastes like Gino's dirty toes.
00:49She just found out you could be cheating on her and you're getting angry at her for it.
00:52She has a right to be upset.
00:54I was telling Stacy how I would have liked someone to stand up for me when Rob would talk to me like that.
00:58Stop it.
00:59Stop raising your voice to us.
01:00Stop it.
01:01Stop it.
01:02Stop it.
01:03I promise you, Jesus Lord, I'm going to make her walk out with it.
01:06I'm f***ing tell.
01:07Oh, trust me.
01:13I started applying for my parents' visa two months ago, not telling anybody.
01:17Brandon took this so hard.
01:20I felt like at that point we were at rock bottom.
01:22There was only one way to go from there.
01:24I couldn't expect any worse.
01:31There was two hot blonde chicks, okay, that Darcy saw you leave the club with.
01:35One of them saw Georgie tonight, and you know what she told Georgie?
01:38Tell Florian thank you for taking me home that night.
01:42He's got a lot of numbers on his phone that I don't know who they are.
01:45I even think he puts like guys' numbers, but it's like really a girl's number.
01:49Like I feel like he's learning the tricks of the trade.
01:53So all that work we did at the retreat at that point flushed it down the toilet.
02:03We're going to have a good old time.
02:06Man, what did you get to do before I got here?
02:12Oh, thank you.
02:15I forget which ear is the good ear.
02:17One bad eye and one good ear.
02:21Are you excited to talk last resort?
02:22I am.
02:23So excited.
02:25Let's see what you've got.
02:27Oh shoot, I might need my glasses for this.
02:31One-eyed Willie.
02:33This is actually a bonus scene, so it's not in the episode.
02:37I love those.
02:39And it's going to be Rob and Sophie's cooking class.
02:42Welcome to Chef's Kitchen.
02:44There was a cooking class?
02:46I love cooking.
02:47Why I was not invited?
02:49Good, you're good.
02:51I'm cooking.
02:52You are cooking.
02:53You are cooking.
02:54I want to see you recreate that one day.
02:56I'm going to try.
02:59Imagine if I made this at home.
03:01I'd be thoroughly impressed.
03:05Don't do it like a train, just feel it.
03:06Just feel it.
03:07All right.
03:14When I do cook, Rob loves it.
03:16In England, we have jacket potatoes with tuna and mayo.
03:18It's really basic.
03:20When I first made it for him, he was like, wow, this is so good.
03:23And I'm thinking, this is just a jacket potato.
03:25And I started making it every day, because I'm like, it's not that hard.
03:27But he was really impressed.
03:28He was like, wow.
03:29And I put some cheese in it.
03:30His mind was blown.
03:35I was born to be a chef.
03:37It's like her sixth meal that she's ever cooked.
03:41I only took the help of three other people.
03:44But you got this.
03:45No, it's just my calling.
03:46It's just your calling.
03:47For real.
03:48She was not born to be no damn chef.
03:50She doesn't even like to cook, so terrible.
03:53I mean, I'm talking, we're going to cook some noodles.
03:57We're going to take our tomato sauce right out of the refrigerator.
04:00Right into the noodles.
04:01We're going to take our tuna can.
04:02We're not even going to drain the water out.
04:04Right into the noodles.
04:05We're just going to stir that up.
04:07Here you go, Rob.
04:09Cold, wet, tuna, tomato noodles.
04:14That was the first thing Sophie ever made for me.
04:17If this therapy thing can work, what does the future with me working look like to you?
04:24We never speak about the future because we always speak about the past.
04:30I mean, there is a future.
04:31It is realistic.
04:34So, it's got to look like something.
04:36He's putting so much effort into being with her.
04:38Rob's been trying for a long time.
04:41Even if it looks like what the dream used to be.
04:45If the dream died, maybe it's alive again.
04:48I don't believe that Sophie is in love with Rob.
04:52I think that Sophie loves Rob, but she's not in love with him.
04:57I just don't feel that way.
04:59I feel like Rob put in a lot of effort as far as trying to work on the relationship with Sophie.
05:06And I feel like Sophie continuously was pulling away.
05:11She really didn't want to do it.
05:14She really didn't want to be in that relationship with Rob.
05:18Now that I think about it, I haven't even seen him like this.
05:21I don't think I've ever seen him kiss the whole time at the resort, have you?
05:25So, what does it look like?
05:28What do you think it looks like?
05:30You're so boring.
05:31You cannot come up with anything on your own.
05:34Bougie mansion in the forest.
05:37Yeah, surrounded by trees.
05:40You're chopping wood.
05:41That's your fantasy?
05:42And you're looking after the chickens.
05:46Well, I don't know. We won't have chickens.
05:48Yes, we will.
05:49I want horses and I want micro pig and I want micro goat.
05:54A micro goat and a micro pig and a horse?
05:57So, none of these are functional animals.
06:00Having the conversation with Sophie at that point in therapy,
06:06it kind of felt ridiculous.
06:09Because we were so far away from that and we hadn't had much of anything.
06:14I can't make this house in the woods your fantasy.
06:17So, it's like, can we be realistic?
06:19Can we not talk about mini pigs and mini goats
06:21and talk about really what it would be like?
06:23But she doesn't want to hear about the realistic side of it.
06:26She wants to think about the fantasy that she has in her mind of what it'll be like.
06:29We'd have our house in the woods. It'd be beautiful.
06:31But then we'd have to wake up and we'd have to do stuff
06:33and we'd have to work the property and we'd have to take care of some of those animals.
06:36And then it would just kind of fall on me.
06:44We're going to watch some therapy
06:46and this is Florian's Family Therapy with Darcy and Stacey.
06:52Worst day I have therapy.
06:55The worst day?
06:56Mm-hmm. Trust me.
07:04Hi, guys.
07:11Stacey and Florian came in first and sat down
07:13and I noticed immediately that he sat in the middle chair
07:17which was kind of a good analogy or metaphor for how their relationship is
07:22where he is in the middle all the time instead of being on Stacey's side.
07:29Oh, wow.
07:30How are you?
07:38Stacey, kind of fill me in. I know a little bit
07:40but just so we all are on the same page what your thoughts are
07:42and what you really would hope to get from this today.
07:45What I really want to get out of this is just clarity.
07:48But when it comes to our personal relationships, I feel like we're too involved.
07:53Like, you know, calling Florian in the middle of the night.
07:56It's happened numerous, numerous times.
07:58Do you think you hang out with Darcy too much?
08:00Where's my family?
08:02Like, I'm spending time with my sister.
08:05My sister-in-law, you know what I mean?
08:07It's not a big deal, like, you know what I mean?
08:10I feel like they're two completely different personalities
08:13in the sense where Stacey likes to stay at home
08:15and Darcy likes to be out and networking
08:17and Stacey wants you, you know, to be there with her
08:21as opposed to you, like, out with Darcy.
08:24Like, she wants you to be like, okay, you're staying home.
08:28I'm going to stay home with you, you know?
08:30I think that's kind of what she's getting at.
08:32Like, more time with her and what she wants in her life.
08:35Yes, I'm going to stay like 24 hours like that, you know?
08:38I'm going to be like Brandon, like, I'm going to cry.
08:41Like him, like...
08:42Well, maybe there's like a happy medium.
08:44Maybe there's like some kind of middle ground where it's like, okay...
08:46The problem with me, to be honest with you,
08:48I never sit home alone before.
08:50Like, I let my...
08:51No, you're on the go.
08:52I'm very, like...
08:53You're on the go.
08:54Up to go, you know?
08:55My point, like, I never sit home alone before.
08:57Like, I need to do something.
08:58You get antsy.
08:59You get antsy, you want to go do something.
09:01She's very needy.
09:03And he's always been there.
09:04And yeah, it's nice, but not 3, 4, 5 o'clock in the morning.
09:09You said during your family therapy
09:11that you answer the phone for anyone at any time?
09:14He does.
09:15Do you really do that?
09:16I answer the phone 20 motherf***ing hours.
09:19Who is calling me?
09:20I answer my phone.
09:21You know my phone?
09:23So Florian says he picks up the phone for everyone.
09:25What do you think about that?
09:27Actually, I could call him right now,
09:29but he's in an interview.
09:30He can't trust me.
09:33Florian, Florian, we'll pick it up.
09:36Let me call Florian and see if he's going to answer me.
09:39You ready?
09:40Let's see if Florian truly does pick up the phone
09:42for everybody, whenever.
09:45Only I'm working and my interlocutor is calling.
09:55He picked up the phone.
09:58Hello, my brother.
09:59Jesus Christ.
10:00What happened with this s***?
10:02Everybody calling you?
10:04I'm looking like a pizza guy.
10:08We had to test a theory.
10:09Apparently, you pick up the phone.
10:10You pick up the phone day and night.
10:12And FaceTime anybody.
10:14I'm busy.
10:17All right, boys.
10:18We got to go back to interview.
10:21You know, you reach out to Georgie too,
10:24but it's just, I think, we do a lot of things together.
10:27We network together.
10:28We step through boundaries a lot.
10:29She was trying to flip it.
10:30Like, I call Georgie.
10:31We have the same type of relationship.
10:34Hell no.
10:37You know, I don't call Georgie in the middle of the night.
10:40I don't, like, hang out with him alone at all hours.
10:43You know, I don't even f***ing think Georgie likes me.
10:46It's a crock of s***.
10:48Crock of s***, what she's saying.
10:50So we just kind of open up and, you know,
10:52But you f***ing talk about me to him all the time.
10:55And I don't know.
10:56I just felt like you were taking floor in for yourself.
11:00Like when she said, you're better off single.
11:04I think when Stacey heard that, it rocked her world.
11:08Because Darci is the one person she trusts more than anybody else.
11:12And I think when she heard Darci didn't have her back the way she thought she did,
11:17the way she has her back,
11:19I think she started to question everything about her.
11:22For me, I look at her like my family.
11:27I look like it's my sister, you know.
11:30You don't see it in, like, a sexual way.
11:33I mean, they look exactly alike, so.
11:36That's weird.
11:37Everything comes down to competition with these two.
11:40What the f*** are you talking about? That's f***ing disgusting.
11:42You know, that's a disrespectful comment.
11:44I would never even think that or feel that.
11:46And for her to think those thoughts.
11:47That is disgusting.
11:49You know, like, I think I wish I had not been there.
11:52So I feel uncomfortable.
11:53I feel I don't want to talk for this kind of s***.
11:56I just look, like, disgusting.
11:57I'm thinking, what the hell am I doing here?
11:59It seems like a sister's quarrel.
12:01And you were caught in the middle of it.
12:04So what is it that you need from Darci?
12:07Respect my relationship and maybe we can have some boundaries.
12:11Like, not call super late at night.
12:13I don't need to call Florian, Stacey.
12:15You know, he doesn't need to come by to hang out and chitchat or whatever like that.
12:18That's not a problem for you? No.
12:20Not at all. I've got my own life to live.
12:22At the end of the therapy session, I didn't feel so great.
12:25I felt like I was the odd man out in my own marriage.
12:28Florian is a good liar, but his body language says it all.
12:33I read him very well when it comes to body language.
12:36I can see right through him.
12:37He doesn't look at you in the eye.
12:38He keeps looking away, looks down.
12:40He gets squirmy, like, you know, tries to change the subject or shut it down real quick.
12:46And he gets very angry.
12:49And Darci and him both got very angry in that moment.
12:52And that's calling being defensive.
12:54Because maybe they were hiding something.
12:57I absolutely felt like it was two against one.
12:59It was them against me.
13:01I feel like they didn't really give too much about my feelings or the boundaries
13:05because they actually hung out later that night.
13:07At the bar.
13:09Like a slap in the face.
13:14Can you tell the difference between Darci and Stacy?
13:16You're walking from far away.
13:18I know who's walking.
13:19Like, who is Darci or Stacy?
13:21What's the difference?
13:24You know, I can't tell the difference.
13:25Like, I can see with my eyes, but I can't tell you the difference.
13:28Like, it's very weird, like, to explain.
13:30Explain it in your words.
13:32I don't know how to explain to you.
13:34For me, like, I know who Darci and Stacy is.
13:36I know.
13:37How can you tell, though, the difference?
13:41You're telling me you can tell the difference.
13:43So, how is it different between Darci and Stacy?
13:46I can't explain it.
13:48You can explain it.
13:49Well, it's two different things.
13:51You said you could tell the difference between Darci and Stacy when they're walking towards you.
13:57Tell me how it's different.
14:02At least not with you, Matt.
14:05The next clip we're going to watch is when everyone was leaving for the social hall.
14:11Let's watch.
14:14I'm going to take...
14:15Mind if I ride with us?
14:19So, I'm hoping that we can start off on a good note.
14:24Have a good night together.
14:27Yeah, she actually looks nice, though.
14:28When she's not shouting and having a tantrum, she's pretty.
14:31This is a nice dress.
14:32Confidence boost.
14:33Twenty bucks.
14:34Twenty bucks.
14:36Seeing Josh all of a sudden be so affectionate with Natalie for the first...
14:39I hadn't even seen that.
14:41It just shows he only cares about her because of her look.
14:43So, she did look really nice that night.
14:45I thought that immediately.
14:46Her hair looked nice.
14:47Little flower.
14:48It was giving.
14:49I liked the dress.
14:50She's not a ho.
14:51She's meant to be your girl.
14:52Treat her with some respect.
14:53Not just because she looks good.
14:54She's supposed to look good to you every day.
14:57You want me to take you tonight?
15:00Are you praying that Natalie comes out?
15:04I'll toss you around.
15:05What was going on in the backseat of the van?
15:07Were you doing some hand signals?
15:08It might look like a cross, but it was kind of a spell thing as well.
15:13This was like this, like, you know, he reacts, yeah?
15:16So, I just disbalanced him a little bit.
15:18And I concentrate my mind on what's happening right now.
15:22Like, looking, hearing, sensing, to understand is it true or is it a game?
15:33I don't know how Gino does this head all day long.
15:36His head cold if he don't have a head, right?
15:40Because he don't have a head.
15:41Oh, it's like a baby's head.
15:43I know.
15:44It's so cute.
15:45And when you touch it, it's like so soft.
15:47You want to see if my head is like a baby's bottom, huh?
15:52I would love to feel your bald head, Gino.
15:55Go ahead.
16:00It's kind of nice.
16:02Oh, Josh.
16:03Oh, Josh.
16:04Oh, Josh, baby.
16:13Look at this bitch!
16:15She's in the other van.
16:16I don't know why.
16:17Why she's not with you?
16:18Maybe she doesn't want to be with me.
16:19I don't know.
16:20I don't know what Natalie's deal is with touching other people's husbands.
16:23But, like, you don't do that.
16:25Like, especially if the wife is not there.
16:28It's like, are you, like, trying to flirt with him?
16:31Or are you just trying to be?
16:32Because she wouldn't have done that to one of the girls.
16:34Been like, ooh, yeah, where's your, you know?
16:36It's weird.
16:37And Gino looked uncomfortable.
16:42Oh, did she lick my toes here?
16:44Not yet, but it's not a bad idea.
16:49Well, she likes it dirty.
16:54I don't have any taboo when it comes to my kinks.
16:57I do love his feet.
16:59I love sucking his toes.
17:01The dirtiest, the better, because they are the tastier.
17:04When the toes are dirty, they taste like cheese.
17:08I'm not joking.
17:09They taste like cheese.
17:11And vegan cheese is the only thing that doesn't taste as good as non-vegan cheese.
17:21But by tasting Gino's toes, it's like, it's high-quality cheese, you know?
17:27And it's like, I miss that flavor so much since I've been vegan for more than a decade.
17:32So it's like, oh my gosh, I wish they could make a cheese, a vegan cheese that tastes like Gino's dirty toes.
17:41Oh my gosh.
17:42One day I put on a dress and I was like, I'm going to put a panty before I leave.
17:45I never did.
17:47Actually, I guess I saw him because you were like, open your eyes and I just...
17:52So you saw my frog.
17:54Jasmine, I need clarity on one thing.
17:57What is a frog?
18:00A frog is an analogy.
18:04The texture of a frog and a p***y is very similar.
18:07They're like cold.
18:08I feel like frogs are slimy.
18:10Exactly! Exactly.
18:13Jasmine, you might need some antibiotics.
18:17What is wrong with y'all?
18:20No, they're animals.
18:24This is what women talk about?
18:28So Jasmine calls her vagina a frog, which is new for me.
18:32Do either of you have names for your private parts?
18:36My buddy had a name for his.
18:38He called it the truth.
18:39The truth.
18:40The truth comes out.
18:43You know why?
18:44What is it?
18:45Because his officials can't handle it.
18:46Because they can't handle the truth.
18:49I call it Boofy.
18:51That's what foreign calls it.
18:52What is Boofy?
18:53Boofy is like owl in Albanian.
18:56Tell me what Gina's nickname is.
18:58Christmas ornament.
19:00What is this round?
19:01It's just decoration.
19:05All right, now let's watch when everyone was out at the social hall that evening.
19:09This is the night they went out without me.
19:17Does that mean I'm a loser?
19:18It's OK.
19:19You did great.
19:21So where's Brandon?
19:22Did he come?
19:23He did not come.
19:26So I started applying for my parents' visa two months ago, not telling anybody.
19:30Yeah, but Brandon took this so hard.
19:34He lose his...
19:35He say you lied to me.
19:36But why is he angry?
19:37Like arguing like that?
19:39So bad.
19:40So bad.
19:41Because he see my dad and my mom twice in his life.
19:44I'm not regret doing this behind Brandon's back,
19:47because I don't want to deal with all of this frustration between us if I'm going to do this.
19:54And he will distract me.
19:56And to be honest, I didn't know that his appointment will come that soon.
20:02I think I have time to talk with him about this.
20:05But I didn't.
20:07If I did that, can you imagine how Julia would react?
20:10She'd be pissed, you know?
20:12But I don't keep secrets from her, so...
20:15It's crazy to me that she is to me.
20:18It's like she can just do whatever she wants in this relationship, and I just have to accept it.
20:22I feel like Julia didn't consider my feelings or opinion at all.
20:25She was just going to do what she wanted to do.
20:28So he doesn't speak the same language.
20:29He's thinking them are strangers for him.
20:32So are they going to move in with you and Brandon, or are they going to get...
20:34Yes, I'm going to leave his eyes.
20:36Oh, that's why his...
20:37Yeah, that's why I was wondering, yeah.
20:40Well, to be honest, I'm not feeling sad for Julia.
20:44It's going to be rough.
20:45It also might be very hard to navigate for all of you.
20:50If I was a man and my wife would say,
20:52I'm bringing my parents on your neck to support,
20:56I would also freak out because, like, I barely support Julia.
21:00What is the reason bringing both divorced parents?
21:03Why would she do it?
21:05My parents, I haven't seen them for three years.
21:07He doesn't understand that, it's like,
21:09how hard he has his parents and them best friends.
21:13Watching that back conversation,
21:14I feel like I'm a little hard to Brandon in this moment,
21:18to talking about how he doesn't understand me.
21:21He doesn't understand me because he's not an immigrant.
21:24Of course, he will be not.
21:26So, but I can't be hard on him because of that.
21:30Yeah, your feelings are very valid. It's difficult.
21:32I mean, we know it's difficult to be an immigrant and miss your family.
21:35Like, it's hard, so you're not alone.
21:39Like, I know it's hard being in a new country
21:41and not having anyone and not having your family,
21:44but you kind of have to, like, take it on yourself to meet people.
21:48Like, you can't just stay in the house and feel lonely forever.
21:51Like, you do need to get out there.
21:53I mean, I have really bad social anxiety,
21:55but when I came to America, I went on these meet-up groups
21:58because I knew, like, I need friends.
21:59Like, you can't just put the pressure on Brandon to be your everything
22:03because that's not really healthy.
22:06I don't have my support. I'm like, I'm immigrant here.
22:09I don't have my family. I don't have my friends.
22:11I don't have anybody here.
22:14Brandon's reaction made sense to me.
22:17What is this going to mean for me?
22:18What is this going to mean for our marriage?
22:20What is this going to look like?
22:21There's fears. There's unknowns, right?
22:23That's a big transition of parents, not just for their relationship,
22:27but the potential if they ever have children.
22:29And so there were so many back and forths,
22:31some of the what-ifs that we try to avoid in therapy.
22:35That was all overwhelming.
22:36So I could see how that played out.
22:38I don't have any freaking buddy here.
22:40I have only Brandon, his parents, and my dogs.
22:44That night, everyone went out without me,
22:46and I just sulked, really.
22:49Just in my head about everything that had happened,
22:54how to move on from it.
22:55Where are we going to go in life now, you know?
22:58We have a house together.
22:59How am I going to split that?
23:00Is she going to go back to Russia?
23:02What are we going to do about money?
23:05I was thinking, how are we going to split our lives at this point?
23:10I felt like at that point we were at rock bottom.
23:12There was no point in trying with this relationship anymore
23:15because Julia wasn't going to learn.
23:17She was going to continue to do what she wanted to do,
23:19and therapy didn't seem to be working.
23:21So I was done. I'm going home.
23:24There was only one way to go from there.
23:25I couldn't expect any worse.
23:29All right, guys, you ready for game time?
23:31Game time? Oh, my God!
23:33What kind of game?
23:34Tug of questions.
23:39You are going to pull the rope.
23:41If you get the question closer to you,
23:44you ask it to the other person.
23:46Oh, that is nice.
23:47How aggressive do you want us to go?
23:50She's a bodybuilder, so it's kind of rigged, but it's fine.
23:54It's a friendly competition.
23:55Ready, set, pull!
24:18You're letting me win.
24:19I swear to God.
24:26All right, Benny, what's your best pickup line?
24:30I lost my phone, but just can you call it?
24:37Have you ever secretly, like a truth,
24:40your partner's phone?
24:41If yes, what did you find?
24:43You don't want to know what's on your phone.
24:46You don't want to know.
24:48What did you find?
24:49Phone, I mean, so what?
24:51I mean, okay.
24:52That's what I'm saying.
24:54That's what you find on Rob's phone.
24:57What kind of phone is that?
25:00Josh phone.
25:02What is your partner better at than you?
25:06Stacey, what is Stacey better at?
25:09I can tell you for shopping.
25:14When was the last time you told the lie?
25:17I lied to Florian.
25:19I went shopping, and I told him I wasn't going to shop
25:22and spend more money, and I bought two pairs of shoes.
25:25All right.
25:34That strong?
25:35You're light weight.
25:39Okay, okay.
25:40Florian, I got this.
25:48The question is, what is your favorite...
25:52So, like, all right, I'm here, right?
25:54So one of her legs is between my legs, and she's on her back,
25:58so when you lift the other leg up,
26:00she's kind of turning sideways.
26:01Sideway, yeah.
26:02I like a woman on top,
26:05or I like to get behind a woman if she got a nice booty.
26:14And then what I like to do to just act like I'm cool,
26:19I, like, I won't stop.
26:21So don't take it out.
26:22I like it.
26:23Oh, oh, oh, oh, doggy style, baby.
26:27I call this a tree position.
26:31Is that you or Brandon?
26:32It's me.
26:35Now you put that leg up, and you push her on the other side,
26:38so you didn't work the whole inside from left to right.
26:42Every angle you could possibly do.
26:44That's good.
26:45I would try it.
26:46Yeah, try that one out.
26:49Okay, next we're going to watch Darcy tell Stacey.
26:55I just want you to know that a couple weeks ago,
26:58me, Florian, and Georgie were out one night,
27:00and we saw Florian walk away with two blondes.
27:08Georgie was at that same bar tonight,
27:10that Florian was with those two girls.
27:12And one of these girls said something to Georgie,
27:17tell Florian, thank you for taking me home.
27:22I can't believe Georgie called Darcy.
27:25Did you ask him about it?
27:28To be honest with you,
27:29I don't know what Georgie's intention
27:31and what Darcy's intention is.
27:35I think Darcy brought this up to build a relationship with Stacey,
27:38like, oh, I'm an honest sister.
27:41Look at what I'm doing for you.
27:43I have you back.
27:45I'm not doing nothing wrong with Florian.
27:47Maybe she's a little bit jealous of yours and Stacey's relationship,
27:51and she actually wants that.
27:52And Darcy is, you know, she likes to be the alpha.
27:56She likes to have the attention on her,
27:57and that's, like, what's something that she wants.
27:59So maybe it makes her a little jealous,
28:01like, the comfortability.
28:02No, Darcy's told Stacey many times, Darcy.
28:04Like, oh, Stacey, stop complaining, you have a husband.
28:07Like, what the f*** am I saying?
28:09Doesn't matter what I do, I don't think Stacey will trust me.
28:14I f***ing felt something.
28:15I f***ing felt something was going on.
28:17I have your back.
28:18Darcy's seen a f***ing flirting all the time.
28:21You know, I haven't worked with many twins,
28:23but I will say in relationships,
28:25I've seen where one of the people have a person that they use
28:29as a sounding board far too often,
28:31and it causes a rift within the marriage
28:34because these couples are, like, in a triangle.
28:37They do kind of operate like a throuple.
28:40At the end of the day, obviously, it's not a sexual throuple,
28:42but they do, as a triangular effect,
28:45they bounce things off of each other.
28:47It's very messy, and it's extremely unhealthy
28:50for a successful relationship.
28:52It's okay.
28:53I'm f***ing angry now.
28:54No, just breathe.
28:57Breathe, okay?
28:59I got you.
29:01I feel like Darcy always tells me the truth.
29:03I always tell her the truth.
29:04If I see Georgie doing something, I'll tell Darcy,
29:07and she'll tell me.
29:08Like, it's both ways.
29:10And that way, we have each other's back.
29:14And I believed her. I really did.
29:16She was upset about it.
29:18Because if I f***ing leave Florian,
29:21then she doesn't have Florian no more.
29:23Darcy just got a phone call from Georgie.
29:27And you went out.
29:28There was two hot blonde chicks, okay,
29:30that Darcy saw you leave the club with.
29:32One of them saw Georgie tonight,
29:34and you know what she told Georgie?
29:35Tell Florian, thank you for taking me home that night.
29:40Look, look, look, look, look at him, like...
29:42For the second time?
29:43One girl have, like, live in our building.
29:46By helping her, basically.
29:48Just falling down, like, basically, like, drunk kid.
29:50It's very suspicious, you know, like...
29:53He's trying to make it sound like,
29:55okay, I was just being a gentleman
29:57and walking this lady in this crate,
30:00so, you know, she could be safe at her place.
30:03But do we honestly think that Gino or Florian
30:05seem like the type that are overly concerned
30:07if bad things are gonna happen to a random woman?
30:10What about the stain of makeup?
30:13Yeah, that's true.
30:14It's, like, so much. It's, like...
30:17I found a lip gloss in Gino's car
30:20when I recently moved to the United States.
30:22Yeah, but do you think he actually slept with the person?
30:27I don't know if he did or not, but...
30:31Yeah, it was a stripper,
30:32and he was, like, out of the goodness of his heart
30:35driving this stripper, making sure she was safe at home.
30:38Like the same story as Florian.
30:40Yeah, so you relate to this incident.
30:42I relate, you know,
30:43and you don't know what the heck to believe.
30:45First of all, that stripper's dumb
30:46to go with a random man from the club home.
30:49You need to take care of your security.
30:50I mean, trust me,
30:51that Gino was, like, maybe a frequent customer.
30:54He was not around.
30:56I clicked the elevator for her.
30:57She still have the key.
30:58I just embossed for her the key with the floor.
31:01What the...
31:02Oh, you didn't, like, take her to her door?
31:07You know, you said that the first time you cheated on me.
31:09There's a pattern here.
31:35I don't need this anymore.
31:41I actually had fun with her.
31:42I didn't believe one word he was saying.
31:45So all that work we did at the retreat at that point
31:48went through the toilet.
31:50Flushed it down the toilet.
31:57I'm sure he was trying to, like, help her out,
31:59but at the same time, like,
32:00I feel like he would see where it would go.
32:03He would see where, you know,
32:05maybe he can meet up with her another night, you know,
32:07and she's in our building.
32:08It's just, like, too close for comfort for me, you know?
32:11He's got a lot of numbers on his phone
32:13that I don't know who they are, you know?
32:16And I even think he puts, like, guys' numbers.
32:19Like, say it's, like, some friend that he met out,
32:22but it's, like, really a girl's number.
32:23Like, I feel like he's learning the tricks of the trade.
32:26To me, it automatically went to, like, oh, he cheated.
32:28It was, like, flashbacks all over again,
32:31whether it was just walking her home, whatever it was.
32:35To me, it was still cheating.
32:39Maybe I'll just go without a hat one day.
32:42Who knows?
32:43Ooh, one day you'll just go without a hat.
32:45It's crazy.
32:46You really do wear a hat every day.
32:47I mean, I wear a hat in the shower,
32:49but someday I'm going to...
32:50You don't wear a hat,
32:51or you do wear a hat in the shower?
32:52I do.
32:53You wear a hat in the shower?
32:55But why?
32:56No, I'm just kidding.
32:57That's insane.
32:58But why?
33:00How about a sleeping hat, too?
33:05All right.
33:06We're going to watch the bonus moment.
33:08Sophie and Florian fighting.
33:14Oh, God.
33:15That's good.
33:17Stace, think about it before you open your mouth.
33:20I promise you.
33:21Be careful with your mouth.
33:22Is that what I'm saying?
33:23I don't know, man.
33:24What are you afraid of?
33:25I'm not afraid to f*** death.
33:27I can die right now.
33:28I'm not f***ing afraid.
33:30To be honest with you,
33:31I loved my life before so much.
33:32You know?
33:33I loved...
33:34Seriously, I loved my life before so much.
33:35Yeah, you had a great life.
33:37Like, when my sister passed away,
33:39I don't give a motherf***ing s***, man.
33:42I'm ready.
33:43Like, you know?
33:44Can I say, f***,
33:45instead of bringing up that's manipulation,
33:46because what does that have to do with your relationship?
33:48He's trying to make you feel sorry.
33:49We want to talk about it, too.
33:51Like, this is...
33:52Stop it, because that's not fair.
33:54That's upsetting to bring that up.
33:56That's not okay.
33:57Look, Sophie, come out of the f***ing blue.
33:59This motherf***ing little girl.
34:01She just wants you to talk to her and listen to her
34:03and stop speaking over her.
34:04Look, listen.
34:05Look, listen, like, f***.
34:06She doesn't have the f***ing fun
34:07that you could be cheating on her
34:08and you're getting angry at her for once.
34:09I'm so mad.
34:10She has a right to be upset.
34:11This British ghost come, like,
34:13show for f***ing nowhere.
34:14Like, this little girl wanted attention.
34:19It wasn't her place.
34:20Yeah, she was definitely on the line there.
34:22Come for f***ing nowhere, little Sophie.
34:25She has a right to be upset
34:27and you're shouting at everyone here.
34:29You've been caught out and you're upset.
34:31Florian's, like, all bark and no bite.
34:36And you're shouting.
34:37No, Georgie, that's fair.
34:38I don't think that's fair.
34:39Stop it.
34:40Stop raising your voice.
34:41Stop raising your voice.
34:42Stop it.
34:43Stop it.
34:45I think why I was kind of immediately set off
34:48watching Florian talk to Stacey like that
34:51was because it did remind me of how Rob would talk to me
34:54and just, like, you know, talking down on women
34:57and just, like, gaslighting them,
34:59making them feel, invalidating them,
35:01kind of being disrespectful.
35:02It's like I've seen that with Rob
35:03and I hate when he would talk to me like that.
35:05So I think I kind of was just, like,
35:07maybe standing up for Stacey,
35:08how I would have liked someone to stand up for me
35:10when Rob would talk to me like that.
35:11One second, one second.
35:12Okay, calm down.
35:14There's no need for him to tit for tat with Sophie, you know?
35:18She is defending me and, you know, I appreciate that,
35:21you know, because I feel like she's a girl's girl
35:23and I had just learned about all that information,
35:25so I was very upset, you know,
35:28but Florian was just taking it to another level.
35:30You can sort that out with your wife.
35:31Don't stop shouting at everyone.
35:32Sweetheart, sweetheart.
35:33It's mad disrespectful.
35:34I don't want to get in you, sweetheart.
35:37Because I'm scared of you.
35:38Trust me.
35:39I promise you, I'm not afraid of you.
35:41I'm trying to.
35:43Trust me.
35:44Stop talking to me.
35:45I've literally talked to your wife.
35:46This is disrespectful.
35:48Look, disrespect me in front of my husband.
35:50Disrespect me in front of my husband and do it,
35:53because if he disrespects me in front of you,
35:55you need to check him.
35:56He's a grown-ass man.
35:58Because he's shouting at women, telling them to shut the...
36:00Who is he?
36:01Calm the situation down.
36:02You should step to him and say,
36:04don't talk to my wife like that.
36:05Don't do that.
36:06Sophie's always looking for some way to make me the bad guy.
36:09Like, she'll put herself in a situation
36:11and then she looks over at me and goes,
36:13why weren't you there for me?
36:14And I'm like, because you were the one
36:16putting yourself in this...
36:17First of all, Florian didn't say anything.
36:19He said, Sophie, Sophie, sweetie, sweetie, sweetie, sweetie.
36:24I try to be respectful, but you...
36:26Sophie, like, that's not him being disrespectful
36:29and that's not something I can be like,
36:31hey, man, don't talk to my lady like that.
36:32Because he's not saying anything for real.
36:34You should check him for raising his voice at me.
36:40I promise you, Jesus,
36:41I'm going to make her walk out of there.
36:43Let them tell.
36:44Nobody can bring her no more.
36:46I'm not going to let her speak.
36:47Oh, boy.
36:48Oh, trust sounds exciting.
36:52What is not a noise a frog makes?
37:00That's a lamb.
37:02That's his frog.
37:05I think you've got the wrong animal.
37:07It's a frog in Russia.
37:11Okay, what is a chicken...
37:12How a chicken doing?
37:18In Spain, dogs go, wow, wow.
37:20How in Rwanda?
37:24In Russia, huff.
37:31So, this is at the bar
37:33and, you know, it's a discussion between you and Jasmine.
37:38Oh, my goodness.
37:41So, you know that today I have my therapy with Reva, right?
37:46Aw, look, you look cute, man.
37:50We talk about open marriages.
37:54And she actually told me, like, the right terminology.
37:57It is called an ethical, non-monogamous marriage.
38:02I wouldn't say it's ethical.
38:04When Jasmine told me about open marriage
38:07and she said she talked to Reva,
38:09and Reva actually has an open marriage with someone...
38:13I just found that out.
38:14Which I had no idea about.
38:17I feel like that's a very special type of person
38:20and a very special type of relationship.
38:23And for you and Jasmine, if you open that door,
38:28I mean, there is no closing it, brother.
38:32I was pretty clear about the open marriage,
38:34and, you know, that's not me.
38:37So, that's gonna give us the option
38:39that you're gonna be intimate with me.
38:41I don't want an open marriage.
38:42I'm proposing it to try it and explore it
38:45because I don't know what other options do we have.
38:48You're not even letting me explain to you the dynamic.
38:52Do you have someone in mind
38:53that you want to have an open marriage with?
39:01You have someone in mind?
39:03So, you are a cheater?
39:05Jin ambushed me.
39:07Why? Because he pretended.
39:10And I hate when he does that.
39:11Because he knows me so well.
39:13He pretended just to be okay,
39:16that, babe, this is a safe place.
39:20Do you have anyone in mind?
39:22So, all he wanted me was to, like,
39:24give him all the information,
39:26and then, here it comes.
39:28The stab in the back.
39:30The next thing he did was accuse me of cheating.
39:34Enjoy your life.
39:35Okay, perfect.
39:36Have a good one.
39:39Mmm, this isn't good.
39:45I just wanted to save my marriage.
39:47I don't know how.
39:48What should I do now?
39:49I don't f***ing know.
39:50I don't know what to do.
39:51I don't know.
39:53Jasmine's needing something she's not getting from Gino.
39:56Gino's also brought up many concerns that
39:59I have to feel a certain connection with you
40:01before I engage in sex.
40:03So, that's the disconnect right there.
40:05How are we not meeting each other's needs?
40:07When we break it down,
40:08do we really even want to meet each other's needs?
40:10It goes beyond that, though.
40:11I'm listening to you,
40:12but I'm not sure I can do this.
40:14I'm not sure I want to do this.
40:17Next time on Between the Sheets.
40:19He still doesn't seem to be satisfied,
40:22and I'm trying and trying and trying.
40:24I don't want to do it.
40:26I don't.
40:27I may have heard something.
40:29Oh, my gosh, you heard the same.
40:30I heard that Josh has an official girlfriend
40:32that lives in his house.
40:33And the girl is cheating on him.
40:36The girl is a younger version of Natalie.
40:40What's your plan?
40:41If Brennan decides to leave,
40:43and we will be divorcing,
40:44I'm not going to be staying in this country.
40:46I don't have anybody except Brennan here.
40:48So, we see a lazy person
40:50who doesn't even capable to build friends.
40:52Get a degree, find job, do something.
40:54Write down things that you trust about your partner.
40:57Florian, what'd you put?
40:59Everything, to be honest.
41:00But if you could give us just one specific.
41:03Suggest you something.
41:04I trust her, you know?
41:05Florian liked to pretend like there was no problem.
41:08He just kind of sugarcoats everything,
41:10like, everything's okay, everything's fine.
41:11No, it's not. That's why we're here.
41:13You're the one that's seen him behind my back.
41:15You're the cheater.
41:17If I've been cheating on you,
41:18like, you wouldn't even know
41:20because you're an idiot.
41:22To have one gringo to be a husband
41:24and another gringo to ****.
41:27American dream, baby.