• 2 days ago
🧡 Join Patara for another episode from Appalachia's Homestead~
🇺🇸 See you on the farm! 3~4~2025
❤️ Pray! Prep! Be Peaceful!

~ Unoffendable: https://amzn.to/40hQ3lH
~ Lodge 10 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3BgNNSI
~ Lodge 9 Inch Skillet: https://amzn.to/3mArcJL
~ Lodge Melting Pot: https://amzn.to/3ZoNMGs
~ Chainmail Scrubber: https://amzn.to/3MJjc2X
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter: https://amzn.to/3GAHZk6

🧡 Patara Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933

🧡 All music by Epidemic Sound


00:00so hey guys welcome to Appalachia's homestead welcome back to the channel
00:29give me a hug just got back from Aldi busy day got a video already ahead of
00:35this one and this one's going to follow and I'm sorry I'm gonna tell you I've
00:40been doing I've been doing you a favor I've been working a little ahead for you
00:43okay I'll explain in just a second I've been taste testing some things for you
00:47but welcome back to the channel hope you're doing great and splendid on this
00:51beautiful Tuesday afternoon waiting on these storms to roll in but
00:56listen I've missed the fire out of y'all and I think it's time that we just get
01:01right back into it don't you mm-hmm so much going on so much to talk about the
01:07news changes like every five minutes so here we are the Tuesday after the whole
01:13debacle that we saw last Friday this past Friday at the White House what a
01:19shrimpy gross puppet weasel okay okay so I'm gonna say some stuff in this
01:27video it's gonna be a little strong because I really honestly believe in my
01:31heart of hearts that what I think and what I say right now is resonating with
01:35the majority of Americans so if you're not American let me tell you right now
01:39let me go ahead and tell you right now I don't care how you feel what you think
01:42what you do if you see on social media and in our warped media at all that
01:49there is this presence of support for Ukraine and for us to continue to send
01:56our money and to all this crap and globalism and all this stuff I'm telling
02:01you right now you are being lied to on an epic scale okay when you get on
02:07Facebook and you get on Instagram or any social media even here on YouTube and
02:12you see comments and you might see I'm taste testing things it's gonna make
02:17sense excuse me so rude and you see these comments about oh yes we have
02:27that's all lies it's bots trolls paid people propaganda do we have some
02:33looney tunes that are that are basically wanting to you know go fight World War
02:383 well of course we do because the world has its evil demons and crazy
02:41people all the time and here's the thing let me go ahead and preface this because
02:45somebody's gonna say I'm this or I'm that this has nothing to do with with
02:50supporting a people in terms of this is not against Ukrainian people I happen to
02:57know a few and believe me they feel the same way I do imagine that they don't
03:04want all this crap so this is what I'm saying to you it is a massive fraud of
03:11all on the biggest scale and proportion that you've seen you have been under a
03:16minimum of three massive fraudulent things since 2020 we're talking about
03:24one there's two others I'll let you guess what those are but I'm pretty sure
03:27you already know so here's what I'm gonna say to you I as an American
03:31citizen as a taxpayer been here hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years if
03:37not further going back than that and here's the deal we're not for this
03:42America is not for war Americans don't want it don't get it confused in terms
03:49of what the American people want versus a very small section of people which is
03:54our wicked government people in wicked government thank God we have somebody to
03:59trying to do something about all of this but people in government is not the same
04:03thing as we the people okay so let's get that right just like when we think
04:07about people in the UK or I look at folks what's going on with you folks in
04:11Ireland do you really think I think you want what's going on in your country
04:15right now no I don't believe it at all and so again you're up against this
04:19major agenda in terms of evil government and globalist agendas so here let me
04:26speak it again so because so I'm sure this video will be suppressed or
04:29whatever Americans do not want war we do not want to send our sons and
04:36daughters to war we're not for it we want to take care of ourselves we want
04:42to be a solid sovereign nation in our own way we want the majority of
04:47Americans don't want anything to do with y'all business no we don't know get out
04:53of the EU stuff get out of the NATO stuff get out of the crap we want out we
04:59don't want anything to do with it what y'all do if you're for it go get you
05:04some go get it go get it y'all so great y'all got all these alliances and all
05:09these great deals and all this money so much money you have to come for us you
05:13know go ask them again go ask them again y'all so great live it up we don't want
05:18to have nothing to do with you so here's what I want to say to anybody that is in
05:22on thinking that we should be a part of this like I said the majority of the
05:29things that you see this is this is true deal here y'all fake fake fake the
05:37majority of Americans I say like I said I know a majority everybody's got a
05:40crazy cousin somewhere okay I know we don't anything do with it we want to get
05:45out of debt we want to save our people we want to feed our homeless we want to
05:49save our veterans we want to raise our children we want our children left a
05:54loan we want girls to be able to go out and play baseball and not get hit in the
05:58head by a ball by some dude who shouldn't be on the baseball team we
06:02just want to live our life okay that is what the major majority of Americans
06:07even if we don't agree on certain topics in terms of fine print this is what
06:13Americans want so when you see all this hot mess on social media it's fake
06:18they're lying to you it is a lie but for those of you that want to believe
06:23these things are true and are really happy about it and you're fired up you
06:27know you're you're full metal jacket let's go let's go let's go I did some I
06:31did some stuff for you today here's what I'm gonna say to you ready pack your
06:35sht and go go pack your sht and go we ain't stopping you I'm not stopping you
06:46if you're 18 years old and you think you know everything and you're so cute
06:51and you know how to handle yourself all you got to do is to go pack your little
06:56duffel bag and get on up out of here now here's the problem a lot of the people
07:02that are for all of this you know they think we should just send I don't know I
07:07don't know what you think what do you think do you think at all I don't think
07:10so see I think a lot of this is just fake so I feel like I'm just like
07:14talking to like I'm ghost in the graveyard like it's 1130 at night and
07:18all the kids are out you know in the middle of July playing ghost in the
07:21graveyard it's like it's just all this what insanity so here's the deal if you
07:26want to support the war in Ukraine and send the money do it go into your bank
07:32account send cash only though that's the requirement there can't be you got to
07:37send cash because it can't you know why I can't be traceable so get up on it go
07:43drain your account right now 401k trade in some silver if you got it go sell
07:50your your old underwear at that down thrift store whatever you get a dime you
07:55get a dime send it over you ain't sending ours okay we don't we don't want
08:01this anymore we can't afford this anymore but in addition to that you
08:05might want to start thinking of some snacks okay so I went to Aldi today and
08:09I was thinking of you so a couple things you might want to consider in your
08:13duffel bag okay it's packing some snacks I don't know if you can get your
08:16hands on some MREs but if you do you could do that but I was trying out
08:21these are the Himalayan dark salt almonds very very good you need that
08:26little zest of protein mm-hmm and that dark chocolate antioxidant mm-hmm very
08:33very good now the next one I want to hit on you for you now I'm not really big
08:37into peanuts I mean I like peanuts okay I like peanut butter but hmm the cashews
08:43are off the chain look at this so you get this little you get this little box
08:47and just like this look here hmm it's a trio throw one of those in there now the
08:52expiration date you know how us preppers are about expiration dates we really
08:56don't kind of believe them so I mean I think this is gonna last you longer than
09:00it says but I really want to encourage you if nothing else look at the size of
09:05these cashews okay okay I mean to tell you that is a cashew right there okay
09:12now remember when you get over there and you start going head-to-head with some
09:16drones or you start going head-to-head with some Russians they're gonna have
09:20walnuts bigger than that okay I mean these men don't they don't play around
09:24honey you might have to wrestle a bear while you're at it so you might want to
09:27consider some bear spray I don't know have you thought about that I doubt it
09:32okay now you might want to think about packing some ammunition have you have
09:37you fired off anything lately mm-hmm mm-hmm mm-hmm BB gun 22 I mean even
09:46mamaw can fire 22 from a recliner I mean I know my mamaw can so um if you haven't
09:52practiced you might want to go get some kombucha or something little cans of
09:56something spritzers and take them out somewhere and set them up and start
10:01you better be you better be target practicing because not only are you
10:04going to have to do that you might want to when you fire off you might want to
10:07run around and stop drop and roll because have you seen the drones that
10:10are gonna be coming at you epic situation there I mean I don't know how
10:16fast you can run can you can you run stop and drop and do 25 push-ups you
10:22know maybe do a couple of lunges I don't know you might want to start
10:26considering that and then all the while you are you have access to say some
10:30weaponry I don't know how you want to practice I'm not real familiar with some
10:34of the terrain so we could talk about that now this morning I got out my rain
10:38coat I have a little raincoat ready to go for tonight and tomorrow since I'm
10:42way out the outside working I probably have cashew in my tooth do I honey I'm
10:45sorry but I tested it for you I like the cashews in the dark chocolate almonds
10:49really high protein good snack good packer right there um but I'm just
10:55saying get your raincoat out might want to make sure it's lined in case it's a
10:58little extra breezy right and I would I would I would consider taking like a um
11:03just say you smell good for a day or two maybe pack in a little bit of a dryer
11:07sheet you know put stick them in the armpits and stuff or roll it up make you
11:11smell a little extra fresh over there you know what I'm saying now as far as
11:17you know your bag you got to start thinking about your feet too are you
11:21just gonna are you just gonna walk how are you gonna get over there you're
11:24gonna fly you gotta fly so I guess you could probably wear your boots now
11:28here's the thing I was thinking about this this morning I was I was listening
11:32to some Pearl Jam now even though I was getting into it and I was thinking about
11:37you because I thought a lot of these people that are for all of this they may
11:41be my age and they remember the early 90s the grunge don't you I wouldn't I
11:45wouldn't consider packing your flannel because you unless it's really really
11:49dark you might it might not blend in with the terrain because we were all big
11:53into like the red and the maroon type I wouldn't do that but you might be able
11:57to pull out your combat boots seeing a little cranberry stuff a little bit of
12:00Nirvana right now if there's metal in the toe I don't know about that you
12:04might want to speak to somebody about that I'm not big into that because if
12:07you wear boots around with like just a cow you know if they step on your foot
12:12and you've got the steel plate at the toe that's very very dangerous but back
12:17to what I was saying earlier as far as the MREs this is you know I'm into all
12:20the food prep stuff so if you take and you consider taking an MRE or a couple
12:25of them and throw just throw them in just throw them throw them in the bag
12:28baby because you're packing your you're going um a little hint I knew a guy that
12:33had some MREs and he was cycling through them and he was eating them up this has
12:38been a while but and I asked him I said oh my lord he said just put a little
12:42cheese on them I said really he said just put a little cheese on honey don't
12:47worry about it you're gonna be packed you're gonna be packed to the hilt with
12:50sodium and and nutrition he said just to kind of flavor it up a little bit just
12:54so you might want to consider taking some dehydrated cheese mm-hmm and seal
13:01it up do you know how to do that vacuum seal it cuz it might be a little while
13:05that you're over there okay I mean unless that drone takes you down I'm
13:08just saying you can sprinkle that on there just to give a little flavor okay
13:13um I don't know if you care if you stink or how bad your teeth look or what all
13:17that that all that stuff but I'm just trying to get you in focus on the cash
13:22that you're gonna need you know mama's thinking of a jacket and some snacks
13:26maybe some high-protein bars maybe some liquid IV packs to you know throw in
13:32there too to kind of boost you up a little bit I don't know but here's the
13:35bottom line if you want to go support this crap and all of the lies and fraud
13:39in World War three pack your shit and go I'm not offended by you take it over
13:48there let's see how hardcore the crazy towns of the EU and everywhere else
13:55stand up for you because the I guarantee you every dime I got which ain't much
14:00that the people of Europe oh yeah I want this yeah let's go do this no they're
14:08same as we are it is a small percentage of society that the devil is working on
14:19to come to conveniently dupe people that should be thinking I don't know what's
14:30in the water I don't know what's in the air but I have to sit and look at people
14:34sometime and I'm like do you really believe that do you want this and they're
14:39like well no I'm like see no nobody wants it Americans are done okay
14:45Americans are done anybody on YouTube that's telling you otherwise they're a
14:50bunch of crazy town loony tunes too anybody in your church circle trying to
14:55make you that you need you need it excuse me see oh really you send in your
15:03kid you're not are you you worthless piece of garbage you're not sending your
15:08cash are you no no you're gonna eat your um Domino's pizza tonight in the
15:13recliner and complain you're gonna have the you're gonna have the audacity to go
15:18out here and wave a different flag other than the flag that men and women have
15:22died for you to be under and you're you're supporting this crap again no
15:28ill will to the people of Ukraine no ill will to the people of Russia I'm telling
15:32you point-blank if you never see my videos again if you never see me again
15:37as an American woman mother of three sons and it wouldn't matter if I'm a
15:41mother or not somebody said to me once you only say this stuff because you've
15:44got three kids pardon my language step back five feet damn straight damn
15:49straight damn straight it is the mama bears of this country and the papa bears
15:54of this country that need to stand up and say no you ain't let me tell you
15:59something real quick in closing whether you believe it or not I don't really
16:02care I really don't get let me try peanut let me try peanut you like peanut
16:06okay okay okay you taught me into hmm pretty good you need a variety pack I
16:14change it up a little bit for you give you a little extra boost of energy
16:16sometimes this country's not going to do this mm-hmm huh this country's not going
16:24to do this this country's broke people are tired people have been sick people
16:30feel beat down and for you for anybody to front and act like we need to be
16:36doing something like this and we're gonna be sending our young people for to
16:41do the devil's work like this when it can be stopped today it go with me on
16:47that I mean obviously a lot of negotiations why would you not want to
16:52stop something like this that's insanity there will be war here I just
16:57spat that nut there will be war here in my personal opinion you would likely see
17:04war here before you'd ever see support for going over there maybe that's the
17:11endgame maybe that's what they want probably so because when the devil can't
17:16beat you he tries to tear you down slowly but surely definitely division is
17:24the ultimate conquering tool so let me say it to you again we're not doing it
17:34it's America first you folks over there wherever you are it should be for you it
17:40should be your people in your country first not invaders not globalists it
17:45should be your people first we support that my Ireland we see you we see you we
17:55see you we know we want peace and we want love we want prosperity we want
18:04people to get along if you can't jive with that and you're just itching for a
18:12fight be the badass you think you are and pack your stuff and go we're not
18:23doing it America first peace always like subscribe and share pray prep and be
18:34peaceful I never see you again just know I'm standing up for my children I'm
18:41standing up for this country I'm standing up for everyone's children and
18:45grandbabies go get you some we'll see how bad you are I'll see you on the next
