• 2 days ago

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Epic Games Support A Creator Code ➤ Fade3
00:00:00Val, Val, Val, if it isn't me, hello buncha. Sorry, why am I talking in an Indian accent guys?
00:00:07I'm not gonna lie, I've been watching a lot of Indian drama shows recently so
00:00:12Anyways, let's see
00:00:15Honestly, I think we have a lot of people outside in the hood today. Yeah, we do
00:00:18Haha, I had to literally tell them to get outside every day. They'd like to tuck up. Yo, look who it is
00:00:26Look who it is
00:00:28Back here, bro. Why are you hiding back here? Why are you hiding?
00:00:36Why are you hiding
00:00:41Such a way such a way sir. Yo, let me get this straight though. Why is y'all hiding back here though?
00:00:52That's what I'm saying like but we supposed to be the Avengers
00:00:58We don't have enough equipment. We don't have to Captain America
00:01:04We don't even have our man bro our man who knows our man we don't got
00:01:16You're like you might be Thor or some I like everybody everybody claimed their superhero
00:01:28I'm Thor
00:01:43Alright now the ops did complain that we were never outside deep and we're outside deep. Let's see if they work their move
00:01:49He's not even outside. Oh
00:01:52Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's definitely fruit sound
00:01:55That's definitely fruit town, that's fruit town
00:02:01On shady eighties for them
00:02:05He taught her talk about he tried to talk to a big homie, what's the deal?
00:02:12I'm trying to beg doing my big homie that nigga back door. My home. Yo, who's your big?
00:02:20No, no, no, no, no, no
00:02:28They killed me no
00:02:59Don't wanna know you not go back door me
00:03:05So y'all from Freetown and you doing all this yes
00:03:24I'll see my big brother man foot. I can't lie though. It's noon. Oh, but that was my body. I was trying to claim that
00:03:38Listen you need to worry. We're ready
00:03:47All right, drop the low for me drop the low
00:03:53He just do that ref I got that window
00:03:56Hey, I just got the job. I got the drop on him. Hey, where'd it work?
00:04:00Hey, where the Pope I present who you got the drop. I got the drop on baby face
00:04:04Where you from fruit town?
00:04:09Where yeah, come on, bro, we on that
00:04:12Yo, yo, yo, I got the drop on fruit time. Come on. We out
00:04:28Sure, I'm bro. I'm bro drop. What's the deal? Like you're that you got the drop on me. Yes, bro
00:04:34I got the drop on baby face
00:04:36Baby face, bro, bro
00:04:38Rolling on me, you know, he got more right now
00:04:43But you're so pussy, bro. I knew you always belong in the kitchen. Come on solo
00:04:49Yeah, I'm so BBS attest me. They're trying to bomb bro BP. We boutta go catch baby face
00:04:54All right, but not a do y'all think I'm just laying up
00:04:57He's doing it. Hey, they're texting me. They want me to be nah, we gonna meet solo and I'll pop out
00:05:08No, no, no, no, no, no, we're not sacrifice pop out. I need fuck. Oh
00:05:18Gang we need a driver who's gonna drive
00:05:47Can't drive bro. What somebody drive bro. Somebody drive
00:05:52Go go go. That's that blue Forge
00:05:55Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
00:05:59Right here right there
00:06:04Said fastest food. I know she is better. Hey, hey, hey, hey Nazir. You're gonna do the talking
00:06:14Yo me hey gang this right here
00:06:22I got game money ladies. I said I get money like this
00:06:29Use it what he's talking about how you got pipe my windows is tinny
00:06:34Where's you going? All right. Yeah, I guess they can see we got pipe. Oh, I know
00:06:44But you're sitting you're sitting in a car you're sitting in a car
00:06:49Your it is a tray Hoover on shady 80s that baby face in that car
00:06:55Yeah, come on hop out the car baby face go go get up on that right that's in my bone that's in my
00:07:03They gonna crash they gonna crash out they gonna crash out that's it bro, how do you even see the pole?
00:07:08They couldn't you know that I know that
00:07:14They're not gonna get little they gonna crash I promise you we go catch
00:07:18Well, baby face it really
00:07:20Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up
00:07:23Good. Got it. Got it. Come on. Come on, Nazir
00:07:28Give me the left
00:07:31Yeah, that's a Porsche how do you know who driving Porsches though
00:07:41Get it left. Yeah
00:07:43My head's not running the garage. You went in the garage. You wanna I just seen him. He went in the garage
00:07:47Reverse it reverse it
00:07:50Go straight
00:07:52Go ahead of that
00:07:55Yeah, he got a little y'all get that not his little ass Ram bar he in a Porsche I'm gonna catch that
00:08:02Fuck you. Hey, hey, just are you cool with him?
00:08:06Yeah, we cool. We cool with him. Yeah, I think he might be on to us, bro. How do you know?
00:08:11Well, I don't know like he just seems so off
00:08:29Tell him you got another pork
00:08:32Yeah, he's not gonna believe that bro, he's not they already trying to say he's not welcome in the hood
00:08:44They've been like they've been treating me right
00:08:55I'll call you as soon as I get in front of all right
00:08:58I want these niggas don't don't call them. Just text them game cuz it's gonna they're gonna be just text me
00:09:03But I ain't buying it bro. How do I'm trying to line me aside with his homie?
00:09:06No, they definitely a lot even today. I was gonna say they just had a date back there. They
00:09:11Wait, why don't a lot of backdoor shit going on because they say he was dick Ryan you feel me?
00:09:17So they killed Nuno
00:09:18Yeah, they said they got a new like they got a new big homie on some shit
00:09:22And I guess that nigga just I don't know but niggas been dick sucking him
00:09:25So they killed Nuno cuz Nuno said why y'all niggas dick Ryan?
00:09:29We was on the phone with Nuno right before he died. I'm bro, really
00:09:33Yeah, man. Yeah, we was in the mansion on the phone with Nuno like like a hour
00:09:36I said they really killed him right and it's up there with him
00:09:39So don't say I think they really own that yeah, they really killed Nuno they said they killed him right in a hood
00:09:46No, this show my niggas run
00:09:54Let's get crazy come on donkey
00:09:58What's the deal
00:10:01What you are bounce out that core
00:10:05Swing the door
00:10:07Swing the door keep in the car with your bitch ass. Who's this right here to the right?
00:10:13He with him. He was just talking crazy. He was a sneaky
00:10:18Yo, I get me bitches y'all play homies
00:10:24How'd I play hey, what's the deal player
00:10:28What's the
00:10:37I've been waiting for like two minutes down y'all niggas ain't on shit
00:10:42What's the move right now? How about the car?
00:10:53What's the deal come on, let's do it
00:11:01Yeah, yeah, he's in the gray red
00:11:04Red eye, we already know. Yeah, he should be around me
00:11:09Great he got
00:11:11I think so. Yeah
00:11:16He got bread on him he got bun on him is it great is it great though? Hey, hey great red eye
00:11:20Let's get up on it. Oh, I just don't buy it. Just don't buy it. Come on
00:11:25Let's get that shit
00:11:27Come on, bro. We might as well outside the plate right now. I'm here. Let them come here, but they're not gonna come here right now
00:11:34Are these cops though? It's not a mess
00:11:39That's crazy, no, no, that's cop that's cop see that
00:11:45Let's see
00:11:47You guys
00:11:49Fuck y'all guns. Fuck y'all guns. I can't even see the tint windows tinted brother. Don't burn his father actually
00:11:59It was a deal and what happened over here
00:12:02And they killed a black body nigga
00:12:06Yeah, it's shoreline shoreline they are you
00:12:11Tell yeah, I am
00:12:13This uncle. Oh, yeah, you know that
00:12:18Yeah, you know that
00:12:20You just shot this bitch up though. Yeah, go listen to my new diss track, you know, it's out on all platforms
00:12:26Did he just self-promote himself? What are you doing?
00:12:30Would you dissing that song y'all niggas
00:12:36You know who we are we messed up in this job no, I don't I can't see shit
00:12:43No, who's this though, you know, what is it?
00:12:52Okay, thank you
00:12:55This was not our work we would not have done this lame shit. We all know that
00:13:00Yeah, y'all want to take out no block buddy, right? No
00:13:05But I like like you little Ron, you know, that's the thing bro much amazing like that
00:13:11These don't feel my pain for Dino bro. Swear to God
00:13:21I ain't do shit nigga. That was my homie
00:13:25What no, I'm not talking over bro. Hey officer my you're fucking big
00:13:34No, no, I don't
00:13:39Now but on some real shit bro, Rory claimed the body of Dino, you know
00:13:49Yeah, you got that spot
00:13:53You know the 80s a little shady 80s
00:13:59Solo I can't hear you my nigga. You're gonna talk or what do
00:14:04You cannot
00:14:07Go get in hurry up. We got they got cops on a blood
00:14:13No, no, no, I go go back go back. Go back. Go back. Go back. I'm going back
00:14:17I'm going back because I'm not gonna let them run out. I'm gonna constantly we're killing these killing that nigga. Yeah
00:14:25Somebody make a number one car. Why are you up in your blower?
00:14:31My bad, we got a couple niggas that's all from shady 80s right there solo for shady 80s. Yeah, you solo do
00:14:38Me with the braids. That's all I know. I'm crying. Well, you know, this is right here with the with the them weak-ass braids
00:14:47Dang, yes, this is eco
00:14:50Why is he going?
00:14:52I don't know game
00:14:54So I my thing is this right? How did y'all claim? No, no, sir. Yeah back door. No, no
00:15:01Yeah, bro
00:15:02Homie Dino back. I don't even know gang. I came back from a fucking vacation and that nigga was dead
00:15:08They talking about they back door him and I don't even know gang
00:15:16You know, you know, it was our body right and who we on the phone with right there
00:15:22It's not running the house. You see that?
00:15:24He's he's right there. He's running right now. Go get him. You don't get him. Go eat him
00:15:27Come on, you don't get him go get him. You're gonna get him go get him before he goes in the house
00:15:31Hurry up
00:15:34Get in ready
00:15:36This fucking EMS right here. Yeah, it's not cops. Yeah, maybe that's still crazy
00:15:42Yo, yo
00:15:44You from right here in
00:15:46Okay, so look hey, come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. I
00:15:50I mean
00:15:53I'm talking to y'all to help backdoor fruits on game. Oh
00:15:57What I know orange hoodie over there
00:16:01That's the fact it was like
00:16:03Who's that?
00:16:06No, that's a hangar on game
00:16:20You know
00:16:22Hey reverse real quick
00:16:25Go to a
00:16:27Little homie go to go to them go to them. Well, homie go up there
00:16:33Yeah, that's baby face and I and I TRX I
00:16:41Where's the TRX home, but where's baby? Wait, wait, I'm gonna call baby faces. Come on. I prefer to catch
00:16:46I prefer to catch uncle Mo
00:16:50I mean, let's run from the back. Let me try to bring that doorbell
00:16:53Ring the doorbell. He said yo, and he doesn't have a camera in this house. I'm probably doing the terrorists right there
00:17:00Do you watch right there where?
00:17:03Go go go go lock it in block it in right there
00:17:09Bro, we travel
00:17:13That's baby face in there, right
00:17:15Yeah in that car
00:17:17Hey, baby face in that car, right?
00:17:20Yeah, and that's good and ask a all right bet. Yeah, they're gonna come over
00:17:32Yeah, we're good
00:17:34It's the deal you don't want to clap
00:17:40Get it get it get it get it
00:17:44Dumbass boy
00:17:47There's seven of them damn I felt it
00:18:00Oh, you don't even feel good killing fruit on the morn
00:18:07It don't
00:18:29You ran you ran in a Porsche
00:18:59Frontline don't not the back way. Hey, man. What's up, dude? I can get your number, bro. Who is you?
00:19:08What you say who is you this is recovery they call me patches patches
00:19:19After you are the one hiding in the house Gerber from your Gerber from
00:19:24Val Val Val watch your mouth bunch on
00:19:49Look for a baby blue car. Hey, we just don't blame that bitch when I come through no
00:19:52No, no, wait for wait for them to hop out. There's a baby blue car
00:20:01Guys the app is literally working with us
00:20:07What the fuck is that y'all don't see that car right there
00:20:17Hey solo
00:20:20Hey D in the back they say he said he in the back and I'm in the back
00:20:23What the fuck is this
00:20:28Burst I'm popping these fences. I say you're gonna tell me he's gonna take you say you're gonna tell me
00:20:34He say you're gonna tell me when they come
00:20:49I see it. I see it. I see the blue car look through the fences
00:20:56That's it. It's right there. It's back there. It's back there or shady. He's just right there. I see I see I see
00:21:18Bro, y'all wanna hop out and school the car
00:21:24Right do what we do we kill the back door and we kill the back door, too. I
00:21:28Don't want to kill the back door though. I don't want to kill the back door
00:21:35No, no, we need him we need him for future. Hey look for a line for a minute. Yeah, there's nobody else
00:21:42Everybody go for lines if you're not
00:21:44Wanna see you back here
00:22:00Now there's nobody in that blue window
00:22:05The left side far left what does he mean by that? Yeah, that's on the right side right there
00:22:09That's on the right side. I just seen a black horseman drive bar. It's a
00:22:14Backdoor me if he said no, I'm not gonna give it back to her left. That's that corner. We was waiting there
00:22:23They should be on the other side of these apartments over here you're hearing these fucking cops. Yeah. Yeah
00:22:27Yeah, the stamina shit all day. I can't lock. Hey somebody come on real quick. I gotta hold on. Come here
00:22:35Come on come on. Oh, yeah, come on. Oh my
00:22:38God oh my god
00:22:47Dog dog dog dog
00:22:51Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I got it wrong I got it
00:22:54If you do find the car on the driver in the back and the backseat aim for a driver in the backseat
00:23:08Tell me see you to die. Tell me see you the actual he better jump out of the car. Can we flame that whole shit up?
00:23:43Did right there they're right there. They're right there. They're right there. They're trying to scoop the hood
00:23:51They hear to hear to hear
00:24:09To hear to hear to hear I hear them. I hear them. I hear them. I hear them. I hear them
00:24:14Hey, I hear them. I hear them. I hear them
00:24:17They hopped in they driving away. They dropped that way. They're driving away
00:24:33But why is it always me doing trips
00:24:38The options here option here. Yes, brother spinning a time get off the roof. I'm gonna say somebody's on the roof gang
00:24:47Get your get your ninja turtle ass down. Hey, you got it. You got other people spinning. You got a black car spinning you
00:24:54Yeah, yes, I'm pretty
00:25:02It I same black the same blood for their
00:25:05Assessing. All right. Hey, hey, bruh. If you ain't got a pole king at a pole back here get up in the front blue shit
00:25:11See that blue shit was definitely somebody in there
00:25:14Now that blue shit still there look
00:25:17Can y'all not see them?
00:25:20Who's here next to us?
00:25:22Shadows of feet now. I see you talking about it. I can't see
00:25:28285 yeah, that's cool. Yeah, what's up?
00:25:34You got that what's car you have one house to come on
00:25:43You might have to hush hush watch out for a white car
00:25:51Could Joey grip I need shit
00:25:56You see the homie now you see him
00:26:33Yeah, I think I think you feel like
00:26:42We in the blue car and for the driver in the backseat we drove off
00:26:47I'll tell him if they park up and tell him to send the die little flush that bitch
00:26:54Yeah, we can go slide on the minute
00:26:57No, no, no, we just we just spit on them. You just put on them. We kill. Uh, they don't come on
00:27:05By the way, I was
00:27:11Said they scared they don't want to spin. He said we at the gas station. We have to gas station at the gas station
00:27:19Okay, wait at the gas station. Yeah, they pulling gas. Yeah, I want to go flush it. Yeah, we can go flush them now
00:27:34Chasing the car down
00:27:43Hey get that corner get that corner
00:27:55That's the homie right up in the back right there
00:28:01Okay, so how did our number of homies that we got in the front go down I'm saying
00:28:08I'll just spread out. Okay, that's fine. That's fine. Just spread out. That's fine. No niggas need to be easily identifiable
00:28:15They need to be more than six
00:28:33I'm saying I like what niggas
00:28:35Jump the gate
00:28:43They said backyard bandits
00:28:54See me load about I'm gonna run around to see if I can see that corner
00:28:57We're talking about PD just pull through that bitch though. Oh
00:29:01That's another thing that make it hard for
00:29:05Hey, I hear car
00:29:35You want to stay behind this
00:30:18Call the car up
00:30:31I'm saying niggas
00:30:43The next set of old broken cars he said
00:30:47All broken cars, oh that's not that he hopped out they hopped out that's behind us right? That's right. That's right here look
00:30:56Where's the dot where's the dot at where's the dot the dot is right there right there right there
00:31:00I thought broken down car. Yeah. Yeah
00:31:03All the way far right at the end of the corner down that way
00:31:08I'm a car and they are feet. They got a fence to get to the car
00:31:16Where they at where they at straight this direction like right here at this little garage behind the white garage
00:31:28See one behind it who that is
00:31:33Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, they're in the back who's running from across the street then
00:31:37Nigga in the backyard in a gray jacket though. I see a black car and that black SUV spinning right now
00:31:44Doors open I said doors open
00:31:55Look they're in the alley. I see they blue car. They just pulled up some more a straight over there straight right here
00:32:02Hit the left side
00:32:19But that is damn
00:32:26No, you're gonna get back hey a goofy nigga from fruit time with a baby ran they hopped in Iran
00:32:32Yeah, I told you I told you they wouldn't
00:32:51You go back to the Friday
00:33:17Why the fuck do I keep face plan because they keep being in the way when you're trying to land
00:33:41But he's he's saying stop sending scouts to us
00:33:48Just keep walking I mean, yeah
00:33:52I keep going up there. That's all it is. It's unironically. I mean
00:33:58Not unironically. Yeah, ironically
00:34:05They just happen to be running up there changing the color of the car little does he know again, yeah
00:34:10You know, we know his homeboy
00:34:21Now I know what it was is because they they back door do you know analysis homie?
00:34:29Black house back in the joke by the back and do by the back and went to the right side Joe by the back
00:34:35It's going around all the way around
00:34:37People have a go
00:35:07So crazy like what's going on game that's feeling the harm not getting close
00:35:21I don't know, but it can get the size you getting closer and closer
00:35:24Look out for a brown tan car. You hear me fellas brown tan car. What?
00:35:30Look out for a brown tan car fellas brown
00:35:36Broth they're gonna come from the back. Why don't we just meet them in the back already and just hide cuz
00:35:43They're gonna do that. We're at that EPA said yesterday. They're gonna be flexing that they're gonna be flexing that you button
00:35:54You guys did that to me t3 and solo yesterday, bro
00:36:09Know what? I just thought of where the fuck is easy
00:36:21He said we're at the gas station right now they plotted y'all no, no, they just they just went that way that
00:36:35Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the way point that's a person they're walking down
00:36:48You're walking over
00:36:53Here the car I hear the car right there I hear the car I didn't seen a car drive off
00:37:13He said never mind these boys are sitting behind a tree they dead scared
00:37:18What tree they drove off yeah
00:37:26That was them in that car, right I said it's dry cars a distraction
00:37:34Okay, I'm pretty I think it's in the engine off I don't think
00:37:40That's what they drove off
00:37:46Said a red for door. That's what I said. I did I did I did I did right here
00:37:56Just call me a red car. Oh, yo, we're new. We're deep in hood. Hey record. No, but the docks is here
00:38:02They still here. They still here
00:38:06I'm staying in the car. They're still here. They're still here. They're still here
00:38:13Where are they though? That's not it. I was a black right there
00:38:23Have to die I have to die but I ain't got it. Where is it? You know, I can't
00:38:31You know what I mean, right? Yeah
00:38:34Open imagine. Oh, okay. So, you know
00:38:40There are okay to go I don't know oh no he shared another one
00:38:46Setway point behind a big-ass tree. He said, okay. So you you guys know where what's called? This is a big history
00:38:55Okay, so, you know what that bridges?
00:38:57Yeah, they're right there in between
00:39:01Up there they over here game
00:39:17I can't see him. They're here. They're here. They're here though. They're here
00:39:29They came back they came back they came back he said they came back
00:39:33Bro, let's flush that car. I'm missing that low to the car. I know what a car is. Come here. Follow me. Come on
00:39:40Come on, come on
00:39:46At the station
00:39:59They move in he said they move in they're gone I
00:40:03Can't see them. Wait, so they are still they're on foot
00:40:07There's somewhere on foot gang come on
00:40:16I heard Francis right here
00:40:29Who was that
00:40:31Who was that?
00:40:32That has to be that game that has to be them. He said a brown tan car not a red car
00:40:37But he said a red car did pull through
00:40:43Yo, they're pushing up from like the back right side
00:40:50Bro the car they took that bitch under a bridge bro. I'm sitting under
00:40:57Not hell not so which way did they come from
00:41:02Are they come
00:41:05Yeah, we get back to them before they find out we were stuck Meyer
00:41:13They back at the car
00:41:24Come on
00:41:45Was died you're down here. They're down here somewhere. Yeah, the red car was parking down here. Yeah
00:41:50I know I was I don't know did you're down here back home with the parkers? Oh
00:41:55I see them. I see how you see them
00:42:00They bounce out that load they get a school run my mama come on
00:42:11Get out the bush gang get out the bush
00:42:20Are they to our right feet are they jumping over shit?
00:42:24Yeah, they might be to our right
00:42:26On the other side of the fence ain't it? Yeah, no, no, they still moving. It's the move in the car
00:42:30Okay, I promise you gang. There's this and niggas from down here
00:42:34They hopped in they saying it's BPS spinning
00:42:38BPS is spinning BPS is spinning in that record in that record. Yeah, I
00:42:45See BPS I see BPS over you to the right to the right to the right they don't be they don't be no
00:42:49No, not this day. They're parking it. They're parking it
00:43:02Thought that corner bitch, yo, shut up algae
00:43:06Shut up, I'm short
00:43:09Hey, I I love you brother, man. Oh you too, bro. We're gonna be good. We don't get out of this. Don't you worry buddy?
00:43:15Oh, hey. Oh
00:43:20And if you are a poppy myself, what the fuck I'm just playing
00:43:26Really just trying to hear a gunshot
00:43:28I'm saying but I don't want to work their move man
00:43:39Come through and drive by on these niggas they want the Paul poppers game. They want the factors
00:43:44They not getting this game, but how do they know necessarily we now want one of those in that
00:43:51So where these futon niggas at though I hear anymore I
00:43:58Watch behind us too much my watch behind us
00:44:05He said yes, I asked if he stopped spinning and they said not yet
00:44:09All right, they might be around the corner how much time do these niggas need to bust them?
00:44:14Yeah, you know, they try to do the job. I said a job right to the driveway
00:44:18They know this could be their last drill. They nervous. Hey, it's my watch point. Somebody was wrong. He said they noticed
00:44:25Mom mom mom if you stand in front
00:44:31Of the hood we on the left
00:44:34Okay, so he said in front of the hood down the left so they come from that
00:44:48Can't see where I was dark as hell
00:44:55Yo, yo, you know with the low EMS EMS man says yeah where yeah, that's where they had a day right there right now
00:45:03See right there
00:45:07Yes, bro, yeah, yeah, yeah, they're saying that that corner
00:45:12That rack
00:45:21They shot from all the way down there, oh, you're pussy. They're pussy. They're pussy. I'm gonna get in the bush
00:45:31Think they're chasing them. They're chasing them
00:45:35I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. I got
00:45:41Oh, yeah, good. Yeah good. I saw like to drive
00:45:49Yeah, yeah
00:45:54Picking up from these bushes they could see us. Nah, we're the word nigga get get behind the wall or some shit. Yeah, you're bugging
00:46:01Hey, we ain't sure they can GSR test us, but they can't search us
00:46:07Got my stuff down, but you know how these cops be moving. Yeah
00:46:45All right, but who walking in this house
00:46:49Man I had to use the bathroom real quick, you know, I didn't go take a piss
00:46:52Oh, no, no, no, no, I asked a little gem over there if I could use the bathroom real quick
00:46:58No in our house, so what are you bringing J's to the hood?
00:47:05No, no, no, no, no over there. They said it'll tell her, you know, I go use the bathroom real quick
00:47:10No was Hannah being charged to police and you know, I got that small blower, you know
00:47:20Not the bottle my nigga bro, I heard a car back I did that I don't know where that came and what me but
00:47:29It's all good, but he's that they're too far paper, but someone was back over there in the corner
00:47:36Sorry, yes, sir. Yeah, don't don't don't come to this house again. I'm gonna take those four fives on your feet and spank
00:47:42They shut out you with them
00:47:49Respectful in that view I just I just need to use the bathroom
00:47:52Yeah, like I said, I could make that walk all the way over there about to pee myself
00:47:58My house
00:48:01Yeah, you know
00:48:03My god, you robbed the homie. Oh my god. You have the homie. Oh my god. They're right here, right?
00:48:09This is it right here
00:48:11This is a tough spin though and how they should set up almost bunch or come on get upon that we used to live
00:48:17I know I know I know bitch. Yeah
00:48:19See this game right here. You can shoot through that shit. You should do that gate
00:48:24So, what are you at caught him up like what's the deal we outside you're here right now and you are not even outside bunch
00:48:33Call him that exactly bunch or
00:48:40I'm in your hood. Where you at bunch off. Somebody called me. Where you at? I'm a yo-yo. Where you at?
00:48:50So we shooting them or robbing them
00:48:53No, they're not getting robbed they know here
00:48:59All right, so we bouncing out right
00:49:32Oh, yeah, they're gone they're gone they're gone they're gonna go back to their head. That's it right there
00:49:43Is that the same car
00:50:15Don't know
00:50:19So y'all didn't just
00:50:23What's your name?
00:50:24What's your name? Really? Me? Yeah, it is barley and what about you to the left?
00:50:30Yeah factors
00:50:38You're a little homie so y'all not back where your boy your big homie yet
00:50:41I wish I could tell him right now. Call him up right now
00:50:55Alright what's the deal?
00:51:11Yeah, I didn't kill the other one
00:51:17That's bully that we just clap tell him we clap bully
00:51:31What's up with them niggas though, what were we on?
00:51:41Let me get three
00:52:16That nigga just died trying to like overly like I don't know again, he just died
00:52:20He's just dead bro. Like just go help the nigga gang and you lucky we was
00:52:24The nigga would have been dead too
00:52:29Were you talking to there wasn't
00:52:38Get up on
00:52:41I wanna get up on short easy. No
00:52:46What what's that factor from shoreline though, what's his name? I don't know I want to rob him I want to rob him
00:52:52Who did the trophy? I don't know. I don't know what his name is
00:52:56We've been bit we've been put up in a bag right here right here get upon it. Come on
00:53:17The windows crack or the big homie on Shady 80s
00:53:41Let him pull out let him pull out
00:53:46What the who and the King Ron is gonna there you go
00:53:51Yeah, yeah, where's that big homie?
00:54:12I'm about to do
00:54:14Master right there
00:54:36Come here come here
00:54:37Don't move don't move don't move don't move
00:54:40I'll say the 80s get up on that wall get up get up on that back wall on city 80s
00:54:44Come on, come on. I'll say the 80s get up on that back wall
00:54:47Come on
00:54:50Come on come on you right you right you gonna catch up you're gonna catch a straight
00:54:56I'll say the 80s. I'll say the 80s get up on that wall
00:55:10Come on come on. Come on. I'm watching them. I'm watching go ahead tap all their pockets. Go ahead
00:55:20Yo, the homie the homie gotta get right
00:55:24Shut up shut up shut up you hang with him you die with him. Oh my mama. Come on
00:55:32What's your name right here, what's your name right here?
00:55:35Richie Richie, let me tell you something next time y'all come through this hood. It's gonna get wicked for y'all on shady 80s
00:55:49Watch them watch them
00:56:34Said on the floor
00:57:05What what you say
00:57:07You got it, bro. Hey, this is one for your kneecap. Next time you come to my hood on shady 80s. That's a head tag
00:57:14Come on. Oh my god, you get to shot him in the chest. We gone. No, I shot him in the knee
00:57:23Scalati my laddie
00:57:26Melania what go?
00:57:29All you just have some work on and I have yeah
00:57:34Right, I was saying I just took 17 bags of coke. Yo, yo, yo
00:57:40Hold on and we tell your ass
00:57:43Yeah, I came back through cuz you know, I'm trying to I'm trying to get some stuff happening, you know
00:57:48I was wondering if I could bring you this right here. Okay. Come here. Come here. Yes. Are you how much money you got?
00:58:08Hey, I'm gonna get you, right
00:58:10Yo, you go. Yeah
00:58:12Like I said, I got a little bit of that and a little bit of you know
00:58:15If you hey go saw that and bring my money back and I got you with a job
00:58:20For show for show here. Let me let me show you what I've been working on though
00:58:23Like I'm gonna be a strap, you know, I'm saying you trying to get you trying to be running out on me
00:58:31Can't say, you know strike but I could definitely get you right on
00:58:35You give me like maybe some like a stick and poke him with this
00:58:39Go, so they go start at work and I'll come back. You got a job here
00:58:44All right for show for show. All right, man. Well, what's the prices for your stuff?
00:58:48You know, you probably see a thing man. I said, that's a bag of each. It's a gram in each
00:58:54Okay, okay for show like, you know, what's your average market
00:58:59120 okay. Yeah. Yeah work your move on can you be I all right. All right for sure. I
00:59:06Come back though. I want to see I want to see some money though
00:59:10Don't make me come out there and get your ass
00:59:16Yeah, like light on Joe
00:59:20Who's this?
00:59:22This is a deputy chief guy selling with LAPD, man. Well, ho
00:59:27LAPD calling you. Where are you right now? Where am I right now?
00:59:32Yeah, I'm in the Hollywood Hills right now
00:59:35Hollywood Hills, what are you doing today, man? Whatever whatever your plans been today?
00:59:40Have you been for like the last 40 minutes my last 40 minutes? Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm
00:59:47I'm be honest been chilling drinking coffee
00:59:50Were you involved in a shots-fire call over by the hospital like 30 minutes ago
01:00:01Why is your name why is your name on this phone huncho snoochie on this phone what you mean
01:00:08That's what the number is saved as I don't know. They probably got me say this a bunch of snoochie
01:00:14All right, man
01:00:15Like I said when you already turn yourselves in
01:00:18Like I said when you already turn yourselves in let us know make this easy for y'all
01:00:22We're not turning shit in we ain't even do nothing
01:00:26Who's we what you mean?
01:00:29You said yeah, when you say we who's we yeah. Yeah, so I said we
01:00:37Look at you look at you something
01:00:42Hey LAPD a LAPD just caught my phone LAPD
01:00:48Hey, what happened? They say there's a double homicide day. We was involved in at the at the hospital
01:00:56We school did we kill two people
01:01:04Accident shot accident shot wait now Ron Ron Ron Ron the cops coming
01:01:25Now you're getting
01:01:34Get the fuck out
01:01:51My god
01:02:04And everything I need help yeah, I'm showing you shit
01:02:16What the fuck
01:02:25We're didn't Oh
01:02:37My god what what I guess the cops are doing this
01:02:58Show me some hand
01:03:00We didn't do anything wrong
01:03:03We didn't do anything wrong
01:03:05We didn't do anything wrong we didn't do anything wrong
01:03:36Wait, what do we do?
01:03:44We didn't do anything you're burning you're gonna home you're gonna
01:03:51Okay, open it we didn't do anything wrong officer
01:03:59How many taser cartridges does he have
01:04:01How many taser cartridges does he have
01:04:20In the car in the car later, bitch
01:04:25What he's immediately shooting
01:04:29No, he's constantly doing anything
01:04:32Jesus Christ
01:04:35They be bored game
01:04:38All right guys, well listen that's gonna wrap it up for this video. Thank you guys so much for watching
01:04:42I hope you enjoyed this short little episode not too shabby. Not too long. All right, but I'm gonna wrap this off here on shady
01:04:4880s. I love y'all shady 80s on shitty 80s
01:04:52I like I don't take care of yourselves and
01:04:55Thanks again for dropping in and we hope you've enjoyed the evening as much as we've enjoyed having you here
01:05:01till next time please drive carefully and
01:05:04Good night now
