90 Day Fiance S10 E13
00:00:00Previously on 90 Day Fiancé.
00:00:05It's starting to feel like the old Jasmine and Gino when things were good and we were
00:00:12happy and having a good time together.
00:00:15That's what I wanted to bring back.
00:00:16I really look forward to bring your kids over here soon.
00:00:20I would like to have one child of my own.
00:00:24I'm not ready.
00:00:31Oh my God.
00:00:32This is Citra's mom.
00:00:33My mom's side, they were really religious.
00:00:35Part of me wants to keep Citra and my mom apart.
00:00:39Hopefully she just doesn't say obscene things.
00:00:42So are you having a Muslim ceremony?
00:00:44Yeah, because he's going to confront me.
00:00:47What would happen if Sam didn't want to do it?
00:00:50Would he get to still marry you?
00:00:52Yeah, I'm not going to talk to you again, maybe.
00:00:58I did all this sex experimenting when I was younger.
00:01:01I'm ready to settle down.
00:01:03I talk about these things in the future.
00:01:05So after we're married and we have our vows, you want to do these threesomes?
00:01:12Why can't I say my fiancé what I'm feeling, what I want?
00:01:23Can you, like, help me figure this out?
00:01:25Like, I'm noticing Manuel doesn't really like to spend money on himself.
00:01:29It's not like, if I work, I work, I work, all the savings.
00:01:32You also have to have fun, you also have to have fun.
00:01:34I know, I understand that.
00:01:36But she knew with the package that was coming, she had to be responsible.
00:01:39He's trying to dictate how I spend my money.
00:01:41I don't like that.
00:01:44I'm worried about the others, you're worried about yourself instead.
00:01:47I take responsibility for myself.
00:01:49I take a lot of offense to that, and I might cry.
00:02:00This whole not telling her dad thing is also causing her to essentially hide you from her life.
00:02:07Really, what I truly want to do is be like,
00:02:11hey, Emily, you need to do it kind of like now, or I'm going to do it myself.
00:02:18Nada que dices tiene sentido.
00:02:21Voy a hablar con mi papá cuando quiera.
00:02:23Okay, so cuando quiera.
00:02:25I'm just gonna wait.
00:02:27I don't want to talk to you.
00:02:37This is where you live?
00:02:39For now.
00:02:40You basically moved yourself into a man cave.
00:02:42If you've never lived on your own and had to do it on your own,
00:02:45then shut up.
00:02:47You don't know what the hell being at the bottom is unless,
00:02:49and whenever you have ever been at the bottom,
00:02:51you just make a phone call and you're back up.
00:02:53That's easy enough for you guys, but I don't have that.
00:03:11Y'all just want to f***.
00:03:13Y'all just want to f***.
00:03:15Judge, judge, judge, and act like y'all been through it all.
00:03:18That's bulls***.
00:03:28I'm sorry, I've tried so hard to like him,
00:03:30but he is Rob the frigging Knob, and he always will be.
00:03:33But listen, let's go to lunch, get out of here.
00:03:36My legs are shaking, I've got adrenaline, I don't want to kick them for him.
00:03:39Calm down.
00:03:40We don't need to bring out angry Claire.
00:03:42I'm not angry, Claire. No.
00:03:45I asked Rob so many times, please be nice to my mum,
00:03:48and his reply was, I always am.
00:03:50I've never not been nice to your mum, and this is the proof.
00:03:52He's not nice to my mum.
00:03:54Like, my mum came in, she was very respectful.
00:03:56Rob was the one that started taking everything my mum was saying
00:03:59as an attack, which wasn't the case.
00:04:01And Rob snapped and just was like, oh, you guys are family, aren't you?
00:04:05Oh, this, that, how can you talk to me like that?
00:04:07And it's like, absolutely ridiculous like a child.
00:04:09Like, grow up. My mum came in trying to be nice.
00:04:11He is the problem.
00:04:15Everybody got an opinion, but ain't nobody out here doing it themselves.
00:04:18I'm doing it myself. I'm doing it myself.
00:04:21Nobody else.
00:04:23I don't got no roommate, I don't got no parents helping me out.
00:04:26I don't got nothing. I'm just doing it on my own.
00:04:29Neither of them have anything close to the idea of what it's like
00:04:33to live your life, and no, if you don't hold it down, that's your ass.
00:04:38You'll be on the street.
00:04:41Nobody's coming to save you.
00:04:43They don't have a clue what that looks like or what that feels like.
00:04:47It's just a slap in the face, because life's been hard as...
00:04:50and y'all two sitting here trying to tell me what I should be doing.
00:04:54They make me sound like I'm just living in squalor.
00:04:57Like, get the f*** out of here with that s***.
00:05:00And it's mad disrespectful to walk into my house
00:05:03and tell me what I'm supposed to do.
00:05:05They can't accept that they're not right.
00:05:08They can't accept that they're not just an absolute always right person.
00:05:12He keeps talking about us as they.
00:05:15They. They.
00:05:17Sorry, I'm sorry.
00:05:19He keeps talking about us as they. They. They.
00:05:22Sorry, I'm like his fiancée. What the f***?
00:05:25Just ignore him. Oh, shut up.
00:05:27Just talk over him.
00:05:29I'm working on it. I still want better. I'm not satisfied.
00:05:32I feel like Rob is jealous about my upbringing.
00:05:35I feel like he tells me all the time how he's had it really difficult
00:05:39and I should be lucky that I...
00:05:41Like, here's the thing, I'm very grateful about my upbringing.
00:05:44I'm your fiancée. I'm not someone that you should be jealous of.
00:05:47I just feel like he has this weird resentment to me
00:05:50that I was raised differently from him.
00:05:53Also, please. I forgot my little bonnet.
00:05:56OK, let's go. I forgot something, but whatever.
00:06:04I'd be so depressed if I was so upset at what I don't have.
00:06:09I can hear you talking and I feel like you're being extremely disrespectful.
00:06:14I'm not trying to be disrespectful.
00:06:16No, listen, I apologise if it pissed you off what I was saying.
00:06:19I'm not going to take back what I said.
00:06:21I apologise that I raised my voice with you,
00:06:23so let's just leave it at that for now.
00:06:25If you don't mind, I'd like Sophie to stay with me tonight.
00:06:28That's fine. Right, cool.
00:06:42It feels like Sophie's not on my team.
00:06:44She's going to go stay the night with her mom now
00:06:46after we just had this huge argument.
00:06:48Instead of worrying about, is Rob OK?
00:06:50She doesn't care.
00:06:52She only cares about what she's thinking.
00:06:54And now her mom is co-signing her, so she's co-signing her mom.
00:06:57Now they're just on the same team together and they're feeling good.
00:07:00They're feeling like they got me in a good corner
00:07:03and they're making me sound stupid and Rob better fix it.
00:07:06There's not one thought in Sophie's mind right now
00:07:09about, that's my future husband.
00:07:12Maybe I should be worried about fixing this.
00:07:27I'm not supporting you because I'm not just sending dollars
00:07:30and dollars and dollars to your family.
00:07:32They got to wait.
00:07:34We're having a wedding.
00:07:36They got to wait.
00:07:38And I'm over the conversation.
00:07:41Over it.
00:08:01You OK?
00:08:03I'm OK.
00:08:07Yes, Manuel, I went to the bathroom.
00:08:12Jonathan, can you hand me your purse, please?
00:08:14Mi bolsa, por favor.
00:08:20Vamos. Let's get you to the airport
00:08:22and then, Manuel, you'll just come with me.
00:08:24OK? Vamos. Vamos.
00:08:27Yo no sé ni qué dijo, ni qué...
00:08:37I've always felt empathetic about Manuel's situation.
00:08:40I think what still triggers me
00:08:42is that sometimes I don't feel like I get that same empathy back.
00:08:46I got you over here on a K1 with no lawyer,
00:08:49no cosigner, on my own back.
00:08:52You came here with a backpack.
00:08:54I had to clothe you, feed you,
00:08:56make sure you're safe, hold on.
00:08:59I'm not asking you to... my ass.
00:09:01I'm just asking for some acknowledgement.
00:09:07She needs to come back out.
00:09:12So I, like, come back out.
00:09:14Yo me quedo, tigre.
00:09:17Yo me quedo.
00:09:18¿Te quedas? Vámonos.
00:09:20Vámonos nomás. No quiero problemas yo.
00:09:22No quiere problemas, dice.
00:09:24Entonces, él necesita cuidar que las palabras que él dice
00:09:27no decirme, no sientes mi apoyo.
00:09:31Todo de mi vida está apoyándole.
00:09:33Aquí te espero cuando estés bien ya.
00:09:35Las palabras que él dice, ofendarme.
00:09:38Eres perfecta. Chao.
00:09:40Solamente decir lo siento
00:09:42porque tú dar mis sentimientos en dolor.
00:09:45Escuchara eso.
00:09:47Eso es lo que tú quieres pensar.
00:09:50No, Manuel, es como yo sentir.
00:09:52No estás escuchando.
00:09:54Yo sentir eso, no es que yo pensar.
00:09:57Ya, ya, ya, tranquila, tranquila.
00:09:59Entonces, déjate.
00:10:01Y no actuar como loquita, como siempre te lo he dicho.
00:10:06Nadie entiende esta mujer.
00:10:09A mi parecer, no es que yo haya hecho algo malo.
00:10:13Solamente ella quiere que yo trate de entenderla a ella,
00:10:17pero ella entenderme a mí, no.
00:10:20Ya, ya, discúlpense más bien, ya.
00:10:22Ya pide disculpas.
00:10:24Mi amor.
00:10:25Dale un beso a ver, dale un beso a ver, sí, es verdad.
00:10:31Discúlpame, mi amor.
00:10:33Te quiero mucho.
00:10:35Tú sabes que no quiero pelear contigo.
00:10:39¿Qué te puedo decir?
00:10:45Quiero para tú ir conmigo.
00:10:47Let's just do this, okay?
00:10:49Let's go.
00:10:55Ven aquí.
00:11:00Yo pienso que aquí está bien, ¿ya?
00:11:04Imagínate así.
00:11:18No, no, no.
00:11:34La verdad que se siente incómodo.
00:11:48Salir tú primero.
00:11:51¿Aquí está?
00:11:58Vamos a dejar a ese loquillo en el aeropuerto.
00:12:03We need to get Jonathan.
00:12:04Okay, perfect.
00:12:06So you walked back inside, and then what did you do next?
00:12:09We talked, and then I had to use the bathroom.
00:12:14Yeah, so I just needed some company.
00:12:19Let's go, boys.
00:12:20Let's go.
00:12:21Let's go.
00:12:22Let's go.
00:12:27Sex doesn't make all the problems go away,
00:12:30even though it's a good time.
00:12:32Manuel's negative energy around money and sex
00:12:36is something that he doesn't like.
00:12:39Manuel's negative energy around money
00:12:42and saying that I don't support him,
00:12:44it needs to stop like yesterday.
00:12:46We're done with that.
00:12:47I can't marry a man who runs away from conversation.
00:12:55Do Moldovan men like to control women?
00:13:00Men from Moldova are controlling,
00:13:03and I have to break that side of him
00:13:06because just like 15 years ago, it will end again.
00:13:10I wish you luck.
00:13:12I am the American boy.
00:13:22I'm not even asking for that much.
00:13:24Just tell your parents you're in a relationship.
00:13:27I don't know how else to say it.
00:13:36It's over.
00:13:52Where are the street building numbers?
00:13:56So confusing.
00:14:14Do you speak English?
00:14:17I understand a little bit.
00:14:18Okay, good.
00:14:19Hopefully you understand what I'm saying.
00:14:21I have my nails done in the U.S.,
00:14:23but I broke my nail and I have an important engagement.
00:14:27It's my engagement celebration.
00:14:30Thank you so much.
00:14:31Can you sit down?
00:14:33This morning, Justin and I had a talk
00:14:36to try to, I guess, come down to some type of resolution
00:14:41in our relationship,
00:14:42being that he is from a different language
00:14:45and a different culture,
00:14:46and I'm trying to understand him,
00:14:48and he's trying to understand me.
00:14:50Your name is?
00:14:54At this point, I don't even know
00:14:55if we're still going to have the engagement party,
00:14:57but I have a broken nail,
00:14:58and I have to get that fixed, like, ASAP.
00:15:01I'm from Jersey,
00:15:02and having a broken nail in Moldova
00:15:04is not happening for me.
00:15:08What's bringing you in Moldova?
00:15:11Well, I'm engaged,
00:15:14and my fiancé is from here.
00:15:19I got to show you the photos.
00:15:22This was for after we got engaged.
00:15:25Oh, so pretty.
00:15:28It's like a fairy tale, you know?
00:15:30And it was like a fairy tale,
00:15:32but now we are having some issues in our relationship.
00:15:36It's so embarrassing.
00:15:38He doesn't like to really be affectionate to me,
00:15:44like make love.
00:15:45Years ago, we used to have multiple times in a day,
00:15:48three, two, three times a day, every day,
00:15:51and now down to, like,
00:15:54two times, three times in the week,
00:15:58two now, once in the week.
00:16:01So maybe you can understand,
00:16:03because you're from here,
00:16:04and you know Moldovan men.
00:16:08Is that normal for Moldovan men
00:16:10to not really be sexually?
00:16:13No, I don't think so.
00:16:17I hope you don't mind me, like,
00:16:20talking and telling you some things.
00:16:25I was trying to get all the tea from the nail tech,
00:16:28and she was like...
00:16:34Like, what do I, what did I sign up for?
00:16:39I am very strong.
00:16:42He's very strong.
00:16:43And he wants to be the man,
00:16:46but also make me calm down a lot.
00:16:50Like, yes, master.
00:16:52And are Moldovan men like this
00:16:55with their women in the culture?
00:16:57Like, do they make their women submit
00:16:59and go lower than them,
00:17:01and they are high and powerful?
00:17:02Yes, yes.
00:17:04This is my opinion.
00:17:06But maybe I come too much energy to him
00:17:10that he feels like I am above him,
00:17:13and I'm not.
00:17:14If he love you, you need to understand this.
00:17:18And he says he loves me,
00:17:19so we are going to see where it goes, right?
00:17:25Thank you so much.
00:17:26You like?
00:17:27Yes, I like.
00:17:28You fixed it.
00:17:29Thank you so much.
00:17:30It looks good.
00:17:31You're welcome.
00:17:32The sense that I get after talking about men from Moldova,
00:17:37it's more that guys are a little controlling,
00:17:42and they are very closed off.
00:17:45And I have to break that side of him, you know?
00:17:50Like, being in the United States,
00:17:52he can't have that same mentality,
00:17:55because just like 15 years ago, it will end again.
00:17:59I don't want it to.
00:18:01I wish you luck.
00:18:02No, find an American boy.
00:18:04Find an American boy?
00:18:05You don't need a Moldovan boy.
00:18:07Oh, I know.
00:18:08Well, you know what?
00:18:09There's no better in America, girl.
00:18:16I don't understand why you're crying.
00:18:19You know he loves you a lot.
00:18:31If you say you don't understand,
00:18:34maybe you can explain something to me.
00:18:37So, I'm going to ask you a question.
00:18:40I'm going to ask you a question.
00:18:42If you say you don't understand,
00:18:45maybe you can explain something to me
00:18:48instead of locking yourself in the bathroom.
00:18:56I want Annalie to tell her dad about us,
00:18:59but anything that's difficult in her mind,
00:19:01she just avoids it.
00:19:03She likes to go to the bathroom and lock the door.
00:19:06She likes to shut down.
00:19:07She likes to give me ultimatums.
00:19:10At least tell me if you're okay.
00:19:16Okay, thank you.
00:19:17I just wanted to know if you were okay.
00:19:20Yes, I just want you to stop talking and that's it.
00:19:24I'm at my limit.
00:19:27My limit and to the point where I want to throw everything away
00:19:32and that I would like to go home and hug my mother.
00:19:53Are you going to use your words?
00:20:00Look at me.
00:20:01I'm just asking you.
00:20:03I'm fed up, Clayton.
00:20:06Hi, Clayton.
00:20:24I cannot imagine that it's that big of a deal
00:20:27to throw away over two years of a relationship.
00:20:31You've already come to the U.S.
00:20:33We have wedding plans.
00:20:35We have the gears in motion.
00:20:37I'm not even asking for that much.
00:20:39It's been over two years.
00:20:42Just tell your parents you're in a relationship.
00:20:45I don't know how else to say it.
00:21:28She knows my history with not being shared.
00:21:31That ends up being a cheating situation.
00:21:34I just notice patterns
00:21:36and it's really an easily resolvable thing for me,
00:21:39but she should understand,
00:21:41but I don't know if she really is understanding.
00:23:12I finally feel like Annalie is hearing me
00:23:16and I feel understood for once.
00:23:18I'm elated that she would post about us
00:23:21and post such a sweet message.
00:23:23It just makes me happy that she would do that.
00:23:43Before I convert, I kind of want to have some fun,
00:23:47do some things that we won't have the freedom to do anymore.
00:23:53There you go.
00:23:54I know not drinking alcohol is breaking the rules.
00:23:57Want to get you guys a drink?
00:23:59So, you don't need to tell my dad about it.
00:24:02Awesome. Thank you.
00:24:03There you go, guys. Enjoy.
00:24:20What's up, Dad?
00:24:21What's up, Dad?
00:24:28Hi, Dad. We're going out.
00:24:30Take her out, night on the town, have a little fun.
00:24:38Oh, Dad, what are you doing?
00:24:40I'm trying to get grass to grow where several months back,
00:24:44something was walking across a roof
00:24:47with very heavy footsteps.
00:24:49It looks to me almost like footsteps went off this way.
00:24:54Bigfoot or alien?
00:24:56I don't know really what it was.
00:24:58Don't get him started on Bigfoot.
00:25:00It had very heavy footsteps.
00:25:02That's my theory.
00:25:04I might be wrong.
00:25:08Crazy as Dad is, that night, I did hear something on the roof, too.
00:25:13Loud footsteps, and then the next morning,
00:25:16that patch, like a circle patch, was in the grass.
00:25:19Maybe your dad's going to be really happy.
00:25:22Then we'll never know.
00:25:23That's his dream.
00:25:24I don't want to give in to that and feed into his alien stuff,
00:25:29but that night, something was weird.
00:25:32X-Files, we called him. I don't know.
00:25:38Uber Eats here?
00:25:40Oh, well, I'll see you later on.
00:25:43All right.
00:25:44Have a good one.
00:25:45Yeah, thanks.
00:25:50When he was in Indonesia, we didn't really have a date.
00:25:56Well, I mean, we had kind of some dates,
00:25:59like we'd have breakfast together.
00:26:01And it was really cheap.
00:26:03She paid for everything.
00:26:10Just trust me on, like, I'll kind of help order with the drink.
00:26:14Just imagine you, like, becoming an American party girl,
00:26:17taking a few drinks and just...
00:26:20I'm just going to dance.
00:26:22Yeah, like that.
00:26:25Indonesian guys, like, mostly they're not romantic persons,
00:26:30so I'm excited because it's like a real date
00:26:34that she's going to tag me with.
00:26:37Before I convert, I kind of, like, want to have some fun,
00:26:41like, do some things that we don't normally,
00:26:43won't have the freedom to do anymore.
00:26:45Let her be carefree and a little wild child.
00:26:48But he took me to the bar, like, in the middle of nowhere.
00:26:57Just follow me, babe.
00:26:58Like, what we should order, because I never...
00:27:01We'll find out what's good.
00:27:03How's it going?
00:27:05Can I get you guys a drink?
00:27:06She isn't a big drinker, so, like,
00:27:08what's something that tastes good and has some alcohol in it?
00:27:11You want, like, fruity?
00:27:13Do you want fruity and pretty?
00:27:14And for you, sir?
00:27:15Just make it two.
00:27:17Feeling pretty tonight.
00:27:22Awesome. Thank you.
00:27:23Here you go, guys. Enjoy.
00:27:26Same time.
00:27:31You can't even taste the alcohol, huh?
00:27:36Yeah, you know me.
00:27:37I'm not big on drinking.
00:27:38I don't drink something that tastes bad,
00:27:41but, no, these are good.
00:27:44I know that trying to drink alcohol is breaking the rules,
00:27:48but I just want to give it a try only once in my life.
00:27:52If my dad knows about it, he's going to get mad.
00:27:57If my dad knows about it, he's going to get really angry.
00:28:01So we don't need to tell my dad about it.
00:28:04Keep it a secret.
00:28:10Just to break them up.
00:28:16Yeah, now, like, make a circle.
00:28:18Yeah, there you go. Perfect.
00:28:20Your whole goal is trying to get one of these balls in there.
00:28:24There you go.
00:28:26You did it, though. You did it.
00:28:29It's hard to not just kind of go at each other and, like...
00:28:34I'm struggling with it.
00:28:36I'm glad I didn't kick him in the balls.
00:28:39One, two, three.
00:28:41I know we've got to wait till our marriage, but...
00:28:44He has that blue balls thing.
00:28:50Like that.
00:28:55Yeah, you can put it over. Thank you.
00:28:57It's a lot.
00:28:58That is a lot.
00:28:59You ready for that?
00:29:01We'll finish in a sec.
00:29:06You want me to give you a boost?
00:29:08What is boost?
00:29:10Boost up.
00:29:12No, I'm good.
00:29:14Are you trying to get me fat or something?
00:29:16Fat and knocked up.
00:29:19What are some other, like, things that, like, have to change
00:29:22after I convert and we get married?
00:29:29I mean, you know I'm not a big drinker.
00:29:32My only issue is, like, when you can't, like,
00:29:36you're not supposed to do things,
00:29:38like, then that makes it harder, but...
00:29:41You just, you know, with my past,
00:29:44I struggle with certain things.
00:29:47But, like, I want you to help set the guideline
00:29:49and, like, where we call it quits on things, you know?
00:29:54I just don't want to be a bad husband to you.
00:30:01Alcohol, sex, drinking, drugs,
00:30:04it used to be a big part of me, so...
00:30:06Always that monkey on your back that's just telling you,
00:30:09do it, do it, have fun, just say...
00:30:11And it's sometimes hard to resist.
00:30:14Even after I convert, it's still gonna be there,
00:30:17but I'm gonna try my hardest to be strong
00:30:20and just stay on the wagon, be good.
00:30:23I really can't screw this one up.
00:30:29Our last sunset.
00:30:30Our last sunset in Miami.
00:30:32Tonight, I get to show Jasmine that I am her Romeo Bonito.
00:30:38I'll be honest, I never dreamed my partner
00:30:43someone like you.
00:30:44I was always, like, more attracted, like,
00:30:47kind of muscular guys that are filthy rich.
00:30:53Why are you crying?
00:31:13My pals.
00:31:24Dino had planned something special for us tonight,
00:31:28which I still don't know what it is,
00:31:30because he told me that it is a surprise.
00:31:32I love surprises, but I'm very anxious about to know what it is.
00:31:38I want to know it now.
00:31:43Let's go.
00:31:49Baby, look at you.
00:31:51That dress is amazing, you look so hot.
00:31:55It's gorgeous, it's beautiful.
00:31:56Look at the back.
00:31:58Look at the front.
00:32:00I know, my gosh, look at those things.
00:32:06Let's go, baby.
00:32:07Is my surprise ready?
00:32:08Ready to go?
00:32:10Let's do it.
00:32:11After the fact that I had a bachelor party,
00:32:13Jasmine made it clear that I needed to regain her trust on this trip.
00:32:17It's our last night in Miami,
00:32:19and tonight I'm planning something special.
00:32:23Where are we going?
00:32:25We're going to dinner.
00:32:28You're scaring me.
00:32:29I definitely believe I have a romantic side,
00:32:33and tonight I get to show Jasmine that I am her Romeo Bonito.
00:32:39What's going on?
00:32:50Baby, what do you think?
00:32:52You made this?
00:32:54Yeah, for you.
00:32:56Do you like it?
00:33:01Follow the path.
00:33:02More flowers.
00:33:05Do you like them?
00:33:07I love it.
00:33:10I'm speechless.
00:33:13The only surprises from Gino are the ones that he leaves in the toilet
00:33:18because he forgets to flush.
00:33:20But there are like real rose petals on the pool,
00:33:25a table with the wine.
00:33:28So this is like a real, very beautiful, amazing surprise.
00:33:33I'm in shock. I'm sorry.
00:33:35I'm in shock. I'm sorry. I don't know what to say.
00:33:42Just tell me how much you love it.
00:33:44This is so freaking amazing, baby.
00:33:47I'm so glad you like it, baby.
00:33:55Let me breathe.
00:33:59Let's have a drink.
00:34:11Oh, what am I doing?
00:34:13It's supposed to be over here.
00:34:22Gino has shown me nothing but love during this trip
00:34:27and how much he's willing to change.
00:34:30We're going to have a very bright future in all ways.
00:34:37This is making me feel good about what Gino's willing to do
00:34:41for our relationship and my kids.
00:34:45I'll be honest.
00:34:46I never dreamed the man of my life, you know, my partner,
00:34:53someone like you.
00:34:56What do you mean someone like me?
00:34:58I was always, like, more attracted to, like, kind of muscular guys.
00:35:04Compare yourself to the last guy that I dated versus you.
00:35:08Dan, he was more like the kind of man that I like.
00:35:12Like, blonde.
00:35:14Oh, gross. Really?
00:35:16Blue eyes.
00:35:17Yeah, that's what I like in the past.
00:35:18Now, I like your brown eyes.
00:35:20You're both handsome.
00:35:21I'm way better looking.
00:35:22I mean, he's got wrinkles all over his eyes and s***.
00:35:25What I'm trying to say is that this is real love.
00:35:30I, myself, should feel more thankful for finding you
00:35:34and having you, all your love, all your support,
00:35:38and I really need to learn from you, baby,
00:35:41because you're so kind, and I'm so bitchy all the time.
00:35:45Yeah, you can be a real bitch, yeah.
00:35:50I know, baby, but I want to be a better person.
00:35:54I promise with my heart
00:35:56that I'm going to fight my emotions back, you know?
00:36:00I'm going to try to be a better person.
00:36:03Even complaining about your family
00:36:05and not wanting them at my wedding.
00:36:12What happened?
00:36:18What happened, baby?
00:36:21Why are you crying?
00:36:25I don't know.
00:36:27What happened, baby?
00:36:30Why are you crying?
00:36:34Like, Manuel continues to say, like,
00:36:36things are going to get better when we get married.
00:36:38I love that man.
00:36:39He's a responsible human being,
00:36:41and so, for me, that's enough to walk down that aisle.
00:36:44I don't think it's a good idea for them to get married.
00:36:47They're just waiting for all these problems
00:36:49to dissolve once they say, I do,
00:36:51and that's not going to happen.
00:36:53I have to have faith.
00:36:54Trust me that I'm making the right decision.
00:36:58Take off your shoes.
00:37:03Being in the mosque really isn't my normal cup of tea.
00:37:06Like, it suddenly hits me just, oh, s***,
00:37:09am I really about to do this?
00:37:11Have you studied about Islam at all?
00:37:13How much do you know?
00:37:14I was an atheist before,
00:37:16and, like, there's still a lot I don't know.
00:37:37We're going to the mosque.
00:37:39Oh, you are?
00:37:41When is this conversion?
00:37:43On Friday.
00:37:46Don't miss it.
00:37:56I wouldn't miss it for the world.
00:37:58Are you really going to come?
00:37:59Yeah, of course.
00:38:03I don't think Sam realizes
00:38:06what's all involved in following a faith.
00:38:10It just seems like he's so in love with Citra,
00:38:13he's just willing to do whatever to make her happy.
00:38:17But, you know, when it comes to religion,
00:38:19it's got to be something more heartfelt,
00:38:22and I don't know how he'll deal with that.
00:38:25When are they coming in?
00:38:29I think you and her dad would really get along,
00:38:31but he doesn't speak much English.
00:38:33I would like to at least say,
00:38:35hi, I'm Sam's father.
00:38:37Like, nice to meet you.
00:38:42Senang bertemu dengan anda.
00:38:45Oh, God, that's...
00:38:47Oh, you said that really fast.
00:38:48Yeah, you said it really fast.
00:38:50Say it slowly.
00:38:52Senang bertemu dengan...
00:38:59Say, apa kabar?
00:39:01Yeah, just apa kabar.
00:39:02Yeah, it's like, how are you?
00:39:04Apa kabar?
00:39:07Apa kabar?
00:39:10My family's going to appreciate it,
00:39:12trying to learn about our language,
00:39:14like, even though, like, they're going to not say it right,
00:39:17but they're going to be happy.
00:39:20It's like sloppy white guy gibberish they're speaking.
00:39:25Well, whatever, I'm going to practice
00:39:27until I feel like it comes out naturally.
00:39:30So we're going to head out?
00:39:34To the mosque?
00:39:37Sampai jumpa.
00:39:38Sampai jumpa.
00:39:39Sampai jumpa.
00:39:42We'll see you later.
00:39:43All right.
00:39:44All right.
00:39:48Citra's dad's been honest just day and night
00:39:52about we need to find the mosque,
00:39:54and, like, nothing else matters.
00:39:57So today we're going to go check out the mosque
00:40:01and get a feel for them.
00:40:04So on Friday, we're going to be converting to Islam,
00:40:07and then...
00:40:08I'm nervous about it.
00:40:10It's going to be fine.
00:40:12Are you going to kiss on the cheek?
00:40:16It's like, you know, mostly Christian churches out here,
00:40:19so most of the time when I tell people about my conversion,
00:40:23they think some wild thing, like,
00:40:25do you not use toilet paper?
00:40:27Like, of course, we don't eat pork,
00:40:29but they think we also don't eat any meat at all.
00:40:32Yeah, it's just, it could be anything.
00:40:35Do you miss pork?
00:40:38Mmm, look that way.
00:40:40Not at all. Not at all.
00:40:45Take off your shoes.
00:40:57I am definitely nervous about converting to Islam.
00:41:03Ready and willing,
00:41:05just worried about past Sam
00:41:10coming up and, like,
00:41:12**** things up.
00:41:16Drugs used to be, you know, my fun escape to feel better,
00:41:19to deal with stuff, or not deal with stuff,
00:41:21but now I just got to face them head on,
00:41:23so it's way harder.
00:41:32Hey, how you guys doing?
00:41:34How's it going, man? Sam.
00:41:35My name's Jawad. Good to meet you.
00:41:37Hi, I'm Sitra.
00:41:38Sitra, good to meet you. Come on in, guys. Come on in.
00:41:42Yeah, you're welcome.
00:41:43You know how to say salam alaikum?
00:41:45Salam alaikum.
00:41:46You know how to say it?
00:41:47Salam alaikum.
00:41:48What do you say?
00:41:49Salam alaikum.
00:41:50I say to you, as-salam alaikum.
00:41:52Wa-alaikum salam.
00:41:53And what do you say to me?
00:41:54Wa-alaikum salam.
00:41:55Wa-alaikum salam.
00:41:56Wa-alaikum salam.
00:41:57Wa-alaikum salam.
00:42:00So that's how we greet one another.
00:42:02As-salam alaikum, first of all.
00:42:04We wish you the best.
00:42:05Okay, salam alaikum.
00:42:07Being in the mosque really isn't my normal cup of tea.
00:42:10Like, it suddenly hits me just, oh, s***.
00:42:13Like, this is really happening.
00:42:15Am I really about to do this, and am I ready for it?
00:42:18Yeah, so this is my fiancée.
00:42:21She's Muslim, and her whole family is Muslims,
00:42:25and I'm going to be converting.
00:42:27Have you studied about Islam at all?
00:42:29How much do you know?
00:42:31I'm some, like, I kind of know just, like, the way Muslims live,
00:42:39and there's still a lot I don't know.
00:42:43I was an atheist before, and, like, being with her over the,
00:42:47like, we've been together three-plus years,
00:42:50and I've found, like, my belief in God again.
00:42:55No, that's good.
00:42:56One thing I tell people who come to Islam is, like,
00:43:00once you put your foot in the door, that's the biggest step for you.
00:43:05The imam is going to give the ceremony, right?
00:43:08After that, you're going to say the shahada, the testimony.
00:43:15A person who is becoming Muslim,
00:43:18they need to take the shahada, the testimony of faith.
00:43:21The shahada in English basically means that one is saying
00:43:26that there is none worthy of worship except Allah,
00:43:30and that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
00:43:33is the last prophet and messenger of Allah.
00:43:37For a person who comes to Islam,
00:43:39at the beginning, it's quite, you know, hard for them.
00:43:43You're coming into a whole different lifestyle.
00:43:46Maybe there's some habits you have to leave,
00:43:48and maybe there's some new habits that you have to pick up.
00:43:59Yeah, her family's fine.
00:44:02Oh, they're coming here? Oh, perfect, then, yeah, no problem.
00:44:05As long as he approves as a guardian for her.
00:44:08Because in Islam, in a marriage, the guardian has to, you know, approve.
00:44:18Honestly, I'm leaving here more nervous than when I came.
00:44:22When I heard that we still need Sitra's dad's blessing
00:44:26before the conversion, like, it's terrifying.
00:44:31I mean, I kind of had in the back of my mind,
00:44:34like, does any of this really even matter?
00:44:37Because Herman could still take Sitra back to Indonesia no matter what I do.
00:44:43Take it all, turn it on
00:44:47You know where you belong
00:44:51OK, we're going to change this energy up
00:44:54because whatever the tomfoolery that happened
00:44:59at the coffee shop wasn't cute.
00:45:03Here it comes, ready or not
00:45:08Ready or not
00:45:11All right
00:45:43No, no, no.
00:45:45In your heart chakra.
00:45:48Do you feel the energy?
00:45:54Celestite is a calming stone.
00:45:57It's an angelic stone.
00:45:59It works with our higher crown chakras.
00:46:01And honestly, we both need to be operating from our highest crown chakra right now.
00:46:06And we were kind of operating from our root chakra at the coffee shop.
00:46:10We can do better and we should do better.
00:46:54Hi, baby girl.
00:46:55I was getting myself in the mood.
00:46:57I see you're asked to dance.
00:47:00We're about two weeks away from the wedding day.
00:47:02So today my sister Cece is choreographing the dance
00:47:05that she created for Alicia, her and I for the wedding.
00:47:08It's totally my idea to do this dance for Manuel
00:47:11because Manuel loves sexy dancing.
00:47:14That was one thing I noticed about him.
00:47:16I have danced for Manuel privately and he gets way too into it.
00:47:20And I'm like, you like this?
00:47:22He's like, oh yeah, but Liz, you gonna dance for me?
00:47:25And I'm like, oh my God, you like this?
00:47:28All right, yeah.
00:47:29Let's just start by walking through it so it's like in our brain.
00:47:32So we're going to start with our intro first.
00:47:34Right, left, up.
00:47:36And have those elbows lead.
00:47:39And like sharp.
00:47:40Boom, boom.
00:47:43I've been teaching dance for about seven years now.
00:47:46It's what I love to do.
00:47:47It's my passion.
00:47:48I grew up dancing.
00:47:49So the wedding dance is my present to her and Manuel.
00:47:52I got no money.
00:47:53So she's not getting the gift.
00:47:54So we start here.
00:47:57Boom, boom.
00:47:58Three, four.
00:47:59And then we do a little African.
00:48:01That's right.
00:48:02Boom, boom.
00:48:03I don't know.
00:48:04I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
00:48:05I'm hopeful.
00:48:06Only because, like, what if he doesn't like the dance?
00:48:08And if he sees Ashley, like, dancing in a certain way,
00:48:12I don't want him to be, like, taken back by it or, you know, storm off.
00:48:16Because he's so quick to leave.
00:48:17Back, forward, on, around.
00:48:20Boom, boom.
00:48:21And then down.
00:48:25I feel like that's it for today.
00:48:26Thanks, girl.
00:48:27I'm tired.
00:48:28Me, too.
00:48:29It was pretty good, though.
00:48:30I'm having so much fun doing this.
00:48:31It is.
00:48:32Honestly, it is a lot of fun.
00:48:33And I think it's going to come together.
00:48:34But on some real s***, I wasn't even sure if I was going to do it.
00:48:37The dance?
00:48:38Yes, girl.
00:48:39Why have we been practicing so hard?
00:48:41We have been practicing so hard.
00:48:44What's going on, mama?
00:48:46It's just been really crazy with him and I.
00:48:48Like, you guys kind of know some of it.
00:48:50It's just, like, I don't even know where to s*** again.
00:48:53Anything recently that's, like, I don't know.
00:48:57We definitely showed our asses at Fuego.
00:48:59Oh, no.
00:49:01We showed out at the coffee shop.
00:49:02That is a family establishment, bitch.
00:49:04Oh, my God.
00:49:05It turned, like, from bad to worse, back to bad, and then to weird.
00:49:11Weird as in?
00:49:16Say it.
00:49:17I wouldn't say what.
00:49:20What'd you do?
00:49:22We had intercourse in the banyo.
00:49:25In Fuego?
00:49:26Ew, Cece.
00:49:27I'm sorry.
00:49:28Let a bitch live, okay?
00:49:29I'm adjourned.
00:49:31What if a mother had to change her child?
00:49:32There were two bathrooms, and we did it standing up, so we weren't touching anything.
00:49:36That doesn't make it better.
00:49:37Okay, Cece.
00:49:38I'm sorry.
00:49:39Your responses need to be reeled back.
00:49:40We're at a 12, and I need you at a two, okay?
00:49:41I'm sorry, but, like.
00:49:42There are millions of people.
00:49:43If it was, like, some sexy s*** in the banyo.
00:49:45It was super sexy.
00:49:46It doesn't sound sexy.
00:49:47It was sexy.
00:49:48I thought it was sexy, okay?
00:49:50And, you know, it was just, like, it was an energetic release.
00:49:54Don't fight him.
00:49:57I understand where she's coming from.
00:49:58I think she loves to be loved.
00:50:00I think there's just more to relationship than just sex, and I feel like the relationship is so up and down,
00:50:06where, like, they'll argue, and, like, I'll get phone calls, and then the next day, they're perfectly fine.
00:50:11So I don't really know what's, like, what's true and what's not anymore.
00:50:15Well, I had said that he felt like I didn't support him, and that is what set me off.
00:50:23This man is s***, okay?
00:50:25This man is fed, okay?
00:50:27How am I not supporting him?
00:50:31And that scares me a little bit, too, just because I want you to be in your marriage, be happy and fulfilled and successful.
00:50:38And I don't want you to feel like you're taking on a project or another client.
00:50:41Listen, I love that man.
00:50:42He's a responsible human being.
00:50:44He's incredibly loving.
00:50:45He gives me more love and attention and affection than a partner ever has before.
00:50:50And so, for me, that's enough to walk down that aisle, and then we'll figure it out as we go.
00:50:56Like, Manuel continues to say, like, things are going to get better when we get married.
00:51:00Things are going to get better when we get married.
00:51:01It's going to be a slap in the face because it's work, and you're going to have to work to make that better.
00:51:06And just because you're married, it's not magically going to change.
00:51:10We're at the mercy of the government.
00:51:11The government's literally saying, you marry or he goes home, and you spend all your money going back and forth.
00:51:21I'm always going to be there for Ashley, whether the wedding happens, whether it doesn't.
00:51:25But I don't think it's a good idea for them to get married.
00:51:27I think they're just waiting for all these problems to dissolve once they say, I do, and that's not going to happen.
00:51:32And I just worry for my friend.
00:51:35For me, the good outweighs the bad.
00:51:38We have our problems, but I do have faith that we can work through our problems.
00:51:43I have to have faith.
00:51:45Trust me that I'm making the right decision.
00:51:48If it all burns to the ground, just pick me back up.
00:52:09Are we going to put her in another closet?
00:52:11No, absolutely not.
00:52:15What's happening? Where are you going?
00:52:23I wanted to re-propose to Jasmine with an upgraded ring.
00:52:28That is done.
00:53:00The last few days in San Diego have definitely had their ups and downs.
00:53:04You know, we had a little bit of an issue with the dad situation.
00:53:07But me and Annalie finally broke our dry streak on sex last night.
00:53:15It only took about two months, but the train finally pulled into the station and we both got off.
00:53:22Unless she was faking it.
00:53:35Stop it.
00:53:52You don't have a solution.
00:54:01I'm going to move my tail.
00:54:05Oh, Clayton.
00:54:08Ouch, ouch, ouch.
00:54:10I don't know you.
00:54:21Is this Clayton's reservation?
00:54:27Thanks, sir.
00:54:41San Diego está bonito. Mira.
00:54:44Yeah, me gusta. Me gustaría mudarme aquí.
00:54:48Vivir aquí no es una opción por este momento porque no puedo pagar para yo, tú, mi mamá.
00:54:58Cuando Clayton menciona la posibilidad de mudarnos con su mamá a San Diego, se me para el corazón un poco.
00:55:07¿Qué, vamos a ponerla en otro closet? No, absolutamente no.
00:55:13¿Cómo te sientes de la boda? ¿Preparada o emocionada?
00:55:18No, no me siento preparada, pero sí emocionada.
00:55:23Me gustaría que en la boda esté el show típico que hacen, pero acá para que se vea como que más un poco cultural sería el cu y quizás también una llama.
00:55:42¿Una llama?
00:55:44Quizás podemos ponerle como una bufanda de colores.
00:55:49Me gustaría que eso incluya ahí para mostrar nuestra boda multicultural.
00:55:57Annalie's got a long list of things that she wants to happen for the wedding, but those are kind of not going to fit with our budget.
00:56:05Maybe I can talk Annalie into maybe a goat instead, something more Indiana-esque.
00:56:11I don't think a llama's going to happen.
00:56:22I'm wanting Brandi to be a part of this wedding because she's been married and divorced three times.
00:56:27It's hard to imagine someone with more experience than this.
00:56:32That's so bad. I shouldn't have said it.
00:56:36I shouldn't have said it.
00:56:39F*** it, I don't care.
00:56:48Hello. Hi.
00:56:52We're in San Diego.
00:56:54Yeah, we're in San Diego.
00:56:58Brandi, I had a question for you.
00:57:08She wants a bachelorette party.
00:57:11I already kind of left one in the works for you.
00:57:17With the strippers.
00:57:39So, part of the reason I'm calling you is to see if you might be able to help finish planning wedding stuff, because we're on vacation right now.
00:57:47So, some things I need. I need a person in a guinea pig costume.
00:57:54We also need potentially a llama or an alpaca, whichever is available for pictures, decorations.
00:58:02I'm not going to get a freaking llama.
00:58:05Brandi, it's really important that we include things from Annalise's culture, because yeah, I could have a traditional American wedding and just kind of forget that she's Peruvian, but I don't want to do that.
00:58:16So, now I'm doing your bachelorette party, your cake, I've got your photographer. I feel like you're just throwing everything on the plate for me. I don't have my own life.
00:58:27So, are you saying you're not going to be able to help now, or?
00:58:31I'm not saying that. I'm just saying the guinea pig request, the llama, but I'm not doing that. I'm done with this.
00:58:45I'm hoping that I didn't annoy Brandi too much, because there is a risk that she won't want to continue helping us with the wedding.
00:58:52The wedding date is fast approaching. I'm kind of anxious because we don't have a lot of time left. A lot of pressure is on me because of the language barrier. My soon-to-be wife can't really help out too much, so there's a lot of weight on me.
00:59:23Where are you crying?
00:59:26I don't know. I think it's everything. I mean, you were just saying you're going to try to, you know, bond with my family, you're going to be open with my family.
00:59:39Babe, I didn't know that I was hurting you.
00:59:42You'd be willing to try?
00:59:46Baby, of course I will. I will try.
00:59:52Baby, come here. Baby, I'm sorry.
00:59:58I'm sorry.
01:00:00I'm sorry.
01:00:02I'm sorry.
01:00:04I'm sorry.
01:00:06I'm sorry.
01:00:08I'm sorry.
01:00:10Baby, I'm sorry.
01:00:15I'm sorry.
01:00:18I'm sorry.
01:00:20It's very hard for me to see, you know, crying like this, because this is very, very unusual of him. He doesn't cry.
01:00:30But I know how important family is because I really care about my family and I miss them so much, so it's easy for me to understand Gino's feelings at this moment.
01:00:43I know I really love you. You know, you're the love of my life.
01:00:48Am I?
01:00:50How did you know?
01:00:53What's happening? Where are you going?
01:01:00Oh my gosh.
01:01:13What is that?
01:01:22Do you want to marry me?
01:01:38The ring I bought Jasmine in Panama, when I proposed to her for the first time, was not the most expensive ring.
01:01:45I don't know if I got the price tags mixed up, though.
01:01:48It was $250.
01:02:01Thanks a lot.
01:02:03So I wanted to re-propose to Jasmine with an upgraded ring.
01:02:11Baby, I...
01:02:20Do you like it?
01:02:28I did it all right.
01:02:33I have always wanted a different engagement ring.
01:02:37As much as the first one means a lot to me, let's be honest, it was cheap as ****.
01:02:46Baby, I'm so happy. My gosh.
01:02:50This is a real diamond.
01:02:54It's real.
01:02:58It's real.
01:03:05This is why I want to marry you, Gino.
01:03:07Why I want you to become my husband.
01:03:09You're the love of my life.
01:03:11My Gino.
01:03:12How about baby?
01:03:15This is to us.
01:03:16To us.
01:03:17And to Miami and a wonderful weekend and many wonderful days to come.
01:03:22You know, this is only the beginning for us.
01:03:24It is.
01:03:25Love conquers all, baby.
01:03:27Love conquers all.
01:03:29As far as we are together, it doesn't matter the place.
01:03:33I'll be happy.
01:03:34Oh, that's so beautiful.
01:03:36Even in cold Michigan.
01:03:38Even in cold Michigan.
01:03:40Oh, my God.
01:03:50So, don't tell my dad straight away about your depression.
01:03:54Yeah, I'm worried that after my dad find out about his depression,
01:03:58he's not gonna let me to marry with him.
01:04:04Until she's married, her dad has a final say.
01:04:08And if I don't make him trust giving her away to me,
01:04:11then, like, there's no wedding, there's nothing.
01:04:25How far is it?
01:04:27Baby, where we're going, we don't need roads.
01:04:51He's nervous.
01:04:53He's nervous.
01:04:56Citra's family has landed here in the U.S.
01:04:59They had some layovers, some troubles,
01:05:02and her dad and sister got in last night, went to a hotel.
01:05:07Her other sister is arriving today.
01:05:10We're picking her up and then going over to the hotel.
01:05:15So, don't tell my dad straight away about your depression.
01:05:21You don't want him to punch you in the face.
01:05:26He's a police officer, so hopefully he knows,
01:05:30if you have to help translate, that I had my medicine,
01:05:36but I hadn't seen a doctor for a couple months,
01:05:39so the prescription was old.
01:05:41And I got in trouble for that.
01:05:44Me and Citra's dad, we bond, and he treats me like his son-in-law.
01:05:48But he's also worried at times.
01:05:51They're expecting me to kind of be that rich American,
01:05:54that, you know, just Mr. Hero,
01:05:57and I just, I guess, didn't meet quite the standard.
01:06:03And now I have to tell him, after I marry his daughter,
01:06:07I might have to do jail time,
01:06:09and I'm worried Herman is going to just say,
01:06:12that's the last straw, I'm not a good husband,
01:06:15and I'm not going to have Citra go back to Indonesia with him.
01:06:40Citra's two sisters, Nafa and Nanda,
01:06:43they're great, but they're kind of mean girls.
01:06:46Any physical insecurities I have,
01:06:49Citra's sisters are quick to point out, call me Popeye.
01:06:53Like, they've made me feel worse about myself, I think,
01:06:56than any, like, bully I've ever had in school.
01:06:59But I love them.
01:07:06Where are we going?
01:07:08The hotel we're in.
01:07:10Where your sister and your father are.
01:07:15She said that it is not a big city.
01:07:18This isn't a city.
01:07:20It's further that way.
01:07:22Take you both.
01:07:24My sisters, they're really excited about coming to America,
01:07:28but they're going to be disappointed when they get in the camera,
01:07:32because they think people look like Ryan Gosling,
01:07:35and they're going to be shocked when they see Ryan and Elliott.
01:07:48She pooped on the plane.
01:07:50I'm proud of her.
01:07:52I couldn't do that.
01:07:54Well, you got to go. You got to go.
01:08:14I'm feeling pretty nervous, and it just kind of all feels unreal,
01:08:18knowing, like, I'm about to meet her dad again,
01:08:21and, like, what I have to tell him.
01:08:24Did he tell you what floor they're on?
01:08:28Indonesian tradition, until she's married,
01:08:31her dad has a final say.
01:08:35And if I don't impress him and make him trust giving her away to me,
01:08:39then, like, there's no wedding, there's nothing.
01:09:01It's been two months.
01:09:04How are you? Good?
01:09:32I can't wait to kind of show him around,
01:09:34give him the American taste, and, like...
01:09:50Are you ready to marry me and also, like, ready to convert?
01:09:55Yeah? Yeah.
01:09:57I don't know how to say it, but, like, really looking forward to it,
01:10:00and every Muslim I've met is just...
01:10:03They're the nicest people, and any, like, inside struggles I've had,
01:10:08it's going to help bring peace.
01:10:33He's hoping that we're going to, like, build, like, a good marriage,
01:10:37like, you taking care of me, like, he wants you to be responsible
01:10:40because my family is far away.
01:10:42I know I'm going to give you a good life, and I'll die trying.
01:11:04I do kind of feel like I'm bull****ing Citra's dad a little bit
01:11:08as he's telling me all this stuff,
01:11:10and it's just kind of going out the other ear
01:11:12because all I can focus on is what I have to tell him.
01:11:15But the longer I keep this a secret, the worse it's going to get,
01:11:20and when I tell him, I really don't think he's going to take it well.
01:11:29You don't want to hear when you're wrong, right?
01:11:31Stop. You don't want to change nothing.
01:11:33No, you don't want to change.
01:11:35You don't want to say, I'm sorry, Nicole. I'm sorry, Nicole.
01:11:39Sometimes I feel like I don't know why I keep going with Justin.
01:11:43Is this a dead end? Like, what are we doing?
01:12:02David, here you go.
01:12:05Hello, my love.
01:12:17They reserve me a little strange boat for you.
01:12:23What makes it strange?
01:12:24This is Swan. Swan.
01:12:26He looks romantic.
01:12:28Well, in a rustic way.
01:12:31Our relationship is like roller coaster.
01:12:34Like, up and down, up and down.
01:12:36But it's one of Nikki's last days in Moldova,
01:12:40so I want to be nice and romantic.
01:12:44Oh, my goodness.
01:12:46Why didn't you warn me? I'm wearing heels.
01:12:48It's just crack dust.
01:12:52Oh, my...
01:12:53Yeah, try, try.
01:12:54And go. There.
01:12:58Nice. Good.
01:13:00I'm trying to do some different kinds of sweet things.
01:13:05And I show my love to her.
01:13:09Okay, let's go.
01:13:10You control.
01:13:12What can you do more with your legs?
01:13:14I can choke somebody out with my legs, that's for sure.
01:13:19Two strong legs.
01:13:22And a big butt.
01:13:24Were you looking at my butt?
01:13:25No, of course not.
01:13:26My new butt.
01:13:27Of course butt.
01:13:29Baby, the most important reason why I take you on this boat,
01:13:33on this lake...
01:13:35Because this, like our relationship,
01:13:38it's sometimes we have good moments, we have bad moments,
01:13:43and like in this boat, we must together work,
01:13:48and boat can swim.
01:13:52As a team.
01:13:53You understand? Like a team.
01:13:56I love you, too.
01:13:57I love you, too.
01:13:59I love you, too.
01:14:01Despite all the arguing, all the little fights and disagreements,
01:14:05when he gives me love and shows me affection,
01:14:09I feel like the most luckiest girl in the world.
01:14:17Hopefully we get through it because I do love him.
01:14:22I want it to work.
01:14:24You know, tomorrow's our engagement celebration,
01:14:27and I do know that I want to have this engagement celebration
01:14:31because I believe in my heart there's no one else I'd rather be with.
01:14:36And I don't know how you feel.
01:14:38You think that we should still have this?
01:14:41You see how many times we're fighting,
01:14:43but we never stop to try understanding each other.
01:14:48I understand about what you're talking.
01:14:50You need more intimacy,
01:14:52and this is why I give to you my dream about Theresa.
01:14:57This is a very good chance for have more intimacy, more sex.
01:15:03You gotta dream more.
01:15:06My heart feeling love with her, but my body don't feel the same.
01:15:13This is why I told you about another way of making sex,
01:15:17This is why I told you about another way of making sex,
01:15:20but this is not like cheating.
01:15:23This is something what can help us to enjoy with each other better,
01:15:31with fresh air.
01:15:35You're not getting a threesome until the intimacy comes first,
01:15:39but if I offer that to you, then you gotta offer it to me with another guy.
01:15:47I don't want to see that.
01:15:50So I have to watch you with another woman,
01:15:52but then you can't see me with another guy?
01:15:56When I will be with two girls,
01:16:01I f**k them.
01:16:03When second guy come, he f**k you.
01:16:07I don't want to somebody f**k you.
01:16:09But I gotta see you f**k a girl, another girl and me?
01:16:16You know, I'm two seconds from slapping the s**t out of you.
01:16:19That's really so disrespectful that you can f**king laugh in my face.
01:16:23Igor, cut the s**t, okay?
01:16:26Okay, sweetie. Okay, sweetie.
01:16:29You don't want to hear when you're wrong, right?
01:16:33I don't have energy for that.
01:16:35Oh, poor baby.
01:16:36So when you're getting called out on your s**t,
01:16:38you don't want to deal with it, right?
01:16:40Too much.
01:16:41You don't want to hear when you're wrong.
01:16:42Too much stress.
01:16:43That's the problem.
01:16:44I don't want to change nothing.
01:16:45No, you don't want to change.
01:16:46You want to hurt.
01:16:47You don't want to say, I'm sorry, Nicole.
01:16:49I'm sorry, Nicole.
01:16:53You don't like to take accountability for anything you do wrong.
01:16:56That's a problem.
01:16:58Who are you talking about?
01:16:59I'm telling you to take accountability when you do something wrong and you don't.
01:17:03Just like you tell me to take accountability when I do something wrong,
01:17:06I have to say yes, I understand, okay, I'm sorry.
01:17:09But no, you don't take accountability for when you do something wrong.
01:17:12You don't want to hear it because you're the man.
01:17:13And when I say it's you do something wrong, you don't want to hear it.
01:17:16I don't want to hear it.
01:17:18That's a problem.
01:17:20Here we go.
01:17:21Speak with yourself.
01:17:22Act like a little child.
01:17:23Run away.
01:17:24Like you always do.
01:17:25Throwing a little mantrams.
01:17:27This whole trip in general has been a pure s**t show.
01:17:32You know, I think that there's way bigger fish to fry than our engagement celebration at this point.
01:17:39Sometimes I feel like I don't know why I keep going with Justin.
01:17:42I feel like, you know, is this a dead end?
01:17:45Are we going to progress?
01:17:46Are we going to move on?
01:17:48Are we going to resolve?
01:17:49Like, what are we doing?
01:17:56So, this new Jasmine needs to confess a few things.
01:18:03I have lied, you know, and I have hide things that I shouldn't have.
01:18:07The surgery.
01:18:09The one you never told me about.
01:18:10The only person who could lend me the money was Dan.
01:18:29Wow, you're so organized as you're packing.
01:18:33My stuff's like all over the place.
01:18:34Yours is like perfectly organized.
01:18:40Why do we have to leave?
01:18:41Why we cannot stay here, baby?
01:18:53Don't forget your hats.
01:18:56Most important thing in my suitcase.
01:18:57I know, I know.
01:19:00I've been feeling guilty since last night.
01:19:04I want to leave Miami with a clean slate, start over, fresh new.
01:19:10I love this new version of us, but I myself, I have lied, you know,
01:19:16and I have hide things that I shouldn't have.
01:19:20So, I don't, I promise to leave Miami on a positive note.
01:19:29This is a new version of us.
01:19:31This new Jasmine needs to confess a few things.
01:19:42The surgery.
01:19:44What surgery?
01:19:47The butt implant, the one that I received.
01:19:50The one you never told me about?
01:19:55When I wanted the surgery, I only had $8,000, right?
01:20:01$4,000 from you, that was supposed to be the wedding dress,
01:20:05other $4,000 that I have saved, but I was still missing $2,000.
01:20:13And the only person who could provide that money to me as a loan
01:20:20was Dan.
01:20:27And when I was going to pay him back, he said,
01:20:32you know what, you're going to get married,
01:20:35and this is your wedding gift.
01:20:39You don't owe me a penny.
01:20:42Why are you talking to him and asking him for money?
01:20:45Because he's my friend.
01:20:46He's my friend.
01:20:51This is the guy that you were, like, screaming when I was last time in Panama
01:20:54that you had sex with this guy.
01:20:57You're a piece of...
01:20:59I'm going to go and...
01:21:02Right there, bitch.
01:21:05Go back.
01:21:06Go back to him, because I don't need you.
01:21:10Yeah, go... yourself.
01:21:12Go to hell.
01:21:16I just hear his name way too much.
01:21:18Dane, Dane, Dane.
01:21:20You dislike this guy so much, and he said, like,
01:21:23I'm glad that you found Gino.
01:21:26I'm glad you're going to marry the love of your life.
01:21:30And you know what, this is my gift for both of you,
01:21:34because Dan knows that you're the one who is going to enjoy my ass
01:21:39and s*** it.
01:21:42He's not going to s*** my ass.
01:21:47I can't believe that we had such a good trip,
01:21:50and you just killed all the momentum and happiness and...
01:21:58Just killed everything.
01:22:05She was beating me to a pulp
01:22:08when she found out about the bachelor party.
01:22:11And now she thinks it's OK that she was hiding and lying to me
01:22:15about all these things with her ex.
01:22:20I mean, how could she do that? I mean, she's so hypocritical.
01:22:24You don't deserve this s***. I am so sorry, baby.
01:22:29We have to catch our flight, like, soon.
01:22:32We have to get going.
01:22:34I've heard enough today.
01:22:37I was thinking when Jasmine left Panama
01:22:40that it would be the end of the relationship with Dane.
01:22:43They're not going to talk anymore because she's come to the US to be with me.
01:22:47I mean, what the f*** is that?
01:22:50I thought things were so good, but this is all not good.
01:22:55None of it's good.
01:23:02Next time on 90 Day Fiancé...
01:23:05Why are you so calm right now?
01:23:07Aren't you furious?
01:23:08I am furious.
01:23:09He doesn't care about other people's feelings,
01:23:11and he won't take accountability,
01:23:12and he doesn't realize he's doing things wrong.
01:23:14So I don't think I want to marry someone like that.
01:23:16She did not tell her mom anything other than what we don't have,
01:23:19what we didn't make.
01:23:21It feels like we're not on the same team.
01:23:23One to ten, how good are you feeling?
01:23:25I'm like a four.
01:23:26Sophie has always assumed that we're going to get married,
01:23:29but I have all the way up until I say I do.
01:23:33He smiled.
01:23:35OK, thank you.
01:23:36Yesterday, it was a bad day for us,
01:23:39but to take Nikki and the horse riding,
01:23:41it's something special.
01:23:43Nice, yes.
01:23:44No, no, I don't talk with you.
01:23:46I'm talking with this horse.
01:24:02Manuel deciding to have another bitch fit.
01:24:05We're going in circles.
01:24:09We're going in circles.
01:24:19Citra's family just arrived from Indonesia.
01:24:22Tell him about depression.
01:24:24A couple months ago, as you know, I got in trouble.
01:24:30It's hard to say what's a felony.
01:24:40I don't have a problem with Annalie at all.
01:24:44But I'd feel better if I just see once a week
01:24:48a good-looking American.
01:24:50Where's the cheeseburgers at?
01:24:52My mom's passive-aggressive, and I personally hate that.
01:24:57Her being in the house is affecting mine
01:24:59and Annalie's private relationship.
01:25:01It's frustrating that she's not speaking English.
01:25:04I don't think she has a desire to learn English.
01:25:07I don't know, I shouldn't say that, but I said what I said.
01:25:13Did she come out and start attacking you,
01:25:15or did you say something to her?
01:25:17Gino's ex-girlfriend really ruined my life.
01:25:20She was blackmailing me for a while.
01:25:23I blame Gino.
01:25:24You are really asking me if I provoke her?
01:25:28Well, you heard me.
01:25:29I wish I had done that last night.
01:25:34I'm not gonna get married to this f***ing idiot!