• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Momento di evidenza della grande collaborazione istituzionale tra Cdp e le Finanziarie Regionali, che sono il ponte che mette a terra le risorse europee e regionali, veicolandole al sistema imprenditoriale italiano. Noi stiamo sui territori e quindi siamo il tramite naturale per sostenere finanziariamente i nostri imprenditori. Dobbiamo sostenere il sistema imprenditoriale e dargli ossigeno che corrisponde alle gambe per camminare”, lo dichiara Michele Vietti, presidente Anfir, a margine dell’evento “Oggi, per l’Italia del futuro: 3° incontro Annuale per lo sviluppo sostenibile delle Regioni” presso Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. “Venture capital per le centrali nucleari? Certo sono investimenti consistenti ma credo che le Finanziarie insieme a Cdp possano prestare attenzione anche a questo settore”. Il presidente delle Finanziarie Regionali poi “come scontiamo un eccesso di controlli e vigilanza come finanziarie che sono fardelli che appesantiscono la nostra corsa, noi abbiamo bisogno di correre per aiutare il Paese e stiamo ragionando sulla possibilità di darci una natura giuridica come soggetto intermedio tra l’intermediario finanziario e il semplice sportello della Regione”


00:00Today is a moment of evidence of the great institutional collaboration between CDP and
00:12the regional financiers.
00:14The regional financiers are the bridge that puts on the ground the European and regional
00:23resources and vehicles them to the Italian entrepreneurial system.
00:28We are on the territory and therefore we are the natural process to financially support
00:36our entrepreneurs.
00:37We do this by inducing a lever effect, so thanks to the involvement of institutional
00:45investors such as CDP, but also of the traditional accreditation system, every euro that is invested
00:52on the territory has a return of 8 to 10 times as much.
00:57I believe that this is important in a moment in which we must support the entrepreneurial
01:02system, give them oxygen, because oxygen corresponds to the legs to walk.
01:09The vehicle capital is a financial instrument, therefore it is abstractly applicable to everything.
01:16Nuclear power plants certainly make very consistent investments, even in the smart
01:25version, which today is the largest, and I believe that the financiers, together with CDP and
01:33loans, can also pay attention to this sector, as they should generally pay attention to all
01:40aspects of ESG and energy production in particular.
01:44There is a reform issue, because the regional financiers have very different natures, some
01:50are intermediaries and financiers monitored by Banca d'Italia, others are subject in
01:56house of their regions.
01:59This makes us discount an excess of controls and surveillance, the analogue control of
02:08the region, the control of Banca d'Italia, the control of the Court of Accounts, and these
02:14are like weights that weigh our race.
02:20We need to run to help the country to run, and therefore we are thinking about the possibility
02:26of giving us a legal nature as an intermediate subject between the true and proper intermediary
02:34between the financial sector and the simple sportsman of the region.
