• 2 days ago
👉Un corte de suministro eléctrico en Buenos Aires generó caos en la estación terminal del ferrocarril Mitre en Retiro, afectando a miles de pasajeros. La falta de electricidad interrumpió el servicio ferroviario y dejó a muchas personas sin luz, atrapadas en ascensores y con dificultades para desplazarse por la ciudad. Las autoridades aún investigan las causas del apagón, que podría deberse a un sabotaje o falta de mantenimiento.

👉 Seguí en #BuenDíaA24


00:00How are you Luis? Good morning.
00:03Well, we were here at the terminal station of the Mitre Railway in Retiro,
00:08which during the night of yesterday and the morning of today had a lot of problems
00:14because there was no electricity supply and therefore the trains could not get here to Retiro
00:19because that brought problems in the signals for entry to the terminal.
00:25Well, with the running of the hours during the morning, and I tell you,
00:28an hour ago, more or less, the service was restored and the train returned to work normally.
00:35The three branches that run from here to Retiro,
00:39the one that goes from Retiro to Tigre and the one that goes from Retiro to León Suárez and Mitre.
00:45Well, now they are restored, but during the morning, I tell you, it was very difficult
00:50because people could not get here, they got to Belgrano,
00:54and well, obviously the one who came to take the train had this problem,
00:58and the one who wanted to get there had to get off in Belgrano,
01:01take a bus to get to work.
01:03Well, now it is resolved, but well, the issue obviously had to do
01:08with the power cuts that had occurred yesterday and that still today had their effects, Luis.
01:14Now, the lack of information is shocking.
01:18We will soon be reviewing with Mercedes Mendoza the numbers we had,
01:22but I would also like to know, what about the ENRE,
01:25which is the electric service regulator that should give us information and protect us, the users?
01:31Because there has probably been a technical reason for this to happen.
01:35The question is, hey, you have to explain to the Energy Secretary.
01:38Mercedes, what numbers do you have there?
01:40Let's see, these are the numbers they left yesterday.
01:42I reiterate this because today we know there are still people without electricity supply.
01:46120 firemen intervened.
01:48The center of Oporto was a real chaos.
01:51More than 50 people were trapped in different parts of the city in elevators.
01:56258 traffic lights were affected.
01:59300 traffic officers on the street.
02:01I have to emphasize this, the reality is that they took a while to get to several points in Neuralgicos.
02:0615 electricians were attended.
02:08It was a topic yesterday, how to get to the people who depend on electric energy to be able to breathe.
02:15100 people attended by the S.A.M.E.
02:1747 traffic incidents and 63 people attended in stopped elevators.
02:24This is what I mentioned earlier.
02:26From the Energy Secretary, the people who respond precisely to Tetamante, to the Energy Secretary.
02:31Yesterday afternoon they explained, gentlemen, we do not know why this happened.
02:35In these two lines of tension from the south, which go from Costanera to Hudson, that's what they explained.
02:42We still don't know if it was sabotage.
02:44If it was a lack of maintenance by the company.
02:47But the truth is that they are still seen.
02:50Is there an important demand? Yes.
02:52In the national government, low temperatures were celebrated.
02:55This must be said.
02:56We had a January, an early year.
02:58And a fantastic December too.
03:00Then the electric demand did not reach its peak.
03:03These first days of March, the last of February, the electric demand began to be noticed more.
03:09People are already returning to their homes.
03:11And it is precisely what the specialists say.
03:13The months with the highest electric demand in March.
03:16There I would add one more figure.
03:1714 million states altered.
03:19Yesterday it was very difficult to drive in the city of Buenos Aires.
03:22I'm not telling you if you had any artery that didn't have a traffic light.
03:25I say, I know it's difficult, Pedrito, but lower the tone a bit.
03:28There it is, there I see you, Leo.
03:30A lot of traffic on July 9, Leo Godoy, right?
03:35Look, a lot of traffic in all directions.
03:38I'm retired.
03:40Well, all the outside.
03:43A lot of people moving.
03:46Everyone trying to find a shelter.
03:48Luckily, I tell you, they opened the hall.
03:51Because very early today, when it had already started to get hot,
03:54all the people were waiting outside.
03:56Well, at some point they made barriers so that people could not take refuge.
04:00Hello, good morning.
04:01How are you?
04:02I'm in a hurry.
04:03Well, thanks.
04:04Well, the people who told you, looking for a shelter.
04:07And now it is impossible.
04:10How are you?
04:11Fine, and you?
04:13Where are you from?
04:14From Brazil.
04:15From Brazil.
04:17Well, how did you find Argentina?
04:18In prices?
04:19In prices.
04:20For Brazil, the currency is devalued, so everything is expensive.
04:24It is not something that is cheap for us.
04:28Leaving Brazil is expensive.
04:30And the climate?
04:31Do you feel the heat?
04:32One says, Brazil is always hot.
04:35Yes, but it's a little warmer here.
04:38What part of Brazil are you from?
04:39Belo Horizonte.
04:40From Belo Horizonte.
04:42Well, are you having a good time?
04:43Yes, we are.
04:44Do you like Argentina?
04:45We like it.
04:46Well, I'm glad.
04:47Keep enjoying.
04:49Well, look, so that someone from Brazil does not say that it is hotter than in Brazil,
04:53it is very hot.
04:54And in Belo Horizonte I give it to you.
04:56The heat that makes a city very industrial, with a lot of heat.
05:00What happens is that there is a lot of humidity here.
05:03Well, we are in Buenos Aires.
05:04Welcome to the Rio de la Plata.
05:06A beautiful city that has this feature.
05:09Here I am also receiving messages from the province of Buenos Aires,
05:14which is still without light.
05:16Let's open our networks.
05:17Buendianovarecio and arrobaluisnovarecio is my personal,
05:21which I am seeing here.
05:22Mabel de Ituzaingó in the Palomar area was cut,
05:25but they told us that it had to do with something local.
05:28It would be so interesting to be able to talk to someone.
05:30Let's open and invite people from the Energy Secretary to tell us.
05:34Well, Antonio said it very well.
05:36It is not known exactly, Leo, what happened and the fear that it may be repeated.
05:43In fact, yesterday our cameraman, Carlos Pelo, lives in Lanús
05:48and was without electricity all day.
05:51It was quite complicated in the entire southern area,
05:55everything that has to do with electricity,
05:57and also some port neighborhoods.
05:59There was not much information about when it was going to be restored.
06:03So, the problem was people's uncertainty about things on the sidewalk,
06:07with the heat, obviously, where it was going to be able to cover,
06:11because the air conditioners did not work, the fans less.
06:14Well, everything generated a lot of inconvenience
06:17and we had later with the subway,
06:19which was also a big problem throughout the day,
06:22that people had a hard time moving around the city.
06:26Precisely following what you said, Leo.
06:28We hope that there are explanations so that people can prevent themselves.
06:31Well, since yesterday, Colomba, our companion,
06:34it took three hours from Palermo to Quilmes.
06:36Of course.
06:37Three hours.
06:38Because what Colomba says is that the buses were slowing down,
06:42people were getting off because they could not continue, they could not move forward.
06:45It was a real collapse of the port center.
06:48It is not ruled out, as you said today, Leo, that this can happen again.
06:53This is the question.
06:56Sorry, Leo.
06:57This is the question.
06:58Not knowing what happened, what is the origin,
07:00if it was a sabotage, if it was an overload,
07:02if the heat also flowed.
07:05There is a lack of maintenance.
07:06Yes, Leo.
07:07There I see ...
07:08Ah, no, they are just cleaning.
07:10They are city workers who are cleaning, right?
07:13Yes, yes, it is very necessary in this area.
07:16The truth is that, well, that they have come to clean,
07:19it is very good, because imagine, the heat,
07:23well, with the smells that there are,
07:25also for the people who have to wait and pass.
07:28Well, we celebrate that it is being cleaned.
07:32But I tell you, this area, Luis, is very busy,
07:35because people get off the train and go in search of,
07:38maybe take a bus or something, to be able to go to work.
07:42See if you can do it, if you can, Leo.
07:44It's because there are people who are working and don't feel like stopping.
07:47A little bit, to ask if there was light, if there was no light,
07:49how is it going.
07:50Let's see.
07:51Only if you can, because, I insist,
07:52there are people who are going to work.
07:53Hello, how are you?
07:54No, just ask.
07:55Did you have light?
07:57I'm not from here, I'm from Emisiones.
07:58Ah, you're from Emisiones.
07:59Well, there are also many people who move here,
08:01because of the issue of the terminal station,
08:03that many go and come.
08:05Let's see if we can ask.
08:07Hello guys, how are you?
08:08Did you have light?
08:09No, I'm not here, friend.
08:10Me neither.
08:12No, the truth is that it is a shame, a shame.
08:15Well, at least I do, but I have many acquaintances
08:17that there was no light.
08:19And nothing, hopefully everything can be put in its place, right?
08:22That it can't be, that with the tremendous heat it makes,
08:26there are people who can't bathe, can't have, I don't know,
08:29the air conditioning, the fan on.
08:31Thank you very much.
08:33Hello, how are you?
08:36Did you have light?
08:37Where are you from?
08:38No, we are not from here.
08:39Me neither.
08:40I'm not from here.
08:41Very good.
08:42I tell him, you have to have a radar
08:44to find all the people outside.
08:45Very good.
08:46Very good there.
08:47Of course.
08:48The mother of that seven-year-old girl.
08:51Well, let's see if we can continue.
08:53Let's see.
08:54It will always appear.
08:55How are you?
08:56Did you have light?
09:00You didn't.
09:01Where are you from?
09:02From Artado, Retiro.
09:03From Retiro.
09:04And how did you spend it with the heat?
09:07No, a lot of heat.
09:08A lot of heat.
09:09Yes, without light and nothing, a lot of heat.
09:10And when did you come back or don't you have it yet?
09:11No, yes, I came back at night, at night.
09:12At night, very late?
09:13Very late.
09:14Like what time?
09:15And at eight o'clock at night.
09:16Eight o'clock at night.
09:18So it was a bad day.
09:19Yes, too much.
09:20Today too, but hey.
09:21Thank you, eh.
09:22Well, good.
09:23We already have one.
09:24Very good.
09:25Hello, how are you?
09:27Did you have light?
09:29Where are you from?
09:30No, I mean, yes, I have light, but I am from Catan.
09:31From Catan.
09:34And yesterday you were able to travel.
09:35Do you come regularly?
09:37Not every day.
09:38Not every day.
09:39Well, I imagine the heat suffers.
09:42Have a nice day.
09:45Well, let's see.
09:46We continue chatting with the people.
09:47Catan, at least they saw you.
09:48Let's see, the lady.
09:49Hello, how are you?
09:50Did you have light yesterday?
09:51No, I don't think so.
09:53He says no.
09:55Here too, look.
09:56I read you some of the messages that are coming.
09:57Eli, thank you for the message.
09:58I am from Lanús, Uncaos, Edesur, and Elenra is absent.
09:59Who gives us back what we ask?
10:00It's Josefina.
10:01I'm from South Zone.
10:02I called Edesur and they told me they didn't have a record of the cut.
10:03It's the best.
10:04Well, that always happens to you.
10:05No, we don't have a record of the cut.
10:06Of course.
10:07Let's see.
10:08Those of us who live in the Edesur area, who have suffered, no, yesterday only,
10:09we have suffered.
10:10We have suffered.
10:11We have suffered.
10:12We have suffered.
10:13We have suffered.
10:14We have suffered.
10:15We have suffered.
10:17They are the ones who have suffered the cut.
10:18I will tell you.
10:19Those of us who live in the Edesur area, who have suffered, no, yesterday only,
10:20you suffer Edesur, we have to say it in constant form.
10:21It is incredible because you go to the page from Elenra and your cut is not.
10:22You call Edesur and they tell you I do not have the cut recorded and say well, congrats
10:31to God, then I stay.
10:34It's a pretty common thing to be answered by that.
10:41The national government insists, at least what they left transcend yesterday is that there
10:45There is a significant lack of maintenance by the company Edesur.
10:50What do you say about Edesur, gentlemen?
10:5220 years ago, we came with a significant delay to change.
10:55Well, in the last year and a half, apparently...
10:57But Mercedes, go out and explain it.
10:59But lastly, I left...
11:00Go out and explain it.
11:01And they also wanted to leave the country until a year and a half ago.
11:05In him, the Italian controller...
11:07The Italian?
11:08He had put her on sale.
11:09Well, if you can't keep her...
11:10Well, here it says Lomas de Zamora.
11:12We are without water.
11:13The light returned, but with low voltage.
11:16Good morning.
11:17Here in the province of Buenos Aires, we are collapsed with water.
11:20I don't know exactly where you are.
11:22If you can tell us...
11:24Adriana, Edesur.
11:26Can you tell them to answer the phone?
11:28Of course, there it is.
11:30Thank you very much for the kind messages there are.
11:32Yes, Leo, I'm listening to you.
11:33I'm suffering for you, for the sun in my head.
11:36Leo, I'm telling you the truth.
11:39The sun is angry.
11:40The sun is very angry.
11:42But I tell you what...
11:43Worse, as the phrase says so much of the Puerto Ricans,
11:46what kills is the humidity.
11:48The humidity is tremendous.
11:50You take two steps and you perspire.
11:53And well, here it gets more complicated.
11:56Well, the subway is good news.
11:57That the subway is working today.
12:01It is not affected, luckily, as it was yesterday.
12:04And that for people is a relief.
12:06Because look at the amount of people who, at least,
12:09enter here in this subway line.
12:12That goes to Constitution.
12:14So this is very important.
12:16But well, a lot of heat.
12:18And people, at least,
12:20continue with the fear of the subject of the light.
12:22The uncertainty.
12:23Hoping that it will not be repeated again.
12:25Because a day like today can get very angry.
12:27Look, I give you more precisions, Leo,
12:29of what is going to happen with the weather forecast.
12:31We are already with 37, thermal sensation, if I'm not mistaken.
12:34If I'm not mistaken.
