• 2 days ago
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 11 Completo HD
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 11 Completo HD
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 11 Completo HD
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 11 Completo HD
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 12 Capítulo 11 Completo HD
00:00Una carrerita hasta el parque?
00:03Te voy a ganar.
00:05Ay, eso lo quiero ver.
00:11Escúchame tú!
00:12Mucho cuidado con acercarte a mi gaspi nuevamente,
00:14porque te arranco las extensiones y te dejo calva!
00:19No, no te preocupes.
00:21Yo sé lo que hago.
00:25Después te hablo.
00:28¿Con quién hablabas?
00:30Con alguien, negocios.
00:33¿Por qué cortaste?
00:34Porque no era importante.
00:35Quería preguntarle por Cris.
00:38Está en su cuarto.
00:39Lucio le está ayudando.
00:40En un rato subo a verlo.
00:45¿En serio no te molestaste ni un poquitito?
00:47Ni un poquitito.
00:49¿En serio te cuesta tanto creer eso?
00:52Yo no soy ningún chivón y mamón.
00:55Eso ya lo sé.
01:01¿Tú eres mecánico, verdad?
01:03Por supuesto, ¿no ha visto?
01:05Aquí en Fuyosí hay algo que te puede interesar.
01:08Por Dios, he trabajado en un barco.
01:11Vamos, vamos.
01:12¿Tuviste algo que ver con el cadáver enterrado en mi jardín?
01:19Arranca, vamos a conversar.
01:24¡Agua, agua!
01:25¡Hey, hey! ¡Me está mojando! ¡Cuidado!
01:28Tranquilo. Yo dije agua, ¿va?
01:30¡Estas zapatillas valen más que en tu casa!
01:32Bueno, espero que sean acuáticas entonces.
01:34¡Te la está buscando, Teresa! ¡Te la está buscando!
01:36¡Por favor, mira cómo tiemblo! ¡Y avanza nomás!
01:38¡Y avanza, avanza! ¡Ven, ven! ¡Huyá!
01:40Yo sé que es muy seguido, pero tenía que darte esto.
01:59Es ella.
02:11¿Y por qué quieres que tenga la blusa de Isabela?
02:14Siento que tú debes tenerla.
02:17Yo la he guardado todo este tiempo, pero...
02:20ahora siento que debo dejarla ir.
02:23No quiero recordar a mi hija como el último día que la vi.
02:27Ese día era nuestro reencuentro.
02:30Estaba tan ilusionado por verla.
02:32Ella también estaba muy ilusionada.
02:36Fue todo tan violento.
02:39Mi mamá me utilizó para llevar a cabo su venganza.
02:45Me siento tan culpable.
02:48Yo amaba a Isabela.
02:50Y si te doy esto,
02:52es porque no te culpo a ti,
02:54sino a tu familia.
03:00Claudia ya está muerta.
03:03Y mi mamá también pronto lo estará.
03:05Es hora de enterrar el pasado.
03:08Pienso lo mismo.
03:11Quiero recordar a mi hija viva.
03:17Isabela era una persona tan especial.
03:21Fui tan feliz con ella, Franchi.
03:25Le doy mis mejores años.
03:27Si lo hubieras conocido de niña.
03:30Ah, ¿no?
03:46¿De dónde sacaste esta foto?
03:50Ella me la dio.
03:52Pero fue un día de la madre en el nido.
03:55Se disfrazó de mí.
03:57Sí, sí.
03:58Me contó que le pusieron 20 por el disfraz de ejecutiva.
04:01Me hubiera encantado verla.
04:04¿No la viste?
04:05No, estaba en viaje de negocios.
04:08Ah, entiendo.
04:12¿Estás apurada?
04:13¿Quieres ir a dar una vuelta al parque?
04:16Con mucho gusto.
04:21No, no tuve nada que ver.
04:25¿Y para eso me trajiste hasta aquí?
04:27Bueno, para que salgas un poco de la órbita de Franchi.
04:30Ya, a ver, cuéntame.
04:33¿El cuerpo que encontraron en el jardín que era de Claudia?
04:37Cien por ciento.
04:39Mira, tal vez no tuviste nada que ver directamente,
04:42pero por ahí hablaste de más.
04:44Tal vez en los bajofondos.
04:46Nunca hablo de eso.
04:49Y hace mal tu mujer en desconfiar de mí.
04:51Yo estoy tan embarrado como ustedes.
04:53No me conviene que esto salga a la luz.
04:55Así que quédate tranquilo que por mi lado no es.
05:00Sí, sí, tú puedes tener muchos defectos,
05:02pero tonto no eres.
05:05Ahora, hay otro asunto.
05:06No voy a volver.
05:08Me enteré del altercado que tuviste con Francesca.
05:11No creo que con detalles, pero dejémoslo ahí mejor.
05:15¿Tú sabes quién es Leonardo Rizopatrón?
05:20No, no, no me suena.
05:22Más bien, Leonardo Llanos.
05:25El hermano de Claudia.
05:27Ah, ya.
05:28Él estuvo casado con Isabel, ¿no?
05:31Ese mismo.
05:32Cumplió su condena.
05:34Lo vimos en el cementerio.
05:37Ya, ya.
05:38Dame unos días y te averigo todo de ese tal Leonardo.
05:40Mientras tanto, manténgase alejado de él.
05:43Ahora, no tienes que decirme nada.
05:51¡Me golpean los bolsares!
05:52Llevo tarde en mi oficina.
05:55¿Hasta cuándo me seguirán estorbando?
05:57¿Por qué no se extinguen de una vez?
06:01Tengo que hacer algo para que desaparezcan de la faz de la tierra.
06:04¿Pero qué?
06:07Son como cucarachas.
06:08No mueren nunca.
06:10Encima tienen esta bodega también ubicada en medio de las nuevas lomas.
06:15Si al menos tuviera una competencia que las desaparezca.
06:33Y queríamos hacer Blanqueanieves y los siete enanos,
06:35pero conseguimos a cuatro nomás.
06:36Así que dijimos, no, cambiemos, cambiemos.
06:38Y dijimos Cleopatra.
06:39Y ella se convirtió en esta reina egipcia.
06:42Yo, Marco Antonio. ¿Te acuerdas?
06:43Sí, sí, me acuerdo.
06:45Les encantaba disfrazarse.
06:47No, no, no. Disfrazarnos no, ¿eh?
06:49Eran caracterizaciones.
06:50Hacíamos toda una puesta en escena.
06:52¿No sabes el montaje que nos metimos?
06:54No tienes que darme detalles.
06:56Que nos divertíamos tanto a puerta cerrada.
06:58Sí, lo sé.
06:59Mi cuarto quedaba cerca.
07:04No, no. La juventud es para disfrutar.
07:07Y lo hicimos.
07:08Sí, lo hicimos.
07:10¿Y tus musicales?
07:12¿Cómo olvidarlos?
07:13Nadie puede olvidar tus musicales.
07:15No, no.
07:16Es un tonito de burla ahí, Franchi, ¿eh?
07:21Ya no encuentro las ganas para hacerlos.
07:24Tenía una motivación ahora.
07:27Hasta me cuesta levantarme de la cama.
07:29Conozco esa sensación.
07:31Aunque ha pasado algo, Franchi.
07:36No creo que no es el momento para contarte.
07:38No puedes dejarme así, ¿no?
07:39No, si puedo.
07:40Así me aseguro una siguiente visita.
07:44Nos pasamos bonito recordando a Isabela.
07:47Con una sonrisa.
07:48Como debe ser.
07:49Como debe ser, sí.
07:52Franchi, ¿tú la sueñas?
07:55La sueño.
07:57¿Y la hija?
07:58La sueño.
08:00Y la he visto como te estoy viendo a ti ahora.
08:04Pero hace tiempo que...
08:09Se fue simplemente.
08:13Debe ser mi parte racional que me dice que ella ya no está.
08:18Que verla y escucharla solo es producto de mi imaginación.
08:24No, Franchi.
08:25Ella sigue viva.
08:27Dentro de nosotros sigue viva.
08:30Es lindo escucharlo, aunque no sea...
08:33Sí lo es.
08:35Sí lo es, Franchi.
08:36Cada vez que necesites a Isabela, búscala.
08:40Yo lo hago.
08:56¿Arroz con huevo frito? ¿Qué le pasa, Salvadora?
08:59Bueno, la Yuli está buscando trabajo porque la suspendieron.
09:03Bueno, está bien que la Yuli sea trabajador y responsable,
09:07pero su cocinerito podría hacer méritos, ¿no?
09:10Apoyo a la moción.
09:11Ustedes también podrían cocinar de vez en cuando, ¿no?
09:14Lo voy a hacer.
09:15Y los voy a sorprender, ya van a ver.
09:17Yo quiero verlo.
09:19Yo traigo la gaseosa.
09:21¿Qué gaseosa? Me la traigo de la bodega.
09:23Por eso digo, la traigo nomás.
09:25¿Y tú qué haces acá?
09:26No me digas que también quieres almorzar.
09:28Ay, ya pues, papá.
09:29Valentín me ayuda desinteresadamente en la bodega.
09:31Desinteresadamente no creo.
09:32Ya anda, fríete tu huevo, eh.
09:36¿Quién va?
09:37Tú, Manchu.
09:38¡Tú, Manchu!
09:42¡Voy, voy!
09:43¡Llegó el pollo!
09:45¿Cuál pollo?
09:50¡Tengo justo el tiempo para salvarlos!
09:52Muévete, muévete, trae una silla.
09:53Ay, ya por favor. Tampoco es para tanto.
09:55Pero pollo es pollo.
09:57Ah, sí, repartí la ropa.
09:59Pechito, pechito, pechito, pechito.
10:01¿Y dónde están los demás?
10:04No me digas que don Félix...
10:08¡Se aguanta!
10:10¿Y Jimmy?
10:11Ah, se fue a la cocina, se fue a la cocina.
10:15¡Claro pues, Coqui!
10:16¿Para qué te das tanto tiempo también, pues?
10:18Es verdad, Coqui.
10:19Han pasado muchas cosas.
10:20Han pasado muchas cosas.
10:21Bueno, sírvete, sírvete.
10:28¿Se le ofrece algo, señorita Zapallón?
10:32Digo, sí.
10:35El señor Bruno me dio un encargo y no sé cómo hacerlo.
10:40¿De qué se trata?
10:42Me pidió que le instale Candy Crush en su celular.
10:49¿Y usted cree que el gerente general de una corporación como esta
10:52es la persona más desocupada como para que usted le pida un favor de ese viejo chocho?
10:58Lo siento.
10:59Yo pensé que tal vez...
11:00No, pensó mal, señorita Zapallón.
11:04O sea, ¿usted piensa que a Elon Musk o a Bill Gates
11:08le pedía ayuda para amarrarse los zapatos?
11:12¿Quiénes son ellos?
11:13¿Trabajan aquí?
11:17A ver, démese de gestorio.
11:20A ver.
11:23Ahí está.
11:25Martita es la clave, Martita.
11:27No, no, no sé por qué usaría ese nombre.
11:35Ay, Bruno.
11:38Aquí está.
11:39A ver.
11:40A ver.
11:48Ya está.
11:50Déselo a su jefe.
11:52¿Ya está? ¿Tan rápido?
11:55Ay, gracias.
11:57Es usted un amor.
11:58No, no lo soy.
12:08Mañana le voy a traer un Juan en agradecimiento.
12:10No, gracias.
12:16Otro día quisiera pedirle ayuda con una cosa.
12:22Está bien.
12:24Me voy.
12:29Pues váyase, señorita Zapallón.
12:52¿Pero qué me estás diciendo?
12:55Fui a ver a Leonardo.
12:56Por segunda vez.
12:58¿Por qué te pones así?
12:59Porque ese tipo es un ex convicto.
13:01Te recuerdo que también es mi ex-yerno.
13:04Eso fue parte de un plan.
13:05Fue todo un engaño.
13:07Leonardo amó a mi hija.
13:08Y es un legítimo viudo.
13:10Se metió a tu casa.
13:11Se metió en tu familia.
13:12Con engaños.
13:13Con falsa identidad.
13:15Claro que lo sé.
13:16Pero él nunca nos hizo nada.
13:19En cierta forma fue una protección
13:20contra su madre y su hermana.
13:22No sé para qué me gasto hablando
13:23si tú ya le perdonaste todo.
13:26No hay nada que perdonarle.
13:28Te repito.
13:29Él nunca nos hizo nada.
13:30Y faltó poco.
13:32No confío en ese tipo.
13:34Mi amor.
13:35Claudia está muerta.
13:38Carmen está enferma en prisión.
13:40¿Qué puede hacer Leonardo?
13:42Además, él nunca fue como ellas.
13:45Espero que tengas razón.
13:48Esa familia está extinta.
13:55¿Y se puede saber de qué hablaron?
14:00Pasamos un largo rato recordando a Isabela.
14:06Te agarro por el sentimiento.
14:07Hazme el favor.
14:09Me ofende que me trates como una mujer boba.
14:12Perdóname, Fran.
14:14No lo eres.
14:16Es solamente que...
14:19Temo por ti.
14:21Gracias, pero no tienes por qué.
14:24Y aunque no lo creas,
14:26Leonardo sufrió mucho la muerte de Isabela.
14:29Hablar con él
14:31me reconforta.
14:35Si tú lo dices,
14:38hasta mañana.
14:54Hija, aquí estoy.
14:56Por favor.
14:59Ven a hablar conmigo, Isabela.
15:06¿Qué pasa con esta señora?
15:10Ojalá que esta noche no venga tan bien,
15:12disfrazada como su viejita en la difunta.
15:18Señora Goyoneche.
15:19¿Está ahí?
15:20Por Dios, Gaspar.
15:21¡Qué intenso!
15:22Amor, ¿me dejaste en paz?
15:23Gaspar, ¿qué intenso?
15:24Amor, me dejaste solo, esperándote.
15:27Mejor me voy a dormir, ¿ya?
15:28Ya voy, amor.
15:29Lo estoy arreglando.
15:31¿Arreglando para qué?
15:32¿Vamos a salir?
15:37Ay, Dios.
15:40Ay, Dios.
15:41¿Esto te dice algo?
15:43Dios mío.
15:45Vario es la pena la espera, mi amor.
15:48Solo te puedo decir
15:49que en la intimidad
15:50puedo dejar de ser Doña Tere.
15:53¿Todavía tienes sueño?
15:56Estoy bien despierto, estoy.
15:58Ay, me encanta.
15:59Entonces te cantaré una de mis repertorios.
16:01¿Ah, sí?
16:03Dame tu chocolatito.
16:05¡Ñamí, ñamí, ñamí!
16:07¡Ñamí, ñamí!
16:08Dame tu chocolatito.
16:11Otro día sin poder dormir.
16:14¿Por qué dices eso?
16:15Bueno, porque Teresa y Gaspar
16:16otra vez están haciendo sus...
16:20Ah, bueno, Mappy, pero está bien.
16:22Tienen esposos.
16:23Sí, o sea, bien por ellos,
16:24pero no me dejan dormir.
16:26Tienes tanto que aprender.
16:28Ay, Yuri, no quiero aprender de oído.
16:30Ay, no, no te hablo sobre eso.
16:33¿Qué haces?
16:34¿Me vas a inyectar algo?
16:38Es para que te lo pongas en el oído.
16:42¡Qué buena idea!
16:44A ver.
16:45Ven con mami, mi conejito de Berea.
16:47Suelta esponjita.
16:49¡Uy, esponjata!
16:52¡Póntelos, apúrate!
16:53Sí, sí, sí.
16:58¿Qué tal?
16:59¿Escuchas algo?
17:06Ahora sí, a dormir tranquilas.
17:09¡Ya hice pila!
17:25¡Ay, pila no!
17:27¡Ay, pila no!
17:32Ya se me va a pasar, ya se me va a pasar.
17:36¡Ay, no me aplastes!
17:45¡Apreta, apreta, apreta!
17:47¡Ay, no, no!
17:49¡No lo aguanto!
17:51¡No quiero bajar!
17:53¿Y si me voy al silo?
17:56Me voy a morir asfixiada.
18:00¡No me aguanto, no me aguanto!
18:05¿Qué está pasando acá?
18:07¡Está terminando la chica y ya están durmiendo!
18:15¡Ah, ya!
18:16¡Aguanta, aguanta, aguanta!
18:17¡Aguanta, aguanta, aguanta!
18:23¡Ah, ah!
18:31¡Ay, con las gustas!
18:47¿Un papel?
18:51¿Y ahora?
18:53¡Ay, no!
18:55¡Por favor, cálmese!
18:56Voy a llamar a Mati.
18:57Ella me va a salvar.
19:21¡Vamos, Mati!
19:24¿Qué pasa con esta chica?
19:25¿Se volvió sorda?
19:27¡Maripaz, contesta, contesta!
19:56Antes yo tenía cuarto con baño.
20:00¡Ay, no!
20:08¿Escuchaste silbando?
20:10No hagas caso, mi arrozambito, y tócame el cajón.
20:48¡Oye, mano!
20:50¡Ese es un taxi!
20:51¡Ese taxi es bien grande!
20:52¡Qué edificio!
20:53¿Sí, no?
20:54¡Ese parece mi taxi churro, eh!
20:56¡Ahí, ahí, ahí!
21:02¡Ey, ey, ey!
21:03¿Habés acompañado de perra flaco ahora?
21:05Acá en estos puentes no hay en Perú, ¿eh?
21:08¿Sí o no?
21:21¡Ele ganó un anillo!
21:24¡Jajaja! ¡Qué risa!
21:25¿Ah? ¿Cómo que dijo?
21:27¡Hoy, baby! ¡Hoy, baby! ¡Hoy!
21:29¡Hoy, baby! ¡Hoy, baby! ¡Hoy!
21:35Hay que crear una canción para...
21:37¡Ahí, ahí, bueno!
21:46¡Oye, mira!
21:47¡Oye, mira ese centro comercial!
21:48¡Está bonito!
21:49¡Ahí viene el pizza, man! ¡Esa pizza es bien rica!
21:51¡Tenemos mucho buen té!
21:53¿Y has conocido gente peruana o no?
21:56¡Ah, como quienes!
21:58¡Jo, pero firme! ¡Pero nosotros somos los bafores!
22:00¡Pero acá viste, o sea, no!
22:11¡Voy a bailar!
22:13¿Tiene su biste, no?
22:14¿Tiene su biste?
22:15¡Tiene su biste! ¡Tiene su biste!
22:17¡Vaya, mirá el tomado, man!
22:19¡Acordate de la marca! ¡Acordate de la marca, man!
22:22¡No hace falta!
22:23¡No hace falta! ¡Hoy casi estoy recorriendo! ¡Estamos en el...
22:25¡Oye, mirá ese malecón!
22:26¡Oye, mirá ese malecón!
22:57Oh, oh, oh.
22:58No, no, no, no, no.
22:59It can't be, cousin.
23:00It can't be that you haven't found Alexia's address.
23:04If you make Cristobal fall in love with her, it's crazy.
23:06This is crazy, it's crazy.
23:10Oh, oh, Sumana, I think the cousin got upset.
23:12She sent me some faqs.
23:13Oh, okay. Let's see.
23:15Man, don't pressure her.
23:16Leave her alone, don't pressure her.
23:18You just have to trust Joe, that's all.
23:20Okay? Let's trust Joe.
23:21Joe is an angel.
23:23Grandma sent her, didn't she?
23:24It's true, it's true.
23:25There she is.
23:30A car from scratch?
23:33Hold on.
23:35Hold on.
23:36We can't just do this visit.
23:50Fiesta Latina!
24:14Mueve tu cuervo con sabor.
24:17No paro de bailar, don Fernandez.
24:19Ya se ponen a gozar.
24:21Muévete bien, muévete bien.
24:23Con el saxo de Vicky, la fiesta va a empezar.
24:36Hey, girl, look.
24:39Who's calling?
24:45It's Joel.
24:47You're not going to answer, are you?
24:49Honey, it's Joel.
24:52Listen to me.
24:53Today is a very special day for us,
24:55so think about the next step you're going to take.
25:08Since I didn't answer,
25:10now they're sending me a message.
25:17Joel is at the Yetur factory.
25:19There they make cars from scratch
25:21with high-tech robots.
25:25It can't be.
25:27Joel is there,
25:28and I'm here.
25:29So think carefully
25:31what you're going to choose.
25:33Honey, but...
25:34Listen to me.
25:35In an American TV show I saw
25:37happy wife, happy marriage.
25:40You choose.
25:42Let's go inside.
25:43That's it!
25:56Gaspar, everything here is done by hand.
26:00I don't need you anymore.
26:02I don't need you anymore, Gaspar.
26:08Everything here is done by hand.
26:11Everything here is done by hand.
26:13There he goes.
26:20Look how the floor moves, Gaspar!
26:41How do you want an excuse?
26:43Dance, my cumbia.
26:44My cumbia, my cumbia, my cumbia.
26:47We all want to forget the sorrows.
26:49Take out the bottle to toast for her.
26:51Let no one leave, the music is there.
26:54There he goes.
26:55The dad of Pichuicho.
26:57We all want to forget the sorrows.
26:59Take out the bottle to toast for her.
27:02Let no one leave, the music is there.
27:05I had to be my cumbia, my cumbia.
27:08I had to be.
27:11My cumbia, my cumbia.
27:15My cumbia.
27:17My cumbia.
27:20I had to be.
27:23Move with desire, dance to the music.
27:25I know you, don't be mysterious.
27:28You have no excuse.
27:29Dance, my cumbia.
27:31My cumbia, my cumbia, my cumbia.
27:33My cumbia.
27:38Listen, have you ever thought about having a man here,
27:41a beautiful Latin American, like image.
27:43What do you want?
27:44Man, please, I warn you, don't do the ridiculous.
27:47Don't do the ridiculous.
27:48A mechanic, beautiful, exotic.
27:50Have you ever thought about your social networks,
27:52your almanacs, your commercials, all that stuff you say.
27:55Just like me.
27:58I'm in volume, I'm in volume, because I dry myself.
28:01I'm in volume and I dry myself, I dry myself like Bruce Lee.
28:04It's beautiful.
28:05What do you say?
28:06Translate it for me.
28:08He said, have you ever thought about finding an image spokesperson?
28:11You can do some commercial advertising,
28:13post it on social media platforms.
28:15He said he's a mechanic,
28:17stylish, handsome, and professional.
28:20If you find another Latin American image spokesperson,
28:23you can consider him.
28:24What do you say?
28:26What's up? Why are you laughing?
28:28I already told you that you're very funny.
28:32The language of laughter, my brother, the language of laughter.
28:35Universal, universal.
28:44Manito, I think it's time to implement the robotics of our workshop.
28:47Yes or no?
28:48I say, we take a few robots
28:50and we're going to bring more customers, you know?
28:52Yes, brother, I think what he says is fine.
28:54Jimmy, good news.
28:56My girlfriend is in Don Juan.
29:00Alicia is with a Don Juan?
29:02No, no, no.
29:03Let's see, let's see, let's see.
29:04I'm not surprised because, let me explain,
29:05she's always been a little slippery.
29:07Brother, don't say that.
29:08You're going to defend her?
29:09You're going to face a Don Juan and you're going to defend her?
29:11You've been in a hurry on this trip.
29:12I'm sorry, Jimmy.
29:13Enough, enough, enough.
29:14Do you know where that Don Juan lives?
29:16Hold on, hold on, hold on.
29:17Do you think the two of us can go with him or not?
29:18I'm going to help you.
29:19Well, I don't know, maybe it's paid, but no.
29:20I don't know.
29:21But you need to know martial arts.
29:22Well, well, we're brave.
29:24Damn Don Juan!
29:26I mean, I don't know.
29:27If you don't do it yourself, I don't know.
29:49San Juan Blessed, what is that?
29:53I don't know.
30:20After you, beautiful lady.
30:21Thank you, my prince of Evano.
30:23Good morning!
30:24Good morning!
30:26I slept very well today.
30:27I also slept very well.
30:29Although Jimmy woke me up in the morning with his questions.
30:32Oh, I answered him with a lot of poop.
30:34What's my fault that Alessia cut off contact with me?
30:40Good morning!
30:41Good morning, little girl.
30:42Good morning to everyone.
30:43And mom?
30:44Just that, aunt, to ask.
30:45Didn't she come down?
30:46I haven't seen her.
30:47Well, maybe she went out to run.
30:49Oh, yes.
30:50I'm sure she'll be back.
30:52Hey, Dani, who's in the bathroom?
30:54Yes, huh?
30:57And why is the door closed?
31:00Because I slept in the bathroom!
31:04Why don't you answer me?
31:06Bring the toilet paper, I can't feel my legs anymore.
31:09My God!
31:11But what happened to you?
31:13I don't know, but it's probably my fault.
31:15No more breast, daddy.
31:16The law of the married.
31:19Of course.
31:20Well said.
31:21Well said.
31:25Mom, why didn't you call me?
31:27Of course I called you.
31:28You must have like 20 missed calls on your cell phone.
31:31I swear I didn't hear anything.
31:35Do you know what I dreamed last night?
31:37That a gold bath was coming in.
31:38And everything was gold.
31:40Even the water was gold.
31:41And do you know what else was gold?
31:43And we don't need details, please.
31:45Don't be so discreet, you hear everything.
31:50Well, not so much to you.
31:52González family.
31:53González family.
31:54Juan González, we are Goyeneche.
31:56What's going on?
31:58It's true.
31:59Goyeneche, Contreras, Flores, Collazos, Lara, and Panduro Panturo, which is me.
32:05Well, what's going on?
32:07Yes, I just can't say it.
32:10No, I can't say it because it's something that is indescribable.
32:14It's inaudible.
32:15It's unusual.
32:16It's as if the aliens had brought it.
32:19Better come and see it.
32:20Let's see.
32:21Let's see.
32:34What is that?
32:40is modernity.
32:43Sir of the houses, is this machine yours?
32:46This super modern machine is the Neutronics 1000 with artificial intelligence.
32:53It needs artificial intelligence because nature doesn't have it.
33:00Laugh as long as you can, ignorant González.
33:03Because soon you will cry.
33:05My machine will make you bite the dust of defeat.
33:11Wait a minute.
33:13Here is my daddy's winery.
33:16What a shame.
33:17Why don't you blame the free market system and let the best win?
33:22But then I can keep his smart refrigerator because everyone prefers personal treatment.
33:28Well said, little girl.
33:30Listen to me, insolent millennial.
33:34Look, we're in the New Lomas.
33:36Nobody wants a neighborhood winery here.
33:39So now, if you'll excuse me, I'm thirsty.
33:45No gas.
33:55Excuse me.
34:00Why are you treating him like that?
34:02What's wrong with him?
34:03I want water.
34:05I want a banana.
34:07Leave it to me.
34:08I want a tamal.
34:14I think we have to pay first.
34:15Oh, yes.
34:16I saw that you put your card there.
34:17Well, let's see.
34:25Did you dream of your daughter?
34:26Don't make fun of me, Diego.
34:28I'm not making fun of you.
34:29I just want to know if the meditation worked.
34:32What's going on?
34:34I was remembering my late daughter.
34:36That's all.
34:37Leonardo Rizopatrón, or Llanos, or whatever his widow's name is,
34:42made him believe that he can talk to Isabella.
34:45He didn't say that.
34:46He said to listen to his voice in his dreams.
34:49I don't think he's that crazy.
34:51Don Gilberto says that he talks to his late wife every now and then.
34:55Because that old man is beyond here.
34:57Well, Teresa has practically become Mrs. Leni.
35:02Well, not to mention Lucho González, who resurrected three times.
35:06Those González don't respect the differences.
35:08Not even those of life and death.
35:12Is it possible that they have the key?
35:18We are not going to allow that devil's machine to beat us.
35:22The winery, Mi Palomita, is the best.
35:25We are going to sink Miguel Ignacio.
35:28That cold machine is not going to beat us.
35:31Much less now that my beautiful daughter is the face of the winery.
35:35Maripaz, you have to defend the family.
35:37Trust my family.
35:38That little machine is not going to beat us.
35:42Did you see the machine that is outside?
35:44They are selling ice creams.
35:46Love, how did you pay?
35:48They gave me this card.
35:49It came with 100 soles as a gift.
35:53Now we are going to see if those marginals survive my promotions and offers.
36:01Do we distribute in the neighborhood, Mikey?
36:03Of course, my love.
36:05Everyone has to have their Nacho Card.
36:31What are you doing, Valentino?
36:34Surprise offer.
36:35What do you think?
36:41Ready, Mr. Estrepo.
36:43Your car is tuned and purrs like a kitten.
36:46Thank you very much.
36:47Well, do I cancel you?
36:48Well, if you cancel me, I have a discount.
36:50And I also have a stick.
36:53The cover is the same.
36:54The cover is the same.
36:55The cover is the same.
36:56The cover is the same.
36:57The cover is the same.
36:58The cover is the same.
36:59And the cover is the same.
37:00The cover is the same.
37:01And the cover is the same.
37:02And this is the cover for the winery of my Palomita, which is in Nuevas Lomas.
37:04It's an offer too.
37:05It does not regret.
37:06It is everything you take.
37:10Here you have.
37:12Yes, my love?
37:14And how is my pressure, miss?
37:15Ah, they will give you your results at the winery of my Palomita.
37:17Finishing the parking, right, two blocks in front and that's it.
37:21But you told me it was free.
37:23Yes, yes, it's free.
37:25and claim your results with this code.
37:28And it has a 2% discount on antifungals.
37:33See you later!
37:41Very good, passengers!
37:43Last stop!
37:46Please get off, everyone.
37:48In order, please.
37:49Wait a moment, I'll give you your ticket.
37:52Very good.
37:53Let's see, I'll take care of it.
37:55I'll open it.
37:56Let's see, get off in order.
37:58And now I welcome you
38:00to the modern and fancy winery
38:02Mi Palomita.
38:03Come in, please.
38:04Here you can find everything.
38:05You have a 10% discount
38:07on confectionery products.
38:09And remember that with your ticket
38:11you can exchange a nice gift
38:13made of badges.
38:15Come in, come in, without compromise.
38:16Come in, come in, come in.
38:18No, but...
38:19No, but...
38:23No, but...
38:25And the gift?
38:26It's not good.
38:49I'm going to ask for a refund.
38:54It can't be!
38:56That devil machine
38:57is taking all my clients away.
39:00Nobody is entering my daddy's winery.
39:02Yes, Teres.
39:03I don't know where the personal treatment
39:05and human values have been kept.
39:13And that banana?
39:15Oh, it's cheaper, Teres.
39:24Suffran González.
39:26It's great to see how those marginals
39:27are extinguished.
39:29Soon I will take away their livelihood.
39:38Excuse me, Uncle Teres.
39:39It's time to put into practice
39:40an aggressive strategy.
39:44A winning roulette.
39:46That's a good idea.
39:51Your promotion is so sad.
39:53Give up already.
39:57Oh, I'm half-ass.
39:58I'm going to put something more addictive.
39:59I'll be right back.
40:00No, my love.
40:01I sacrifice myself.
40:09Come on, play and win!
40:11The millionaire roulette of the winery
40:13Mi Palomita.
40:15Everyone wins!
40:17Of course, mom.
40:18Of course.
40:19What a beauty.
40:20What a queen.
40:21My girl.
40:22My girlfriend.
40:25Throw the roulette.
40:29Damn degenerate!
40:32Dad, I'm doing something.
40:37Let that winery die.
40:40Nobody is going to buy them.
40:42If I had known it was so easy,
40:44I would have done it a long time ago.
40:46I want to be the fifth teletubbie.
40:50I want to walk around the field.
40:53I want to see the colorful world
40:56and go out to play.
41:06The promotion was useless.
41:09I did a thousand, thousand laps in the roulette
41:11and nobody came.
41:12And this guy, he has me all hot.
41:15Enough, love.
41:16If you want, go change
41:17and I'll wait for you in the winery.
41:20Until I burn the last card.
41:25Go, go, go.
41:26I'm all hot.
41:27Go, go, go.
41:28Oh, girl.
41:30Don't feel bad.
41:31You did what you could.
41:32But a machine can't beat us, Tere.
41:34It's not a machine that beat us.
41:36It's Miguel Ignacio.
41:38I don't know what I'm going to do
41:39when my dad comes.
41:40How am I going to tell him?
41:42Well, I'll think of something.
41:43You can keep serving.
41:44But who?
41:45Nobody's coming.
41:52Pass the door.
41:57For God's sake.
42:01It's me.
42:02The new matriarch.
42:04Now I'm carrying the family on my shoulder.
42:06Mrs. Tere.
42:08I noticed the resemblance, Teresa.
42:10Mrs. Tere.
42:12Mrs. Tere.
42:15A consultation.
42:18Are you talking to Meli?
42:24Luisa, where are you?
42:27I was looking for you today.
42:32I saw you, Miss Zapata.
42:35I'm going to pay Mr. Orozco.
42:37Well, whatever.
42:40What are you eating?
42:44Guarguero, sir.
42:49Enjoy it.
42:54I don't want a bite.
42:58Why not?
43:10Why not?
43:27Very good.
43:29Go back to work.
43:31Yes, Mr. Manager.
43:54I talk to her.
43:56I pray to her.
43:58I bring her to my memory to remember her as she was.
44:05You communicate with her.
44:07I mean, do you feel that she talks to you?
44:11I mean, if she were here, talking to me face to face, no.
44:15But I feel her presence.
44:18In fact, I'm more and more influenced by her.
44:22You can see it.
44:25And your dad, Mr. Gilberto, talks to him, right?
44:31I've seen it.
44:34Yes, my daddy always talks to my mom.
44:36Although sometimes he exaggerates a little.
44:40Here between us, Olinda became jealous of my mom's ashes.
44:45Oh, don't tell me.
44:48Well, clearly I had a different idea of your relationship with your deceased.
44:58Mrs. Francesca, what do you mean?
45:03How can I help you?
45:06I don't know if I should tell you.
45:09You're going to think I'm crazy.
45:12No, we listen, we don't judge.
45:15You know that my daughter Isabela suffered a violent death.
45:21And since then...
45:25I can't remember her if it's not with a lot of pain, with a lot of pain.
45:32When it comes to my memory, I feel great dismay.
45:41I would like to be able to enjoy your memory with joy.
45:46If only I had a hope.
45:50I think what you need is to talk to Father Manuel.
45:54No, no, no.
45:56I already know what he's going to tell me.
45:57And it's not lack of faith.
45:59I just need to talk to her.
46:04See her smiling.
46:07To know that that bullet didn't kill both of them.
46:13I understand, I understand.
46:17I think I already know who can help you.
46:20Some specialist?
46:22Totally. A professional on the subject.
46:25Someone who helps heal wounds when a loved one is born.
46:30I'm going to thank you very much for giving me the contact.
46:35Let me get it, excuse me.
46:44That's what I need.
46:48Heal this wound so deep.
46:51I hope that psychiatrist, coach, holistic healer, whatever his name is,
46:59helps me remember my daughter with the joy that characterized her.
47:12Isn't that Diego's nuclear man? What is he doing here?
47:44It's mine! I thought I lost it!
47:47I had lost it.
47:49It was in the Gonzalez's house.
47:51What? What were you doing there?
47:54In a neighborhood where corpses change places, a doll is nothing.
47:59But I had it in my drawer.
48:01Even for them it would be too bold to take it from there.
48:06And what were you doing in that house?
48:09I stayed thinking about what we talked about.
48:11The relationship that the Gonzalez have with their dead.
48:15Are you going to continue with that?
48:17If you had suffered what I suffered, you would also cling to anything.
48:25You're right, forgive me.
48:32And above all, the way they remember Nelly and Lucho when they were alive
48:39is healthier than my eternal love for Isabela.
48:44Don't tell me you're going to start following in the footsteps of that old motorcycle
48:47and you're going to walk with your pyramid everywhere.
48:49Oh, please, no.
48:52Teresa has recommended me to a professional
48:55who is dedicated to helping people to overcome this type of loss.
49:03I was surprised by her.
49:05Yes, she is well changed.
49:07She is more focused, more alert.
49:13I love you, Neutronics.
49:21Two thousand soles in one day. I love you, Neutronics.
49:27I love you too, Nachito.
49:29Neutronics, don't call me Nachito.
49:33We have to admit that a machine beat us.
49:36We still don't give up.
49:39But if no one comes, Valentino.
49:42It was for the good.
49:44Now it's our turn.
49:49A holistic healer.
49:51Yes, he is a professional of the soul.
49:54Dedicated to healing people who are in need.
49:57Like us?
49:59Yes, I'm sure he will help us to overcome the death of my daughter
50:03and the woman you loved so much.
50:06I can't wait to put myself under the tutelage of this abnegated healer, Franchi.
50:13It must be him.
50:15Welcome, Maestro.
50:45Hello, Daddy?
50:48Yes, everything is fine. The winery.
50:51The winery is wonderful, Dad.
50:53Everything is working great.
50:55In a few words, your winery is breaking sales records.
50:59A total success.
51:02I see that you are empowered.
51:04Yes, I am empowered.
51:06I am empowered.
51:08I am empowered.
51:10I am empowered.
51:12I am empowered.
51:14I am empowered.
51:16But fortunately, now I'm here
51:19to depower you, watchdog.
51:23Listen to me carefully.
51:25If you make a mistake, a minimal mistake,
51:29I'm going to make it impossible for you to get fired.
51:32Do you understand?
51:34The smallest mistake?
51:37I know how to eliminate it, but it won't be easy.
51:40Felix is watching her all the time, but don't worry.
51:43We'll take care of him.
51:44We'll take care of him?
51:47Princess, princess, calm down, okay?
51:49I just need to call my team.
51:53I need to see you again, my daughter.
51:57It doesn't matter how much I have to pay.
