• 2 days ago
Doctor Odyssey - Season 1 Episode 1 -
Doctor Odyssey S01E01
00:00You're kidding, right? I'm a nurse. I've worked here for three years. You really don't recognize
00:13me? It's not the issue, baby doll. You're not getting on without a crew ID. I had it.
00:18I just, I lost it. Come on. I gave you that corticosteroid cream last summer when you
00:22got sunburned in Ensenada. Remember that spot on your back where you couldn't reach?
00:31But you're not flirting your way onto my ship, Romeo. I'm losing my job because you're not
00:35responsible. Avery, she's a nurse. She can vouch for me. Hi, Rhonda. Hey. Unless she
00:40got a crew badge in her back pocket with your picture on it. You left it at the grab and
00:46go. It was on the counter by those weird boner pills. She's joking. Thank you, Rhonda. I
00:50loathe you. You're obsessed with me. By the way, it was not by the boner pill. So, you
00:55ready? Three amigos back in action for another season? I'm more like the two amigos of Mr.
00:59Magoo. Speaking of Magoo, have you heard from Dr. Campbell at all? No. I was waiting for
01:05his usual pre-season protocol manifesto email, but I never got anything. You don't think
01:10that he... Take the bucket. Magoo? No. He's a cockroach. He could walk out of a plane
01:17crash without a scratch. You, my friend, walk out. Hello, gang. Welcome back. Take
01:25a walk with me. Six hours to show time for this season's maiden voyage. Still about a
01:36day and a half's worth of work to do. Catherine? But it all comes together. Somehow it does
01:42every year. Catherine, I'm sorry. Where's Dr. Campbell? Oh, he's no longer with us,
01:48I'm sorry to say. Thank you. Relax, guys. He's not dead. Why'd you let him go? Thanks,
02:00Alan. After that debacle that happened last year, our special guest came aboard. Bacterium
02:06Yersinia Enterocolitica. Yeah, well, you don't have to remind me of the gory details. I saw
02:11a lady using a sunhound as a vomit bag. Jermaine! Sorry, Captain. Refunds all around. Two more
02:17voyages canceled. Polly cleaned and sanitized. And the contact tracer said if we just caught
02:23it one day earlier. I told Dr. Campbell that guy did not have appendicitis. Which is why
02:29he is no longer in charge of the health on my ship. The cruising world of today has to
02:37exceed passengers' expectations. We live in very uncertain times, wars and worldwide
02:43pandemics, and nobody is going to venture out for anything less than total perfection.
02:48Or we get replaced by virtual reality go-bot sex dolls on a virtual cruise on a virtual
02:54Pacific where there are no diseases and no employees. Mary? Captain? There, you got a
03:00little something right there. Bottom line is, we in this business have to be at the
03:04apex of our game. No more mistaking bacterial outbreaks for appendicitis. Sebastian, right?
03:11You're new up here. Yes, sir. Let me show you how to fold these towels. I can't work
03:16under some new old quack. We should be running this department. Us. We're the only ones who
03:22care. I know. Tell him. Captain, you made the right call letting Dr. Campbell go. Uh-huh.
03:27If I may, I'm a nurse practitioner. I've had the same amount of training as a doctor. I'm
03:32legally qualified to be head medic. I want to nominate myself for the position. I very
03:37highly second that nomination. Thank you, Avery. Tristan, I'm very well aware and very
03:42grateful for your years of service on the Odyssey. But in this case, the decision's
03:47already been made. Out of 110 applicants, we found him. Dr. Max Bain. Graduated at Yale
03:56on top of his class, served four years in the Peace Corps in West Africa. He developed
04:01some sort of new technique for cleft palate surgery. Won a prize from the U.N. for humanitarianism
04:07or something crazy. And he served on the pediatric board for Johns Hopkins. Captain, with all
04:14due respect, he sounds overqualified. Yeah, well, after last year, I'll take overqualified
04:22as to under any day. Now, he's arriving shortly, so I entrust that the two of you will make
04:29it a smooth transition. This guy must be a hundred years old. This is a nightmare.
04:37Hi. I don't have my badge yet. I'm Max Bain. I'm the new doctor. I'm Rhonda Cole. Go ahead,
05:03Captain. I got you. Thank you. And there he is now. Doctor, welcome aboard the Odyssey.
05:33And since they're seemingly catatonic, allow me to introduce you to Avery and Tristan.
05:38You must be my brilliant and capable nurses. We are the ship's brilliant and capable nurses,
05:44yes. I'm in fact an N.P. Nurse practitioner, of course. I'm sorry. Max Bankman. Do you
05:52have any bags? I do, but they come with their own guys. Perfect. Shall we? He's going right
06:01When I was working in Tanzania, the villages there, Fijiji, they call them, I learned two
06:05things. One, what you can do with a rudimentary setup, and two, what you can't do, which is
06:09why I've asked to make a couple of modifications around here. Yeah, everything here is state
06:13of the art. Nice. What the hell, big man? Is this a... Dialysis machine. Yeah. In a
06:19major hospital, they'd only ever use it for patients with kidney failure, but let me tell
06:22you, it is a Swiss Army knife. You can use it for anything. Hemoperfusion for toxic
06:26ingestions, managing fluid overload in patients with heart failure, CRRT for the critically
06:31ill. It's amazing. When I was working in the Beninia of Africa, what is he, Bruce Banner?
06:36Bruce Wayne? He's not wrong. I've been saying we should have a dialysis machine for years.
06:40Now, this guy could be practicing medicine anywhere on earth, but he wants to practice
06:44it here, in a floating theme park? It says here my cabin's on the Pelican Deck. It's
06:49Tristan, right? Yes. You think you could show me the way? It would be my utter delight.
07:03It's not a corner of the world I'm used to practicing medicine in. So what does bring
07:07you to this corner of the world? I mean, a guy like you could practice anywhere, right?
07:11It seems like it has its perks. I don't know. What do you like about it?
07:17You know the secret? They don't want us to tell all the guests. She belongs to us. This
07:22ship, this life, it's ours. We just let them try it on for a week. When the sun goes down
07:28and we get back to port, it's our turn. Work like a captain, play like a pirate. The Odyssey
07:35philosophy. She's ours. I like that.
07:41Wow. I could get used to this. Captain's dinner's at eight. It's formal, which does not mean
07:53Hawaiian shirt. I found that out the hard way. Black tie. Thank you. Yeah. And thanks for
08:01showing me around. I'm excited. Yeah. It's a big old bucket of fun.
08:13Why am I here? Truthfully, it's the same as you. Work-life balance. I've always been really
08:19good at the work part, but now it's time for... Life? Yeah. Yeah, you'll get it all right.
08:24It'll throw itself at you when you least expect it. Watch your back. Maybe we can watch each
08:30other's back. Yeah, I'm not going to be like your wingman, dude. Sorry. It's nothing personal.
08:36It's just maths. It's just the guy to girl ratio. Here's what, like three to one? That's
08:41every man for himself. Come on. I mean, you've already got this suite. You're a doctor. You
08:48have a head start. Into the wild blue yonder. Good luck with everything.
09:30The drain wirelessly monitors your vitals. Get a 500 ml saline bag. He needs to be rehydrated
09:35and four milligrams of Zofran. On it. Sorry I'm late. Where were you? I got turned around.
09:43Ma'am, is that your husband? Yes. I need you to tell me everything that's happened right
09:46from the very beginning. She's already given a statement. It's in his chart. We were at
09:49the margarita mixer, the send-off, and Bert said he was feeling funny, and then he just
09:53started doing that. Okay, team. How are we going to tackle this? First things first,
09:59preferential diagnosis. That's the symptoms. Name the associated conditions. Narrow it
10:02down from there. Excuse me, sir. We have conjunctivitis, a rash that would be symptomatic
10:08of allergic reaction. The vomiting would seem to suggest something ingested. Food allergy
10:13maybe? He doesn't have food allergies. The margaritas at the send-off mixer tasted weird,
10:18like pennies sort of. Interesting. Margaritas don't have any common allergens, but metallic
10:23taste can be associated with certain medications. Antibiotics like azithromycin. So what do
10:29we have? An allergen, something ingested, metallic taste. Adverse reaction to an oral
10:36antibiotic is where I'd put my money. Nice. A reasonable deduction if the patient were
10:41in fact taking any antibiotics. Which he is not. Mr. and Mrs. Rubens, before going to
10:47the mixer, did you by any chance stop by the seafood buffet? Oh, honey, you know I love
10:52a cocktail, a shrimp cocktail. This is the life. Have I died? Have I died and gone to
10:59hog heaven? Cheers. Cheers. We had some shrimp, but he's not allergic to shrimp. We love seafood.
11:08He's not having an allergic reaction, not to the shrimp, nor to any antibiotics. This
11:13happens at least once a trip. Shrimp contain iodine. You eat too much shrimp too quickly
11:17and it can lead to iodine poisoning. Iodine poisoning? You have to eat a hell of a lot.
11:21It happens to baby seals too, which is why we call this little ailment seal disease.
11:27Given two milligrams of iodine. Oh, my poor little seal pup. So what are you going to
11:33do? Well, Mr. Rubens, we are going to have to pump your stomach. But don't worry, we're
11:38going to have you feeling great by tomorrow morning. Quick deduction work back there.
11:44Well done. We see a lot of different things on cruises. We also see a lot of the same
11:48things. Your office has a library with a good section on maritime medicine. You may want
11:53to study up. Will there be a quiz? You're living it.
12:14Sorry I'm late, Captain. I've been catching up on the various cruise ship maladies that
12:24afflict cruise ship people. Cruise ship people? You mean, as in people having too much fun?
12:32Never in my life did I consider that it was possible for a human to eat enough shrimp
12:37to give themselves iodine poisoning. Now, Doctor, you cannot judge our passengers. We're
12:46tending to their dreams. We have folks on here who have saved for years, sometimes their
12:51whole lives, just to pay for this experience at sea. And other than the birth of their
12:56child or, in some cases, their weddings, this will be the most exciting week of their entire
13:02lives, and it's our job to guarantee that. Understood. See, our mission is to preserve
13:11the dream, and you're here to keep these dreamers safe. You might think of yourself as a guardian
13:19angel. A guardian what now? Guardian angel. We make it look perfect so that resistance
13:26isn't even a possibility. And why should it be? There should be zero guilt on a pleasure
13:31cruise. Now, you may think that the staff we have up here in the white shorts running
13:36around are glorified extras from a country club, but make no mistake about it, they are
13:42certified the best. You don't get to be on my ship without hours and hours of intensive
13:48training and hospitality and scuba and CPR. The best of the best. Sometimes we even apply
13:55sunscreen, because out here, there are no sunburns. It's about as far from hell as you
14:03can get. This ship, this ship is heaven. Usually we're about three hours from land, so medivac
14:15in the deep ocean is not even a possibility. So it'll be your job to keep everyone alive.
14:21That's a terrifying burden. It comes with enormous responsibility. So we have to be
14:27prepared for terrible things to happen. And you can't begrudge these mishaps and these
14:33accidents. Speaking of mishaps and accidents, I have to go. But, Captain, I hear you. And
14:43thank you.
15:01What happened? It broke. He's in shock. What broke, Mr. Arrington? Is it a bone?
15:13Penile fracture. You can't fracture you. It's not actually a bone. Broken fascia.
15:19The membrane beneath the skin that connects the erectile chamber to the pressure. The
15:24only treatment is surgery. It's a quick procedure, 15 minutes, I'm in and out, local anesthetic.
15:29We can't do surgery on board. It's against COVID. Policies we coordinate with the nearest
15:32hospital. Except in cases of emergency. Every second that you lose blood is the second you
15:36lose the opportunity for a full recovery. We need to act now. Do what you need to do,
15:40doctor. Get in prep. We got this. The blood from his erection has pooled at the base of
15:46his penis. We can't do anything until we evacuate the hematoma. Scalpel. Generally speaking,
15:58penile fracture happens during intercourse when the receiving party is on top, vigorously
16:03moving up and down, and then they pull out too far, and when they sit back down, they miss.
16:11Have you had this in the Peace Corps? Absolutely not. Pre-med. Leandra. Suture?
16:17Who's Leandra Suture? Sutures. Stitches.
16:23Leandra is the woman who taught me about penile fracture. Sophomore year. Togo party.
16:29I'm sorry, wait. You broke your...
16:35Before you get too excited, I should probably tell you it really only happens to the larger, firmer members.
16:42That's wholly inappropriate. Knock, knock. Room service. Leftovers from the captain's dinner.
16:50How you feeling? Like I snapped my peepee in half and had it stitched back together.
16:55Unfortunately, we are going to have to keep you in here overnight, and then monitor that
16:59throughout the rest of the week. Well, how long until he can, you know...
17:03Yeah, sorry. No more knocking boots or booties for at least four to six weeks.
17:08Man, I'm sorry, babe. I ruined our honeymoon cruise.
17:11You know, intimacy is infinitely nuanced. We're in Manzanita the day after tomorrow.
17:18I know a woman there, a tantric therapist. She works with couples, helps them explore
17:23deeper levels of connection through touch, breath work, pleasure centers.
17:28Pleasure centers? I mean, I'm not interested.
17:32Okay. Wonderful. Enjoy your dinner. Thank you.
17:43Help! He's not breathing! He's not breathing!
17:46What happened? I told her to wait one of the times, but she jumped in right after.
17:54I wanted to do it together!
18:01Is he going to be okay? Bird, can you hear me? Bird, breathe! Breathe, Bird!
18:06Bird, hang in there, buddy! Hang in there, Birdie Bird!
18:09No, you didn't kill him, madam. When you knocked into your husband, his clavicle separated from his sternum.
18:15It punctured a hole in his windpipe. That's why he's having trouble breathing.
18:18A hole in his windpipe? We're inserting a tracheal tube to make sure he gets all the oxygen he needs.
18:23He'll be breathing in no time.
18:31I know we were supposed to lay low after he caught the seal disease, but we were just so excited to be here.
18:37We just need to have more fun. Don't worry, ma'am. We've got it from here.
18:41But how will you make it better? For good?
18:46He needs advanced thoracic surgery to put his clavicle back in place.
18:49We're not equipped to do that. This isn't stitching up a penis.
18:52While we're in Puerto Vallarta in six hours, I can contact EMS there.
18:55We can't just keep him here all night like this. Any delay in treatment could cause serious vascular damage.
19:00We have to do something.
19:02In certain cases, the sternoclavicular joint could be manually manipulated.
19:06That sounds extremely risky.
19:08If it doesn't work, it could severely exacerbate his condition.
19:11It would mean significantly longer recovery time.
19:14But it's your call, Doctor.
19:19No, it's not.
19:21This procedure would take all of us. The decision has to be unanimous.
19:25If anybody has any reservations, speak now.
19:33Avery, will you make a ramp, please?
19:35Tristan, I need you to grab him under the shoulders and brace his back with your knee.
19:47Now, on the count of three, I want you to rotate his shoulders counterclockwise.
19:51One, two...
19:53But then I'm pushing against you.
19:54That's the point, Tristan. Rotate him. One...
19:57It's going to snap his shoulder blade.
19:59Do it.
20:02Are you ready?
20:07One, two, three.
20:26You good?
20:27Crap my pants, but I'm alive.
20:32You know, I just don't do well being bossed around.
20:35Well, I am your boss, bud.
20:38Yeah. And who has more experience on this ship doing this?
20:42Guys, not in front of the patient, please.
20:58Any signs of life in the great beyond?
21:00Oh, just a big swirling ball of hot air directly overhead.
21:15So, is it ever the same?
21:19Or is it always, like, a little bent?
21:25Your penis, after you broke it.
21:31The body is a miraculous healing machine.
21:35That was good work today.
21:37The tantric therapist at Manzanita.
21:40Laney, she's amazing.
21:43She saved my life after a breakup a couple of years ago.
21:47Besides, it's not enough just to fix him up here.
21:49I have to also...
21:50Preserve the fantasy.
21:51Always. All the time.
21:56Tristan, he's a good nurse.
21:59Don't get hung up on first impressions.
22:01He's been my right hand for three years. He knows a lot.
22:04He's a valuable tool.
22:05Oh, he's some kind of tool, all right.
22:07You respect him, he'll respect you.
22:10We're all here for the same reason.
22:13Work like a captain, play like a pirate.
22:17Also that.
22:20So, what about you?
22:22What are your first impressions of the new doctor?
22:24Well, admittedly, it was a little low
22:28after his misstep with the iodine poisoning.
22:30But, good recognizes good.
22:34The penile fracture, the clavicular relocation,
22:37that was...
22:42Well, I try.
22:57You two, first port tomorrow.
23:00The passengers are out of sight and mind for five hours.
23:05Thank God.
23:07All of which, I will spend napping.
23:11No, you won't.
23:12If you thought today was a big day.
23:25Is this a don't tell captain kind of thing?
23:27Because I'd really rather not get fired on my second day.
23:29You're not going to get in trouble, dude.
23:31Be cool.
23:32Bonfire basically is captain's order.
23:34As long as we're back by dinner when the cruisers are done at port, we're good.
23:54Hey, Wolfler.
23:56You good?
23:58Just digesting the scenery.
24:00You need to loosen up, doc.
24:02And that means one thing.
24:06Come on.
24:13All right.
24:24I see you.
24:25I see you, Dr. Odyssey, huh?
24:28Big kahuna.
24:29Playing nice, boys?
24:33Yes, mother.
24:34Yes, we are.
24:43Oh, man.
24:44I have a secret.
24:47But I can't tell you.
24:52Is it that you're in love with Avery?
24:57No. Oh, my God.
24:58Dude, no.
24:59Don't ever say that to anyone.
25:01You know I'm pretty good at keeping secrets.
25:03Democratic oath and all.
25:07Step into my office.
25:13Oh, boy.
25:17Talk to me.
25:19It is not good.
25:22I like her so much, man.
25:24You know?
25:26I've had it bad for, like, two years.
25:29It is rough.
25:31She always says to me, like,
25:32Oh, you're like my little brother, you know?
25:35You know what, man?
25:37I'm never gonna give up hope.
25:39I refuse to move on.
25:43That seems healthy.
25:51Until then.
25:53Most times my admirers.
25:57I think she's looking at me.
26:05Are you looking at him?
26:06Or me?
26:09Sorry, I was looking at him.
26:12But you're cute, too.
26:19Get up.
26:20Get up.
26:21Had to happen sooner or later.
26:22Let's go.
26:23What are you doing?
26:25Dance off, Doc.
26:26Dance off, pants off.
26:47Oh, you are
26:49My sunrise on the darkest day
26:52Got me feeling some kind of way
26:54Make me wanna savor every moment
26:59You fit me, tellin' me, love, how you put it on
27:02Got the only key, know how to turn it on
27:04The way you nibble on my ear, the only words I wanna hear
27:07Baby, take it slow so we can last long
27:09Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el metal
27:12Me voy acercando y voy armando el plan
27:15Solo con pensarlo se hace el impulso
27:19Oh, yeah
27:20Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo normal
27:23Todo mi sentido va pidiendo más
27:26Estoy tratando de lo singular
27:31Quiero ya sonar de besos despacito
27:34Durmo en las caderas de tu laberinto
27:37Ya cerré en tu cuerpo todo un manuscrito
27:39Sube, sube, sube, sube, sube
27:41Quiero bien bailar tu pelo, quiero ser tu ritmo
27:45Que le enseñes a mi boca
27:48Tus lugares favoritos
27:50Favoritos, favoritos, baby
27:52Dejando sobrepasar tus ondas de peligro
27:55Hasta provocar tus gritos
27:58Y que olvides la peligro
28:01Pasito a pasito
28:03Suave, suavecito
28:04Nos vamos pegando poquito a poquito
28:06Que le enseñes a mi boca
28:09Tus lugares favoritos
28:10Pasito a pasito
28:11Suave, suavecito
28:13Nos vamos pegando poquito a poquito
28:15Hasta provocar tus gritos
28:17Y que olvides tu apellido
28:26This is wrong
28:27But it feels so good
28:30But it's wrong
28:32We just met each other
28:34And yet we feel as if
28:36We've known each other all our lives
28:41But it's wrong
28:43I know
28:45I know, I know
28:59We need to be professional
29:01This is the day drinking talking, not us
29:03Yeah, definitely not us
29:05Please don't tell the captain
29:06Yeah, I was just about to text him
29:11Guests are back soon
29:12Here, sit up
29:16What are you doing?
29:18Nutrient drip
29:21Electrolytes, B vitamins
29:23This will do you a whole lot better than that nap you wanted
29:30Thank you
29:37A doctor who's afraid of needles?
29:54So where'd you learn to dance like that?
30:00You know, I always wanted to take dance classes as a kid
30:03But it's not really something that boys do where I grew up
30:09One day I got tapped on the shoulder
30:11And gently reminded that life is fleeting and unbelievably fragile
30:18March 2nd, 2020
30:20I was working at a hospital in New Haven, Connecticut
30:22Oh yeah, we know you went to Yale
30:24Actually, I was the attending physician, general internal medicine
30:27But who's counting?
30:30One day, I get a cough
30:32No big deal, but abundance of caution
30:34I ask one of my residents to give me a strep and a flu test
30:37Then that night, cough gets a little worse
30:39But both the strep and flu test come back negative
30:41Then everybody gets worried that I've had a pulmonary embolism
30:44So they give me a CT scan, check for a blood clot
30:47But they also give me a new test
30:49A coronavirus test
30:51At that point, there were barely any cases in the U.S.
30:53So I didn't even think about it as a realistic possibility
30:56But as I'm sitting there waiting for the results of the CT scan
31:00I found out on the news, actually
31:02A hospital in New Haven reporting Connecticut's first ever case of the novel coronavirus
31:08A physician who was admitted last night at J.D. Memorial
31:11Ultimately testing positive for the virus
31:14After that, everything moved very fast
31:17They put me in a hospital
31:20They put me in a negative pressure isolation room
31:22Cut me off from all human contact
31:24My blood oxygen dropped to 85% and then kept on dropping
31:28I refused to sleep because I was afraid I wasn't going to wake up
31:32And at that point, in China
31:34They were giving patients with advanced cases second CT scans
31:38So they could chart the progression of the virus
31:40The only way to ensure proper treatment
31:42But there was a problem
31:44I was in isolation on the 9th floor
31:46And the CT scanner was on the 4th floor
31:49And they were afraid to move me
31:51They didn't want to risk exposing the rest of the hospital
31:54We are following CDC and evidence-backed protocols
31:57You are staying in this room
31:59And after that, I was just
32:01Total darkness, just black
32:04I thought I was dead
32:06But they people don't pray
32:08Because somewhere, in the recesses of my consciousness
32:12There was a voice
32:14It was my voice, very faint
32:16And I knew that I needed that second scan
32:19So I just focused on that all day, every day
32:22And I prayed
32:23I prayed for them to give me the second scan
32:26And they did
32:27And the results from that scan got me approved for remdesivir
32:30For compassionate use
32:31And that turned the tides
32:33So against all odds
32:35Despite being patient zero
32:37I lived
32:39And because I lived and because I went through hell
32:44I decided that I was going to pursue joy
32:47At all costs
32:53Which I guess is a very, very long-winded way of saying
32:56That I finally enrolled in a dance class
33:02And then you came here
33:09Thank you for sharing that
33:12I will caution you
33:14Joy at any cost
33:16Is its own kind of hell
33:41Joy at any cost
33:43Is its own kind of hell
33:59Do you want to go to my cabin?
34:01No, I'm good
34:03Why are you scared?
34:06No, no, I'm not scared
34:07I'm just like shy
34:09Like a little shy
34:11I'm not really into shy guys
34:15No, I'm not
34:17I'm not
34:21There's no shyness
34:23No shyness at all
34:27What are you doing?
34:29I am Leo Britt
34:31The Western Surfing Association champ of Huntington Beach
34:35Get down from me
34:36Not shy
34:37I'm king of the world
34:44Somebody help!
34:53I'm right here!
35:03Full stop
35:04Executor Williamson, turn
35:06Man overboard
35:08Get medical and security up here right away
35:11Go ahead and drop the buoys and the flares
35:21Hey, is this real?
35:23Man overboard?
35:24Yeah, it's real
35:25I thought your cabin was on the Pelican Deck
35:27What brings you to this side of the crew quarters, doc?
35:29House call?
35:31Bad call, man
35:33You're a superior
35:34You understand, that's like a fireable offense
35:35We didn't do anything
35:36And even if we did, what are you gonna do, paddle on me?
35:38I don't know what I'm gonna do
35:40In case you hadn't noticed, there's more important things going on right now than your job
35:50Please tell me what you guys took tonight
35:54I'm a nurse
35:55You're not in trouble
35:58Just a little
35:59So he may still be alert as long as he survived the fall
36:02She needs hydration
36:03He's not even into drugs
36:04It was me
36:05I mean, it was all my fault
36:06I told him to, I just...
36:09He teaches special ed kids
36:11That's his job
36:12He's a good person
36:13Is he gonna freeze to death?
36:15Like in Titanic?
36:16That's a very good question
36:17What is the water temp tonight?
36:19You're supposed to know that, doctor
36:20It's in the daily weather briefings
36:22Surface temp is 83, maybe 80
36:24So anywhere between 2 and 12 hours before hypothermia sets in
36:28Look, it is unlikely that this is anything but recovery
36:31Only 15% of the people that go over survive
36:33The fall alone usually kills them
36:34Well, let's hope he's part of that 15%
36:36Captain, if he is out there, category 4 waves at night
36:40It's gonna be like finding a needle in a hundred square miles of hay
36:46Sure is
36:48Alert all the other ships in the vicinity
36:52The current was headed east off the port side
36:54So that's the direction he will have drifted
36:58Let's get this guy
37:02Come on
37:12We're over an eddy
37:15Those boys
37:16They were port side but they come back around starboard
37:19The current's moving in a circle
37:20We're searching the wrong area
38:02Come on
38:07He's not responsive
38:13We got him
38:20Come on
38:29He's good
38:31Thank God
38:34Oxygen, get him oxygen
38:35On the conscious
38:36Breath is rapid and irregular
38:37He aspirated a lot of water
38:38Could be ARDS
38:39Definitely ARDS
38:40We need to get him intubated
38:41His left arm's in bad shape
38:42Possible proximal fracture
38:44I'm gonna get him prepped for an x-ray
38:45Ibri, you and Tristan get him on low tidal volume
38:47Prepare to assist on ventilator using ARDSnet protocol
38:49Utilize the high peak low FiO2 table
38:52And closely monitor his peak inspiratory pressures
38:55Okay, Leo
38:56It's gonna be alright
39:01That was good work out there
39:04And that dive was pretty epic
39:08Well, if you hadn't seen the boys, I...
39:13Look, uh...
39:16Tristan, I'm sorry
39:19About, you know
39:21I shouldn't have done that
39:23Even though nothing happened
39:25Even though nothing happened
39:27She's beautiful
39:31And smart
39:34And maybe I'm just a little...
39:35Screwed up?
39:41Who would want to work in a floating circus
39:43But someone who's screwed up?
39:56Comebacks are cooler anyways
40:06What's the first thing you said
40:07When you realized you'd been rescued?
40:09I think I said I'm, uh...
40:11Sorry I'm naked?
40:15We wanted to let you know
40:16That we met with your practitioner in Manzanilla
40:19Was it okay?
40:21It was not okay
40:23It was amazing
40:25Thank you
40:26This trip was awesome
40:28You are so welcome
40:29Do you totally hate us?
40:31Of course not
40:32Just like you keep a shark
40:34Well, despite everything
40:35We had a blast
40:36Can't wait till next year
40:37Yeah, who knows
40:38Maybe we get, like, chewed off by a shark
40:48I thought I picked up on a little something
40:50The other night
40:51Some tension
40:53In the medical suite, Dr. Odyssey?
40:56Absolutely not
40:58It's a love fest, sir
41:01I love hearing that
41:03Love is in the air
41:05Just not too thickly or quickly
41:12A love fest, sir
41:14About the other day
41:15I shouldn't have done that
41:17And I enjoyed it
41:18But I shouldn't have done it
41:19And I am your superior, so...
41:20We're good
41:21Won't happen again
41:23You were great this week
41:25The real emergency doctor
41:26On it
41:27And, uh...
41:28Yeah, we're good
41:30Won't happen again
41:32You'll have plenty of distractions next week
41:35It's singles week
41:37Singles week?
41:38Is every week a theme?
41:43Welcome back
41:50If you don't respond
41:51You could be held in contempt of the court
41:52Get into a new season of Grey's Anatomy
41:54Next on CTV