00:00I won a Hopkins tour event back in 2014.
00:05I beat Patton coming down the stretch just right before we were going to Q school.
00:08And him and I both didn't get paid.
00:11Actually, multiple weeks. It was wow.
00:13Geez, it's ragged.
00:14Yeah, ragged.
00:15So pick up your story on the nationwide tour.
00:18Yeah. So, uh,
00:21I mean, it's kind of going to take a little to tell this, but I'll tell it.
00:25Yeah. So.
00:28I'm a little outside the nose.
00:31Top 25 got their cards at the time, and I was probably around 30th
00:34and we were playing this tournament and and.
00:38Suboda or Suboba Springs in Southern Cal.
00:41Like, do you know what I'm talking about?
00:42No, I don't think I remember this.
00:44Suboba. It's either Suboda or Suboba Springs.
00:48All right. It's like inland, inland California.
00:51So we're playing there.
00:54And I'd already had like a couple of warnings
00:58about my attitude out there at the time.
01:01I was young and just full of fire.
01:03All right. Like just instant reaction and everything.
01:08Anyways, way too competitive. So.
01:14I got my last warning there
01:15and I was going to get suspended for a tournament. All right. So.
01:21The next week was Chattanooga, and it's Wednesday.
01:24Of Chattanooga or my agent calls me on Tuesday and he goes,
01:28hey, don't go to the course tomorrow.
01:30They're going to give you a letter and you're going to get suspended for an event.
01:34If you get it tomorrow and we appeal, it's two weeks
01:38and that suspension will land the day before the tour championship
01:42and you won't be able to play in it.
01:44If we if you don't go to the course tomorrow
01:47and get it after your round on Thursday, we can appeal.
01:49And then since you start the tournament, you can finish it. OK, so.
01:53Wow, that's a listen. Listen. Listen. Yes.
01:57Let's ask the God.
01:59I don't even have to not go to the course.
02:01It rains all day on Wednesday that the whole thing gets canceled. All right.
02:05I I go, of course, get the letter after the round.
02:09We've we've filed the appeal for two weeks.
02:12It lands on the Thursday.
02:13I end up winning the tour championship to get my card
02:17and then to get and then get and then get suspended
02:19the first week of the season in Hawaii.
02:22So I just started in Palm Springs my rookie year.
02:25Oh, my God. Are you kidding me?
02:28You win? Yeah.
02:29I think I had to finish solo second or better.
02:32And you won the damn tournament. Yeah.
02:35Are you kidding here?
02:36That was the year.
02:37You're far too young for this, too.
02:38That was the year Michael Sim, the Australian kid.
02:42Like got you in the top 50.
02:43Yes. Off that off that tour is basically him and I the whole weekend
02:47at the tour championship.
02:48But it was it was it was a killer.
02:52It was awesome.