• 2 days ago
00:00I have a thousand questions.
00:02Why did you come back?
00:05I stood in the home I was born in.
00:07In that moment, I felt a connection.
00:12What happened here?
00:15Madness and hatred and lots of it.
00:23You must continue.
00:25We've begun to uncover.
00:30Hi everyone, I am Jonathan Jacques-Belletet, I am the creative director and the art director
00:38on Hell is Us here at Rogue Factor.
00:40So today I'm super excited because we're going to show you some brand new gameplay, some
00:44new sequences and some new tidbits from the game that we've never shown before.
00:49Hell is Us is a third-person action-adventure game that blends the old-school thrill of
00:53exploration and discovery with a deeply satisfying melee combat system.
00:59You're going to wield a lot of different weapons, master various skills and strategically use
01:03your drone's abilities to gain the upper hand in battle.
01:07But combat is only 50% of the experience.
01:10The other half of the game is all about the exploration, the discovery, the joy that's
01:15related to them and how they play a central role in your journey.
01:18Do you know where the village of Jova is located?
01:21It's in Akasa Marshes.
01:24It's quite a ways from here.
01:26So you play as Remy and you're returning to the country you were born in, the country
01:29is called Hadea, and search for answers, but only to find that the land is torn apart by
01:35a vicious civil war.
01:37With only a few pieces of information to start with, so you'll have to investigate to uncover
01:41the truth about your past and figure out where to go next.
01:45But unlike traditional games, Hell is Us doesn't rely on quest markers or a guided path.
01:50There's no magical compass pointing you in the right direction and there's no quest journal
01:54with the shopping list of everything that you need to do and in which order.
01:57But instead, our player plattering approach encourages you to follow your own instincts,
02:03discover clues organically, and chart your own course through the adventure.
02:08In this sequence, we just arrive at a village called Jova.
02:11This is the village where Remy was born.
02:13He remembers that.
02:14He also remembers one more clue, which is his father was the blacksmith of Jova.
02:19So these are kind of like the earlier or the earliest clues that you have in the game in
02:23order to decide what to do, where to go, who to talk to, and how to chart your own
02:28path into trying to find your parents.
02:30Hey, who are you?
02:32I'm Rebecca.
02:33I've been hiding here since the attack on Jova when the bombs fell from the sky.
02:46I was playing in the tree house with my baby brother.
02:50My parents ran out and screamed at us to get down.
02:53My baby brother ran to them.
02:56That's when the bomb exploded.
02:59So, I'm looking for the blacksmith.
03:02Do you know where he is?
03:04I don't know him very well.
03:06I think he doesn't like kids much.
03:09I saw some villagers leaving with the ON peacekeepers on their white trucks.
03:15Maybe he went with them.
03:18Hey, did you see where the white trucks went?
03:21I watched the white trucks drive away.
03:23They took the road that turns behind the hill with the ancient monuments.
03:28We can see them from here.
03:48So, as you saw, we just learned that the blacksmith probably left with one of the
04:00humanitarian convoys from the organized nations, which are the peacekeeping forces
04:04stationed in the country.
04:06We've also found a map that appears to show a route coming out of the Akasa
04:12So, we'll stop here for now.
04:13We've gathered a few clues.
04:14We have a bit of an idea where to go next for our investigation.
04:17We've shown you how things work a little bit and how you can connect the dots.
04:21But, you know, I want you guys to discover it for yourself when the game comes out
04:25in September.
04:29In this section, we're stepping away from the main investigation to explore the
04:32many hidden secrets and side investigations scattered throughout Heidea.
04:36You can complete the game without ever uncovering them.
04:40But if you're curious and observant, you might just stumble upon some
04:43incredible discoveries.
04:45Our core philosophy is simple.
04:47If your instinct tells you there's something to do, then there probably is.
04:52The footage you're seeing now showcases just a few of the many secrets woven
04:56into Hell as Us.
04:57These are playful examples of how the game handles secondary investigations,
05:01but they perfectly illustrate our approach.
05:07I'm only permitted to play Sabinian classics, I'm afraid.
05:12Unfortunately, I only happen to know one of their dreadful compositions.
05:19There are countless mysteries waiting to be uncovered.
05:22If you trust your instincts, you'll find yourself solving some truly
05:25fascinating mysteries along the way.
05:28Now, when we talk about player clattering, it doesn't mean you'll constantly
05:32need to overthink every step to progress.
05:35Many elements will be clear and intuitive, as our belief is that you
05:39actually don't need quest markers to navigate and advance in the adventure.
05:43That being said, for those who love a challenge, some of these deeper
05:47secrets will require keen observation and deduction to be uncovered.
05:51Good luck.
05:57Take another look at the sequences we've just shown in this video,
06:00and share with us your first ideas on how to solve this last secret.
06:04Let's see who can connect the dots first.
06:06My ration does melt as long as possible, but ran out yesterday.
06:10Poor Uli is starving.
06:13I don't know how I can possibly get any more.
06:22Thank you all so, so much for tuning in.
06:25We hope you enjoyed this new look at Hell is Us.
06:28We're so passionate about our game, and we've worked so hard on it.
06:33The game launches on September 4, 2025 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC.
06:39See you soon for more exciting news.