El fiscal federal Ramiro González ha decidido abrir el caso para determinar si los hechos denunciados constituyen un delito.
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00:00because the justice opened the investigation against Santiago Caputo
00:03for the complaint of Facundo Manes
00:06for this situation that occurred after the speech of Javier Milei.
00:12It is the political note of the day and we have the information with Lucia Salinas.
00:16Lucia, we are listening to you.
00:18How are you, Soledad and Rolando?
00:21Very good afternoon.
00:22Indeed, the federal prosecutor, Ramiro González,
00:26decided to open the investigation to determine
00:29if the facts denounced by Facundo Manes
00:32did indeed take place
00:34and, in that case, if those facts
00:38refute any crime committed by Santiago Caputo.
00:42Along with this decision,
00:45the prosecutor released a series of witnesses
00:48to determine, on the one hand,
00:51the facts denounced by Facundo Manes this Wednesday
00:55and, on the other hand, to clarify
00:58if they occurred as they were denounced
01:02and, in that sense, to establish
01:05the behavior of Santiago Caputo,
01:08if he deserves to be sued or not.
01:10If he is a criminal or not, in other words.
01:13Lucia, you, who always follow what happens in courts,
01:16you are bringing us this anticipation,
01:18which, we reiterate, implies that a judicial investigation is opened
01:22by the prosecutor for the denunciation of Facundo Manes
01:24against Santiago Caputo.
01:26What I want to ask you, Lucia, is
01:28is this automatic?
01:29Did this happen automatically
01:31or did the prosecutor have another option
01:33other than to promote the investigation
01:35to try to put a little in proportion
01:37what this information you are bringing us means?
01:40In principle, the denunciation was eradicated, Rolo,
01:43on Wednesday,
01:46in the court of the federal judge,
01:48María Eugenia Capuchetti,
01:50who asked the prosecutor for his opinion.
01:52The prosecutor can imputate,
01:54he can decide that,
01:55according to the denounced facts,
01:57there is nothing to investigate
01:59and consider that it should not be opened.
02:02In this case, before establishing
02:05criminal responsibility
02:07or attributing any type of crime,
02:09the prosecutor decided that this had to be investigated
02:12first to clarify
02:15if the facts that Facundo Manes denounced
02:18actually happened like that,
02:20in that way.
02:22And then, if he corroborates that,
02:24to be able to determine
02:27what would be the possible behavior
02:30of Santiago Caputo.
02:34Threats, some type of injuries.
02:36A priori, one thinks that the crime of injuries does not appear,
02:39but well, there is an open investigation
02:41and the most important thing,
02:43which you are highlighting, Lucia,
02:45is that for the prosecutor there is something to investigate.
02:47The prosecutor could have said no.
02:49This, a priori, does not constitute
02:51in any way, nor closely,
02:53a criminal conduct.
02:55But he is seeing that there is something to investigate.
02:57That is why this news brings us gravity.
03:00Yes, because, I repeat,
03:02the prosecutor could have said
03:04that there were no reasons
03:06for which not even to promote criminal action,
03:09and this is the expression he uses in his statement,
03:12where he asks
03:15all the images, videos,
03:17records of the incident
03:19that Facundo Manes denounces
03:21under the figure of co-active threats,
03:23to, in the first term,
03:25be able to see if there is a coincidence
03:28between what those images return
03:30and what was overturned in the complaint
03:32presented this Wednesday in Comodoro Pi.
03:35And then you will see what is the situation
03:37of Santiago Caputo
03:39in the face of criminal justice.
03:41But the fact is that there is an open investigation
03:44that is the product of the complaint
03:46of Facundo Manes
03:48against Santiago Caputo, the presidential advisor.
03:50Yes, let's keep in mind, Lucia,
03:52that about this image,
03:54it happens to us when we see it and review it,
03:56it is seen that there are other people taking record,
03:58surely all the images will be asked,
04:01it will be analyzed to see
04:03effectively what happened with the complaint,
04:05what did not happen, and so on.
04:07Thank you for the information.
04:09A very big hug.