• 2 days ago
00:00So Matt you what the 2014 when you won Arnold Palmer was still alive still alive in 2015
00:06walking off that green
00:08What was that moment? Like cuz I I can't imagine just as a player
00:14You know walking off that green watching Tiger do it for so many years shaking. Oh, yeah Arnold's hand. What was it like for you?
00:20Well, okay. So when I walked off the green the first year to shake his hand
00:24I did not know that I had won yet and just sweat out. It was either
00:29It was like maybe Adam or Keegan had to miss like a 20, you know, the putt Tiger always makes
00:37So, let me get back to that
00:40so I go through the tunnel and I'm in the scoring trailer and there's a little TV in there and you know,
00:46we're we're 50 yards away from the 18th green. It's right across the street and
00:50I think it was I
00:53Think it was Adam. Maybe it was Keegan. Anyways
00:57I'm watching him get ready to putt and I can hear right when he's getting ready to walk into his putt
01:04I can hear the crowd like moan and I it wasn't a roar like he made it and it was just like I
01:11Still watch the putt though to see make sure it missed but that feeling was like out of body, man
01:17I mean then it's like are you kidding me? And I knew yeah, and I knew you know
01:23My dad used that was the first tournament. My dad ever took me to I grew up in Daytona and and
01:27Some of my first memories are my my dad bringing me over there. I think the first time I went Andrew McGee won
01:35I don't even know what year that is, but I remember his name winning the tournament
01:40But yeah, it's it was killer. I knew mr. Palmer a little bit before because I was buddies with Sam Saunders and
01:48So, you know years before Sam and I would get paired in that tournament
01:52Narnia would come out and
01:53Riding his golf cart like in the rough during the tournament watching it like right behind us hitting watching us
02:00It was great. And and the cool part was I I knew I knew I could tell him I
02:08Knew he knew how much it meant to me like
02:11There were sexier names around mine that could have won that golf tournament. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, and
02:17He was he was all-in and it was
02:21Dude, it was just the coolest ever
02:23I mean, I can't imagine even even after so I
02:27Imagine vividly you can probably remember just a locker room that evening. I would have just stayed there all night
02:32Oh, yeah, and it's like been pouring and whatever was they were pouring right and they've read they've
02:38Redone the locker room a little bit since and we used to have this this like warm cozy
02:44I'm like old-school locker room and it was it is it's a badass hanging there with the guys. I've been working there forever. It's
02:52It's the best. I didn't leave there for a long time that night
02:56It was you don't want to leave me like I'm gonna soak this all in the drive
03:01I remember the drive back to Jacksonville was
03:03Great. It was like are you kidding me? I can I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. You know, I mean
03:09Oh, I can't imagine but when Arnold Palmer's drink kettle one with a lemon twist, is that yeah what it was
03:15I mean, I would have just you just been sipping that I will
03:19Yeah, I got this one. Hmm. He say did he stay after it already? He bounced now. He bounced
03:25He was getting up there in an age
03:29But I'm telling you he made me feel like
03:34Made me feel like champion dude. It was the best
