• 2 days ago
Morena Rial habló sobre su bautismo en la religión Umbanda, un rito que ha generado controversia debido a las prácticas asociadas con esta fe. Durante el video, se discuten los fundamentos del umbandismo, sus rituales y la percepción pública de esta religión. El Pai de Brito explica que el umbandismo cultúa fuerzas de la naturaleza y realiza ofrendas, aclarando malentendidos sobre sacrificios animales.



00:00Well More, for the first time here I have you face to face to know how you are, how you are living these days, several days and weeks have passed of everything you had to live, how are you?
00:11Good, good, very good, luckily I'm fine
00:13How are you getting along with the baby, how are you, also that reunion, how was it?
00:19Good, super calm, well nothing, obviously it is an adaptation to live with my sister, because obviously it has been a lot of years that we do not live together, but everything is fine
00:30Are you being able to carry?
00:32No, yes, obviously, very well
00:34Well, what happened? Yesterday you went to ... videos came out that they baptized you, they welcomed you to the Umbanda religion
00:43Many years ago, photos have already been leaked, things that I have gone to, well, to make me attend and a lot of things, but yes, in the same way guys, to see it is a religion, I do not judge Catholicism, I do not judge those who are Jewish, I do not judge anything, then it would be good that they do not judge me and that they call it silence, because ultimately it is a religion and everyone chooses what they want to believe
01:08Why do you think you get a lot of attention in this, in religion?
01:12I get attention for everything, it's not just religion, I mean, I throw a fart and it comes out, they already put it on TV, it's like that, but well, nothing, that's it
01:24Well, controversial, right? You said ...
01:27Always, right?
01:29Yes, too, too
01:30There is one thing in which you are right, I say, you do not have to judge the faith of each one
01:36No, no, that of course
01:37In that you have to be right
01:39No, I was referring to the last sentence
01:41The way, the way
01:42Which one can choose the creed they want, we are in a completely free country about it
01:47Well, I already want to talk to the Pai Umbanda, let's see, Mr. Guigliar de Brito, how do I tell you, Pai, how do I tell you?
01:54Pai, Pai, how are you?
01:57Perfect, welcome to the afternoon, what is this about Umbandism? What would be your great pillar, I say, to be able to understand what it is about?
02:06Well, religion has many branches, yes?
02:09We worship a bank, we worship a bank, we worship a nation
02:14This, Umbandism is basically about the means, yes?
02:19We incorporate spirits, we offer
02:23We work with spirituality
02:25Pai, but what would it be then, what do you believe in?
02:29Look, for us there is only one God, which is the same as for all
02:35But we believe in divinities, yes? We believe in the forces of nature
02:39We worship the forces of nature, the divinity of water, fire, the divinity of the planet
02:45Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I hear it very badly, I need to resume communication
02:51Pai de Brito, I ask you please to give me two minutes, we will try to resume communication, so we hear it barbarously, without any kind of interference, we will continue right away
03:02Karina, the first thing he said is that we incorporate forces of nature and we offer sacrifices
03:08Offerings, he said
03:10Offerings, yes
03:11Yes, we offer
03:12Offerings, well, they can be flowers
03:14What happens is that, now we are going to talk to him, is a religion always linked to rituals?
03:21Rituals, yes
03:22Rituals, yes
03:23To questions
03:24But is it that he uses animals?
03:25Of course
03:26Because the offerings are of living animals
03:27I was going to ask him that, precisely
03:29Because there are certain versions, and what they tell you is that it depends on what kind of use is given to Lumbandism
03:39Well, but I want to ask Ventura, because Ventura surely knows this, he is Brazilian, there is a lot of Lumbandism
03:46No, but I worked with Ambrosino, we worked in a magazine called Flash, which gave a lot of space to Lumbandism and religions
03:54Of course, there are offerings, sacrifices, I remember, for example, in the television world of communication, Graciela Alfano always had, let's say, a space, right?
04:08She is Maé, Maé of religion, she has a religious marriage with Iván Trilá, who was the spiritual guide of Color de Melo during the presidency in Brazil
04:20Being Pai or being Maé is like, I don't know, like being a priest
04:24Of course
04:25So the link that unites the higher force with the earth, with, let's say, humans, and the deliveries generally, when there is slaughter and delivery, generally has to do with forces aimed at what is to be achieved
04:42Luis, you, at the time of Intrusos, had traveled to Brazil precisely to interview who was supposedly Graciela Alfano's partner
04:54She was a spiritual guide here in Argentina, people like Moria Kazan, Pepe Parada, Juanito Belmonte, all people who were linked
05:03Well, we have resumed communication, let's see if now we can talk to Pai de Brito, Guigliar de Grito
05:09Let's see, Pai, if we hear you well now
05:11Let's see, let's see, then, you were telling us that it is based on faith, on the forces of nature
05:37Well, and now they say that Morena Rial was baptized in the Umbanda rite, how is that baptism, what does it consist of?
05:51It is through herbs, through fruits, basically that is the initiation, yes
05:57And what is done with those herbs and those fruits?
05:59Capseram, the herbs are amastered, a liquid is prepared that we call amací, well, and there the initiation is made in Umbanda
06:11Well, Pai, a question, because we are seeing images that happened, I think, in LAM, if I'm not mistaken, where an animal is grabbed, put on the table and killed or sacrificed
06:28I mean, what would be the correct term to use in this situation?
06:33What we do is fainar the animals, that video that was leaked has nothing to do with what happened with Morena, it is a separate video from another day, then
06:43But she was there
06:45But she was not there, yes
06:47She is there
06:48Of course, yes, but it has nothing to do with the video, I mean, what was done with Morena
06:54Ah, no, it has to do
06:56In what context do they do that with the animals and for what?
07:00They offer, on some occasion, in some case, in some celebrity, the animal is offered, it is faina, then it is cooked and shared with all the people who shared the ritual
07:10For example, that animal that appeared in that video, what animal was it?
07:15It can be a goat, it can be a ...
07:19Now when you say it is offered, one interprets it as a sacrifice
07:26Yes, it can be called a sacrifice, but it is faina to eat
07:29But they already eat it, it is not that they kill the animal
07:31Because yes, of course
07:33Now, Debrito, if this, if this religious step is called baptism
07:39I understand you and I remember, it is a kind of, let's say, pass from country to country so that it is the owner of the person who receives this sacrament, I don't know what to call it
07:53But Morena has a baptism, I remember I was baptized by Father Gracie at the time
07:58No, no, no, this, excuse me for interrupting you, the baptism of the Catholic Church continues to be the baptism of the Catholic Church, we are all baptized by the Catholic Church, we take communion, confirmation
08:09Or not, all, well
08:12Or not
08:14Let's say, you don't have to, I don't know, leave the Catholic faith or religion, you don't have to give up the original faith, let's say, to belong to a baptism, right?
08:26Of course, our religion is syncretism and the saints, the orishas or the saints that we worship, we syncretize them with the Catholic Church
08:35Saint George, Saint Barbara, Saint Joan of Arc, Stella Maris
08:41They are the same saints, okay
08:43What is the difference then?
08:45They are the same, but with another name, to see what would be the difference, or what is the difference
08:49They could not enter a church, they could not share the church with the whites, then they could not worship their religion, they had to adapt to believe in the Catholic saints and not worship the orishas as it is worshiped today, freely
09:03Well, Father Debrito, and how do you take the umbandas with Saint Death?
09:09No, it has nothing to do with the worship of Saint Death with us, I personally totally do not know the subject
09:15Oh no, but you know why I'm here? Between the fact that I treat you as you are, and I treat you as you are
09:19He's young, he's young
09:21I'm going to treat you, listen to me, I say, because Morena was a devotee of Saint Death, that's why I was asking you if you can also practice the ritú umbanda, do you understand?
09:31Yes, the subject of Saint Death is a belief, Saint Death and many others, it is a personal belief of each one, I repeat, I do not know the subject and I never got into the subject
09:45But Father, there is something that is not clear, the sacrifice of animals, you know, as there is a myth within the umbandism, where a reference is made that the umbandism is often used for benevolent purposes, and there are times that it is guided with the intention of harming, doing some damage that does not go well to another person
10:12That is also contemplated within religion, do you practice it? How is it explained to the feligrés that this can also be done, it cannot be done? Because there is a lot of mystery around umbandism
10:26Yes, what happens is that religion, there are many taboos, but good is good and bad is bad, in reality in the umbanda there should not be evil, because the umbanda is white, there should not be evil, but there are many inventions, there are many things that have been invented, religion has been written for many years, there are many inventions, there are people who want to invent maybe for money, maybe for fame
10:52I want to ask you the following, did you find that they had done some kind of work to Morena Real, let's say they cured something through that baptism rite, what kind of situation?
11:06The last thing I can tell you is that she had many spiritual enemies
11:10Spiritual enemies, ok, many spiritual enemies, and through this rite she will be able to get rid of those spiritual enemies?
11:19Yes, she first came to consult and we first did cleanings, we worked well on the subject of their energies, then when she was already clean we did the rite
11:30And who are your enemies?
11:32I do not know the subject
11:34How do you realize?
11:36I ask you, maybe it has to do with the environment in which they were moving lately?
11:42It may be, yes
11:44Are they living enemies or are they spirits?
11:46No, no, no, living enemies, people who want to send evil to another person
11:50And you, what work did you do directly in her, in addition to cleaning her of all that negative?
11:57We didn't do anything specific, but we did a cleaning, for her what we did was cleaning mainly
12:04And this is going to continue, now you have already thought, she cleans, focus on some work, did she ask you for a specific job?
12:12No, actually she never asked me for a job, and there is no job to do with her, but to maintain stability in her life
12:20And how do you deal with what you just said, that Morena would be surrounded by these bad influences or bad energies?
12:30How do you deal with these people? Is there a return of kindness? Or is it done, the person is cleaned and that's it?
12:38In reality, the person is cleaned and that's it, because there is a karma and we all pay for that karma
12:45Each one of us has a saint, an orisha who is in charge of returning what each person does
12:53How was the cleaning to Morena?
12:56She built baths
12:58In baths?
13:00In baths, how would it be?
13:02With those herbs
13:04Explain to us a little so that we can understand
13:06With fruits, with flowers, with cologne, with honey
13:09But is there a kind of bathtub or something?
13:13No, no, no, the cleaning is prepared according to the person, because in this case it is with Morena, but it happens with all people
13:21The cleaning is prepared, from there to the person things are passed through the whole body and then that goes and is dispatched
13:29I ask you a question, what does the Umbanda religion think of stealing? What do you think of this type of life?
13:37Because we know what other religions think, each one in a different way, but almost all towards the same place
13:45Is there a job? Is there a penalty? Is there a penance regarding this type of activity?
13:50No, there is no penance because our religion is a religion that does not discriminate
13:53If you realize our religion basically has more
13:57No, the Catholic religion and as far as I understand the Jewish one does not discriminate, I mean, it has nothing to do with discrimination, it has to do with what are the precepts to follow
14:04It is a religion that guides towards good
14:08Look, we really, you can't go out to steal and come to do a religious ritual
14:15Because obviously, first of all, it is not in your consciousness to enter into a ritual
14:20And second, that people, the spirits, the person, the orisha, whatever you want to call it, they realize things
14:27The Holy Mother will obviously realize it through vows, through her spiritual guide, she will realize it and well, there has to be a stop
14:37Pai, once you did the job, I say job because well, you cleaned her, did you notice that she has good energy, that she has bad energy?
14:49Do you understand that now you must sacrifice an animal, link it to her to do a job a little more specific?
14:58No, look, Morena has a very strong character, bad energy can be because of the people who surrounded her at the time
15:07Today she decided to change her environment completely and decided to take out all these energies that were pending in her life
15:14But did you notice her with bad energy?
15:17Did you notice her with bad energy?
15:19Yes, yes, yes
15:21Well, I'll give you the last one and we'll let you go, Guiller, you do have things to do
15:27Being Morena Rial's spiritual guide, I imagine that she must have given you a lot of vertigo
15:34Because lately she has had terrible decisions in her life
15:39What are you going to do about it? How are you going to guide her?
15:43I will try, I try to guide her in the best way, I try, I think we all deserve a second chance
15:53I think this time she wants to change, honestly, from what we were talking about from the beginning
15:58Perfect, very good, I hope you achieve it, for the good of all
16:03Well, Pai Debrito, we send you a big kiss, thank you for this time you gave us, be very well
