• 2 days ago
Gogglebox Australia S20E01Gogglebox Australia S20E01


00:00Now I'm bald, and I have to shave my head at home, I got this.
00:04It's great, dude. It's the best thing I've ever bought.
00:08It's like one of those things when your pet gets an operation.
00:10You've got to wear that cone on their head.
00:14Every evening in Australia...
00:16I'm so happy it's back.
00:17..TV reaches over 12 million of us.
00:21Your budget must be good this year.
00:22No way!
00:24But have you ever wondered what other people are watching?
00:26Yes. Makes good TV.
00:28It just seems like an effective way to do this.
00:30Find out what people thought about what was on in the last seven days.
00:34This is the most woke show on TV.
00:36I suppose I will give it a go.
00:38Yeah, we're ready.
00:39It's going to be a good season.
00:41This week, we bid farewell to Dancing With The Stars...
00:45The grand finale!
00:46Bring it on, baby.
00:48..said hello to a new season of Hunted...
00:51Oh, my God!
00:52What stupid people!
00:55..and The Block.
00:57We're back, baby.
00:58Let the drama begin.
01:00..and caught up with our new favourite dog.
01:02Colin from Accounts.
01:04This show is so good.
01:12Gogglebox is back for our 20th season,
01:15and over the break, there's been a lot going on.
01:18For a start...
01:19Chad's getting married, Malik!
01:20Finally, Chad!
01:22Finally, Chad!
01:25..Leanne is also engaged.
01:27Tim finally tied the knot.
01:30I get hitched after 25 years.
01:32Yeah, in technically four weddings, by the way.
01:35I did have four weddings. Yeah.
01:37Does that mean that a funeral's next?
01:40And newlywed Nick has just returned from his honeymoon.
01:44You booked your honeymoon as a golf trip?
01:47Honeymoon slash golf trip.
01:51Everyone wins.
01:52I... Yeah.
01:53Well, if she played golf, she would've won.
01:56Monday night on 10, It Was Back.
01:59It's a new season of Hunted, Leanne.
02:01This is adult hide-and-seek at its best.
02:0318 ordinary Australians...
02:05I love this show.
02:07..are about to go on the run.
02:09You know why? Cos we grew up running from the cops.
02:11I watched last season and absolutely was hooked on it.
02:14I hope they haven't changed it, cos I loved it the way it was.
02:17They must first steal their prize money.
02:20They're gonna steal it? What do you mean, steal it?
02:22$1 million is being held at the Stratford Zoo.
02:25It's being held at the Savings Bank of Ballarat.
02:28They're gonna rob a bank? They don't usually do this.
02:30As a group, you must break into the bank and steal the money.
02:33Why change the show?
02:35Well, let's watch it first and see.
02:36These nine ordinary Australians
02:39will attempt to steal $1 million.
02:42Oh, they're gonna teach us now how to rob a bank.
02:45The silent alarm has been activated.
02:47The hunters are on approach.
02:48And tasked with catching the fugitives are the hunters.
02:52Hunter headquarters. He's very handsome, isn't he?
02:55He's giving me, like, Darren Hinch vibes.
02:56You're joking.
02:57There is robbery in progress at the Savings Bank at Ballarat.
03:01Let's go!
03:02Everybody feeling OK?
03:04Yeah, it's just like...
03:05Guys, put your masks on.
03:07My God, these are the worst criminals ever.
03:09We're gonna grind off these bars, smash the window and then hop in.
03:12They're not being very quiet and they're not being very fast.
03:16This is, like, the worst robbery in history.
03:18I mean, public liability with these tools, really.
03:21Did you get this hole big enough?
03:23How long's it taking him to cut that?
03:25Just cut it.
03:26So, do you reckon cut... Start going around there?
03:28Hurry up, man.
03:29Stop talking and cut it.
03:31I don't understand what you're saying.
03:32These guys are a bunch of idiots.
03:34But then that's gonna be too small, though.
03:36Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
03:37Shut up and cut it.
03:38You know what? You would have cut a bigger hole if you'd just shut up.
03:41Guys, let's head back. The hunters are coming.
03:44Oh, alarm's off.
03:46OK, we've got the cash from the challenge.
03:47Now get out!
03:49Sun's coming up. We've got to get out of here.
03:50Why didn't you start earlier?
03:52That's common sense.
03:54But they've just hit peak hour traffic.
03:57Out of a possible $1 million...
04:00Where is Channel 10 getting $1 million from?
04:02..the fugitives have escaped with $927,000.
04:08Whoa, that's pretty good.
04:10It's not much nowadays.
04:11Well, it's not by the time you buy a house, coffee and milk and bread.
04:14It's gone.
04:15Giving each team $103,000.
04:20Channel 10's not actually giving up $1 million.
04:23But they get to say $1 million.
04:25Yeah, right.
04:26For the next 20 days, the 18 fugitives must stay on the move.
04:31Now they've all got to go in different directions.
04:33And that's the way it should have started.
04:34Yeah. All spread out now. Go your separate ways.
04:36Just get out! Go! Go!
04:38Fugitives have been released.
04:39We have multiple fugitive survivors.
04:41What do you do? Where do you go?
04:43Well, I'd stick out like dog's balls with his hair.
04:45I'd just scrub off my fake tan. No-one would recognise me.
04:49What would your costume be? What would you change into?
04:51I reckon a tradie. With your walk? OK.
04:54Hoping to dodge the hunters are...
04:56..an IT specialist, Bobby, and daughter, Tanisha.
05:00Oh, it's father-daughter.
05:01Do you want to get changed?
05:02Stay. Yeah.
05:04We're changing into tradies.
05:05See? They've changed. Smart.
05:07I need to change your shorts.
05:08We're going into high-vis gear, OK?
05:10You trying to hide? Don't wear fluoro.
05:13Are we going in? Yeah.
05:15This is the biggest risk, Dad.
05:17Oh, yeah, I don't know about a train station.
05:19Never get on the V line. That thing never runs on time.
05:22Well, eventually, they make it to Melbourne.
05:25Bobby and daughter, Tanisha, are headed to a Collingwood brewery.
05:29You don't get public transport.
05:31You people are morons.
05:33If the hunters can get their card number, they'll receive an alert.
05:38Who taps on?
05:39The card tapped on at Flemington Street slash Brunswick Road.
05:43This is literally a personal card that says,
05:45I'm catching a bus right now.
05:47Mate, catch a tram. Just don't tap on like everyone else.
05:51Thank you very much. Thank you.
05:53Don't tap off!
05:54They deserve to be caught.
05:56We've got Bobby and Tanisha's mic.
05:58He's tapping off at Gipps Street.
05:59Brilliant. Oh, shit!
06:02There's a pub on the north side.
06:04Oh, I've been there before!
06:05I know exactly the pub they're going to.
06:07It's actually a great pub to go to with kids.
06:08Appreciate it.
06:09I love that the first stop you came to is a brewery.
06:11Are they seriously having a beer while they're on the run?
06:14They're just on a pub crawl, really.
06:15They are on a pub crawl.
06:16Oh, my God.
06:18They're eating as well.
06:19Oh, these two are so stupid.
06:21You're a fugitive on the run!
06:23They're going to get caught. They know you're there. Go!
06:25Let's keep trying to get down.
06:28It's like the squad team's coming in.
06:29Here we go.
06:30Back of the room, Nick. Go right.
06:33You are done, you idiots.
06:36No, don't be serious.
06:38So, you ordered the margarita,
06:41and then I ordered a cabrichosa.
06:43No, no, no, no, no, no!
06:46Oh, my God!
06:48What stupid people!
06:51You have been hunted down.
06:53What did you think was going to happen, you idiot?
06:55Caught over a pizza and a quinoa salad.
06:58Well done!
07:00Just saved Channel 10 $100,000.
07:05Wow, that's hectic.
07:06That was a good episode.
07:08No, go back to the bus and they're all on it and then they run.
07:12I can't believe how bad they were.
07:13Oh, they were terrible.
07:14Don't go to the pub.
07:16I'd probably stop off at the pub just for a relaxing beer,
07:19just to calm my thoughts.
07:20Two schooners, max.
07:23Three schooners, bag of chips, max.
07:25And out.
07:27Four schooners...
07:40While we were away, Matty finished the renovations.
07:44Well, almost.
07:45No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
07:46Hey! Hey! Bro!
07:47What, you think we're at my grandma's house in the 70s,
07:49leaving the plastic and we're going to be?
07:51Yeah, no, the plastic's staying on until you leave, bro.
07:52This is judge-proofing.
07:54We're back at Izzy Silbury's house,
07:57where daughter Ruby has been learning new skills.
08:00She can wave now.
08:01Ruby, hello.
08:07And so has Keith.
08:09Did you get the cup set up with the coffee and everything in it?
08:12I put the... You said put the chem on.
08:14Oh, do I have to tell you step-by-step what to do?
08:16OK, what do you do again?
08:18Oh, Jesus Christ.
08:20Cup of tea?
08:23This week on Netflix...
08:24The natural world is filled with sound.
08:28Shut up. Guess who it is?
08:29Has to be David Attenborough.
08:32And the brah is back with a new animal series all about sound.
08:44Oh, it's the TV!
08:47Secret world of sound.
08:49So we're doing animal sound.
08:53Finding a voice.
08:55I'd like you to find hearing.
08:56That's what I'd like.
08:57The Kalahari Desert in southern Africa.
09:01This is the home of a kind of burrowing mongoose.
09:08This season's pups are taking their first steps
09:10in the world outside their family's home.
09:12They are very cute.
09:14It reminds me of Ethan.
09:16What are you talking about?
09:17Look at Ethan's face and look at the meerkat's face.
09:19Do you have little ears like the meerkats do?
09:22In time, they will get to know the sounds of everything
09:26that's going on around them.
09:27But... Oh, no.
09:29When David lowers his voice and says,
09:31but... Oh, God, this is not going to be
09:33a survival of the fittest thing, is it?
09:35I hate when David does this to us.
09:37..food isn't easy to find.
09:39Oh, why the hell do they live in there?
09:41Meerkat pups need more food than their own parents can provide.
09:45I'll get some food for you, Ethan.
09:47And most food is hidden underground.
09:50A digging hole? A house?
09:52No, he said they're finding food, you deaf old fart.
09:55Finally, the small one does get a mouthful.
09:59But he takes a long time to eat it.
10:02Oh, no.
10:04And when he looks up...
10:05Oh! Oh, they've left him.
10:07..everyone else is gone.
10:08Course, that's bad parenting.
10:12He calls for help.
10:14Ah! Mum!
10:16Ah! Oh!
10:17Oh, that's like what I do with Mum and Dad.
10:19Making such a noise, however, has risks.
10:23Oh, here we go.
10:24That meerkat is going to be lunch.
10:26Aw! Aw!
10:28Are we about to see this pipsqueak get eaten by a hawk?
10:31Oh, God. Don't look.
10:35At last, an adult hears him.
10:37In the nick of time.
10:38Well done. Good hustle.
10:40These calls are not just generalised alerts.
10:45They're talking to each other.
10:46Ah! What?
10:48This one warns of a flying predator.
10:52That's a bloody eagle! Eagle!
10:55Wow. This is mad.
10:57Danger on the ground is indicated by a different call.
11:02Fox. Fox. Eagle. Fox. Eagle.
11:07Oh, what's that call?
11:10Fucking snake.
11:13Sounds in the open air are important for many animals.
11:17There's something so wholesome about sitting watching David Attenborough.
11:20I'm so glad that he's still making documentaries.
11:23Can you imagine the super that this guy would have?
11:26He'd have to be self-managed.
11:27We can't hear very well underwater.
11:30He can't hear at all.
11:32No, you can if you're close.
11:36I said you can't hear at all. Oh.
11:38By using a special kind of underwater microphone
11:41called a hydrophone.
11:43A hydrophone?
11:48We've known for some time that quite a lot of fish produce sounds.
11:52Wait, fish make sounds?
11:53Oh, my God!
11:55No way.
11:56And this female clownfish is about to lay her eggs.
12:00Oh, it's Nemo!
12:02That's not Nemo. Two good fins.
12:03So the group needs to find a firm surface for them.
12:07A coconut just happened to roll past.
12:09They're going to make pina coladas.
12:11But it needs to be moved into the right position.
12:14How are they going to do that?
12:15Aren't fish dumb?
12:17She indicates her needs with a low-pitched grunt.
12:20Oh, here we go. Fish talk.
12:22Fish talk. What the hell?
12:25And the juveniles in the colony comply by shaking their heads.
12:29I never knew fish talked to each other.
12:31I had no idea.
12:33Wait, I'm going to feel guilty eating them.
12:36They manoeuvre the coconut shell into position.
12:39I mean, this is quite impressive.
12:41They're intelligent.
12:42Fish are smarter than us.
12:44My fish are smarter than you.
12:45And at last, the moment arrives.
12:48Oh, she's laying the eggs on there.
12:49Oh, look, she decorates the shell with the eggs.
12:53Looks like my fish oil tablet.
12:55The male then makes his contribution.
12:58Oh, he's having a good time.
12:59He's having a great time.
13:00Fertilising the eggs.
13:02So what? They don't get fertilised in her.
13:07So he's just, like, um, on the eggs?
13:12And the kids are just there watching it.
13:14Come on.
13:15And a week later, they begin to change.
13:18Oh, wow, they're hatching.
13:19Oh, look, they just break off. There you go. They're a fish.
13:21Oh, my God.
13:22That's pretty cool.
13:25For them, sound is survival.
13:29Dave's still got it, man.
13:33It's going to be hard to replace him.
13:34I love that when you watch him,
13:36he doesn't make you feel stupid for not knowing things.
13:37If we didn't have David Attenborough...
13:40We'd know nothing.
13:41Nothing about anything.
13:43Nah, we are absolutely going to be lost in this world without him.
13:46We're going to be dumber.
14:02In Melbourne, Lee and Keith have just returned from a winter road trip.
14:07If you get to Tijuana, you're tailgating.
14:09So you've got to go round them and go past them.
14:12Yeah, but I would have just had my hand on the horn
14:13as if to say, get out of me fricking way, you dickhead.
14:15I love when you have your hand on the horn.
14:16Oh, why does it always come back to that?
14:19Monday on Seven...
14:21Dancing with the Stars!
14:23The grand finale?
14:24Yep, and it's dance teachers Laney and Bree's favourite show.
14:28Oh, Bree, Dancing with the Stars.
14:30I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.
14:31Please welcome your hosts, Sonia Kruger and Chris Brown.
14:37Chris jumped ship to this show?
14:41Chris Brown looks like they put Grant Denya in that thing
14:43that they put Captain America in.
14:46We are in for an epic night.
14:48Does Dr Chris help animals anymore?
14:50He has no time.
14:52Ladies and gentlemen, your top three finalists.
14:55Ooh, what have we got?
14:57The finale's final three are a singer...
14:59Samantha Jade.
15:01I love Samantha Jade.
15:02..an actress...
15:03Lisa McCune.
15:04She's a frontrunner.
15:05..and an SAS soldier.
15:07Ant Middleton.
15:08He's like a full badass, right?
15:10Oh, yeah.
15:11Nothing more badass than dancing.
15:14So let's see how the tough guy goes.
15:16Bring it on, baby.
15:17I love that hot Ant, seriously.
15:20I bet when he was in a war zone,
15:22he did not think he would be dancing on Australian reality television.
15:27Come on, Ant.
15:28What are you going to do?
15:29Oh, yes.
15:30Oh, yes.
15:31His shirt's undone.
15:33OK, calm down.
15:34Don't get wet.
15:35I don't believe in an interventionist...
15:41So far, he's just picked her up.
15:43..into my arms...
15:44Ooh, bit of a wiggle.
15:46That was a signature move I used to do at the nightclubs, Kate.
15:49Oh, yeah?
15:50..into my arms...
15:54No, Ant!
15:55I could do that.
15:56..oh, Lord...
15:57So far, he hasn't done anything.
15:58He does nothing but pick her up.
16:00I wish I could be chucked around on the dance floor like that.
16:02..into my arms...
16:05Good dance.
16:06That was well done.
16:07Very well done.
16:08I feel bad, but dancing's not his thing.
16:11What did he do?
16:12All he does is lift.
16:13Come on over here.
16:14God, Chris is very tall, isn't he?
16:16So tough for the celebs to have to stand next to Chris Brown.
16:19Oh, I know.
16:20Cos they all look like shorties.
16:21He's not a big Ant.
16:22He's a little Ant.
16:23I am indeed.
16:24I am indeed.
16:25He's so tiny.
16:26Pocket rocket.
16:27Chuck him around.
16:28It is now time for the judges' scores.
16:29What do you reckon they'll get?
16:30Four or five?
16:33No way.
16:34Sorry, Ant.
16:36I loved it, Ant.
16:39As if you'd give a ten for that.
16:40Oh, just relax.
16:41It's just a show.
16:42Next up, singer Samantha Jade took us for a spin.
16:44Here we go.
16:45Gatsby like it.
16:46Wow, look at the set on this.
16:49That's why they had to fire all them Channel 7 presenters.
16:54You say either...
16:56And I say neither.
16:58..either, either.
16:59I feel like I've been transported back to the 50s.
17:03Neither, neither.
17:04Or the 20s, which is when Gatsby was.
17:06Close enough.
17:07Let's call the whole thing off.
17:10Samantha for the win.
17:11Hundred percent.
17:12She shits on it.
17:13Now that's a ten.
17:20Told you.
17:21I know my dancing, Lee.
17:22Lost for words, Lee.
17:23Oh, will you shut up so I can watch it?
17:24It's then time for ten-time Logie winner...
17:25Lisa McKean.
17:26..to strut her stuff.
17:27She's everyone's favourite.
17:28She can fall over.
17:29And she'll still get ten.
17:30Come on, come on, come on.
17:31Lisa's up.
17:32All right, Lee, it's what you got for us.
17:37She's very light on her feet.
17:40She's like a little marshmallow out there.
17:46She's like a little marshmallow out there.
17:48This is the one where they don't look at each other at all.
17:57Oh, wow.
17:58He's doing that hands-free.
18:00Look, Mum, no hands.
18:01Why didn't you do that lift at your wedding?
18:03You want me to show you my lift that I did for my wedding on you?
18:08I'm not wearing undies.
18:09That's fine.
18:10Just enjoy it, OK?
18:11Go round.
18:13Like that.
18:15Yeah, you're definitely not wearing underwear either.
18:21Evanne got two 10s.
18:22They're getting four 15s.
18:28Oh, my...
18:29He kissed her!
18:30Tell you what, I'd be smooching him.
18:32Is she married?
18:33So it is now time for the judges' scores.
18:35Oh, this is easy.
18:36Ten, ten, ten, ten.
18:41That's it, baby.
18:45Do you know what it is?
18:47It's jealousy.
18:48And finally, time to find a winner.
18:50Well, the audience votes are in.
18:53The studio audience votes?
18:54Oh, that's stupid.
18:56The couple placed third in this year's grand finale is...
19:01It's Ant and Alex.
19:04I'm surprised he's made it to the grand finale.
19:06All right, we're going to find out who it is.
19:08I'm so excited.
19:09And champion of Dancing With The Stars 2024 is...
19:15Sammy, Sammy.
19:22Oh, hurry up.
19:23Come on, you know the name.
19:25Lisa and Ian!
19:29I told you, she was the best of the whole lot.
19:32It's because of the kiss at the end.
19:35That is another season of Dancing With The Stars,
19:39down and dusted.
19:40Until the stars align again next year.
19:54Since we last saw him, Bob's had a big promotion.
19:57So I started the new job a few weeks ago.
20:00Oh, yeah, big CEO.
20:01How's it going?
20:03Learning a lot now?
20:04Yeah, it's weird having a man as your boss.
20:06And as your current employer,
20:08I think you need to get up and get married.
20:10Ethan del Petitre also celebrated a milestone,
20:14turning 21.
20:16The best thing was I woke up,
20:18in the morning I saw Dad having cake.
20:20For lunch I saw Dad having cake.
20:22For dinner I saw him having more cake.
20:25I'm a shitting kid.
20:29This week on Foxtel,
20:31we caught up with the second season
20:33of the hit Aussie comedy drama.
20:35Oh, you know what this is?
20:36Colin from Accounts.
20:40This show is so good.
20:42My favourite part is that Colin from Accounts is the dog.
20:45Is Colin the dog?
20:47Yep, and because of Colin,
20:49strangers Ashley and Gordon fell in love.
20:52He accidentally hit Colin with his car when she flashed her bosom.
20:56And after spending last season looking after their maimed mutt,
21:00there's a twist.
21:01This has got to stop.
21:05Phoebe, keep Peppy back there.
21:07Berlin, you stay here with Peppy, darling.
21:09I'll be right back.
21:10I said I don't hurt the dog anymore.
21:11OK, let me catch you up.
21:13So at the end of season one,
21:15they had to get rid of Colin.
21:17Bye bye, doggie.
21:18So they gave it to this family.
21:20And now they want him back.
21:21Sorry, you gave him to us two weeks ago.
21:23You can't just have him back.
21:24We changed our minds an hour later.
21:27It doesn't matter, mate.
21:29Possession is nine-tenths of the law.
21:31Angus, you're just a loser.
21:33Shut up.
21:34Why don't you grow up and have a baby?
21:36Ladies, no, no, no, no, no.
21:40Argue him.
21:42You must have smiled.
21:43What is it when you're in a bad mood
21:45and someone tells you just to smile
21:46and you just want to hit them in the head?
21:48Look, how about this, all right?
21:51Oh, shit!
21:54Happy, mate?
21:55Is he dead?
21:57We never know, as Ashley and Colin
21:59are fully focused on getting Colin back
22:02by enlisting the help of his vet.
22:04Did Dr Yvette get the letter that we sent through?
22:07Yvette, the vet, is his ex.
22:10Is that the ex-girlfriend?
22:11No, this is just the hopeless receptionist.
22:13If she could just sign that.
22:15This isn't Dr Yvette's problem.
22:17You gave the dog away, possession is nine-tenths of the law.
22:21No one talks about the other tenth, though, do they?
22:23Is this a personal thing because Yvette and I were together once?
22:26Yeah, I think Yvette still hates Gordon.
22:28Oh, OK.
22:29This might actually be a personal vendetta against him.
22:31Yeah, right.
22:32With no luck getting Colin back legally,
22:34they turn to other methods.
22:36Get down, get down.
22:37I have a feeling they're going to steal Colin.
22:40That's him. OK, what do we do?
22:42Possession is nine-tenths of the law.
22:43Everyone's saying it.
22:44They're going to steal a dog in a wheelchair off an eight-year-old.
22:46Oh, no.
22:47I can't do that.
22:51What do you do, do you do a scoop and run?
22:53Don't do it.
22:54They're going to do it.
22:55That's a child!
22:59Oh, she's going in.
23:01Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
23:03You can't do this.
23:04You're never getting Colin back.
23:05I was a bit sad now.
23:06They just want their dog.
23:09You can love a dog.
23:13What are you doing?
23:14Oh, he's going to put the dog stuff away.
23:17Oh, no, you're telling the universe now you don't want the dog back.
23:19Put it back.
23:20What else can we do?
23:21Well, if they don't get Colin back, it's going to be a pretty short season.
23:25He was the thing that we had in common.
23:28Oh, no Colin, no relationship.
23:30No glue.
23:31And without the glue, we're just two things flopping the other way.
23:37Colin's back?
23:39Where is he?
23:40Hey, whoa.
23:41Calm down.
23:42Just tell us where he is or we're calling the cops.
23:44Wait, wait.
23:45You don't know where he is?
23:46Oh, they've lost Colin.
23:47He was safe in the backyard and now he's gone.
23:49We know what's happened.
23:50Well, obviously you don't because we don't have him.
23:52Well, what's going on?
23:53Something's going to happen.
23:54Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
23:57Oh, biffos.
23:58What's Gordon?
24:01What's going on?
24:02Oh, there's Colin.
24:03We're the vet, the vet.
24:04Wait, is that the ex?
24:05Excuse me.
24:06Yeah, that's Gordon's ex-girlfriend.
24:09Who are you?
24:10I'm his owner.
24:11No, you are no such thing.
24:12They gave him to us.
24:14Well, he was found on the street and his chip was scanned.
24:16His chip.
24:17Oh, his fucking chip.
24:18And he's registered to him.
24:20That's ten-tenths of a fourth.
24:22This is horse shit.
24:24Come on.
24:25It's over.
24:28Yvette, thank you so much.
24:29I can't even begin to...
24:30I just...
24:32Keep in mind that this is the ex-girlfriend.
24:34Yvette used to hate Gordon.
24:35So, this really is a very wholesome moment.
24:37Would you mind walking me to my car?
24:39I'm just parked up here.
24:40Sure, yeah, of course.
24:42Something's going to happen.
24:43Is she going to, like, make a move?
24:44I'm pregnant.
24:46It's yours and I'm keeping it.
24:55They just spent the whole episode trying to get Colin back
24:57because that was going to fix their problems.
24:59Now they've got Colin and a baby with the ex-miso.
25:02Try explaining that to your missus.
25:06I wonder how many times you've been here.
25:10That was awesome.
25:12Great Australian television.
25:15And it's got a dog.
25:33My brother had a baby last week.
25:34Oh, he did?
25:36That's cool.
25:37Yeah, I don't know.
25:38I haven't met it yet.
25:43Don't know.
25:44I'll get back to you on that one.
25:46It's only one week.
25:48Get a load of this.
25:52Oh, The Block.
25:54We're back, baby.
25:55Freaking love The Block.
25:56Do you freaking love The Block?
25:57Yeah, I'm so excited.
25:58Welcome to The Block.
26:00Season 20.
26:01Season 20, Leanne.
26:03Oh, congrats.
26:04It's amazing.
26:06That little show that could premiered its 20th season
26:09on Nine this week.
26:11This is going to be the biggest block ever.
26:14You say that every season.
26:16But this season there's been a shake-up.
26:18Buckle up, everyone, because this year we're going island-like.
26:23Ooh, The Block's gone island.
26:26Do you know which island?
26:28Going to be like Hamilton Island.
26:30Fraser Island.
26:31Haymond Island.
26:32Somewhere exotic.
26:33The Block 2024 is situated on the idyllic family holiday location
26:38of Phillip Island.
26:39Phillip Island?
26:40That's off Melbourne?
26:41Where they do the V8s.
26:42That's not exotic.
26:44We bought a run-down resort.
26:46Oh, they're doing holiday villas now.
26:48With eight two-bedroom holiday villas.
26:50How good's that?
26:51This looks like a retirement village to me.
26:54Location sorted.
26:56Show me The Block heads.
26:57Who have we got?
26:59Okay, well, we've got married couple Jesse and Paige.
27:02Jesse is 29 years old and a carpenter.
27:05That'll come in handy.
27:06Paige is 27 and a claims specialist.
27:09That will not come in handy.
27:12And they're joined by Christian and Mimi.
27:16Why is it a universal girl thing to see each other and go?
27:22That was good editing.
27:24I like these two.
27:25I can tell these two are fun.
27:26Best mates of 23 years.
27:28Look what they're wearing.
27:29Ricky and Hayden are not the quiet reserve type.
27:35Oh, these two look like they're going to be annoying.
27:37Well, let's not judge Ricky and Hayden just yet.
27:43We might need to be doing some Instagram following.
27:45And the final Block heads to round up season 20
27:48are Courtney and Grant.
27:50From Western Sydney.
27:51Hey, represent.
27:53And Brad and Kylie.
27:55That is some fricking green hair.
27:57She won't need a high-vis mask.
27:59Welcome to Phillip Island.
28:01Look at the faces when they go in for day one
28:04and then you never see that face again.
28:06I bet you you are busting to get stuck in and build a house.
28:10If it's anything like all the rest of the Blocks...
28:12We're not going to see building.
28:13It's just going to be a bit of drama.
28:15That is exactly what we're going to do.
28:16Let the drama begin.
28:18Okay, let's see what we're renovating first.
28:21Bathroom wing.
28:23What are they going to do this time?
28:24Like an elevated, like, coastal grandma sort of vibe.
28:27I hate a coastal look.
28:28I can't stand it.
28:30Alright, well, how about this one?
28:32Modern Mediterranean.
28:34Is this a thing?
28:35It's the best. That's what we grew up on.
28:37Courtney and Grant aim to inspire
28:39multi-holiday vibes in their main bathroom.
28:42Yeah, see, that's more like it.
28:44The theme that I'm going for is predominantly black.
28:47Why black?
28:48She's going goth.
28:49Black everything.
28:50Black toilet, black bath, black tupperware.
28:52She is going vampire theme.
28:54Black vanity.
28:55Maybe, like, black...
28:56Coffins, candles.
28:58Like, that could be a vibe.
28:59Who wants to shit on a black toilet?
29:02I'd love a black toilet because I hate when you look in a toilet
29:04and you see dirty marks.
29:05That is actually a very good point.
29:06The only thing Brad said to me
29:08is our bath needs to have an overflow.
29:11A what?
29:12Your bath has to have an overflow?
29:14What's an overflow?
29:15Why do we need an overflow on the bath?
29:16Because there's no floor waste.
29:18What's a floor waste?
29:19I think the easier fix would be to choose a different bath.
29:22And I'm not having a white bath.
29:24Oh, heaven forbid.
29:25The bath that I want...
29:27...doesn't come with an overflow.
29:29What's an overflow?
29:32What is it?
29:33A hole on the side of the bath where any excess water
29:35can be drained from.
29:36Is that not the plot?
29:37OK, back to Kylie,
29:39who, after scouring online, has found her black bath.
29:42Does it come with an overflow?
29:44Yeah, we've got 12.
29:46That's because no-one wants it!
29:48But there's a problem.
29:50Your 1800 vanity will hit the bath.
29:54It doesn't fit.
29:56She hasn't even measured it.
29:57She is a punish.
30:00And then I eventually compromised.
30:05And we were deleting the bath.
30:08No bath?
30:09All of that arguing about the bath,
30:10and she's not having it now.
30:11You know what, just do it.
30:13I'm vowing out.
30:1512 hours in, I already hate you, I want a divorce.
30:17I've picked everything,
30:18so then you can just deal with getting crucified for the layer.
30:21How many couples have split up because of this show?
30:24How do you get on to be a contestant?
30:27Oh, ha, ha, ha.
30:32I'm so excited for this season.
30:33For a show that we say we don't like, we love it,
30:36even after 20 seasons, still got it.
30:54I have a fun fact for you, actually.
30:56Hit me.
30:57That hippos' sweat is pink.
30:59Shut up!
31:00So when they sweat, they quite literally glisten.
31:02What makes it pink?
31:03Don't know.
31:04And who told you that?
31:05One of my kids dancing.
31:06OK, so it's not legit.
31:10Avert your eyes, boomers.
31:15Foxtel's racy dating show is back.
31:18Ooh, la, la.
31:20Oh, yeah.
31:21That's me.
31:22Why ruin a completely good show?
31:24Welcome to season two of FBoy Island!
31:28FBoy's back, Leanne!
31:30Oh, my goodness.
31:31Showtime, baby!
31:33I honestly thought there was more chance of you
31:35ending up on this show than getting engaged.
31:38Oh, my God, hello!
31:40Yeah, baby!
31:41For those of us who missed the last series...
31:44..here's how it works.
31:4512 self-proclaimed nice guys looking for true love.
31:49Why go on this show if you're looking for love?
31:52We'll go head-to-head with 12 FBoys...
31:56..who are only after the $50,000.
32:00Can you pick an FBoy?
32:02Boobies bigger than me?
32:04Neck tattoos?
32:06The first six buttons undone?
32:09Now, I obviously have no chance of telling you apart.
32:12That's up to our three incredible leading ladies.
32:15Are you ready to meet them?
32:17Show us the girls!
32:19It's these lucky ladies who must weed out the FBoys
32:22to find their soulmate.
32:26FBoys are definitely my forbidden fruit.
32:30Oh, hello, Nicole.
32:32..and Crystal.
32:33In the past, I've only gone for the hot boys.
32:35This year, we're focusing on the mids.
32:37Wait, on the what? What's a mid?
32:39The mids are the guys, they always get looked over.
32:41So they're not extremely, extremely hot.
32:43They've got great personalities.
32:45You're a six out of ten, but you're a nice guy.
32:48A bit like you, Wembley.
32:52Hey, boys!
32:53First, she meets...
32:55Hi, Frank.
32:56Let's see if he's an FBoy.
32:58Ooh, handsy!
33:00Frank is an FBoy.
33:01Frank, bro, she could bench press you.
33:03There's no-one like Frank. Frank is one of a kind.
33:05Thank the Lord you're one of a kind.
33:07I am the epitome of human kind.
33:09Oh, good stuff!
33:10You are the epitome of dickhead.
33:12Can you smell that? Smells like an FBoy.
33:14Which means he smells like Lynx Africa.
33:16You just know.
33:18Now everyone's met,
33:20the girls throw a party and hunt for FBoys.
33:23Hi, nice to meet you!
33:25OK, let's pick the FBoys.
33:27You're absolutely stunning.
33:28Oh, thank you.
33:29But, I mean, you're my top tier.
33:31Oh, nice guy.
33:32I want the Asian to be a nice guy.
33:33What's his name?
33:35Who's second?
33:37So it seems Jin is a nice guy.
33:39But where are the FBoys?
33:43Oh, Mitch, no! Mitch, no!
33:45Massive red flag!
33:47This is the first time I've met you
33:49and your arse is literally in my face.
33:51I don't see the problem there.
33:52Usually how the gays say hello.
33:53Frank has a foolproof plan to catch Krystal's eye.
33:56Break-up story coming your way.
33:58Oh, here we go. Here's the sob story.
34:00I was, like, seeing somebody
34:02and then she slept with one of my friends.
34:05I'm really trying to find myself and give love a chance.
34:07I'm extremely confused.
34:09Have you seen FBoy?
34:10He's doing a great job at it.
34:12Don't fall for that, Krystal!
34:13She fell for it.
34:15And now they're going on a date.
34:17Oh, Frank got a date!
34:18So the sob story worked.
34:19My gosh!
34:21Are you, like, spontaneous?
34:22Why is his shirt off?
34:25Is this spontaneous?
34:27Why are his pants off?
34:29Oh, my God!
34:32Can I get that sunflower?
34:33Dude, the sunflower doesn't need to be that big.
34:35He could do that with a fringe of penny.
34:37Oh, my days!
34:38Ah, modern love.
34:39Oh, bullshit!
34:41OK, time to kick some people off the island.
34:44Elimination night!
34:45So who do you reckon?
34:46I want Frank to go.
34:47Who would you vote off?
34:49Ladies, who are you eliminating tonight?
34:55Nah, he's not an FBoy.
34:56Ali, who would be leaving tonight?
35:00Oh, he's the one that done the...
35:02tried to root a leak.
35:09Who's Jake?
35:10Who's Jake?
35:12Jake's already gone.
35:13Where's Jake?
35:14He's ghosted the entire show.
35:18Yeah, a real FBoy move there.
35:20Speaking of which...
35:21It's time for the big reveal.
35:23And now they say, am I an FBoy or not?
35:25Jen, are you a nice guy or an FBoy?
35:28Nice guy.
35:29Please be a nice guy.
35:31I'm a...
35:35Proper FBoy.
35:37Wait, what?
35:38Wait, he's an FBoy?
35:39You're an FBoy?
35:41I'm as surprised as Abby.
35:42Please, none of us are FBoys.
35:44Mitch, are you an FBoy or you a nice guy?
35:49Ali, I came here as a nice guy.
35:52No, he's not.
35:53The guy who was lap dancing three girls on the first night.
35:56Are we in the Twilight Zone?
35:58Who's involving everybody?
35:59Nice guy.
36:02You may leave.
36:04F off.
36:08That was actually a really good first episode.
36:11I hate that show.
36:12If Yoshi was at the park, is he an FBoy or a nice guy?
36:16He has no option of being an FBoy.
36:18He cut his balls off when he was born.
36:20So he's a nice guy.
36:35In Melbourne, Matt Dalton has had his moles checked.
36:38There was a freckle on his back that I was concerned about.
36:42So I took my stuff off.
36:43Mum starts a conversation with a bloke
36:45and they turn and said,
36:46oh, what are you standing there like that for?
36:48And I'm like, oh, I just like taking my clothes off
36:50and listening to you two guys talking.
36:54Over the past two weeks,
36:55more than 14 million of us have been glued to the Olympics.
37:00Sprinting is definitely in the best place it's ever been.
37:03So this week, we took time off cheering for Raygun
37:07and headed over to Netflix.
37:09Can you feel the ground rumbling?
37:12So jacked up from watching the Olympics
37:14that now we're going to watch a documentary on running.
37:20What's this about?
37:21Sprinting, Mum.
37:23That's right.
37:24And it's all about the journey
37:25of the world's best sprinters to the Paris Olympics.
37:28Welcome to Paris, the next stop on the 2023 Diamond League circuit.
37:34The only sprinter I remember is Usain Bolt.
37:38Do you remember any others?
37:39Morgan Freeman.
37:40Morgan Freeman?
37:42She ran from Australia.
37:43Kathy Freeman?
37:44Kathy Freeman.
37:45Oh, my word.
37:46One, two, three, hey.
37:49In this episode, we meet one of the rising stars of the track world.
37:54I'm Noah Lyles.
37:55I'm 26 years old.
37:56I am a two-time 200m world champion.
37:59Noah Lyles.
38:00He just won the gold medal in the 100m sprint
38:03and he won the bronze in the 200 because he got COVID.
38:06And now we get to see how he got there.
38:09Everybody has their own vibe.
38:11I'm a showman.
38:12Oh, yeah, he's a bit of a show pony.
38:14Look at him.
38:15He's a rock star, not an athlete.
38:16Noah Lyles.
38:18When you walk out onto the track, that's my favourite part.
38:22The most American bloke you've ever seen.
38:24It's natural for him.
38:25He loves the attention.
38:27Look at him.
38:28Look at my backs.
38:29You know what?
38:30When you perform like that before the race,
38:31you want to hope that you win.
38:34Noah's the best 200m runner in the world.
38:36There's only a few people that have won the 100m and the 200m.
38:40Usain Bolt is one of them.
38:41No one has ever run that fast.
38:44Who's he? Usain Bolt?
38:45Usain Bolt?
38:48Stop everything.
38:49Even I know him, Mum.
38:50Shut up.
38:51I've always felt that that title belongs to me.
38:52I raced the kids on Sports Day last week.
38:54Smoked them?
38:55Tore my hammy.
38:56I was off work for the week.
38:58Next, we head to Lyles' hometown...
39:01Don't film the mess.
39:03..to meet his mum.
39:04Oh, Noah!
39:06You haven't seen that in a long time.
39:08Baby box.
39:09That's a bit like Mum, huh?
39:10She's got all the sentimental stuff.
39:12Oh, this is your pregnancy stick.
39:14Did you keep that?
39:16That's an old bit of urine.
39:17Seven months old, you chased a vacuum.
39:19What did we keep when our kids were born that was odd?
39:22We've got their certificates, their birth certificates.
39:25Everyone gets a birth certificate.
39:27That's your baby book, Wendell.
39:29Your first haircut.
39:30Oh, yeah.
39:31And fingernails too, huh?
39:33That is disgusting.
39:35For Noah coming into Paris,
39:38he wants to prove himself in the 100.
39:41But he has to face off against the reigning Olympic champion.
39:46Marcel Jacobs.
39:47This guy won the Olympic 100 metres during COVID.
39:50No-one was talking about him,
39:52and he's come here and seized his opportunity.
39:56An Italian won sprinting.
39:58You ever been to Italy?
39:59What do Italians know about doing anything fast?
40:08Everyone saying it is a fluke.
40:10He hasn't really showed up in the two years
40:12since he won that Olympic title.
40:14All we've seen from Jacobs is,
40:16I'm injured, I'm not ready.
40:18So maybe he's done a hammy like me.
40:20Just two athletes have hurt themselves doing the 100.
40:23Now the Olympic champ is back,
40:25and he's taking on the up-and-coming Lyles.
40:28It is race day here in Paris.
40:31Showtime, baby!
40:33The hottest ticket right now is for this men's 100.
40:37We've got the Italiano versus the Americano.
40:40If Lyle wins it, it's a great story for a young kid.
40:43But it would be nice for Jacobs to be like,
40:46you know what, I wasn't that one-hit wonder.
40:51I'm getting nervous just sitting here watching it.
40:53Who do you think's going to win?
40:55I reckon USA's got this.
40:57Come on, Jacobs.
40:58Prove it's not a fluke.
40:59Do it for the Italians.
41:02Here we go.
41:03And they're right next to each other as well.
41:05As soon as the gun goes off...
41:09..it's like creating a bomb.
41:11Oh, Lyle's the shit star.
41:14Lyle's working hard.
41:16Go, go, go, go.
41:17Holy shit, they are matching stride for stride.
41:20Who's going to get him?
41:21Come on, come on, come on.
41:23It's Lyle's...
41:26Smoked him.
41:29Jacobs left trailing.
41:31He didn't run a place, I don't think.
41:33Big question mark for him now.
41:35Oh, that's all right.
41:37Go back to your pizzas, you'll be fine.
41:39He must be still injured.
41:40I know what it's like, buddy.
41:42You're reversing three-year-olds.
41:48Why did I enjoy that?
41:50I actually held my breath.
41:51Loved it.
41:52I'm just going to live in this, like, Olympic haze
41:54and then I'm not going to care until LA in 2028.
41:56And then I will care a hell of a lot again.
42:12Don't complain because I've got fingerprints all over him.
42:15I have to pick them up.
42:16I've only got two hands and I'm carrying four different things.
42:19You could have put your drink down.
42:21Priorities, Lee.
42:24Bondi Rescue!
42:25Bring it on, baby.
42:28Sing time!
42:31Everything's going to be all right
42:33In the summertime
42:35Wednesday on Ten, our old favourite was back.
42:38This show's been going for years now.
42:4020 seasons of Bondi Rescue.
42:43I love that.
42:46New Year's Day.
42:47Oh, New Year's Day at Bondi.
42:50The one day of the year when the action starts early at Bondi.
42:54This and Christmas Day.
42:56The tourists are stupid.
42:57It'd be great for a hangover swim, though, wouldn't it?
42:59Oh, my God.
43:00Wash the sins of last year away.
43:026am and there are already hundreds on the beach.
43:06Most people haven't left.
43:08I hadn't even clocked on and it was just game on.
43:10Have a look at old Silver Fox.
43:13There were screams down at Deep South.
43:15No disrespect to this bloke, but where's the young hotties?
43:18Hey, I'm getting older.
43:19I suppose they've been on the show for 20 years.
43:22That's not the slow-mo run you want to see on the beach, is it?
43:25This is Bondi Rescue, Dad's army edition.
43:28Once I got to her, she realised that it's OK.
43:31He's got her.
43:32Say they're old, can't buy experience.
43:34She'd had a little bit to drink.
43:36Yeah, she was smashed.
43:37People, stop drinking and beaching.
43:40Don't swim here.
43:41Thank you so much.
43:43He's too nice.
43:44I'd get frustrated as anything.
43:46I'd be like, I'm not saving you, you idiot.
43:48There's flags for a reason.
43:49Natural selection, see ya.
43:51I guess you've just got to be ready for anything.
43:53Tommy doesn't know how right he is.
43:56What have we got now?
43:57A woman came up and said that someone's fallen off the cliff.
44:02It's like 20 metres drop onto cement.
44:06Oh, shit.
44:07That's a massive fall.
44:08This isn't going to be pretty.
44:09When they discover French tourist Kevin...
44:17He doesn't look like someone who's just fallen off a cliff.
44:20He fell and landed on the concrete and didn't die.
44:23Couldn't believe that someone could fall from there
44:25and still be conscious.
44:28He walked up and got away.
44:29And test his blood.
44:31He's superhuman, this guy.
44:32Thankfully, Gigi happens to be Bondo's only French lifeguard.
44:37Yeah, we could talk or try to talk in her language.
44:41Oh, hello.
44:42Oh, la, la, Gigi.
44:45He's very cute.
44:46You just remember he was with France and went on a mission.
44:50I've got to go on a mission with you.
44:52We should go and say bonjour, Gigi.
44:56OK, let's focus on the French patient, shall we?
44:59Gigi and Tommy have turned up the tower with this French guy.
45:02Why don't they just call him the French guy?
45:04Kevin the Frenchman.
45:05It's like Attila is quite intoxicated from the night before.
45:08What were you doing on the other side of the fence?
45:10I wanted to put up a photo on the gram, hashtag Bondi,
45:14and next thing you know, you know I'm on the floor.
45:17I think he just had a few little scratches on him.
45:19No other pain?
45:21How did he survive that?
45:23He must still be so pissed.
45:25Yeah, very lucky.
45:26He looks pretty out of it.
45:28He's probably better off being drunk.
45:29If you do fall, you're more relaxed.
45:31He's like a rag doll, he's just going down like that.
45:33If you go over sober, you tense up because you know what's going to happen.
45:36What I'm hearing is drunk falls are OK, sober falls not OK.
45:39But then if he wasn't drunk at all, he probably wouldn't have fallen.
45:42A very good point.
45:44Kevin spent a night in hospital before being given the all clear.
45:48He is lucky to be alive.
45:50It's a New Year's miracle.
45:52Meanwhile, rookie lifeguard Mitch...
45:54...spots a boy flailing way out of his depth.
45:57The kid was in trouble and the father was going in after him.
46:00Oh, at the back, did you see?
46:02Yeah, the giant circle showed me.
46:04The son was just trying to keep his head afloat,
46:06just grabbing onto his dad, pushing his dad underwater to keep himself afloat.
46:09Oh, father and son, what a nightmare.
46:11Just hop on, hop on.
46:14That's all right.
46:16Oh, my God.
46:17The father, he turns around and points and says,
46:19oh, look, there's my son over there.
46:22Another son.
46:23Jesus Christ.
46:24And sure enough, his other son was struggling in the rip.
46:28The whole family's going under.
46:30The older brother was struggling in the rip.
46:33He was very pleased to see me when I paddled up to him.
46:36He's lucky they're there, aren't they?
46:38He saved his life, mate.
46:39That would be three deaths if they weren't there.
46:42I was safe.
46:43Thank you so much.
46:45I adore you.
46:46No man has ever said that to me.
46:48I haven't rescued one, but I've never heard that.
46:50All in all, it was a good result.
46:52They're genuine heroes.
46:53It's so funny, because we watch this show all the time,
46:55we just really underappreciate that they're actual heroes.
47:00So good to see Bondi Rescue back.
47:02For the next 20 years, I would happily
47:04watch Bondi Rescue each week.
47:06It's the same every year, but I love it just as much.
