• yesterday


00:00From the Peck and Teller Theatre at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas, here's our host, Brooke
00:29Welcome to Fool Us. To beat Penn and Teller, some magicians bring tricks they've been perfecting
00:47for years. Others prevere something here for the first time, hoping P&T have never seen
00:53anything like it. So no one knows what to expect, especially not the stars of our show,
00:59Penn and Teller. Any magician clever enough to fool P&T walks off our stage with a coveted
01:27Fool Us trophy. Can tonight's first magician pull it off? Let's meet them right now.
01:32Hi, I'm Patrick Livingstone. Magic is my family legacy. My great-great uncle was a vaudeville
01:41magician. In our home, artifacts like a 1920s chalice that turns fire into handkerchiefs were
01:48just part of the decor. When I moved to San Francisco, I began street performing, and quickly
01:53I learned that you have to fail a lot to get better, and there's a freedom in failing. It's
02:00how you grow. As an out-and-proud magician, I believe that magic can be anything that we
02:06dream it to be. Being different isn't just okay, it's necessary. I've channeled this belief into
02:13creating a show in Chicago that is filled with 100% of my own unique tricks. Tonight, I hope to
02:20show everyone that embracing the real you can lead to something truly unique.
02:24Here's West Coast Conjurer, Patrick Livingstone.
02:34Well, my great-great uncle was a vaudeville magician. His name was Al Caroselli, and his
02:46magic is included in this classic book, Greater Magic. It was published back in 1938. Now, he was
02:53also given special mention for an important creation of his. He handcrafted the best
02:59version of something that allows you to take an American half-dollar and pass it through a bottle.
03:08Now, Penn, Teller, you guys have to check out the workmanship on this thing. I mean, it looks and
03:17feels absolutely perfect. It really is a real bottle. The bottom, the sides, the top, and Teller,
03:22you'd appreciate this. The coin is real as well. Take a look. Yeah, take a look. Thank you. Thank
03:33you. Yes. Now, in order for me to actually prove it to you guys, there's only one way to do it. The
03:40only way to prove it's a real coin is to break the bottle. Let's try a less barbaric approach.
03:49I recently learned that an updated version of this book is being published nearly 90 years
03:59after the original publication. I mean, this could be my opportunity to create an even more
04:05impossible trick. I mean, maybe it's worthy of a new legacy. Now, I knew it needs to be something
04:12different, something unexpected, not a trick with coins, not a trick with cards. And it's here in
04:18this book, chapter 26, an egg. Now, does anyone here in the audience happen to have a fresh egg
04:28with them here tonight? No? No? Well, that's perfectly fine because I happen to have one right
04:37here in my pocket. So let's do it all together. I want to try it together. We're going to count to
04:41three and make this happen. It's an egg and the bottle. You guys ready to count with me? Here we
04:48go. One, two, three. Just like that. The egg inside the bottle. Seriously, it's a real egg. It's a real
04:55bottle. You can even check it out. The bottom, the size, the egg. Now, there is only one way to prove
05:02this to you, that it's a real egg. And that's to break it. That's right, to break it. But we're not
05:10going to break the bottle. We're going to break the egg. You can, you can touch it and feel it and
05:24smell it and even drink it like Rocky Balboa and prove to yourself that that is in fact a real egg
05:29and everything I said is completely true. Thank you very much. Patrick Livingstone, everyone.
05:38I love to see them just stumped and examining the props. So what made you want to be a magician?
05:45Well, it's a true story that my great great uncle was a vaudeville magician. He'd also do
05:50ventriloquism and he played the banjo. It was a really an old timey great family show. What other
05:57type of acts are in your show? Well, I do a trick with a simple cardboard box and at the end of the
06:04show, I'm floating above just like an astronaut. And how did you learn how to do that? How did I
06:11learn how to levitate? I was part of the X-Men. Yeah, that's right. Can you tell me about the
06:17ring that you're wearing? Yeah, absolutely. So this actually was the ring that my great great
06:21uncle would manufacture and he handed these rings out to some of his friends who attended a Houdini
06:28seance back in the late 1920s and these rings were meant to kind of help bring Houdini back to life.
06:37How cool. So your great great uncle was kind of the lord of the rings.
06:41That's cool. Yeah, I'm trying to grow my beard out as well. Yes. Patrick, it's time to go to Penn
06:48and Teller and I want to see if your egg in a bottle scrambled their magic brains. Shall we?
06:55Boys, are you ready? Patrick, is it really your great great uncle that? It's Al Caroselli. Yeah,
07:00he's there on page 70 and page 80. Wow. Yeah, that's really great. And of course, Teller has
07:06that very book, Greater Magic. Yeah. And that is a wonderful, wonderful trick that we've all done.
07:14It's a fabulous trick. But that is a trick, Patrick, that is, what, 80 years old? Sure. So it
07:20is one of the older tricks in the book. So you're kind of having a tough time trying to fool us
07:29with a trick that's that old, but you have changed it. Oh, it's a good trick. It's a really,
07:34really good trick. And there's some stuff in there that's that's really, really clever.
07:39But we think that when you held this bottle up, when we originally saw the bottle before
07:48it had the egg in it, we think that at that moment it was baseless. We think that it was
07:57kind of magically put together in front of us right in that instant. And it's just really,
08:05really well done. We think that you didn't fool us, that you just did it at that instant. So I
08:11never had a baseless bottle in this routine with me today. There's not one with me here today,
08:16as a matter of fact. There's no bottle. There's no bottle without a base in it. That is correct.
08:20Well, OK, I'm going to get another try. OK, I'm not supposed to do this. If that's not the case,
08:27then is it possible you fooled us? I hope so. Yeah, you did.
08:32Woo! Oh, my gosh! You fooled them! We've got another four, everyone!
08:44Well done! Well done! Congratulations! Patrick Livingstone! Fantastic, Patrick! We loved it!
08:57Penn and Teller, our comics flabbergasted, and other F-words as well.
09:04More magicians will try to fool our boys when we come back.
09:21Welcome back. We've already had one act walk out of here with a Fool Us trophy.
09:26Let's see if we can make it two.
09:56Learning showmanship in the city of showmanship blew us away. We are not Las Vegas magicians,
10:04but we learned a lot about what we know right here. We think we can fool them just because
10:10the method is very original. That makes me feel ready for Penn and Teller. We are ready.
10:17Uruguay, don't I introduce you to the magic of Duo Hitma.
10:32What is not named does not exist.
10:36But if it is named, then it becomes a reality. Our reality is as fragile as these two wine glasses.
11:00Our reality is entirely built by the magical power
11:07of words.
11:23This is a popular Uruguayan expression that we use when we make an international achievement.
11:29And we are indeed very happy to be with all of you tonight
11:33here in the United States and in front of Penn and Teller.
11:36We came from far away to share with you an important message for us.
11:40We hope at the end of our presentation this message becomes important for all of you too.
11:46Important messages need powerful words. Teller, do you agree with that?
11:52Santurio, Teller.
11:55I'm sure. Sorry. As I said, important messages need powerful words like these ones.
12:04Well, we are living in a kind of chaos.
12:07Yes, because of the lack of communication.
12:10So we need to start to listen and tolerate each other.
12:16Otherwise, everything will become a complete confusion.
12:19We need to practice empathy. Empathy is like walking a mile in someone else's shoes,
12:24feeling what they feel and showing you care.
12:29We need empathy to be able to communicate our message.
12:44Through empathy and respect, we empower ourselves and others.
12:49With courage, we pursue our best dreams and wishes.
12:54We pursue our best dreams and wishes.
12:56Love fuels our passion.
12:58Make us believe in ourselves.
13:01And find true freedom.
13:04Important messages need powerful words.
13:07Powerful words that make us powerful.
13:36We are all as fragile as this wine glass when we are alone and isolated from the rest.
13:44And that's why we've got to be responsible of how we use our words
13:49and aware of their huge, huge power.
14:15Resilience is the ability that we humans have to heal all the wounds of our soul.
14:23Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing with gold what was broken
14:31and turning it into a unique and a repeatable piece of art.
14:37That's a spell that makes the magic.
14:39And it means, as I am saying it, I am creating it.
14:43These are not just simple words.
14:45These powerful words can be used to change reality.
15:03What is not named does not exist.
15:07But when it is named, we are transformed forever.
15:27What a powerful story.
15:29This story came up in the pandemic, during pandemic.
15:33We see that people, families were fighting sometimes because of the thinking about it.
15:39So we started to hear that words were very important and we have to take care of that.
15:45So do you think that the pandemic created tension and you were trying to relieve some of that?
15:51Yes, we still need to look each other, to connect with each other, listen to each other
15:57and try to make that empathy.
16:05If you had to pick one word, what do you think is the most powerful word in this act?
16:11Well, resilience for me.
16:15Do you agree?
16:17Totally, totally.
16:19I think we have little time to spend in this earth.
16:23So enjoy it.
16:25Try to enjoy it.
16:27Try to give love.
16:29Try to listen to each other.
16:31I mean, magic is everywhere.
16:33Thank you, thank you.
16:35Okay, Sartorio and Tristan, let's see if you fooled the boys.
16:39Oh, do a Hikma.
16:41We just love you.
16:43It's just great.
16:45It was just so, so wonderful all the way through.
16:49And the thing you did with the words is based on the sympathetic card trick, as you know.
16:55But what made it great was you did not fall into the trap that Americans do of thinking that everything has to be simple.
17:03You really weren't afraid to use really heavy words and really make it mean something.
17:11Because a lot of times magicians we see try so hard to make it light and conversational, they take all the meaning away.
17:19So you took a trick that when we've seen it before is just a card trick with suits lining up.
17:27But you made it with the heaviest words possible, you know, so you didn't fall into that trap.
17:31And the wine glasses restoration was just beautiful.
17:37It had a kind of sincerity, at the same time it had a surreal quality that we just thought was just delightful.
17:45I just liked every moment of it.
17:47Not to mention that Billy Gibbons is a friend of mine, so it's nice to think about ZZ Top for a moment.
17:55But you guys are just great.
17:57I think I've snuck in a few words.
17:59I don't think you fooled us, but man, did you guys delight us.
18:07Thank you everyone.
18:09What a winemaker.
18:11So, tell me Santorio and Tristan, did you fool them?
18:16No, we don't.
18:18But we are very grateful that they loved us.
18:21We all loved you.
18:23Thank you so much.
18:25Thank you so much.
18:27Our showcase of the world's best magic continues right after this.
18:49Hello again.
18:50Now that you're back, we can bring out our next amazing act.
18:54Hi, I'm Sho Takashige, and I'm from Yamaguchi, Japan.
18:59I do all sorts of magic, but coins are my favorite.
19:04I was a teenager when I got into magic, and it changed my life.
19:10I had anxiety in social situations.
19:13My anxiety was so bad, sometimes I didn't go to school.
19:19When I was 19, I started to perform as a street magician,
19:23and quickly understood I wouldn't last long if I couldn't even introduce myself to people.
19:28Magic gave me a reason to push past those barriers and achieve so many wonderful things.
19:34The trick I am performing tonight is inspired by my time as a street performer.
19:40It is my dream to fool the great magicians Ben and Tara
19:44and prove to my family that I am a world-class magician.
19:55All the way from Japan, put your hands together for Sho Takashige.
25:00What did you learn from being a street performer that's helped you with your magic?
25:30One day, when I was doing street magic, a man I didn't know took all the money I made that day.
25:42It was very tough.
25:46I learned how to deal with the harshness of the street.
25:54Okay, Shom. Let's find out if you fooled Penn and Teller.
26:01Hey, Shom. Hey, Shom.
26:05What you're doing there is fabulous. What you're doing there is a miser's dream.
26:10Now, miser's dream is one of the straightforward plots in magic.
26:15You can just say miser's dream. People know what it means.
26:18But it's not done like that anymore.
26:22People forget the dream part of miser's dream.
26:25They forget the whole plot.
26:27And you've done something very complicated and very beautiful in taking the plot of a trick that we all know, really doing it.
26:37Everybody else kind of half-asks, half-asks version of it.
26:41You do it fully-asked.
26:44Very, very, very well.
26:48That plot of a person who's trying to solicit money on the street, actually having to dream with the music of having a lot of money.
27:01And then when people say miser's dream, they usually mean one particular technique, which you don't use at all.
27:09Use all these new techniques, brand new.
27:12The whole idea is pure all the way through.
27:15It's so artfully directed with the black shirt and all that just laid out like that.
27:21It's just beautiful to actually take an idea that people have done in magic and do that idea all the way with no compromises whatsoever.
27:31It was just fabulous.
27:33And I know there's a little bit of a language barrier here.
27:37But I think we snuck in a few things to give you some idea that although we love this and the audience loved it, we don't think you fooled us.
27:50And then they turn on me.
27:57So, do they know how you made your magic?
28:03Well, you didn't fool them, but you were wonderful.
28:05You entertained us all.
28:06We loved it.
28:07Thank you so much.
28:09Thank you very much.
28:13Joe Takashige, thank you.
28:20You'll see Penn and Teller perform tonight's finale, but first you'll see them possibly get fooled when Fooless returns.
28:33Welcome back.
28:34Say hello to our next delightful deceiver.
28:39This may sound strange, but my magic was shaped by soap operas.
28:43Growing up in front of the TV, soap operas taught me about storytelling, suspense, and plot twists.
28:50Get out.
28:51They taught me the blueprints on how to deceive people.
28:55The other big influence on my magic is my previous role working with kids with special needs.
29:01Magic helps me build rapport with them and to help create a safe space for them to talk about their feelings.
29:07Working with kids was like a master class.
29:09I learned so much on how to predict behavior.
29:13Penn, Teller, and Joe.
29:24I'm Penn Teller.
29:25I'm a children's clinician and a magician.
29:29Let's see if the tools I've learned can help fool you.
29:38Please welcome to the Fooless stage, Amanda Lindsay.
29:47As a kid, I had a sixth sense for knowing how other people were feeling,
29:51and mom and pop encouraged me to study therapy.
29:53And as a therapist, I discovered I could help people by predicting their future behaviors,
29:59which surprises some people because, well, I'm dressed like a 1980s soap opera star,
30:06and I sound like I'm from Fargo.
30:09Let's put these skills to the test with my prediction, eh?
30:16Here I have a deck of playing cards.
30:22And on the back, they're all randomly numbered between 1 and 52.
30:28So, Penn, tell me when to stop on a number that you like.
30:3825 or 4?
30:4025 or 64?
30:414, yes.
30:44Nice choice.
30:45Now, Penn, let's see what card you landed on.
30:49The 9 of diamonds.
30:52Now, Penn, that would be amazing if inside this envelope was your card.
31:00But this is for Penn and Teller Fool-Us, so I say we do something truly incredible.
31:06I say we create a unique number based on your card choices.
31:11So, let's see.
31:12We're all going to need to think of a different card.
31:14So, how about this?
31:16We've already used diamonds.
31:17Teller, tell me either a club, heart, or spade.
31:24Which heart would you like?
31:264 of hearts?
31:32Well, I'm about to find it.
31:34The 4 of hearts.
31:38And your card number is 12.
31:44All right.
31:46Now, Teller, you could have picked any of the hearts.
31:49You could have picked, I don't know, this 2 of hearts, and it would have been 2.
31:56So, let's see.
31:57We've used diamonds.
31:58We've used hearts.
31:59All right.
32:00Brooke, pick either a club or a spade.
32:03Any card from those.
32:05A club.
32:07Which of the clubs would you like to use?
32:109 of clubs.
32:13All right.
32:19Good choice, Brooke.
32:21All right.
32:22And your 9 of clubs lands on number 27.
32:28So, let's see.
32:29We used clubs.
32:30We used diamonds.
32:31What are we missing here?
32:36All right.
32:37Ben, back to you.
32:38Which of the spades would you like to use?
32:40I would like to use the 5 of spades.
32:42The 5 of spades.
32:56And the 5 of spades is number 48.
33:04And, Ben, this whole outcome could have changed because of your choice.
33:12Let me do some quick math.
33:13All right.
33:1412 plus 48, 60 plus 27, 87.
33:16So, all together, your three cards equal 87.
33:21We have the 9 of diamonds and 87.
33:24Inside this envelope is a single prediction.
33:33That says 9 of diamonds, 87.
33:47I know what you're thinking.
33:48She has another, you know, she has more than one prediction inside that envelope.
33:53And you are absolutely correct.
33:55I do.
33:56However, all my predictions say 9 of diamonds, 87.
34:009 of diamonds, 87.
34:029 of diamonds, 87.
34:039 of diamonds, 87.
34:059 of diamonds, 87.
34:11Amanda Lindsay, everyone.
34:15Wow, nice job, Amanda.
34:17Amanda Lindsay.
34:18So, you're a clinician and a magician.
34:21Do those two go together?
34:23So, yes, I am a children's clinician during the day and a magician at night.
34:29And, you know, I use magic tricks to work with the kiddos, make it a unique and fun experience, like a magic show.
34:36And within the office, I want to make sure that it's a safe environment for them to share their feelings.
34:40You have a big heart.
34:42I bet you do a lot of good in the world.
34:44I try to.
34:45In fact, right now, anything I make through social media, I donate to an animal charity.
34:55Funny, magical, philanthropic.
34:58You are a great person.
35:00What would it mean to you to win a Fool Us trophy?
35:03Okay, it would mean a whole lot to me because I'm an older millennial, so I don't have any participation trophies.
35:20So, this would be the one.
35:21This would be my only one.
35:22This would be a good one.
35:25Let's just see if your prediction gets you a Fool Us trophy.
35:28Are we ready?
35:30Good luck.
35:32Well, Amanda, I love your accent so much, and I love the outfit.
35:39Everything about that is great.
35:41And the trick is really wonderful because it plays to something that Teller and I, but especially I, am obsessed with.
35:49I love magic tricks with multiple outs.
35:51So, you did that really smooth thing at the end where you had the multiple outs that were all exactly the same,
35:59which led us down the wrong angle and made it kind of rough for us.
36:02But I think we worked it out a little bit with your charming accent and your wonderful, wonderful psychological advice.
36:11It's a really good trick.
36:13We know versions of this.
36:15It's usually not broken down into multiple cases, and that made it really nice.
36:19You did a great job.
36:21So charming.
36:22So delightful.
36:23And I think that maybe I snuck in a few words that we passed by kind of quickly.
36:30I understand.
36:32What do you think?
36:33Oh, yeah, I know.
36:34I didn't fool them.
36:35But thank you for making me cool in front of the kiddos back home.
36:39Oh, great.
36:42Well, Amanda, come back and see us.
36:44We really enjoyed that.
36:45Thank you so much.
36:47Amanda Lindsay, everyone.
36:49Thank you so much.
36:55If you can't wait to see Penn and Teller perform, you don't have to.
36:58A trick by our masters of magic coming up right after this.
37:15Welcome back to Fool Us.
37:17We're here to close out the show, our Penn and a special guest.
37:20Take it away, Penn.
37:22Oh, my goodness.
37:25Oh, my goodness.
37:26Our guest for this final trick is so special.
37:30This guest was a winner last year on Fool Us, a fooler.
37:35And they're going to do a trick for us right now.
37:37Please welcome Moxie Gillette.
37:41Moxie Gillette.
37:43It's Moxie Gillette.
37:45My child, Moxie Gillette.
37:47My child, my offspring, Moxie Gillette.
37:51We're going to do a trick for you.
37:53A trick by Moxie Gillette.
37:55Too much.
37:56Take it over.
37:57Totally Moxie.
37:59Too much.
38:02Moxie Gillette.
38:04Somewhere over here.
38:05Can I have my randomly selected audience member, please?
38:08I am Moxie.
38:10Nice to meet you.
38:11Moxie Gillette.
38:12It's not just Moxie.
38:14It's Moxie Gillette.
38:15That's my offspring.
38:17That's Moxie Gillette right there.
38:19Already doing great, don't you think?
38:21Already great.
38:22I'll be right over here.
38:23I'll be over here if you need me.
38:25You're in good hands, Moxie Gillette.
38:27Great sleight of hand.
38:28Great sleight of hand.
38:31You can see that these are all different.
38:34And what I want you to do is just go ahead and touch the back.
38:38That's Moxie.
38:39Four years old.
38:40We're on Zoom.
38:42We're on Zoom and Moxie doing card tricks.
38:44Doing card tricks for dad.
38:46I can't do this.
38:47Tell her.
38:48Tell her.
38:49Can I?
38:51Doing card tricks for dad.
38:52How do you do this?
38:53I can't.
38:54Four years old.
38:55Four years old doing card tricks for dad.
38:56So just do it.
38:57Oh, 50 years and you never get to play it.
39:06Go ahead and touch the back of one of these.
39:08That one.
39:10Go ahead and sign the card right there.
39:12And where is my pen?
39:17Go ahead and sign something recognizable on here.
39:20And I want you to remember that it is the four of spades.
39:23And you can remember that.
39:26There you go.
39:29No, no, no, no.
39:32Go ahead and shuffle these in.
39:34And for the first time, can you tell me your name?
39:38Is that spelled normally?
39:40Go ahead and hold out your hand like a table.
39:43And we're just going to spell it.
39:45So M-I-C-H-A-E-L.
39:53We're good.
39:54Okay, good.
39:55Then this right here will be your signed card.
39:58Right there.
39:59No, no, no, no.
40:03It's that.
40:04It doesn't matter.
40:05It doesn't matter.
40:06You have a last name.
40:07What's your last name?
40:11How do you spell that?
40:15Okay, we'll do it together.
40:16We'll do it together.
40:22Right here.
40:28That's because you have a pet.
40:30What's your pet's name?
40:33Oh, my God.
40:34Cat, dog, what?
40:36Oh, good.
40:49Dude, what?
40:50Oh, my God.
40:51Oh, my God.
40:52Okay, okay, okay, okay.
40:53Calm down.
40:54Calm down.
40:55You're okay.
40:56Oh, my God.
40:59Oh, my God.
41:00Your card was the four of spades, right?
41:02The four of spades.
41:05Why did I do that?
41:08That right there is your signed...
41:11Four of spades.
41:13Moxie Gillette.
41:15Moxie Gillette.
41:17Thank you so much.
41:20That's Moxie.
41:21Moxie Gillette.
41:22Moxie Gillette.
41:24For Penn Tower and of course...
41:27Moxie Gillette.
41:28Thanks for watching and we'll see you next time.