• 3 hours ago
Fazail e Ramzan - Episode 8

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#FazaileRamzan #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:00Shah-e-Ramzaan, Shah-e-Ramzaan, Shah-e-Ramzaan Shah-e-Ramzaan, Shah-e-Ramzaan
00:10Hai Momino Ke Dil Ka Ujana Shah-e-Ramzaan
00:16Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen
00:18As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
00:44Ladies and gentlemen, you are watching Fadail-e-Ramzaan
00:48which is a daily program on Ramazan-e-Mubarak
00:52on QTV.
00:54Ladies and gentlemen, for the last three days
00:56we have been discussing the greatness of the Holy Quran
01:00and its various aspects,
01:02and in particular the impact of the present and the modern era.
01:09Ladies and gentlemen, today I am addressing you with a very important topic.
01:14And the title is Hujiyat-e-Hadith
01:16The importance of the Hadith of the Holy Prophet
01:21in the essence of religion and in the status of the Hadith of the Holy Prophet.
01:25And how important is the need of Hadith in religion
01:28and how important is the need of the Hadith of the Holy Prophet
01:31in the religion of Islam.
01:32I want to talk to you about this.
01:34Ladies and gentlemen, in the present era,
01:36in this era, when the deniers of Hadith
01:38are coming in various forms
01:40to deny the Hadith of the Holy Prophet,
01:44or they want to take the Ummah towards denial,
01:47or they want to weaken the importance of the Hadith of the Holy Prophet
01:50which has been established for 1,500 years.
01:54So ladies and gentlemen,
01:55today's topic is very important for you
02:00so that you can fully understand this issue
02:04and you also become a missionary of the religion
02:06so that you can explain this issue wherever you are.
02:09Today, a lot is said
02:11when we talk about the greatness of the Quran
02:13and Alhamdulillah we do, Ameen.
02:15First of all, we talk as we did in the last three programs
02:17that the biggest treasure of knowledge is the Quran.
02:21The highest word is the Quran.
02:22The most authentic is the Quran.
02:24The most important is the Quran.
02:26But ladies and gentlemen,
02:27this does not mean that there is no need for the Hadith of the Holy Prophet.
02:31Some people say,
02:32Ladies and gentlemen,
02:33because Alhamdulillah,
02:34for the propagation of the religion,
02:35both in Pakistan and outside of Pakistan,
02:37I travel throughout the year,
02:39so I have to meet different people,
02:41especially our elite class.
02:43This question is asked a lot
02:45and a lot is said that
02:46when there is the Quran,
02:47then what is the need for the Hadith?
02:48And when there is the Quran,
02:49then what is the need for the Hadith?
02:50When we present any proof of the Hadith of the Holy Prophet,
02:55the answer is that
02:56we do not need the Hadith.
02:57Tell us from the Quran.
02:58Is it in the Quran?
02:59It is not in the Quran, right?
03:00Why are you telling us from the Hadith?
03:01Do not talk about the Hadith.
03:02If you want to talk,
03:03then talk from the Quran.
03:04When there is the Quran,
03:05then what is the need for the Hadith?
03:06So my brother,
03:07the thing is that
03:08who has denied the greatness of the Quran?
03:10The one who denies the greatness of the Quran
03:12goes out of the circle of Islam.
03:14The most authentic Quran,
03:15no doubt.
03:16The highest Quran,
03:17no doubt.
03:18The highest Quran,
03:20no doubt.
03:21The most authentic Quran,
03:22no doubt.
03:23The source of all knowledge,
03:24the greatest Quran,
03:25no doubt.
03:26No doubt.
03:27We state this first.
03:29But you just say that
03:30denying the Hadith of the Prophet,
03:32how will this be proven?
03:36you see,
03:37the first thing is that
03:38if you want to listen to statements,
03:41listen to the scholars.
03:42There will be a so-called scholar,
03:44whose identity will not be Islamic.
03:46We are not criticizing,
03:48but just to tell you.
03:49And he will not be related to a religious school,
03:52nor will there be any religious education.
03:54Or if he is not from a school,
03:55then there will be no such religious environment.
03:57And he will teach you religion.
03:59And he will teach you religion.
04:00And he will say that
04:01there is no connection between the real religion and the Hadith.
04:03And you should listen to him.
04:06there should not be such a weak faith.
04:08You watch AYQ TV.
04:09Glory to Allah.
04:10There is no nation here
04:11that narrates religion once a year.
04:16the religion that is read all year,
04:19those scholars sit and narrate religion,
04:21whose position is to narrate religion.
04:23Glory to Allah.
04:24Listen to such scholars.
04:26if you search something on social media,
04:29if you put a question on a social media website,
04:32whatever answer you get,
04:33you do not know
04:34whose book it is,
04:35nor do you know
04:36who told you this question.
04:37You start acting on it.
04:39If you are unwell,
04:40you do not search the question.
04:42You go to the doctor.
04:43And you go to the doctor
04:44and get treatment and come back.
04:45If you want to teach your child,
04:47then you do not take his science books,
04:49or mathematics books,
04:50or English books
04:51and make him sit at home.
04:54you sit here and study.
04:55You send him to school,
04:58If you want to consult anything
04:59about your health,
05:00then you ask him
05:01about an expert.
05:02If you want to do business,
05:03then you do not search on the internet.
05:06you consult other people
05:07in business.
05:10when it comes to religion,
05:11which is not only related
05:12to the world,
05:13but also to the world
05:14and the hereafter,
05:15then we need
05:16the easiest problem.
05:17Just search the internet,
05:18whatever comes in front of you,
05:19put it.
05:20You do not know
05:21whether this research
05:22came from a Muslim
05:23or a non-Muslim.
05:24You do not know
05:25who put this research
05:26in front of you.
05:27You are searching
05:28for a proper scholar.
05:29You are downloading
05:30his book
05:31on your website.
05:33you come to listen
05:34to a scholar's speech.
05:36I have told you
05:37that on IRYQ TV,
05:38the way the experts
05:40the experts
05:41who are
05:42believed to be
05:43the followers
05:44of the Prophet,
05:45they sit
05:46and they speak.
05:49listen to such statements.
05:51to search for religion,
05:52you do not need
05:53any authenticity.
05:55you will find
05:56that the Prophet
05:57is speaking
05:58a new thing.
05:59My brother,
06:00we will find
06:01a new thing
06:02in other things.
06:04we do not need
06:05a new thing
06:06in religion.
06:07We need
06:08the same thing
06:09in religion
06:10that is
06:111400 years
06:13We need
06:14the same thing
06:15in religion
06:16that is
06:17so old
06:18that it is
06:19related to
06:20the Prophet's
06:22the Prophet,
06:23the mercy
06:24of Allah,
06:25the mercy
06:26of Allah,
06:27the mercy
06:28of Allah,
06:29the mercy
06:30of Allah.
06:31That is
06:32not a new thing.
06:33That is
06:34a new thing.
06:36you are accepting
06:37it as religion
06:38because it is
06:39a new thing.
06:41my brother,
06:42we do not
06:43need a new
06:44thing in religion.
06:45We need
06:46a thing that
06:47is connected
06:48to the Prophet's
06:51remember that
06:52this is
06:53you will not be able to understand until you add the hadith to the Quran.
06:57For example, if I tell you a few things in this limited time,
07:00tell me that we need the Quran to prove everything.
07:04Whenever we talk about everything, we need the Quran to prove it.
07:09But when it comes to what is the need of the hadith,
07:13we don't need the hadith, we only need the Quran,
07:15then this question will be asked,
07:17that if we are giving you the proof of everything from the Quran,
07:20then there should be a proof that the Quran is the Quran.
07:23There should be a proof that this is the Quran.
07:26This is what is written on the Arak, this is the Quran.
07:29What is the proof of this?
07:31So viewers, the revelation came to my Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
07:34Did the companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
07:37who were writing, listen to the revelation?
07:39Were they listening to the revelation of Gabriel?
07:42Not at all.
07:43Did the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
07:45when he was reciting the Quran,
07:47was it a part of the Quran that it is the Quran up to this point?
07:50In the future, the Prophet will be speaking in the language of the Quran,
07:52the hadith is coming from the same language.
07:54In the future, the Prophet will be speaking his own hadith.
07:56Did it come in the Quran?
07:58The answer is no.
07:59So what is the answer?
08:00There is only one proof of the Quran,
08:02that the Prophet recites the Quran,
08:04and says that this is the Quran.
08:06Viewers, there is no other proof of the Quran in the whole universe,
08:09that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
08:12said that this is the Quran.
08:14So this is the proof of the Quran,
08:16and because of this, the Quran will be accepted as the Quran.
08:18The Quran will be accepted as the Quran.
08:20So now I ask you,
08:22what will these sentences say that this is the Quran?
08:24These sentences will be called the hadith.
08:26So if someone wants to ask,
08:28what is the need of the hadith of the Prophet in the Quran,
08:30then we will say, my brother,
08:32to prove the Quran,
08:34the hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
08:36will be needed.
08:38Now, the next thing,
08:39if someone says that the hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
08:41has nothing to do with the real religion,
08:43what is the importance of the hadith of the Prophet?
08:45So you can estimate the importance of the hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
08:47from this point of view.
08:49And I am sure,
08:51that all of you who are listening to QTV worldwide,
08:53you will understand the importance of the hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
08:55from this point of view.
08:57You tell me,
08:59that in the Quran,
09:01there are approximately 700 places,
09:03approximately 700 places,
09:05in which Allah has mentioned the importance of prayer,
09:07mentioned the obligation of prayer,
09:09mentioned the importance of prayer,
09:11mentioned the blessings of prayer,
09:13Allah Almighty has mentioned the prayer,
09:15approximately in the Quran,
09:17at 700 places,
09:19from this point of view.
09:21But all of you,
09:27from any points of view,
09:29in the Quran,
09:31the importance of prayer is mentioned 700 times.
09:33Allah Almighty,
09:35could have mentioned the prayer 7 times if
09:37the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
09:39had said it though
10:11The Sunnah of Fajr is so important, it is close to Wajib.
10:14Take out two Sunnahs of Fajr from the Quran and show me.
10:17Take out the Sunnahs of Asr and show me.
10:23Take out three Sunnahs of Maghrib and show me.
10:26Take out four Sunnahs of Isha and show me.
10:31You will not be able to take this out of the Quran.
10:35To know this, you will have to see the Hadith of the Prophet.
10:39You will not be able to take out the Sunnah of Fajr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha from the Quran.
10:45To see this, you will need the Hadith of the Prophet.
10:49So my brother, when the most important worship in religion is Salah,
10:53it is impossible to read it without the Hadith of the Prophet.
10:57Then we say that it is impossible to read it without the Hadith of the Prophet.
11:03As long as the importance of the Hadith of the Prophet is not understood in the religion of Islam
11:09and the Hadith of the Prophet is not added to the Quran,
11:13it is not possible to understand the religion.
11:16The law is made when the essence of something is present.
11:20For example, there is a note of five thousand rupees in Pakistan.
11:24Our state bank has owned it.
11:27It is being printed in the state bank and is being sold in the market.
11:31Its fake copy is also sold in the market because its essence is present.
11:35If you take a fake copy of five thousand rupees and go to a shopkeeper,
11:40he will report it and the police will come immediately.
11:43There will be a legal action against you.
11:45But viewers, if you print a note of ten thousand rupees and then go to the shop,
11:51will there be any law against you?
11:53Not at all.
11:54Will the police come?
11:55Not at all.
11:56If a shopkeeper calls the police and says that someone has printed a note of ten thousand rupees,
12:00then the police will tell the shopkeeper to get his mind treated.
12:04When you don't have a note of ten thousand rupees,
12:06why did you take a note of ten thousand rupees from the bank?
12:08So it was found that the law is made on the same thing as its essence is present.
12:12You must have understood this.
12:13Now listen to a Hadith.
12:14My Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
12:16the owner of the decree, the owner of the law, the owner of the prohibition,
12:21the owner of the objection, the owner of the decree,
12:53that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said.
12:55And the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, did not say that.
12:57So the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, says,
12:59this is such a big sin, Kabeerah,
13:01that he chose his home, his abode in hell today.
13:07Now viewers, tell me.
13:09I just explained to you that the law is made on the same thing as its essence is present.
13:13If there was no essence of Hadith in Islam,
13:17if there was no need for Hadith in Islam,
13:50then it is not possible to practice religion.
13:52I gave you the first example that a person cannot even pray until the Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is added to the religion.
13:58So there is an importance of Hadith in religion.
14:00Hadith has a direct connection with the essence of religion.
14:04And there is such an importance of Hadith.
14:06For this reason, the owner of the law, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
14:10is making this law.
14:12My Prophet, the Seal of the Prophets,
14:14the mercy of the worlds,
14:15the last of the Prophets,
14:16the Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is present in Ibn Majah.
14:20The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
14:22I am seeing in the nearness of the Day of Judgment,
14:24a person is sitting on the pulpit, giving a sermon,
14:26telling people that the Quran says this,
14:28and this statement of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is present in Ibn Majah.
14:32The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, says,
14:34he is sitting and telling people,
14:36know the Halal of the Quran as Halal,
14:38and know the Haram of the Quran as Haram.
14:40The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, says.
14:42The Muhaddithin said, this is the one who is not taking the name of the Prophet,
14:44He is narrating the Qur'an but he is not coming towards the Huzoor.
14:47He is not coming towards what the Huzoor said.
14:49So, he is saying such things that what is the need of the Qur'an and Hadith?
14:53The Master of Salat and Salaam says, listen
14:55The one whom the Messenger of Allah has forbidden is like the one whom Allah is forbidding.
15:06The one whom the Messenger of Allah has forbidden is like the one whom Allah has forbidden.
15:31Imam Ahmad Raza Barelvi says,
15:36These two will be equal in Shariah.
15:39The one whom Allah is forbidding or the one whom the Seal of Prophets Muhammad and the Messenger of Allah are forbidding.
15:44These two will be equal in Shariah.
15:47If anyone wants to know whether the Huzoor has the right to forbid or to forbid,
15:53Our youth come and ask us,
15:56We don't promote extremism.
16:03We are not talking about discrimination.
16:06We are answering the questions of our youth which is our right and duty.
16:10Our youth come and ask us,
16:13The Messenger of Allah has no right to forbid or to forbid.
16:16We have heard that the Huzoor cannot forbid or forbid.
16:19The Messenger of Allah has no right to forbid or forbid.
16:21His duty is just to take the message and deliver the message.
16:24He himself cannot forbid or forbid.
16:26His duty is to listen to the message and deliver the message.
16:28The Messenger of Allah cannot forbid or forbid.
16:30I ask you,
16:32You read the hadith of Mishkat.
16:34You tell me,
16:35The one whom Allah has forbidden is like the one whom Allah has forbidden.
16:38He can only eat what is forbidden,
16:41Which is sacrificed in the name of Allah.
16:43But do we eat fish or not?
16:45Do we eat all kinds of fish or not?
16:47or not? First of all, fish is dead. Then, on top of that, do we eat fish in the name of Allah?
16:52No, we eat fish. You tell me, in light of the Quran, how is it permissible to eat fish for the Ummah of Muhammad?
16:57How is it permissible for the Ummah of Muhammad? How is it permissible to eat fish in the law of the Ummah of Muhammad?
17:03So, the answer is that it is a Hadith of Mishkat. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
17:08says that I make Halal fish for my Ummah. So, Allah has given this right to the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
17:14Whoever the Prophet wants, he can make it Haram, and whoever the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, wants, he can make it Halal.
17:20Ladies and gentlemen, in the Holy Quran, Allah says that there is a specific time for Salat,
17:25on which you have to offer Salat. There is a fixed time for Salat, on which you have to offer Salat.
17:30But, ladies and gentlemen, if we go for Hajj, we see that when we leave the field of Arafat,
17:36after doing the Waqf-e-Arafah, when we leave towards Muzdalifah, does a pilgrim leave after offering Salat in Arafat?
17:42There are no answers. Yes, a pilgrim goes to Muzdalifah and offers Salat at midnight.
17:46So, the question that arises is that a newcomer asks, that brother, you have missed your Salat.
17:50After coming for Hajj, you have repented in the field of Arafat that you will not miss your Salat in the future.
17:54You have promised Allah that you will offer Salat. You have shown your work in the first Salat.
17:58And you go to Muzdalifah and offer Salat at midnight. Maghrib has been missed.
18:01So, the answer to this will be that, brother, the point is that here the command of Shariah is that
18:06you will reach Muzdalifah and offer Salat, along with Maghrib and Isha, even if it becomes midnight.
18:11You will ask the scholars of which sect, what is the reason for this?
18:14The only reason will be explained.
18:16The reason is that when the last Prophet, the Seal of the Prophets,
18:20Sayyidina Muhammad and the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, came for Hajj,
18:24the Prophet did not offer Salat in Arafat. He went to Muzdalifah and offered Salat.
18:29Therefore, if you reach Muzdalifah at midnight, you will have to go there and offer Salat.
18:33There will be reward in it. There will be Shariah in it. There will be Allah's approval in it.
18:37And there will be acceptance in it.
18:40Even from here, if you do not understand the importance of the Hadith of the Prophet,
18:43the importance of the personality of the Prophet, and the importance of the personality of the Prophet,
18:47then what can happen?
18:48Now tell me, if I offer Salat late, will I be a sinner?
18:52If the greatest Pir offers Salat late, the Pir will be a criminal.
18:55If the greatest Mufti or Sheikh offers Salat late, the Sheikh or Mufti will be a sinner.
19:00But the importance of the personality of my Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
19:04that my Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, should offer Salat late on a special day,
19:08then Allah says, the one who comes here on this day,
19:11it is the law of Shariah that he will not offer Salat on time,
19:14he will offer Salat late, because the Prophet was late in offering Salat.
19:17This is the importance and importance of the personality of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
19:21The last thing, dear viewers, Ramadan is going on.
19:23When we did the program with you on 4th Ramadan,
19:26we talked in detail about the problems of fasting.
19:29What is it if fasting is missed? What is it if fasting is broken?
19:32What is it if a person deliberately breaks the Shariah,
19:35eats something, drinks something, deliberately breaks the fast,
19:39then how will he be forgiven?
19:42I explained the issue in detail, it will be in your mind.
19:45Dear viewers, Hazrat Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, is the narrator.
19:48There is a court of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
19:51An Arab is present, he says, O Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
19:54such a deed happened that the fast was broken.
19:56The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
19:58Then keep 60 fasts, so that one fast does not come in between,
20:03if one is missing, then keep a new one.
20:06He said, Huzoor, I was not able to do one. I do not have the strength for it.
20:09Huzoor said, free us.
20:11He said, O Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
20:13I do not even have the strength for it.
20:15Huzoor said, okay, then feed 60 poor people.
20:17He said, O Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
20:19I am poor myself, how can I feed anyone.
20:21Huzoor said, sit down.
20:22In the meantime, a companion presents dates in the court of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
20:26Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him accepts it and says where is the person who wanted to pay the Qafara but he did not have the strength to do so.
20:33He says I am here O Messenger of Allah.
20:34Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him says pick him up and feed the poor and the Qafara will be paid.
20:39Such a big favour.
20:40That Sahabi tied his hands.
20:42He said O Messenger of Allah are you going to feed the poor?
20:44Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him says yes.
20:46Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him says O Messenger of Allah there is no one in the whole of Madinah who is poorer than me.
20:51Allah is the Greatest.
20:53If someone wants to know what is the importance of Hadith.
20:55Now the Quran has stated the principle of Qafara.
20:58The principle of Qafara is clear in the Quran.
21:01Is there anyone who has the courage to exclude anyone from Qafara?
21:05This is my Prophet who is asking about the importance of Hadith.
21:09Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him says pick up the dates and feed yourself and feed the children.
21:14Qafara will be paid.
21:16Imam Ahmad Raza peace be upon him says
21:20Have you ever seen such a bargah?
21:22Where the revenge of a mistake is taken from Allah.
21:24This is the bargah which is called the bargah of helplessness.
21:28And Allah says this is the bargah of the owner of Shariah.
21:31This is the bargah of the governor of Tehreem.
21:33This is the bargah of the owner of Iftaraz.
21:36This is the bargah of the owner of Ferman.
21:38This is the bargah of the owner of Shariah.
21:40Allah is the Greatest.
21:42The language which everyone calls the key of Kun.
21:45His Nafiz peace be upon him.
21:48Tomorrow InshaAllah we will meet you again.
21:50And tomorrow InshaAllah we will talk to you with another important topic.
21:54From the side of atheists, from the side of the atheists, from the side of the critics, from the side of the enemies of Islam.
22:00The differences that are made about the Quran.
22:03And the questions that are asked about the Holy Quran.
22:05And the questions that are asked about the religion of Islam.
22:08We will talk about those questions and their answers.
22:11May Allah be our Protector and Helper.
22:38O believers, the light of the heart is the glory of Ramadan.
22:49O believers, the light of the heart is the glory of Ramadan.
