I'm back in #minecraft Cherry Island! In this episode, I built the most secure base in our survival world to keep me safe amidst the trolls and chaos!
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Fan Laws:
1. No Mining Diamonds.
2. No Breaking Cherry Trees.
3. No Killing Pets.
Cherry Island Discord: https://discord.com/invite/fSTcqTCWhu
Cherry Island Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/cherryisland/
Fan Laws:
1. No Mining Diamonds.
2. No Breaking Cherry Trees.
3. No Killing Pets.
00:00Good morning everyone and welcome back to Cherry Island season 2. It's just me on my own today, but that's okay
00:07Because I've got big big big plans
00:10And I also want to see what both my friends Finn and Crainer have been up to while I've been offline
00:15Both of them have been on and played and knowing them they've been up to some mischief
00:21So first things first, let's get equipped and I've forgotten where I put my stuff
00:27Hey Bork, Bork is my pet dog if you don't know. I think I left it all in my
00:33sort of secret chest
00:35Yes, I did
00:36We also managed to get the nether star last video by defeating the wither
00:41But I don't think we really have anything to do with it because our admin Rishi
00:45He set us that challenge and I think we might need to turn it into him. So I don't really know
00:51All right looking good. Let's head out and see what's going on
00:56I've just noticed lava over there. Also need to check in on the Humpy
01:04Hang on a second. I've just noticed something
01:09What happened to my pickaxe my pickaxe was enchanted wait if we lost a diamond how many diamonds did we have
01:19As someone
01:22I am genuinely really confused right now. I actually think we might have been robbed but then
01:29Reverse robbed and someone's giving us back a pickaxe. I feel like I had 20 diamonds. I I am
01:36Confused. Oh, I got trainer. I'm really quite confused right now. Yeah, what do you got nothing? All right, you know what?
01:43Let's get on with it. We could check in with Humpy who is currently our hostage. Let me just check it still Humpty
01:47Yes, it is because we made a deal with Craner
01:50That we'd help him out and he'll give us
01:5375% of a future reward from the admin Rishi if you're just tuning in right now. There's a lot going on
01:59so we've got a lava pool around what is
02:05Finn's old house seems to have been set on fire
02:08Is this really what they're both up to Craner just set this thing on fire kind of feels a bit pathetic
02:14Why is was this a secret chest?
02:19These guys genuinely can't get anything done. So does that mean Finn is just fully given up on the ranch life now
02:25I kind of looks that way
02:27All right
02:30That did that's not what's happened here and why is there a hole over here I'm guessing this is a quarry
02:37I think someone has moved into the arena. Whoa, and why is there a bridge over there to like a new island?
02:45Craner's cut. Okay. It's not really a castle. It's it's a no
02:49You just took the arena that I built and then added a layer of brick on it and called it a castle
02:55Like it's kind of pathetic. What are you cooking? Thanks for putting in the hard work, buddy
03:00I was actually gonna do some builds today. And if you guys are gonna
03:04Get angry at me for cheating people have been stealing from me. Okay, I'm tired of this tired of constantly getting stolen from
03:11I'm taking what I need. Wait, isn't that our creeper head?
03:15The one we would give it see look everyone's stealing from everyone. It's chaos here at the very least
03:20I know that he didn't steal our pickaxe. So
03:24There's that so what is this bridge about? I see wood up there
03:31Someone built a house up. I think I see something. I'm kind of just eager lying everything right now
03:36What is this for I mean, this is the probably the worst bridge I've ever seen it in my life
03:42These guys are just come for using me
03:44I'm on the lookout for anything else that I can see but I'm guessing this is gonna be Finn's house up here. Oh
03:52There's a fox
03:54There would be a fox here
03:57Is this Finn's house cherry stables 2.0? Are you seriously telling me this guy lives here?
04:03This genuinely it it's not even like a basement under it Oh horsey. No, wait a second. I just realized something I
04:11Lost my horse spot in the last video and I haven't actually got him back
04:16Well, I have no idea where he would actually even be spot these buddy spot spot. We should just quickly
04:23I'm ticking off all the boxes. I'm just gonna check in on
04:26Craner's old house just to make sure nothing's going on over here
04:29This thing got blown up by the admin when he broke a law
04:42Ow, well nothing's changed here damn well, I guess
04:49Spot has just disappeared. All right, let's get back to it now
04:52At least we can get on with what we were gonna be doing today
04:55And that is to do some much-needed upgrades to our base at the moment
05:01We've only got that pitiful little house and a watchtower and look
05:05It's just not enough over here. We have a bit of a hill and then like this almost
05:11Hole in the ground here. I was thinking if we do some terraforming
05:17We might be able to turn this into like a cool base with like kind of a secret entrance that goes into it
05:25From here and that can be our entrance and then it's got like an open bit in the middle
05:31Let me just open this up and I'll show you what I mean. There you go
05:34So it's a bit higher up than I want it to be but that's kind of just because of the level of the ground outside
05:40And then eventually we could have almost
05:42You know a cool secret entrance type thing and also a glass ceiling here, too
05:48Yeah, just make it look cool
05:54Of building a nice beautiful house, they'll probably get burnt down again
05:57We're gonna kind of build a bunker almost somewhere that we can store our valuables
06:03But also store our stuff, you know now I've had some time to think about it
06:07I have a feeling that like I know exactly
06:12Who stole from us when we were over here doing a deal with Craner that involved her humpy being a hostage
06:21We went in that secret chest I feel like we went in that one as well
06:24He's the only one that knows that we've got a secret chest or at least something like that
06:29So I feel like it has to be Craner
06:31It has to be Craner who robbed us three diamonds and then made it into a pickaxe, but then robbed our pickaxe
06:37So I'm not I haven't got proof, but it's the only person I could think of at this rate
06:46I wanted to mention I do have a plan and it's gonna have something to do with humpy at the end of this video a
06:51Little bit of a secret a little bit of a surprise
06:54So definitely stick around to see that
07:00So I'm gonna show you a little bit of where I'm at with my vision
07:06Not cool. So basically this whole thing here will be filled in with glass
07:11I'm gonna dig down a little bit and we're gonna build the actual like center room
07:16I guess we are definitely going to need to get some more stone
07:21I'm thinking I might pay a trip to our friend Craner for that because
07:26Well, he's potentially a thief. I think while I'm at it as well
07:31I'm gonna grab another horse because I think it's just useful having a horse
07:36All right, any cobblestone in those? No
07:42Jackpot, I'm glad these guys just sort of leave their stuff behind
07:46I don't really think about it and we could also grab our horse over here
07:49There was a couple I think from Finn's old spot. Oh
07:55Whoa, you like me straight away? Okay. Whoa, this thing is fast
08:00Okay, we might be onto something with this. I do need to bring a lead. Otherwise, it's just gonna lose it again
08:06All right, we'll take that and that
08:08This man is a thief, okay, maybe
08:12He might be a thief. Oh, this thing is quick. I am happy about this. I wonder if it can jump high
08:19I also need a name it
08:21Maybe you guys could let me know a name for my new horse. All right, I'm just building myself a working chest here
08:28So we've got some storage and let's get what we've already
08:33Sniffed out here and then top them up for you one for you
08:41Right, so that's that layer done
08:43I saw I need to decide how much further I'm gonna be going down with this
08:47But at least for now I can start working with the actual structure of it
09:01So I would say I'm actually nearly there I I've just been making some adjustments to the entrance
09:08Wanted to clear out some of this dirt and maybe figure out where the the stone begins and ends
09:14I need to figure out what happened to all of the glowstone that like did that did someone die with that?
09:19I don't even remember
09:22Do we still have iron doors? Okay, we do we have to iron doors. So
09:28Should we just make normal pressure plates for now? Maybe we can make some art
09:34Let's make some iron pressure plates. We want to feel a bit bougie
09:38One there one there. I think we should maybe put it the other way around
09:41So the it feels more like an entrance than an exit
09:45There you go. All right
09:48I was just like how low-key the entrance is but it's actually hiding something pretty cool
09:53All right, next step sand. I was gonna have to do it at some point. So
09:58Okay. Okay. Here's some sand in the past
10:01I'd be worried about just damaging things, but everyone else has been doing so much damage that we're just gonna get what we need
10:10I think we need a I think we're gonna keep everything all in this one space for now
10:15So I think we're gonna have like a bunch of chests here
10:21For now we can just put our bed against this wall and then in the future we can open things up. Um
10:29Maybe it would look a bit better if we put stone here
10:33Yeah, cuz then it feels like it's actually including the things that we're putting on the side
10:39Sometimes I do wonder if I make any sense to you guys when I say things and I think the answer is probably no
10:44But you guys get the idea. Oh come with me. I want to show you what we've done
10:49You're gonna like it. You're gonna love it. Yeah
10:52Check it
10:54Check it out. Oh
10:56Your new home
10:59It's I feel like it's gonna be safer I I don't I wish I never said that out loud now
11:05We don't really have a food source
11:08Which is gonna be something we should probably figure out but that's fine
11:13Wow that was barely any glass we're gonna need to cook up a lot more than that. I have a whole bunch of rubbish
11:20So I'm making a ceremonial fire so that we can just get rid of some stuff
11:31now I just need to grab
11:33secret chest contents and
11:36Soon, we'll be able to have our ceremonial burning of the old house. Where do we put our
11:42secret chest
11:44Okay, where do we put it? Where do we put it? Where do we put it? Where to put it?
11:49Trying to think where people would least look above the door is that too obvious
11:56Well, we'll have to hope diamonds emeralds Apple name tags are kind of fine. All right, we'll leave it like that for now
12:03Hopefully we can finish the rest of this with what we've got
12:07I'm thinking we might still be sure and if we are I'm gonna be upset
12:12The one thing that we definitely don't have is a oh, that's where if I'm one block short
12:18No, no. Oh
12:20Now I would like to have a moment of silence for old house
12:24It wasn't the first house that we ever had but it served us. Well, and now it is time for you to go
12:38All right, let's speed this up
12:43That's more like it all right. All right. Well that's burning I might just make myself a sandwich
12:47A bit awkward though. We we don't have any wood. Let me just grab this. Oh
12:53I already had a coffee table
12:56All right. There we go. Well, I
13:00Don't really have much to say about it to be honest. We should probably go sleep
13:04And there we go. The last few embers are burning. We will now just remove the last bits
13:11All right place a couple of temporary signs out here I think we're gonna at some point improve the
13:18Entrance in general, maybe with like a cool piston door or something, but we're gonna need some slime balls for that
13:23So that's not happening anytime soon. And now it is time for our little surprise
13:28Actually, we'll move you down because we just want to show you a little bit of what's going on
13:32So we've got a little bit of a mess here. We've got a little bit of a mess on the floor
13:36For our little surprise actually, we'll move you down because we just want you out and
13:42Accessible you can literally just be down here. There's no real reason we need to hide you
13:47You're just ready to go whenever we maybe we'll build a stable or something at some point. All right, cool
13:53This is a really good. So yeah now let's build what what I said we were gonna build
14:00In order to well as a little gift for humpy, let's take a little bit more just in case
14:06I'm also just gonna quickly nip over to the main
14:12So we can grab some food
14:18All right, so what we're gonna do is just build a a bit of a reminder to Craner just what's you know at stake
14:26If he tries to mess with us at all in giving us what he owes us and you guys
14:32Might be a bit familiar with what I'm gonna do. It's just gonna be a little bit less
14:39Dangerous maybe. Okay, is that built up enough? I think it probably is. I'm just not gonna say anything
14:48Until we're done
14:51All right, I'll be it's time for you to come on out buddy
14:55All right. Hey, just need to get you just just a bit like ah, there we go
15:01Wow, what a fun swing humpy. Look at how much fun you're having
15:06Let's make sure humpy's got room because we don't it's quite dangerous to not to swing without adequate room
15:13Everyone knows that it's a commonly
15:16commonly known thing
15:26Don't really know what to say to be honest. Craner knows he can have him down when he pays us
15:31What he owes us. Anyway, thanks for watching guys
15:35Bit of a weird episode, but I think the next couple are gonna get interesting