• 1 hour ago
In today's video, I set out on a mission to get EVERY TITANIC pet in pet simulator 99 AT ALL COSTS! There are over 128 Titanic pets in the game and this video won't end until I have them all... BUT the stakes are high and if I fail I'll lose one of the RAREST Titanic pets in the entire world!


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Game Played in Vid: Pet Sim 99

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AI: pet sim 99, pet simulator 99, pet sim 99 titanic pets, every titanic pet in pet sim 99, completing the pet sim index, nightfoxx, night foxx, night fox, nightfox, rwinrox, every titanic pet, every pet in pet sim 99, pet simulator 99 update, titanic pet, pet sim 99 update
00:00There are currently 128 Titanic pets in Pet Simulator 99,
00:04and today we are gonna get every single one of them.
00:08Like this Titanic balloon monkey.
00:10Fun fact, that was the first Titanic
00:12I ever got in Pet Simulator.
00:14And now I have two of them.
00:16Why did I do that, geez?
00:17Today you'll get mad if I sign it
00:18and then put it up for sale for 12.5 billion,
00:21maybe make a profit on it.
00:22I'm gonna need that if I'm going to get
00:24every single Titanic in this video.
00:26The reason why I'm doing this is because a few weeks back,
00:29I was challenged by the Pet Simulator
00:31Community Manager Coilist to try to index
00:35every normal pet in the game.
00:37I had a month to do it or I would lose
00:40my beloved and one of the most valuable
00:42Titanics in the game, the Titanic hippo melon.
00:47Oh man.
00:48But if I completed it, I would get something big.
00:51I already got every huge pet a few weeks ago,
00:54but now it's time for all of the Titanics.
00:57Time is running out and it's getting more difficult
00:59as every week, more are being added.
01:01Like this last week, when this Titanic signature
01:04big mascot was added.
01:06At the beginning of the week,
01:07this pet was nearly impossible to find.
01:10I should know, I tried for hours.
01:12Oh my gosh, this one's gonna be insane, I just know it.
01:15Three of them already exist, but they probably
01:18all three belong to three different people.
01:20You wanna know how I know?
01:22Because I have one of them.
01:23Don't ask how I got it, I had to rob this little girl.
01:27But now it seems like 71 exists,
01:29and when you go and find one,
01:30ah, it's 45 billion gems, it's right there.
01:33But that's kind of a bad deal.
01:35Get away from those bad deals, that is not a deal
01:38I need to be doing this video.
01:39Let's try that again.
01:4017.8, oh my gosh, that is such a better one.
01:44That is actually a really good deal.
01:46There it is, it said trade is 10% off.
01:50Yeah, I'd say it's almost like half off at that point.
01:54Ah, dude, I kinda wanna get it,
01:56but I don't know if I need to,
01:57because then what do I do with this card right here?
02:00I just don't know, I already have one.
02:03If I could get the other two cards,
02:05I could get it for cheaper than even that,
02:08and that's what I need to do.
02:09Okay, all right, now if those are readily available,
02:12hopefully these are readily available as well.
02:14I looked the first couple of days of the update
02:16and was unable to find any, but it looks like
02:19big games has actually started to release a bunch of them.
02:21It's kinda weird how some updates
02:23make things too easy and then nerf it.
02:25This time they made things too hard and it buffed it.
02:27So this one is 4.89, okay, that's a good thing to know,
02:31but the question is, if I buy that one, can I buy a third?
02:34Because that's gonna be a thing.
02:36If I can't find a third card,
02:38then buying the second one isn't gonna be worth it at all.
02:40Okay, this guy wants 4.5 billion.
02:42I'm going to buy this card right here,
02:44and now we can go back to the other one,
02:47or you know, just a new one.
02:49Oh my God, this card is a golden.
02:52I could do a golden if I found two of these.
02:54No, I'm not going to.
02:55This one's 4.4, it's worth 4.48, fair price.
02:59With that, we now have three cards.
03:01All we gotta do is combine this thing,
03:03and in about five seconds, a new Titanic is gonna be born.
03:07Welcome to the world, gamer.
03:09Oh, here he is now, here he is!
03:12Hey, welcome to the world, big mascot.
03:15The world of pay to win, where everybody you see
03:18is nothing but a broke boy.
03:20Either way, that is done.
03:22We can mark that one off the list,
03:25and I also can go ahead and mark
03:27all of these other 119 out of 128 off the list as well,
03:32because the thing about the index is,
03:34to index it, you have to own it, even if it's briefly.
03:37So with all of that, you don't have to get 128.
03:40What we have to do is just get nine.
03:42Too bad some of them are one of 70 that exists,
03:46one of 44 that exists, or you know, one of 65 that exists.
03:51It also just so happens to be 70 billion gems.
03:53Yeah, this is gonna be easier said than done.
03:55I just know it.
03:56I'm just thankful that I don't have
03:57to get the Titanic banana,
03:59because the only way to get that
04:01is to buy it from the marketplace,
04:03and it costs 345,000 Robux.
04:06You an expensive little banana, aren't you?
04:09But while we're on the topic of things that I have to get,
04:11as I said before, new Titanics get added every week,
04:15and with the new Titanics comes also a bunch of new huges,
04:19and if we click this, I now have four new huges to get,
04:23four that I have not been keeping up with.
04:25If I'm going to complete everything,
04:27I have to actually complete everything in its current state,
04:30which means I have to backtrack.
04:31The huge reigning love dog was found
04:33in the Valentine's Event Leaderboard Contest.
04:35I refuse to play that update.
04:38The huge pixel tiger was found
04:39in the Cards Event Leaderboard Contest.
04:42I'm just gonna blame Wooslow on this one.
04:43He made me lose all my cards.
04:45It's kind of hard to be on a leaderboard
04:46when you lose everything.
04:47The huge holographic monkey was awarded
04:49in the 2025 Holographic Clan Battle,
04:52and while my clan is a useless clan,
04:54we ain't winning anything,
04:56and the huge evil deer was in the evil clan battle.
04:59Do I need to bring up the useless clan again?
05:01No? Okay, let's go get them.
05:02Here's the huge reigning love dog.
05:04I did not foresee this coming.
05:06Oh no, that sucks, man.
05:08What about the pixel tiger?
05:10What about the holographic monkey?
05:12There it is, the holographic monkey,
05:14and there's the huge evil deer,
05:17but I don't need the golden version.
05:19It doesn't help me.
05:20The challenge was for every normal version,
05:23not the golden.
05:25What's up?
05:26Oh no, I did own it.
05:27I gave it away to somebody,
05:28but I forgot it was on my lunch account.
05:30Okay, speaking of evil deer,
05:32let's see if I can find it.
05:33Let's see if somebody is selling it.
05:35Oh, somebody is.
05:35Okay, good.
05:36The evil deer, also 495 million.
05:40Either way, it's done,
05:41which means now we're only missing two.
05:43So we'll come back to those,
05:44and we will now turn our attention
05:46to getting the Titanic.
05:48Now, a few of these Titanics are gonna be pretty easy.
05:50The Love Corgi, it's worth 6.97 billion.
05:53This one's selling for 6.8.
05:55It's a level 88, and it has full royalty charms on it.
05:58Honestly, that's a pretty good deal.
06:00I'll take it.
06:01We can mark that one off the list.
06:02The Wild Frost Agony,
06:03which was found all the way back
06:06in the Canon Tycoon event.
06:07I actually got the golden one in that video.
06:10I'll just tell them that the Titanic stunt gold cat
06:12is like nine billion.
06:14It will fall tremendously.
06:15I think I'll wait.
06:1530 billion was my max.
06:16He said, I'll do 35 beside my pet.
06:19Drop them in.
06:2035 billion for the stunt.
06:22Oh my gosh.
06:23All of this because I don't want to clickbait
06:26and say that I got it when I didn't.
06:30I'll sign this one.
06:31I'll sign this one.
06:32I'll say, here you go.
06:33Thank you for keeping me from going crazy broke.
06:35In two days time, you'll love this deal.
06:37He said, yes, thanks.
06:38I only know that because I already regret doing this.
06:42Yeah, I'd say he definitely got a good deal.
06:45It's worth 11.5 billion gems now.
06:48And to make matters worse,
06:49I don't even have mine anymore
06:51because back when my daughter was helping do a video
06:54on the Valentine Towers,
06:55she needed some help getting a better team.
06:57And well, yeah, I gave it to her.
07:00So now I got to buy this one.
07:02Dang it, man.
07:03This one isn't even a good deal.
07:04The gold was 11.5.
07:06What do you mean?
07:07This one's 11.3.
07:08Hold on.
07:09Let's see if I can find one a little bit cheaper.
07:10There has to be a better way to do this.
07:12I mean, it is better, but it's not much better.
07:15Oh, then they pulled it out just to make me see it.
07:17It's not going to work for me, guy.
07:18Him eyes bulging out of his head, Mike.
07:21Oh, now he's riding it around
07:22to try to make me feel jealous.
07:24It's not going to work, guy.
07:25It's not going to work.
07:26He wanted 10.9 billion for it?
07:28Dang it.
07:29It's selling this one?
07:30I think those are the only two for sale.
07:33Oh no, I might have to get it.
07:35Yep, it's just them two.
07:37All right, fine.
07:38Ha ha.
07:39Now you can't ride nothing.
07:41I bet he put it up before I could like see him
07:42get it taken away from him.
07:43I got to do that.
07:44I want to buy a Titanic that somebody is riding
07:47and then just watch it get taken away from them
07:49while they're sitting on it.
07:50That would actually be hilarious.
07:51Maybe we'll be able to do that
07:52with one of these next ones.
07:54Like the Titanic Arcane Cat,
07:56which was one of the pets that you got
07:57all the way back in the RNG event.
08:00You know the RNG event.
08:01It's what sparked this game.
08:13Not gonna lie,
08:14that trailer doesn't hit the same anymore.
08:15I feel like that trailer needs a new hatch animation.
08:18Too soon?
08:20Either way, that's when this pet came out.
08:22Everybody wanted it and I didn't get it
08:24because I got the golden one.
08:25You start to see a pattern here.
08:26Gold pets so bad, they got a song named after them.
08:29And if that wasn't bad enough,
08:31I can't afford this one.
08:33Gosh dang it, man.
08:35That's not good.
08:36That's not good at all.
08:38Hold on.
08:39Maybe I can find another one.
08:40No, I can't.
08:42Oh my gosh.
08:42This one's worse.
08:44Dang it, man.
08:45How is it that every time I come across one,
08:47I find one that's worse afterwards?
08:49Hey, wait.
08:50I need that pet.
08:51I need it.
08:52This is like the one Titanic
08:54that I actually want to keep in my inventory
08:56and not just index.
08:58Mainly because it would look so cool next to this one.
09:01Look at the duo, man.
09:02That's what I want.
09:03I want that in my inventory all the time.
09:05We'll worry about that in a little bit.
09:06I have a plan.
09:07For now, we got to get a Titanic arcane cat.
09:10And this is literally the only other one for sale
09:12besides the 25 billion one.
09:14I wonder how much is a golden version worth?
09:17What the heck, man?
09:18It's cheaper.
09:19Where's that song at?
09:20This pet, this pet, it's a gold tragedy.
09:23This guy has one for 20.
09:25He's got a whole bunch of different variants
09:28including a golden shiny.
09:30Oh my gosh.
09:31And then he also has this one,
09:32a golden Titanic party cat.
09:35It's signed by Alpha GG and it's a bad deal.
09:38Bro clearly thinks these signs from partners
09:41are worth 3 billion gems.
09:43So like, what if I sign this arcade Titanic cat of mine
09:47and then I send this guy a trade
09:49and find his disabled.
09:51Gosh dang it.
09:52Let's try this one.
09:53Not going to lie, I don't like my chances.
09:54No reason.
09:55At least their trades are on.
09:57Come on, please don't be AFK.
09:59Don't be AFK.
10:00Now we wait.
10:01And just slow zoom in with Wii music.
10:09Yeah, something tells me they're AFK.
10:11Which means now we got to go to plan B.
10:13It's probably not going to work anyway,
10:15but I still got this Titanic monkey for sale.
10:18I honestly would have enough gems to buy the pet
10:20had I not done that.
10:21Hey, yo, you're a big fan.
10:22You like my vids?
10:23Hey, check out this Titanic balloon monkey.
10:25It's my name on it.
10:26It's got my name, bro.
10:27My name.
10:28Come on, man.
10:29Somebody buy my pet.
10:30Ah, somebody bought it.
10:32All right, well that's done.
10:33And now, wait, who's Ninefox's drink?
10:36What is this?
10:37What the heck?
10:39Why do I have a Ninefox's lunch
10:40and I got Ninefox's drink?
10:42Bro, what else is coming?
10:43That's not me.
10:45Somebody legit just renamed themselves
10:47the Ninefox's drink.
10:48That's crazy, bro.
10:49Okay, wait, where was I?
10:50Oh yeah, buying the regular arcade Titanic.
10:54I got to find it.
10:55Where was it?
10:55Oh no, bro.
10:56It's been like 30 minutes
10:58since somebody's bought anything for me.
11:00I don't know if the guy is still here.
11:02I don't think he is.
11:06I can't find him.
11:08All right, guys, watch my drink.
11:10Make sure nobody takes it.
11:11Oh no, it's this one again,
11:12but it's a 25 billion.
11:15That's not gonna work, bro.
11:16Wait, why did my drink follow me?
11:18Bro, my drink just followed me.
11:20I'm being stalked by a drink, bro.
11:22Wait, there he is.
11:23Wait, wait, wait, I just saw him.
11:25Bro, it's like the big goal.
11:27What the heck?
11:28Who let you out of the fridge?
11:29Who did it?
11:30It says you weren't supposed to know.
11:32Bro, you've been following me every five minutes.
11:34How was I not gonna know?
11:35You know what?
11:35I'm not arguing with the drink today.
11:36I got a pet to find.
11:37Oh look, we're back at AFK's booth.
11:39Funny enough, he's still waiting on the-
11:40Oh, he actually did it!
11:41Hey, let me ask you this.
11:43Let me ask you something.
11:4419 bill for Titanic Arcane Cat.
11:47That's where I'm at.
11:48Save me a billion.
11:49Come on, come on.
11:50You know you want to.
11:50Oh no, my drink followed me.
11:52Hurry up before he comes.
11:54He left the game!
11:55Okay, I think I preferred him being AFK.
11:57Now I'm back to this guy.
11:58All right, there's a 25 billion there.
12:00Come on, please tell me, please tell me.
12:05All right, you know what?
12:05I'm not, dude.
12:06How do I still not have enough?
12:0824, nine.
12:09This is 25.
12:11God, how annoying.
12:12All right, you know what?
12:13Raining Dog, still not available.
12:15Pixel Tiger, still not available.
12:16Oh, okay, all right.
12:18Well, I guess we need to turn our attention
12:20to something else.
12:21Like, I can't get this one,
12:23but the problem is what I have left
12:25is not going to be an easy task either
12:27because after this one,
12:29it gets very hard to find things.
12:32Oh my gosh.
12:33Every pet left is literally less than a hundred.
12:37And the most that one exists is this one right here.
12:40The pink hat balloon was 70.
12:42And even that isn't cheap.
12:44Like, forget being able to find one.
12:46Even if I do, it's going to cost me 50 billion gems.
12:50And to make matters even worse,
12:51I know somebody who had the rainbow version
12:55and only one exists.
12:57It was my friend Angel.
12:58But the rainbows don't count for the normal.
13:01That is so annoying, bro.
13:04I had to find somebody with a normal.
13:05The next lowest is a Corrupt Agony,
13:07which is probably the most rare.
13:09Probably is like one of the favorite pets
13:12out of every pet in the game,
13:14which is why it's 70 billion gems to find one.
13:17Maybe not, hold on.
13:18I'm sorry, did I say 70?
13:20Oh no, this one's 82.
13:23No shot, bro.
13:25It's 82.
13:26Okay, somebody else is selling one.
13:28It's Flare!
13:29I'm digging it, man.
13:30Life was so much easier at the beginning of the video
13:33when I just had to worry about buying this one.
13:35What have we come to in life?
13:37And what's crazy is that it's still not the rarest pet,
13:40as 48 Titanic parrots exist.
13:43You know the Titanic parrots.
13:44The Titanic that's only gotten
13:46if you have these books here,
13:48because they randomly would just spawn in
13:50as you're destroying breakables.
13:51So many people have these books.
13:53Only 48 Titanic parrots exist.
13:55And the current rotation, the Titanic Bobcat,
13:57only 21 exist, despite the book being out
14:01since the release of Doodle World over two months ago.
14:04Bro, how is January 4th two months ago at this point?
14:07What is happening?
14:08Then you have the Titanic Blueberry Cow,
14:10which was only found in a plush
14:11like the Titanic Balloon Cat.
14:13And then you have the Titanic Party Panda,
14:16which is found in the hype egg.
14:18So many of these hype eggs are given out every week,
14:20and only 32 of these things exist.
14:22I don't know about you, but that's not very hype.
14:24Oh no, my drink's back.
14:26Hold on, I think I actually have some hype gifts
14:28that I haven't used yet.
14:29Where are they at?
14:30Hype gifts, hype gifts.
14:31Here, I have only one.
14:33All right, maybe this hype gift will give us a Titanic.
14:35I could be one of the 33 people
14:37that actually got lucky in this game.
14:39One of the 30, the 33.
14:42This is gonna be me, 33.
14:43Here it comes, any minute now.
14:45Where it's coming.
14:46Just hang on a second, it's coming.
14:48I will give you a pet if I get a Titanic.
14:50There, I put the stakes on you, game.
14:52Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
14:55Wow, who saw that coming?
14:58All right, I gotta run away from my drink again.
15:00I'm starting to think my drink escaped
15:02so that it could poof me.
15:03I think that's what's going on.
15:05He's mad that I drank his brother.
15:06How much is a Party Panda anyway?
15:0819 billion?
15:09Yo, that's a great deal, actually.
15:11Wait, wait, wait, am I being trolled?
15:12Am I about to get a Titanic Party Panda?
15:14Hold on, no, this one's 25.
15:16Oh no, I gotta go back the other way.
15:18Oh, this one's actually cheaper.
15:19Okay, yo, I'm not passing this up, bro.
15:22For some reason, that thing's cheaper than the Arcane Cat.
15:24Makes no sense, only 20 of them exist.
15:26I own one of them.
15:27That's done, and now there's six.
15:29Six very expensive ones.
15:30Oh no, all right, here's my game plan
15:33because I do need to get the six.
15:35And I don't wanna just default to reaching out to people
15:38and like, hey, say like, hey, can I borrow that?
15:40That'd be great.
15:41Actually, wait, hold on.
15:41Let me just hit up Chick-fil-A here.
15:43Come on, answer, come on, answer.
15:45Dude, that wouldn't work.
15:46All right, you know what, new plan.
15:47Putting up a shop, going through my inventory,
15:49and I'm finding pets that I have duplicates of.
15:52I need funds.
15:53I got two of these, and weirdly enough,
15:55that's the only thing I got two of.
15:56But if we look at my team,
15:58I do have a current full team of 99 Titanics,
16:02which means I have four extra.
16:04So I could get rid of four and be okay.
16:07All right, cool.
16:08So now the question is, which four?
16:10Which four are my least favorite Titanics?
16:12If I was doing a tier list video,
16:14these would be the F tier for me.
16:16This one's number one.
16:17We already got an extra,
16:18so I really only need to find three that I don't want.
16:21Three that I don't care
16:22if I don't have in my inventory anymore ever again.
16:26Oh man, I've never had to do this before.
16:29I kind of don't care about the Titanic monkey,
16:32mainly because I already have a balloon one.
16:34Balloons are so much more fun.
16:36I also don't really care about
16:37the Titanic Corgi that much either.
16:39I also don't care about this Titanic Pilgrim Turkey either,
16:42but it's only worth like 5 billion,
16:45mainly because it's a...
16:45♪ It's fat, it's fat, it's a gold tragedy. ♪
16:48It's not even worth it to sell.
16:50I guess I'll get rid of the Titanic Orange Axolotl,
16:53mainly because, listen, I hate oranges.
16:55You will not find an orange in my fridge.
16:57Isn't that right?
16:58Night Fox's drink, who keeps following me everywhere.
17:00He said, yes, I sure did.
17:02He's lying.
17:02He's lying, man.
17:04All right, I'm going to sign these four Titanic pets.
17:06We'll throw them on the booth.
17:10Now, well, we go to bed.
17:12That's what happens.
17:12We go to bed, we wake up in the morning,
17:14and all this will be empty.
17:15I'll have a lot more gems
17:16and we can move on with our lives.
17:16See you then, gamers.
17:21Good morning, gamers.
17:22It's a new day, which means it's a new chance
17:25to collect missing Titanics that I was looking for,
17:28as well as the two huges.
17:30I AFK the trading server overnight,
17:32turned into a duck, and also got 35.3 billion gems,
17:37which should be enough for us to start doing some damage.
17:41So let's just hop on over to the trade server
17:44and see what's available.
17:44First, let's start with the huges.
17:46The Pixel Tiger, oh no, and the Love Dog.
17:51Oh, okay, where was this guy last night?
17:55He not only has one, he has 10.
17:57All right, well, yep, not going to waste a round.
18:00There we go, it's done.
18:01Mark that one off the list.
18:03Now we can turn our attention back to the Titanics.
18:06And I've got three that I've got my eyes on
18:08with the current gems that I have.
18:10We have the Titanic Arcane Cat,
18:12the Titanic Parrot, and the Titanic Bobcat.
18:15So let's see what's available and see what we can get.
18:17And already we're seeing better luck today
18:19than we were yesterday,
18:20because this right here is 18.3 billion,
18:23which is less than the 25 billion I was finding last night.
18:27And I could just go ahead and buy it.
18:29Wait, do I do this?
18:30Hold on, that's 18 billion.
18:32And the Parrot is 12 billion?
18:34Okay, you know what?
18:35I'm not even gonna ask questions.
18:3612 billion, that's a steal.
18:38I'll take that all day long.
18:39Especially since the Parrot only has 48 that exists.
18:4412 billion is a steal for that amount.
18:46So I'll mark it off the list.
18:47And now I still actually have enough
18:49to go buy the Arcane Cat.
18:50But I don't really want it
18:52because I have the golden version.
18:53What does the Bobcat go for?
18:54Oh, yeah, okay, that tracks.
18:56Not even like that cool of a pet to begin with, bro.
18:5938 billion for this?
19:01Like the only reason it's even worth that much
19:03is because only 22 exists.
19:05But it's an active Titanic,
19:07which means that number will go up still.
19:10I don't know when they're doing another Titanic refresh,
19:12but that 38 billion for that is not worth it.
19:14Instead of like buying it,
19:16what if I could just own it for a second?
19:18I have to try this.
19:19Let me find this guy.
19:20We'll type in Drakken.
19:21Oh, he's got friends only turned on
19:24and it's clearly a bot account.
19:27Okay, I'm not trading with a bot.
19:28Let's see, can we find another one?
19:30That's the only one?
19:34All right, yeah, I guess we're gonna take
19:35this Arcane Cat instead.
19:38Let me just make sure there's not another one.
19:39Oh, there is.
19:39This one's more expensive.
19:41I should've quit while I was ahead.
19:42Let's go back.
19:43Oh no, it's going the other way now.
19:45It's up to 20.
19:46No, no, no, where's that guy?
19:48Where's that guy?
19:49Here he is.
19:50Boom, bop, bam, bada-bop-bop, boom, it's done.
19:52And then there were four.
19:54And these four are going to be very hard to get.
19:58But I have a plan.
19:59And that plan is to find these in the trade server
20:02and just like beg people to let me index it
20:05and sign it and give it back to them
20:07so they can sell it for a profit.
20:08Because let's be honest,
20:09if I'm looking at these four pets right here,
20:12I don't really care to have the Blueberry Cow
20:14or the Titanic Bobcat or the Pink Cat Balloon,
20:17especially not at the prices that they are worth.
20:20I would much rather just index it,
20:22sign it and give it away and call it a day.
20:25That's what I would wanna do.
20:26There's much better pets to own, in my opinion.
20:29And this server actually does have one in it.
20:32It's 100 billion gems.
20:34Because it's the first one in the entire world
20:38and it's already signed by a partner.
20:40I'm not gonna be able to do it.
20:41I also have the Wild Corrupt Agony that I need.
20:45Ah, now see, that is a pet
20:46that I would want to actually buy a key,
20:49but it's so expensive.
20:51Bro, this guy has a Titanic Frontman Jellyfish
20:54that's a shiny.
20:55He's got two Gargantuans.
20:56One is actually a rainbow version.
21:00All right, nobody is going to let me index it
21:02and sign over that pet right there.
21:04So I'm gonna have to see if there's another one.
21:06And there's not.
21:07Oh no, that's a problem.
21:09Let's try the Titanic Bobcat again.
21:11Looks like it's the same guy as before.
21:13And that one is still the only one available.
21:15All right, where's this dumb cow?
21:17Oh, it's not available either?
21:19All right, well, when nothing is available
21:21and you're in a time crunch
21:23and you don't have enough gems to buy things,
21:25there's always somebody that you can turn to.
21:27Your friends.
21:28And I have one of the best.
21:31Man, it helps to have friends who love playing this game
21:33and especially friends who have some really good things.
21:37Look at this.
21:38He has all three of the Titanics that I could not get.
21:43Saving my butt once again.
21:45Oh, and it's the huge Pixel Tiger.
21:47That means, come on, I'm only missing one Titanic
21:51and no huges.
21:53We are so close to being done, it's not even funny.
21:56Thank you, thank you.
21:57Okay, why can't I say thank you game?
21:59And here we go.
22:01It is done.
22:02Winrogs came in clutch again, but it's not over yet
22:05because I still have one pet to get
22:08and it's probably gonna be the hardest pet of all
22:12because of how sought after and how less there are out there
22:16but again, I have a plan.
22:18Some people are not gonna like it.
22:21You see, I know somebody who has a Titanic Corrupt Agony
22:25and I know that I also have a pet that they want.
22:28That pet is a pet that has been sitting in my box,
22:31not being used for months now at a time.
22:35It is the huge Diamond Dragon,
22:38one of 10 that exists in the world,
22:40worth 100 billion gems.
22:43One of the rarest and most expensive huge pets out there.
22:47So expensive that it's worth a Titanic Wild Corrupt Agony.
22:52I'm gonna sign it and now I will trade it
22:55to a 1337 Disruptor, who just so happens to be,
23:00you can't really see it at the moment,
23:01this trade's gonna make me real blind.
23:03He's the number three in the entire world.
23:05He said the fabled Rainbow Diamond Dragon.
23:08Not gonna lie, it's been sitting in my box for three months.
23:13Wait, is he giving me all of this?
23:15Bro, that is a steal.
23:16Maybe not, I don't know if this thing's actually worth
23:18100 billion, in which case he's getting one,
23:20but I don't care because like I said,
23:22I'm not using this pet.
23:23I will definitely use this pet.
23:25I'm happy it's going to a good home.
23:27Here we go, let's go, come on.
23:31If he readies up, it's done.
23:32Oh no, is he thinking about, no way, okay, okay.
23:34I thought he was thinking about backing out for a second.
23:37Come on, come on, it's done!
23:40And you wanna know how I know that was a good trade for me?
23:43Because I'm not immediately upset
23:44that I lost my Diamond Dragon.
23:46It's kinda weird, I don't even feel like
23:47I really ever owned it anyway,
23:49because as soon as I won it,
23:50it went into my Keep Hugest box.
23:52Either way, with Disruptor's help,
23:54who, yeah, is the number three person in the entire world
23:57right behind Windrox, I can now say
23:59my huge anti-Titanic collection is complete.
24:04The only thing left, oh God.
24:05But you're gonna have to wait until next video
24:07to find that one out.
24:08Make sure you hit that subscribe button if you're new,
24:10and in the meantime, check out this next video for me.
24:12If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go play with my new
24:14Nightmare slash Corrupt Titanic team,
24:16and together, maybe we will summon
24:18the gargantuan Grim Reaper,
24:20making one less pet I have to get next video.
24:22Come on, come on, give me something good.
24:23Give me something good.
24:24It's not growing quick enough,
24:25which means, yep, my luck's still bad,
24:28which means getting this is not gonna be easy.
24:30Oh well, I'll see you later.
24:31♪ Feels like a movie, everybody's watching ♪
24:35♪ All eyes on me ♪
