• 2 hours ago


00:00Today's guest is...
00:11Kanae. Nice to meet you.
00:15Today's guest is...
00:17The queen of verification, who has been winning almost every day for 15 years.
00:24A queen of verification?
00:26Every day?
00:28My goal is to win 365 times a year.
00:33That's right.
00:34Every year.
00:35When I win a lot, I win 500 times.
00:40Every year?
00:41Yes, every year.
00:44We visited Kanae's home in Aichi prefecture.
00:48Welcome to Kamikawa Bay.
00:53Let's go inside the house.
00:57This is IH.
01:01This is a hot plate.
01:04This is a hot water boiler.
01:09This is a pressure cooker.
01:12This is an oven.
01:14This is a salad maker.
01:16This is a banana.
01:20This is a banana.
01:21These are all the winning glasses.
01:26This is a verification machine.
01:31This is a massage machine.
01:35This is a massage machine.
01:37This is a good machine.
01:40This is a beauty machine.
01:42This is a beauty goods collection.
01:44This is a total of 130,000 yen.
01:47This is a cosmetics machine.
01:49I have been using cosmetics for 15 years.
01:55I am very happy when I win cosmetics.
02:00This is a shower head.
02:03This is an alarm clock.
02:06This is a Nintendo switch for children.
02:09This is a switch.
02:10This is a signature of Morita.
02:16This is a photo of the verification I have done for 17 years.
02:25In the past 17 years, she has won more than 5,000 times.
02:30I replace it with money.
02:33This is KANAE, who has won more than 20 million yen.
02:40Why does she win so many times?
02:45Do you want to try it now?
02:47KANAE will show us a very profitable verification technique.
02:55KANAE has a method.
02:58I will show it to you this time.
03:03Is that okay?
03:04Your life may collapse.
03:08I am very happy.
03:09I am very happy that more people will be verified.
03:12The competition rate will increase.
03:14I like to hear the story of winning people.
03:18I get excited when I hear the story of winning people.
03:24She is a person who tries to liven up the whole genre.
03:27She is a real person.
03:29She is in the verification industry.
03:32KANAE's profitable verification life.
03:35It all started with a girl's heart.
03:40It all started with an unexpected opportunity.
03:44This is it.
03:46It all started with love.
03:48It's a good start.
03:52Verification starts with love.
03:55Is that so?
03:56This is the first verification.
03:5817 years ago, KANAE had a boyfriend.
04:03KANAE is from Nara Prefecture.
04:06He lives in Aichi Prefecture.
04:09They can only meet once a month.
04:11It was a long-distance relationship.
04:14At that time, they were about 20 years old.
04:18They didn't have money.
04:20It costs a lot of money.
04:23They just went on a date at home.
04:27Even if you want to go out with him, you don't have money.
04:30KANAE had such a problem.
04:32One day, he read the newspaper.
04:35He found a poster of a hot spring excursion.
04:41He wanted to go on a hot spring date with his boyfriend.
04:45At that time, he didn't expect much.
04:47He applied for a hot spring date.
04:50KANAE won the hot spring date.
04:55KANAE got a hot spring date with his boyfriend.
05:01It was a very large room.
05:06It was a very nice room.
05:07It was a room where a lot of people could stay.
05:11KANAE was very excited.
05:13At that time, KANAE was very good at verification.
05:17KANAE and KANAE got a luxurious trip without spending money.
05:23At that time, KANAE's boyfriend said this.
05:28Let's go on a date at a place where we get a verification.
05:32It's a secret.
05:34It's amazing.
05:38They don't have money.
05:40They spend a lot of money.
05:43How do you feel now?
05:46I'm half cold.
05:50It's a frog verification.
05:54It's not a verification.
05:57It's the first time I've heard of it.
06:01It's all for a date with KANAE.
06:04KANAE's verification is about to start.
06:10This is the date spot.
06:16This is the date spot.
06:20This is all verification.
06:22Let's look at it from above.
06:24This is a movie theater.
06:28This is an amusement park.
06:32It's expensive.
06:34This is a train ride from Nara to Kobe.
06:40This is a paraglider.
06:44This is a strawberry hunt.
06:47You can go to Nara Park with a judo player.
06:54Nara Park is an Olympic park.
06:57He is a hero of Nara Park.
07:01He is a star.
07:02You can see him doing Shikami Senbei.
07:07You can see him doing Shikami Senbei.
07:10You can also do Shikami Senbei next to him.
07:14He is not wearing a judo uniform.
07:17That's right.
07:20I want him to wear a judo uniform.
07:25He made a lot of memories.
07:30It was all the result of hard work and research.
07:35This is the content of the research.
07:38The first is to express the feeling of being too hot.
07:43What does this mean?
07:45I think about what kind of person the campaign organizer wants to win.
07:53The hot spring trip was a newspaper project.
07:59I read the newspaper from corner to corner.
08:03The article here was better than the feeling of wanting it.
08:08I still remember this article.
08:13Many people don't like candy, but I like it.
08:18There is a reason why I like candy.
08:21I didn't like candy, but I read the article and liked it.
08:26I wrote this article.
08:29You can't read the article and like candy.
08:34I changed my mind.
08:37Madoka is happy, but the newspaper is also happy.
08:42The second is to study the application period thoroughly.
08:47What is that?
08:49There are open verification and closed verification.
08:53Open verification can be done by anyone.
08:55It's about once a month.
08:58Closed verification is a company-owned application.
09:02You can apply as many times as you want.
09:05The first thing you apply for is your address.
09:08For example, if your address is 1-11.
09:11You enter your address at 1-11.
09:14You enter your address at 1-11.
09:19You enter your address at 1-11.
09:26Then you can see if the address of your luggage is 1-11.
09:35Then you can see if the address of your luggage is 1-11.
09:42Then you can see if the address of your luggage is 1-11.
09:47It's a complete verification hack.
09:51That's right.
09:53That's amazing.
09:55There are many examples.
09:57For example, Tomato Jelly.
10:00The deadline is November 30th.
10:04Kanae has applied six times.
10:07September, October, November.
10:09The winner was sent on November 20th.
10:13The winner was sent on November 20th.
10:18The best timing is about a week before the deadline.
10:23That's right.
10:25If the deadline is too close, you may not be able to make it.
10:29You may not be able to reach the company.
10:33If you stick to the application time, the probability will increase.
10:39The third thing is a surprising target verification.
10:43What is it?
10:45Free paper.
10:48There is also an application form.
10:51The number of applicants is small.
10:54It's called a local verification.
10:56People who are far away can't apply.
10:59People who throw away the free paper.
11:01People who don't read it until the deadline.
11:03There are a lot of places like that.
11:06I don't think it's good.
11:09It's very good.
11:12I was talking to Mr. Uwamata.
11:15It's very good.
11:17When is the happiest time?
11:20It's when I'm writing a postcard.
11:22It's when I'm applying.
11:26It's so fun that I can't stop laughing when I'm writing a postcard.
11:32It's not a conclusion.
11:34I'm enjoying the process.
11:36It's a miracle.
11:38It's been two years since I started this method.
11:41Almost every day on the 365th day.
11:45The product has arrived.
11:48It's amazing.
11:49Is it the first time in two years?
11:50It's been two years.
11:52Mr. Kanae celebrated his 24th birthday.
11:57Mr. Kanae had something he wanted more than any present at that time.
12:04It's a proposal from a long-distance lover.
12:14Mr. Kanae wants to be proposed.
12:17I will use the power of verification here.
12:21I will push him into a situation where he has to propose to his boyfriend.
12:25What does that mean?
12:27It's a proposal countermeasure with verification.
12:30What is that?
12:32Can you do that?
12:33I will verify all the dates of the day.
12:37I will have lunch at USJ.
12:41I will have dinner at a luxury Japanese restaurant at night.
12:47I will stay at a luxury hotel for the last time.
12:51I see.
12:53I will verify all the dates of the day.
12:58I will push him into a situation where he has to propose.
13:01He wants to be proposed.
13:04How did your boyfriend react?
13:08He said he wasn't confident that he could make me happy.
13:12I don't want you to make me happy.
13:18I am confident that I can make myself happy.
13:22He is good at adding heat.
13:25I thought he was a verification partner.
13:28I thought he was a verification partner.
13:30He is a verification partner.
13:32He is selling luxury goods.
13:37He is selling luxury goods.
13:41He is a good boyfriend.
13:43He is a good boyfriend.
13:46Kanae was able to get married in the verification strategy.
13:51I will verify all the dates of the day.
13:58Don't be surprised by the marriage life version.
14:02First is a water server.
14:04This is important.
14:06This is an electronic microwave.
14:08This is an oven toaster.
14:10This is very good.
14:12This is a bicycle.
14:14This is a shampoo for one year.
14:17This is 60 kg of rice.
14:19This is a hot plate and pressure cooker.
14:22This is an IH cooker.
14:24This is a high-pressure washing machine.
14:26This is a projector.
14:29This is a good projector.
14:32This is very good.
14:34Children will be very happy.
14:36This is a product that enriches life.
14:40This is a product that makes life fun.
14:44I don't want to spend money on an electronic microwave and an oven toaster.
14:50I want a product that can be used for verification.
14:54Kanae was 27 years old.
14:58He gave birth to a son.
15:00He is a mother of three children.
15:04All parents worry about their children.
15:07All parents worry about their children.
15:11Kanae will overcome this problem with verification.
15:16This is a child-rearing product.
15:20This is a product that everyone loves.
15:24This is a Nintendo Switch.
15:27I want another one.
15:30Do you want another one?
15:33Momotetsu and his wife play this at home.
15:36I can't bring this.
15:38Momotetsu looks at me.
15:41I want another one.
15:42The last one is GRANPAS.
15:45I don't get it.
15:48Nagoya GRANPAS came to me.
15:55He came to me for verification.
15:58My daughter is also playing soccer.
16:02When I was an elementary school student, I graduated.
16:07I was about to graduate from elementary school.
16:10GRANPAS came to me for verification.
16:15He came to me for verification.
16:18I have to convey my passion to GRANPAS.
16:22I have to convey my passion to GRANPAS.
16:25My daughter is about to graduate from elementary school.
16:28We have been working hard together since we were in kindergarten.
16:31We have been working hard together since we were in kindergarten.
16:33We all support GRANPAS in Nagoya.
16:37If GRANPAS comes to me, I will do my best in soccer.
16:42I feel like I'm asking a question.
16:45What would you do if GRANPAS came to you?
16:49What would you do?
16:52GRANPAS came to me.
16:55GRANPAS came to me for the sake of my children.
16:59If GRANPAS came to me for the sake of my children, I would faint.
17:03I'm so happy.
17:05I don't know how much GRANPAS will do his best.
17:07I don't know how much GRANPAS will do his best.
17:11And the long-awaited.
17:13The latest version of KANAE-RYU verification winning technique will be released.
17:19First of all, the application period is limited.
17:23I see.
17:25The latest version is also limited.
17:27It was released a week ago.
17:29But now you can verify it on the Internet.
17:33Then you will be able to verify it within the deadline.
17:37Because it's a web application.
17:39I tried it.
17:41I think it's better to verify it within the deadline.
17:45I agree with you.
17:47When I auditioned for NOGIZAKA, I was able to verify it within the deadline.
17:52It's similar to verification.
17:55NOGIZAKA is not like that.
17:57You can verify NOGIZAKA.
17:59There were many children who were able to verify NOGIZAKA within the deadline.
18:04I think it's better to verify NOGIZAKA within the deadline.
18:08I agree with you.
18:10NOGIZAKA is not a competition.
18:14Everyone is watching.
18:16Everyone is watching.
18:20This is the second application.
18:22I will apply for Waza Waza.
18:25What does this mean?
18:27There was a campaign for Yukimi Daifuku.
18:30Many people asked me to take a picture with Yukimi Daifuku.
18:34I bought Yukimi Daifuku.
18:37I heated Yukimi Daifuku in the microwave for 30 seconds.
18:40I put Yukimi Daifuku in my mouth and stretched it.
18:45I had to take a video of it.
18:47It was Waza Waza.
18:49I bought Yukimi Daifuku.
18:51I heated Yukimi Daifuku in the microwave for 30 seconds.
18:54I had to take a video of it.
18:58At that time, the number of people who were able to verify NOGIZAKA decreased.
19:03I actively do what I think is troublesome.
19:12It's Waza Waza.
19:15I got a hat from one person.
19:21I get a lot of photo contests and video postings.
19:27I applied for 10 and got 78.
19:30That's a great probability.
19:32That's right.
19:36Why did KANAE get so excited about verification?
19:41There was a surprising motivation.
19:45I want to be praised by my husband.
19:49That's cute.
19:50I have such a feeling.
19:51I often get an eye block.
19:53That's right.
19:55That's important.
19:57I don't have to say thank you.
20:00I want to be told that I'm glad I got married.
20:05I'm doing it with all my heart.
20:08That's amazing.
20:10In the 11th year of verification, I got a chance to be praised by my husband.
20:19My husband said.
20:22I want to buy a car.
20:25That's a big word.
20:27KANAE said.
20:30I will buy a car for a year.
20:33I got a car for verification.
20:37Is that a car?
20:40I've never seen a car for verification.
20:43My husband said.
20:49He told me to do my best.
20:53After this, a miracle will happen.
20:57I really want to do it.
20:59I want to do it.
21:01I want to buy a car for verification.
21:04Please subscribe to my channel.
21:10How was KANAE's verification life?
21:16KANAE got a car in a month.
21:20That's fast.
21:23It's faster than buying a car.
21:27It's a very fast car.
21:29What kind of verification is this?
21:31This is a verification of a TV program.
21:36This is a very fast car.
21:41Is this a car?
21:43This is a car.
21:45I got this car as a publicity captain.
21:48I got this car for a long time.
21:50I was able to take a lot of pictures.
21:52I was able to talk to people.
21:54I was able to talk to people.
21:56I got this car for a long time.
21:58I was able to talk to people.
22:00I was able to talk to people.
22:03You are promoting this car on TV.
22:06You are promoting this car.
22:08I'm promoting this car.
22:11How did your husband react to this?
22:19You sound like a calm fish.
22:25How did your husband react to this?
22:31You sound like a calm fish.
22:33You sound like a calm fish.
22:36I think it's a strategy not to praise.
22:40If you are praised, the verification will end there.
22:43I see.
22:45If you are praised, the verification will end there.
22:50It's coaching.
22:52That's amazing.
22:54I want to do it.
22:57You want to do it.
23:00Please give a final comment to KANAE.
23:05KANAE is the person who wants to win.
23:15He wants to win.
23:17He wants to win.
23:19Free streaming is available on AVEMA and TVER.
23:23TERASA is broadcasting the latest episodes and past episodes.
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